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Steinberg Cubase 8 Manual

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    of 1346
    Automation Panel
    Activating To Punch
    1. On the Automation Panel, activate Touch, and activate To Punch as Fill 
    2. Start playback.
    3. Move the fader until you have found the volume setting that you need and 
    release the fader to punch out.
    The volume curve is set from the point of punch out back to where you punched in. 
    The values written while moving the fader to find the right value are deleted, and the 
    volume jumps at exactly the right moment from the value set in the first scene to the 
    value found for the second scene.
    Activating To Start
    1. On the Automation Panel, activate Touch, and activate To Start as Fill option.
    2. Start playback.
    3. Move the fader until you have found the volume setting that you need and 
    release the fader to punch out.
    The automation track is filled from where you punched out to the start of the project.
    Activating To End
    1. On the Automation Panel, activate Touch, and activate To End as Fill option.
    2. Start playback and touch the parameter control to punch in the automation 
    3. Move the fader until you have found the setting that you want and release it.
    This will punch out the writing of automation data. As you let go of the fader, the 
    automation curve takes the found value setting, from where you punched out to the 
    end of the project. 
    Automation Panel
    Activating Loop
    You have set up a loop range with the left and right locators.
    1. On the Automation Panel, activate Touch, and activate Loop to activate it as 
    Fill option.
    2. Start playback.
    3. Move the fader until you have found the volume setting that you need and 
    release the fader to punch out.
    The found value is set within the range that is defined by the left and right locators.
    One Shot vs Continuous Fill
    You can use the Fill options in two different ways:
    •One shot 
    When you click one of the Fill buttons, it is highlighted, and will be enabled 
    during the next automation pass. Afterwards, the option is disabled again.
    •Continuous fill
    If you click a Fill button a second time, a lock symbol is displayed on the 
    highlighted button, indicating that you are in continuous fill mode and that the 
    operation can be repeated as many times as you want. Click the button a third 
    time to disable the corresponding Fill option.
    Drawing Fill Manually
    You can use the Fill options on the Automation panel in combination with the Draw 
    tool. This provides you with a powerful method for writing automation data manually.
    1. Open an automation track and select the Draw tool.
    2. On the Automation Panel select To End as a Fill option.
    3. Click and draw to create an automation curve.
    4. Release the mouse button.
    At the moment of release, a final automation event is created. The automation curve 
    is written from this last event through to the end of the project.
    This procedure can be used with all the Fill options. 
    Automation Panel
    Suspend Options
    This section on the Automation Panel allows you to exclude specific parameters 
    from the reading or writing of automation data. This way, you have full manual control 
    of these parameters.
    Suspend Read
    Suspending Read for a specific parameter during automation gives you full manual 
    control of it.
    • To suspend the reading of automation data for a specific parameter, click the 
    corresponding parameter.
    • To suspend the reading of automation data for all parameters/parameter 
    groups, click the All button.
    When any of the options in the Suspend Read category are enabled, clicking 
    All will disable these buttons.
    Imagine that you have already automated several tracks. While working on the 
    current track, you want one of the other tracks to be louder, to better identify a 
    particular position in your audio material.
    By suspending Read for the Volume parameter, you regain full manual control and 
    can set the volume to the required level.
    Suspend Write
    Suspending Write for a specific parameter during automation punches this 
    parameter out of the automation pass.
    • To suspend the writing of automation data for a specific parameter, click the 
    corresponding parameter.
    • To suspend the writing of automation data for all parameters/parameter 
    groups, click the All button.
    When any of the options in the Suspend Write category are enabled, clicking 
    All will disable these buttons. 
    Automation Panel
    Imagine the following situation: To help you concentrate while working on a 
    particular track, you mute several other tracks. However, because write automations 
    are active on these tracks, this mute state is also automated during the next 
    automation pass – a classic situation in mixing.
    To avoid inadvertently excluding whole tracks from your mix in this way, you can 
    exclude Mute from all automation writing. Simply click Mute in the Suspend Write 
    category on the Automation panel.
    Show Options
    The Show options allow you to open all automation tracks for a specific parameter. 
    This gives you an overview of the automated parameter.
    • To open the volume, pan, EQ, sends, or inserts automation tracks for all 
    tracks, click the corresponding parameter.
    The automation tracks are opened even if no automation data was recorded 
    on these tracks.
    • To step through the individual parameter sets of parameter groups, for 
    example Pan, EQ, Sends, and Inserts, click the respective button repeatedly.
    • To show only the automation tracks for which automation data has already 
    been written, activate Used Only and click one of the options.
    • To show all automation tracks that contain automation data, activate Show 
    • To hide all open automation tracks, activate Hide All.
    The Show options on the Automation panel affect all tracks.
    Automation Settings
    To set up specific automation preferences, click the button in the bottom left of the 
    Automation panel.
    Show Data on Tracks
    Activate this to show audio waveforms or MIDI events on automation tracks.
    The events are displayed only if Show waveforms (File > Preferences > 
    Event Display > Audio) is enabled and if Part Data Mode (File > 
    Preferences > Event Display > MIDI) is set to an option other than No data.
    Use Virgin Territory
    Activate this if you want to use virgin territories. 
    MIDI Controller Automation
    Continue Writing
    If you activate this option, the recording of automation will not be blocked 
    when locating to a new position. This can be used to perform multiple 
    automation passes in Cycle mode or if you are using the arranger functions.
    If this option is deactivated and you write automation data and locate to 
    another position in the project, the writing will be stopped until the mouse 
    button is released or until a Stop command is received.
    Reveal Parameter on Write
    If you activate this option, the corresponding automation track is revealed on 
    writing automation parameters. This is useful if you want to have a visual 
    control of all parameters changed on writing.
