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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual

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    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Layers 2 and 3 
    Page 5-45 ISDN PRI Layer 3 
    nIf a routing  p referenc e is a trunk g roup  c onnec ted  to a DS1 interfac e 
    ad ministered  as B8ZS or HDB3 line c od ing , it c an b e ad ministered  to 
    sup p ort unrestric ted  d ata, restric ted  d ata, or both.
    Given the ab ove rules, the rules for ITC are as follows:
    nIf the ITC of the originating end p oints data is restric ted , and  the 
    ad ministered  ITC of the p referenc e is restric ted , the c all is allowed .
    nIf the ITC of the originating end p oints data is restric ted  and  the 
    ad ministered  ITC of the p referenc e is unrestric ted , the c all is b loc ked  with 
    nIf the ITC of the originating end p oints data is unrestric ted  and  the 
    ad ministered  ITC of the p referenc e is restric ted , the c all is bloc ked with 
    nIf the ITC of the originating end p oints data is unrestric ted  and  the 
    ad ministered  ITC of the p referenc e is unrestric ted , the c all is allowed .
    nIf the ad ministered  ITC of the p referenc e is both
    , then the c all is allowed  
    reg ard less of ITC of the end p oints d ata. In this c ase, a d ec ision must b e 
    mad e as to how the ITC in the BC IE and the LLC IE is c od ed . This is d one 
    b y using  the value in the BCIE
     field . If this field  is set to ept
    , the ITC from 
    the end p oint is used . If set to unr
    , the ITC sent will b e unrestric ted .
    nThe ITC of the endp oint is ad ministered  in the d ata mod ules ad ministration 
    form for non-ISDN end points. For ISDN d ata mod ules the ISDN messag e 
    g enerated  b y the terminal p op ulates the ITC and  the switc h ad ministration 
    for that extension is ig nored . This messag e is p opulated  either 
    automatic ally b y the terminal or b y an op tion setting  on the terminal, 
    d epend ing  on the partic ular terminal. The only c ase where switc h 
    ad ministration p op ulates the ITC for c alls from ISDN terminals is when the 
    terminal is administered as an acc ess endpoint. Modes 0, 1, and 3 c an be 
    set to restric ted or unrestric ted  with an op tion setting on the d ata mod ule.
    All incoming  calls to an end p oint are allowed  to comp lete, leaving  it to the 
    endpoints to decide on c ompatibility. Incoming voic e or voice-grade data calls to 
    any digital endpoint will automatically receive a modem pool.
    The U.S. is the only c ountry using restric ted  fac ilities. If you make a d ig ital 
    d ata c all to Europ e over Ac c unet Switc hed  Dig ital International servic e, for 
    examp le, the ITC in the BC and  LLC IEs must b e c od ed  as unrestric ted  
    exc ep t in the c ase of mod e 1 c alls.
    BCC and ITC Implementation in G2.2 Systems. 
    G2.2 systems p op ulate the BC 
    IE and  LLC IE in the following  way:
    nFor c alls from non-ISDN end p oints to ISDN PRI trunks, the BC IE and LLC 
    IE are pop ulated  from the b earer c ap ab ility c lass of servic e ind ic ated in 
    field s 15 and  16 of p roc ed ure 014, word  1 and  assig ned  to the end p oint in 
    p roc ed ure 000, word  3, field  5. 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Layers 2 and 3 
    Page 5-46 ISDN PRI Layer 3 
    nFor c alls from ISDN endp oints to ISDN PRI trunks, the BC IE and  LLC IE 
    are p opulated  b y the end p oint at the time the c all orig inates. Op tion 
    setting s on the ISDN set determine the various BC IE and  LLC IE 
    c od ep oints, suc h as transfer rate and  information typ e.
