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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-7 G3V2 Administration 6 The c hoic e of isdn-ext req uires the c irc uit p ac k be a TN767, TN464B or TN464C or later release DS1/CEPT1 interfac e. This c hoic e will enab le the board to use ISDN sig naling with the D c hannel assoc iated with a d ifferent DS1/CEPT1 interfac e. The c hoic e of the isdn-pri p arameter along with Bit Rate set to 1.544 selec ts the 24 Channel ISDN interfac e. This req uires that the c irc uit p ac k b e a TN767 or TN464C or later release DS1/CEPT1 interfac e on G3iV2 or a TN464C or later on a G3rV2. This c hoic e will enab le ISDN-PRI sig naling to b e c arried over the 24th c hannel of the DS1/CEPT1 interfac e, and will c ause the Country Protocol and Connect field s to ap p ear. The c hoic e of the isdn-pri p arameter along with Bit Rate set to 2.048 selec ts the 32 Channel ISDN interfac e. This req uires that the c irc uit p ac k b e a TN464C or later release DS1/CEPT1 interfac e. This c hoic e will enab le ISDN-PRI sig naling to b e c arried over the 16th c hannel of the interfac e, and will c ause the Country Protocol and Connect field s to ap p ear. The c hoic e of the robbed-bit p arameter selects a signaling mod e that is used for tie, CO or DID trunks, or for 56 kb p s d ata trunks, suc h as for Ac c unet Switc hed 56 servic e.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-8 G3V2 Administration 6 Country Protoc olG3V2 only Va l u e s : A numb er from 1 to 17. Default is 1 . Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Country-Sp ec ific Layer 3 in G3V2’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This field will only b e d isp layed if the Signaling Mode is isdn-pri , isdn-ext , or CAS . This field is used for ISDN c alls and for non-ISDN c alls. For ISDN-PRI the field is used to spec ify the layer 3 PRI imp lementations ap p lic able for the selec ted c ountry. For non-ISDN it is used to ind ic ate to the firmware what sig naling p rotoc ol to use for CAS/CO c alls. Following is the mapping of country protoc ol option to country: Option Country 1 United States 2 Australia 3 Japan 4 Italy 5 Netherlands 6 Singapore 7 Mexico 8 Belgium 9 Saudi Arabia 10 United Kingdom 11 Spain 12 France 13 Germany 14 Czechoslovakia 15 CIS (Russia) 16 Argentina 17 Greece All entries are valid , thoug h only some make sense. For example, if the user c onfig ures this DS1/CEPT1 for CAS/CO op eration, only spec ific c ountries are log ic al c hoic es for the c ountry p rotoc ol. This is d ue to the limitation of whic h c ountries spec ific DS1/CEPT1 b oard s are c ap ab le of op erating in as CAS/CO c onfig urations. Thus, you c an enter any c ountry p rotoc ol. If the c ountry p rotoc ol value c hosen is not one whic h is rec og nized for CAS/CO operation, the DS1/CEPT1 software will d ownlink the b est c hoic e for c ountry p rotoc ol for CAS/CO op eration. Eac h c ountry will b e map p ed to a sp ec ific c ountry for CAS/CO operation which best fits its operation. This map ping is c hosen b ec ause it most c losely follows CCITT spec ific ations.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-9 G3V2 Administration 6 Connec tVa l u e s : host network (d efault) pbx Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘User-Network and Peer Protoc ols’’ in Chapter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. Th e Connect field will only ap p ear if isdn-pri signaling is c hosen. This field ind ic ates what is on the far end of the PRI in ord er to c ontrol the layers 2 and 3 p rotoc ol p rop erly (see the following description of the Interface field ). The d efault value for this field is network . Network means that the trunks on this b oard are c onnec ted to a p ub lic network switc h. Bec ause the p ub lic network ISDN PRI p rotoc ol d iffers from c ountry to c ountry, a value of network here c auses the c ountry p rotoc ol field to ap p ear in G3V2 systems, allowing you to c hoose the c orrec t p rotoc ol. Similarly, if you ad minister host , it means that the system is c onnec ted to a c omp uter of some kind . Ag ain, the c ountry p rotoc ol field ap p ears in G3V2 systems. In G3V2 systems in the U.S. (c ountry op tion 1) a value of network means the system is the user sid e in a user-network protoc ol and a value of host means the system is the network sid e in a user-network p rotoc ol. If the Connect value is pbx , it means the interfac e is c onnec ted to another PBX, whic h d oes not nec essarily have any relationship to the c ountry in whic h the system resides. Thus, instead of the c ountry p rotoc ol field appearing, the field Interface ap p ears. In G3V2 systems, this field allows you to c hoose a user-network p rotoc ol or a p eer p rotoc ol for PBX-to-PBX c onnec tions. If a p eer p rotoc ol is ad ministered , the c ountry p rotoc ol is not need ed bec ause a spec ific p eer p rotoc ol (ECMA) has b een imp lemented . If a user-network p rotoc ol is c hosen, however, the c ountry p rotoc ol is relevant and this field will ap p ear in G3V2 systems.