Communications System
Toshiba Strata E Electronic Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Toshiba Strata E Electronic Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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MISCELLANEOUS FEATURES --- MESSAGE WAITING PROGRAMMABLE OPTION TO USE MESSAGE WAITING 1) The Message Center calls the station on intercom. * If no answer, depress thembutton on the Message Center electronic telephone. This causes the MW/FL LED on the called station to illuminate. l MW/FL LED at Message Center illuminates (will go off when the connection is broken). 2) Called station user depresses the m and m buttons and is connected to the Message Center. l A single line electronic telephone with message LED will depress m i u 1. l After receiving the message(s), hang up. 3) To clear the MW/FL LED at the called station, depress the m button. l A single line electronic telephone must respond to the message to clear Message LED. 4) To clear the MW/FL LED from the Message Center, call MODEM TO ORIGINATE A MODEM CALL Calls may be originated from the station’s intercom or CO line and then transferred to the modem line. 1) Set the m button to call mode. l LED goes off. 2) Set the m button to manual mode. * LED goes off. 3) Call another modem/device via the CO or intercom line. 4) Depress the m button when a modem tone is received from the other end. 5) To disconnect the call, depress the m button. TO SET THE MODEM FOR AUTO-ANSWER 1) Set the m button to answer. l LED goes on. ” 2) Set the m button to auto. 0 LED goes on. 3) When another party dials the modem station number (not the electronic telephone station number), the modem will auto answer and the m LED goes on. MISCELLANEOUS FEATURES OVERRIDE TO INITIATE A BUSY OVERRIDE SIGNAL 1) After reaching a busy station, you may signal that station that a call is waiting by dialing p. l A tone signal is heard at the busy station. TO OVERRIDE DND (Programmable Option) 1) After reaching a DND station, you may signal that station that a call is waiting by dialing 1. . A tone signal is heard at the DND station. TO INITIATE EXECUTIVE OVERRIDE (Programmable Option) 1) After reaching a busy station, Executive Override allows you to enter an established conversation by dialing El. l A tone signal is heard prior to entering the conversation. PAGING TO PAGE 1) Lift the handset. 2) Depress the m button and dial the following: 11 = All Call [iln = Group #l li]i = Group #2 81 = Group #3 11 = Group #4 10 = All Call (with External Page)* 81 = External Page 3) Make your announcement in a normal voice level and repeat , it. t 4) Hang up when you have cpmpieted ydur announcement. *Programmable Option

MISCELLANEOUS FEATURES PRIVACY/NON-PRIVACY PROGRAMMABLE OPTION In a non-private system, them button prevents other stations from breaking into an in-progress CO line call. TO USE PRIVACY/NON-PRIVACY FEATURE 1) Depress the m button. l PRV LED goes on. l Your station has CO line privacy. STATION SECURITY PROGRAMMABLE OPTION Them button allows a station to turn its microphone off/on while idle. Handsfree Answerback is inoperable while the micro- phone is off. TO USE STATION SECURITY 1) Depress the m button. l MC0 LED goes on. l Microphone is turned off. 2) Depress the m button to turn the microphone on again. l MC0 LED goes off. MISCELLANEOUS FEATURES TOLL RESTRICTION OVERRIDE TO OVERRIDE TOLL RESTRICTION AT A STATION FOR A SINGLE CALL 1) Lift the handset. 2) Depress a Toll Restricted 19 button.* l Listen for dial tone. l CO LED flashes at the In-use rate. 3) Dial ipa. l You no longer hear dial tone. 4) Dial one of the two Toll Restriction Override Codes (4 digits). l You hear dial tone. 5) Dial the desired telephone number. 6) Hang up when the call is completed. * Or depress the m button and dial access a CO line; see Trunk Queuing. TONE/PULSE SENDING PROGRAMMABLE OPTION In some areas, CO line calls must be made using rotary-dial pulses. In order to access remote equipment requiring tones in these areas (such as automatic tellers or answering machines), you must change to DTMF tone sending after you have dialed the outside directory number. Depressing the m button changes the outpulsing status of the CO line in use: TONE LED ON indicates DTMF tones are output; LED OFF indicates Dial Pulses are output. TO CHANGE TO TONE SENDING 1) After you have dialed a telephone number and the call is in progress, depress the m buttoy. . TONE LED goes on. . Depressing the dial pad buttons will cause DTMF tones to be transmitted. :) To switch back to rotary-dial pulse transmission, depress the m button again. l TONE LED goes off. l Depressing the dial pad buttons will now cause rotary- dial pulses to be transmitted.

