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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-27 The Digital Loss Plan 4 The d ig ital loss plan is sig nific antly d ifferent from the VNL. Sinc e the two loss p lans d o d iffer, it c annot b e assumed that the p ort-to-p ort losses measured in an all-d ig ital network or in a c omb ined d ig ital and analog network are the same as the loss measured b etween the same p orts in an all-analog network. G2.2 and G3V2 systems p rovid e for imp lementing the dig ital loss p lan sp ec ified b y ANSI/EIA/TIA-464-A-1989. There are two versions of the d ig ital loss p lan. The early version is c alled digital fixed loss plan and the later version is c alled ISL digital low loss plan . D i g i t a l C O s , s u c h a s AT&T 5 ESSe s o r N o r t h e r n Te le c o m DMS 100s, and toll switc hes, suc h as AT&T 4ESSes, also imp lement p arts of the digital loss plan. The d ig ital loss p lan req uires a 6-d B loss (c onnec tion loss) from the switc h p ort at one end to the switc h p ort at the other end for p rivate d ig ital networks. Transmission p erformanc e for p rivate networks using this 6-d B loss sp ec ific ation is very g ood . The p ub lic -network and d ig ital COs have a similar 6-dB req uirement. Private-network to pub lic -network c onnec tions result in a total c onnec tion loss of 12 dB — possibly more depending on the public network switch and factors suc h as whether a c hannel b ank is used . Transmission p erformanc e for this typ e of c onnec tion is generally c onsid ered marg inal, and if another p rivate-network c onnec tion (another 6 d B of loss) is ad d ed , then the end -to-end transmission p erformanc e b ec omes unac c ep tab le. These typ es of c onnec tions and their unac c ep table transmission p erformanc e were the motivation for d evelop ing the ISL digital low loss plan. For G2.2 and G3V2 systems, the ad ministration op tions of the ISL low loss p lan allows you to op timize transmission p erformanc e for those p rivate network to p ublic network typ es of c onnec tions at the planning and installation stag e. With p rop er d esig n and app lic ation, the ISL d ig ital low loss p lan makes p ossib le a sig nific ant imp rovement in transmission p erformanc e for c all-forward ed c alls involving off-network c onnec tions. Some q uantity of c onnec tion loss is d esirab le and d elib erately eng ineered into most typ es of transmission links. The q uantity of loss (mag nitud e and numb er of d Bs) d epend s on the loss p lan that is administered and the p artic ular type of fac ility involved . Eac h p artic ular set of p ort-to-p ort c onnec tion losses is known as a loss pad group. Connec tion loss serves to eliminate or signific antly red uc e talker ec ho on long -d istanc e transmission links. User p erc eption of transmission performanc e is p rimarily a func tion of the network c onnec tions most freq uently used and the p artic ular loss p lan ad ministered for those c onnec tions. Onc e a loss p lan is selec ted and ad ministered , the transmission p erformanc e b ec omes a fixed func tion of c all routing . Reg ardless of the loss p lan that is used , the op eration of the other switc h features will not b e affec ted . The d ig ital loss p lan p rovid es for the flexib le assig nment of loss-p ad g roup s on a trunk-g roup b asis that is ind epend ent of trunk typ e and also of the p ort c irc uit

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-28 The Digital Loss Plan 4 p ac k typ e (DS1 or analog ). Before the availab ility of this ad ministration c ap ab ility, loss-p ad -g roup assig nment had b een fixed , transp arent, and d ic tated b y the trunk typ e and p ort c irc uit p ac k typ e b eing used . For examp le with fixed loss, a p ort on a G2.2 c irc uit pac k ad ministered as trunk typ e 47 is automatic ally assig ned the EIA d ig ital tie trunk p ad g roup . Conversely, with the low-loss op tion, a trunk g roup ad ministered as trunk typ e 47 or 70 c an b e assig ned one of several loss-p ad g roup s and thus ap p ear on either an analog or d ig ital p ort. Therefore, the d ig ital loss p lan op tions that are ad ministered d ep end on the ap plic ation and the c onfig