Communications System
Toshiba Strata E Electronic Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
Toshiba Strata E Electronic Key Telephone System Installation And Maintenance Manual
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PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 300-020-300 JULY 1986 m 2 2 2 2 2 2 ## SYSTEM PROGRAMMING ## (DFITR = DIRL NUMBER) 11 212 14 21 24 472 495 669 (DFITA = DIRLNUNBER) 317 628 629 (DATFI= - DIAL NUMBER) a1 El4 END OF PRINT ## .- FIGURE L-SAMPLE PRINTOUT OF PROGRAM 2XY ## SYSTEM PROGRAMMING ## l:SELECT(LED ON) 21 16 15 8 7 1INT 3 10 111111 11111111 11111110 3 11 111111 11111111 11111110 3 12 111111 11111111 11111110 3 13 111111 11111111 11111110 3 14 111111 11111111 11111110 3 15 111111 11111111 11111110 3 16 111111 11111111 11111110 3 17 111111 11111111 11111110 3 18 111111 11111111 11111110 3 19 111111 11111111 11111110 3 20 111111 11111111 11111110 3 65 111111 11111111 llli1110 ## END OF PRINT a3 FIGURE 7-SAMPLE PRINTOUT OF PROGRAM 3XX (4XX - 9xX are identical) -28-

PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 300-020-300 JULY 1986 ## SYSTEM PROGRfWlING !Xt .*- 4# 10 10 20 CO10 co20 09 19 COY co19 08 18 CO8 CO18 07 17 co7 co17 06 16 CO6 CO16 05 1.5 co5 co15 04 14 co4 co14 03 13 co3 co13 02 12 co2 co12 01 11 co1 co11 . . 4# 65 x 99 A03 MWFL * 98 a02 DND * 97 FiOl REP 06 96 CO6 RDL 05 95 co5 PAU 04 94 co4 AC8 03 93 co3 PRV 02 88 co2 MC0 01 87 co1 CFD 00 85 INT SAVE NOTE: Columns I and2 give the code for the feature assigned to each key; columns 3 and 4 give the actual features assigned (corresponding to the codes in columns 1 and 2). ## END OFPRINT k# HGURE a--SAMPLE PRINTOUT OF PROGRAM 4##XX -29-

PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 300-020-300 JULY 1986 #tt REPERTORY DIAL !Xt 800 *60 17147305000 #00 *61 19142731750 #00 62 1213.5551212 #00 63 17148531212 800 X64 17145551212 #00 *65 17147305000 #00 66 19142731750 #00 *67 12135551212 #00 68 17148531212 #00 69 17145551212 #00 *70 17147305000 it00 *71 19142731750 #00 *72 1213.5551212 ix00 *73 17148531212 Et00 *74 1714S5.51212 #00 x7.5 17147305000 u00 *76 19142731750 Et00 *77 12135551212 #00 978 17148531212 #00 *79 17145551212 #00 *a0 17147305000 #00 *al 19142731750 #00 *a2 12135551212 I300 *a3 17148531212 Et00 *a4 17145551212 #00 *as 17147305000 #00 86 19142731750 200 *a7 12135.551212 #00 *aa 17148531212 800 *a9 17145551212 u00 90 17147305000 a00 91 19142731750 #00 92 12135551212 Et00 *93 17148531212 #00 94 17145551212 u00 f95 17147305000 a00 X96 19142731750 300 *97 1213.5551212 a00 *9a 1714a531212 tt00 *99 17145551212 !Xi ENDOF PRINT ## .*- FIGURE g--SAMPLE PRINTOUT OF SPEED DIAL-SYSTEM I .

PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 500-036-300 - JANUARY 1988 TABLE 5 PROGRAM 01 SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS (BASIC) 1) Lock in the SET switch on the HKSU. em IS In program mode. Using the various keys, turn their associated LEDs on or off, as required. The detailed meaning of each key/LED is shown below. NOTE: /LED is not shown it is not used. eet means t . . . or . . . 66) Transfer data into working memory per Par- agraph 02.06. *If the LED 15 is off in this program, see Program 09; if LED 15 is on, see Program 09X ““Voice Fist is required if the system is optioned for Off-hook Call Announce. ._ : -31-

PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 500-036-300 JANUARY 1988 1) Lock in the SET switch on the HKSU. LEDs on or off, as required. The detailed If the LED is already on, depressing the associatec meaning of each key/LED is shown below. key will turn it off and vice versa. LEDs may be turned off and on until the desired pattern is set, 02 Door Phone 11 /13C--Busy-out No Busy Signal 01 Door Phone 11 /13B-Busy-out No Busy Signal 00 Station 11/13-Door Phone EKT 5) Depress the m key to place new data in All station 13/l 7 LEDs (except 19) go off. memory. 6A) Go to Step 2 in another program table . . or . . . 6B) Transfer data into working memory per Par- agraph 02.06. SET LED goes off. Station 13/l 7 LED 19 goes off. New data is stored, previous data is erased. TABLE 6 PROGRAM O#l DOOR PHONE SELECTION “Station 13 only. -32-

PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 500-036-300 - JANUARY 1988 TABLE 7 PROGRAM 02 SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS (OPTIONS) SET LED on. .*- 1) Lock in the SET switch on the HKSU. Station 13/17 LED 19 on. System is in program mode. - Normal functions halt on station 13/17. 2) Depress the m key on station 13/l 7. SPKR LED steady on. 3) Dial ag on the dial pad. SPKR LED flashes continuously. The various LEDs indicate present data. 4) Refer to the System Record Sheet. An X on the record sheet means the LED should Using the various keys, turn their associated be on. LEDs on or off, as required. The detailed If the LED is already on, depressing the associated meaning of each key/LED is shown below. key will turn it off and vice versa. LEDs may be turned off and on until the desired pattern is set. NOTE: If any key/LED is not shown, it is not used. KEY/LED LED ON LED OFF 13 Station 15/23-Trunk-to-trunk Connection EKT 12 Station 14/22-Trunk-to-trunk Connection EKT 11 Stations 16/l 8 & 17/l g--Amplified Conference Not Amplified 10 Stations 24 & 25*-Amplified Conference Not Amplified 06 ___ .-. Automatic Callback-Warning Tone No Warning Tone 04 LCD Display Dialed Number-l minute 15 seconds 02 Night Ringing over External Page**-Allowed Not Allowed 01 BGM over External Page-Allowed Not Allowed 00 External Page with All Call Page-Included Not Included 5) Depress the m key to place new data in All station 13/l 7 LEDs (except 19) go off. memnry. 6A) Go to Step 2 in another program table . or . . . 68) Transfer data into working memory per Par- agraph 02.06. SET LED goes off. Station 13/17 LED 19 goes off. New data is stored, orevious data is erased. * STRATA Vie only. **Program 0#8 selects which individual CO(s) will ring. -33-

PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 500-036-300 JANUARY 1988 TABLE 8 PROGRAM 0#2 ACCOUNT CODE DIGIT LENGTH SELECTION SET LED on. 1) Lock in the SET switch on the HKSU. Station 13/17 LED 19 on. System is in program mode. .*- Normal functions halt on station 13/l 7. 2) Depress the m key on station 13/l 7. SPKR LED steady on. 3) Dial 1 aa on the dial pad. SPKR LED flashes continuously. The various LEDs indicate present data. 4) Refer to the System Record Sheet. Using the various keys, turn their associated If the LED is already on, depressing the associated LEDs on or off, as required. The detailed key will turn it off and vice versa. LEDs may be meaning of each key/LED is shown below. turned off and on until the desired pattern is set. This program also defines the length of the For account code length, as each digit is entered, the entry is verified by LEDs as shown. SMDR account code. Enter a number from 4 to 15 via the dial pad. NOTES. I. Depressing the 1 key displays the data without changing it. 2. To clear existing data without entering a new number, depress the 4 key two times. 1 KEY/LED LED ON LED OFF 17 Ringing Repeat Standard Ring 15 HDTU Modern Speed-l 200 bps 300 bps 04 - 00 Account Code Digit Length i X = LED on All LEDs off = no data 1 00 1x1 1x1 1x1 1x1 PI IX 5) Depress the m key to place new data in All station 13/l 7 LEDs (except 19) go off. memory. 6A) Go to Step 2 in another program table . or . . 6B) Transfer data i’nto working memory per Par- SET LED goes off. agraph 02.06. Station 13/l 7 LED 19 goes off. New data is stored, previous data is erased. -34-

PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 500-036-300 _ JANUARY 1988 TABLE 9 PROGRAM 03 SYSTEM ASSIGNMENTS (OPTIONS) 1) Lock in the SET switch on the HKSU. SET LED on. Station 13/l 7 LED 19 on. System is in oroqram mode. .*- Normal functions halt on station 13/l 7. 2) Depress the m key on station 13/l 7. SPKR LED steady on. 3) Dial ag on the dial pad. SPKR LED flashes continuously. The various LEDs indicate present data. 4) Refer to the System Record Sheet. An X on the record sheet means the LED should Using the various keys, turn their associated be on. LEDs on or off, as required. The detailed meaning of each key/LED is shown below. If the LED is already on, depressing the associated key will turn it off and vice versa. LEDs may be NOTE: turned off and on until the desired pattern is set. lf anv kev/LED is not shown. it is not used. KEY/LED 10 09 08 LED ON Station IO 1 * --F ken! Station lOa key 3-ring Mode LED OFF -___ m key -___-~~. a key 9 -__-.- - 2-ring Mode 07 04 03 02 CO Line Groups-Allowed Message Center-Station 12 Message Center-Station 11 Message Center-Station 10 @Not Equipped 1 ( Not Equipped 1 I 5) Depress the m key to place new data in All station 13/17 LEDs (except 19) go off. memorv. 6A) Go to Step 2 in another program table . . . or . . . 6B) Transfer data into working memory per Par- agraph 02.06. SET LED goes off. Station 13/17 LED 19 goes off. New data is stored, previous data is erased “Voice First must be optioned for Off-hook Call Announce. -35-

tWIGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 500-036-300 JANUARY 1988 TABLE 10 PROGRAM 04 CO LINE OUTPULSING SELECTION SET LED on. 1) Lock in the SET switch on the HKSU. 2) Depress the m key on station 13/l 7. 3) Dial 1 a on the dial pad. Station 13/l 7 LED 19 on. System is in program mode. Normal functions hait on station? 3/l 7. SPKR LED steady on. SPKR LED flashes continuously. CO LEDs indicate present data. 4) Refer to the System Record Sheet. An X on the record sheet means the LED should Each CO key/LED represents itself; depress be on. the required keys. l LED OFF = DTMF tone operation. If the LED is already on, depressing the associated l LED ON = Dial Pulse (DP) operation. key will turn it off and vice versa. LEDs may be turned off and on until the desired pattern is set. 5) Depress the m key to place new data in All station 13/l 7 LEDs (except 19) go off. memorv. 6A) Go to Step 2 in another program table . . . or . . . I 66) Transfer data into working memory per Par- agraph 02.06. SET LED goes off. Station 131’17 LED 19 goes off. 1 New data is stored, pre;ious data is erased. -36-

PROGRAMMING PROCEDURES SECTION 500-036-300 JANUARY 1988 TABLE 11 PROGRAM #4-CO LINE IDENTlFlCATiON (LCD EKT Required) SET LED on. 1) Lock in the SET switch on the HKSU. Station 13/l 7 LED 19 on. System is in program mode. ’ Normal functions halt on station 13/17. LCD is in program mode. 2) Depress the m key on station 13/l 7. SPKR LED steady on. LCD: Program No.?. 3) Dial 39 on the dial pad SPKR LED flashes continuously. LCD displays program number. 4) Refer to the System Record Sheet. Cursor appears in LCD display. Depress the required key, and enter the CO LCD displays characters as they are entered. line name, as defined in the System Record Sheet, via the dial pad. a) Depress the 3 key to access alpha charac- ters. b) Move the cursor to the desired position (the left edge of the display for a new message, two spaces to the right of the preprogrammed message to add information). c) Depress the key with a letter you wish to en- ter. Use the m key to shift from letter to letter on the key. For example: 8 if you press fl , a D will be displayed. By pressingm, the D is changed to E. By press- ing a again, the E is changed to F. Press 1 again and the F changes to D. 0 To enter spaces, press i] . d) If want to enter a number, press the 1 key to change to numeric characters. Numbers are also entered on the dial pad. Press the 4 key again to return to alpha characters. e) The following special characters are set by pressing 1 and then pressing $j to step through the available characters: 0, Z, :, -, +, /. 5) Depress the m key to place new data in All station 13/l 7 LEDs (except 19) go off. memory. 6A) Return to Step 2 in order to continue with this program 6B) Go to Step 2 in.anythkr program table . or . . 6C) Transfer data into working memory per Par- agraph 02.06. SET LED goes off. Station 13/l 7 LED 19 goes off. New data is stored, previous data is erased. -37-