Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-17 G3V2 Administration 6 As Need ed Inac tivity Timeout (min)Values: A numb er in the rang e 10-90. Re f e re n c e : Sec tion ‘‘Temp orary Signaling Connec tions’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This setting represents the number of minutes a CA-TSC ad ministered as-need ed in the estab lish field c an b e inac tive before being removed from service. TSC Index Display only Re f e re n c e : Sec tion ‘‘Temp orary Signaling Connec tions’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This c olumn shows all the ad ministered NCA-TSCs that have b een assig ned . For the ISDN DCS ap p lic ation, eac h ad ministered NCA-TSC rep resents a log ic al c hannel c onnec ting two DCS systems. This log ic al c hannel is analog ous to the BX.25 log ic al c hannel in trad itional DCS. Local Ext Re f e re n c e : Sec tion ‘‘Temp orary Signaling Connec tions’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This field assig ns an extension to the ad ministered TSC in the first c olumn. This must b e a uniq ue extension. En a b le d Values: y or n. Re f e re n c e : Sec tion ‘‘Temp orary Signaling Connec tions’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. A y enab les the NCA-TSC. An n disables it. Es t a b l is h Values: p ermanent as-need ed b lank (d efault) Re f e re n c e : Sec tion ‘‘Temp orary Signaling Connec tions’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. A setting of permanent here means that the ad ministered NCA-TSC c an b e estab lished at will b y either end of the c onnec tion and onc e estab lished d oes not time out. A setting of as-needed means that the NCA-TSC is established by either end automatic ally the first time it is need ed .

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-18 G3V2 Administration 6 Communication Interface Links Form Settings NOTE: This form ap p lies only to G3iV2. The following list d esc rib es the ad ministration setting s for the ISDN PRI-sp ec ific field s in this administration form: Dest. Digits Values: Up to 15 d ig its, inc lud ing d ig its 0-9 and + , *, and # Re f e re n c e : Sec tion ‘‘Temp orary Signaling Connec tions’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. These d igits are used to p op ulate the c alled p arty numb er IE in the NCA TSC, thoug h no d ig it manip ulation or routing is p erformed on these d ig its. The NCA TSC is sent out the D c hannel of this sig naling group without routing . Appl. Values: dcs aud ix gateway b lank (d efault) Re f e re n c e : Sec tion ‘‘Temp orary Signaling Connec tions’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This field sp ec ifies the ap p lic ation for whic h the NCA-TSC is b eing used . The d c s entry is for ISDN DCS. The aud ix entry is for ISDN DCS AUDIX. The g ateway entry is used when the ad ministered NCA-TSC is used as one end in the g ateway c hannel c onnec ting to a BX.25 link. If g ateway is entered, the ISDN TSC g ateway c hannel assig nments form must b e ad ministered . Ad junc t Name Enter the name of the AUDIX mac hine as it ap p ears on the ad junc t names form if the app lic ation is aud ix. Machine ID Va lu e s : 1-63 for DCS 1-99 for AUDIX This numb er is the node numb er of the DCS PBX or the AUDIX c onnec ted to the ad ministered NCA-TSC.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-19 G3V2 Administration 6 Communication Processor Channel Assignment Form Settings NOTE: This form only ap p lies to G3iV2 systems. This form assigns proc essor c hannels to interfac e links. For ISDN-PRI, one p roc essor c hannel p er interfac e link is allowed. This ad ministration is used b y the system software to id entify the link as an ISDN ap plic ation, rather than an X.25 ap plic ation. The following list d esc rib es the ad ministration setting s for the ISDN PRI-sp ec ific field s in this administration form: Enab le You will not b e allowed to enab le any links until all other field s in this form and all field s in the p roc essor c hannel assig nment form have b een ad ministered . After ad ministering these other field s, c ome b ac k to this form. Enter a y next to the link c orresp ond ing to the p hysic al c hannel numb er assig ned in the p roc essor d ata mod ule form to enab le that link. Est Conn For ISDN PRI links, the c orrec t entry is always y . PI Ext This is a d isp lay-only field . It should d isp lay the extension of the p roc essor interfac e d ata mod ule assig ned in the