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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-17 Channel Structure and Signaling 4 Notes: 1. CO is any of the following trunk types: CO, FX, and WATS. 2. Tie is any of the following trunk typ es: ac c ess, tie, tand em, RLT, ap lt. 3. If CAS is used on a CO trunk typ e, the c ountry p rotoc ol must b e c orrec t for that c ountry. 4. The TN767 c annot b e used for ISDN PRI sig naling on a G3rV2. It c an b e used as an NFAS b oard , however, c ontaining all B c hannels (isd n-ext). Table 4-7. DS1/CEPT1 Port Boards Signaling Summary Board CodeNo. Voice/ Data ChannelsBit Rate (mbps) Companding SignalingTrunk Ty p e TN72223 1.544 mu-lawc omm-c han Tie 24 rob bed -b it Tie TN722B23 1.544 mu-lawc omm-c han 24 rob bed -b it Tie TN76723 1.544 mu-lawc omm-c han CO/DID/Tie 24 rob bed -b it CO/DID/Tie 23 isd n-p ri ISDN (G3iV2) 24 isd n-ext ISDN TN464C 23 1.544 mu-law c omm-c han Tie 24 1.544 mu-law rob bed -b it CO/DID/Tie 23 1.544 A-law/mu-law isd n-p ri ISDN 24 1.544 A-law/mu-law isd n-ext ISDN 30 2.048 A-law/mu-law isd n ISDN 31 2.048 A-law/mu-law isd n-ext ISDN 30 2.048 A-law/mu-law CAS CO/DID/Tie

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-18 Line Coding 4 Line Coding Line c oding is the pattern that d ata assumes as it is prop ag ated over a c ommunic ations c hannel. Dig ital trunks on DEFINITY systems use the following line cod ing s: nAlternate Mark Inversion (G3 V2 only, CEPT1 interfac es only) nAlternate Mark Inversion with Zero Cod e Sup p ression (all systems, DS1 interfac es only) nAlternate Mark Inversion with Bip olar 8 Zero Sub stitution (all systems, DS1 interfac es only) nAlternate Mark Inversion with High Density Bip olar 3-b it Substitution (G3 V2 only, CEPT1 interfac es only) Sinc e all of these line c od ing sc hemes emp loy Alternate Mark Inversion (AMI) line c od ing , the rest of this d oc ument refers to AMI with zero c od e sup p ression (ZCS) as ZCS, AMI with b ip olar 8 zero sub stitution (B8ZS) as B8ZS, and AMI with hig h density b ip olar 3-b it sub stitution (HDB3) as HDB3. Governing line c od ing is a set of parameters that must b e defined for all d ig ital transmissions. These transmission p arameters sp ec ify the voltag e levels and p atterns in whic h 1s and 0s c an ap p ear on the line. The p arameters c hosen for a given transmission stream must meet the req uirements set b y the hard ware throug h whic h the d ata is to b e transmitted . Most notab le among these req uirements are two estab lished b y the AT&T network. The first of these req uirements states that the voltag e on the line should b e a net DC 0. Alternate mark inversion (AMI) was ad op ted to fulfill this req uirement. The sec ond req uirement, known as the ones density req uirement, states that in every stream of 15 c onsec utive b its, a one must ap p ear. If the d ensity of 1s is not g reat enoug h, loss of sync hronization results. Zero c od e sup p ression (ZCS), b inary 8-zero substitution (B8ZS), and high d ensity bip olar (HDB) line c od ing were ad opted to meet this req uirement. Fi g u re 4 - 3 shows the rep resentation of 0s and 1s in AMI line c oding :

