Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-47 Synchronization 4 nYellow LED is on 2.7 sec ond s and off 0.3 sec ond s — the tone-c loc k sync hronizer is in “ ac tive” mod e and an external sync hronization sourc e is b eing used as a sync hronization referenc e. nYellow LED is on 0.3 sec ond s and off 2.7 sec ond s — the tone-c loc k sync hronizer is in “ ac tive” mod e and the internal (on-b oard ) high-ac curac y c lock is being used as a synchronization reference. nYellow LED is on c ontinuously — the tone-c loc k sync hronizer reset p rop erly b ut d id not rec eive translations up d ate. It is in “ ac tive” mod e and is p rovid ing sync hronization from the internal (on-b oard ) hig h-ac c urac y clock. nYellow LED is off c ontinuously — a d up lic ated tone-c loc k sync hronizer is in stand b y mod e. It is neither g enerating tones nor sup p lying a c loc k referenc e. (TN768 and TN780 only.) nYellow LED fast flash (on 0.1 sec ond s, off 0.2 sec ond s, on 0.1 sec ond s, off 0.4 sec ond s, on 0.4 sec ond s, off 0.4 sec ond s, rep eated ly) — The tone c loc k is in the tone-generation mode. This oc c urs in d up lic ated systems on the stand b y c loc k when the system status command is executed d uring maintenanc e. The stand b y c loc k is the c loc k not c urrently p artic ip ating in the sync hronization p roc ess. Criteria for Switching to the Secondary DS1/CEPT1 or Stratum-3 Reference Eac h oc c urrenc e of an ab normal or error c ond ition results in inc rementing the ap prop riate error c ounter. Eac h error c ounter has its own uniq ue threshold limit. Exc eed ing an error c ounter’s threshold results in a c hang e in op eration (suc h as switching to a different synchronization reference). The p rinc ip al error c ond itions used to d etermine if a c hang e to a d ifferent c loc k sync hronization referenc e is need ed are, in ord er of imp ortanc e (error c ond itions 2 throug h 6 d o not app ly when the on-p remises stratum-3 c loc k is used as a referenc e): 1. The master tone-c loc k sync hronizer detec ts LOS. 2. The online reference reports a red alarm. 3. The online referenc e rep orts a b lue alarm. 4. If more than 50% of those DS1/CEPT1 sp ans that are ad ministered for slip -enable are exp erienc ing slip s (with resp ec t to the p rimary), then a d ec ision is mad e to switc h to the sec ond ary. 5. The online referenc e rep orts that its misframe threshold has b een exc eed ed . 6. The online referenc e rep orts that its slip threshold has b een exc eed ed . 7. The online referenc e rep orts a hyp erac tive ang el alarm. For switc hes that d o not have the sec ond ary referenc e, a switc h to the internal (on-b oard ) hig h-ac c urac y c loc k will only b e mad e for c ases 1, 2, and 3.
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-48 Synchronization 4 Criteria for Switching Back to the Primary Reference Eac h time the master tone-c loc k sync hronizer rep orts a LOS, it inc rements the exc essive referenc e switc h c ounter. If a total of 20 switc hes oc c ur within a 1-hour interval then the internal (on-b oard ) hig h-ac c urac y c loc k is p lac ed online and automatic referenc e switc hing is d isab led . Automatic referenc e switc hing is only enab led b y hourly maintenanc e or by the enable synchronization c ommand . With automatic referenc e switc hing enab led, most error c ounters are d ec remented b y 1 every 15 minutes and initialized to zero on reac hing the threshold value. The following c ond itions c ause an offline referenc e to b e restored to online (c ond itions 2 throug h 7 d o not ap p ly when using the on-p remises stratum-3 as a referenc e): 1. The system c onfig uration maintenanc e d etec ts stratum-3 unit or DS1/CEPT1 c irc uit p ac k sanity (for examp le, a DS1 has b een reinitialized , reinserted into the c arrier, and /or rep lac ed ). 2. The DS1/CEPT1 referenc e d etermines that the LOS error no longer exists. 3. The remote loop -around test is c omp leted . 4. The red alarm has b een c leared . 5. The b lue alarm has b een c leared . 6. The slip error c ounter has c leared. 7. The misframe error c ounter has c leared . 8. The hyp erac tive ang el alarm has b een c leared . The External (ST3) Synchronization Clock It is rec ommended that all c ustomer p remises switc hes that c onnec t to the AT&T p ublic network and transfer timing use a stratum-4E c loc k or b etter. Althoug h a stratum-4 or 4E c loc k alread y exists in the DEFINITY c ommunic ations systems, they c an also ob tain their timing from an external stratum-3 c loc k. One ad vantag e of the stratum-3 c loc k is that it offers 24-hour hold over ac c urac y. Using an external stratum-3 c loc k, therefore, c an avoid many slip s when a network is severed .