uration of the transmission fac ilities. For examp le, ap plic ation may inc lud e suc h items as whether the fac ility is a DMI-to-host link, and whether the c onnec tion is on-p remises to on-p remises, or on-p remises to off-p remises. Config uration of the transmission fac ilities may inc lud e: nWhether the c onnec tion is c omp leted via a p rivate network or a c omb ination of p rivate and p ub lic networks nWhether the end -to-end c onnec tion is c omp leted via all dig ital or a c omb ination of analog and d ig ital switc hing fac ilities Loss-Plan Implementation The d ig ital loss plan op tions vary b etween G3V2 and G2.2 as desc rib ed next. Generic 2.2 Loss Plan Implementation The d ig ital loss plan op tions are ad ministered by sp ec ifying an enc ode that c orresp ond s to the d esired pad g roup. For line ap p lic ations, this information is translated in field 8 of procedure 000, word 1. For trunk applications, this information is translated in field 13 of proc ed ure 101, word 1. The p ermitted enc odes and their c orresp ond ing loss-p lan func tion for trunks are listed in Ta b l e 4-9: Table 4-9. Digital Loss Plan Encodes Encode Loss-Plan FunctionANSI/EIA/TIA-464-A-1 989 Designator 0 The digital fixed-loss plan pad loss is determined b y the trunk typ e ad ministered in proc ed ure 100, word 1— 1 ISL tie trunk S/DTT 2 EIA tie trunk (rec ommend ed for ISDN) D/TT 3 ISL d ig ital CO D/CO -3/3 loss 4 EIA d ig ital CO D/CO 0/6 loss 5 d ig ital toll offic e D/TO Continued on next page

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-29 The Digital Loss Plan 4 Althoug h the d ig ital loss p lan p rovid es for the assig nment of a loss-p ad g roup ind ep end ent of p ort typ e (analog or d ig ital), there are c ertain restric tions. Ad ministration d oes not p rovid e for alternate p ort ap p earanc e on DS1 p ort c irc uit p ac ks for the following lab eled p ad g roup s: analog tie trunk, analog CO trunk (terminal b alanc ed ), analog CO trunk (not b alanc ed). The TSI arithmetic log ic unit (ALU) und er mod ule p roc essor c ontrol ac tually inserts (d ig itally) the ad ministered q uantity of loss in the c onnec tion. The TN380D mod ule p roc essor (or later) is req uired for p rovid ing the full d ig ital low loss p lan. Therefore, to imp lement any p ortion of the low loss p lan, it is essential to have b oth the ap prop riate hard ware (TN380D) and software issue. A network c onsisting of some nod es that imp lement the fixed -loss p lan and other nodes that implement the low loss p lan are p ermitted . However, their transmission performanc e is the same as for an all fixed -loss network. G3V2 Loss Plan Implementation G3V2 systems imp lement the full d ig ital loss p lan. The ap prop riate loss value is ad ministered , for the p artic ular trunk g roup , b y entering # in the Name field for sc reens on p ag es 2 thoug h 5 of the trunk-g roup memb er assig nments. Noted b elow are the minor differenc es in names (terminology) used for G3V2 and those used for G2.2. The following list id entifies the op tion values: 6 analog toll offic e A/TO 7NI2A (AUTOPLEX ® NETWORK Interfac e V)— 8 N I 2 B (A U TO PL EX N ETWO RK I n t e rf a c e Y) — Loss p lanpbx-eia — for p rivate-network-only ap p lic ations that use analog tie trunks or d ig ital tie trunks pbx-low — for use with c omb ination tie trunks (p rivate networks tand emed with p ub lic networks) toll — for use with c onnec tions to an analog toll offic e or d ig ital toll offic e Dig ital c onn lossnormal — same as the EIA op tions used with G2.2 low — same as the ISL op tions used with G2.2; rec ommend ed for c omb ination tie-trunk ap p lic ations where low sp eec h volume is a p rob lem b ut ec ho is not a p rob lem Table 4-9. Digital Loss Plan Encodes — Continued Encode Loss-Plan FunctionANSI/EIA/TIA-464-A-1 989 Designator Continued on next page

