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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual

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    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107    Issue 1
    July 1993
    Page IN-10  
    exc hange c od e,6-64
    Local ac cess transp ort area (LATA), defined,2-3Local exc hang e ap plications of d igital trunks in the U.S.,2-3Lookahead  interflow
    used  with SDN
    ,2-11Lookahead  interflow information element, ISDN PRI,5-42Look-Ahead Interflow, enab ling , Generic 2,6-44
    LOS,4-43, 4-47, 4-48Loss
    insertion,4-26plan, digital,4-27p ort-to-port,4-26
    total,4-26via net,4-26Loss of signal (LOS),4-43, 4-47, 4-48
    Loss p lan
    imp lementing,4-28
    Loss p lan imp lementation and  p rovisioning
    Generic 1/Generic  3,4-29Generic 2,4-28
    Loss, CO DID trunk p orts,4-32Loss, c omb ination tie trunk,4-32Loss, extend ed  range channel units,4-32
    Loss, ISL d igital, low,4-27Loss, OPS p orts,4-32Loss, p ad g roup,4-27, 4-29
    Loss, p ort-to-port,4-30Loss, trunk typ e 47,4-28Loss, trunk typ e 70,4-28
    Low-layer comp atib ility information element, ISDN PRI,5-42
    Maintenanc e-Related System Parameters form ad ministration p roc edures,6-3
    Master referenc e,4-36Mean time b etween failures (MTBF),4-60Mean time to repair (MTTR),4-60
    MEGACOM 800 servic e ap plications,2-10MEGACOM servic e ap p lic ation,2-9Mixed mode signaling,2-2
    Mixed  robb ed -b it/MOS sig naling,4-16Mod em
    3.1K-Hz audio,A-2
    BCCOS d ata rates,6-69ZCS,6-48Modem pool decisions,5-44
    Mod es
    line+ trunk,4-69line-only,4-69
    trunk,4-69Mod ules
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107    Issue 1
    July 1993
    Page IN-11  
    MTTR,4-60mu-law c omp and ing,4-8
    Multip lexer,6-48M13,6-48M1C,6-48
    MX2,6-48MX3,6-48Multip lexers, sync hronization,4-33
    Narrowband switc hing
    c omparison with wid eb and  switc hing,2-1
    Narrowband switc hing , d efined,1-1Network
    eng ineering
    ,4-54features,6-89servic e,6-89
    sp ec ific facilities (NSF),A-5synchronization, d efinition,4-33synchronization, eng ineering,4-54
    synchronization, issues,4-33synchronization, p lan,4-33synchronization, p lan examp le,4-57
    tuning,4-67Network Fac ilities form ad ministration proc ed ures,6-36Network id entifier in NSF IE,A-13
    Network servic e value,A-13Network sp ecific  fac ilities information element, ISDN PRI,5-32NFAS,5-16
    Nod e c onnections,4-62Nonfac ility-assoc iated  sig naling  (NFAS),5-16Non-fac ility-assoc iated  sig naling  with ISDN PRI,5-10
    NPA,6-64NPA-NXX,A-16d esig nator,A-3
    digits assignment,6-64NPA-NXX desig nator,A-9NSDF information element, ISDN PRI,5-32
    IE,A-5NSF IE,A-13
    Numb ering  plan area (NPA),6-64Numb ering  plan field  in called p arty numb er IE, ISDN PRI,5-30
    Offic e interfac e units (OIUs)-2,4-66Offline modules,4-42Off-p remises
    station (OPS)
    line app lic ations
    line assig nments,6-52
    Ones d ensity req uirement,4-18
    ones density req uirement,4-18 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107    Issue 1
    July 1993
    Page IN-12  
    Online modules,4-42Ordering  information for hard ware and software,3-1
    Overlap  rec eiving/send ing,5-22
    Pac ket interfac e b oard
    terminating  layer 2
    ,5-6Pad group,4-27Parameterized -servic e format,6-90
    Partitioning,6-65PC M,4-33Preferred /exc lusive c hannels in ISDN PRI,5-19
    Pr i ma r y
    D-c hannel,6-47
    fac ility,6-49synchronization reference,6-50Primary rate interfac e (PRI),4-68
    Primary sync hronization fac ilities,4-62Primary sync hronization reference,4-45Generic 2.2,4-41
    Private networks, ap p lications with d ig ital trunks,2-11Proced ure 000 Word 3: Line-Sid e BCCOS Desig nator,6-65Proced ure 000 Word 4: NPA-NXX Designator,6-65
