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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-67 G2.2 Administration 6 Procedure 014 Word 1: BCCOS Routing Options This p roc ed ure is req uired to ad minister the attrib utes of eac h BCCOS assignment. Generic 2 permits up to a maximum of 256 different numeric assig nments. The switc h software is sup p lied with numbers (0 through 8) alread y d efined . Eac h numb er (0 throug h 8) has different d efault p arameters. Therefore, eac h numb er is uniq ue and may b e ap p lied to a d ifferent typ e of routing c onfig uration. It is c urrently b elieved that these numb ers may b e ap p lied to meet the need s of most routing c onfigurations. If it is d etermined that the existing BCCOS numb ers d o not meet the need s of a p artic ular routing c onfig uration, then new numb ers may b e d efined . New numb ers should b eg in with 255 and c ontinue in d esc end ing ord er. The d ifferenc es b etween System 85 R2V4 and Generic 2 are: 1. With System 85 R2V4, BC and ISDN routing are ad ministered in p roc ed ure 010, word 4; b ut, with Generic 2 these are moved to p roc ed ure 014, word 1. 2. With System 85 R2V4, the switc h assumes that all user d ata/information will b e p resented for transmission in a form c alled Restric ted . Restric ted means that the d ata/information is enc od ed so that the all-zeroes oc tet will not oc c ur. The DCP d ata mod ules enc ode user d ata into the form Res tr ic ted . With Generic 2, the switc h ad ministration software (p roc edure 014 word 1, field 3) assig ns whether user d ata/information is p resented to the switc h as Restric ted or Unrestric ted . Unrestric ted means that the d ata may c ontain the all-zeroes oc tet. 3. With System 85 R2V4, the AVD b it shows when a mod em p ool is req uired . With Generic 2, the BCCOS with AAR and ARS shows whether a mod em pool is required. Field 1 Translates new (ad d itional) BCCOS numb ers. Field enc od es and their descriptions are: Dash (–) is used when the BCCOS does not support new numbers Numb ers b etween (0 and 255)

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-68 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 2 Assig ns the transp ort mod e. Field encodes and their descriptions are: Field 3 Sp ec ifies whether the end p oint is unrestric ted (1 ) or restric ted (0 ) with resp ec t to incoming calls. It is the AAR/ARS software that routes c alls. This software will b loc k c alls from an unrestric ted typ e to a restric ted typ e. As a c ontrast, the software will route c alls from a restric ted typ e to an unrestric ted typ e. Furthermore, the software will route c alls from restric ted to restric ted , dep end ing on other attributes of the two BCCOS enc od es. Fields 4-13 The translation p arameters ad ministered for field s 4 through 13 d etermine what ac tions the switc h will take for the BCCOS sp ec ified in field 1. Reg ard ing Generic 2, it is imp ortant to rememb er that the ad ministration (of the BCCOS) d etermines when a mod em p ool memb er is ad d ed and not the p artic ular trunk type. By ad ministering the BCCOS on an AAR/ARS p referenc e b asis allows a sing le trunk group to support both circuit switched and modem pooled calls. Field encodes and their descriptions are: Field s 14 throug h 16 are the d efault c ap ab ilities assumed b y the switc h for an orig inating fac ility (on this switc h) that d oes not have a BCCOS IE (non-ISDN). The switc h assumes these d efault c ap abilities are ac c ep tab le to the orig inating fac ility when it tries to c onnec t the orig inating fac ility to the terminating fac ility. These d efault c ap ab ilities are not the p red efined BCCOSs that d efault throug h administration. Field 14 Assig ns a p ac ket switc hed (1 ) or a circuit switched (0 ) c all transp ort mod e 0 Circ uit switc h the c all 1 Packet switch the call 3 Both c irc uit and p ac ket 0 Circ uit switc h the c all 1 Insert a mode 2 modem pool 3 Bloc k the c all