IJO!]eSJaAuO~ fiu!lS!Xa Ua JaWa 01 UO!lalS ZvL alp Jo4 alq!ssod s! I! ‘aJO4aJa~l !Acien!Jd au!( lafio lou op SWalSAS Aay zv 1 au.Ios ‘Alleuo!l!pptf .Jeadde sau!l asoql aJaqM sauoydalal lie JO) (ploq uo JO asn u! ‘6~!6u!J se yens) snlew snoauewW!s alezypu! II!M sWalsAs yloq u! sdWel pue sag1 al(l .Walsk Aay adAl-zy 1 e ql!~ awl X~+J~N~Z e 6u!Je+ aq AeW auoqda\alyuoJl~ala JnoA -wwl ZVL (3 .~IJ!~u!J S! auoydalal !+IoJlDala JnOA UaqM aU!l all1 JaMSUv SUO!l!pUO3 6yJaMsue aleulalle l!uJJad 01 suo!lels le Aelap 6U!J puoDas-tiz Jo/pue puoDas-Z e ~04 paWWeJ6oJd aq AeW (S)aU!l XyulN33 BIJ$~u!~ paAelaa (a X3kllN33 WENHSOL- ~~IJ!~u!J S! auoqda(a$ D!UOJPala JnOA UaqM au!1 aql JaMSUtj ‘SUO!l -!puo3 GU!JaMSUe alewalle l!WJad 01 suo!lels le Aelap 6U!J puo3as -pz Jo/pue puoDas-ZL e ~04 paWWeJ6oJd aq Aew (S)aU!lx3~l~33 f3u$k~g.j paAelaa (a IIo!~esJaAuo~ 6u!1s!xa ue Jalua 01 uo!lels zv1 a41 ~04 alq!ssod s! 1! ‘aJo4aJaql !AseA!Jd au!1 ~a440 iou op sutalsAs Aay zv 1 awes ‘A(leuoyppv .Jeadde saug asoyl aJaqM sauoqdalal lie ~04 (pi04 uo JO asn u! ‘6u!6u!~ se yws) snle1.s snoauellnW!s aleD!pu! II!M sWa~.As yloq u! sdWel pue sa3-l a~ xJalsAs Aay adAl-ZvL e C(I!M awl xgjl~33 e 6U!JeqS aq AeW auoqdalal DJ!uoJlDala JnoA ;I 2 ‘slle:, y3eqlle:, JO ap!su! ‘apylno .iaql!a JO) Alaie!JdoJdde JaMsue 01 noA 6u!Molle ‘auoqdalal D!uoJl3ala JnOA ql!~ paleadal Alleyeurolne aJe uJalsAs X3)jlN33 JnoA u! alqel!eAe sulalled ~U!J aylw!ls!p aql keadau Bu!Bug.~ (:, ‘sl!elap w4!aads ~04 (enuew SUO!leJadO Xgd JO ~3~1~33 JnOA aas .paysap s! aJnlea4 aql40 uo!l -eJado uaym apoD ssa33e ~3~1~33 e Gu!ge!p 40 pealsu! uoUnq alnl -ea4 ~3~1~33 ale!JdoJdde aql SsaJd ‘paSSaJd s! uollnq aie!JdoJdde aql uayM paleyl3e s! ‘awanbas asned Jo/pue qselj AJessaDau aqi Gu!pn~au! ‘ape:, ssawe ~3~1~33 aql .auoqdalal cyJoJlc)ala JnoA uo uoiinq e Gu!ssaJd Aq paleJad0 aq Aew saJniea4 )(3)jl~33 u!euas suowa amw x3tll~33 (a pa6uey3 uaaq aney Aew samlea/ ssame au!/ XJ~JNZJ~ pue 6yi6ed ‘auoqd loop ayl 40 sap03 ssame ayl ‘smg~uo~ ueld &+aqwnu walsAs p!one 01 G’l ON ‘palewpu! uaqm Jaqcunu uo!lels aJ!lua aql le!a ‘Jaqcunu uo!sualxa au!( )(3)jlN33 pue i.uo~Jalu! s,uo!le~s e qneu 01 alq!ssod ‘a.tojaJayj ‘s! 11 96!p p JO & ‘z ‘1 aq ue3 Jaqwnu WoDJaiu! uo!lels v (sy6!a p 01 dn) BU!JaqWnN wocuatu( a(q!xa(,( (v molaq pawi saJnlea4 x3ulN33 paweyua al/l 40 aJouJ JO au0 ~I!M padd!nba aq AEWI auoqdalal yoJlDala JnoA w/ x0d Jo/pus 03 e aq osle ue3 jj ‘uomas syi IIt parecvpqt s! au!/ xg~~~gs e fanaJaqM G’l ON .ualsAs X8d Jo X3WN33 a Pu!yaq pallelsu! uaqM AlyqedeD aJnlea4 lualsAs ayl sawequa ~ZI!~M ‘uogecyddv ~3~1~33 ac(1 ~I!M padd!nba aq AeW WalsAs JnoA NOllV3llddW X3tllN33