    Proced ure 010 Word 4: Line Sid e (B-Channel) ISDN Routing  Op tions,6-70Proced ure 012 Word 1: Name Datab ase,6-85Proced ure 012 Word 2: Name Datab ase,6-86
    Proced ure 012 Word 3: Name Datab ase,6-87Proced ure 014 Word 1: BCCOS Routing  Options,6-67Proced ure 014 Word 2: BCCOS Data Op tions,6-69
    Proced ure 100 Word 1: Trunk Group  Typ e Signaling  and  Dial Acc ess (ID) Code,6-71Proced ure 100 Word 2: Trunk Group  Data Translations,6-73Proced ure 100 Word 3: ISDN Trunk Group  Sig naling Options,6-74
    Proced ure 101 Word 1: ISDN Trunk Group , CDR, and  Digital Loss Plan,6-77Proced ure 103 Word 1: Network Trunk Group Translations,6-79Proced ure 108 Word 1: ISDN Trunk Group  TTL Numb er (Dig its),6-88
    Proced ure 116 Word 1: DS1/DMI/ISDN-PRI Trunk Assignments,6-83Proced ure 210 Word 2: LDN, NPA, and  NNX Attend ant Partition Assig nments,6-66Proced ure 250 Word 1: SC/DS1
    Carrier Desig nation
    ,6-44Proced ure 260 Word 1: DS1/DMI/ISDN-PRI Physic al Interfac e,6-45Proced ure 262 Word 1: Add itional DMI-MOS/ISDN-PRI Fac ility Op tions,6-55
    Proced ure 262 Word 2: ISDN-PRI D-Channel Bac kup,6-59Proced ure 262 Word 3: ISDN-PRI Cod eset Map Assignments,6-60Proced ure 275 Word 4
    ISDN Servic e
    Enable/Disab le
    Proced ure 276 Word 1: Other Feature Group s,6-44Proced ure 279 Word 1: Network Fac ilities Cod ing,6-88Proced ure 280 Word 1: ISDN-PRI Rec eive/Transmit Cod eset Map ping,6-61
    Proced ure 354 Word 3: NPA-NXX Dig its Assig nment,6-64Processor Interface Data Mod ule form administration p roc edures,6-3Pub lic network ap plications for d igital trunks in the U.S.,2-3
    Pulse c ode mod ulation with c omp and ing,4-8Pu ls e- c o d e  mo d ul a ti o n ( PC M),4-33 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107    Issue 1
    July 1993
    Page IN-13  
    RB S
    and  DS1 facilities,6-48
    and  T1 fac ilities,6-48Reference freq uency
    Re st r i c t e d
    digital data,A-4Restricted  and  unrestric ted  d ata, ISDN PRI,5-44
    Re st r i c t e d  d a t a,4-21Restricted  fac ilities,4-21Robbed bit signaling,4-10
    Rob bed  bit/ISDN PRI mixed  mod e signaling,2-2Routing Patterns form ad ministration proc ed ures,6-36
    fac ility,6-49
    synchronization reference
    Generic  2 assignment,6-50
    Secondary synchronization
    Generic 2.2,4-41Secondary synchronization fac ilities,4-62
    Secondary synchronization referenc e,4-45Se r vi c e s
    interexchang e carrier servic es in the U.S.,2-4
    loc al exc hange servic es in the U.S.,2-3Signaling
    A b it and  B b it in bit oriented sig naling,4-11
    AT&T p rop rietary b it-oriented  sig naling,4-11b it oriented  at layers 2 and  3,5-1c hannel associated  signaling  (CAS) in CEPT1 interfaces,4-13
    c hannel struc ture in DMI-BOS,4-12disabling in G2.2,4-26FA S,5-16
    imp lementing  p hysic al layer,4-15ISDN PRI,4-15mixed mode robbed bit/ISDAN PRI,2-2
    NFAS,5-16physical layer,4-10summary of DS1 and CEPT1 on DEFINITY c ircuit p acks,1-3
    trunks sup porting  typ e 20,6-72, 6-76typ es sup p orted on d igital trunks,1-2Signaling Group  form administration p roc edures,6-14
    Signaling g roup  in G3V2 in ISDN PRI,5-13Sl ip,4-35Sl ip  r a te,4-43
    Smart jac k T1 interfac e c onnec tors,3-13Sma r t  ja c ks,3-7Software Defined  Network (SDN) and  Software Defined  Data Network (SDDN) app lic ations,2-10
    Software req uirements,3-1Sp ecial acc ess, d efined,2-8 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107    Issue 1
    July 1993
    Page IN-14  
    Sp ecific ations
    ISDN PRI sp ecifications for various c ountries,5-9
    St r a ta,4-37St r a tu m- 4,4-37St r a tu m- 4 E,4-37
    Sup ervision on b it-oriented sig naling  trunks,5-2Sync hronization