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-19 Line Coding 4 Figure 4-3. Alternating Mark Inversion Alternating Mark Inversion Line Coding All transmissions g enerated b y d ig ital trunk ports are enc od ed in AMI. AMI was d esig ned to fill the line rep eater’s need for d ep end ab le and rec urring voltag e c hanges on the line. With AMI, every 1 in the transmission stream c hang es the line state alternately to either + 3 volts or -3 volts. That is, every other 1 is rep resented as + 3 volts, with the following 1 being rep resented as -3 volts. A zero is always represented as 0 volts. Note that AMI line c od ing d oes not g uarantee the p roper density of 1s in the transmission. The AMI op tion is available on G3V2, however, by entering none in the Line Coding field in the DS1 circuit pack form. ZCS Line Coding Zero Cod e Sup p ression (ZCS) line c od ing is AMI line c od ing c omb ined with a sc heme to ensure the prop er d ensity of 1s in the transmission. It ensures that eac h transmitted AMI b yte c ontains at least one 1. DS1 p orts that are ad ministered for ZCS line c od ing examine eac h b yte, one time slot at a time, and arb itrarily sub stitute a 1 for the sec ond least-sig nific ant b it of any all-zeros b yte they find . Note that rep lac ing a 0 with a 1 will not affec t voic e c ommunic ations b ut will c orrup t d ig ital d ata c ommunic ations. B8ZS Line Coding Like ZCS, Bipolar 8 zero substitution (B8ZS) line c od ing is AMI line c od ing c omb ined with a sc heme to ensure the p rop er d ensity of 1s in the transmission. B8ZS line c od ing is used only on DS1 interfac es in DEFINITY systems. B8ZS line cydfalmi RPY 060497 v(t) t 00 0 111111 +3 -3

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-20 Line Coding 4 c od ing sub stitutes a p red etermined b it string for every g roup of eig ht c onsec utive zeros that it find s in the transmission stream. The p red etermined sub stitute string c ontains intentional b ip olar p ulse violations so that it c an b e rec ognized at the rec eiving end . Thus, unlike with ZCS, B8ZS line c od ing will not c orrup t d ig ital d ata b ec ause the far end rec og nizes the sub stitution so that it c an b e restored to its original d ata. B8ZS works as follows: 1. The transmitting DS1 b oard (or other B8ZS line eq uip ment) d etec ts 8 c onsec utive 0s. 2. If the value of the last 1 transmitted was a + voltag e, the string of 8 0s is rep lac ed with the following string: 000+ -0-+ . The first + in this string is a b ip olar violation b ec ause the + of the last 1 is followed b y another + . Similarly, the second - in this string is a bipolar violation because it follows the first -. 3. If the last 1 transmitted was a - voltag e, the string of 8 0s is rep lac ed with the following string : 000-+ 0+ -. Here, the first - and the sec ond + are b ip olar violations. 4. At the rec eiving end (assuming the rec eiver understand s B8ZS) this string is rec og nized bec ause of the b ip olar violations and is restored to 8 0s. Figure 4-4. Example of B8ZS Line Coding HDB3 Line Coding Hig h d ensity b inary 3 sub stitution, HDB3, line c od ing, like ZCS and B8ZS, is AMI line c od ing c omb ined with a sc heme to g uarantee 1s d ensity. HDB3 line c od ing rep lac es any string of 4 c onsec utive zeros with one of the following two seq uenc es: cydfb8zs RPY 060597 Uncoded bit stream Pulse stream010011 00000000 111 00000000 00000000 01 0+00-+ 000+-0-+ -+- 000-+0+- 000-+0+- 0 + Intentional violations based on polarity of last 1 transmitted

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-21 Line Coding 4 1. 100V if there has b een an even numb er of 1s sinc e the last substitution. V means a b ip olar violation. For examp le, if the last 1 was a + , the V would be a +. 2. 