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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual

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    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Physical Layer 
    Page 4-57 Synchronization 
    Rule 1:
    Selec t the node with the lowest stratum c loc k as the network referenc e c loc k 
    master and  have the rest of the nod es d erive slave timing  from it.
    If there are one or more c loc ks in the network at the lowest stratum level, the 
    following  step s c an b e taken to d etermine the c loc k that should  b ec ome the 
    network referenc e c loc k sourc e.
    The CDMs c an only b e used to p rovid e timing  when they are used  to emulate a 
    D4-c hannel b ank. 
    Example For Rule 1
    Fig ure 4-18 is used  to exp lain the ap p lic ation of rule 1.
    To d etermine the sync hronization p lan for Fig ure 4-18
     the following  tasks were 
    p erformed . First, ac c ording  to rule 1, an attempt was mad e to find  a nod e with 
    the lowest stratum c loc k. The attemp t failed  b ec ause all the nod es in the 
    illustration p rovid e stratum-4 timing . Therefore, the step s und er rule 1 must be 
    used . Step s 1 and  2 are not ap plic ab le b ec ause there is no d ig ital switc h in the 
    Und er Step  3, it was d etermined , ac c ord ing  to the ranking , that a CEM should  be 
    the network sourc e c loc k. Next, rules 2 throug h 7 were used  to determine whic h 
    of the two CEMs should  b e the network sourc e c loc k. For rules 2 throug h 6, b oth 
    CEMs were eq ually q ualified . Therefore, an arbitrary d ec ision was mad e to 
    c hoose the CEM on the left.  Step  1: If there is only one d ig ital switc h in the network, that switc h is to 
    b e the network referenc e c loc k master.
    Step  2: If there is more than one d ig ital switc h in the network, rules 2 
    throug h 7 should  b e used  to d etermine the switc h that should  
    b e the network referenc e c loc k (master).
    Step  3: If there are no d ig ital switc hes in the network, c hoose a d ig ital 
    terminal p rod uc t as the network referenc e c loc k master and  
    have the other nod es d erive timing from it. Listed  in ord er of 
    p referenc e, use a CEM, a D4-c hannel b ank, or a CDM as the 
    network referenc e c loc k master. 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Physical Layer 
    Page 4-58 Synchronization 
    Figure 4-18. Nonpublic Network without Digital Switches
    The d ig ital terminal p roduc ts d o not automatic ally switc h to their internal 
    hig h-ac c urac y c loc k on sync hronization referenc e failure.
    Figure 4-19. Proper Use of Backup Facilities
    CEM CEM D4
    D4 D4 D4
    D4 D4
    Digital transmission facilities
    cydfnnds RPY 060597
    D C A
    Digital transmission facility
    Primary frequency reference
    Secondary (backup) frequency reference
    cydfpubf RPY 060397
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Physical Layer 
    Page 4-59 Synchronization 
    Rule 2:
    A nod e may use a fac ility as a b ac kup  only if the nod e at the other end  is not 
    using  that same fac ility as a b ac kup .
    Example For Rule 2
    Fig ure 4-19 illustrates an app lic ation of rule 2 and  prop er use of a b ac kup  fac ility 
    b etween nodes A and  C.
    Fig ure 4-20
     shows the same network arrang ement b ut with imp roper use of the 
    b ac kup  fac ility b etween nod es A and C. This imp rop er arrang ement would form 
    a timing  loop  if nod e B should  fail (nod es A and  C would  switc h to their b ac kup , 
    whic h is eac h other).
    Rule 3:
    The transmission fac ilities assoc iated with those nod es meeting  Rules 1 and  2 
    and  having  the g reatest availab ility must b e selec ted  for p rimary and  sec ond ary 
    sync hronization fac ilities.