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-69 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 15 Assig ns a c lear (1 ) or a restric ted (0 ) c hannel typ e. This relates to c alls outgoing from an end p oint, exc ep t for DMI mod es 0 or 3. Field 16 The d efault BC c lass (BCC). Used for an outg oing c all BC IE (exc ep t for BRI modes ). Procedure 014 Word 2: BCCOS Data Options This p roc ed ure is used to d efine the d ata c ap ab ilities for the mod em p ools. The d ata rates selec ted are d ep end ent on loc al requirements and the p artic ular type of analog mod em used . Field 1 Translates BCCOS mod em p ool sup p ort. Field enc od es and their d esc rip tions are: Dash (–) is used when the BCCOS does not sup p ort mod em p ools Numb ers b etween (0 and 255) Fields 2-10 These field s selec t the d ata rates (64000, 56000, 19200, 9600, 4800, 2400, 1200, 300, or low speed) supported by this modem pool. Field encodes and their descriptions are:0 Vo i c e 1 Mod e 1 2 Mod e 2 3 Mod e 3 4 Mod e 0 5 Voic e g rad e d ata 6 Unknown digital 7 Unknown analog 8 Mod e 3/2 9 X. 2 5 0 Not supported 1 Supported

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-70 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 11 Defines if sync hronization is (1 ) or is not (0 ) supported. Field 12 Defines if half (1 ) or full (0 ) duplex operation is supported. Field 13 Defines if an external (1 ) or an internal (0 ) c loc k sourc e is used . Field 14 Whenever a mod em p ool sup p orts more than one d ata rate it is g enerally d esirab le to assig n one d ata rate as a d efault or first c hoic e. Field enc od es and their desc rip tions are numb ers (1 throug h 9; whic h c orresp ond to Low, 300,...64000-b p s resp ec tively). Procedure 010 Word 4: Line Side (B-Channel) ISDN Routing Options Field 1 When ISDN is ad ministered, eac h COS assig nment must have an assoc iated BC and ISDN routing assig nment. That is to say that whenever ISDN is enab led , all COS assignments must also be translated for procedure 010, word 4. COS assig nments must b e within the 2-d ig it rang e of 1 throug h 63. Field 2 This field s enc od es are only useful for AUTOVON ap p lic ations. Dash (–) is ap prop riate for ISDN ap p lic ations. Field 3 This field shows the ISDN-PRI routing op tion. Field enc od es and their descriptions are: 0 Any typ e of trunking fac ility is OK. The 0 op tion should be used when there are no spec ific req uirements for ISDN-PRI trunks. Generally, this will inc lud e all voic e and voic e-g rad e d ata ap p lic ations (BC c od e = 0) exc ep t those where user-to-user information transfer is d esired (for examp le, SID/d isp lay).

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-71 G2.2 Administration 6 Procedure 100 Word 1: Trunk Group Type Signaling and Dial Access (ID) Code Translating word 1 is the first step in estab lishing trunk g roup s. Those trunk groups established for ISDN applications may be of the same design as those for non-ISDN ap p lic ations, exc ep t for the typ e of sig naling used . Or, they may (op tionally) b e d esig ned to take maximum ad vantag e of the ISDN c ap ab ilities (suc h as with the Integ rated Telemarketing Gateway or ITG). Field 1 Assig ns a trunk g roup numb er. Permitted entries inc lude any not alread y used numb er within the rang e of 18 throug h 999. Field 2 Assig ns the first dig it of the trunk ac c ess c od e. Permitted entries are 0 throug h 9 for d ig its 0 throug h 9 and with 11 and 12 for the symb ols * and #, resp ec tively. Field 3 Assig ns the sec ond dig it of the trunk ac c ess c od e. Permitted entries inc lud e d ig its 0 throug h 9. Field 4 Assig ns the third d ig it of the trunk ac c ess c od e. Permitted entries inc lud e d ig its 0 throug h 9. Field 5 Assig ns the fourth d ig it of the trunk ac d c ess c od e. Permitted entries inc lud e d ig its 0 throug h 9.1 ISDN-PRI trunking fac ilities are req uired . Generally, these ap p lic ations inc lud e those COS g roup s established for Mod e 1 d ata (BC c od e = 1), Mode 3 data (BC code = 3), and Mode 0 data (BC code = 4). Mod e 0 d ata, d ep end ing on its orig in, may req uire a restric ted c hannel. Rec all that an unrestric ted c hannel is only provid ed b y those ISDN-PRI fac ilities that use the B8ZS line-c od ing format. 2 Any trunking fac ility will work b ut ISDN-PRI trunk fac ilities are preferred. This may include voice and voice-grade data (BC code = 0) and Mode 2 data (BC code = 2).