000V if there has b een an od d numb er of 1s sinc e the last sub stitution. To illustrate HDB3, c onsid er the following string : Input bit stream 1011 0000 01 0000 0000 HDB3-coded bit stream 1011 100V 01 000V 100V HDB3-coded levels -0+- +00+ 0- 000- +00+ When the rec eiver d etec ts the 100V string or the 000V string, it rep lac es it with 0000. Note that HDB3 is the line c od ing tec hniq ue used b y most CEPT1 c ountries with a 2.048 mbps primary rate. HDB3 encoding and decoding is performed by CEPT1 DACS, MX3 multip lexors, ASSET III, and 2.048 mb p s satellite mod ems at the earth stations. Restricted and Unrestricted Facilities and Data A restric ted fac ility is a DS1 or CEPT1 sp an, inc lud ing the interfac e b oard s at eac h end , that p erforms zero c od e substitution at some p oint in the sp an. For examp le, in the U.S., many T1 fac ilities have line rep eaters that use zero c od e suppression. These facilities are c alled restricted because they restrict the type of information that c an b e transp orted on them without b eing c orrup ted . Sp ec ific ally, d ig ital d ata that c ontains an all 0s b yte c annot b e transp orted over restric ted fac ilities without b eing c orrup ted. All other fac ilities, i.e., fac ilities having line c od ing other than ZCS, are unrestric ted . Terms often c onfused with restric ted /unrestric ted fac ilities are restric ted /unrestric ted d ata. Unrestric ted d ata is d ata that must b e transp orted over unrestric ted fac ilities to remain unc orrupted b ec ause it d oes not meet the 1s density req uirements. For end p oints on the DEFINITY systems, mod e 0 d ata, whic h is 64 kb p s d ata with no p rotoc ol pac kag ing , mode 3, whic h is 64 kb p s data p ac kag ed in non-inverted LAPD p rotoc ol, and wid eb and , whic h is the same as mod e 0 but at rates that are multip les of 64 kb ps, are the only typ es of unrestric ted d ata. Furthermore, end p oints on mod e 0 d ata mod ules c an pac kag e the d ata in an HDLC p rotoc ol that c an b e inverted and the mod e 3 b it stream c an b e inverted with an op tion or a c ab le, b oth of whic h result in restric ted d ata. Restric ted data is any data that meets 1s density req uirements b y never send ing an all zero b yte, and thus c an b e transp orted over either restric ted or unrestric ted fac ilities. For end points on the DEFINITY systems, mod e 1 and mod e 2 meet the 1s d ensity req uirements and thus are restric ted d ata. Mod e 1 d ata meets 1s d ensity req uirements bec ause one c ontrol b it exists in every b yte and this b it is always 1. Mod e 2 d ata meets 1s d ensity req uirements b ec ause the user data is p ac kag ed in inverted HDLC p rotoc ol. When HDLC or LAPD is inverted (all 0s c hang ed to 1s and all 1s c hang ed to 0s), 1s d ensity is always

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-22 Line Coding 4 ac hieved . Mod e 3 d ata is restric ted if it is inverted b ec ause it is p ac kag ed in an un-inverted LAPD protocol. NOTE: The terms restric ted d ata and unrestric ted data are c onfusing b ec ause restric ted d ata is d ata that c an b e transp orted over any fac ility and is thus less restric ted (in an intuitive sense) than unrestric ted d ata, whic h is restric ted to b eing transp orted over unrestric ted fac ilities. The following tab le shows the relationship b etween restric ted /unrestric ted fac ilities and d ata: NOTE: If you ad minister B8ZS or HDB3 at the end p oints b ut send the data over fac ilities that are restric ted somewhere b etween the end p oints, the d ata will b e c orrup ted b ec ause the line rep eaters will not p ass the b ip olar violations throug h unaltered . Tab le 4-8 summarizes the c ap ab ilities of various narrowb and d ata end p oints sup p orted on DEFINITY systems:Restric ted Data (mode 2, mod e 1 inverted mode 3)Restricted Facility (ZCS ad ministered )Unrestric ted Fac ility (B8ZS, HDB3, or none ad ministered ) Uncorrupted Uncorrupted Unrestric ted Data (mod e 0, mode 3, wideband)Corrupted Uncorrupted Table 4-8. Data Modules Capabilities Data ModuleDMI ModeUser Data Rate Sync Async Bit InvertProtocol Packaging Handshake Comments 7400 HSL 0 64 kb p s yes no op tion none none 1 56 kbp s yes no no DDS none 7400 series 2 to 19.2 kb p s No Yes Yes HDLC Mod e 2 DTDM 2 to 19.2 kb p s Yes Yes Yes HDLC Mod e 2 AUDIX CMS MPDM2 to 19.2 kb p s Yes Yes Yes HDLC Mod e 2 Other MPDMs0 64 kb p s Yes No Yes No None Note 2 1 56 kb p s Yes No No DDS None Note 2 Continued on next page