--S#Wiie --fielease- 2--- -- ---__ _------ _- -- ---l;itluitl-Crystal-~l~{e~b~fle ----fleference-Guide LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY In its idle state, the 32-character Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) feature on your electronic telephone gives you an accurate desk clock and calendar combination. When you have an outside call in progress, an Elapsed Time display gives a constant reminder of the call duration. In addition, a variety of information displays and feature prompting make your call handling more efficient. Alphanumeric messaging capability is also provided. All display functions occur automatically as call processing proceeds. ’ SCRL 0’ [IPAGE= MODE 0 SUMMARY OF LCD FUNCTIONS Type When Displayed A) Date/Time 71 Idle Telephone 1 MAY 24 MON 12:05 1 NO;TE: The Lfate)Tirne is adjusted on a system-wide basis by station IO. (continued)

TOSHIBA f3) CO Line Number 1. Incoming Call SUMMARY OF LCD FUNCTIONS (continued) Incoming CO call - if your station is programmed for incoming ringing on that CO line. Transferred CO call - CO line trans- ferred to your station in the ringing state by another station. Camped-on CO call - CO line was camped-on to your busy station and rings when you hang up. 2. When call is answered =I 3. Hold I HOLD LINE 10 JAN 01 SLJN12:19 I Hold Recall /LNl The display changes to indicate status when you answer the call. You have put a CO line call on hold at your station. Held calls automatically ring back to your station after a programmed period of time. 4. Outgoing ‘~1 5. Trunk Queuing ,i When you manually select a CO line, it is displayed. This display is replaced by the dialed number when you dial. When the Trunk Queuing feature rings back to your station with an available CO line, that line number will be displayed. (continuedJ TOSHfEA-4 SUMMARY OF LCD FUNCTIONS (continued) C) Automatic Line Selection 1. Intercom Line If your station automatically accesses an intercom line when you go off- hook, INT is displayed. 2. CO Line If your station automatically accesses a CO line when you go off-hook, the CO line seized is displayed. 3. Dial Access Code If your station automatically accesses a CO Line Group when you go off- hook, the available CO line is displayed. _ D) Dialed Number CO Line a The digits are displayed as you dial over a CO lrne or the rntercom using: l Manual Dialing Intercom l Automatic Dialing l Repeat Last Number Dialed . . l Saved Number Redial I INT 19 J NOTE: if you are calling on a CO line, the display will automatically change from Dialed Number to Elapsed Time after a programmed period of time. E) Elapsed Time While you are making an outgoing CO line call, the elapsed time of the call is displayed. ElapsedTime automaticafly replac& the dialed number on the display after a programmed period of time. (Timing begins when a CO but- ton is pressed.) (continued)

SUMMARY OF LCD FUNCTIONS (continued) NOTES: 1. On a CO line call, the display can be alternated between Date/ Time, Elapsed Time and Dialed Number by pressing the w button. 2. Elapsed Time is displayed for 15 seconds after you hang up and then changes automatically to Date/Time. F) Calling Number- Intercom When you /I played, receive an intercom call, the calling station’s number is dis- G) Call Pickup Cl When you pick up an intercom call, the calling station’s number is dis- played on the left and the station number called is displayed on the right. /I Your LCD phone displays the informa- tion that your call to station 36 was picked up by station 14. H) Overrides 1. Busy Override =I When you activate the Override fea- ture after calling a busy station, the station number and the feature are displayed. ‘,~~ Your LCD phone displays the number of a station initiating override when you are on the phone. ” 2. Exec. Override When you initiate Executive Override, your LCD phone displays the number of the station that is overridden. (continued) SUMMARY OF LCD FUNCTIONS (continued) 3. Do Not Disturb (DND) Override The station you have called is in the Do Not Disturb mode. When you initiate Do Not Disturb Override, the station number you have overridden is displayed. When another station overrides Do m is displayed. Not Disturb at your station, its number I) Automatic Callback (ACB) When you set Automatic Callback at a busy station, its number is displayed. When you receive an Automatic Call- m displayed. back, the station number you called is When you receive an Automatic Call- back for a CO line, the seized line’s number is displayed. J) Call Forward When you register Call Forward, the station number to which your calls will be forwarded is displayed. When your call is forwarded to another station, the station you called is shown at the top of the display. It then changes to the station to which, your call*was forwarded. Wheh a call is forwarded to your station, the calling station number is displayed on the left and the station called is displayed on the right. (continued)