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-30 The Digital Loss Plan 4 Port-to-Port Loss Values The p ort-to-p ort loss values shown in Tab le 4-10, can be used to determine the c orrec t loss b etween two p rop erly terminated p orts of a d ig ital switc h. To d etermine the c orrec t end-to-end loss for a tand em c onnec tion (throug h b oth an analog and dig ital switc h), simp ly add up the losses in eac h leg . Comb ination tie trunks are freq uently enc ountered when station-to-station c alls are being c ompleted. Depending on the partic ular facilities involved, some unexp ec ted losses may b e enc ountered . For the network shown in the fig ure, if a c all is mad e from an on-p remises station (ONS) on one of the analog switc hes tand eming throug h the d igital switc h to an ONS on the other analog switc h, an end -to-end loss of 6 d B should be measured in eac h d irec tion. However, if a c all is mad e from an ONS on the d ig ital switc h to an ONS on either one of the analog switc hes, an end -to-end loss of 9 d B should b e measured in eac h d irec tion. This 3-d B d ifferenc e is a result of analog and d ig ital loss p lan differenc es and should be expected. Before sp ec ific loss information is g iven, the following imp ortant p oints should b e rememb ered : nThere are no ad justab le attenuators assoc iated with DEFINITY ports. Port-to-p ort losses are c omp osed of d istrib uted losses in the p orts and in the internal c onnec tion mad e b etween the p orts. The loss for the internal c onnec tion is a func tion of the p ort typ e and the numb er of p orts on the c onnec tion. Different p ort typ es (suc h as, d ig ital CO, d ig ital tie trunk, digital off-premises station) use the same DS1/CEPT1 hardware. Table 4-10. Digital Loss Plan (Port-to-Port Losses) Transmit DirectionReceive Direction (Values in dB loss) ONS- Line Tr kOPS- LineANA L Tie Tr kCOMB or DTTAnalog CO Tr u n kEIA DCO Tr kISL CTTAT O Tr kDTO Tr kISL DCO BAL NBAL On-p remises station (ONS)6 3 3 3 00 3 363 3 Off-p remises station (OPS)3 0 2 0 00 0 230 0 Analog tie trunk (A/TT) 3 2 0 -3 0 2 2 0 0 -3 2 Comb ination or dig ital tie trunk (D/TT)9 6 3 0 36 6 630 3 Analog CO trunk (A/CO)BAL 0 0 0 -3 00 0 020 0 NBAL 0 0 2 0 02 2 220 2 EIA d igital CO trunk (D/CO 0/6 loss)3 0 2 0 02 0 030 0 Continued on next page

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-31 The Digital Loss Plan 4 NOTE: A terminal b alanc ed trunk is d efined as meeting an ERL of g reater than or eq ual to 18 dB and an SRL of g reater than or eq ual to 10 dB, when measured into a q uiet termination at the CO. nPort-to-p ort losses in Generic 2.2 and Generic 3V2 c onform to the ANSI digital loss plan standard. Tab le 4-10 is an exc erp t from this stand ard . If other vendors’ switc hes are used in the same network, p ort-to-p ort loss measurements throug h suc h a switc h will have value only after verific ation of this switc h’s p ort-to-port loss sp ec ific ation. Conformanc e with ANSI stand ard s g reatly simp lifies this p roc ess and red uc es the likelihood of c omp atib ility prob lems. nThe loss b etween switc hes is 0 d B over d ig ital fac ilities, 1 d B for c omb ination fac ilities, and VNL for analog fac ilities. nIf the losses in a switc h network have b een verified c orrec t and sp ec ific p rob lems assoc iated with the loss p lan remain, the ap p rop riate transmission engineering organization should b e c onsulted . DS1/CEPT1 Port Losses All DS1/CEPT1 c irc uit-p ac k c hannels, reg ard less of the typ e of p ort for whic h they are used , are transparent (zero loss) and p reserve d igital b it integ rity. All c onnec tion losses are inserted in the switc h network in c onformanc e with the d ig ital loss p lan and d ep end ent on switc h ad ministration op tions. ISL d ig ital tie trunk ( S/ D TT)3 2 0 0 02 0 030 0 Analog toll offic e trunk (A/TO)6 3 0 -3 22 3 30-33 Dig ital toll offic e trunk (D/TO)9 6 3 0 66 6 630 6 ISL dig ital CO trunk (D/CO -3/3 loss)3 0 2 -3 02 0 030 0 Table 4-10. Digital Loss Plan (Port-to-Port Losses) — Continued Transmit DirectionReceive Direction (Values in dB loss) ONS- Line Tr kOPS- LineANA L Tie Tr kCOMB or DTTAnalog CO Tr u n kEIA DCO Tr kISL CTTAT O Tr kDTO Tr kISL DCO BAL NBAL Continued on next page

