Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Vodavi Infinite 4096 Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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STATION PROG RAMMING (Cont’d) IL Preferred Line Answer Profpmming Steps 1. Press the PLA flexible button (Page A But- ton #5). l LED on = Preferred Line Answer is al- lowed l LED off= Preferred Line Answer is de- nied 2. Press the HOLD button to enter data F. Executive Override Programming Steps 1. Press the EXEC flexible button (page A, Button #6). l LED on = Executive Oven-lde is allowed l LED off= Executive Override is denied 2. Press the HOLD button to enter data, [ CAUTION: USE OF THIS FEATURE WHEN THE / EXECUTIVE OVERRIDE WARNING TONE IS DISABLED MAY BE INTERPRETED AS A VIOLATION OF FEDERAL OR STATE LAWS, AND AN INVASION OF PRIVACY. CONSULT COUNSEL WlTH RESPECT TO APPUCABLE LAW BEFORE INTRUDING ON CALLS USING THIS FEATURE. G. ChllForward.iq Prognmming Steps 1. Press the FWD flexible button (Page A. Button #7). l LED on = Call Forwarding is allowed l LED off= Call Forwarding is denied 2. Press the HOLD button to enter data DescripUon PXA. Stations can be given the ability to answer incoming outside line calls, transferred and recalling lines and line queues by simply going off-hook (Preferred Line Answer) Default: By default, Preferred Line Answer is d&allowed on all stations. Description EXE. This feature allows certain stations to be designated as ‘Executive” stations with the ability to override and %arge-ln’ on other key- sets engaged in CO line conversation. If an extension is engaged in an intercom conversa- tion the call can be overridden but the intercom connection will be dropped. This is a useful feature for UCD agent supervisors or for alter- nate answering positions. An optional warning tone is programmed on a system wide basis to either enable or disable the tone. This tone will be presented to all parties prior to actual cut through of the third Party. Default: By default, Executive Override is dis- abled for all stations. Related Programming: Executive Override Warning Tone. NOE:Adecreaseinvolumernayocmraftera stutfonfoimanedstirgCOLineconwrsatfon Descxipuon FWD. Stations can be allowed or denied the ability to have incoming CO calls, intercom, transferred outside lines forwarded to another station. UCD, Hunt or Voice Mail group or Off-Net Forward via speed dial. Default: By default, Call Forwarding ls allowed at all stations. Issue 1, January 1992 730-3

STATION ATTRIBUTES PROGIWHMXG @mite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System STATION PROGRAMMIN G (Cont’d) H. Least Cost Routing - Forced pr0g ’ f Steps 1. Press the FWR flexible button lpage A, Button #8). l LED on = Least Cost Rout&@ is forced l LED off= Least Cost Routing is optlonal 2. Press the HOLD button to enter data I. LCR Class of Service Programming Steps 1. Press the LCOS flexible button (Page A. Button #9). 2. Enter a one-digit number between 0 and 6 to correspond to the LCR Class of Service desired. 3. Press the HOLD button to enter data J. Conference Enable/Disable (per Sta- tion) Programming Steps 1. Press the CONF flexible button (Page A, Button #13). l LED on = Conference is enabled l LED off = Conference is disabled 2. Press HOLD button. Display will now up- date. Description FLCR. Stations may be forced to place outgoing CO calls by use of LCR (d&i [9]) to access an outside line). This allows the system admix- trator to control dialing patterns and the lines used for outgoing CO calls more effectively. This can be enabled/disabled on a per station basis for additional flextbiltty and control. Default: LCR is optional for aJl stattons. Related Programming: LCR Class of Servfce (below). LCR Enable/Disable (Sec. 710.22). and LCR progmmming (Sec. 755). Description LCOS. Stations can be given a class of service assignment for Least Cost Routing. The range is between 0 and 6 with 0 being unrestricted and 6 being the most restricted. A station will be allowed use of LCR routes with a priority number equal to or higher than the stations LCR COS assignment. Default: By default, all stations an given un- restricted access (0). Related Programming . LCR Route List Table pr0gr-g. DescrlpUon CONF. This feature allows the system to be programmed on a per Station basis for the ability to initiate a conference. Only stations that have Conference enabled will be able to i.nlUate a conference. When attempting to establish a multi-line con- ference, the CO line must also have conference capabilities A station that is denied conferencing capabili- ties in pro@amming can be a party to another stations conference provided that station does have conferencing privileges. Default: By default. Conference is enabled for all stauons. Related Programming: CO Line Attributes programming for Conference capabilities. 7304 Issue 1. January 1992