    G2.2 systems implement the G3V2 eq uivalent of GRS in a feature c alled Bearer 
    Cap ab ility Class of Servic e (BCCOS). A BC COS is a user-d efinab le set of 
    attrib utes assig ned  throug h ad ministration to the following  ob jec ts:
    nAAR/ARS routing  p attern p referenc es
    nTrunk groups
    You c an d efine up  to 256 BC COSs (0 - 255), b ut BC COSs 0 throug h 8 are 
    p re-defined . These p re-d efined  BC COSs should  not b e red efined . Rather, a new 
    BC COS should be defined whenever you want to redefine a pre-defined BC 
    To imp lement BC COS prop erly, you must have the following  d oc ument:
    DEFINITY® Communic ations System Generic  2 Ad ministration Proc ed ures. The 
    tab le of p re-d efined  BC COSs in p roc ed ure 014 is c ruc ial.
    BC COS is imp lemented by d efining  BC COSs in p roc ed ure 014, word 1, and  
    assig ning  them to extensions in p roc ed ure 000, word 3, routing  p referenc es in 
    p roc ed ure 318, word  2, and trunk g roup s in p roc ed ure 100, word  2. The 
    attrib utes c omp osing  a BC COS are d esc rib ed  b y the setting s of field s 2 - 16 in 
    procedure 014. The settings of these fields for a given BC COS define how the 
    extension, p referenc e, or trunk g roup  assig ned  that BC COS will treat c alls mad e 
    to that extension, p referenc e, or trunk g roup  b ased  on the b earer c ap ability and  
    information typ e fields of the BC COS of the c alling extension or trunk.
    The remaind er of the topic s in this sec tion exp lain the d etails of imp lementing BC 
    At p resent, the following  b earer c ap ab ility c lasses are d efined  in the G2.2:
    nVo i c e
    nVoic e Grad e Data
    nMode 0
    nMode 1
    nMode 2
    nMode 3
    nUnknown Digital
    nUnknown Analog 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Layers 2 and 3 
    Page 5-47 ISDN PRI Layer 3 
    nMod e 3/2 Ad ap tive
    nX. 2 5
    In ad d ition to the ab ove b earer c ap ab ility terms, the following  terms are used  as 
    c onventions in this d isc ussion of BC COS:
     is used  as an abb reviation for any one of the following :
    — extension
    — trunk/trunk g roup
    — AAR/ARS preference
    nISDN extension
     is an ISDN BRI terminal.
    nISDN trunk/trunk group
     is an outg oing  or inc oming  trunk or trunk g roup  
    carrying ISDN calls.
    nISDN preference
     is an AAR or ARS preference used to route ISDN calls.
    nNon-ISDN extension
     is a DCP or analog  extension.
    nNon-ISDN trunk/trunk group
     is a DS-1 or analog  trunk/trunk g roup .
    nNon ISDN preference
     is a p referenc e used  to route c alls to non-ISDN 
    trunk g roup s.
    The following  three sec tions d esc rib e how BC COS op erates d ep end ing  on 
    whether an extension or trunk in the G2.2 is c alling  another extension, trunk 
    g roup , or preferenc e in the system.
    Field s 2 and  14 of proc edure 014, word  1, are not used  at this time.
    1. Extension or Trunk Calling  Extension
    The following  list d esc ribes the BC COS operation when a trunk or 
    extension c alls an extension in the system:
    nThe b earer c ap ab ility of the c alling  extension or trunk is p resented  
    to the c alled  extension. This b earer c ap ab ility is d erived  in d ifferent 
    ways d ep end ing  on the typ e of c all as follows:
    — For a c all from a non-ISDN extension or trunk to an 
    extension, the b earer c ap ab ility, taken from BC COS field  16 
    of the c alling  extension or trunk, is p resented  to the c alled  
    — For a c all from an ISDN extension or trunk to an extension, 
    the bearer capability, derived from the bearer capability 
    information element and low-layer c ompatibility information 
    element (if p resent) of the ISDN messag e, is p resented  to 
    the c alled  extension. 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Layers 2 and 3 
    Page 5-48 ISDN PRI Layer 3 
    — For a d ig ital d ata c all, lac king the low-layer c omp atib ility 
    information element, from an ISDN extension or trunk to an 
    extension, the b earer c ap ab ility p resented  to the c alled  
    extension is mod e 2.