    Figure 4-20. Improper Use of Backup Facilities
    B A
    C D
    Digital transmission facility
    Primary frequency reference
    Secondary (backup) frequency reference
    cydfopdr RPY 060397 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Physical Layer 
    Page 4-60 Synchronization 
    Availab ility is d efined  as the ratio of the mean time b etween failures (the averag e 
    time b etween suc cessive system failures, ab breviated  
    MTBFs) to the sum of the 
    MTBFs and  the mean time to rep air (the total maintenanc e time d ivid ed  b y the 
    total numb er of failures d uring  the same amount of time ab b reviated  
    M TTR). Low 
    availability (poor transmission performance) is used as a criterion to reject a 
    fac ility as a referenc e c and id ate or to reassig n one alread y c hosen.
    Charac teristic s that p rimarily d etermine the availab ility of a transmission fac ility 
    are rank-ord ered  as follows:
    1. History rec ord
    2. Ac tivity
    3. Fac ility leng th
    4. System rate (that is, whether the fac ility sup p orts T1/E1 or fib er)
    5. Protec tion switc hing
    6. Physic al typ e (that is, whether the fac ility is p hysic ally installed  as an 
    und erg round , b uried , or aerial p aired  c ab le, a c oaxial c ab le, or a rad io 
    link). (Satellite fac ilities should  not b e used to sup p ly sync hronization.)
    7. Numb er and  typ e of reg enerative rep eaters
    8. Numb er of d ig ital terminal p rod uc ts and  other intermed iate offic e 
    eq uip ment, if any
    Fac ility rank ord ering  is g enerally b ased  on limited  tec hnic al and  operational 
    information. It is rec ommend ed  that fac ility selec tions b e b ased on loc al field  
    exp erienc e where availab le.
    Rule 4:
    Where p ossib le, the routes for all primary and  sec ond ary sync hronization 
    fac ilities should  b e d iverse.
    Example For Rule 4
    Fig ure 4-21 exp lains the op timal c onfig uration when rule 4 is used . Fig ure 4-22 
    shows a less than op timal ap p lic ation of rule 4.  
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Physical Layer 
    Page 4-61 Synchronization 
    Figure 4-21. Optimal Diverse Routing
    Fig ure 4-22
     shows nod e C d eriving  b oth p rimary and sec ond ary timing from 
    nod e D, via the two sep arate T1/E1 fac ilities. If nod e D should  fail, nod e C would  
    no long er rec eive timing  that is trac eab le to node A. Here, nod e C would lose 
    sync hronization and  b eg in to introd uc e slip s into the network.
    B A
    C D
    Digital transmission facility
    Primary frequency reference
    Secondary (backup) frequency reference
    cydflodr RPY 060397 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Physical Layer 
    Page 4-62 Synchronization 
    Figure 4-22. Less Than Optimal Diverse Routing
    Rule 5:
    Ob taining  b oth p rimary and  sec ond ary sync hronization fac ilities from within the 
    same transmission c ab le should  b e minimized .
    Rule 6:
    The total numb er of c asc ad e nod e c onnec tions from the referenc ed  nod e should  
    be minimized.
    Example For Rule 6
    Fig ure 4-23 shows exc essive c asc ad ing  in that nod e B d erives timing  from a 
    sourc e three transmission fac ilities away.
    Fig ure 4-24
     shows less c asc ad ing  in that node B d erives timing  from a sourc e 
    two transmission fac ilities away. Exc essive c asc ad ing  is und esirab le b ec ause of 
    intermediate link vulnerab ility. For examp le, an intermed iate link failure in nod e C 
    of Fig ure 4-23
     would  c ause nod e B to lose timing . Suc h a failure inc reases the 
    numb er of slip s b etween nod es A and  B. However, the same failure in Nod e C of 
    Fig ure 4-24
     d oes not affec t nod e B’s sync hronization.
    Digital transmission facility
    Primary frequency reference
    cydfexcs RPY 060397 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Physical Layer 
    Page 4-63 Synchronization 
    Figure 4-23. Excessive Cascading
    Figure 4-24. Minimized Cascading
    Digital transmission facility
    Primary frequency reference
    Secondary (backup) frequency reference
    cydfminc RPY 060397
    Digital transmission facility
    Primary frequency reference
    Secondary (backup) frequency reference
    cydfx1nd RPY 060597 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Physical Layer 
    Page 4-64 Synchronization 
    Rule 7:
    The numb er of nod es rec eiving  sync hronization referenc e from any g iven node 
    should  b e minimized .