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-32 The Digital Loss Plan 4 Terminating a DS1 at a Channel Bank The DS1 c hannels that leave the switc h in d ig ital form and are c onverted to analog form b y a c hannel b ank are c alled \E2 c omb ination c hannels. Three b asic types are described below. Tie Trunk Ports To ob tain the req uired c hannel unit losses for c omb ination tie trunks, extend ed -rang e E&M c hannel units (or their equivalent) should b e used . The attenuators on this c hannel unit are set as follows: the transmit (A-to-D) attenuator should b e set to (15.5-Lc ) d B, where Lc is d efined as the loss in the interc onnec ting c ab le b etween the c hannel b ank and the analog switc h, and the rec eive (D-to-A) attenuator should b e set to (12.5-Lc ) d B, where Lc is as ab ove. Setting the c hannel unit attenuators to these values will meet the req uirement for c omb ination tie trunks. This requirement sp ec ifies a net g ain of 2 d B in the A to D d irec tion and a net loss of 4 d B in the D to A direc tion. CO DID Trunk Ports Dig ital g round-start CO, loop -start CO, and Direc t Inward Dial (DID) trunks may (op tionally) terminate on c hannel b anks loc ated at a CO. If this is the c ase, it is the CO’s resp onsib ility to set the c hannel unit losses. As a g uid eline, the net loss should rang e from 1 to 3 d B. Also, the loss should b e the same in b oth d irec tions. OPS Ports Analog off-p remises station (OPS) fac ility req uirements sp ec ify a loss not to exc eed 4 d B in eac h d irec tion. To p rovid e for transmission stab ility (eliminate sing ing and ec ho) with D4-c hannel units, at least 1 d B of loss in b oth d irec tions is req uired from the 2-wire analog hyb rid terminals. Foreig n exc hang e sub sc rib er end c hannel units (FXSs) p rovid e losses ad justab le from 1.0 throug h 1.8 d B. This c ap ab ility p ermits their use with analog fac ilities having losses as g reat as 3 d B, g iving a net loss of 4 d B. FXS end with g ain transfer c hannel units (FXS/GTs) make availab le an ad d itional 2-wire g ain of 6 d B, p ermitting their use with analog fac ilities with losses as g reat as 9 d B. Attenuator, eq ualizer, and b alanc e setting s should b e made with the eng ineering data listed on the c irc uit d etail rec ord . Refer to D4-Channel Bank Channel Units — Ap p lic ation Eng ineering /Carrier Engineering 855-351-105 for eng ineering d esig n information as well as switc h setting s and ap p lic ation notes on D4-c hannel units.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-33 Synchronization 4 Synchronization The DS1/CEPT1 transmit and rec eive buffers for DEFINITY systems operate from a sing le external or internal c lock. Each d ig ital switc h c an accommod ate multiple DS1/CEPT1 or T1/E1 sp ans that link multip le switc hes. These may inc lud e b oth ISDN-PRI and DS1/CEPT1 links. Sinc e eac h switc h c an transmit at a rate d etermined b y its internal c loc k, information will b e lost if the d igital network is not sync hronized to a sing le c loc k. Furthermore, one switc h should b e selec ted as the master and all others should ob tain slave-timing from it. Fi g u re 4 -5 shows various DS1/CEPT1 sync hronization ap p lic ations. Sync hronization issues affec t all network nod es. Compatib ility d etails must b e ad dressed, and a network sync hronization p lan must b e d evelop ed , d ep loyed , and verified to b e installed c orrec tly. The Need for Synchronization The term sync hronization refers to an arrang ement whereb y d ig ital fac ilities op erate from a c ommon c loc k. Whenever d ig ital sig nals are transmitted over a c ommunic ations link, the rec eiving end must b e sync hronized with the transmitting end to read the d ig ital sig nals p rop erly. This arrang ement is c alled link sync hronization. When d ig ital sig nals are transmitted over a network of d igital c ommunic ations links, switc hing nod es, multip lexers, and transmission interfac es, all entities in this network must b e sync hronized tog ether. This is known as network synchronization. With d ig ital transmission, information is c od ed into d isc rete p ulses. When these p ulses are transmitted over a c ommunic ations link, there must b e at least three d ifferent levels of sync hronization. For transmitting d ata, these levels are known as bit, c harac ter, and messag e sync hronization. For pulse-code modulation (PCM) voice transmission, the levels are bit, time-slot, and frame sync hronization. Bit sync hronization refers to the req uirement