    — For a c all from a non-ISDN extension or trunk, having b earer 
    capability of unknown digital
    , to an extension, the bearer 
    c ap ab ility presented  to the c alled  extension is the c alled  
    extensions b earer c ap ab ility taken from its BC COS field  16.
    nThe value in the BC COS field  of the c alled  extension (one of the 
    field s 4 - 13) matc hing  the p resented  b earer c ap ability of the 
    c alling  extension or trunk d etermines how the c all is treated, as 
    — If the field  is 0
     the c all is switc hed  to the c alled  extension. 
    — If the field  is 1
     a mod em p ool memb er is inserted  and  the c all 
    is switc hed  to the c alled extension.
    Modem pool decisions are ignored for 
    extension-to-extension, trunk-to-trunk, and  
    trunk-to-p referenc e c alls.
    — If the field  is 2
     the c all is b loc ked  with interc ep t treatment.
    nThe information typ e (restric ted  or unrestric ted) of the c alling  
    extension or trunk is p resented  to the c alled  extension. This 
    information typ e is d erived  in d ifferent ways d epend ing  on the c all 
    type as follows:
    — For a c all from a non-ISDN extension or trunk to an 
    extension, the information type of the c alling  extension or 
    trunk, taken from BC COS field  15 of the c alling  extension or 
    trunk, is p resented  to the c alled  extension.
    — For a c all from an ISDN extension or trunk to an extension, 
    the information typ e, d erived  from the b earer c ap ability 
    information element of the ISDN messag e, is presented  to 
    the c alled  extension.
    nThe c alled  extensions information type, taken from field  3 of the 
    c alled  extensions BC COS, is c omp ared  with the information typ e 
    of the c alling  extension or trunk. Dep end ing  on these values, the 
    following  ac tions are taken:
    — If the information typ e of the c alling  extension or trunk is 
    restricted and field 3 of the called extension is 1
     (restric ted ), 
    the c all is allowed.
    — If the information typ e of the c alling  extension or trunk is 
    unrestric ted  and  field 3 of the c alled  extension is 0
    (restric ted ), the c all is b loc ked  with interc ep t. 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Layers 2 and 3 
    Page 5-49 ISDN PRI Layer 3 
    — If the two information typ es matc h, the c all is allowed . Note 
    that even if the c all is allowed , you must still make sure the 
    transmission fac ilities the call will use are indeed what is 
    ad ministered . For examp le, if you have unrestricted
    ad ministered  b ut the d ig ital d ata c all is mad e over restric ted  
    transmission fac ilities in the network, the d ata will b e 
    2. Extension or Trunk Calling  Trunk Group
    The following  list d esc ribes the BC COS operation when a trunk or 
    extension c alls a trunk g roup  in the system: 
    nThe b earer c ap ab ility of the c alling  extension or trunk is p resented  
    to the c alled  trunk g roup . This b earer c ap ab ility is d erived  in 
    d ifferent ways d ep end ing  on the typ e of c all as follows:
    — For a c all from a non-ISDN extension or trunk to a trunk 
    g roup , the b earer c ap ab ility, taken from BC COS field  16 of 
    the c alling  extension or trunk, is presented  to the c alled  trunk 
    g roup .
    — For a d ig ital c all from an ISDN extension or trunk to a trunk 
    g roup , the b earer c ap ab ility, d erived  from the b earer 
    c ap ab ility information element and  low-layer c ompatib ility 
    information element (if p resent) of the ISDN messag e, is 
    p resented to the c alled  trunk g roup .
    — For a d ig ital d ata c all, lac king the low-layer c omp atib ility 
    information element, from an ISDN extension or trunk to a 
    trunk g roup , the bearer c ap ab ility p resented  to the c alled  
    trunk g roup  is mod e 2.