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-10 G3V2 Administration 6 InterfaceVa l u e s : network p eer-master (G3V2 only) p eer-slave (G3V2 only) user (d efault) Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘User-Network and Peer Protoc ols’’ in Chapter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This field will only ap p ear if pbx is c hosen as the Connect value. If you administer user , the system is user at b oth layers 2 and 3 in a user-network p rotoc ol for ISDN PRI c alls on trunks on this interfac e. If you ad minister network , the system is network at layers 2 and 3 in a user-network p rotoc ol. If you ad minister peer-master , the system is a master at layer 2 in the ECMA p eer p rotoc ol. If you ad minister peer-slave , the system is a slave a layer 2 in the ECMA p eer p rotoc ol. When you ad minister user or network, the c ountry protoc ol field app ears in G3V2 systems. When you administer either peer-master or p eer-slave, two field s, peer protocol and side , ap pear. The only c hoic e, and thus the d efault, for the p eer p rotoc ol is the value ECMA . Ad ministering the system as side A means that the system is the A sid e at layer 3 in the ECMA p eer p rotoc ol. Similarly, ad ministering the system as sid e B means that it is sid e B at layer 3 in the ECMA p eer p rotoc ol. For the p urp oses of hand ling glare, sid e A is roug hly eq uivalent to the network sid e at layer 3 and sid e B roug hly eq uivalent to the user sid e. Note that with the p eer p rotoc ol the layer 2 ad ministration is not linked to the layer 3 administration. NOTE: When a G3V2 DS1/CEPT1 interfac e ad ministered with a user-network p rotoc ol is c onnec ted to a G2.2 interfac e, the G3V2 interfac e must b e ad ministered as network and the G2.2 interfac e as user. This is b ec ause the user-network ad ministration on the G2.2 is only imp lemented for layer 2. The layer 3 user/network relationship in G2.2 is user b y default, whic h means the layer 3 user/network id entific ation must b e network in the G3V2, whic h in turn means the layer 2 user/network is also network, whic h in turn means the layer 2 user/network on the G2.2 must be user. If a G3V2 ad ministered for the ECMA p eer p rotoc ol is c onnec ted to a G2.2, you must make sure that if the G2.2 is ad ministered as user at layer 2 then the G3V2 is ad ministered as p eer-master and c onversely, as p eer slave if the G2.2 is network. The following tab le shows the rec ommend ed ways to ad minister the user-network and peer p rotoc ols when a G2.2 is c onnec ted to a G3V2:

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-11 G3V2 Administration 6 G2.2 G3V2 Administered as Layer 2 Layer 3 Administered as Layer 2 Layer 3 user user user network network network user user user peer-master/side A (G3V2 only) master side A network network network p eer-slave/sid e B (G3V2 only) slave sid e B NOTE: When c onnec ting two DEFINITY systems via ISDN PRI, you should use the user-network p rotoc ol and c ountry op tion 1 if you want the extra features sup p orted by option 1. Interc onnec t G3V2 only Va l u e s : CO p b x (d efault) This field will only ap p ear if CAS signaling mode is ad ministered . This parameter selec ts the trunk sig naling mod e that the b oard will sup p ort. If pbx is selec ted , the board will op erate as a d ig ital tie trunk b oard ; if CO is selected, the board will operate as a digital CO/DID trunk b oard . Interface Comp and ingG3V2 only Va l u e s : alaw mulaw (d efault) Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Comp and ing ’’ in Chapter 4, ‘‘Physical Layer’’. This field will only b e d isp layed if the DS1/CEPT1 interfac e is a TN464C or later release. This is the only DS1/CEPT1 board that allows selec tab le c omp and ing . All other DS1/CEPT1 b oard s op erate in either alaw or mulaw. The TN722, TN722B, and TN767 are mulaw c omp and ing .