p roc essor interfac e d ata mod ule form. Prot This field is used to set either ISDN PRI or BX.25 p rotoc ol. In this c ase, sinc e ISDN PRI is b eing used , enter isdn . Destination In the brd field , enter the b oard ad d ress, e.g., 1C19, of the DS1/CEPT1 board c orresp ond ing to the link. The DS1/CEPT1 board must have previously been administered as using ISDN sig naling in the DS1 c irc uit p ac k form. This ad dress c an only ap p ear onc e in this form. DTE/DCE Leave this field b lank. It only ap p lies to links using BX.25 signaling. Identific ation Enter a one to fifteen c harac ter name for the link id entifying the far-end d estination. This field is used only for id entific ation and c an b e left b lank. Proc Chan This field is d isp lay only and id entifies the p roc essor c hannel for whic h you are ad ministering a link. Ap p l This is the ap p lic ation typ e that c onnec ts to this proc essor c hannel. Enter isdn here. Interfac e Link Enter an interfac e link numb er assig ned in the interfac e links form. For examp le, if links 2 and 4 were assig ned to ISDN p rotoc ol in the interfac e links form, then links 2 and 4 should b e assig ned to p roc essor c hannels in this form.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-20 G3V2 Administration 6 Communication Interface Links Form — Enable NOTE: This form only ap p lies to G3iV2 systems. After the p roc essor c hannel assig nments have b een c omp leted, you must g o b ac k to the interfac e links form and enter y in the Enable field s. Doing this estab lishes a c onnec tion b etween the D c hannel on the DS1/CEPT1 b oard and the administered p ort on the PI board . Layer 2 (LAPD) of the D c hannel is then terminated b y the PI b oard . Trunk Group Form Settings Refer to the Imp lementation manuals for all the various p arameters in the trunk g roup forms. This sec tion d eals with the ad ministration relevant to the fac t that the trunk group s are c omp osed of memb ers from DS1/CEPT1 board s. Trunk g roup s are c lassified b y their g roup typ es, as follows: nAcc ess nAPLT nCO nCPE nDID nDMI-BOS nFX nRLT nTand em nTie nWATS nISDN PRI Trunk g roup s c omposed of memb ers from DS1/CEPT1 b oard s c an b e of any of these g roup typ es. Exc ep t for the DMI-BOS and the ISDN PRI g roup typ es, the Interface ChannelThis field does not apply to ISDN processor channels and must b e left blank. Priority The ISDN ap p lic ation always uses hig h (h ) p riority. Rem ote Proc ChanThis field does not apply to ISDN processor channels and must b e left blank. Mac hine-Id This field d oes not ap p ly to ISDN. Leave it b lank.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-21 G3V2 Administration 6 fac t that the trunks are d ig ital instead of analog makes little d ifferenc e in the ad ministration. Also, all the g roup typ es exc ept for ISDN PRI are some sp ec ific kind of ap p lic ation. ISDN PRI g roup types, on the other hand , are flexib le and c an func tion as any of these other g roup types. Thus, it makes sense to d ivid e trunk g roup ad ministration into ad ministration of b it-oriented sig naling trunk g roup s and ISDN PRI trunk g roup s. Bit-Oriented Signaling Trunk Group Administration The DS1 and CEPT1 asp ec ts of trunk g roup ad ministration for b it-oriented sig naling d ep end on the app lic ation for the trunk g roup . See Appendix B, ‘‘Digital Trunk Ad ministration Summary for U.S. Ap p lic ations’’, for a g uid e to the c orrec t group type, trunk type, and comm type parameters for trunk groups using b it-oriented sig naling g iven sp ec ific b earer c ap abilities and ap plic ations in the U.S. For exp lanations of all the field s in all the trunk g roup forms, see the imp lementation manuals for G3V2 systems and the ad ministration manuals for G2.2 systems. ISDN PRI Trunk Group Administration This form is used to ad minister trunk g roup s having the g roup typ e isdn-pri . Wh e n c o n n e c t e d t o a p u b l ic n e t w o rk s w i t c h , su c h a s a 4 ESS, u s i n g s e v e r a l network services, suc h as MEGACOM servic e, MEGACOM 800 servic e and ACCUNET Switc hed Dig ital Servic es, it is ad vantag eous to ad minister the trunk g roup s as c all-b y-c all trunk group s. If you d o this, you have the op tion of also ad ministering the usag e alloc ation p lan, whic h further refines the c ap ab ilities of c all-b y-c all servic e selec tion. Thus, the trunk g roup ad ministration sc reens c onsist of up to 11 p ag es, as