for the transmitter end and the rec eive end to op erate at the same c loc k rate so that b its are not lost. Other levels of sync hronization refer to the need for the transmitter and rec eiver to ac hieve p rop er p hase alig nment so that the b eg inning and the end of a c harac ter, messag e, time slot, or frame c an b e identified . For sync hronous transmission, d ata is transmitted at a fixed rate. Eac h b it oc c upies a fixed -unit interval. All sig nific ant transitions must c orresp ond to multip les of the fixed -unit interval. Messag e and frame sync hronization are ac hieved b y using sp ec ial c harac ters at the b eg inning and end of the messag e, and b y knowing the numb er of bits c ontained in eac h frame. Fig ure 4-5 shows the exc hang e of d ig ital b it streams b etween various elements that req uire some form of sync hronization. The role of sync hronization is examined in eac h of the three c onfig urations. Fig ure 4-5 A shows one p ossib le c onnec tion between a pair of D4-c hannel b anks. Suc h a c onnec tion (using D4-c hannel b anks) c an typ ic ally b e found with

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-34 Synchronization 4 a p air of analog switc hing systems c onnec ted b y T1-c arrier fac ilities. For this arrang ement, the transmitting portion of eac h c hannel b ank ind ep end ently d etermines the c loc k rates. The rec eiving p ortion of eac h c hannel b ank d erives its c loc k from the inc oming d ig ital b it stream. In this arrangement, the c hannel b anks c onvert the rec eived d ig ital sig nal d irec tly to analog, and there is no req uirement that the two c loc k freq uenc ies p rec isely matc h as the c hannel bank d oes not interfac e to another dig ital system. Figure 4-5. Options for Synchronization Fig ure 4-5 B shows a d ifferent c onnec tion b etween a c hannel b ank and a d ig ital switc hing system. For this c onfig uration, the d ig ital switc h transmits a d ig ital b it stream at the rate (F0) that is d etermined b y its internal c loc k. The d igital switc h must rec eive the inc oming d ig ital b it stream at this same rate (F0). Otherwise, the switc h’s rec eiving b uffer may eventually overrun or und errun. NOTE: Switc hing is d one b y p lac ing the sig nals from individ ual time slots on one link into the time slots on other links using a p roc ess c alled time-slot interc hang e (TSI). For this p roc ess to work p rop erly, b it sync hronization must b e maintained on all links terminating on the d ig ital switc hing nod e, no matter where the links originate. If the averag e transmit rate is faster than the averag e rec eive rate, the rec eive buffer will eventually overrun. If the average receive bit-c loc k rate is faster than Channel bankChannel bank Channel bank Digital bit stream Digital bit stream Digital bit streamA: Not synced B: Loop timed C: Exter nally synced Tr a n s m i t F0 Tr a n s m i t Digital switching system F 0 Digital switching system F 0 Digital switching system F 0 Tr a n s m i tF 0 F0 F0Tr a n s m i t F 0 F0 F0 Transmit F 1 Transmit F 1Receive Receive ReceiveReceive Receive ReceiveAnalog Digital DigitalAnal og Anal og Anal og

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-35 Synchronization 4 the average transmit bit-clock rate, the receive buffer will eventually underrun. It is nec essary to p revent overruns (d eletions) and und erruns (repetitions) b y sync hronizing the network p roperly. Imp rop er sync hronization results in b uffers rep eating or d eleting b its in 1-frame inc rements. NOTE: The d eletion or rep etition of a sing le frame is termed a slip or a c ontrolled slip . For an ind ivid ual d ig ital bit stream, slip s are serious imp airments sinc e d ig ital switc hing systems with imp roperly sync hronized c loc ks will eventually suffer slip s on every rec eived d ig ital b it stream. Notic e in Fi g u re 4 - 5 B that the overrun or und errun p rob lem c an b e p revented b y forc ing the c hannel b ank transmitter to op erate at the same c loc k rate as the rec eive p ortion of the c hannel b ank. This arrang ement is c alled c hannel-b ank loop timing . This b ec omes more c omp lex when two d ig ital switc hes terminate a d ig ital transmission