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-12 G3V2 Administration 6 CRC G3V2 only Va l u e s : no (d efault) yes This field will only ap p ear if CAS is c hosen as the sig naling mod e. The CRC field ind ic ates whether the c yc lic al red und anc y c hec k is to b e d one on the b oard . Idle Code G3V2 only Va l u e s : An 8-d ig it b inary numb er in the rang e 00000000 to 11111111. Default is 11111111. Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Id le Cod e’’ in Chap ter 4, ‘‘Physic al Layer’’. This field enab les the c ustomer to ad minister the id le c od e c hannel for all c ountry p rotoc ols. The id le c od e b it p attern c an b e administered to b e any p attern of 0s or 1s whic h is eight c harac ters in leng th, with the least sig nific ant b it in the farthest rig ht p osition. The expec ted value of the id le c od e for the far end is d etermined b y the sp ec ific equip ment loc ated at the remote end . The following list shows a few examp les of the id le c ode for sp ec ific c ountries; for c ountries that d o not d efine the id le c od e, the d efault value of domestic id le c od e 11111111 will be used. United States 11111111 Australia 11111111 Italy 01010100 Japan at least 3 1s must be administered Th e Idle Code field ind ic ates the sig nal that is transmitted on all DS0 c hannels on a DS1 that have been ad ministered to a c hannel g roup or as an ac c ess endp oint, b ut are not c arrying an ac tive c onnec tion.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-13 G3V2 Administration 6 DMI-BOSVa l u e s : no yes (d efault) Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Channel Struc ture and Sig naling ’’ in Chap ter 4, ‘‘Physic al Layer’’. This field only appears when the Bit Rate is 1.544 . DMI-BOS y selec ts a mode of op eration that is c omp atib le with the DMI-BOS stand ard . Its use req uires a TN722B or TN767 c irc uit pack and common-chan sig naling mod e. It also c an use a TN464C or later release DS1/CEPT1 b oard , c onfig ured with Bit Rate set to 1.544 and Signaling Mode set to common-chan . If the Signaling Mode is anything other than common-chan then the field d isap p ears. Slip Detec tion Va l u e s : no (d efault) yes If frame slip d etec tion is enab led , then the slip -rate status of this c irc uit p ac k will b e used b y maintenanc e software along with the status of the other DS1/CEPT1 c irc uit p ac ks to d etermine whether an exc essive frame slip rate exists. Otherwise, the slip -rate status of this c irc uit p ac k will b e ig nored . The p referred c hoic e is yes unless there is no prec ise, ind ep end ent c loc k at the other end of the link, as in DMI servic e. In sp ite of this p referenc e, the d efault value is no, b ec ause it is safe; an inc orrec t no will not harm a p rop erly working system, b ut an inc orrec t yes mig ht trig g er unwanted maintenanc e rep orts and ac tions. A y should b e assig ned if this interfac e is a sync hronization sourc e. Rem ote Loop around Te s t Va l u e s : no (d efault) yes This p arameter c ontrols whether the maintenanc e software is p ermitted to exec ute a remote loop -around test. This test should not b e p ermitted unless the p hysic al c onfig uration allows it, which requires that the DS1/CEPT1 link be connected to ap p rop riate eq uip ment, suc h as a DSX-1 c ross-c onnec t or a DMI interfac e.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-14 G3V2 Administration 6 Synchronization Plan Form Settings Refer to the sec tion ‘‘Sync hronization’’ in Chap ter 4, ‘‘Physical Layer’’ for further information on sync hronizing the system. Using the c ommand change synchronization , enter the stratum, either 3 or 4, and the b oard loc ations of the p rimary and sec ond ary timing sourc es. If you ad minister stratum 3, the loc ation of the stratum 3 sourc e is d isp layed. If you ad minister stratum 4, you c an then ad minister the loc ations of the p rimary and sec ond ary sourc es. The ad ministered sourc es must b e DS1/CEPT1 b oards (not inc lud ing the DS1C board ). If the form is left b lank, the timing sourc e d efaults to the tone/c loc k last used as a timing sourc e. In G3iV2, the list of valid timing sourc es ap p ears on the form. In G3rV2, you must use the command list timing-sources for this list. Signaling Group Form Settings (G3V2 Systems Only) The signaling g roup form c onsists of two p arts. The first p art is p ag e 1 of the form. The sec ond p art is c alled the ad ministered NCA TSC assig nment form and c onsists of p ag es 2 throug h 5. Signaling Group Form Settings — Page 1 The following list d escrib es the administration setting s for p ag e 1 of the sig naling g roup form. For further information on imp lementing signaling g roup s, see the sec tion ‘‘Fac ility-Assoc iated and Non-Fac ility Assoc iated Sig naling ’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. Group Numb erThis d isp lay-only p arameter reflec ts the sig naling g roup numb er g iven in the c ommand arg ument. Associated Sig naling Va l u e s : no (NFAS) yes (FAS—d efault) This field ind ic ates this is either an NFAS (Non-Fac ility Assoc iated Sig naling ) sig naling g roup or a FAS (Fac ility Assoc iated Sig naling ) sig naling g roup . If FAS is selec ted , only the field Primary D channel will b e shown on the sc reen. NFAS c annot b e used on interfac es with a c ountry p rotoc ol other than 1 (U.S.). Pr im a r y D c hannel Va l u e s : Port loc ation of the D c hannel. The d efault is b lank. This p arameter selec ts the p rimary D c hannel in the sig naling g roup .

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-15 G3V2 Administration 6 Sec ond ary D c hannelVa l u e s : Port loc ation of the b ac kup D c hannel. The default is b lank. This field will only appear if this signaling group is an NFAS sig naling g roup . It ind ic ates the sec ond ary D c hannel in this signaling group. NFAS is supported only in country option 1. Trunk Group for Channel Selec tionEnter a valid ISDN PRI trunk g roup here. In c ountries where this is supported, if a SETUP message is received for this signaling g roup with the c hannel ID IE c od ed as any channel , or if a SETUP messag e is rec eived with an emp ty or missing c hannel ID IE, a B c hannel from this trunk g roup will b e selec ted . Max numb er of NCA TSCNOTE: Ad ministering this field, the next two fields, and p ag es 2 throug h 5, d ep end on the ap p lic ation for whic h temp orary sig naling c onnec tions are being used . For G3V2 systems, the only ap p lic ation for TSCs is in ISDN DCS. G3V2 systems will also tand em TSCs b eing used b y some other ap plic ation. For information on how to ad minister these field s for ISDN DCS, see the G3V2 imp lementation manuals. Only c ountry op tion 1 sup p orts TSC s . Va l u e s : A numb er in the rang e 0 - 256. The d efault is 0. Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Temp orary Sig naling Connec tions’’ in Chapter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This is the maximum numb er of non-c all-assoc iated temp orary sig naling c onnec tions p ossib le in this signaling g roup . This numb er is the sum of all the NCA-TSCs administered on p ag es 2 throug h 5 of this form p lus the number of NCA-TSCs tand emed throug h the system on this sig naling g roup . Max numb er of CA TSC Va l u e s : A numb er in the rang e 0-400. Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Temp orary Sig naling Connec tions’’ in Chapter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This is the maximum numb er of simultaneous c all-assoc iated temp orary sig naling c onnec tions that c an exist in this sig naling g roup . A typ ic al value is the numb er of memb ers in the signaling group.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-16 G3V2 Administration 6 Signaling Group Form Settings — Pages 2-5 Pages 2-5 of the sig naling group form are for ad ministering NCA-TSCs. Not all NCA-TSCs have to b e ad ministered . The ISDN DCS feature req uires one NCA-TSC to b e ad ministered p er log ic al DCS c hannel, however. The following list d esc rib es the ad ministration setting s for p ag es 2-5 of the signaling group form. For further information on implementing signaling groups, see the section ‘‘Fac ility-Assoc iated and Non-Fac ility Assoc iated Sig naling ’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’ . Trunk Group for NCA TSC Va l u e s : A valid trunk g roup numb er. The d efault is b lank. Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Temp orary Sig naling Connec tions’’ in Chapter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This field d esig nates one ISDN PRI trunk g roup whose inc oming c all hand ling tab le will be used to hand le inc oming NCA-TSCs on this signaling group. Trunk Brd Board loc ation of the DS1/CEPT1 b oard having trunk g roup memb ers in this signaling g roup . The d efault is blank. This field will only appear if this signaling group is an NFAS signaling group. It indicates all the trunk boards having members belonging to this signaling group. Interfac e ID Va l u e s : Interfac e ID b etween 0-31. The d efault is b lank. This field will only appear if this signaling group is an NFAS sig naling g roup . It ind ic ates the interfac e ID for the corresponding trunk board. In an NFAS Signaling Group, an Interfac e ID must b e assig ned to eac h DS1 fac ility so that it c an b e referenc ed b y both end s. Servic e/Feature Values: Interfac e ID between 0-31. The d efault is b lank. Any valid servic e typ e d efined in the network fac ilities form. Re f e re n c e : Sec tion ‘‘Temp orary Signaling Connec tions’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This field ind ic ates the servic e type of all the ad ministered NCA-TSCs on this sig naling g roup . This servic e typ e along with the trunk g roup for NCA-TSC field from p ag e 1 d etermines whic h row of the inc oming c all hand ling tab le to ap ply to the NCA-TSC.