Palm Tungsten T3 Instructions Manual
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Product Regulatory Information 377 Europe R&TTE Directive (Europe) Declaration of Conformity Application of Council Directive(s): 89/336/EEC EMC Directive 99/5/EC RTTE Directive 72/23/EEC Low Voltage Directive Standards to which Conformity is Declared: ETSI301 489-1 (Immunity) EN60950 1992/A1:1993/A2:1993/A3:1995/A4:1997/A5:1998 (Safety) EN55022:1994/A1:1995/A2:1997/A3:1998 Class B (Emissions) The product is CE marked. The product fulfills the essential requirements of the harmonized standards shown above. Manufacturers Name: Palm Solutions Group Manufacturers Location: 400 North McCarthy Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035-5112, USA Importers Name: Palm Germany GmbH Importers Location: Landsberger Strasse 155, D-80687 Munchen, Germany Type of Equipment: Handheld Computer Model Number: Palm Tungsten T3 Year of Manufacture: 2003 I, the undersigned hereby declare that the equipment specified above conforms to the above Directive(s) and Standard(s) Place: Milpitas, CA Date: April 29, 2003 Name: David Woo Title: Global Compliance Manager

Product Regulatory Information 378 Taiwan Statement Article 14: Unless approved, for any model accredited low power radio frequency electric machinery, any company, trader, or user shall not change the frequency, increase the power, or change the features and functions of the original design. Article 17: Any use of lower power radio frequency electric machinery shall not affect the aviation safety and interfere with legal communications. In even that any interference is found, the use of such electric machinery shall be stopped immediately, and reusing of such products cannot be resumed until no interference occurs after improvement. The legal communications mentioned in the above item refer to radio communications operated in accordance with telecommunication laws and regulations. Low power radio frequency electric machinery shall resist against interference from legal communications or from industrial, scientific, and medical radio electric machinery. Battery Warning Do not mutilate, puncture, or dispose of batteries in fire. The batteries can burst or explode, releasing hazardous chemicals. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturer’s instructions and in accordance with your local regulations. Va r n i n g Eksplosionsfara vid felaktigt batteribyte. Använd samma batterityp eller en ekvivalent typ som rekommenderas av apparattillverkaren. Kassera använt batteri enligt fabrikantens instruktion. Advarsel! Lithiumbatteri—Eksplosionsfare ved fejlagtig håndtering. Udskiftning må kun ske med batteri af samme fabrikat og type. Levér det brugte batteri tilbage tilleverandøren. Va r o i t u s Paristo voi räjähtää, jos se on virheellisesti asennettu. Vaihda paristo ainoastaan valmistajan suosittelemaan tyyppiin. Hävitä käytetty paristo valmistajan ohjeiden mukaisesti. Advarsel Eksplosjonsfare ved feilaktig skifte av batteri. Benytt samme batteritype eller en tilsvarende type anbefait av apparatfabrikanten. Brukte batterier kasseres i henhold til fabrikantens instruksjoner. Waarschuwing! Bij dit produkt zijn batterijen geleverd. Wanneer deze leeg zijn, moet u ze niet weggooien maar inleveren als KCA. Uwaga

379 Index A ABA. See Contacts archive files Account. See E-mail account Action icons 238 Add/Remove Programs icon 61 Add-on applications 54–61 Addressing e-mail displaying another address 158 message 187–190 using Smart Addressing 189 Addressing SMS messages 130 Advanced preferences 211 Agenda View background image 64 display options 64 displaying 64 displaying tasks 64 Alarm indicator light 9 LED 347, 348 lists 53 preset 77 setting in Calendar 69 setting in Note Pad 107 setting in Voice Memo 234 setting in World Clock 267 sound 77, 171, 267, 346, 358 status bar button 17 Vibrate setting 347, 348 Alerting for new mail 170 Alphabet, Graffiti 2 24 APOP adding to an account 163 and synchronization 220 requirement 150 Application buttons 8, 37, 63, 83, 105, 139, 306 Applications beaming 29–31 Calendar 63Card Info 79 categories 39 Contacts 83 Dialer 93 Expense 97 font style 53 installing 54–60 Launcher 37 Memos 103 Note Pad 105 opening 38 Palm Photos 119 Palm VersaMail 147 Phone Link 109 plug-in 333 removing 60 sending data from 135 size in kilobytes 373 SMS 129 Tasks 139 version of 373 Voice Memo 229 Web Pro 237 World Clock 261 See also Add-on applications Archive files importing data from 33 for main applications 33 saving deleted records 44 saving purged records 45 Attaching a signature to messages 158 Attachments 133 attaching files from an expansion card 206 attaching files from applications 204 downloading 214 icon for 174 saving to expansion card 203 sending 190 Audio files 54, 58