    Return Time
    This determines how fast the automated parameter returns to any previously 
    automated value when you release the mouse button. Set this to a value 
    higher than 0 to prevent sudden jumps in your parameter settings which may 
    lead to crackles.
    Reduction Level
    When punching out, this function removes all superfluous automation events 
    so that the automation curve contains only the events necessary to reproduce 
    your actions.
    Freeze Trim
    In this pop-up menu, you can specify how to freeze your trim curve.
    • To freeze your trim curve manually, select Manually.
    • To perform a freeze whenever a write operation is finished, select On 
    Pass End.
    • If you want the trim data to freeze automatically when the trim mode is 
    switched off (globally or individually for a track), select On Leaving Trim 
    Virgin Territory vs. Initial Value (Cubase Pro only) on page 584
    MIDI Controller Automation
    When working with Cubase, it is possible to record automation data for MIDI 
    controllers in two places: as MIDI part data and as data on an automation track.
    If you have such conflicting automation data, you can specify separately for every 
    parameter how these will be combined during playback. This is done by selecting 
    an Automation Merge Mode in the track list for the automation track. 
    MIDI Controller Automation
    Automation Merge Modes
    This pop-up menu is only available for controllers that can be recorded both for a 
    part and a track. The settings that you make for a controller are applied to all MIDI 
    tracks that use this controller.
    Use Global Settings
    When this is selected, the automation track uses the global Automation 
    Merge Mode that is specified in the MIDI Controller Automation Setup 
    Replace 1 - Part Range
    When this option is selected, the part data has playback priority over the 
    automation track data, for example at the left and right part borders, the 
    automation mode switches abruptly from part to track automation, and vice 
    Replace 2 - Last Value Continues
    Similar to the above, but part automation only begins when the first controller 
    event within the part is reached. At the end of the part, the last controller value 
    is kept until an automation event is reached on the automation track.
    When this option is selected, the average values between part and track 
    automation is used.
    In this mode, the automation track curve modulates the existing part 
    automation, with higher curve points emphasizing the automation values and 
    lower curve points reducing the automation values even further. 
    MIDI Controller Automation
    MIDI Controller Automation Setup
    In the MIDI Controller Automation Setup dialog, you can specify how existing 
    MIDI automation is handled on playback and new automation data is recorded in a 
    MIDI part or as track automation. All settings that you make in this dialog are saved 
    with the project.
    Record Destination on conflict (global)
    Allows you to determine which destination is used if MIDI controller data is 
    received by Cubase and both the Record and the Write Automation buttons 
    are enabled. Select MIDI Part to record MIDI part automation. Select 
    Automation Track to record the controller data on an automation track in the 
    Project window.
    Automation Merge Mode (global)
    Allows you to specify the global Automation Merge Mode.
    Controller list
    Lists all MIDI controllers for which you can specify the record destination and 
    the Automation Merge Mode separately. This gives you full control over the 
    MIDI automation (destination as well as merge mode) in your project. 
    MIDI Controller Automation
    Record Destination
    Click in the Record Destination column for a MIDI controller to open the 
    pop-up menu where you can choose where you want recorded data of this 
    particular MIDI Controller to end up.
    Automation Merge Mode
    Click in the Automation Merge Mode column for a MIDI controller to specify 
    what happens with data for this specific controller on playback.
    Save As Default
    Allows you to save the current settings as default settings. When you create 
    a new project, the default settings is used.
    Load Default
    Allows you to load the default settings. 
    VST Instruments
    VST instruments are software synthesizers or other sound sources that are 
    contained within Cubase. They are played internally via MIDI. You can add effects 
    or EQ to VST instruments.
    Cubase allows you to make use of VST instruments in the following ways:
    • By adding an instrument in the VST Instruments window.
    This creates a VST instrument channel, which can be played by one or several 
    MIDI tracks routed to it.
    • By creating an instrument track.
    This is a combination of a VST instrument, an instrument channel, and a MIDI 
    track. You play and record MIDI note data directly for this track.
    Some VST instruments are included with Cubase. These are described in the 
    separate PDF document Plug-in Reference.
    VST Instruments Window
    The VST Instruments window allows you to add VST instruments for MIDI and 
    instrument tracks, giving you an overview of all instruments used in a project. It also 
    offers you access to 8 quick controls for each added instrument.
    To open the VST Instruments window, select Devices > VST Instruments. 
    							VST Instruments
    VST Instruments Window
    The following controls can be found in the VST Instruments window:
    1)Add Track Instrument
    Opens the Add Instrument Track dialog that allows you to select an 
    instrument and add an instrument track that is associated to this instrument.
    2)Find Instruments
    Opens a selector that allows you to find an instrument in the VST 
    Instruments window.
    3)Set Remote-Control Focus for VST Quick Controls to Previous/Next 
    Shows and activates the quick controls for the next/previous instrument in the 
    VST Instruments window.
    4)Show/Hide all VST Quick Controls
    Shows/Hides the default quick controls for all loaded instruments.
    Opens the Settings menu, where you can activate/deactivate the following 
    Show VST Quick Controls for One Slot Only shows the VST Quick 
    Controls exclusively for the selected instrument.
    MIDI Channel follows track selection ensures that the Channel selector 
    follows the MIDI track selection in the Project window. Use this if you work 
    with multitimbral instruments.
    Remote-Control Focus for VST Quick Controls follows track selection 
    ensures that the VST Quick Control remote-control focus follows the track 
    The following controls are available on each instrument:
    1)Activate Instrument
    Activates/Deactivates the instrument.
    2)Edit Instrument
    Opens the instrument panel. 
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