Communications System
Toshiba Strata E Electronic Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Toshiba Strata E Electronic Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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REMOTEAOMIN/MAINT PROCEDURES SECTION 500-026-600 _ JANUARY1988 TABLE U PROGRAM ZXY-TOLL RESTRICTION AREA/OFFICE CODE ENTRY STEP ACTION DISPLAY/PRINTOUT 1 Enter Program Mode >MODE At the >MODE prompt, enter: @a fl1 m. PROG 2 Enter fl a 0 (X = Table 1 - 8). P 2x1 .*- AREA CODE q n0 3 Enter area code. P 2x1 AREA CODE any q nn 4 Press m to store data in temporary memory and exit this P program. 5 Enter IflB (X = Table 1 - 8). P 2X4 6 Press m to page through and review ail allowed office P 2X4 codes. EXCEPT c]ou 7 Press m to store data in temporary memory and exit this 1 p program. 8 Enter-III. Y = 2 (allow) or 3 (delete) in allowing/deleting office P 2XY codes (X = Table 1 - 8). 9 Ip ress m to allow for data entry. / EXCEPT/DELETE 10 Refer to the System Record Sheet and enter the office code or ’ the office code group. Single q un, Group EXCEPT [qrjr[ 11n-l Press m to store data in temporary memory and allow for / EXCEPT the next entry. I I Continue returning to Step 2 until all data input is complete for this prooram. 13 A) Press mm when entry is complete or. . 6) Go to the next program in the Toil Restriction Assignments list or.. C) Enter: ~~~~~~#fl~~~ to store data in working memory. P #“9 $003333 DATA PROGRAMMED P -25

REMOTE AOMIN/MAINT PROCEDURES SECTION 500-026-600 JANUARY1988 TABLE V PROGRAM 1X1-TOLL RESTRICTION CLASS AREA/OFFICE CODE EXCEPTION TABLE SELECTION STEP ACTION DISPLAY/PRINTOUT 1 Enter Program Mode >MODE At the >MODE prompt, enter: @aa@ a. PROG 2 Enter aa g (X = Restriction class 1 - 4). P 1x1 .- 3 Refer to the System Record Sheet and enter the key number: ~~(NN=OO-07). p ,x, q J’J TABLEg 61 4 Enter a or a . P 1X1 q u TABLE# 0 q 5 Press mm to step to the next key/LED if required. 6 Press m to store data in temporary memory and exit this P program. 7 Continue returning to Step 2 until all data input is complete for this program. 8 A) Go to the next program in the Toll Restriction Assignments list B) Enter: !J~~~~~~~~@ or . . to store data in working memory. P #“9 $003333 DATA PROGRAMMED P TABLE W PROGRAM l#OO-LCR HOME AREA CODE ENTRY STEP ACTION DISPLAY/PRINTOUT 1 Enter Program Mode >MODE i At the >MODE prompt, enter: pa a am. PROG 2 ) Enteriflaa P I#00 q clcl Refer to the System Record Sheet and enter the system’s home area code. I p , #oo q J-JJ nnn / NOTE. To c/ear data, enter: Q 1 Q . 4 Press m to start: data in temporary memory and exit this P program. 5 I A) Go to the next program in the Least Cost Routing Assign- ments list B) Enter: j~a~fl~~~~~~ . or . to store data in working memory. P #“9 so03333 DATA PROGRAMMED P

REMOTEADMIN/MAINT PROCEDURES SECTION 500-026-600 - JANUARY 1988 TABLE X PROGRAM l#OX-LCR SPECIAL CODES STEP ACTION DISPLAY/PRINTOUT 1 Enter Program Mode >MODE At the >MODE prompt, enter: aamam. PROG 2 Enter 1 fla a (X = Special codes 1 - 5). P l#OX q ood’- 3 Refer to the System Record Sheet and enter the desired Special Code. p l#ox nnnn nnnrj NO TE: if entering a 3-digit code such as 911, enter: 8 0 i Q 4 Press m to store data in temporary memory and exit this P program. 5 Continue returning to Step 2 until all data input is complete for this program. 6 A) Go to the next program in the Least Cost Routing Assign- ments list . . or . . 6) Enter: /j~~~~fl~{~~~ to store data in working memory. P #“9 so03333 DATA PROGRAMMiD P TABLE Y PROGRAM 1#06-LCR PARAMETERS STEP ; ACTION DISPLAY/PRINTOUT 1 Enter Program Mode >MODE ! At the >MODE prompt, enter: a a a 1 m. PROG 2 / Enterflaaa. P 1#06 / 3 1 Refer to the System Record Sheet and enter the lowest key/ / LED to be programmed. p ,#06 q J--J q 4 / Enter fl or fl if necessary. P 1#06 q C1 c] q 5 / Press m to display next key/LED. q n Cl 6 Continue returning to Step 4 until all data input is complete for this program. 7 Press m to store data in temporary memory and exit this pro- I p gram. 8 A) Go to the next program in the Least Cost Routing Assign- ments list 8) Enter: ~~~~~~~~#~& ‘t,“‘,tdrk data in working memory. / p #*g $003333 DATA PROGRAMMED P .s : -27-