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-72 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 6 Defines the trunk typ e of a sp ec ific trunk g roup . The ISDN-PRI fac ilities may b e used to sup p ort several d ifferent trunk typ es. These may inc lud e b oth c onventional trunk typ es as well as the ISDN-d ynamic trunk typ e. An imp ortant p oint to rememb er is that the p artic ular servic e app lic ation and the inc oming d ig its are the p rimary d etermining fac tors that c ontrol whic h trunk typ e is selec ted . Most servic e ap plic ations may be sup p orted (over ISDN fac ilities) b y either a c onventional trunk typ e or ISDN-d ynamic . Ta b l e 6 - 5 shows some p ermitted field entries that sup p ort sig naling typ e 20. Trunk typ es not inc lud ed in the c ateg ories listed in Ta b l e 6 - 5 below may not be translated for ISDN-PRI servic e. Most c onventional trunk typ es spec ify, as a part of their name, an in/out sig naling sequenc e. Ac tually, these sig naling seq uenc es are disabled and type 20 signaling is used exclusively over ISDN facilities. Trunk typ es p rec ed ed with an asterisk (*) may b e selec ted b y trunk typ e 120 on an as need ed CBC Servic e Selec tion b asis. For ISDN trunk g roup s as well as other typ es of trunk group s, the entered type d efines feature op eration for the trunk g roup . For examp le, if a trunk g roup is assig ned the typ e of 19, inc oming c alls over this trunk g roup are routed to the attendant c onsole. On DID trunk typ e g roup s, the switc h exp ec ts station numb er d ig its on all inc oming trunks; on tie trunk typ e g roup s the switc h c an hand le either station numb er d ig its or network numb ers. Table 6-5. Trunks Supporting Signaling Type 20 Trunk Description Trunk Type 2-way CCSA/APLT12—15 CO 16, *17 (Note), 18—20 Data 100—107 DID *30, *31 DMI *108, *109 FX 21—25 ISDN 120 M/S TIE 70—78 Sp ec ial 2, 5, 6, 50—58, 62, 65—67, 90—93 TIE 32—40, *41, *42, *43, 44, 45, *46, *47 WATS 26, *27, 28

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-73 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 7 Assig ns the d ial ac c ess c od e restric tion. Field encodes and their descriptions are: Field 8 Assig ns the trunk g roup as a Multifunc tion Terminal CO line app earanc e. This is not app lic ab le to ISDN so assig n enc od e 0 here. Field 9 Assig ns the typ e of network ac c ess for the trunk g roup . Enc od es are: Field 10 Disp lays and verify that the typ e of trunk sig naling is c orrec t. ISDN uses messag e-oriented sig naling . Therefore, enc od e 20 should b e d isp layed . Procedure 100 Word 2: Trunk Group Data Translations This word is used to administer d ata c harac teristic s for eac h trunk g roup (includ ing BCCOS). Field 1 Sp ec ifies a p artic ular trunk g roup . The field enc od e will b e the same as p reviously translated in p roc ed ure 100, word 1.0 Allows ac c ess to the trunk g roup via a d ial ac c ess c ode. 1 Restric ts and only allows ac c ess to the trunk group for trunk testing and for p rovid ing unattend ed c onsole servic e. 0 Allows ac c ess to the p ub lic network 1 Allows ac c ess to p rivate network fac ilities

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-74 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 2 Assig ns a BCCOS to the trunk g roup . This field is used for non-ISDN to ISDN tand em c onnec tions. The p ermitted rang e of enc odes is (0 throug h 255). Field enc odes and their d esc rip tions are: All calls use the BCCOS assigned to preferenc es in routing patterns as ad ministered in p roc ed ures 309 word 1 and 321 word 5. If not assig ned to p referenc es, the p referenc e will d efault to the BCCOS of the assoc iated trunk group. Procedure 100 Word 3: ISDN Trunk Group Signaling Options The trunk type and sig naling typ e attributes are translated as ind ivid ual p arameters. Field 1 Sp ec ifies a trunk g roup. Permitted entries inc lud e any not alread y used numb er within the rang e of 18 to 999. Field 2 Sp ec ifies the sig naling typ e for the trunk g roup . For ISDN, use sig naling typ e 20.0 Vo i c e 1 Mod e 2 Data 2 Vo i c e 3 Unknown Digital 4 Unknown Analog 5 Voic e Grad e Data 6 Mode 0 data 7 Mode 1 data 8 Mode 3 data 9 X.25 Pac ket Switched on B-channel