    — For a c all from a non-ISDN extension or trunk, having b earer 
    capability of unknown digital
    , to a trunk g roup, the b earer 
    c ap ab ility presented  to the c alled  trunk group  is the c alled  
    trunk g roup s b earer c ap ab ility taken from its BC COS field 
    nThe value in the BC COS field  of the c alled  trunk g roup  (one of the 
    field s 4 - 13) matc hing  the p resented  b earer c ap ability of the 
    c alling  extension or trunk d etermines how the c all is treated, as 
    — If the field  is 0
     the c all is switc hed  to the c alled  trunk g roup .
    — If the field  is 1
     a mod em p ool memb er is inserted  and  the c all 
    is switc hed  to the c alled trunk g roup .
    Modem pool decisions are ignored for 
    extension-to-extension, trunk-to-trunk, and  
    trunk-to-p referenc e c alls.
    — If the field  is 2
     the c all is b loc ked  with interc ep t treatment. 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Layers 2 and 3 
    Page 5-50 ISDN PRI Layer 3 
    nThe information typ e (restric ted  or unrestric ted) of the c alling  
    extension or trunk is p resented  to the c alled  trunk g roup. This 
    information typ e is d erived  in d ifferent ways d epend ing  on the c all 
    type as follows:
    — For a c all from a non-ISDN extension or trunk to a trunk 
    g roup , the information typ e of the c alling  extension or trunk, 
    taken from BC COS field  15 of the c alling extension or trunk, 
    is p resented  to the c alled  trunk g roup .
    — For a c all from an ISDN extension or trunk to a trunk g roup , 
    the information typ e, d erived  from the b earer c ap ability 
    information element of the ISDN messag e, is presented  to 
    the c alled  trunk group .
    nThe c alled  trunk g roup s information typ e, taken from field  3 of the 
    c alled  trunk g roup s BC COS, is c omp ared with the information typ e 
    of the c alling  extension or trunk. Dep end ing  on these values, the 
    following  ac tions are taken:
    — If the information typ e of the c alling  extension or trunk is restric ted  
    and  field  3 of the c alled  trunk g roup is 1
     (unrestric ted ), the c all is 
    — If the information typ e of the c alling  extension or trunk is 
    unrestric ted  and  field  3 of the c alled  trunk g roup is 0
     (restric ted ), 
    the c all is b loc ked  with interc ep t.
    — If the two information typ es matc h, the c all is allowed . Note that 
    even if the call is allowed , you must still make sure the transmission 
    fac ilities the c all will use are ind eed what is ad ministered . For 
    examp le, if you have unrestricted
     ad ministered  b ut the d ig ital d ata 
    c all is mad e over restric ted  transmission fac ilities in the network, 
    the d ata will b e c orrup ted .
    3. Extension or Trunk Calling  Trunk Group  Using  AAR/ARS Routing  Pattern 
    Preferenc e
    The following  list d esc ribes the BC COS operation when a trunk or 
    extension c alls an AAR/ARS routing  p attern preferenc e in the system:
    nThe b earer c ap ab ility of the c alling  extension or trunk is p resented  
    to the called preference. This bearer capability is derived in 
    d ifferent ways d ep end ing  on the typ e of c all as follows:
    — For a c all from a non-ISDN extension or trunk to a 
    p referenc e, the b earer c apab ility, taken from BC COS field  
    16 of the c alling  extension or trunk, is p resented  to the c alled  
    p referenc e.
    — For a c all from an ISDN extension or trunk to a p referenc e, 
    the bearer capability, derived from the bearer capability 
    information element and low-layer c ompatibility information 
    element (if p resent) of the ISDN messag e, is p resented  to 
    the c alled  p referenc e. 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Layers 2 and 3 
    Page 5-51 ISDN PRI Layer 3 
    — For a d ig ital d ata c all, lac king the low-layer c omp atib ility 
    information element, from an ISDN extension or trunk to a 
    p referenc e, the b earer c apab ility p resented  to the c alled  
    p referenc e is mod e 2.