Index 380 Auto get mail 167 notification options 170 notifications 169 Reminders screen 171 resource issues 174 scheduling 167 VPN connections 152 Autofill, enabling or disabling 254 Automatic fill, in Expense 102 Automatic sending of messages. See Send re- try Auto-off delay 336 B Background sending of messages. See Send retry Battery charge light 9 conserving power 336 disposal 378 gauge 37 life and use 350 recharging 3 recycling 350 warning 378 Bcc field 187 See also Blind copies Beaming information 29 location of IR port 10 pen stroke to activate 307 problems with 367 URLs 247 See also Infrared Beep for new mail 169 Blind copies 158, 188 Blinking asterisk 171 Bluetooth entering passkey 112, 367 HotSync operations 287–289 making connections 305 phone connection 109–117 preferences 299–306 status bar button 17 Bold font for text 52 Bookmarking web pages 248–250 Brightness control Pen preferences 307 status bar 18Broken envelope icon 172, 192 Browsing files on a card 244 Browsing the web 239–241 Business card for beaming 30 Buttons preferences 306–307 C Cache 256 clearing 256 Calendar adding Contacts data to records 50 Agenda View display options 64 alarm 69 archive files (.dba) 33 categories 71 category colors 72 changing event time 71 changing event to untimed 68 conduit for synchronizing 273 conflicting events 75 continuous events 69 creating records 43 Day View display options 65 display Week View 72 displaying Agenda View 64 displaying Day View 65 displaying e-mail messages 64 displaying tasks 64 end time for Day view 77 events spanning midnight 67 fonts 52 menus 77 Month view 73 notes for records 51–52 opening 63 private records 344 purging records 44–45 repeating events 69 scheduling events 69, 71 selecting dates 67 start time for Day view 77 Sunday or Monday to start week 317 untimed events 68 viewing appointment reminders 171 Week view 72, 317, 360 Calibration 13, 316 Call Waiting, disabling 285, 324

Index 381 Calling card, using in phone settings 285, 324 Card Info 79 Caring for the handheld 349 Categories 132 assigning records to 45–46 beaming 29–31 creating 47 default 39, 45 displaying 46, 92, 359 event color codes 71 for bookmarks 248 for saved pages 244 merging 47 renaming 47 sending 32 using in Applications Launcher 39 Cc field 188 Changing home page 253 image download preferences 251 saved page information 244 Charging handheld 3 Check boxes 14 Clearing cache 257 History list 251 reminders 172 Color Theme preferences 308 Combining categories 47 Comma-delimited files, importing data from 33 Command buttons 14 equivalents (Graffiti 2 writing) 42 stroke 42 toolbar 42 Command toolbar activating 42 Communication preferences 297 Bluetooth 299–306 Connection 308–314 Network 319–334 Phone 335 Compression, of images 253 Conduits account information screens 224 for modem HotSync operations 286 for synchronizing applications 361for synchronizing applications, Mac 274 shortcuts 225 SSL and 228 for synchronizing applications 273, 352 synchronizing multiple accounts 227 Conflicting events 75 Connecting service templates 320 to server or ISP 325 to the Internet 238 with a GPRS network 311–312, 319–329 with a non-GSM phone 313–314 with a phone 311–314 Connection mobile phone 237 modifying Web Browser Pro preferences 257 preferences 308–314 preferences for Bluetooth 322 requirements 237 Connection types modem sled, prerequisite for 150 network connection 149 PalmModem accessory, prerequisite for 150 synchronize-only connection 149 Contacts *If Found Call* entry 85 adding custom fields 92 adding e-mail address from 188 adding entry from e-mail 214 archive files (.aba) 33 business card for beaming 30 conduit for synchronizing 273 creating records 43 displaying category 92 displaying data in the Address list 88 finding records 15–50 fonts 52 notes for records 51–52 opening 83 private records 344 sorting records 51 using to address e-mail 188 Content latest web page 245 old web page 245 Controlling Internet access 257

