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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual

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    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Equipment and Software Requirements 
    Page 3-2  
    Table 3-1. Equipment and Software Requirements
    Item Systems Remarks
    TN464C G3V2 Universal DS1/CEPT1 b oard . It is 
    required for all CEPT1-based trunks. It is 
    also req uired  for ISDN PRI D c hannels on 
    G3r. It is also req uired  for wid eband  
    switc hing. The TN464D or later is 
    req uired for ap p lic ations in Belg ium, the 
    Netherland s, Mexic o, Arg entina, 
    Czec hoslovakia, and Russia.
    TN767 G3V2, G2.2 
    universal mod uleDS1 b oard . Cannot b e used  for ISDN PRI 
    D c hannels on G3rV2. For this board  to 
    c ontain an ISDN PRI D c hannel on the 
    G2.2 universal module it must b e 
    ac c omp anied  b y the TN555 p ac ket 
    ad junc t.
    TN722 G3V2 DS1 trunk board . Cannot b e used  for 
    ISDN PRI sig naling  on any system.
    TN555 G2.2 universal 
    mod uleDS1 Pac ket Adjunc t. ISDN PRI sig naling 
    on a D c hannel on a TN767 requires this 
    b oard  in the ad jac ent slot.
    ANN11C G2.2 traditional 
    mod uleISDN PRI D c hannel is not sup p orted  on 
    this b oard . If you use the ANN11 for 24 B 
    c hannels in an NFAS arrang ement, 
    maintenanc e tests (e.g ., p roc ed ure 620) 
    on these b oard s will fail.
    ANN35 G2.2 Trad itional 
    Mod uleThis board supports ISDN PRI signaling 
    TN765 G3iV2 Proc essor interfac e
    TN768 G3V2 Tone/c loc k. This b oard  c an also b e used 
    in the G2.2 universal mod ule b ut only for 
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Equipment and Software Requirements 
    Page 3-3  
    TN780 All G3V2 systems Tone/c loc k. Req uired  for Stratum 3 c loc k.
    TN463 G2.2 trad itional 
    and  universal 
    mod ulesSystem c loc k sync hronizer. One TN463 is 
    req uired per system. It is loc ated  in the 
    TMS c arrier for multi-mod ule systems or 
    in the mod ule c ontrol c arrier for sing le 
    mod ule systems.
    TN771B/C G3V2, G2.2 
    universal mod uleMaintenanc e/test b oard. This b oard  is 
    req uired for ISDN PRI test c alls. On G3V2 
    systems, a TN771 is req uired  in eac h p ort 
    network from or to whic h ISDN test c alls 
    will be made. On G2.2, the TN771B and  
    later will work. On G3V2 systems, you 
    must have the TN771C or later.
    SN261B G2.2 universal 
    mod uleAnalog /d ig ital fac ility test b oard . This 
    b oard  is req uired  for ISDN PRI test c alls 
    using proc edure 648 test 2 and  test 3.
    ESF T1 CSU All systems A CSU is req uired  b y all systems when 
    c onnec ting via c op p er to p ub lic  network 
    fac ilities in the U.S. The mod el sold  b y 
    AT&T is the ESF T1 CSU.
    Numb er 8 
    TR631 Dig ital 
    Line UnitG3iV2, G3rV2 Used  for CSU func tion at 2.048 mb ps 
    rate. Currently availab le from AT&T 
    Network Systems International.
    Cab le DS1 – 
    board-to-CSUG2.2 universal 
    mod ule, G3V2H600307 c able. Eig ht g roup s are 
    availab le (G-1 throug h G-8) d iffering  in 
    leng th (25 feet to 650 feet). Extend er 
    c ab les are also availab le b y spec ifying  a 
    leng th attrib ute (lng1 throug h lng 5). By 
    d efault, a g roup  2 c ab le (50 feet) is 
    shipped with the DS1 board (TN722, 
    TN767, TN464C).
    Table 3-1. Equipment and Software Requirements
    Item Systems Remarks
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Equipment and Software Requirements 
    Page 3-4 ANN11C and ANN35 Line Compensation Jumper Settings 
    ANN11C and ANN35 Line
    Compensation Jumper Settings
    Unlike the TN722, TN767, and  TN464C board s, the ANN11 and  ANN35 have a 
    switc h that must b e set for the leng th of the c ab le from the b oard  to the CSU. 