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-49 Synchronization 4 Figure 4-11. Public-Network and External Stratum-3 Clock Connection to G2.2 By rep lac ing the TN463 with a TN2131 in the same slot, the G2.2 may also use the external stratum-3 c loc k. Most Generic 2.2 and Generic 3V2 c ommunic ations systems will use the external c loc k. This c loc k is p hysic ally mounted external to the switc h c ab inets. The external stratum-3 c loc k req uires d up lic ated -48VDC p ower. This p ower sourc e may b e an existing -48VDC p ower p lant (whic h is loc ated on c ustomer premises), or a duplicated, cabinet-mounted power supply with battery backup. The inp ut voltag e toleranc e is -45V to -52V with a worst-c ase c urrent d rain of 3A. The c ab inet mounted p ower sup ply p rovid es up to 10 minutes of holdover. In cydfx3g2 RPY 060597 NCTEYellow cross-connect field External clock (Note 3) Switch Note 2 Note 1 Notes: 1. The external clock cabinet has one 50-pin connector. It is labeled EXT CLOCK OUTPUT. One B25A cable is required for connecting the cabinet to the cross-connect field. 2. Refer to the appropriate installation manual or wiring guide for details on how to configure the cross-connections. 3. When the external clock is used, the SCS must not be administered. Those SCS softwar efunctions are done bythe hardware and firmware within the external clock.TN492C or external alarm interface TN2131 external clock interface DS1 DS1 Public network NCTE Y Y B25A cable B25A cable B25A cablesRef. 1 Ref. 2 Cl ock A Cl ock B Alar ms Alar ms C6F or GR-380 cables
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-50 Synchronization 4 terms of ap p lic ation, the external c loc k c onnec ts b etween the NCTEs and the switc h. Cab ling for the I/O and alarm c onnec tions is via 25-p air c ab les with 50-p in telep hone c onnec tors. The NCTE-to-external c loc k c onnec tion has the same d istanc e limitations as the NCTE-to-DS1 c onnec tion (655 feet maximum). For Generic 2.2, the c ab le-run from the external c loc k to the TN2131 c irc uit p ac k c annot exc eed 3000 feet; the c ab le run from the external stratum-3 c loc k to the TN780 c irc uit p ac k c annot exc eed 3000 feet. Cab le c onnec tions to and from the external c loc k will route via the yellow cross-connec t field. Figure 4-11 shows a p ublic -network c onnec tion to the external c loc k and the external c loc k c onnec tion to the Generic 2.2 c ommunic ations system. Next, Fig ure 4-12 shows how the external c loc k is c onnec ted to the Generic 3V2 c ommunic ations system. The external c loc k rec eives two timing referenc e inp uts and may c onnec t to two NCTEs. These timing reference inputs are c alled Referenc e 1 and Refe ren c e 2. For the external c loc k, these referenc es perform the same func tion as the p rimary and sec ond ary referenc es d o for the internal sync hronization b oards. That is, they are the p rimary and sec ond ary c loc k referenc es, and only when these referenc es fail is sync hronization d erived from the c loc k in the external stratum-3 unit. The same b asic c onsid erations that ap p ly to the selec tion of p rimary and sec ond ary referenc es also ap p ly to these referenc es. For Generic 2.2, all func tions p reviously p erformed b y SCS sync hronization software c an b e p rovid ed external to the switc h — b y the external c loc k. Furthermore, the switc h d oes not know whic h referenc e (1 or 2) is online nor c an the switc h c hang e from one referenc e to the other. The external c loc k is d esig ned to p rovid e stratum-3 reliab ility and exists in a d uplex version only. This version provid es hot stand b y cap ab ility (the ab ility to p ull out c irc uit p ac ks with p ower on) to the alternate c loc k and may b e used in a p roc essor p ort network with either simp lex or d uplex TN780 tone-c loc k c irc uit packs. Fig ure 4-1 3 shows a func tional d iag ram of the external c loc k.
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-51 Synchronization 4 Figure 4-12. G3V2 Connections to the External Stratum 3 Synchronization Clock cydfg3v2 RPY 060597 Stratum 3 external synchronization clockYe l l o w f i e l d cross-connect Designator cableCabl e typeAA A C CY Y Y Y Y Y B BTN780 A Carrier B Carrier Primary Secondary A B C YB25A C60 C6E H-600-274TN780 DS1 DEFINITY generic 1 or 3 System end System endClock end Clock end Plug SimplexprocessorincludesTN780Acarrier Duplex processor includes TN780 A and B carrier Note: ReceptacleDS1 CSU CSUSecondary Pr i mar y
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-52 Synchronization 4 Figure 4-13. External Clock Connection to G3V2 or G2.2 Private network ap p lic ations that d o not have d ig ital c onnec tions to stratum-3 or b etter referenc e sourc es will not p rovid e the Re f e re n c e 1 and Refe ren c e 2 inp uts or the c loc k-inp ut #1 and c loc k-inp ut #2 c irc uit p ac ks. These typ es of network ap plic ations are allowed only when they are timing masters for a p rivate network that is not c onnec ted to the pub lic network. For p ub lic -network ap p lic ations, the c loc k-inp ut c irc uit p ac k rec eives a 1.544-mb p s or 2.048 mbp s c loc k signal from the referenc e. The c loc k inp ut #1 and #2 c irc uit p ac ks g enerate a 4-kb p s stratum-3 c loc k sig nal and sup p ly it to the c loc k and outp ut b oard s. The c omp osite c loc k outp ut c irc uit p ac k monitors the 4-kb p s sig nals from the referenc es and c loc ks and , on d etec ting a failure or other error, automatic ally c hang es from the online referenc e c loc k to an alternate. Furthermore, an alarm sig nal alerting you of the p rob lem is g enerated. Ad d itionally, the c omp osite c loc k outp ut c irc uit p ac k g enerates a 64-kb p s c omp osite c loc k sig nal. This sig nal is a sp ec ial b ip olar (return-to-zero) sig nal that c ontains a bipolar violation every eighth bit and is c abled to the switch through the TN2131 c irc uit pac k for G2.2 and throug h the TN780 c irc uit p ac k for the Generic 3V2. Cl ock input #1 Stratum 3 clock ATiming output, composite clock A Timing output, composite clock B Stratum 3 clock B Cl ock input #2 Switch alarm interface St ratum 3 Reference #1 St ratum 3 Reference #2Phase build out -48VDC A -48VDC B Retur n-48VDC ReturnPowe r bu s System alar m bus System alarms cydfxclk RPY 060597 To TN2131(0)(S85/G2) To TN2131(1 )(S85/G2) To T N 7 8 0 (G1/G3) To T N 7 8 0 (G1/G3) To TN492C external alar m (S85/G2 only)
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-53 Synchronization 4 Figure 4-14. G2.2 External Stratum-3 Clock Interface Figure 4-15. G3V2 External Stratum-3 Clock Interface cydfg22x RPY 060497 Composite clock converterLOS detectionAlar ms Sync output Composite clock output A Composite clock output B Note 1 Note 2Backplane signal to TMS or modul econtrol clock TN2131 circuit pack Notes: 1. Alarm signals are cabled to the cross-field. For System 85 and Generic 2, they are then cross-connected and cabled back to the TN492C or external alarm interface. They use the same cable the composite clock signals come in on. 2. System 85 and Generic 2 applications require that the composite clock synchronization signal be connected from the skin of the cabinet to the module control or TMS carrier via an intercarrier cable. TMS and module control carriers (for both System 85 and Generic 2) use the H-600-260 group 1 cable, while Generic 2 universal module control carriers use the H-600-271 group 1 cable. cydfg3vx RPY 060597 Composite clock converterLOS detection Alar m detection Out put clocks Composite clock output AExternal clock alarms Composite clock output B Note 1Backplane TDM bus Backplane signal sto system maintenance TN780 circuit pack Note 1: All signals use the same cable between the cabinet skin and the cross-connect field and between the cross-connect field and the control (and/or port) carrier.
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-54 Synchronization 4 Figure 4-16. External Stratum-3 Clock Duplicated Synchronization for G3V2 or G2.2 Network Synchronization and Engineering The p rimary g oals of network sync hronization are: nTo keep each digital network node reliable nTo make sure that eac h d ig ital termination c an meet the network ob jec tives With the g rowth in the number of d ig ital fac ilities and the d emand s that tod ay’s ap plic ations p lac e on these fac ilities, d esig ning a p rop er sync hronization p lan has become a complex and cruc ial process. Designing a synchronization plan c an b e ac c omp lished by using the AT&T ACCUNET Sync hronization Desig n Servic e availab le from BC Servic es or b y following the g uid elines d esc rib ed on the preceding pages. The AT&T Sync hronization Desig n Servic e is an eng ineering c onsulting servic e d esig ned for c ustomers with p rivate d ig ital networks. This servic e p rovid es a sync hronization d esig n that c an b e ec onomic ally imp lemented along with an estimate of the slip p erformanc e. This servic e also inc lud es an op timal sync hronization d esig n that improves the sync hronization p erformanc e with c ost effec tive network ad d itions. Furthermore, this servic e reevaluates the entire p rivate network sync hronization p lan eac h time there is a c hang e in the c ustomer’s network. NCTE NCTECl ock A1 Cl ock A2S85/ G2 S85/ G2G1 or G3 G1 or G3S85/ G2 S85/ G2 Cl ock B1 Cl ock B2 Stratum 3 external clockTN780 or TN2131(0) TN780 or TN2131(1)S85/G2 module or TMS clock (0) S85/G2 module or TMS clock (1)Switching network (0) Switching network (1)DS1 interfacePo r t carriers DS1 interface Reference 1 Reference 2 cydf3clk RPY 060597
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-55 Synchronization 4 A sync hronization p lan c an also b e desig ned b y using the following guid elines and rules. nEnsure that all nod es and fac ilities are sync hronized to a sing le sourc e of timing ; or at the worst, to two or more stratum-2 timing sourc es nSelec t the most reliab le d ig ital fac ilities to serve as sync hronization referenc es at eac h nod e nChoose fac ilities with the g reatest availab ility and least outage. For examp le, fac ilities that are loc ated in hostile environments or that have a history of servic e disruptions should not be used . nEnsure that no timing loop s c an b e c reated even und er failure c ond itions, that is, timing from one nod e c an never serve as a sourc e of timing b ac k to that nod e, even if it is loop ed throug h several other nod es. Selecting a Timing Source for the Switch Before selec ting a timing sourc e, you should d raw or ob tain a c op y of the network topology (whic h indic ates eac h nod e and the interc onnec ting d ig ital trunk fac ilities). The nod es in the p rivate network should b e stratified (d ivid ed ) into two levels known as externally referenc ed and internally referenc ed (sometimes c alled unreferenc ed). Externally referenc ed nod es are those within the p rivate network that c onnec t d irec tly to p ub lic network timing sourc es. Internally referenc ed nod es have d ig ital fac ilities that d o not c onnec t d irec tly to p ublic network timing sourc es. Fig ure 4-17 shows a typ ic al network top olog y with externally and internally referenc ed nod es.
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 Physical Layer Page 4-56 Synchronization 4 Figure 4-17. External and Internal Reference Levels For externally referenc ed nod es, the op erating c omp any p ersonnel will sp ec ify what the sourc e of timing is on those links. If the network d oes not rec eive timing from the pub lic network at any of its nodes, the master-slave relationships in the network will then b e d etermined b y those p ersons resp onsib le for eng ineering the sync hronization of the network. This internal and external referenc ing c onc ep t p ermits c onstraints in synchronization network layout to b e exp ressed in terms of network layout rules. The rules c onstitute a p roc ed ure to selec t the nod es used as p rimary and sec ond ary referenc es. Two sets of referenc e selec tion rules are availab le: one set for internally referenc ed networks and the other for externally referenc ed networks. Internal Reference Selection Rules The seven rules used to selec t internal sync hronization referenc es are d esc rib ed next. Digital serving office System 85/G2 or System 75/G1/G3 System 85/G2 or System 75/G1/G3 Externally referenced nodes Internally referenced nodes Digital transmission facility Primary frequency reference cydfeirl RPY 060397