    architec ture, Generic  2,4-41architec ture, Generic  3V2,4-45c onc lusions,4-67
    d ig ital fac ilities,4-33eng ineering,4-54hierarc hy,4-36
    layers,4-37levels, b it,4-33levels, c haracter,4-33
    levels, frame,4-33levels, message,4-33
    levels, time-slot,4-33link,4-33misc onc ep tions,4-66
    multip lexers,4-33need  for,4-33network,4-33, 4-54
    plan,4-67p rimary referenc e,4-36sec ond ary referenc e,4-36
    software operation, G3V2,4-46software operation, Generic 2.2,4-42sources,4-66
    Sync hronization Plan form ad ministration p roced ures,6-14Sync hronous transmission,4-33System ad ministration
    summary of required  forms for G3V2
    ,6-1System ad ministration for G2.2
    summary of p roc s,6-42
    System clock reference
    using  Generic 1,4-69using  Generic 2.2,4-67
    System clock sync hronizer (SCS) location, TMS,4-42System Parameters
    Customer Options form ad ministration p roced ures,6-2
    T1 c arrier
    TCM,A-7Temp orary sig naling  connec tions, ISDN PRI,5-9, 5-54Terminal b alance,4-29
    Te r mi na t in g
    test line (TTL),A-7Terminating  a DS1 at a c hannel b ank,4-32
    Terminating  a DS1 at a c hannel b ank, CO DID trunk p orts,4-32Terminating  a DS1 at a c hannel b ank, tie trunk p orts,4-32Terminating  Extension Group  form ad ministration p roc ed ures,6-41 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107    Issue 1
    July 1993
    Page IN-15  
    Terminating  Extension Group screen setting s,6-41Terminating  layer 2 (LAPD) p rotoc ol in DEFINITY systems,5-4
    Tie trunk, terminating  ports,4-32Time-multiplexed  switc h (TMS)
    Generic 2
    carrier translation
    equipped with SC,6-45
    SC  l o c a t i o n,6-44
    SC S l o c a t io n,4-42Time-slot interchang e (TSI),4-34Ti mi ng,4-55, 4-56
    c hannel-b ank loop,4-35external,4-55external rules,4-65
    internal,4-55master-slave,4-45master-slave, Generic  2.2,4-41
    master-slave, network c onsid erations,4-56switc h sourc e selec tion,4-55
    T1 c arrier,4-61TMS
    Generic 2
    carrier translation
    equipped with SC,6-45
    SC  l o c a t i o n,6-44
    TN7 67
    cabling,4-42c ompensation values,6-54
    TN767 ad ministration,4-42Toll office
    digital loss plan,4-29
    ISDN-PRI trunk termination,4-68nod e/service connec tions,4-38Transmission
    ,4-60synchronous,4-33Transport mode,6-68
    Traveling c lass mark (TCM),A-7Traveling c lass mark (TCM) information element, ISDN PRI,5-53Tr u nk
    assig ning trunk type to a
    memb ers,6-83
    supporting signaling type 20,6-72, 6-76typ e
    ISDN d ynamic,A-5
    verific ation
    by customer (TVC),A-7
    by station (TVS),A-7
    Trunk ac cess cod es with ISDN PRI,5-21Trunk Group  form ad ministration p roced ures,6-20Trunk measurements
    app lic ations
    ,2-8Tr u nk  t y p e
    b it oriented  signaling,5-3
    TSI,4-29, 4-34 
    							DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 
    DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference  
    555-025-107    Issue 1
    July 1993
    Page IN-16  
    Typ e of number field in c alled  p arty numb er IE, ISDN PRI,5-30
    unreferenc ed,4-55
    Unrestric ted
    digital data,A-4Unrestric ted d ata,4-21
    Unrestric ted facilities,4-21Usage alloc ation p lan,5-35, 5-56administration p roc ed ures,6-31
    app lic ations,2-6overview,2-6
    USER INFOrmation message, ISDN PRI,5-36User/network/p eer relationship  at layer 2 in ISDN PRI,5-6User-network and p eer p rotoc ols in ISDN PRI layer 3,5-16
    User-to-user information IEs,A-12User-to-user information, ISDN PRI,5-23, 5-36
    Via-net loss (VNL),4-26VN L,4-26
    Wi d e b an d  swi t c h in g
    c omparison with narrowb and  switching,2-1Wink-start sig naling,5-1
    ZCS line c od ing,4-18 
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