    Following  are the setting s:Sync hronization
    cableG2.2 universal 
    and  traditional 
    mod ulesThe g roup 334 c ab le is wired  from the 
    sync hronization sourc e DS1 b oard  to the 
    TN463 in a multimod ule system when the 
    DS1 b oard  is in a trad itional mod ule.
    The g roup 361 c ab le is wired  from the 
    sync hronization sourc e DS1 b oard  to the 
    TN463 in a sing le mod ule system when 
    the DS1 board is in a traditional module.
    The g roup 503 c ab le is wired  from the 
    universal b us interfac e to the TN463 in a 
    multimod ule system when the DS1 b oard  
    is in a universal module.
    Cab le – 
    to-CSUG2.2 trad itional 
    mod uleGroup  380 c ab le
    Cab le – 
     interfac eAll
    softwareAll All systems req uire ISDN PRI software for 
    ISDN PRI trunks.
    Table 3-1. Equipment and Software Requirements
    Item Systems Remarks
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Equipment and Software Requirements 
    Page 3-5 TN464C Jumper Settings 
    TN464C Jumper Settings
    If the TN464C or later is used , two jump ers on the b oard  must b e installed  
    c orrec tly. These jump ers are on the lower left quad rant of the b oard  as you look 
    at the b oard  with the front p anel in your rig ht hand . One jump er c ontrols the b it 
    rate and  the other c ontrols the imp edanc e. The 75-Ohm op tion is for use with 
    c oaxial c ab le. The following  fig ure illustrates these jump ers:
    Old Toggle-  New Slide-  Distance to
    Type Switches   Type Switches       CSU
      SW1  SW2  SW3   SW1  SW2  SW3                     
       D    D    U     C    C    O        0 - 133 Feet  
       D    U    D     C    O    C      133 - 266 Feet 
    D    U    U     C    O    O      266 - 399 Feet  
       U    D    D     O    C    C      399 - 533 Feet  
       U  D    U     O    C    O      533 - 655 Feet  
    D= d own
    U= up
    C= c losed
    O= op en 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Equipment and Software Requirements 
    Page 3-6 TN464C Jumper Settings 
    Figure 3-1. Bit Rate and Impedance Jumpers on the TN464C
    To p
    24/32 channel selector
    75/120 ohm selector
    24 CHNL
    120 OHM 32 CHNL
    75 OHMInser t the jumpers into
    the center row of pins
    and the row designating
    the desired options.
    ckdf464 LJK 060597
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Equipment and Software Requirements 
    Page 3-7 DS1/CEPT1 Board Cable to CSU 
    DS1/CEPT1 Board Cable to CSU
    A stand ard  c ab le is p rovid ed  with the DS1/CEPT1 b oard  for c onnec ting  to a CSU 
    or other network terminating  eq uip ment, suc h as a T1 multip lexer or a T1 
    mic rowave. This c ab le is 50 feet in leng th and c omes eq uip ped  with a 25-p in 
    c onnec tor at the G3V2 end  and  a 15-p in c onnec tor at the CSU end . Extend er 
    c ab les c an also b e ord ered  if the CSU is more than 50 feet from the DS1/CEPT1 
    75 Ohm DS1/CEPT1-to CSU Cable
    If the TN464 (C or later) b oard  is used  and  is op tioned for 75 Ohms, a c oaxial 
    c ab le with a 75 Ohm c onnec tor is req uired . Presently, the d istrib utor makes this 
    c ab le using  c oaxial c ab le and  a c oax-to-25 p in ad ap tor c onforming  to the CCITT 
    G703 stand ard  for 75 Ohm interfac e.