follows: nPage 1—trunk g roup p arameters nPage 2—trunk g roup features, inc lud ing the inc oming c all hand ling tab le nPage 3—trunk g roup usag e alloc ation p lan nPage 4—c b c trunk g roup usage alloc ation plan assig nment sc hed ule nPages 5 on—g roup memb er assig nments nWideband Support Options Pages 3 and 4 are only d isp layed if c b c is the servic e typ e and if the Usage Alloc field is y . Se e App end ix B, ‘‘Dig ital Trunk Ad ministration Summary for U.S. App lic ations’’ , for a g uid e to the c orrec t group type, trunk typ e, and servic e typ e p arameters for trunk groups using ISDN PRI signaling given specific bearer capabilities and ap plic ations. For exp lanations of all the field s in all the trunk g roup forms, see the Imp lementation manuals for G3iV2 and G3rV2.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-22 G3V2 Administration 6 Page 1 — Trunk Group Form The following list exp lains the administration for the field s having imp lic ations for ISDN PRI trunk g roup s: Group Numb erThis field d isp lays the ISDN PRI trunk g roup numb er. Group Type Enter isdn-pri here. TA C Values: A numb er from one to four d ig its in leng th Enter the ac c ess c od e for this trunk g roup . This is needed for SMDR reports and in general for id entific ation of the trunk group, whether or not the trunk can be ac cessed by TAC. Direc tion Values: inc oming outg oing two-way (d efault) For ap p lic ations with the AT&T pub lic network, use two-way trunks for ACCUNET Switc hed Dig ital Servic es, SDN, and c all-b y-c all trunk group s. Use one-way inc oming for MEGACOM 800 servic e and inc oming WATS servic e trunk g roup s and one-way outg oing for MEGACOM servic e and outg oing WATS servic e trunk g roup s. Dial Ac c ess Values: no yes Althoug h G3V2 systems sup p ort using TACs to ac c ess an ISDN trunk group , this p rac tic e is not rec ommend ed . Also, they should not b e used when c onnec ted to a G2.2 b ec ause the G2.2 d oes not sup p ort d ial ac c ess to ISDN trunk g roup s.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-23 G3V2 Administration 6 Se rv ic e Typ eValues: access, accunet, cbc, dmi-mos, i800, inwats, lds, mega800, megacom, multiquest, operator, outwats-bnd, public network, sddn, sdn, sub-operator, other, tandem, tie, wats-max-bnd and any other servic es d efined in the network fac ilities form. Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Network Sp ec ific Fac ilities IE in U.S.’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. If you have more than one network servic e, you mig ht want the effic ienc y g ained b y c all-b y-c all servic e selec tion. If so, enter cbc in this field . If you want to put servic es on d ed ic ated trunk g roup s, enter the servic e name here. Note that international Meg ac om 800 servic e has a d ifferent NSF (i800) than Meg ac om 800 servic e (meg a800). Thus, if you want to put these two servic es on the same trunk g roup, you must put them on a c all b y c all trunk g roup . International Meg ac om servic e and Meg ac om servic e have the same NSF as d o SDN and Glob al SDN. Usag e Alloc Values: no (d efault) yes Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Call b y Call Servic e Selec tion in G2.2 Systems’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’ . This field only app ears if the servic e typ e is cbc . It sp ec ifies whether the c ustomer wishes to alloc ate the usag e of the servic es p rovid ed b y the trunk g roup . If this field is yes, then two ad d itional p ag es ap p ear, the CBC Servic e Typ e Usage Alloc ation Plans and the CBC Servic e Typ e Usag e Alloc ation Plan Assignment Schedule. Far End Tes t Line No Values: A valid station numb er up to 15 d ig its. The d efault is b lank. Calls to this numb er are used to test ISDN PRI B c hannels. This numb er must b e the real numb er of far-end test b oard bec ause c alls to this numb er d o not und erg o any routing , suc h as throug h ten-d ig it-to-seven d ig it c onversion or sub net trunking . Thus, this numb er must b e the ac tual p ub lic network numb er of the far-end test b oard . This test c annot b e d one to the p ub lic network switc h. It c an only b e p erformed to a far-end end point. The far end must b e ab le to loop the c all b ac k.