STATION PROGRAMMIN G (Cont’d) Page B Featnre Programming Pr0gnmmh-g Steps The remaining station features are located and programmed on Page B. a. Press Ipc B] button. The display of cur- rent programming for those features will appear as follows: ..:>z.. :::::: ::::.:.:.:.:..:.:.,:.:. +.:::::::i:::.::‘:. ..::..:. . . . . . . :.. .I> .y,:- ‘:i$.$zcF .::,:,: :::::. ... .....::: . . i.: ii :” ..,. ::.:.:.:.:.):.):,:.:.:...~.~,...’... . . . . . . . . . ,.,.,.,..,.,... ,...,..., :: .:.:.::.:,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . hi . . . . . : .:.:...: :.:.:.:.:.:.:. m+w: .. s;;c ~;;c~o~$j: spa~~~~~ii; ij,ii.-~~~~~rWtA-~~~,~~~,CCC::::;pODMIDDD:~~~ . . . . .,... .,.,.,. .\_.,., ,. Where: XXX= Station Range B= Page ‘B” Features ID= Station Identifkation (O-9) COS= CIass of Service (l-6) SPK= Speakerphone OpUon (O-2) A= Pickup Group ( 1-4) B= Paging Zone (l-4) CC= Preset Forward Destination DD= CO Line Group access K. Type of Station Programming Programm~ Steps 1. Press the ID flexible button (Page B, But- ton #l). 2. Enter a one-to-four digit number to iden- t@ the type of station. 0 = Enhanced or Executive Key telephone lxxx = DSS Console MAP 1 (Figure 730-l 2xxx = DSS Console MAP 2 (Figure 730-l) 3xxx = DSS Console MAP 3 Figure 730-l) 40 = Phone Bax w/o BGM 41 = Phone Box with BGM 5= SLT or OPX 6= SLT with Message Waiting Lamp 7= Basic Key Telephone xxx= three-digft station number the DSS Con- sole is associated with. 3. Press the HOLD button to enter data DescrlpUon When programming Page B features, the flex- ible buttons are mapped as follows: NOl73: Fedures pmg mmmed in Page *B- re- cp.dre a rum&c entry ajkrpressing theflexible button Descrlptlon ID. Each system port must be programmed to identify the type of station that will operate on that port. Each station type must be identified. Default: By default. all KIB’s default to ID 0 Enhanced. Executive telephone), all SLTs de- fault to ID 5 (SLT or OPXl. CO Line ringing on Map 1 is determined by CO Line Attributes (Flash 40). CO Line Ringing Assignments NUZE:Whenidenti&n~~astdionasaASS/DfS Console. youmustaLsoenterthestationrwnber of the Key Telephone the DS/DLS Cmsole is attached to. Issue 1, January 1992 730-6

STATION ATTRIHUI-ES PROGFWMMING Injinite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System DSS Console Map 1 DSS Console Map 2 DSS Console Map 3 F+igure 730-l DSS Console Maps l-3 Button Assignment 730-6 Issue 1. January 1992

Injinite 4096 Rybrid Eey Telephone System STATION ATTRIBUTES PROGRAMMZNG STATION PROG- G (Cont’d) L. Station Class of Service (COS) m Steps 1. Press the COS flexible button Button #2). Page B. 2. Enter a two-dfglt Class of Service entry as follows: l 1stdigltfsdayCOS l 2nddQitlsnlghtcOS The six classes of service are: 1= unrestrkted 2= governed by Table A 3= governed by Table B 4= governed by Tables A and B 5= no O.l,*,# as fkt digit, 7 digits max. 6= fntercom only (no CO Line access) 3. Press the HOLD button to enter data. Dfs- play will now update. M. Speakerphone Programming Pro~amming Steps 1. Press the SPK flexible button (Page B. Button #3). 2. Enter a one-digit number between 0 and 2 to identify the speakerphone operation. 0 = works as normal speakerphone 1 = intercom calls enabled, outgoing calls disabled 2 = allows. headset operation 3. Press the HOLD button to enter data. Description COS. Each stations must be assigned a certain COS for day mode operation. and also be as- slgned a COS for night mode operation. The night COS goes into affect when the system is placed into the tight mode. manually or auto- matically. ‘Ms prevents the misuse of phones a&r hours. CIass of service (COS) determtnes the stations d.iaUg privileges. Refer to Table 720- 1. Default: By default. all stations are assigned a COS 1 for day mode and COS 1 for night mode. Related Rogrrmiq CO Line Attributes, Class of Service programming (Sec. 720). Ex- ception Tables programming (Sec. 750). Description SPK Each telephone’s speakerphone ability is programmable in one of three ways. A speakerphone IJ3 of 2 will allow the station user to enable headset mode by dialing a code. The station user may then return to full speak- erphone operation by dialing the same code again. Default: By default, all stations are assigned anIDof0. Issue 1, January 1992 730-7