SUMMARY OF LCD FUNCTIONS (continued) K) Message Waiting II I I 1 CFlLL 16 32 19 10 1 L) Door Phone/ Monitor M) Recalling Station JIN?I1ILHLl Message Waiting 8,; (I When you set Message Waiting at another station, the number of that station is displayed. When you hang up after setting Message Waiting at another station, a reminder is shown on the top row of your display. Your display will show up to four station numbers that left messages for you. When you are called from a door phone, its designating characters are displayed. When you call a door phone, its designating characters are displayed. NOTE: If only one station is equipped with a door phone, the designators willbe A, B, or C. If more than one station is equipped with a doorphone, A, B, and C may be proceeded by a numeral. When a transferred call goes un- answered, it will recall to the station that transferred it. The display shows the CO line number, and the station number to which it was originally transferred. When a message waiting voice mail is displayed, a “V” will follow the station number. A “t” indicates there is a station message in memory. Depress them button to rotate through the numbers. (continued) TOSHl,BA-4 SUMMARY OF LCD FUNCTIONS (continued) N) Off-Hook Call Announce liNTI 0) Least Cost Routing (LCR) /DIHLTLLNIIRBIPI [Ll P) Auto Busy Redial WR) jHU* When you Off -hook Ca II Announce to a busy station, your LCD displays the number of that station. When another station Off-hook Call Announces to your station, your LCD displays the number of that station. When you are making a call via LCR, your display will prompt you to dial a number. As you dial the number, it is shown on . your display. After setting ABR, your display prompts you that it has been set. When the system retrieves the call, your display shows the called number. When the called station is ringing, your station’s CO LED (or INT LED) and SPKR LED blink and a warning beep sounded. Will display the called number follow- ed by LlNE NN ACB. I l . ,

DATE/TIME/DAY ADJUSTMENT This operation is possible from station 10 only. TO SET DATE 1) HAndset on-hook. 2) Dial [fiia(or m=IQ). 3) Dial in date (year/month/day) in the format YYMMDD. Enter a leading 0 for single digit month and day. 4) Depress the i (or m ) button. TO SET TIME 1) Handset on-hook. 2) Dial~~~[(or~~Q~). 3) Dial in time (hour/minute/second) in 24-hour clock format HHMMSS. Enter a leading 0 for single digit. 4) Depress the 1 (or m ) button. TO SET DAY 1) Handset on-hook. 2) Dial ~~~~(or m=iQ). 3) Dial in the day (a represents SUN, BMON, etc. through 1 for SAT). 4) Gepress 1 (or m ) button. 8 STATION-TO-STATION MESSAGE WAITING TO USE STATION-TO-STATION MESSAGE WAITING 1) Lift the handset. 2) Dial the desired station number. l If no answer (busy or DND), depress them button. This causes the m button on the called station to flash. l The called station’s LCD will display the calling station number. 3) Called station user depresses the wand m buttons to return the call. 4) To clear the MW/FL LED from the called station, depress the m button. 5) To clear the MW/FL LED from the calling station, depress the m button, dial the station number and depress the m button twice. NOTE: Up to four Message Waiting displays may be stored on the 1 CD; the station number in the left most position will be called when the m button is depressed To rotate the station numbers, depress the -button. The fourth message is reserved for the Message Center. CALLING STATION MESSAGING The Alphanumeric Messaging feature on your LCD electronic telephone enables you to set short text (up to 32 characters) at your station to ensure you don’t miss important calls. Any station may record a message; however, only stations with the LCD are able to display messages. Your system has up to 40 preprogrammed messages that may be received by other LCD electronic telephones calling your station. You can temporarily add to or change any of these to leave a personalized message at your station. See the listings at the back of this guide. I Some stations may record and save’iup to 10 personal messages to be used for all types of stat/on messaging. This is a station option enabled in system programming. NOTE. Storedmessages may be recorded with their message number(s) on the record sheet provided in back of this guide. (continued)