    ESF T1 Channel Service Unit
    A c hannel servic e unit is req uired  if the ap p lic ation req uires c onnec tion to the 
    p ublic  network with c opp er wire. AT&T p resently sells the ESF T1 CSU for these 
    ap plic ations. The DS1 c ab le from the DS1 b oard  on the switc h c onnec ts to the 
    CSU at one end . The CSU then c onnec ts to the network interfac e, whic h is 
    usually a smart jac k, at the other end. Thus, the CSU is an interface between the 
    c ustomer p remises eq uip ment and the network T1 fac ility. The p rimary p urp ose 
    of the CSU is as follows:
    nThe CSU ac ts as a line rep eater so that the network interfac e c an b e 
    loc ated  at varying distanc es from the nearest rep eater in the network and  
    still maintain the correct sig nal level.
    nThe CSU p rovid es loop b ac k test c ap ab ilities b oth from the c ustomer sid e 
    and  from the network sid e.
    nThe CSU isolates the c ustomer premises eq uipment from the network, 
    providing network equipment protection against electric al damage from 
    the c ustomer eq uip ment. This func tion is not req uired  anymore b ec ause of 
    c hanges in the network equip ment.
    nThe CSU p rovid es automatic  1s d ensity req uirement to the network in the 
    event that the c ustomer premises eq uip ment is d isc onnec ted .
    User op tionab le switc h setting s on the CSU p rovide these func tions. 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Equipment and Software Requirements 
    Page 3-8 ESF T1 Channel Service Unit 
    ESF T1 CSU Switch Settings
    The ESF T1 CSU should  b e optioned  to ag ree with the switc h administration. 
    Thus, if the system is op tioned  for ESF framing  format, for examp le, so should  the 
    CSU. The ESF T1 CSU should  also b e set to pass ESF and  CRC-6 information 
    transparently throug h the CSU to and  from the system.
    ESF T1 CSU DIP Switch Settings
    Following  are the typ ic al DIP switc h setting s for the ESF CSU when c onnec ted  to 
    a T1 fac ility. Note that these setting s are assuming  ESF framing  and zero c od e 
    sup p ression (ZCS) line c od ing  format in the switc h. 
    Table 3-2. ESF T1 CSU DIP Switch Settings
    Settings Remarks
    SW1-1 SW5-1 c losed This is the CSUs ad d ress. This setting  will work in most 
    ap p lic ations. When CSUs are networked  with eac h 
    other, the ad d resses might have to b e uniq ue.
    SW1-2 SW5-2 c losed
    SW1-3 SW5-3 c losed
    SW1-4 SW5-4 c losed
    SW1-5 SW5-5 c losed
    SW1-6 SW5-6 c losed
    SW1-7 SW5-7 c losed
    SW1-8 SW5-8 open
    SW2-1 SW4-1 op en This switc h sets the b it error rate threshold . These 
    setting s are the d efault settings, whic h set the threshold  
    at 1 error in one million b its.
    SW2-2 SW4-2 c losed
    SW2-3 SW4-3 open
    SW2-4 SW4-4 open
    SW2-5 SW4-5 op en not used
    SW2-6 SW4-6 op en not used
    SW2-7 SW4-7 op en not used
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Equipment and Software Requirements 
    Page 3-9 ESF T1 Channel Service Unit 
    SW3 SW3 This switc h is unused . All eig ht switc hes are fac tory set 
    to op en.
    SW4 SW2 This switc h is unused . All eig ht switc hes are fac tory set 
    to op en.
    SW5-1 SW1-8 op en This setting  ind ic ates that the switc h is ESF framed . ESF 
    framing  must also b e set in the DS1 c irc uit p ac k 
    ad ministration form. If the switc h is c losed , D4 framing  is 
    SW5-2 SW1-7 c losed This setting  ind ic ates that the network line c od ing  format 
    is AMI (ZCS in DEFINITY terminolog y). At p resent, the 
    network d oes not sup p ort B8ZS end -to-end. Thus, AMI 
    (ZCS) is usually the c orrec t op tion for c onnec tions to the 
    p ub lic  network. Note that if you are using  unrestric ted  
    fac ilities, you must use B8ZS. The op en p osition selec ts 
    SW5-3 SW1-6 c losed This setting  ind ic ates that the switc h is ad ministered  for 
    ZCS line c oding  format (AMI in network terminolog y). 
    Sinc e the network d oes not in g eneral sup p ort B8ZS 
    end -to-end , ZCS should  normally be ad ministered  in the 
    DS1 c irc uit p ac k ad ministration form for c onnec tions to 
    the p ub lic  network. This switc h setting  must ag ree with 
    the SW5-2 setting . For examp le, if one is AMI (ZCS) then 
    the other must also be AMI (ZCS), and  similarly for 
    B8ZS. The op en p osition selec ts B8ZS.