    — For a c all from a non-ISDN extension or trunk, having b earer 
    capability of unknown digital
    , to a preferenc e, the b earer 
    c ap ab ility presented  to the c alled  p referenc e is the c alled  
    p referenc es b earer c ap ab ility taken from its BC COS field  
    If a p referenc e is not assigned  a BC COS it d efaults to 
    the BC COS assigned  to the trunk g roup  assoc iated  
    with the preference.
    nThe value in the BC COS field  of the c alled  p referenc e (one of the 
    field s 4 - 13) matc hing  the p resented  b earer c ap ability of the 
    c alling  extension or trunk d etermines how the c all is treated, as 
    — If the field  is 0
     the c all is switc hed  to the c alled  p referenc e.
    — If the field  is 1
     a mod em p ool memb er is inserted  and  the c all 
    is switc hed  to the c alled preferenc e.
    Modem pool decisions are ignored for 
    extension-to-extension, trunk-to-trunk, and  
    trunk-to-p referenc e c alls.
    — If the field  is 2
     the c all is b loc ked  with interc ep t treatment.
    nThe information typ e (restric ted  or unrestric ted) of the c alling  
    extension or trunk is p resented  to the c alled  preferenc e. This 
    information typ e is d erived  in d ifferent ways d epend ing  on the c all 
    type as follows:
    — For a c all from a non-ISDN extension or trunk to a 
    p referenc e, the information typ e of the c alling  extension or 
    trunk, taken from BC COS field  15 of the c alling  extension or 
    trunk, is presented to the called preference.
    — For a c all from an ISDN extension or trunk to a p referenc e, 
    the information typ e, d erived  from the b earer c ap ability 
    information element of the ISDN messag e, is presented  to 
    the c alled  p referenc e.
    — For a mod e 0, mod e 3, or mode 3/2 ad ap tive c all from a 
    non-ISDN extension or trunk to an ISDN preferenc e, the 
    information typ e from field  15 of the BC COS of the c alling  
    extension or trunk is used  to b uild  the ISDN messag e. 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Layers 2 and 3 
    Page 5-52 ISDN PRI Layer 3 
    For any call to an ISDN preference requiring a modem 
    p ool memb er, the BC COS of the trunk g roup 
    assoc iated  with the analog  half of the mod em pool is 
    used  to b uild  the outgoing ISDN messag e.
    nThe c alled  p referenc es information typ e, taken from field 3 of the 
    c alled  p referenc es BC COS, is c ompared  with the information typ e 
    of the c alling  extension or trunk. Dep end ing  on these values, the 
    following  ac tions are taken:
    — If the information typ e of the c alling  extension or trunk is 
    restric ted  and  field  3 of the c alled  p referenc e is 1
    (unrestric ted ), the c all is allowed .
    — If the information typ e of the c alling  extension or trunk is 
    restric ted  and  field  3 of the c alled  trunk g roup  is 0
    (unrestric ted ), the c all is b loc ked  with interc ep t.
    — If the two information typ es matc h, the c all is allowed . Note 
    that even if the c all is allowed , you must still make sure the 
    transmission fac ilities the call will use are indeed what is 
    ad ministered . For examp le, if you have unrestricted
    ad ministered  b ut the d ig ital d ata c all is mad e over restric ted  
    transmission fac ilities in the network, the d ata will b e 
    All international d ig ital data c alls should  b e administered  as information 
    typ e unrestric ted .
    The following  list d esc rib es a sug g ested  method  for d efining  BC COSs and  
    assig ning  them to extensions, trunk g roup s, and  routing  p referenc es:
    Field s 2 and  14 of proc edure 014, word  1, are not used  at this time.
    1. For eac h objec t (extension, trunk g roup , and  p referenc e) in the system, 
    list eac h b earer c ap ab ility you want that ob jec t to ac c ep t and  whic h ones 
    you want b loc ked  on inc oming  c alls to that ob jec t.
