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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-7 Framing Format 4 Tab le 4-1 illustrates these p oints: Notes: 1. C1 throug h C4 = CRC-4 b its 2. U = Unassig ned b it 3. Yf = Remote frame alarm b it 4. E = Remote end b loc k error b its G2.2 Framing Format Implementation In G2.2 you selec t either ESF or D4 framing in p roc ed ure 260, word 1, field 6. Table 4-1. 2.048 Mbps CEPT1 in Channel 0 FramesBits in channel 0 1 2 345678 0 C1 0 011011 1 0 1 YfUUUUU 2 C2 0 011011 3 0 1 YfUUUu U 4 C3 0 011011 5 1 1 YfUUUUU 6 C4 0 011011 7 0 1 YfUUUUU 8 C1 0 011011 9 1 1 YfUUUUU 10 C2 0 011011 11 1 1 YfUUUU 12 C3 0 011011 13 E 1 YfUUUUU 14 C4 0 011011 15 E 1 YfUUUUU

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-8 Companding 4 G3V2 Framing Format Implementation If you administer the DS1 bit rate, the G3V2. supp orts D4 and ESF as op tions in the S1 c irc uit p ac k form. You should use ESF if p ossib le. The p rimary reason for this is for reframing after a misframe. ESF automatic ally reframes whereas D4 d oes not. This ab ility to reframe is esp ec ially c ruc ial in d ig ital d ata c ommunic ations. You must sp ec ify ESF framing on the servic e ord er form if you are using a Network servic e in the U.S. You must also op tion ESF on the CSU. If D4 framing is used , the far end and the CSU must also use D4-framing for that DS1 interfac e. To ad minister framing , enter either esf or D4 in the Fr a m i n g M o d e field on the DS1 Circ uit Pac k form. If the 2.048 mb ps option is ad ministered , no op tion app ears on the form, meaning CEPT1 framing is automatically administered. Companding Comp and ing is a method of imp roving the sig nal-to-noise (S/N) ratio resulting from the pulse c od e mod ulation (PCM) p roc ess on voic e c alls. It is availab le as an ad ministration option only on G3V2 systems. Furthermore, it c an b e ad ministered for lines and for trunks. This d oc ument c onsid ers only the imp lementation of trunk c omp and ing . To understand c omp and ing , you must first und erstand PCM. During PCM, samp les of the sig nal amp litud e are taken at reg ular intervals. The amplitud e of eac h samp le is first dig itized (q uantized ) and then round ed up. This round ing op eration c auses q uantization noise. The q uantization noise is p rop ortionately greater at lower amplitudes. With c omp and ing , the analog signal’s amp litud e range is c omp ressed b efore it is q uantized and transmitted . The q uantized sig nal is exp and ed b y a sp ec ial PCM d ec od er after it is rec eived . With d ig itized transmission, c omp and ing amounts to assig ning a small unit of q uantization noise to lower amp litud es and larger units to hig her amp litud es. This red uc es the amount of q uantization noise. Either of two algorithms are used to c ompand voic eb and sig nals: A-law and mu-law. A-law is g enerally used in c ountries that use CEPT1 transmission at 2.048 mb p s; while mu-law c omp and ing is used in c ountries with DS1 transmission at 1.544 mb p s. When transmitting internationally, the A/mu-law c onversion is p erformed at the same time the DS1/CEPT1 c onversion is d one. The following tables summarize the c omp anding sup p ort in d ifferent c ountries at this time:

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-9 Companding 4 1. Excep t Cairo, whic h uses mu-law c omp and ing at the CEPT1 bit rate. Table 4-2. Countries Supporting A-Law Companding at the CEPT1 Bit Rate European Belg ium Czechoslovakia Franc e Germany Greec e Hung ary Italy Netherland s Russia Sp ain Switzerland U.K. Pacific Rim Australia China Ind ia Ind onesia New Zealand Philip p ines Sing ap ore Thailand Americas Brazil Costa Ric a Mexic o Middle East Eg y p t 1Saud i Arab ia Table 4-3. Countries Supporting mu-Law Companding at 1.544 Mbps Only Pacific Rim Hong Kong Ta i w a n Americas Canad a Dominic an Rep ub lic Puerto Ric o United States Venezuela

