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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Equipment and Software Requirements Page 3-12 ESF T1 Channel Service Unit 3 — SW6-6 set to op en — SW6-7 set to c losed — .SW6-8 set to op en nFor a d istanc e from 500 feet to 655 feet, switc hes SW6-1 throug h SW6-8 should b e set as follows: — SW6-1 set to op en — SW6-2 set to c losed — SW6-3 set to op en — SW6-4 set to c losed — SW6-5 set to op en — SW6-6 set to c losed — SW6-7 set to op en — SW6-8 set to op en ESF T1 CSU Artificial Line Option Settings Set the XMT (artific ial line op tion) switc h as follows: n0 d B if the network interfac e is an 8-p in jac k n15 d B if the d istanc e to the nearest fac ility rep eater is b etween 2000 and 3000 feet n7.5 d B for a d istanc e of 1000 to 2000 feet n0 d B for a d istanc e of 0 to 1000 feet The fac ility p rovid er is ob lig ated to p rovid e you with the d istanc e to the nearest rep eater. If you c annot g et this information, you c an measure the T1 sig nal level to d etermine the c orrec t XMT op tion setting . This req uires a T1 test set. The following table shows the c orrec t setting s b ased on the T1 sig nal level:

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Equipment and Software Requirements Page 3-13 ESF T1 Channel Service Unit 3 Other ESF T1 CSU Settings Following are add itional ESF T1 CSU switc h setting s: nLeave the unit memory add ress c od e alarm op tion (roc ker switc h SW1) to the d efault (fac tory) setting . This switc h allows ESF d iag nostic test sets to ad dress up to 256 ESF T1 CSUs. This switc h d oes not have to b e set unless you are using d iag nostic s and testing more than one CSU in a network. nLeave the BER threshold alarm op tion (roc ker switc h SW2) in its d efault setting . n.Leave the transp arenc y op tion (strap op tion W1) in its d efault setting (not installed). This switc h is used to ac c ommod ate old er T1-typ e DTEs that send unframed b it streams. nOp tion the CSU for loc al p ower d ry loop . Smart Jacks Smart jac k is the c ommon term used for the loop b ac k units installed by the T1 fac ility provid ers at the network interfac e to whic h the CSU is c onnec ted . They are b ec oming muc h more c ommon and should b ec ome the stand ard network interfac e in the future. Following is an artic le exc erp ted from the July 1989 AT& T NTO Tec hnic al Monthly desc rib ing the Westell loop b ac k units: With the introd uc tion of the Westell typ e smart jac ks b y some fac ility p rovid ers, there has b een some c onfusion that results in long installation and troub le learning intervals. Inc lud ed here are some fac ts ab out the Westell T1 Fac ility T1 VoltageCable Length in Feet to Nearest Repeater (22 gauge) CSU Setting < 1.68 > 3000 feet The CSU is loc ated too far from the nearest rep eater. 1.68 3000 15 dB 2.03 2500 7.5 d B 2.47 2000 7.5 d B 3.05 1500 7.5 d B 3.76 1000 0 d B 4.51 500 0 dB > 4.51 < 500 0 d B

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Equipment and Software Requirements Page 3-14 CEPT1 Channel Service Unit 3 Loop b ac k Units. There are two b asic families of these jac ks, the 3100-XX and 3101-XX series. Eac h family c ontains 16 versions of the jac k. The only d ifferenc e in the two families are the loop b ac k ac tivate and d eac tivate c od es. The 3100-XX series has a 5 d ig it c od e, 11000 to ac tivate and 11100 to d eac tivate. The 3101-XX series has a 4 d ig it loop b ac k c od e, 1100 to ac tivate and 1110 to d eac tivate. The reason for 16 versions of eac h series is to provid e c omb inations of four options: 1. DC loop b ac k ab ility 2. Shorting or non shorting c ustomer interfac e jac ks (RJ48) 3. Loc al p owering 4. Bantam jac ks and terminations for ord er wire and fault loc ate p airs These units are eq uip p ed with LBO c irc uitry for 0d B, 7.5d B and 15d B whic h allows us to set our