    2. Assig n trunk g roup  BC COSs b efore p referenc es. This is bec ause if a 
    p referenc e is not assig ned  a BC COS, c alls will still b e allowed  b ec ause 
    the p referenc e will use the assoc iated  trunk g roups BC COS as a d efault.
    3. For eac h b earer c ap ab ility you want ac c ep ted  in an inc oming  c all to an 
    ob jec t, list whic h ones should  b e switc hed  d irec tly to the ob jec t and  whic h 
    ones should  have a mod em inserted  b efore b eing  switc hed .
    4. Make a map  of c onnec tivity between all the ob jec ts. For examp le, for a 
    g iven routing  p referenc e, a list of all the extensions and  trunk g roup s that 
    c an c all that p referenc e should  b e formed . 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Layers 2 and 3 
    Page 5-53 ISDN PRI Layer 3 
    5. Using  this map  and  the rules from BC COS Operation above, note any 
    sp ec ial c onsid erations when inc oming  c alls orig inate from the c onnec ted  
    ob jec ts. For examp le, if a p artic ular routing  p referenc e is to c irc uit switc h 
    c alls from an ISDN trunk group  that will b e rec eiving  d ig ital data c alls 
    lac king  low-layer c omp atib ility, the p referenc es BC COS must b e d efined  
    to c irc uit switc h mod e 2 b earer c ap ab ility b ec ause that is what will b e 
    p resented to the p referenc e. 
    6. Based  on the ab ove analysis, assig n a p red efined BC COS to eac h 
    ob jec t. For any g iven ob jec t, p ic k a pred efined BC COS that most c losely 
    matc hes the inc oming  c all req uirements from the p revious step s b ut that 
    also matc hes the inc oming  req uirements of the other ob jec ts to whic h it 
    will c all. For examp le, if the inc oming req uirements are satisfied but the 
    ob jec ts information type is c lear and  it will b e c alling  a restric ted  trunk 
    g roup , some fields will need  to be c hang ed .
    — If one of the p re-d efined  BC COSs for an ob jec t d oes not matc h 
    these req uirements, make a c op y of the one that most c losely 
    matc hes the req uirements.
    — Define a new BC COS (not in the rang e 0 to 8) in p roc ed ure 014.
    — Chang e the field s in this new BC COS to satisfy the requirements.
    — Assig n this new BC COS to the ob jec t.
    — Continue this p roc ed ure until all ob jec ts have b een assig ned a 
    suitab le BC COS.
    7. For BC COSs assig ned  to trunk g roup s or preferenc es that are either 
    mod em p ool or host ac c ess trunk g roup s, c omp lete p roc ed ure 014, word 
    Traveling Class Mark (TCM) I
    All DEFINITY systems p op ulate the TCM IE, whic h is sent in the SETUP messag e 
    in either c od eset 6 or 7, with the fac ility restric tion level (FRL) of the c all. The TCM 
    IE is not p op ulated  until the FRL of the c all is d etermined . For examp le, if an 
    authorization c od e is entered  at the orig inating  switc h, the TCM IE is p op ulated  
    with the FRL resulting  from the entered  c od e. If an authorization c od e is 
    p romp ted for b y a switc h other than the orig inating  switc h, the resulting  FRL will 
    p opulate the TCM for the outg oing  c all from that switc h.
    G3V2 systems d o not p op ulate the satellite hop c ounter oc tet or the end -to-end  
    ISDN ind ic ator oc tet. G2.2 systems p op ulate the satellite hop  c ounter oc tet with 
    the c urrent value of the c ounter. G2.2 systems p op ulate the end -to-end  ISDN 
    id entifier from the ad ministered value in p roc ed ure 010, word  4 field 3. You c an 
    req uest that a c all b e sent only over ISDN PRI trunk group s, over ISDN PRI trunk 
    g roup s if they are availab le otherwise over any trunk g roup , or over non-ISDN PRI 
    trunk g roup s. 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Layers 2 and 3 
    Page 5-54 ISDN PRI Layer 3 
    In the inc oming  d irec tion, if this field  is set to ISDN exc lusive or ISDN 
    p referred  and the G2.2 rec eives a TCM IE ind ic ating  ISDN fac ilities 
    exc lusive or p referred , the G2.2 will not p rovide answer tone on a d ata c all.