STATlON AMXIB- PROGRAMMING Inj?nite 4096 Hybrid Key Telephone System STATION PROG RAMMING (Cont’d) N. Pick-Up Group(s) Program- Pro@ g Steps 1. Press the PKUP flexible button (Page B, Button #4). 2. Enter a one-to-four dIgit number to pro- gram pickup groups. 0= no group l= Group 1 2= Group 2 3= Group 3 4= Group 4 Description FXLP. Each station is assigned into pick up groups. Stations can be in any combination of the four groups or in no group at all. Default: By default, all stations are in group 1. 3. Press the HOLD button to enter data. 0. Paging Zone(s) Programming Programming Steps 1. Press the PAGE flexible button (Page B,’ Button #5). 2. Enter a one-to-four digit number to pro- gram pagtng zone(s). 0= no zone (no pages received) 1= Zone 1 2= Zone 2 3= Zone 3 4= Zone 4 3. Press the HOLD button to enter data., Description PACE. Each station is assigned to internal paging zones. A station can be in any or all zones or in no zone at all. All Call is all page zones combined. I.f a station is not in any internal zone, it will not receive any all call pages. StaUons not assigned to a page group can still make page announcements if allowed in sta- tion programming. Stations can be assigned to a page group in order to receive pages but not allowed to make pages. Default: E3y default. all stations are in page zone 1. 730-S Issue 1, Januarg 1992

STATION PROG FLAX?dmG (Coti’d) 020-099x 1 oo- 19% 590-597= 690-697= 690-897x P. 1. 2. FwgramJ-rllng steps l+~ the PiEFW fltible button i-e 8. Button 61. Enter a time-d.!g~t number to detemc the destination where calls arc to be muted when the preset forward timer cx- pl3-W. System Speed Bina 20-99 for cc-nc! forwarding StaLlon Numbers Hunt Cruups 1-8 Voice Maa Cmups l-8 UCD Groups 1-8 3. Press the HOLD button to enter data Xs- play now updaks. DcscrlpUon m. This raturt ailow~ the system data- base to be axAgured so that i.ncom,i,ng co Llnts, dkh are prOpunred to ring at a parllcukr sL?Lion. in be font-arded clscwhcre in U-e system predeternlned by prograznm~ng. This fcaturc Ls acuw If the station lirlgbg l.5 no: answered in a spccUled time. -MS ts par- Ucularly useful In ‘overflow- applica6lons where a Voice Mail or Auto Mendant may be l.rl us-e. A station rray ‘have one dcslgnatcd preset for- ward bcatlon Wined in *the database. Prcxt Call Forward ts chtible only to o‘Jxr predctermlncd preset forward stixuona s?ccl- iled in the dakbasc up to a chti of 5 stations. lf a CO LLne forwarded by Pxsct CalI Foxard C.nCOUiIten a mar~aY, forutied S!AOCI (Cal3 Foxad - Sbdlonl, or a statlcrn in DND, then the incom.Q CO ‘Une will bypass that stalon and hward to the next Ln the chah. X that station b Lhe k3t In tie chain, then the tail adill not forws.rd any furUxr an5 W conUr~uc to ring at that statkn untlJ answered or km\- naled. Chainabfe 3ieset Call For,vardl.ng u4.i force the lncorcbg CO Line to rung at each stallon pre- asslgntd Ln the data& for the Preset For- ward Ring lImer. specifkd in the datiase, before fonvarw Co tlr.es can be Frtset fomarded to ring Into a UCD, Voice MA. Hunt Croup or Off-Net VLa speed ti from any stallon. A CO L?e will no! preset forwad to a busy hunt. voice mail. or UCD group. however each Ume the preset for- ward UPer cxptm (for a total of k attmpts) the goup will be checked for an idle station. Lf a member of tic group L.5 idle the call MI t-hen be presented to Lhat member. Default: 4, dcIault. no preset fonvard destlna- Uons arc prned. Related F’r~gx-ammtq call Foivard Preset Tlrncr. Lssue 1, January 1892 .- 730-9