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-10 Channel Structure and Signaling 4 Any DEFINITY system using any DS1 interfac e board other than the TN464C or later is mu-law b y d efault and c annot b e c hang ed in ad ministration.If a TN464C or later is used on a G3V2, however, c omp and ing is ad ministrab le. The following field ap p ears on the DS1 c irc uit p ac k form: NOTE: A system c an c onsist of b oth A-law and mu-law interfac es. Thus, c alls inc oming on A-law fac ilities c an be switc hed to outg oing mu-law fac ilities and vic e versa. Channel Structure and Signaling The p hysic al layer asp ec ts of c hannel struc ture and sig naling are imp lemented in the d ig ital trunk b oard s in the DEFINITY systems. The DS1 b it stream is time-multip lexed into 24 64 kbp s c hannels. The CEPT1 b it stream is time-multip lexed into 32 64 kbp s c hannels. Within this b asic c hannel struc ture, variations in sig naling exist. Following are the typ es of sig naling availab le on DS1 boards: nBit-oriented signaling, which is further divided into the following types: — Robbed bit signaling — Common c hannel sig naling , whic h is further d ivid ed into the following types: nAT&T Proprietary c ommon c hannel sig naling nDMI-BOS c ommon c hannel sig naling nISDN PRI sig naling Table 4-4. Countries Supporting mu-Law Companding at both DS1 and CEPT1 Bit Rates Jap an Korea Venezuela Interface Companding:This field c an be set to either alaw or mulaw . Both end s of the DS1 or CEPT1 span must have the same c omp and ing.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-11 Channel Structure and Signaling 4 Following are the CEPT1 signaling typ es: nBit oriented c ommon c hannel sig naling , whic h inc lud es only one type c alled c hannel assoc iated sig naling (CAS) nISDN PRI sig naling Robbed-Bit Signaling Rob b ed -b it sig naling (RBS) may b e used over DS1 1.544 mb p s fac ilities. With RBS, in every 6th frame the sig naling alg orithm replac es (that is, “ rob s” ) the least-sig nific ant b it (LSB) of eac h c hannel. It rep lac es this b it with the sig naling information for that c hannel. For the sup erframe format, the 6th and 12th frames c arry RBS; for ESF, the 6th, 12th, 18th, and 24th frames c arry RBS. Eac h sig naling frame alternates b etween the A b it and the B b it. Thus, the 6th frame c arries the A b it, the 12th the B b it, and so on. Bec ause the sig naling information is c arried emb ed d ed within eac h c hannel, RBS sig naling is also c alled inband signaling. Sinc e not all eig ht bits of every b yte c an b e used b ut seven b its of every b yte c an b e used , rob bed b it c hannels ad ministered as trunks c an c arry information of no more than 56 kb p s. This allows voic e, voic e-g rad e d ata and mod e 1 d ig ital d ata to b e transp orted on rob b ed b it fac ilities. DS1 Common Channel Bit Oriented Signaling Common c hannel sig naling on DS1 fac ilities p lac es the sig naling b its (the A and B b its) into the 24th c hannel. This p ermits the c hannels to use their full 64 kb p s b and wid th c apac ity b ec ause no b its are rob b ed from the information-b earing c hannels (the trunk c hannels). Thus, this typ e of sig naling p rovid es 23 64-kb p s c hannels for voic e or d ata transmission, with the 24th c hannel reserved for signaling only. The format used to c arry sig naling information req uires 24-frames, a req uirement met b y ESF. For the D4 sup erframe format to meet this req uirement, however, two D4 sup erframes are linked together to form the req uired 24-frame sup erframe. Within 24th-c hannel b it-oriented sig naling , there are two variations: nAT&T prop rietary sig naling nDMI BOS (bit-oriented signaling) AT&T prop rietary sig naling was the first typ e of 24th-c hannel sig naling provid ed b y System 75 and System 85. It was d evelop ed to c arry DCP-formatted d ata (in d ig ital form) b etween System 75 and /or System 85 switc hes. AT&T p roprietary sig naling is d esc rib ed in the initial release of the DMI technical sp ecification (selec t c od e 500-029).