CALLING STATION MESSAGING (continued) TO LEAVE A MESSAGE ON YOUR LCD TELEPHONE 1) Depress the m button. l MSG LED blinks. l LCD displays “MSG NO.?” 2) Dial the number of the message you want. (See the prepro- grammed message list.) l Selected message is displayed. 3) Depress the m button. * MSG LED goes on steady. TO LEAVE A MESSAGE IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A m BUTTON. 1) Depress the m button. l INT LED goes on. 2) Dialuu. - 3) Dial the number of the message you want. 4) Depress the m button. . INT LED goes off (your message has been stored). TO CANCEL A MESSAGE THAT HAS BEEN LEFT AT YOUR STATION 1) Depress the m button. l MSG LED goes off. TO CANCEL A MESSAGE IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A m BUTTON 1) Depress the w button. l INT LED goes on. 2) Dialii. 3) Depress the m button. * INT LED goes off. NOTE. A, personal message (10 - 19) will remain stored in memory. BUSY STATION MESSAGING Upon reaching a busy LCD station, a message can be sent to that station (an audible tone will be heard). The busy station may also return a message to the calling station’s LCD. The two stations may continue this procedure to carry on a “silent” conversation. TO SEND A MESSAGE 1) Call the desired station. l Receive busy tone. 2) Depress the m button. l LCD displays “MODE NO.?“. 3) Dial fl. l LCD displays “OVER TO STNN MSG NO?“. 4) Enter the desired message number.* l LCD displays the message. 5) Depress the m button. l LCD displays “MSG SEND”. 6) The destination station beeps four times and the message is displayed for 30 seconds, or until originating station hangs up. TO RETURN A MESSAGE (Within 30 Seconds) 1) Depress the m button. l LCD displays “MODE NO?“. 2) Dial 0. l LCD displays “OVER TO STNN MSG NO?“. 3) Enter desired message number.* l LCD displays the message. 4.) Depress the w button. l LCD displays “MSG SEND”. “Personal (10 - 191 System (60 - 99). t I

CALLED STATION MESSAGING Your station number and a message indication may be sent to another LCD station. When that station responds, it will receive the message. TO USE CALLED STATION MESSAGING 1) Dial the station number (station does not answer). 2) Depress the m button. l LCD displays “MODE?“. 3) Dial a. l LCD displays “MW TO STNN MSG NO?“. 4) Enter the desired message number.* . LCD displays the message. 5) Depress the m button. 0 LCD displays “INT NN MW SET”. 6) Depress the m button to release. 7) “CALL NN M” is displayed at the called station and the MW/FL LED blinks. 8) “SENT NNM” is displayed at your station. TO RECEIVE CALLED STATION MESSAGE 1) Depress the m and m buttons. REMOTE STATION MESSAGING Allows a station to set a Called Station Message or Calling Station Message for another station. TO SET A CALLED STATION MESSAGE 1) Depress the m button. l LCD displays “MODE?“. 2) ‘Dial ma. * LCD displays “MODE 94 DEST EKT NO.?“. 3) Pial the “destination” station’s number (or enter 80 for all , , btations, or 81 - 84 for page groups). e LCD displays “MODE 94 DEST EKT NO.NN”. 4) Depress the m button. * LCD displays “MODE 94 ORG EKT NO.?” (continued) REMOTE STATION MESSAGING (continued) 5) Dial the “originating” station’s number. 0 LCD displays “MODE 94 ORG EKT NO.NN”. 6) Depress the m button. 0 LCD displays “MSG NO.?“. 7) Enter the desired message’s number. 0 LCD displays the message. 8) Depress the m button. 0 LCD displays “MSG NO.?“. 9) Depress the m button. 0 LCD displays “MODE NO.?“. 10) Dial m. 0 LCD displays date/day/time. 11) LCD displays “SENT NN M” at originating station. 12) The originating station number and a message indication are displayed on the destination station LCD. TO RECEIVE CALLED STATION MESSAGE 1) Depress the m and m button. TO SET A CALLING STATION MESSAGE 1) Depress the m button. 0 LCD displays “MODE?“. 2) DialiI. 0 LCD displays “MODE 95 DEST EKT NO.?“. 3) Dial the “destination” station number. 0 LCD displays “MODE 95 DEST EKT NO.NN”. 4) Depress the w button. l LCD displays “MSG NO.?“. 5) Enter the desired message number. * LCD displays the message. 6) Depress the w button. 0 LCD displays “MSG NO.?“. 7) Depress the m button. 0 LCD displays “MODE NO.?.:‘. 8) Dial 1. I 0 Your LCD shows time grid date. 0 The message is displayed at the “destination” station. 0 Any station calling the “destination” station receives the message.