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-23 Line Coding 4 Notes: 1. The mod e-2 hand shake will not work over other than 64-kb p s fac ilities (for example, robbed-bit facilities). 2. Other MPDMs are the High Speed Sync hronous MPDM and the Vid eo Teleconferenc ing MPDM. The only difference b etween them is that the Vid eo Teleconferenc ing MPDM has an RS-366 interfac e for keyb oard dialing . Both MPDMs p rovid e a V.35 interfac e for information interc hang e. 3. Mod e 3/2 ad aptive means that a mode-3 hand shake is attemp ted first. An algorithm is then followed to determine the far-end’s d ata mod e and either switc h to mode 2 or continue in mod e 3. 3270 A 2 to 9.6 kb p s Yes Yes Yes HDLC Mod e 3/2 adaptNote 3 3 64 kb p s Yes No Yes LAPD/X.25 d ata phaseMod e 3/2 adaptNote 4 3270 T 3 64 kb p s Yes No Yes LAPD/X.25 d ata phaseMod e 3 Note 4 PC/PB X Connec tion with ASCII terminal emulation2 to 19.2 kb p s No Yes Yes HDLC Mod e 3/2 adapt or Mod e 2Note 5 3 64 kb p s No Yes Yes LAPD/X.25 d ata phaseMod e 3/2 adapt PC/PB X w/3270 emulation3 64 kb p s Yes No Yes LAPD/X.25 d ata phaseMod e 3 Note 5 7500 series BRI sets & ADM-T0 64 kbp s Yes No No None None 1 56 kb p s Yes No No DDS None 2 to 19.2 kb p s Yes Yes Yes HDLC Mod e 3/2 adaptNote 6 3 64 kb p s Yes No Yes LAPD/X.25 d ata phaseMod e 3/2 adaptNotes 7, 8 3/2 64 kb p s Yes No Yes LAPD/X.25 d ata phaseMod e 3/2 adaptNotes 7, 8 PC/ISDN Platform with 3270 emulation3 64 or 56 kbp sYes No Yes o r No (op tion)LAPD/X.25 d ata phaseMod e 3 Note 9 PC/ISDN Platform with ASCII terminal emulation2 to 19.2 kb p s No Yes Yes HDLC Mod e 3/2 adapt or Mod e 2 Note 10 3 64 or 56 kbp sYes No Yes o r No (op tion)LAPD/X.25 d ata phaseMod e 3 Note 10 Constellation 3 64 kbp s Yes No Yes LAPD/X.25 d ata phaseMod e 3 Table 4-8. Data Modules Capabilities — Continued Data ModuleDMI ModeUser Data Rate Sync Async Bit InvertProtocol Packaging Handshake Comments Continued on next page

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-24 Line Coding 4 4. Mod e-3 d ata c an only b e c irc uit-switched in Generic 2.2 and G3V2 systems. Also, mod e 3 on the 3270 A and 3270 T req uires a 3270 C on the far-end . 5. Mod e 2 on the PC/PBX c onnec tion is supp orted und er the ASCII terminal emulation p ac kag e. The PC/PBX c onnec tion in mode 2 uses a mod e-3/2 ad ap tive hand shake if the b it rate is set at 64 kb p s. If the rate is set at 19.2 kb ps or slower, a mod e-2 hand shake is used . 3270 emulation on the PC/PBX connection req uires a 3270 C data mod ule on the far-end. Mod e-3 op eration is d efined as sync hronous when in 3270 emulation; otherwise, it is d efined as async hronous. 6. Mod e 2 on the 7500 series is imp lemented in the inc oming (to the 7500) d irection only. Outg oing c alls requiring mod e-2 speeds use the mod e-3/2 ad aptive bearer c apab ility. 7. On outg oing mode-3 and mod e-3/2 ad aptive calls, the 7500 series always inverts b its. On incoming mod e-3 and mod e-3/2 ad ap tive c alls, the 7500 series c hec ks the restric tion bit in the low-layer c ompatibility information element (IE) and either inverts or does not invert, d ep end ing on the c ontents of the IE. This is not done for incoming mod e-0 c alls, however. 