    Example For Rule 7
    Fig ure 4-25 shows an exc ess of sync hronization from one nod e. If transmission 
    fac ility linking  nod es A-B fails, then nod es B, D, E, and  F will lose their 
    synchronization. However, if this same facility fails in Figure 4-26
     only nodes B, D, 
    and  E will lose sync hronization. Nod e F remains sync hronized  to the network.
    With few exc ep tions, it is not p ossib le to eng ineer a sync hronization network that 
    will satisfy all seven rules. In general, rules 1 throug h 3 ap p ly in all c ases. For 
    rules 4 throug h 7, use those rules that ap p ly to your spec ific  network and  try to 
    minimize outages based on the cases presented in the examples for each of 
    these rules.
    Figure 4-25. Excessive Synchronization from One Node
    Digital transmission facility
    Primary frequency reference
    Secondary (backup) frequency reference
    cydfm1nd RPY 060397 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Physical Layer 
    Page 4-65 Synchronization 
    Figure 4-26. Minimized Synchronization from One Node
    .PIC /ks6/lath/multiw/app b .p 22 5.0i
    External-Reference Selection Rules
    There are seven rules for selec ting  external sync hronization referenc es. These 
    rules are d esc rib ed next.
    Rule 1:
    Nod es within the externally referenc ed  sub level may not use as a referenc e 
    sourc e a fac ility from a nod e within the internally referenc ed  sub level
     (refer to 
    Fig ure 4-17
     for an exp lanation of these terms).
    Rules 2 Through 7:
    Rules 2 through 7 are the same for both internal- and  external-referenc e 
    Digital transmission facility
    Primary frequency reference
    Secondary (backup) frequency reference
    cydfm1nd RPY 060397 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107  Issue 1
    July 1993
    Physical Layer 
    Page 4-66 Synchronization 
    Availability of Synchronization Sources
    Misc onc ep tion 1 The loc al exc hang e c omp any (LEC) c an always p rovid e the 
    sync hronization sourc e.
    Fac t 1 The LECs are not always sub sc ribers to the AT&T referenc e 
    freq uenc y.
    Many end  offic es still use analog  switc hes and  D4-c hannel 
    b anks. In the p ast, these c hannel b anks have not had  to b e 
    sync hronized  and  p rob ab ly have not b een eq uip p ed with an 
    offic e interfac e unit (OIU-2); therefore, they d o not p rovid e a 
    lower- (3, 2, or 1) stratum referenc e.
    Even if the CO/PTT p rovid es a lower stratum referenc e, a 
    T1/E1 fac ility must b e terminated in eq uipment that is 
    c loc ked  b y the lower stratum referenc e to ac c ess this lower 
    Misc onc ep tion 2 AT&T c ommunic ations c an provid e the sync hronization 
    sourc e.
    Fac t 2 In the United  States, AT&T Communic ations is b ound  b y 
    FCC tariffs that c urrently d o not req uire the use of framing  
    b its in the c ustomer’s inc oming  T1 b it stream. Until framing  
    b its are req uired , you should  not arb itrarily assume that the 
    c arrier’s T1/E1 fac ilities p rovid e a sync hronization sourc e.
    Misc onc ep tion 3 Sync hronization is not nec essary for DS1/CEPT1 networks 
    that only transmit voic e.
    Fac t 3 Even thoug h voic e is fairly insensitive to slip s, a DS1/CEPT1 
    network that is imp rop erly sync hronized  c an c asc ad e a 
    small number of slip s into a larg e numb er of slip s. This will 
    c ause voic e d egrad ation and  DS1 alarms. In fac t, this 
    c asc ad ing  effec t may even c ause the DS1/CEPT1 fac ility to 
    b e taken out of servic e. Therefore, p rop er sync hronization is 
    nec essary for all DS1/CEPT1 networks. 
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