    Temporary Signaling Connections
    Another c ap ab ility of user-to-user information sig naling, c alled  temporary 
    sig naling  c onnec tion (TSC), allows two ISDN PRI end p oints to exc hange 
    user-to-user information (such as the data in a DCS message) in messages not 
    assoc iated with establishing or tearing down a particular c all. In normal signaling 
    c onnec tions, user-to-user information c an b e passed  end  to end  in c all 
    estab lishment and c learing messag es (SETUP, ALERTing , CONNec t, and  
    DISConnect). This is called messag e-associated  user-user (MA UUI) signaling . 
    The AT&T network, however, b eing  c onc erned  ab out resourc es for transp orting  
    larg e q uantities of user-to-user information, c ould  not g uarantee end -to-end  
    d elivery of MA UUI information in these messag es. To hand le this typ e of servic e, 
    the network estab lished  TSCs, in whic h user-user information is sent in a sp ec ial 
    messag e (USER INFOrmation). The user req uests the TSC from the network in a 
    messag e. After the TSC is set up, the two end s exc hang e information in the 
    USER INFOrmation messag es until the TSC is torn d own. TSCs are p resently 
    used  to exc hang e user-to-user information sup p orting  the DCS and  DCS-AUDIX 
    features in whic h the DCS messag es are transp orted  over the D c hannel.
    Two typ es of TSCs exist, c all-assoc iated  TSCs (CA-TSCs) and  
    non-c all-assoc iated  TSCs (NCA-TSCs). In CA-TSCs, user-user information c an 
    b e exc hang ed  at any time b etween when the c all has b een estab lished to when it 
    is torn d own. In NCA-TSCs, user-user information c an b e exc hang ed without an 
    assoc iated  c all b eing  set up  on a B c hannel. In this c ase, the NCA-TSC is 
    req uested in a SETUP messag e in the c hannel ID IE. A c od epoint in the c hannel 
    ID IE (the D c hannel ind ic ator) allows you to sp ec ify that the id entified  c hannel is 
    a D c hannel, indic ating this is a D c hannel c all. User-user information c an then 
    b e exc hang ed  until one sid e dec ides to send  a RELease messag e, at whic h time 
    the NCA-TSC is c leared. For the DCS and  DCS AUDIX features imp lemented  
    over the D c hannel, NCA-TSCs are used  to transp ort some of the DCS messag es 
    (CA-TSCs are also used  for some DCS messag es). Bec ause of the way stand ard  
    DCS was imp lemented  (over X.25 virtual c irc uits), the NCA-TSCs must b e 
    ad ministered . This is b ec ause D c hannel DCS still req uires the c onc ep t of a 
    virtual c irc uit (a logic al c hannel on an X.25 link). Thus, the NCA-TSCs are 
    ad ministered  on the sig naling  g roup  form. You c an estab lish the NCA-TSC either 
    p ermanently or on an as-need ed  b asis. In a p rivate network, the TSC should  b e 
    estab lished  p ermanently whereas if the TSC is g oing  over the pub lic  network, 
    suc h as SDN servic e, it should  b e established  on an as-need ed  b asis to save the 
    c ost of the servic e.
    Implementing TSCs in G3V2 Systems
    For d etails on how to imp lement TSCs in G3V2 systems, refer to the DCS over the 
    ISDN PRI D c hannel sec tion in the 
    Imp lementation manuals for G3rV2 and  G3iV2. 
    In g eneral, NCA-TSCs in G3V2 systems work as follows: 
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