    SW5-4 SW1-5 c losed This setting  allows the CRC-6 error c orrec tion c od e from 
    the network to b e p assed throug h unaltered  to the 
    switc h. If the switc h is optioned  for ESF, this is the 
    c orrec t setting . If the switc h is op tioned for D4, this 
    switc h is ig nored . The op en p osition terminates the 
    CRC-6 from the network.
    Table 3-2. ESF T1 CSU DIP Switch Settings
    Settings Remarks
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Equipment and Software Requirements 
    Page 3-10 ESF T1 Channel Service Unit 
    SW5-5 SW1-4 c losed This setting  allows CRC-6 c ode g enerated  b y the switc h 
    to b e p assed  throug h the CSU unaltered  to the T1 
    fac ility. Ag ain, this is the c orrec t setting  if the switc h is 
    op tioned  for ESF framing . The op en p osition terminates 
    the CRC-6 from the switc h.
    SW5-6 SW1-3 op en This is the d efault setting . This setting  enforc es the FCC 
    p art 68 ones d ensity req uirement. If set to the c losed 
    p osition, the CSU enforc es the more string ent 
    requirement of AT&T Tec hnic al Pub lic ation 62411.
    SW5-7 SW1-2 op en This is the d efault setting . This setting  d oes not allow 
    p olling  of the far-end  CSU for alarms.
    SW5-8 SW1-1 op en This is the d efault setting . This switc h is unused.
    SW6-1 SW7-1 op en This is the d efault setting . It sets all ones (AIS) keep -alive 
    to the switc h if set to op en or the T1 fac ility if set to 
    c losed  d uring  manual loop b ac k testing.
    SW6-2 SW7-2 op en This is the d efault setting . This setting  is for d ec od ing  
    AMI (ZCS) line c od ing  from the switc h. If set to c losed , 
    the CSU d ec od es B8ZS. The switc h should  normally b e 
    ad ministered for ZCS b ec ause B8ZS is not universally 
    sup p orted  b y the loc al exc hang e c omp anies. This 
    op tion must b e set the same as for the switc h, for 
    examp le, if one is set to AMI (ZCS), so must the other.
    SW6-3 SW7-3 op en This is the d efault setting . This setting  is for d ec od ing  
    AMI (ZCS) from the network sid e. It should  b e set the 
    same as the switc h. Thus, if the switc h is set for AMI 
    (ZCS), then so should  the network. If set to the c losed  
    p osition, B8ZS is selec ted.
    Table 3-2. ESF T1 CSU DIP Switch Settings
    Settings Remarks
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Equipment and Software Requirements 
    Page 3-11 ESF T1 Channel Service Unit 
    Switc hes SW7 on the stand-alone unit and  SW8 on the multiline unit should  b e set 
    for the leng th of the c ab le from the switc h to the CSU. The setting s for the two 
    CSUs are d ifferent, however. Following  are the setting s for the standalone unit:
    sw 7-1  7-2  7-3   (7-4 to 7-9 not used)
         0 - 133 ft     O    O    O    
       134 - 266        C    O    O    
       267 - 399        O    C    O    
       400 - 533        C    C    O    
       534 - 655        O    O    C    
    Following  are the setting s for the multiline CSU:
    nFor a d istanc e from zero feet to 285 feet, switc hes SW6-1 throug h SW6-7 
    should all be open, and switc h SW6-8 should be closed.
    nFor a d istanc e from 285 feet to 500 feet, switc hes SW6-1 throug h SW6-8 
    should  b e set as follows:
    — SW6-1 set to op en
    — SW6-2 set to op en
    — SW6-3 set to c losed
    — SW6-4 set to op en
    — SW6-5 set to c losed SW6-4 SW7-4 c losed This setting  is for ESF framing  format from the network 
    sid e. The switc h should  also b e op tioned  for ESF 
    framing . To selec t D4 framing, set to op en.
    SW6-5 SW7-5 c losed This is the d efault setting . It is used  to d efault to the 
    switc h c onfig uration on p owerup .
    SW6-6 SW7-6 open This switc h is not used
    SW6-7 SW7-7 open This switc h is not used.
    SW6-8 SW7-8 op en This is the d efault setting . It send s all ones d uring keep  
    alive to the switc h. Closed  =  to the network.
    Table 3-2. ESF T1 CSU DIP Switch Settings
    Settings Remarks
    Continued on next page 
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