HtMUTE ADMIN/MAlNT PROCEDURES SECTION 500-026-600 JANUARY 1988 TABLE 2 PROGRAM 1#07-LONG DISTANCE INFORMATION ROUTE SELECTION STEP ACTION DISPLAY/PRINTOUT 1 Enter Program Mode >MODE At the >MODE prompt, enter: 1 a B @ a. PROG 2 Enter aflag. P1#070 l ‘- 3 Refer to the System Record Sheet and enter the new Route Table number (1 - 8). P ,#07 c] 0 4 Press m to store data in temporary memory and exit this P program. 5 A) Go to the next program in the Least Cost Routing Assign- ments list B) Enter: ~j~~~fl~~~~~’ or . . to store data in working memory. P #“9 so03333 DATA PROGRAMMED P TABLE AA PROGRAM 1#08-LOCAL CALL ROUTE SELECTION STEP ACTION DISPLAY/PRINTOUT 1 Enter Program Mode >MODE At the >MODE prompt, enter: 1 a a a a. PROG 2 Enter DflBa. j P 1#08 0 3 Refer to the System Record Sheet and enter the new Route Table number (1 - 8). P 1#08 q c] 4 Press m to store data in temporary memory and exit this P program. 5 A) Go to the next program in the Least Cost Routing Assign- ments list B) Enter: fl~~~~~fl~~~~’ or . . to store data in working memory. P ##*9 $003333 DATA PROGRAMMED P -28-

REMOTEADMIN/MAINT PROCEDURES SECTION 500-026-600 _ JANUARY 1988 TABLE AB PROGRAM 1#09--DIAL ZERO TIMEOUT STEP ACTION DISPLAY/PRINTOUT 1 Enter Program Mode >MODE At the >MODE prompt, enter: g a fl a a. PROG 2 Enter 1111. P 1#09 .*- 3 Refer to the System Record Sheet and enter the lowest key/ p ,#og q 0 q * LED to be programmed. 4 Enter 1 or a if necessary. P 1#09 q cl cl cl 5 Press m to display next key/LED. III q 6 Press m to store data in temporary memory and exit this pro- p gram. 7 Continue returning to Step 4 until all data input is complete for this program. 8 A) Go to the next program in the Least Cost Routing Assign- ments list B) Enter: ]~~~@l~~~~~~ .or... f - to store data in working memory. P #*9 $003333 DATA PROGRAMMED I p -29-

HtMU I t AUMINIMAIN I PROCEDURES SECTION 500-026-600 JANUARY1988 TABLE AC PROGRAM l#XY-LCR AREA CODE TABLE STEP ACTION DIiPLAY/PRINTOUT 1 Enter Program Mode >MODE At the >MODE prompt, enter: 1 amam. PROG 2 Enter n 1 a 4 (X =Route table number 1 - 8). P l#X4 .- 3 Press m to page through previous data (will be blank if no data). q nu . 4 Press m to store data in temporary memory and exit this P program. 5 Enter 01aa. Y = 2 (set) or 3 (delete) in setting/deleting area P l#XY codes. (X = Route table number 1 - 8) 6 Press m to allow data entry. 7 Refer to the System Record Sheet and enter the required data. To set: single ([inn) or range cIlcl~uuu,. q nu NOTE: When Y = 3, the area code must be enteredin the range format. 8 Press m to store data in temporary memory or allow the next entry. 9 10 Continue returning to Step 5 until all data input is complete for ’ this program. A) Press mm when entry is complete P . . or . . B) Go to the next program in the Least Cost Routing Assign- ments list . or . C) Enter: $E~fi~~~~~~~ to store data in working memory. P #“9 $003333 DATA PROGRAMMED P -3o-

REMOTE ADMIN/MAINT PROCEDURES SECTION 500-026-600 _ JANUARY1988 TABLE AD PROGRAM l#X8Y-ROUTE DEFINITION GROUP STEP ACTION DISPLAY/PRINTOUT 1 Enter Program Mode >MODE At the >MODE prompt, enter: aa@Ba. PROG 2 Enter flflgtilfl. X = Route Table number (1 - 8) and Y = Route Definition Group number (1 - 4). P l#X8Y q m ..- 3 Refer to the System Record Sheet and enter the new data. P l#X8 Y q n q a 4 Press m to store data in temporary memory and exit this P program. 5 ’ Continue returning to Step 2 until all data input is complete for this program. 6 / A) Go to the next program in the Least Cost Routing Assign- ments list B) Enter: ~~~~~~~~~~& or . to store data in working memory. P #“9 $003333 DATA PROGRAMMED P e ._ -31-