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-12 Channel Structure and Signaling 4 For AT&T p roprietary signaling , a c omp lete set of sig naling information is sent every 24 frames. This 24-frame period is not sync hronized to the 12-frame sup erframe (D4) format or to the 24-frame extend ed sup erframe (ESF) format. Eac h sig naling b yte c ontains the eq uivalent of a c hannel id entific ation numb er and the sig naling state for that c hannel. The c hannel id entific ation numb er is nec essary sinc e the c hannel sig naling information may not b e sync hronized with the voic e or d ata c hannel that it d esc rib es. Some typ es of p ub lic network eq uip ment were inc omp atib le with this typ e of 24th-c hannel sig naling and , as a result, another typ e of 24th-c hannel sig naling , called DMI bit-oriented signaling (DMI-BOS), was developed. For DMI-BOS, sp ec ific 24th-c hannel b it loc ations c arry framing and alarm d ata, and sig naling information for the other 23 c hannels. Unfortunately, DMI-BOS and AT&T p rop rietary sig naling are not c omp atib le. DMI-BOS must b e used for c onnec tions to host c omputers and other vend ors’ eq uip ment that meets the DMI tec hnic al sp ec ific ation for BOS. Ta b l e 4 - 5 illustrates the c hannel struc ture of a DMI-BOS interfac e: Table 4-5. 1.544 Mbps DMI-BOS in Channel 24 FramesBit in channel 24 12345678 1A13A1B1X X X 1 X 2A14A2B2X X X 1 X 3A15A3B3X X X 1 X 4A16A4B4X X X 1 X 5A17A5B5X X X 1 X 6A18A6B6X X X 1 X 7A19A7B7X X X 1 X 8A20A8B8X X X 1 X 9A21A9B9X X X 1 X 10 A22 A10 B10 X X X 1 X 11 A23 A11 B11 X X X 1 X 12 1 A12 B12 X X X 1 X 13 A1 A13 B13 X X X 1 X 14 A2 A14 B14 X X X 1 X 15 A3 A15 B15 X X X 1 X Continued on next page

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-13 Channel Structure and Signaling 4 Notes: 1. .X = Reserved for future use. Set to 0. 2. RMA = Remote multiframe alarm (0 = alarm; 1 = normal) 3. Bit 7 = Primary b it p attern for sig naling integ rity check 4. Bits 3, 4, 5, and 8 in frame 24 = Sec ond ary b it p attern for sig naling integ rity check 5. A and B = Signaling bits for indicated channels. 6. The TN722 supp orts only AT&T proprietary signaling. However, the TN722B c an b e ad ministered to sup p ort either AT&T p rop rietary sig naling or DMI-BOS. 7. The TN767 on G3iV2. c an b e ad ministered for either DMI-BOS or ISDN-PRI sig naling . For the G3rV2, the TN767 is reserved for DMI-BOS sig naling , while the TN464C c an be administered for either ISDN-PRI or DMI-BOS sig naling . CEPT1 Common Channel Bit-Oriented Signaling CEPT1 b it oriented sig naling uses the 16th c hannel to c arry sig naling information for the other 30 c hannels (rob b ed b it sig naling d oes not exist in CEPT1). This p ermits the c hannels to use their full 64 kb p s b and width c ap ac ity. CEPT1 fac ilities use only one type of bit oriented sig naling , c alled c hannel assoc iated sig naling (CAS). With CAS, c hannels 1 throug h 15 and 17 through 31 are used for voic e and data transmissions and c hannel 0 is used for framing (see CEPT1 Fra mi ng ).16 A4 A16 B16 X X X 1 X 17 A5 A17 B17 X X X 1 X 18 A6 A18 B18 X X X 1 X 19 A7 A19 B19 X X X 1 X 20 A8 A20 B20 X X X 1 X 21 A9 A21 B21 X X X 1 X 22 A10 A22 B22 X X X 1 X 23 A11 A23 B23 X X X 1 X 24 A12 1 1 1 0 RMA 0 1 Table 4-5. 1.544 Mbps DMI-BOS in Channel 24 — Continued FramesBit in channel 24 12345678 Continued on next page

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-14 Channel Structure and Signaling 4 Like CEPT1 framing , CAS sig naling is c yc led throug h sixteen (0-15) frames (eac h c ontaining c hannels 0-31), as shown in Ta b l e 4 - 6 : Notes: 1. X = unused b it to b e set to 1. 2. Y = b it used to ind icate multiframe alig nment. 3. 0000 = In b its 1 through 4 of frame 0. Multiframe alig nment sig nal. 4. Bits 1, 2, 5, and 6 are the A and B b its used for forward and b ackward sig naling in time slots numb ered ag ainst them. 5. Bits 3 and 7 are the C b its. All C b its are set to 0 in transmission and ig nored b y the rec eiver. 6. Bits 4 and 8 are the D b its. All D b its are set to 1 in transmission and ig nored b y the rec eiver. Table 4-6. 2.048 Mbps CAS in Channel 16 FramesBit in channel 16 123456 7 8 00000XYXX 1A1B1C1D1A17B17C17D17 2A2B2C2D2A18B18C18D18 3A3B3C3D3A19B19C19D19 4A4B4C4D4A20B20C20D20 5A5B5C5D5A21B21C21D21 6A6B6C6D6A22B22C22D22 7A7B7C7D7A23B23C23D23 8A8B8C8D8A24B24C24D24 9A9B9C9D9A25B25C25D25 10 A10 B10 C10 D10 A26 B26 C26 D26 11 A11 B11 C11 D11 A27 B27 C27 D27 12 A12 B12 C12 D12 A28 B28 C28 D28 13 A13 B13 C13 D13 A29 B29 C29 D29 14 A14 B14 C14 D14 A30 B30 C30 D30 15 A15 B15 C15 D15 A31 B31 C31 D31

