Steinberg Cubase 8 Manual
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MixConsole Configuring the MixConsole 301 Device Panels (Cubase Pro only) Allows you to view the available device panels. Rack Settings The Rack Settings pop-up menu allows you to make settings for the racks. • To open the Rack Settings pop-up menu, click *. Exclusive Expanded Rack Shows the selected rack exclusively and collapses the other racks. Fixed Number of Slots Shows all available slots for the Inserts, Sends, Cues, and Quick Controls racks. Link Racks to Configurations If activated, the rack status is taken into account when you save and load a configuration. Show Pre/Filters as Select Combined Label & Setting, if you want to show the label and the setting in one line. Select Separate Label & Setting, if you want to show the label and the setting in separate lines. Show Inserts as Select Plug-in Names, if you want to show the plug-in names only. Select Plug-in & Preset Names, if you want to show the plug-in and the preset names. Show All Channel Strip Controls Shows all available controls on the Channel Strip rack. Show One Channel Strip Type Shows only one channel strip type at a time. Show Sends as Select Combined Destination & Gain, if you want to show the destination and the gain in one line. Select Separate Destination & Gain, if you want to show the destination and the gain in separate lines. Show Quick Controls as Select Combined Destination & Value, if you want to show the destination and the value in one line. Select Separate Destination & Value, if you want to show the destination and the value in separate lines.
MixConsole Configuring the MixConsole 302 Channel Visibility Configurations The Channel Visibility Configurations button on the MixConsole toolbar allows you to create configurations that are useful for switching quickly between different visibility setups. The button displays the name of the active configuration. A list of configurations is shown as soon as you create at least one configuration. To load a configuration, select it from this list. Channel visibility configurations are saved with the project. Add Configuration Opens the Add Configuration dialog that allows you to save the configuration and enter a name for it. Update Configuration If you change the active configuration, this is indicated by an asterisk after the configuration name. Use this function to save changes to the active configuration. Rename Configuration Opens the Rename Configuration dialog that allows you to rename the active configuration. Delete Configuration Allows you to delete the active configuration. Move Configuration to Position This function becomes available if 2 or more configurations exist. It allows you to change the position of the active configuration on the menu. This is useful as you can assign key commands to the first 8 configurations in the Channel & Track Visibility category of the Key Commands dialog. Saving Configurations To quickly switch between different channel setups, you can save configurations. The configurations contain visibility and zone settings as well as the show/hide status of channel types and racks. PROCEDURE 1. Set up the configuration that you want to save. 2. On the toolbar, click Configurations. 3. From the pop-up menu, select Add Configuration. 4. In the Add Configuration dialog, enter a name for the configuration. 5. Click OK. RESULT The configuration is saved and you can return to it at any time.
MixConsole Configuring the MixConsole 303 Channel Visibility Agents Channel visibility agents allow you to show or hide all channels, selected channels, or channels with certain properties. To open the Channel Visibility Agents pop-up menu, do one of the following: • Click the Channel Visibility Agents button on the toolbar. • In the Channel Selector, open the Visibility tab and right-click to open the context menu. Showing Channels with Specific Properties • To open the Channel Visibility Agents pop-up menu, click the Channel Visibility Agents button in the toolbar. Show all Channels Shows all channels of your project. Show Only Selected Channels Shows only channels that are selected. Hide Selected Channels Hides all channels that are selected. Show Channels for Tracks with Data Shows all channels for tracks with events or parts. Show Channels for Tracks with Data at the Cursor Position Shows all channels for tracks with events or parts at the cursor position. Show Channels for Tracks with Data between the Locators Shows all channels for tracks with events or parts between the locators. Show Channels that are Connected to the First Selected Channel Shows all channels that are connected to the channel you first selected. NOTE You can assign key commands for the channel visibility agents in the Channel & Track Visibility category of the Key Commands dialog.