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-75 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 3 For all ISDN trunking ap p lic ations exc ep t DCS, g lare is resolved b y the ISDN p rotoc ol. Therefore, this field is ignored for ISDN ap p lic ations. Sp ec ific ally, ISDN neg otiates the losing c all to a d ifferent c hannel if the orig inal c hannel is p referred . Exc lusive c alls (suc h as DCS) are not neg otiated and the user hears the reord er tone. In either c ase, the network has p riority over the user when both c alls are p referred or exc lusive. This c ap ab ility is ad ministered in field 5 of p roc ed ure 262, word 1. Field 4 Retry p ermits multiple attemp ts to seize a b usy trunk from the sp ec ified trunk group. This field is p rimarily ap plic ab le for those trunk g roup s routed over analog fac ilities and uses trunk typ es 41, 42, 43, 46, or 47. Dep end ing on the p artic ular c onfig uration, retry may or may not be ap p lic ab le for ISDN ap plic ations. Field enc odes and their d esc rip tions are: Field 5 Not ap p lic ab le for ISDN ap p lic ations (enc od e must b e 0 for not ac tive). Field 6 Not ap p lic ab le for ISDN ap p lic ations (enc od e must b e 0 for not ac tive). Field 7 Not ap p lic ab le for ISDN ap p lic ations (enc od e must b e 0 for no failure threshold ). This field is only ap p lic ab le for analog trunk fac ilities. It permits the user to estab lish a trunk failure threshold that, when exc eed ed , will g enerate an alarm. The threshold limit will affec t servic e availab ility and , on an ind irec t b asis, the c ustomers maintenance c osts.0 Multip le retry is not d esired , that is retry not ac tive. The ISDN-PRI p rotoc ol c ontains an automatic retry c apab ility. Whenever trunk typ e 120 is selec ted , the zero (0 ) encode is required. 1 Rec ommend ed for ISDN ap plic ations where the 40-series of trunk typ es is used . This enc od e enab les a d oub le try sing le retry and thus p rovid es slightly imp roved call c omp letion, particularly for larg e trunk groups that span across more than one transmission facility.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-76 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 8 Permits user c ontrol of whether op tional ISDN IEs are transmitted and whether ac c ess to other ISDN network features is d esired . The op tional ISDN IEs inc lud e the following : nCalling numb er d isp lay n*Connec ted p arty numb er n*User-to-user information n*Called party name n*Calling p arty name n*Data mode 3 p arameters n*Traveling class marks Items p rec ed ed with an asterisk (*) are only transmitted on an end -to-end b asis whenever all p ub lic network links are p rovid ed with CCITT interoffic e c ommunic ation. Field encodes and their descriptions are: Field 9 Sp ec ifies the network servic e that is req uested for trunk verific ation b y station ( TVS) . Ta b l e 6 - 6 shows p ermitted field entries that sup p ort signaling typ e 20. - (Dash) only ap p lic ab le whenever ISDN is not availab le. 0 Rec ommend ed for all ISDN c onfig urations, b oth p ub lic and p rivate network arrang ements. 1 Do not transmit the op tional ISDN IEs. 2 When set to 2 , the op tional IEs are sent, but if the trunk g roup is a DCS trunk g roup on an ISDN fac ility and an ISDN c all from another trunk g roup is routed to it, the DCS name messag e is sup pressed. Table 6-6. Trunks Supporting Signaling Type 20 Trunk Description Trunk Type CO 16, *17 (Note 1), 18, 19, 20 Data100 —107 DID *30, *31 DMI (Note 2) *108, *109 FX 21 — 2 5