8. The alg orithm for the mod e-3/2 hand shake is d ifferent for DCP data mod ules and the 7500. When called , the 7500 d ata mod ule starts a mod e-3 handshake. If it receives a mod e-3 or mode-2 hand shake from the c alling end within a sp ecified numb er of second s, it switc hes to that mod e. Otherwise, it switc hes to mod e 2. If it d oes not receive a mod e-2 hand shake within 15 more sec ond s, it times out and d rop s the c all. 9. Options exist on the PC/ISDN Platform with 3270 emulation to allow the user to c hoose either 56 kbp s or 64 kbp s and to choose to invert or not invert bits. The PC ISDN Platform with 3270 emulation req uires a 3270 C d ata mod ule on the far-end . 10. Options exist on the PC/ISDN Platform with ASCII terminal emulation to allow the user to choose either 56 kb ps or 64 kbp s and to c hoose to invert or not invert b its. Either mode-3/2 adap tive or mode-2 hand shakes are used d epending on the b aud -rate op tion setting . If the setting is 19.2 kb p s or slower, a mod e-2 handshake is used . Mod e-3 op eration is d efined as synchronous when in 3270 emulation; otherwise it is async hronous. For c omp lete d efinitions of the DMI mod es 0, 1, 2, and 3, refer to Dig ital Multip lexed Interfac e (DMI) Tec hnical Sp ec ific ation , selec t cod e 500-029. Ask for the most recent issue. Bit Inversion on ISDN PRI D Channels ISDN PRI D c hannels are c omp osed of d ig ital d ata that must not b e c orrup ted . When transp orting the D c hannel over restric ted fac ilities, however, ZCS must b e ad ministered , whic h will c orrup t the d ata. To guarantee 1s d ensity on the D c hannel without c orrup ting the d ata, all DEFINITY systems automatic ally invert the outg oing and inc oming b it stream on the D c hannel when ZCS is ad ministered . This works b ec ause the D c hannel uses the LAPD p rotoc ol, whic h g uarantees 1s d ensity when inverted . Exc ept for G2.2, the D c hannel is left uninverted for all line c od ing s other than ZCS. In G2.2, if B8ZS is ad ministered you have the op tion in p roc ed ure 260, word 1, field 15, to invert or not invert the D c hannel.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-25 Line Compensation 4 NOTE: It is rec ommend ed that the D c hannel not b e inverted if B8ZS is ad ministered . G2.2 Line Coding Implementation G2.2 imp lements line c od ing in p roc ed ure 260, word1, field 9. This ad ministration is req uired for all DS1-b ased trunk b oard s, inc luding those in the universal mod ule. You c an c hoose either B8ZS or ZCS in this field . If unrestric ted d ata (d ata not meeting the 1s density requirement) is to b e transported over any c hannels on the b oard , you must administer B8ZS and also ensure that the fac ility is unrestric ted end -to-end . If the end -to-end fac ilities are restric ted , ZCS must b e ad ministered , in whic h c ase you will not be ab le to send unrestric ted d ata without it b eing c orrup ted . You c an send restric ted d ata over either restric ted or unrestric ted fac ilities. G3V2 Line Coding Implementation In G3V2 systems, if the CEPT1 (2.048) b it rate is ad ministered , you c an also c hoose none to have AMI-only line c od ing , whic h d oes nothing to g uarantee 1s d ensity requirements, or you c an c hoose hdb3 for HDB3 line c od ing . If the DS1 (1.544) b it rate is ad ministered, you c an administer either b8zs or zcs . As with B8ZS, if HDB3 line c od ing is used , the fac ilities must b e HDB3-c omp atib le end -to-end , whic h means unrestric ted fac ilities. Line Compensation Line c omp ensation is the method used to ensure that the shap e of eac h p ulse in the DS1/CEPT1 b it stream at the terminating end of the c ab le is within the sp ec ific ations of PUB 62411, ACCUNET T1.5 Servic e Desc rip tion and Interfac e Sp ec ific ation . Elec tric al c harac teristic s of a c ab le p lus the c ab le’s