Index 382 Cookies definition 255 enabling or disabling 255 Country default setting 316 Cradle connecting to computer 11 for local HotSync operations 275, 281 viewing data from 337 Creating categories 39, 47 Contacts entries 83–85 currency symbols 100 custom fields in Contacts 92 Expense items 97 expense reports 101 notes for records 51 records 43 ShortCuts 344 signature 134 SMS messages 130 Currency default 100 defining 100 for Expense items 99 Current date 359 Current time 37 Custom currencies and symbols 100 fields in Contacts 92 Cycling through views 63, 83, 105, 139 D Data entry. See Entering data Database upgrading a MultiMail database 148 Databases, downloading 242 Date displaying in World Clock 267 Expense item 98 setting current 262, 314, 359 Tasks record due 141 Date & Time preferences 314–315 Day (Calendar view) 66 Day View display options 65 displaying 65 events spanning midnight 67Daylight Saving options 265 settings 264 DBA (Calendar archive file) 33 Decimal point 317 Default categories 39, 45 currency in Expense 100 Deleted data, saving in archive files 44 Deleting applications 60 bookmarks 250 Desktop software 61 e-mail 208–210 mail in the trash 210 old messages 209 passwords 339 records 44 saved pages 244 service templates 333 See also Purging records Desktop software linking to external files 34, 293 removing 61, 62 saving deleted data in archive file 44 Device assigning name 299 enabling/disabling the user cache 305 types with which you can connect 298 Digitizer 13, 316 calibrating your handheld 13 preferences 316 Disabling autofill 254 cookies 254 JavaScript 255 Disconnecting from the Internet 238 Discovery and connection process 300 defined 300 enabling/disabling the user cache 305 display 39 DNS 330 Domain name system. See DNS Double-booked events 75

Index 383 Download attachments 174 message size 157 messages from phone 131 Downloading files, all types 242 Drafts creating 185 creating in SMS 133 saving 190, 193 Dragging stylus to activate features 307 using the stylus 13 E Editing bookmarks 249 records 43–44 saved pages 244 E-mail adding attachments 204–206 adding Contacts entry from e-mail 214 addresses in Contacts 86 addressing 187 alert for new mail 170 attaching files 165 attaching files from an expansion card 206 attaching files from applications 204 attachments 198–208 auto get notifications 169 beeping for new mail 169 buzzing or blinking for new mail 170 color selection 177 composing 190 creating new messages 186–190 days to synchronize 222 deleting messages on handheld 208–210 display options 177 displaying in Calendar 64 downloading large attachments 202–203 drafts 193 e-mailing URLs 247 emptying trash 210–211 font selection 177 forwarding 194, 195 forwarding attachments 208 getting entire message 165getting on desktop 216–221 getting subject only 165 HTML 176 icons 174, 193 leaving mail on server 156 marking read and unread 211–213 maximum message size 157 message format 176 notification options 170 personal signature 193, 214 preferences 213–214 reading 164 replying to 195–197 saving attachments to expansion card 203 scheduling auto get mail 167 send retry 192 sending 190 signature, adding 158 storing in Outbox 190 trash 210 URLs in messages 197 viewing attachments 198–201 E-mail account auto get mail 167 before setting up 149 checking for new messages 164, 165 color selection 177 corporate 151 creating new 152–157 default mail service 161–162 deleting accounts 160–161 display options 177 displaying Inbox 164 editing accounts 160 font selection 177 incoming and outgoing server 154 notification option 169 password 154 problems with 164 synchronization options 216–221 synchronizing 215, 226–227 troubleshooting 164 username 154 Emptying the History list 251 Enabling autofill 254 cookies 254 JavaScript 255

Index 384 Entering data 21–35 importing from other applications 33–35 problems with 359 using the computer keyboard 32 using the onscreen keyboard 21 Envelope icon 174 Error log 216 ESMTP 150 adding to an account 163 Euro in Expense 99, 100 in Graffiti 2 writing 27 in onscreen keyboard 22 Events, Calendar 63 Exclamation marks in Tasks 146 Expansion adding hardware 11 using cards 79 Expansion Card applications 38 copying applications 39 described 12 formatting 80 renaming 79 Expansion card 244 Expense creating records 97 currency 99 date of item 98 defining new currency 100 menus 102 overview 97 receipt details 98 reports 101 type 99, 102 vendor 99 Extended MAPI 217 External keyboard 35 F FAQs. See Frequently asked questions FCC Statement 375 File types that can be downloaded 242 Files error log 216 linking to external 34, 293 Finding information in applications 47phone numbers 50 status bar button 17 using the Find application 48 Folders creating new 185 viewing other 177 Fonts 53 choosing fonts in applications 52 setting size in Web Pro 251 Formats preferences 316 Forwarding e-mail 194 Frequently asked questions application problems 359 beaming and sending problems 367 HotSync problems 361 operating problems 357 password problems 370 phone connection problems 367 recharging problems 370 software installation problems 356 tapping and writing problems 359 VersaMail problems 369 Frozen handheld 358 Full-screen Writing description 23 status bar button 17, 24 with keyboard 21 G Games 347 General preferences 170, 346–348 alarm LED 347 alarm sounds 346 alarm vibrate 347 Date & Time 314–315 Digitizer 316 Formats 316–317 Graffiti 2 317 Power 336–338 Sounds & Alerts 346–348 system sounds 346 Getting e-mail checking for new messages 165 GPRS network connecting to 319–329 GPRS defined 311 loss of network connection 328