MixConsole Synchronizing Channel and Track Visibility 304 Undoing/Redoing Visibility Changes You can undo/redo up to 10 visibility changes. PROCEDURE 1. In the MixConsole toolbar, click the Channel Visibility Agents button. 2. Select Undo Visibility Change or Redo Visibility Change. Synchronizing Channel and Track Visibility You can synchronize the channel visibility in the MixConsole with the track visibility in the Project window. PROCEDURE 1. In the Channel Selector, open the Visibility tab and move the mouse to the right of the label. 2. Click the dot to open the Sync Track/Channel Visibility menu. 3. Select Sync MixConsole and Project to synchronize the channel visibility with the track visibility. RESULT The dot in the Visibility tab changes to indicate that the track and channel visibility are synchronized. NOTE Channels in the left or right zones of the MixConsole are not synchronized. RELATED LINKS Synchronizing Track and Channel Visibility on page 55
MixConsole Finding Channels 305 Finding Channels The Find Track/Channel function allows you to find specific channels. This is useful if you have a large project with many channels or if you have hidden channels using the visibility features. PROCEDURE 1. Click Find Track/Channel in the MixConsole toolbar to open a selector that lists all channels. 2. In the search field, enter the name of the channel. As you type, the selector filters automatically. 3. In the selector, select the channel and press [Return]. RESULT The channel is selected in the channel list. NOTE If the channel was outside the view or hidden, it is now shown. Channels that are hidden using Filter Channel Types are not shown. Linking Channels In Cubase Pro, you can link selected channels in the MixConsole to form a link group. Any change that is applied to one channel is mirrored by all linked channels, depending on which settings are activated in the link group settings. In Cubase Artist, you can only link selected channels temporarily. The Link Group options on the MixConsole toolbar allow you to link channels and to edit links and linking configuration. Link Group options in Cubase Pro toolbar. Display Line (Cubase Pro only) Whenever you create a link group, a display line is added on top of the fader section in the MixConsole. The display line shows the number and the name of the created link group and provides a pop-up menu that allows you to edit the link group settings.
MixConsole Linking Channels 306 On the display line, you can change the name of the link group by double-clicking and entering a different name. If you hold down a modifier key and double-click the name, the Link Group Settings dialog opens. NOTE If you use a VCA fader for the link group, the displayed link group name on the fader is also changed. The pop-up menu provides the following options: Unlink Selected Channels Only available for a selected link group. Select this option to remove the link between the channels. This removes the link group. If you use a VCA fader, you must specify if you want to revert to the original automation of the linked channels. A VCA fader that controls this link group is not removed. Edit Link Group Settings Allows you to change the link group settings. Included in Link Group: Shows the link group to which the selected channel belongs. You can assign the selected channel to a different link group. This removes the channel from the current group. If you only want to remove the selected channel from the link group, select None. Linked Channels Shows which channels are linked in the link group. RELATED LINKS Changing the Link Group Settings (Cubase Pro only) on page 307 Adding Channels to Link Groups (Cubase Pro only) on page 307 Removing Channels from Link Groups (Cubase Pro only) on page 308 Creating Link Groups (Cubase Pro only) You can link several channels to form a link group. PROCEDURE 1. Select the channels that you want to link. 2. On the MixConsole toolbar, click Link. 3. In the Link Group Settings dialog, activate the parameters that you want to link. 4. Click OK. RESULT The number and name of the link group is indicated above the channel name in the display line.
MixConsole Linking Channels 307 NOTE If you link groups, insert and channel strip module linking is applied at the slot level. For example, if you change the settings for insert slot 3 on one channel, these changes are also applied to slot 3 on the other channels. Insert effects in other slots remain unaffected. Changing the Link Group Settings (Cubase Pro only) If you change a setting for a channel of the link group, the change is applied to the whole group. • To change the link settings for an existing link group, select the group, on the MixConsole toolbar, click Edit Link Group Settings, and change the settings in the Link Group Settings dialog. • To unlink channels, select one of the linked channels and click Link on the MixConsole toolbar. • To make individual settings and changes for a channel in a link group, activate Sus on the MixConsole toolbar or press [Alt]/[Option]. • To make absolute instead of relative value changes, activate Abs on the MixConsole toolbar. NOTE The automation tracks for linked channels are not affected by the Link function. Adding Channels to Link Groups (Cubase Pro only) You can add a channel to an existing link group. PROCEDURE 1. On the display line of the channel that you want to add, open the pop-up menu. 2. Select Included in Link Group: and select the link group. RESULT The channel is added to the link group.