fac ility. Fi g u re 4 -5 C shows this configuration. In Fi g u re 4 - 5 C eac h switc hing system transmits at a rate d etermined b y a referenc e c loc k. Unless the rec eived d ig ital bit stream arrives at the same c loc k rate as its internal c loc k rate, slip s will oc c ur. To p revent or minimize slip s, it is nec essary to forc e b oth switc hing systems to sync hronize on a c ommon referenc e c loc k rate (F0). Both will then b e p art of a sync hronized network, and will read and write their b uffers as they should . The p rimary ob jec tive of network sync hronization is to minimize the slip rate. This is d one b y sync hronizing the c loc ks assoc iated with the switc hing nod es so that all transmissions from these nod es have the same average line rate. For short-term intervals, the switc hing -system rec eive b uffers ab sorb the d ifferenc e b etween the line rate and the averag e rate. These short term variations are c alled jitter. A long -term d ifferenc e will result in a slip . The imp ac t of slip s on a c ustomer varies with the servic es used. For examp le, voic e servic es are fairly insensitive to slip s. Slip rates as hig h as 20 p er sec ond are b arely p erc ep tib le; therefore, sp eec h is not c onsid ered a limiting fac tor in setting slip -rate stand ard s. However, d ata servic es are muc h more sensitive to slip s sinc e eac h b it of data is a d isc rete p iec e of information. For d ata ap plic ations, a slip (at any slip rate) req uires retransmission and will ad versely affec t the throug hp ut and d eg rad e performanc e of d ata transmission fac ilities. Slip s c an oc c ur for two b asic reasons: 1. Lac k of or loss of freq uenc y sync hronization among the network nod es (for example, when slips occ ur at a constant, regular rate) 2. Phase mod ulation of the transmitted d ig ital b it streams d ue to environmental variations of the transmission fac ilities (suc h as temp erature variations that affec t the elec tric al leng th of a transmission line) Therefore, even if all network nod es are sync hronized , slip s c an still oc c ur d ue to transmission imp airments.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-36 Synchronization 4 Synchronization Hierarchy Within North Americ a, all p rivate d igital telec ommunic ations fac ilities that c onnec t to the p ub lic dig ital network must ob tain sync hronization b y the hierarc hic al method. This method is based on: 1. Controlling the slip rate to provid e satisfac tory servic e to the c ustomer 2. Maximum reliab ility 3. Minimum c osts 4. Ease of administration 5. Ease of maintenanc e For the hierarc hic al method , a nod e c ontaining a very stable referenc e freq uenc y is id entified as the sourc e or master referenc e. The master referenc e is transmitted to another nod e that is sync hronized (slaved ) to this master referenc e. A network imp lementing this method is hierarc hic al in nature with nod al c loc ks sup plying the sync hronization freq uenc y to c ertain other nod es, whic h in turn sup p ly the referenc e to still other nod es. Fi g u re 4 -6 shows a hierarchical network configuration. With the hierarc hic al method , the existing d ig ital transmission fac ilities are used to d istrib ute the referenc e freq uenc y. For examp le, with a T1-c arrier, the slave nod es c an d erive their referenc e c loc k from the DS1 b it rate. Sinc e the c loc k freq uenc y is d erived from the d ig ital b it stream, the traffic -c arrying c ap ac ity of a c arrier system is not d iminished (that is, the b and wid th is not used to c arry a sep arate cloc k signal). Reliable op eration is an imp ortant c onsid eration for all p arts of a telec ommunic ations network. So, the sync hronization network should c onsist of both primary and secondary sync hronization fac ilities. In ad d ition, eac h nod e must b e eq uip p ed with an internal c loc k that (with automatic switc hing ) c an bridge short disruptions of the primary and secondary synchronization reference. Therefore, if sync hronization is d isrup ted , the internal c loc k will assume c ontrol. The internal c loc k will d rift at a rate d etermined b y its stab ility (also c alled free run ab ility or ac c urac y).