HtMU It AUMIN/MAlN I PKlJCtUUHtS SECTION 500-026-600 JANUARY1988 TABLE AE PROGRAMS l#X50 - 53/1#X60 - 63/1#X70 -734CR STARTTIME SCHEDULES A/B/C STEP ACTION DISPLAY/PRINTOUT 1 Enter Program Mode >MODE At the >MODE prompt, enter: 1 a fl B m. PROG 2 Enter flgmflB( aflm[illor fliIfi8). X = Route Table number P l#X5 0 (1 - 8). .*- 3 Refer to the System Record Sheet and enter the start time (in 24-hour format) for this route table: 1 p q q . P l#X5 0 clclnn’clcllJcl 4 Press m to store data in temporary memory and exit this P program. 5 Enterp~~~~(~~~~~or~flfl~~).Y=Priorityclass 1, 2 or 3. p ,Bx5 /J mnr~!-~ 6 Refer to the System Record Sheet and enter the Priority class data. p l Hx5 , [-jrjnn rinrlrj 7 Press m to store data in temporary memory and exit this P program. NOTE: Use the same procedure for entering data for Programs 1 #X60 - 63/l #X70 - 73. 8 Continue returning to Step 5 until all data input is complete for this program. 9 A) Go to the next program in the Least Cost Routing Assign- ments list 6) Enter: ji~~~&j~~~~ or . . to store data in working memory. P #“9 $003333 DATA PROGRAMMED .P -32-

REMOTE AOMIN/MAINT PROCEDURES SECTION 500-026-600 - JANUARY 1988 TABLE AF PROGRAM l#SXY-MODIFIED DIGITS TABLE STEP ACTION DISPLAY/PRINTOUT 1 Enter Program Mode >MODE At the >MODE prompt, enter: 11 fl]a. PROG 2 Enter fl gapa X = Modified Digits table number (1 - 6) and Y = 1 (add digits) or 0 (delete digits). P1#9Xl !Iv 3 Refer to the System Record Sheet and enter the digits to be added (22 max). q nu . . q nu (up to 22) NOTE: To insert pauses press i a Y= 1 - 8 (2 - 16 seconds). Each pause reduces memory by two digits. 4 Press m to store data in temporary memory and exit this P program. 5 Enter 0 a/J a 1. P 1#9X 0 q u 6 Refer to the System Record Sheet and enter the quantity of digits to be deleted (00 - 10). P 1#9X oncl no 7 Press m to store data in temporary memory and exit this P , program. 8 Continue returning to Step 2 until all data input is complete for this program. 9 A) Go to the next program in the Least Cost Routing Assign- ments list B) Enter: ~~~~O@~#~~~ or . to store data in working memory. P #“9 $003333 DA-i-A PROGRAMMED P -33-

HtMU It AUMIN/MAlNT PROCEDURES SECTION 500-026-600 JANUARY1988 TABLE AG PROGRAM 2#XY-AREA/OFFICE CODETABLE STEP ACTION DISPLAY/PRINTOUT 1 Enter Program Mode >MODE At the >MODE prompt, enter: 11 a B a. PROG 2 Enter gflaa. X = Area/Office Code Table number 1 - 8 and Y = 0 (Route Table), 1 (Area Code) or 2 (Office Code). P 2#xD j-J .- 3 Refer to the System Record Sheet and enter the new Route Ta- P 2#XO q cl ble number. 4 Press mm to store data in temporary memory and exit P this program. 5 Enter gflaa. P 2#Xl q nu 6 Refer to the System Record Sheet and enter the new area code (enter *** to clear data). P 2#Xl q nu q uu 7 Press mm to store data in temporary memory and exit P this program. 8 Enter 8 1 B g . P 2#X4 9 Press m to display previous data (blank indicates no data available). q uo 10 Press mm to store data in temporary memory and exit P this program. 11 Enter: gana Y = 2 (set) or 3 (delete) office codes. P 2#XY 12 Press m to allow data entry. 13 Refer to the System Record Sheet and enter the required data (ClUEi or UUU~UUU q uu 14 1 Press m to tremporarily store data and allow next entry. 15 Continue returning to Step 13 until all codes are entered. 16 Press mm to store data in temporary memory and exit P this program. 17 Continue returning to Step 2 until all data input is complete for this program. 18 A) Go to the next program in the Least Cost Routing Assign- ments list B) Enter: ~~~~~#~~~@~ or . . to store data in working memory. P #“9 $003333 DATA PROGRAMMED P -34-