STATION PROCRAMMIN C (Cont’d) 9. Co be Group Accur B stem3 1. Press tic ACC flexlbIe button page 8, Button 117). 2. Enter up to 5even digits (0. or 1-n for the outsfde Une groups the stallon wtil haw access to. 0 =no aaxss 1 =acctss to Croup 1, Code 9 or 81 2 =aczess to Croup 2. Cw!e 82 3 =access to Croup 3. Code 83 4 =access to Group 4. code 84 5 =access to Group 5, Code e5 6 =arxess to Group 6. C& 86 7 =acxx3s to Group 7. CcKic 87 3. ?rtss the HOLD button to enter data Dcxrlptfon ACC. A s?aZon Is allowed amss to any mmbl- nation doutside LIIW groups. Or a sta~on may not bc allowed any access to outss!de tlncs. The folkwfng 7x the line group numbers and thetr access codes. CO lhc groups are used pwnarfly by single lint telephones or for Oudble buttons assIgned as pooled group buttons on a Key Tc!cphonc. Default: By default. ail stations are allowed aJxess to au groups.

station Atbibutts Prom cont’dl R 1. Flexible Button m@ammin# m steps pnss the FLEX flexible button (Page B, FLEX. When programmmg flexible buttons. Button #8). The following message is Orst enter the two digit button number to be shown on the display phone: programmed (01 to 22). 2. Enter the button information as follows: where: BB= Button number (01-22) To assign a button as a multi-function button (user programmable) enter: BB [O] HOLD To assign a button as a CO Line button, enter: BB [ 1) LL HOLD (LL=CO Line 0 l-40) To assign a button as a Loop button, enter: BB [2] HOLD To assign a button as a pooled group button, enter: BB (31 G HOLD (G= Line Group # l-7) To unassign a button. rendering it inoperable, enter: BB [#] HOLD SLT. If SLT stations are to be programmed for Off-Hook Preference It fs necessary to program the CO line, or CO line group, the SLT is to access when going off-hook here. Enter 00 for the button number followed by either a (11 for CO line access (01-40I.or a 131 to assign CO line group( CO Line Group l-3. Description MutTI. When a button is assigned as a multi- function button [O]. the user then has the ability to program any features or functions on the buttons that the user has access to. For a complete list of user programmable code (func- tions and features), refer to Table 730- 1. CO. When progmmmiq a button as a CO line button. refer to CO line ringing. By default station 100 will ring on a line. However, if statton 100 is not given button access to a Une, another station must be progximmed to *g on that line. NOTE: The ring status assignments are done in CO Line Attributes (Sec. 720). LOOP. All stations should be given a loop button so they can receive a transferred call on a line for which they have no button access. POOL. When pro gramming a button as a pooled group button. refer to CO line group programming. Pooled group numbers match CO line group numbers. Related Programming . CO Line Ring Assign- ments (Sec. 7201. Off-Hook Preference (later in this sectiorll. Issue 1. January 1992 730-11

STATION PROC RAnQQNG (Cont’dl S. Displrpy Fkd~le Buttonr #gammmg steps Description 1. Press the DSP flodbie button (page B. Button #9l. DSP. Any time a display of button program- ming (default or change4 fs needed, press the 2. The programming assgnment on four but- DSP button (button 91 on Page B and it w!Il tons WI.U be displayed starung with the display four buttons’ programming assign- lowest button number. With each sub-se- menta MarUng with the lowest button num- quent depression of the DSP button the berh With each subsequent depression of the next four buttons will be d&played. ‘The DSP button the next four buttons will be dis- following message is shown on the display: PWed. When a button Ls assigned as a multi-function button IO]. the user then has the ability to progmm any features or hnctions on the but- tons that the user has access to. For a complete list of user pm manxnable code (functions and Where: xXx= Statton number BB= Button Number featuresl, r&r-b Sec. 300.60. YYY= Button function (see table below) Table 730-l Flexible Button Display Dcsigaattons MUL= Multi-functfon button: A button which has not been given a function by the user. DllXXXl= Station button and station number. If the number is between 890 and 897. it is a UCD group button. SW= Speed bin and bin number. LP= Loop Button. PL[G]= Pooled group and CO he Group number. .MuS= Background Music button. L.XR= Last Number Red&l button. SNR= Save Number Red&l button. H[HH]= Hunt Group and Pilot number. M[ZZ]= Personalized Message and message number. m= Voice Mall Group and Pilot number. XCC= Account Code enter. CP[Cj= Call Park and Parking location. ACP= All Call Page button. HST= Headset mode. AVG- Available/Unavailable button. CIQ= UCD Calls in Queue. PPK= Personal Park button. IPWN]= Internal Page and Zone number. L4C= Internal All Call Page button. EPG= External Page button MIME Meet Me page answer button. EOR= tiezutive Override button. AOR= -4ttendzt Ovetide button. ILL]= CO Line xXx= Station Number YY= Speed Dial Bin G= Pool or CO J&e Group number HH= Hunt Group number 22 Personalized Message number W= Vo& Mail Group number C= GIU Park mn N= Page Zone RLunber .u.= COLiJles 01-40 730-12 Losue 1, January 1992