CSUs for zero and have the owner of the fac ility make the p rop er ad justments. Where these units are p roperly installed there should b e no more g uessing ab out the d istanc e to the last rep eater! The units have a b uilt in 8-p in mini-mod ular c onnec tor. The rec eive tip and ring are on p ins 2 and 1 and the transmit tip and ring are on p ins 5 and 4. This c onfig uration c onforms to TR 62411 DEC 1988, FCC Part 68 and ANSI T1E1 for RJ48C and RJ48X jac ks. There is one exc ep tion to this and it is a unit c od ed 3101-00. The transmit tip ring of this unit are on pins 8 and 1 and the rec eive tip and ring are on p ins 5 and 4. This unit c onforms to the old PUB 62411, OCT 1985, in referenc e to the ISDN stand ard for an 8 p in mini-mod ular c onnec tor. Westell states that this is the first unit they made and it was b uilt to sp ec ific ations p rovid ed b y a c ustomer. In most c ases the fac ility p rovid er will op tion the ab ove units to loop (switc h 4) the sp an p ower. This will allow them to p ower the unit from the sp an and p rovid e sealing c urrent in the fac ility segment to the c ustomer premises b ut avoid resenting hazard ous p otentials on the c ustomer sid e of the network interfac e. CEPT1 Channel Service Unit Most c ountries p rovid ing E1 servic e p rovide the CSU func tion as p art of the c entral offic e. Other c ountries d o not have any p ublic network servic es. In these c ases, the c ustomer must sup p ly the CSU. Presently, AT&T uses the numb er 8 TR631 Dig ital Line Unit, p rovid ed b y AT&T Network Systems International for these 2.048 mb p s CSU ap p lic ations.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Equipment and Software Requirements Page 3-15 Multiplexers and Other Customer Premises Equipment 3 Multiplexers and Other Customer Premises Equipment NOTE: Equip ment suc h as T1 multip lexers, b it c omp ression multip lexers, and ec ho c anc ellers c an c orrup t the DS1/CEPT1 b it stream. This is esp ec ially true of ec ho c anc ellers. Some T1 multiplexers, for examp le, have b uilt-in ec ho c anc ellers that will c orrup t the b it stream. Thus, if you are have p rob lems isolating a p rob lem with estab lishing an ISDN PRI D c hannel link, c hec k to see if any of these typ es of eq uip ment are in the c irc uit.

Physical Layer Page 4-1 Bit Rate 4 DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 4 4Physical Layer This c hap ter d isc usses how various asp ec ts of the p hysic al layer p rotoc ols for DS1 and CEPT1 trunks have b een d esig ned into the DEFINITY systems. It d isc usses these sub jec ts as they relate to narrowband (64 kb p s) switc hing . For tec hnic al information on wid eb and switc hing in DEFINITY systems, refer to AT&T DEFINITY Wid eband Tec hnic al Referenc e, issue 1, 555-230-230. In the c ases where a relationship exists, this c hap ter d isc usses how p hysic al layer sub jec ts relate to system ad ministration. For a c omp lete g uid e to ad ministering narrowb and DS1 and CEPT1 c ap ab ilities, however, you should refer to Chap ter 6, ‘‘System Ad ministration’’ . The physical layer aspects of digital trunks on the DEFINITY systems inc lud e those sub jec ts involved with transmitting b its from one DS1/CEPT1 interfac e to the far-end interfac e. Many func tions of the p hysic al layer are g overned b y ad ministration op tions in the DEFINITY systems. This c hap ter c overs those sub jec ts. Bit Rate Bit rate is the numb er of b its p er sec ond transmitted b y a d ig ital fac ility interfac e c irc uit p ac k. DEFINITY systems sup p ort two d ig ital trunk bit rates, DS1 (d ig ital sig nal level 1) and CEPT1 (Conferenc e of Europ ean Postal and Telec ommunic ations Rate 1). The DS1 rate is 1.544 mb p s. The CEPT1 rate is 2.048 mb p s. G2.2 sup p orts the DS1 rate only. G3V2 sup p orts both the DS1 and the CEPT1 rates on the TN464C or later DS1/CEPT1 b oard .