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-24 G3V2 Administration 6 Test Call ITC G3V2-only Values: restric ted unrestric ted Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n s ‘‘Bearer Capability IE’’ and ‘‘Low Layer Compatib ility IE’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. Enter either restric ted or unrestric ted dep end ing on the nature of the fac ilities over whic h the test c all will b e sent. Sinc e the test c all is not routed via networking software, the c all will not b e b loc ked if an ITC inc omp atib le with the fac ility is ad ministered . Test Call BCC G3V2-only Values: A BCC value in the range 0-4 as follows: 0 = voic e 1 = mod e 1 2 = mod e 2 3 = mod e 3 4 = mod e 0 (d efault) Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n s ‘‘Bearer Capability IE’’ and‘‘Low Layer Comp atib ility IE’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. The BCC value entered here will b e used to p op ulate the b earer c ap ab ility IE and the low layer c ompatib ility IE in the SETUP messag e for the test c all. Sinc e the test c all is not routed via networking software, the c all will not b e b loc ked for any BCC value. Te s t C a l l Se rv ic eG3V2-only Values: Any valid servic e typ e that ap p ears on the network fac ilities form. Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Network Sp ec ific Fac ilities IE in U.S.’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This field p op ulates the network spec ific fac ilities IE for the test c all. Sinc e the test c all is not routed via networking software, the c all will not b e routed b ased on the servic e typ e.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-25 G3V2 Administration 6 Cod eset to Se n d D i sp l a yValues: 0 6 (d efault) 7 Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n‘‘User-to-User Information Signaling ’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. Wh e n c o n n e c t e d t o t h e 4 ESS, 5 ESS, Ge n e r i c 2 o r Ge n e r i c 1 , the d isp lay information element should be sent in c od eset 6. Only when a System 85 R2V4 is p resent in the network should it b e sent in c od eset 7. In some c ountries, this IE is sent in codeset 0. Cod eset to Se n d TC M / LookaheadThis field ap plies to G3V2 only. Values: 6 (d efault) 7 Re f e r e n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘User-to-User Information Sig naling’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. Wh e n c o n n e c t e d t o t h e 4 ESS, 5 ESS, Ge n e r i c 2 o r Ge n e r i c 1 , the d isp lay and TCM information elements should b e sent in c odeset 6. Only when a System 85 R2V4 is p resent in the network should they b e sent in c od eset 7. Max Message Si ze To Se n d Values: 260 (d efault) 256 244 128 The ISDN PRI sp ec ific ation allows messag es up to 260 b ytes in leng th. Some p rod uc ts, suc h as System 85 R2V4, c an rec eive messag es of no more than 128 b ytes. You should ad minister this field ac c ord ing to the c apab ilities of the switc h at the far end of the trunk g roup . In most c ases, 260 is c orrec t. The following tab le indicates the messag e size exp ec ted in several non-DEFINITY AT&T p rod uc ts. ProductMessage Length (octets) Received 4 ESS ( 4 E1 1 ) 2 5 6 4 ESS ( 4 E1 3 ) 2 5 6 4 ESS ( 4 E1 4 ) 2 5 6 5 ESS ( 5 E4 ) 2 4 4

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-26 G3V2 Administration 6 Page 2—Trunk Group Form This p ag e is c omp osed of two p arts, the trunk features and the inc oming c all hand ling tab le. The following list d esc rib es the ad ministration setting s for the ISDN PRI-sp ec ific field s in the trunk features p ortion of this ad ministration:5 ESS ( 5 E5 ) 2 4 4 5 ESS ( 5 E6 ) 2 4 4 System 75 (all produc ts) 260 System 85 (R2V4) 128 System 85 (R2V5) 260 System 85 (R2V6) 260 Overlap Rec eivingThis field only applies to G3V2. Values: no (d efault) yes Re f e r e n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Dig it Rec eiving ’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. Non DEFINITY switc hes mig ht use overlap send ing to send the d ig its in more than one IE. If c onnec ted to one of these switc hes, administer this field as yes . Trunk Hunt Direc tionThis field ap plies to G3V2 only. Values: asc end descend c yc lic al (d efault) The system will searc h for an availab le trunk starting with the hig hest numb ered memb er and p roc eed ing to the lowest numb ered if descend is administered and vic e versa if ascend is administered. If c yc lical is administered, the system searc hes for trunks in a c irc ular alg orithm in the ord er in whic h the trunks were ad d ed to the trunk g roup .ProductMessage Length (octets) Received