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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual

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    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    Issue 1
    July 1993
    Install and Wire Telephones and Other Equipment 
    Page B-8  
    1. The TN464C must b e used for the trunk transporting the ISDN PRI D-c hannel on G3r.  The B-c hannels c an still utilize the TN767 if NFAS is used . For simplic ity, however, it is rec ommended that the TN464C b e used  for all 
    ISDN PRI trunks in G3r. Tie Trunks Tand em tie trunk private 
    networkConnec ted to another PBX 
    with a DS1/CEPT1 
    interfac eTie ,  
    rep eatin
    Ty p e  3 64-wire 
    Immed iate
    Ty p e 0 4Tie I m me d /  
    immedAVD 24th Ch. D4 or 
    ESFZCS or 
    restric tion 
    of fac ilitiesANN11 TN767
    TN464C (G3 
    ETN with DCSIntermachine tie trunk 
    c onnec ting ETN tandem 
    systems via leased T1/E1 
    lines from LEC and/or IXC.Tie
    Ty p e  4 14-wire 
    Wink/w ink-
    Ty p e 2 6Ta nd e
    winkRo b b e d  
    BitD4 or 
    ESFZCS or 
    restric tion 
    of fac ilitiesANN11 TN767
    TN464C (G3 
    ETN with DCS
    Over ISDN PRI B-c hannel 
    or D-c hannelIntermachine tie trunk 
    c onnec ting two ETN 
    tandem PBXs (AT&T or 
    other vendors/) via leased  
    T1/E1 lines from LEC 
    and/or IXC with ISDN PRI.Tie
    Ty p e  4 1ISDN PRI
    Ty p e 2 0ISDN 
    PRITie Robbed 
    BitD4 or 
    ESFZCS or 
    restric tion 
    of fac ilitiesANN35 TN767
    TN464C (G3 
    TN767 plus 
    TN555 (G2)
    ETN ac c ess Acc ess tie trunk 
    c onnec ting an ETN main 
    PBX to an ETN tand em 
    PBX with a DS1/CEPT1 
    interfac e via leased T1/E1 
    lines from LEC and/or IXC.Tie
    Ty p e  4 64-wire 
    Wink/w ink-
    Ty p e 2 6Tie Wink/ 
    winkAVD 24th Ch. D4 or 
    ESFZCS or 
    restric tion 
    of fac ilitiesANN11 TN767
    TN464C (G3 
    Main/satellite p rivate 
    Main/satellite with DCSTrunk from main to 
    satellite PBX via leased  
    T1/E1 lines from LEC.Sp e c ial  
    Ty p e  7 8
    Ty p e 1 7Tie Delay/ 
    delayRo b b e d  
    BitD4 or 
    ESFZCS or 
    restric tion 
    of fac ilitiesANN11 TN767
    TN464C (G3 
    Table B-3. Digital Trunk Administration Summary for U.S. Applications — 56 kbps Channel — Mode 1 BCC — Continued
    ApplicationService ConnectivityAdministration Options Interface Circuit
    G2 G1/G3 DS1 Board
     ModuleG1/G3 and 
    G2 Universal 
    Module Tr u n k  
    Ty p eTr u n k  
    Ty p eGroup
     Ty p eTrunk 
    Ty p eComm/ 
    Type Signaling FramingLine 
    Continued on next page 
    Page IN-1  
    DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107   Issue 1
    July 1993
    700 numb er for Ac cunet,2-8
    network,6-73, 6-76trunk, c od e,6-71
    Access š trunk, code,6-71Ac c ess, ACCUNET,A-15Ac c essing  AT&T switc hed  d ig ital network via 700 numb er,2-8
    ACCUNET ac c ess,A-15ACCUNET Switc hed  Dig ital International (SDI) servic e,2-9ACCUNET Switc hed  Dig ital Servic es
    app lic ation
    ,2-8Ad ministration p roc ed ures
    Bit-oriented  sig naling  trunk g roup s,6-21
    Communic ation Interface Links form
    Ad ministration p roc ed ures for G2.2
    Proc edure 000 Word  3: Line-Sid e BCCOS Desig nator,6-65Proc edure 000 Word  4: NPA-NXX Ind ex Desig nator,6-65
    Proc edure 012 Word  1: Name Datab ase,6-85Proc edure 012 Word  2: Name Datab ase,6-86Proc edure 012 Word  3: Name Datab ase,6-87
    Proc edure 014 Word  1: BCCOS Routing Op tions,6-67Proc edure 014 Word  2: BCCOS Data Op tions,6-69Proc edure 014 Word  4: Line Sid e (B-Channel) ISDN Routing Options,6-70
    Proc edure 100 Word  1: Trunk Group  Type Sig naling  and  Dial Ac c ess (ID) Cod e,6-71Proc edure 100 Word  2: Trunk Group  Data Translations,6-73Proc edure 100 Word  3: ISDN Trunk Group  Sig naling  Op tions,6-74
    Proc edure 101 Word  1: ISDN Trunk Group , CDR, and  Dig ital Loss Plan,6-77Proc edure 103 Word  1: Network Trunk Group  Translations,6-79Proc edure 108 Word  1: ISDN Trunk Group  TTL Numb er (Digits),6-88
    Proc edure 116 Word  1: DS1/DMI/ISDN-PRI Trunk Assig nments,6-83Proc edure 210 Word  2: LDN, NPA, and  NNX Attendant Partition Assig nments,6-66Proc edure 250 Word  1: SC/DS1
    Carrier Desig nation
    Proc edure 260 Word  1: DS1/DMI/ISDN-PRI Physical Interface,6-45
    Proc edure 262 Word  1: Ad d itional DMI-MOS/ISDN-PRI Fac ility Op tions,6-55Proc edure 262 Word  2: ISDN-PRI D-Channel Backup,6-59Proc edure 262 Word  3: ISDN-PRI Cod eset Map  Assig nments,6-60
    Proc edure 275 Word  4
    ISDN Service
    Enab le/Disab le
    Proc edure 276 Word  1: Other Feature Groups,6-44
    Proc edure 279 Word  1: Network Fac ilities Coding,6-88Proc edure 280 Word  1: ISDN-PRI Rec eive/Transmit Cod eset Mapp ing,6-61 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107    Issue 1
    July 1993
    Page IN-2  
    Ad ministration p roc ed ures for G2.2, (continued )
    Proc edure 354 Word  3: NPA-NXX Dig its Assig nment,6-64
    summary of PROCs,6-42Ad ministration p roc ed ures for G3V2
    Communic ation Interface Links form,6-18
    Communic ation Processor Channel Assig nment form,6-19CPN Prefix Tab le form,6-40Data Mod ule form,6-3
    DS1 Circ uit Pac k form,6-4Feature-Related  System Parameters form,6-3Hunt Group form,6-42
    ISDN PRI Trunk Group form,6-21Maintenance-Related  System Parameters form,6-3Network Facilities form,6-36
    Proc essor Interfac e Data Mod ule form,6-3Routing  Patterns form,6-36Signaling Group form,6-14
    summary,6-1Sync hronization Plan form,6-14
    Sys te m  Pa r am et e r s
    Customer Op tions form,6-2
    Terminating Extension Group  form,6-41Trunk Group form,6-20Usag e alloc ation p lan,6-31
    Ad vantag es of ISDN PRI-b ased  servic es,2-5A-law c omp and ing,4-8Alternate mark inversion,4-18
    Arithmetic logic  unit (ALU),4-29AT&T Proprietary c ommon channel sig naling,4-10AT&T, referenc e freq uency,4-66
    c hannel map p ing  format in ISDN PRI,4-15Automatic  Alternate Routing  (AAR),A-5
    CBC,6-77Automatic  id entified outward  dialing  (AIOD),6-83Automatic  Route Selection (ARS)
    ,6-77Availab ility, transmission,4-60
    B8ZS line cod ing,4-18Bac kup mod ules,4-42Bandwid th,4-36
    c ap ability
    c lass of servic e (BCCOS)
    System 85 and  Generic  2 d ifferenc es,6-67
    Bearer c ap ability,A-15
    Bearer c ap ability c lass of servic e (BCCOS) in G2.2, ISDN PRI,5-45Bearer c ap ability c lass, ISDN PRI,5-24Bearer c ap ability information element, ISDN PRI,5-24
    Bearer c ap ability routing, ISDN PRI,5-42 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107    Issue 1
    July 1993
    Page IN-3  
    Binary service format,6-90, A-15Bipolar pulse sequence,4-20
    Bit inversion
    on ISDN PRI D c hannel,4-24Bit oriented sig naling,4-10
    Bit rate
    imp lementing,4-1jumper setting s on TN464,3-4, 4-2
    mixing  DS1 and  CEPT1 on the same system,4-2Bit sync hronization,4-33Bit-oriented  sig naling  trunk g roup  ad ministration,6-21
    Cab les from DS1/CEPT1 b oard  to CSU,3-7
    Cabling requirements,3-1Call b y c all service selec tion
    app lic ations,2-4, 2-6
    ISDN PRI imp lementation in systems,5-55Call c ontrol messag e assoc iated  user-to-user information,5-9Call c ontrol messag es
    ,5-22Call c ontrol sig naling
    ISDN PRI,5-9
    Call c ontrol sig naling  in ISDN PRI,5-16Call c ontrol sig naling  on bit-oriented  sig naling  trunks,5-1Call-b y-Call Service Selec tion
    ISDN pub lic  network c onnections
    ,6-89trunk type 120,6-72, 6-77Called  party number information element, ISDN PRI,5-30
    Calling p arty name d isplay,5-41Calling p arty numb er information element, ISDN PRI,5-26CAS sig naling,4-15
    cascade,4-62Cascad e nod e connections,4-62Cause information element, ISDN PRI,5-23
    BOS sp ecific ation,6-54CEPT1, d efined,1-1
    Channel ID information element, ISDN PRI,5-12, 5-31Channel selec tion for unspec ified  B channel in ISDN PRI,5-15Channel servic e unit (CSU),3-7
    Channel, c ombination,4-32Channel-assoc iated  sig naling  (CAS)
    in CEPT1 interfac es,4-10
    Channel-d ivision multip lexers (CDMs)
    master clock,4-57Channel-exp ansion multiplexers (CEMs)
    master clock
    b ank loop  timing,4-35
    D c hannel sig naling,5-16physical layer,4-10Circ uit pac ks
    req uirements
    ,3-1signaling support,4-13summary of sup p ort for DS1 and CEPT1 on DEFINITY systems,1-4 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107    Issue 1
    July 1993
    Page IN-4  
    Class of service (COS),A-1BC and  ISDN routing,6-70
    Class of service (COS) translation, Generic 2,6-43CO and  DID trunks
    sup ervision and  call c ontrol,5-2
    CO DID trunk ports,4-32Cod e sets, ISDN PRI,5-37Cod eset
    d ifferenc es b etween 6 and  7
    ,6-63Codeset mapping,A-12Codeset mapping, ISDN PRI,5-23, 5-37
    Cod esets, ISDN PRI,5-23Comb ination channel,4-32Common c hannel sig naling,4-10
    Communication Interfac e Links form ad ministration p roced ures,6-18Communication Proc essor Channel Assig nment form ad ministration p roced ures,6-19Comp and ing,4-8
    A-law,4-8imp lementing,4-10
    mu-law,4-8requirements for in various countries,4-8companding,4-8
    Comp osite c loc k outp ut,4-52Conferenc e of Postal and  Telec ommunic ations Rate 1, (CEPT1), d efined,1-1Connec ted  numb er information element, ISDN PRI,5-39
    Connec ted  party name d isp lay,5-41Connec tivity of hard ware,3-1Controlled  slip,4-35
    COS,A-1BC and  ISDN routing,6-70COS translation, Generic  2,6-43
    Country p rotoc ols
    list of countries supp orted,2-2with ISDN PRI,5-9
    CPN p refix table
    how to imp lement,5-28CPN p refix table for connec ted  numb er ad ministration,5-40
    CPN Prefix Tab le form administration p roc edures,6-40CRC
    in ESF framing  format,4-6
    in CEPT1 framing  format,4-6Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC)
    in ESF framing  format
    D c hannel bac kup with ISDN PRI,5-10
    D c hannel group in G2.2 in ISDN PRI,5-12D4 c hannel b anks,4-57D4 framing  format,4-2
    mod ule
    BRI p rotoc ol
    DCP p rotoc ol,6-48
    Data Mod ule form ad ministration proc ed ures,6-3Data modules, summary of capabilities of AT&T,4-22 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107    Issue 1
    July 1993
    Page IN-5  
    D-c hannel
    d ata modules,6-48DCS
    d isp lay interac tions with ISDN displays
    ,5-41sig naling  over ISDN PRI D c hannel,5-54sig naling  over ISDN PRI D c hannels, ap p lic ations for,2-12
    used  with ISDN PRI,2-12DID
    Trunk g roup,A-5
    DID, unit loss,4-32Dig it
    Dig it receiving  in ISDN PRI,5-22Dig ital
    c ommunic ations p rotoc ol (DCP)
    data modules
    fac ilities, synchronization of,4-33fixed loss p lan,4-27loss p lan
    Dig ital loss p lan
    d efinition
    ,4-26digital loss plan encodes,4-28Dig ital sig nal level 1 (DS1) location assignment,A-9
    Dig ital Sig nal Level 1 (DS1), defined,1-1Dig ital trunk, d efined,1-1Dig ital, fixed loss,4-27
    Dig ital, loss p lan, low,4-27Dig ital-ac cess and  cross-connec t system (DACS)
    c onnec tions,4-38
    Dig its assignment
    NPA-NXX,6-64Direct Inward  Dial (DID),4-32
    Disp lay information element, ISDN PRI,5-40Disp lay interac tions b etween ISDN and DCS,5-41Disp laying  connec ted  numb er,5-40
    Disp laying  the contents of the d isp lay IE,5-41Disp lays for c alling  p arty numb er, ISDN PRI,5-30Distrib uted  Communication System (DCS)
    used  with ISDN PRI
    ,2-12Distributed Communication System, applications with digital trunks,2-11DMI Bos sig naling,1-3
    DMI mod es 0, 1, 2 and  3
    bit inversion,4-21relation to bearer c ap ab ility class,5-25
    DMI mod es 0, 1, 2, and  3
    overview,2-5restric ted vs. unrestric ted  status,4-21
    c ommon c hannel signaling,4-10DS1
    channel assig nments (Generic  2)
    DMI BOS, line+ trunk mod e,4-69for traditional mod ules,4-42for universal mod ules,4-42
    p rimary timing reference,4-41 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107    Issue 1
    July 1993
    Page IN-6  
    DS1, (c ontinued)
    robb ed -b it signaling,6-52
    sec ond ary timing  reference,4-41synchronization,4-33TN76 7,4-42
    DS1 assig nments,A-9DS1 channel b ank termination,4-32DS1 Circ uit Pac k Form ad ministration proc ed ures,6-4
    DS1, d efined,1-1DS1/ISDN-PRI ad ministration
    c hannel versus trunk assig nments,6-83
    Dynamic  trunk B channel assig nments,A-8
    E& M t r u nk,5-3E1 carrier
    ECMA p rotoc ols,5-17EI A
    d ig ital loss plan spec ification
    Generic  2
    EIA, digital tie trunk pad group,4-28
    Elec tronic Tand em Network (ETN), ap plications with d ig ital trunks,2-11End -to-end  ISDN facilities id entifier,5-53Eng ineering , network sync hronization,4-54
    Eq uip ment p arameters and  p ermitted  translation encod es,6-45Error c hec king
    TN46 4,4-6
    framing  format
    reliab ility
    ESF framing  format,4-2ESF T1 CSU, option setting s,3-7
    Europ ean Comp uter Manufac turers’ Assoc iation (ECMA) p rotocols,5-17External clock reference,4-48External referenc e selec tion rules,4-65
    Externally referenc ed  nod es,4-55
    Facility assoc iated  sig naling  (FAS),6-47
    Facility Restriction Level (FRL),A-4Facility-associated  signaling (FAS),5-16Facility-associated  signaling with ISDN PRI,5-10
    FA S,5-16, 6-47Feature-Related  System Parameters form ad ministration p roc ed ures,6-3Fi xe d ,  l os s p la n,4-27
    Fr a mi ng  f or m at
    C EPT1,4-2, 4-6DS1 (D4 or ESF),4-2
    how imp lemented  in DEFINITY systems,4-2imp lementing,4-7Free run ability,4-36
    FRL,A-4FXS loss ad justments,4-32 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107    Issue 1
    July 1993
    Page IN-7  
    Gain transfer,4-32Gateway
    ,4-10DS1 to CEPT1,4-2Generic  2
    digit collection
    ,A-7Generic  2 administration op tions and  req uirements,6-42Glare resolutions in ISDN PRI,5-16
    Hard ware req uirements,3-1
    HDB3 line c oding,4-18Hig h-level d ata link c ontrol (HDLC),6-48Hot standby,4-50
    Hunt Group  form administration p roced ures,6-42
    Id le c od e, d efinition of and imp lementation in DEFINITY systems,4-26
    BC,A-1called party,A-8, A-9
    called party number,A-7display,A-4Imped anc e jump er setting s on TN464,3-4
    imp lementing,4-8Incoming  c all handling  tab le
    app lic ations,2-7, 2-10
    imp lementation in G3V2,5-34, 5-57Information elements
    ISDN PRI,5-22
    Information transfer cap ab ility (ITC) in ISDN PRI,5-24, 5-25Initialization and Ad ministration System (INADS),4-46Integ rated  Telemarketing  Gateway (ITG)
    enab ling
    Generic  2
    Interactions with ISDN PRI,5-19Interexc hang e c arrier (IXC) network service value,A-13Interexc hang e c arrier (IXC), ISDN PRI,5-34
    Interface comp anding,4-10interfac e comp and ing,4-8Interface ID in ISDN PRI,5-12
    Internal d efinition translations,A-10Internal referenc e selection rules,4-56Internal referenc ed nod es,4-55
    internal rules,4-56 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107    Issue 1
    July 1993
    Page IN-8  
    Internal-c loc k-referenc e
    digital network nodes,4-38req uirements,4-36slips,4-35
    channel assig nments (Generic  2)
    d ynamic trunk
    feature op eration
    inferred digits,6-77
    network identifier,A-13PRI,4-68
    trunk g roup,A-8
    routing  p arameters
    Generic  2
    b earer c apab ility class,5-24ISDN PRI
    advantages over b it-oriented  signaling
    ,2-5b earer c apab ility class of servic e (BCCOS) in G2.2,5-45b earer c apab ility information element,5-24
    b earer c apab ility routing,5-42call control messages,5-22c all-b y-call servic e selection,5-55
    c alled  p arty numb er information element,5-30c alling  p arty number information element,5-26c ause information element,5-23
    c hannel ID IE,5-12c hannel ID information element,5-31codeset mapping,5-23, 5-37
    codesets,5-23, 5-37c onnec ted  number information element,5-39c ountry protoc ols,5-9
    CPN p refix tab le,5-28D c hannel b ackup,5-10D c hannel g roup  in G2.2,5-12
    d ial ac cess cod es,5-21d ig it c ollection req uirements,5-21digit receiving,5-22
    d isp lay information element,5-40d isp lays for calling p arty numb er,5-30Fac ility-assoc iated  sig naling,5-10
    g eneralized route selec tion in G3V2,5-42g lare resolution,5-16information elements,5-22
    information transfer c ap ability,5-24information transfer c ap ability (ITC),5-25interexchang e carrier (IXC),5-34
    interfac e ID in c hannel ID IE,5-12layer 2 protoc ol,5-4layer 2 user/network/p eer relationship,5-6
    layer 3 implementation in DEFINITY systems,5-8lookahead  interflow information element,5-42low-layer c omp atib ility information element,5-42
    network sp ec ific facilities information element,5-32Non-facility-associated  sig naling,5-10numbering  p lan field  in called  party number IE,5-30 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107    Issue 1
    July 1993
    Page IN-9  
    ISDN PRI, (c ontinued )
    p referred /exc lusive c hannels,5-19
    restric ted and  unrestricted  d ata,5-44sig naling  group in G3V2,5-13sig naling  implementation,4-15
    temp orary sig naling  connec tions,5-54traveling  c lass mark (TCM) information element,5-53trunk access codes,5-21
    trunk ac c ess c od es used  for d ialing,5-21type of number field in called party number IE,5-30usag e allocation p lan in G3V2,5-56
    USER INFOrmation messag e,5-36user-network and  peer p rotoc ols at layer 3,5-16user-to-user information,5-23, 5-36
    ISDN PRI Trunk Group  form ad ministration p roced ures,6-21ISL digital low loss plan,4-27IXC,5-34
    Jump er setting s
    Ann11 and ANN35,3-4b it rate setting  on TN464,4-2
    impedance and bit rate on TN464,3-4
    layer 2 protoc ol termination
    ,5-4ones d ensity and b it inversion,4-24termination,5-4
    LATA (local ac cess transp ort area), defined,2-3Layer 2
    call control,5-1
    p rotocol in ISDN PRI,5-4termination,5-4timers and  counters,5-8
    Layer 3 c all c ontrol,5-1Line cod ing,4-18alternate mark inversion,4-18
    B8ZS,4-18, 4-19DS1,4-18HDB3,4-18
    imp lementing,4-25ZCS,4-18Line comp ensation
    d efinition of
    ,4-25imp lementation in DEFINITY systems,4-25jumper setting s for ANN1 and  ANN35,3-4
    Line+ trunk mod e,4-69Line-only mod e,4-69Link
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