MixConsole VCA Faders (Cubase Pro only) 308 Removing Channels from Link Groups (Cubase Pro only) You can remove a channel from an existing link group. PROCEDURE 1. On the display line of the channel that you want to remove, open the pop-up menu. 2. Select Included in Link Group: and from the link group list, select None. 3. If the channel is controlled by a VCA fader, specify if the channel keeps the combined automation. RESULT The channel is removed from the link group. Using Quick Link You can activate the Temporary Link Mode to synchronize all touched parameters of selected channels. PROCEDURE 1. Select the channels that you want to link. 2. On the MixConsole toolbar, activate Q-Link. NOTE You can also press [Shift]-[Alt]/[Option] to temporarily link channels. In that case, the link is only active as long as you press the keys. 3. Change the parameters for one of the selected channels. RESULT The changes are applied to all selected channels until you deactivate Q-Link. VCA Faders (Cubase Pro only) VCA faders serve as remote controls for groups of channel faders in the MixConsole. VCA stands for Voltage-Controlled Amplifier. VCA faders were originally found on hardware mixing desks and allowed the user to control the volume levels of several mixer channels with only one fader. To assign channel faders to a VCA fader, you must physically connect the respective channels with the VCA fader.
MixConsole VCA Faders (Cubase Pro only) 309 In Cubase, the VCA fader function is based on the same concept. VCA faders are assigned to a group of linked channels, a link group. The VCA faders control the following parameters of the link group: volume, mute, solo, listen, monitor, and record. When you assign VCA faders, they become part of the link group. IMPORTANTIMPORTANTIMPORTANTIMPORTANT If a VCA fader controls a link group, it cannot control another link group. If you assign a VCA fader to another group, the VCA fader is automatically removed from the former group. You can create several VCA faders without assigning them to link groups straight away. From a technical perspective, moving a VCA fader to a different dB level adds or subtracts the new value to/from the original values of the channels in the link group. EXAMPLE A channel in a link group has a level of -6 dB, the VCA fader is at the 0 position. If you move the VCA fader to a level of +3 dB, this value is added to level of the linked channel. The linked channel now has a level of -3 dB. VCA Fader Settings VCA fader channels are different from the default fader channels. Instead of the panner, the VCA faders display the link group to which they are assigned. The VCA faders also provide a pop-up menu that allows you to change the VCA fader settings.
MixConsole VCA Faders (Cubase Pro only) 310 1) Link group number 2) Link group name 3) VCA fader pop-up menu 4) Peak meter that displays the summed up level of all channel meters in the link group 5) Fader cap The VCA fader pop-up menu provides the following options: Edit Link Group Settings Allows you to change the link group settings. VCA Fader Controls Link Group: Shows the link group that the VCA fader controls. You can assign the VCA fader to a different link group. This removes the VCA fader from the current group. You can also remove the VCA fader assignment altogether. In this case, select None. In all cases, you must specify if you want the linked channels to revert to their original automation. Combine Automation of VCA and Linked Channels Combines the automation curves of VCA fader and linked channels in the Project window. This has the effect that the original automation curves of the linked channels are no longer used. In the Project window, the automation of the VCA fader is reset to the static value line. In the MixConsole, the VCA fader is reset to the 0 position. Linked Channels Shows which channels are linked in the link group. Creating VCA Faders You can create VCA faders in several ways. VCA faders can be created in the MixConsole and in the Project window. In the MixConsole, you have the following options: • You can create unassigned VCA faders in the fader section. They are placed at the right end of the fader section and display no fader cap. The VCA faders can be assigned to link groups at a later stage. To create unassigned VCA faders in the MixConsole, right-click in the fader section and select Add VCA Fader. • You can create VCA faders while creating link groups. The VCA faders are automatically added to the right of the link groups. In the Project window, you can create VCA fader tracks in the track list. The VCA faders can be assigned to link groups in the MixConsole at a later stage. RELATED LINKS Assigning VCA Faders to Link Groups on page 311 VCA Fader Track (Cubase Pro only) on page 127