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-2 Framing Format 4 G2.2 Bit Rate Implementation No spec ial ad ministration is required to imp lement the b it rate in these systems. G3V2 Bit Rate Implementation To imp lement the d esired b it rate in G3V2 you must d o the following : nDetermine the req uired b it rate for your ap p lic ation. For examp le, you mig ht b e c onnec ting to the pub lic network in a c ountry that sup ports only the CEPT1 b it rate. You mig ht, on the other hand , b e d irec tly c onnec ting to another DEFINITY system in which case you could c hoose to use the either the DS1 rate or the CEPT1 rate. Both end s of the interfac e must use the same rate. nYou must have a TN464C or later to imp lement the CEPT1 b it rate. You must have a TN464C or later or a TN767 or a TN722 to imp lement the DS1 b it rate. nEnter the c orrec t op tion in the DS1 c irc uit p ac k form in the Bit Rate field . NOTE: The title of the DS1 c irc uit p ac k form is mislead ing b ec ause it is used to ad minister b oth DS1 and CEPT1 c irc uit p ac ks. nSet the b it rate jump er on the TN464C to the c orrec t rate. NOTE: A system c an c onsist of b oth DS1 and CEPT1 interfac es. Thus, a c all inc oming on a CEPT1 fac ility c an b e switc hed to a trunk on a DS1 fac ility and vic e versa. Framing Format Framing is a c onc ep t c ommon to b oth DS1 and CEPT1 stand ard s, thoug h they d iffer in how they imp lement framing . A frame is the set of 24 (DS1) or 32 (CEPT1) 8-b it time slots that is treated as a sing le transmission unit. Eac h CEPT1 frame has 32 time slots. Eac h DS1 frame has 24 time slots, plus 1 b it, known as the framing bit, that is inserted at the b eg inning of eac h frame. Sinc e eac h frame rep eats time slots in the same seq uenc e as previous frames, the time slots rep resenting a sing le c onversation or d ata stream form a DS0 c hannel. DS1 b oards sup p ort two framing formats, selec tab le throug h system ad ministration, the D4 sup erframe (also c alled D4 framing ) and the extend ed sup erframe (ESF). The ESF format is p referred b ec ause of its sup erior reliab ility.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-3 Framing Format 4 However, either the superframe or the extend ed sup erframe format may b e c hosen; the d ec ision must d epend on the network eq uipment and ap p lic ation. The framing format does not p lac e any req uirement on the typ e of sig naling or line c od ing to b e used . However, the type of framing used at b oth end s of the transmission fac ility must b e id entic al, unless the sig naling and framing are c onverted somewhere in the transmission stream (as mig ht happ en in international c ommunic ation). The DS1 Superframe A sync hronization p attern is a c ontinuously repeating string that orients the rec eiving end to a frame’s b ound aries d uring a transmission. The DS1 sup erframe, formerly c alled the D4 frame, uses a 12-b it fixed sync hronization p attern (100011011100). This 12-bit p attern is formed b y the framing b it (the first b it) from 12 c onsec utive frames. When the rec eiving port finds the p attern ac ross the frames, it c oinc id entally has found the b ound aries of eac h frame, b ec ause the framing b it marks a frame’s b eg inning and end . The 12-frame unit that c ontains the sync hronization p attern is known as the sup erframe.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-4 Framing Format 4 Figure 4-1. DS1 Superframe Format DS1 ESF Framing The ESF framing format was d evelop ed after the sup erframe format. Not all eq uip ment used with the DS1 interfac e sup p orts ESF. Sp ec ific ally, most D4 c hannel b anks (unless they are c onfigured as LIU-3ESF or eq uivalent) and CDMs d o not c urrently sup port ESF framing . cydfds1f RPY 060597 FT FS F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 F11 F12 Command F1 11111 111 111 0 0 000 0 00000011 Fr ame #1 Superframe = 12 Frames 1.5 MS. 2316 Bits 1Frame 125 SEC 193 Bitsm 1 12345678 12345678 12345678 F224Time Slot # Bit # Fr ame #F d1d2d3d4d5d6d7d8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 121 0 0 0 1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0X X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X X X X X X X XX X X X X A X X X X X BA signaling frame (optional with robbed-bit signaling) B signaling frame (optional with robbed-bit signaling)

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-5 Framing Format 4 Figure 4-2. The Extended Super Frame The sync hronization p attern for the ESF format is formed b y the framing b it from 24 c onsec utive frames. Unlike the 12-b it sync hronization p attern for D4, whic h utilizes all of the availab le framing b its for sync hronization, ESF emp loys only 6 of the availab le 24 framing b its to c arry a sync hronization p attern. The other 18 framing b its form a 6-b it error-d etec tion c od e, c alled the cyclic redundancy c hec k (CRC) sum, and a 12-b it fac ility d ata link sig nal. Eac h 24-frame entity, sp anning one ESF c yc le, is referred to as an ESF s u p e r f r a m e. cydfesfr RPY 060597 Fr ame number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 248-Bits 8-Bits 8-Bits 8-Bits 8-Bits 7-Bits 8-Bits 8-Bits 8-Bits 8-Bits 8-Bits 7-Bits 8-Bits 8-Bits 8-Bits 8-Bits 8-Bits 7-Bits 8-Bits 8-Bits 8-Bits 8-Bits 8-Bits 7-Bits Data link F bit (DL) CRC-6 F bit Data link signal Frame sync pattern Data link signal CRC-6 F bit Data link signal Frame sync pattern Data link signal CRC-6 F bit Data link signal Frame sync pattern Data link signal CRC-6 F bit Data link signal Frame sync pattern Data link signal CRC-6 F bit Data link signal Frame sync pattern Data link signal CRC-6 F bit Data link signal Frame sync patternFr ame bi t definitionsFr a me b i t Channel 1 Channel 2 0 0 0 1 1 1 D Robbed bit (optional ) C Robbed bit (optional) B Robbed bit (optional) A Robbed bit (optional)

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-6 Framing Format 4 NOTE: The fac ility d ata link is a 4-kb p s d ata link d esig ned to maintain and sup ervise the DS1 fac ility. However, this 4-kb p s d ata link is not used b y DEFINITY systems. The CRC is used at the rec eiving end to d etec t transmission errors, as follows: The CRC is c alc ulated at the transmitting end and multip lexed into the DS1. At the rec eiving end , the CRC is rec alc ulated using the d ata in the rec eived ESF sup erframe and then c omp ared with the rec eived CRC. If the rec alc ulated CRC and rec eived CRC d o not matc h, a misframe is d ec lared . The DS1 interfac e c ounts misframes and uses the c ount for p roc essing DS1 fac ility p erformanc e ind ic ators, suc h as b it-error rates, major alarms, and minor alarms. The ESF reframing alg orithm c an find the sync hronization p attern even if the time slots for the 24 c hannels c arry a b it seq uenc e identic al to it. CEPT1 Framing CEPT1 framing is used on 2.048 mb p s CEPT1 32-c hannel (0-31) links. It is sup p orted only on G3V2 systems on the TN464C or later. With CEPT1 framing , the 0 c hannel c ontains all the framing information. With CEPT1 framing, the framing information is c yc led throug h sixteen (0-15) frames (eac h c ontaining c hannels 0-31). Within the 16-frame c yc le, b it 1 of c hannel 0 c yc les throug h three func tions: nWhen the CRC-4 error c hec king sc heme is used , a CRC bit is enc od ed as the first p osition of all the even-numb ered frames. CRC-4 is a 4-b it error d etec tion c od e. Eac h 16-frame c yc le c ontains two CRC-4 error c od es. hen CRC-4 is not used , the first-b it of even-numb ered frames is unassig ned. nThe first b it of frames 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11 c ontains a framing -p attern bit. In the 16-frame c yc le, the framing p attern is “ 001011.” nThe first b it of frames 13 and 15 c ontain remote-end error b its. In the rec eive d irec tion, a 0 ind ic ates an error. In the transmit d irec tion, the d etec tion of an error is ind ic ated b y c hang ing the 1 to a 0. Note that the TN464C d oes not c hec k the rec eived remote end error b its and always transmits ones in the remote end error b its. The Tn464D and later circuit packs will perform remote end error reporting. In ad d ition, b its 2 throug h 8 of even-numb ered frames c ontain the following framing p attern: 0011011. In od d -numb ered frames: nBit 2 is always 1. nBit 3 c ontains a remote frame alarm b it. When this b it is eq ual to 1, the alarm is set. nBits 4 throug h 8 are unassig ned .