leng th d istort the p ulse. A c hip on the DS1 or CEPT1 c irc uit p ac k mod ifies the p ulse, d epend ing on the leng th of the c ab le, so that the p ulse is the c orrec t shap e by the time it reac hes the end of the c ab le. G2.2 trad itional modules, whic h use either the ANN11C or ANN35, imp lement line c omp ensation as hard ware switc hes on the b oards. See the ‘‘ANN11C and ANN35 Line Compensation Jumper Settings’’ sec tion in Chapter 3, ‘‘Eq uip ment and Software Requirements’’ for these settings. On G2.2 universal mod ules that use the TN722 or TN767, line c omp ensation is ad ministered in proc ed ure 260, word 1, field 18. The value entered in this field should b e set to the leng th of the c ab le from the DS1 c irc uit p ac k to the CSU. If the c ab le is c onnec ted to another DS1 interfac e that also performs line c omp ensation, the value should b e set to one half the leng th of the c able. In G3V2 systems, line c omp ensation ap p lies only to DS1 (1.544 mb ps) interfac es. G3V2 systems imp lement this c ap ab ility in the DS1 c irc uit p ac k form.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-26 Idle Code 4 The value entered into the Line Compensation field of this form should b e set to the leng th of the c ab le from the DS1/CEPT1 c irc uit p ac k to the CSU. If the c ab le is c onnec ted to another DS1/CEPT1 interfac e that also p erforms line c omp ensation, the value should b e set to one half the leng th of the c ab le. Idle Code Idle c od e is the eig ht-b it seq uenc e that oc c up ies the time slot on a DS1/CEPT1 trunk c hannel when it is not b eing used . In G2.2 this idle c od e is always 11111111. In G3V2 systems, however, this item c an b e ad ministered to b e any p attern of 0s and 1s. The DS1 Circ uit Pac k form has a field c alled Idle Code that allows you to enter the d esired c od e. The following list shows a few examp les of the idle c od e for sp ec ific c ountries; for c ountries that do not d efine the id le c od e, the user must d ec id e whic h one to administer. United States 11111111 Australia 11111111 Italy 01010100 Japan at least 3 1’s must be administered NOTE: On DS1 b oard s ad ministered for rob b ed b it sig naling , the A or B b it, whic h oc c urs every sixth frame, will always b e 0 when id le. In G2.2, you c an forc e this b it to 1 b y d isab ling sig naling in p roc ed ure 116, word 1, field 8 (enter 1 ). In G3V2 systems, the only way to forc e this b it to 1 is to maintenanc e b usy out the c hannel. When the switc h is reinitialized, however, the c hannel will b e released from its b usyout state. The Digital Loss Plan Transmission loss is the total of all losses and g ains (measured in d ec ib els) from one end of a c onnec tion to the other. Distrib uted transmission losses as well as any connec tion loss inserted b y the switch are inc luded . Transmission loss is req uired so that talker ec ho is minimized . Furthermore, transmission loss must b e kep t low enoug h so that sp eec h volume is p erc eived as ad eq uately loud . Two d ifferent loss p lans are availab le. They are known as: nVia-net loss (VNL), whic h has trad itionally b een used to assig n losses for analog c irc uits terminating on an analog switc h nDig ital loss, whic h is used to assig n losses for d ig ital c irc uits terminating on a digital switch The introd uc tion of dig ital switc hing systems and dig ital trunk fac ilities p ermit more flexib le c ontrol of the switc h c onnec tion loss (insertion loss) and thereb y transmission p erformanc e. From the network p ersp ec tive, transmission performance becomes entirely a function of the port-to-port losses (total loss) from all switc hes in the transmission link.