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-15 Channel Structure and Signaling 4 Note that exc ep t for frame 0, the 16th c hannel of eac h frame hold s the sig naling for two voic e/d ata c hannels. The sig naling is held in p ositions A throug h D. For examp le, the 16th c hannel of frame 2 hold s the sig naling bits (bits A throug h D) for voic e/d ata c hannels 2 and 18. The 16th c hannel of frame 0 c arries the multiframe alignment sig nal (0000) in b its 1 throug h 4 and an alarm ind ic ation in bit 6. ISDN PRI Signaling ISDN PRI sig naling is a form of messag e oriented sig naling in whic h a c ommon sig naling c hannel c arries multib yte messag es for sig naling . Both DS1 and CEPT1 reserve a c ommon c hannel for ISDN PRI signaling . In DS1 fac ilities, the 24th c hannel is reserved for ISDN PRI sig naling while in CEPT1 fac ilities the 16th c hannel is reserved. Unlike b it-oriented sig naling , this c hannel is left unformatted at the p hysic al layer so that it c an b e used b y hig her level p rotoc ols to carry messag es. NOTE: The p ub lic network ISDN PRI in Australia (Country op tion 2) map s CEPT1 c hannels 1-31 to ISDN PRI B c hannels 1-30. This means that systems interfac ing to the p ublic network in Australia will be inc orrec tly map p ed from c hannels 17-31. Using c ountry op tion 2 c ompensates for this map p ing . For d etails on this sub jec t, see the sec tion ‘‘Channel ID IE’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’ . G2.2 Signaling Implementation G2.2 imp lements the physic al layer asp ec ts of DS1 sig naling in p roc ed ure 260, word 1, field s 7, 8, 14, and 19 as follows: nFor trunks using robbed bit signaling, field 7=blank , field 8=1 , field 14=0 , field 19=dash . nFor trunks using AT&T p rop rietary c ommon c hannel b it-oriented sig naling , field 7=blank , field 8=0 , field 14=0 , 19=1 . nFor trunks using DMI-BOS c ommon c hannel b it-oriented sig naling , field 7=blank , field 8=0 , field 14=1 , 19=0 . nFor trunks using ISDN PRI signaling, field 7=0 if it is a FAS b oard or 1 if it is an NFAS board with all B c hannels, field 8=0 , field 14=5 , 19=dash . NOTE: On Generic 2.2 trad itional mod ules, the ANN11B and ANN11C supp ort only AT&T p rop rietary sig naling . The ANN11D and ANN11E sup p ort b oth AT&T p rop rietary sig naling and DMI-BOS. They d efault to DMI-BOS, b ut automatic ally switc h to AT&T prop rietary sig naling whenever the d istant end is using AT&T p rop rietary sig naling .

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-16 Channel Structure and Signaling 4 G3V2 Signaling Implementation The following field ap p ears in the DS1 c irc uit p ac k form: If you administer c ommon c hannel sig naling , you must also c omp lete the following field on the DS1 c irc uit p ac k form:Signaling Mode: Enter either robbed-bit , common-chan , or isdn-pri , CAS , or isdn-ext . Ad ministering robb ed b it signaling on a DS1 interfac e yield s 24 information c hannels c ap ab le of c arrying voic e or 56 kb p s d ata. You c an ad minister some c hannels on a DS1 interfac e to b e rob b ed -b it c hannels and the rest of the c hannels on the interfac e as ISDN PRI c hannels. To d o this, you must ad minister the DS1 Circ uit Pac k form as isdn-pri . When you sub seq uently ad d p orts on the interfac e to a trunk g roup , those p orts that are ad ded to non- ISDN PRI trunk g roups automatic ally b ec ome robb ed b it trunks. Note, however, that this c ap ab ility is not sup ported on the CEPT1 interfac e. DMI-BOS? If you enter y here, you g et DMI-BOS sig naling . If you answer n , you g et AT&T p rop rietary sig naling . In either c ase, you g et 23 64 kb p s information c hannels p er DS1 interfac e that c an eac h b e ad ministered as trunks to b e used for voic e, mod e 0, mod e 1, mod e 2, or mod e 3 d ata. CAS is c hannel-assoc iated sig naling (CAS), whic h is a form of c ommon c hannel sig naling . The op tion isdn-ext d esig nates that the D c hannel sig naling for this b oard is on another b oard and that this b oard c ontains all B c hannels. Tab le 4-7 summarizes how to ad minister the c irc uit p ac ks to generate the type of signaling indicated: