Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-55 ISDN PRI Layer 3 5 nIf the G3V2 is orig inating an NCA-TSC, the TSC is sent out the D c hannel of the sig naling g roup form in whic h it is ad ministered . No routing is performed based on the called party digits. nAn inc oming NCA-TSC is treated b y the inc oming c all hand ling table of the trunk g roup ind ic ated in the Trunk Group for NCA-TSC field in the signaling group form. nAn inc oming NCA-TSC that is to b e tand emed to an outg oing NCA-TSC works as follows: — The inc oming NCA-TSC is treated b y the inc oming c all hand ling table as described above. — The resulting d ig its from the c alled p arty numb er are analyzed . — Route selec tion is p erformed just as if this were a B c hannel c all and an outg oing trunk g roup is c hosen (even thoug h the NCA-TSC is not sent on a trunk g roup ). — The D c hannel for the outg oing NCA-TSC is taken from the ad ministration in the NCA-TSC Signaling Group field in the trunk g roup form for the c hosen trunk g roup . Temp orary signaling c onnec tions are not sup p orted in G3V2 unless the c ountry p rotoc ol is 1 (U.S.) in the DS1 c irc uit p ac k form. In this c ase, TSCs c an b e used in c onnec tions to the p ub lic network in the U.S. or in private networks anywhere. Call by Call Service Selection in G2.2 Systems The method c ommonly used for c all-b y-c all trunk g roup ad ministration in G2.2 is to use trunk type 41 for all c all-b y-c all trunk g roup s. If you make sure your d ial p lan is c onsistent with this trunk typ e, this trunk typ e will work and it will also make it easy to migrate from non-ISDN trunks to ISDN trunks. Call by Call Service Selection in G3V2 Systems To imp lement CBC on a trunk g roup , you must ad minister the Group Type field on the trunk group form as isdn-pr i and the Service Type field as cbc . If cbc is assig ned in the trunk g roup form, the Usage Alloc field is d isp layed . Setting this field to y c auses two new sc reens to ap p ear on p ag es three and four of the trunk g roup form. These forms are used to ad minister the usag e alloc ation p lan (UAP). The p urp ose of the UAP is to allow you to have c ontrol over the alloc ation of trunks to network servic es without inc urring the c osts c harg ed b y the network servic es for trunk/servic e re-arrangements. The UAP allows you to g ain the func tionality of static trunk g roup s and c all-by-c all trunk g roup s on c all-b y-c all trunk g roup s. NOTE: The usag e alloc ation p lan ap p lies only to c alls having NSF values. It will not work for DID c alls, for examp le.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-56 ISDN PRI Layer 3 5 The following list d esc rib es how the UAP works: nIf the UAP sc reens are left b lank, a c all routed to a CBC trunk g roup will use that trunk g roup if it is availab le, with no p referenc e g iven to the p artic ular servic e typ e of the c all. In this c ase, the total numb er of memb ers in the CBC trunk g roup c onstitutes the CBC p ool. nThe CBC trunk g roup usag e alloc ation form (p ag e 3 of the trunk g roup form) is used to set the minimum and maximum numb er of c hannels (trunks or memb ers) to b e used for eac h servic e typ e for up to three different plans. For example, for Megacom calls made during the times p lan 1 is in effec t, you c an set the Min# Chan and Max# Chan field s for all the servic e types in that p lan suc h that a g iven usag e for the Meg ac om c alls can b e sp ecified . — The Min# Chan field spec ifies the minimum numb er of trunks that will always b e availab le for a g iven servic e. The value in the Min# Chan field is equivalent to having that numb er of d ed ic ated trunks for that servic e. For examp le, if the MEGACOM row has a 3 entered in the Min# Chan field , it is equivalent to having three static trunks d edic ated to MEGACOM servic e. — The Max# Chan field sp ec ifies the maximum numb er of trunks that c an b e used b y a sp ec ific servic e at any g iven time. — The p ool of trunks availab le for c all-b y-c all servic e selec tion, the CBC p ool, is eq uivalent to the total numb er of trunks in the g roup minus the sum of all the Min# Chans in the g roup . For example, if Meg ac om has three trunks reserved in the Min# Chan field and three trunks are b usy with Meg ac om c alls, the next Megac om c all will overflow to an availab le trunk in the CBC p ool. — For any g iven servic e (any g iven row in the tab le) the Max# Chan minus the Min# Chan must b e less than or equal to the total number of trunks in the group minus the sum of all the Min# Chan in the group. To tune the usag e alloc ation p lan suc h that you ac hieve the d esired trunk usage for each service, you can follow these steps: 1. Ob serve the hourly CBC traffic measurements for eac h servic e d uring the times the p lan is in effec t. 2. If the p erformanc e is not what is d esired (too many Meg ac om c alls are b eing b loc ked , for examp le), ad just the Min# Chan and Max # Chan field s until the d esired p erformanc e is ac hieved . nPage four of the trunk group form is the CBC trunk g roup usag e alloc ation p lan assignment sc hed ule. This form is used to sc hed ule the (up to) three p ossib le p lans d efined on p ag e three of the form. Two p ossib ilities, fixed and sc heduled p lans, exist as follows: — A fixed p lan means that the p lan ad ministered on p ag e three of the trunk group form corresponding to the number in the Allocation Plan Number field on this form is always in effec t, i.e., d oes not

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-57 ISDN PRI Layer 3 5 c hang e d epend ing on time of d ay or d ay of week. For examp le, if y is assig ned in the Fixed field and if 1 is assig ned in the Allocation Plan Number field , then usag e alloc ation p lan 1, ad ministered in the first c olumn on p ag e three, will b e in effec t until the sched ule is re-ad ministered . — A sc hed uled p lan means that the p lans d efined on p ag e three are in effec t at the times assig ned on p ag e four. The Scheduled field on page four must be set to y for a sc hed uled p lan. In this c ase, the p lan assig ned in a Plan # field stays in effec t from the time-of-d ay and day-of-week indicated in the Act Time (ac tivation time) field until the next oc c urrenc e of a d ifferent p lan is enc ountered . The Allocation Plan # field is ig nored if Scheduled is marked as y . — You c an c hang e b etween fixed and sc heduled plans without re-ad ministering the sc reens b ec ause the translations are saved and the sc heduling is ig nored if a fixed p lan is in effec t. Incoming Call Handling Table in G3V2 The inc oming c all hand ling tab le ad ministered on p ag e two of the ISDN PRI trunk g roup form is used to treat inc oming c alls, on a p er-c all b asis, in sp ec ial ways. For example, you c an insert d ig its, d elete inc oming d ig its, and infer ac c ess c od es. Althoug h not restric ted to CBC trunk g roups, the inc oming c all hand ling tab le has imp ortant ap p lic ations with CBC when the G3V2 is c onnec ted to a p ublic network switc h using several d ifferent servic es. The tab le c onsists of up to 12 rows of seven c olumns per row. The first three c olumns c onstitute a key that tog ether selec t whic h row or uniq ue treatment should ap p ly for an inc oming c all on the g roup . The remaining four c olumns sp ec ify the treatment to b e provid ed for a c all that matc hes the key. The first c olumn or field in the key is the Service/Feature field . If an inc oming c all is for a servic e listed in a row in the inc oming c all hand ling tab le, then that row may sp ec ify the treatment for the c all, d ep ending on the other two c olumns of the key. The Called Len field is used to c ontinue the row d etermination. If the numb er of d ig its rec eived with the inc oming c all matc h the numb er of dig its in the Called Len field for c alls to the matc hed servic e, then this row may ap ply. If no other row also c ontains a matc hing servic e and c alled leng th, then this row d oes ap ply. If another row d oes exist with the same servic e and numb er leng th, then the Called Number field will b e used to c ontinue the row d etermination. If the lead ing d igits rec eived with the inc oming c all matc h the d ig its sp ec ified in the Called Number field, then this row ap p lies to the c all. Therefore, with this tab le, a uniq ue treatment c an b e given to any inc oming c all, even if these c alls are to the same servic e or have the same numb er of d ig its. The remaining four field s sp ec ify the uniq ue treatment for the c all onc e the row has b een d etermined . Tog ether, the Del and Insert field s c an b e used to manip ulate the inc oming numb er that will b e used to route the c all. The Per Call CPN/BN field can be used to req uest CPN/BN only for sp ec ific c alls inc oming on the g roup from a

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Layers 2 and 3 Page 5-58 ISDN PRI Layer 3 5 4ESS switch. The Night Serv field is used to have c alls of d ifferent typ es routed to d ifferent nig ht d estinations when night servic e is in effec t. This tab le is esp ec ially suited to Meg ac om 800 servic e with the DNIS feature, allowing you to treat d ifferent 800 c alls in sp ec ial ways b ased on the d ialed numb er. Another ap p lic ation is to ad d d ig its to an inc oming SDN c all suc h that the AAR ac c ess c od e is p rep end ed to the inc oming d ig its for routing throug h an ETN network. NOTE: If the servic e type of the trunk g roup is tie or tand em, c alls with any NSF on the trunk g roup will b e allowed to c omplete, whether the inc oming c all hand ling tab le is ad ministered or not. For examp le, if the servic e type is tand em and the inc oming c all hand ling table is b lank, any SDN, Meg ac om, etc ., c alls will c omp lete. Thus, the inc oming d ig its must b e the exp ec ted digits for routing purposes. For these calls to receive special treatment still req uires administering the inc oming c all hand ling tab le, however. Also, even thoug h c alls on trunk g roup s of tie and tand em are tand emed , the NSFs are not tand emed — the NSF is always d etermined by the routing p attern administration.

System Administration Page 6-1 G3V2 Administration 6 DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 6 6System Administration The two p revious c hap ters d esc rib e how the DEFINITY systems imp lement DS1 and CEPT1 c ap ab ilities for narrowband switc hing that are d efined in external stand ard s, suc h as ISDN PRI sp ec ific ations. To imp lement these stand ard c ap ab ilities on DEFINITY systems, however, requires ad d itional system ad ministration. For examp le, trunks must b e ad d ed to trunk g roup s and routes must b e c hosen for calls over d ig ital trunks. This chap ter d escrib es the system ad ministration req uired to imp lement DS1 and CEPT1 narrowb and switc hing c ap ab ilities on DEFINITY systems. For tec hnic al information on wid eb and switc hing in DEFINITY systems, refer to AT&T DEFINITY Wid eband Tec hnic al Referenc e, 555-230-230. G3V2 Administration The following list shows the forms that must b e ad ministered for most d ig ital trunk ap plic ations in G3iV2 systems. The g eneral ap plic ation (either b it oriented sig naling or ISDN PRI sig naling ) ap p ears in p arentheses to the rig ht of eac h entry. For examp le, the system p arameters-c ustomer op tions form is req uired only for ISDN PRI trunks. 1.System Parameters—Customer Options (ISDN PRI) 2. System Parameters—Features (ISDN PRI) 3. System Parameters—Maintenanc e (ISDN PRI) 4. Data Mod ule (b it-oriented , ISDN PRI) 5. Dial Plan Rec ord (bit-oriented , ISDN PRI) 6. DS-1 Circ uit Pac k (b it-oriented , ISDN PRI) 7. Sig naling Group (ISDN PRI)

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-2 G3V2 Administration 6 8. Sync hronization Plan (b it-oriented , ISDN PRI) 9. Communic ation Interfac e Links (ISDN PRI) 10. Communic ation Proc essor Channel Assig nment (ISDN PRI) 11. Communic ation Interfac e Links. Enab le the interfac e links. (ISDN PRI) 12. Trunk Group (bit-oriented , ISDN PRI) 13. Network Fac ilities (ISDN PRI) 14. Routing Pattern (b it-oriented , ISDN PRI) 15. CPN Prefix Tab le (ISDN PRI) 16. Hunt Group (ISDN PRI) 17. Terminating Extension Group (ISDN PRI) The following list shows the forms that must b e ad ministered for most d ig ital trunk ap plic ations in G3rV2: 1.System Parameters—Customer Options (ISDN PRI) 2. System Parameters—Features (ISDN PRI) 3. System Parameters—Maintenanc e (ISDN PRI) 4. Data Mod ule (b it-oriented ) 5. Dial Plan Rec ord (bit-oriented , ISDN PRI) 6. DS-1 Circ uit Pac k (b it-oriented , ISDN PRI) 7. Sig naling Group (ISDN PRI) 8. Sync hronization Plan (b it-oriented , ISDN PRI) 9. Trunk Group (bit-oriented , ISDN PRI) 10. Network Fac ilities (ISDN PRI) 11. Routing Pattern (b it-oriented , ISDN PRI) 12. CPN Prefix Tab le (ISDN PRI) 13. Hunt Group (ISDN PRI) 14. Terminating Extension Group (ISDN PRI) System Parameters—Customer Options Form The ad ministration for this form is p erformed remotely b y the Tec hnic al Sup p ort Center (TSC). It ac tivates the op tional features of the G3V2 systems. The following list d esc rib es the DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI-related ad ministration setting s for the field s of this form:

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-3 G3V2 Administration 6 Feature-Related System Parameters Form Settings The only ISDN PRI-related field in this form is the DID/Tie/ISDN Intercept Treatment field . You c an op tionally enter the extension of the rec ord ed announc ement you want to use for interc ept treatment for invalid ISDN PRI c alls. This field d efaults to 0 to g o to the attend ant. Maintenance-Related System Parameters Form Settings This form is p rimarily for use b y maintenanc e p ersonnel. The only ISDN PRI-sp ec ific field in this form is the ISDN Test Call Extension field . You should enter the numb er that the far end should c all when it p erforms an ISDN test. At p resent, it is not p ossib le for p ub lic network switc hes to c all this numb er. In these c ases the only way to p erform this test is to have a far-end end p oint c all this extension. This is p ossib le if you are using ACCUNET Switc hed Dig ital Servic es or SDN to ac c ess the far end, for examp le. Data Module Form Settings Any d ata end p oints using DCP d ata mod ules (MPDMs) for c alls routed to ISDN PRI trunk g roup s must have the ITC field ad ministered . This field c an b e either restricted or unrestricted . The setting here is c omp ared with the ITC on the trunk g roup p referenc e to d etermine if the c all c an use that trunk group . NOTE: This form only ap p lies to G3iV2 systems. In ad d ition to any external d ata mod ules used to make c alls, you must also administer a special type of data module called the processor interface data mod ule. The G3iV2 interfac e to ISDN PRI requires a sync hronous/async hronous p roc essor interfac e c irc uit p ac k (TN765). Eac h TN765 has four p orts (links) for sup p orting BX.25 and /or ISDN ap plic ations. Up to two TN765 (8 links) are p ossib le in a multip le c arrier c ab inet or one (4 links) in a sing le c arrier c ab inet. The TN765 has d ata mod ules (PDMs) integ rated into its p orts. These proc essor ARS ARS is req uired for ISDN PRI c onnec tions to p ub lic network switc hes. ARS PartitioningThis field is fac tory-set to y if ARS is ord ered . ISDN-PRIy here turns on ISDN PRI. Wideband Sw i t c h in gA y here enab les wid eb and switc hing . For tec hnic al information on wid eb and switc hing in DEFINITY systems, refer to AT&T DEFINITY Wid eb and Tec hnic al Referenc e, issue 1, 555-230-230.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-4 G3V2 Administration 6 interfac e d ata modules must have extensions assig ned to them just as if they were external MPDMs. This form is used to ad minister these extensions. The following list d esc rib es the ad ministration setting s for this form: DS1 Circuit Pack Form Settings The following list d esc rib es the ad ministration setting s for this form. Data Ex t e n si o nYou must assig n a d ata mod ule extension to the p hysic al c hannel to b e used for the ISDN PRI link. Any valid extension c an b e used here. Use the system c ommand add data-module extension. Typ e Ente r procr-infc . Ph ys ic a l ChannelEnter the p hysic al c hannel numb er in the rang e 01 - 08, c orresp ond ing to the p orts on the PI board s to whic h you assig ned the d ata extension. Name This field is op tional. You should enter something ind ic ating what is on the far end of this link. Location Display-only. This is the slot loc ation of the DS1/CEPT1 circuit pack. Name Enter a name or desc rip tion, up to 15 c harac ters, to d esc rib e the DS1/CEPT1 board . A c ommon c onvention is to use the far-end destination (SDN-1, for examp le). Bit Rate G3V2 only Va l u e s : 1.544 (d efault) 2.048 Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Bit Rate’’ in Chap ter 4, ‘‘Physic al Layer’’. If the b oard c od e is a TN722, TN722B or a TN767 this field is d isp lay-only with a value of 1.544. If the board c od e is a TN464B this field is display-only with a value of 2.048. If the b oard c od e is a TN464C or later release, this field is ad ministrab le for the value of 1.544 or 2.048 with a d efault of 1.544. If 2.048 is c hosen, the Framing Mode , Line Compensation and DMI-BOS field s will d isap pear. In 2.048 the Framing Mode will b e multi-framing and will not b e ad ministrab le. The Line Compensation and DMI-BOS fields are not ap p lic able.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-5 G3V2 Administration 6 Line Cod ing Va l u e s : b8zs hd b 3 (G3V2 only) none (G3V2 only) zcs (d efault) Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n Line Cod ing in Chap ter 4, Physical Layer. For systems in the U.S., unless you have req uested unrestric ted fac ilities end -to-end , you should assig n zcs here. If you are g uaranteed unrestric ted fac ilities end -to-end , then you should assig n b8zs or hdb3 here. ZCS causes an inverted D c hannel. B8ZS and HDB3 result in a non-inverted D c hannel. The value none c an also b e used to sig nify AMI-only line c oding , whic h d oes not p erform 1s d ensity c onformanc e. Line Comp ensatio n Va l u e s : A numb er from 1 to 5 Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Line Comp ensation’’ in Chap ter 4, ‘‘Physical Layer’’. Selec t one of the following c omp ensation values c orresp ond ing to the length of the c ab le from the DS1/CEPT1 b oard to the CSU (or other DSX-1 c ross c onnec t). Compensation Length (feet) 1 000 - 133 2 133 - 266 3 266 - 399 4 399 - 533 5 533 - 655 This field d oes not ap p ear if the b it rate is 2.048. Fra mi ng Mode Va l u e s : d4 esf (d efault) Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Framing Format’’ in Chap ter 4, ‘‘Physic al Layer’’. Framing format must b e the same on eac h end of the link. In the U.S., ESF is rec ommend ed with all ISDN PRI ap p lic ations. You must sp ec ify ESF framing on the servic e ord er form. You must also op tion ESF on the CSU. The other p ossib le op tion is D4 framing . If D4 framing is used, the CSU must also use D4-framing for that ISDN PRI interfac e. If the b it rate is 2.048 mbps, this field does not appear.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-6 G3V2 Administration 6 Sig naling ModeVa l u e s : CAS (G3V2 only) c ommon-c han (d efault) isd n-ext (G3V2 only) isd n-p ri robbed-bit Re f e re n c e : Se c t io n ‘‘Channel Struc ture and Sig naling ’’ in Chap ter 4, ‘‘Physic al Layer’’. Se c t io n ‘‘Fac ility-Assoc iated and Non-Fac ility Assoc iated Signaling’’ in Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’. This p arameter selec ts the sig naling mod e. It must matc h the sig naling mode in use at the other end of the link. If there is a free c hoic e at b oth end s, c ommon-c han mod e has the ad vantag e that it is unrestric ted , i.e., may b e used for voic e or 64-kb d ata, inc lud ing AVD and DMI servic es, whereas rob b ed-b it mode is restric ted to voic e or 56 kb p s d ata. On the other hand , robb ed -b it mod e d oes p rovid e an extra trunk. The c hoic e of CAS selec ts a signaling mod e c onsistent with Tie or CO trunk protoc ol (d ep end ing on Interc onnec t value) sup p orted on the 2.048 mb p s interfac e. This req uires the c irc uit p ac k to b e a TN464B or a TN464C or later release DS1/CEPT1 interface. This choice will cause the Country Protocol , Interconnect and CRC field s to app ear. The c hoic e of the common-chan parameter selects a sig naling mod e used for 24 c hannel tie trunks.