Index 385 sending an INIT string 327–328 service limitations 328 Graffiti 2 alphabet 24 Command stroke 42 designated input areas 23 Full-screen Writing 23 input areas 8, 22 menu commands 42 online Help 307 preferences 317 problems using 359 ShortCuts for entering data 344–346 symbols 27 Graphics pick list 253 GSM phones accessing the Internet 326 and GPRS networks 311 connecting with 311–312 entering passkey 112, 367 requirement for SMS 129 H Handheld alarm 171 blinking 170 buzzing 170 increasing space on your handheld 12 vibrating 171 Hard reset 351, 357 Hardware add-ons 11 Help online tips 15 Hiding records 342 History list clearing 251 definition 250 limit 250 Home page changing 253 returning to 241 status bar button 17 HotSync Bluetooth operations 287–289 buttons preferences 306 conduits for synchronizing applications 273, 352conduits for synchronizing applications, Mac 274 customizing 273, 274 first-time operation 274–278, 294–296 IR operation 278–281 linking to external files 34, 293 local operation 270, 275, 362, 363 local operation on Mac 277 modem operation 271, 282–287, 365 modem settings 283 network operation 290–293 operations using cradle 281, 309 operations using IR port 278–280, 310 performing wireless HotSync operation 289 problems with 361–366 problems with IR 366 restoring data 352–353 selecting HotSync operations on your handheld 289 setting options 269–271 starting Manager 215 synchronize active accounts 215 synchronizing e-mail 227 user profiles 293 Hyperlink. See Link I Icon Bookmark 249 broken envelope 172, 192 for e-mail messages 174, 193 HotSync Manager 215 paperclip 174 VersaMail e-mail 174 Icons Add/Remove Programs 61 alarm 69 application 14 Back 241 Find 48 Forward 241 Home Page 241 HotSync Manager 59 lock 31 menu 42 note 52 on handheld buttons 8

Index 386 online Tips 15 Open URL 239 Quick Install 55 Refresh 245 repeating event 69, 143, 144 Stop 242 Tips 15 USB 3 Web 237 Idle timeout of ISP or server connection 329 Images changing download preferences in Web Pro 253 compression 253 copying from web pages 246 IMAP adding an account 153 ESMTP synchronization in 220 server options 156 synchronize an account 220 Importing data 33–35 Inbox Reminders screen and 172 synchronizing 222 viewing mail 164–165 Incoming mail server 154 Indicator light 9, 347 Infrared connections 309 HotSync operations 278–280, 310 port 10, 29, 278 problems with IR HotSync operations 366 requirements for computer 278 INIT string, sending 327–328 Initialization string 310 Input area location 8 Installing applications 54–60 conduit to install applications 273 Internet access 237, 257 entering ISP information 326 using non-GSM phones to access 313 IP address 329, 330 IR port 10 See also Beaming and Infrared IR. See Infrared IrCOMM 29, 278, 309IrDA (Infrared Data Association) 29, 278 ISP changing 258 entering ISP information 326 login script 150 requirements for 149 requiring APOP 163 requiring ESMTP 163 J JavaScript, enabling and disabling 255 Jumping to another web page 241 K Keyboard computer 32 onscreen 21, 307 onscreen types 22 portable 35 L LED 9, 347 Letters font style 53 Graffiti 2 24 onscreen keyboard 21 Link colors, changing 252 definition 241 downloading files 242 unvisited links 252 visited links 252 See also Connection Location adding 264–266 deleting 266 displaying secondary 267 modifying 266 setting primary 262, 264, 314 setting secondary 264 Locking the handheld with a password 307, 335, 340–341 Logging informational errors 216 Login script 150 Login scripts network 331–333