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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-87 G2.2 Administration 6 There exist 94 d ifferent enc od es (00-12, 14, 15, 17-96) whic h c orresp ond to numb ers 0 throug h 9, lower c ase letters, up p er c ase letters, and sp ec ial c harac ters. The Manag er II help sc reen or the d oc ument D EFINITY Communic ations System Generic 2 Ad ministration Proc ed ures (555-104-506) may b e used for d etermining the d esired enc od es. Fields 2-11 Eac h field should b e translated with the enc od e that c orresp ond s to the d esired c harac ter. Procedure 012 Word 3: Name Database Sinc e the name d atab ase has the p otential to use a larg e amount of memory it is g enerally d esirab le to run the c omp ac t op eration whenever all names have b een added. Field 1 Assig ns whether the name datab ase is (1 ) or is not (0 ) to b e c omp ac ted . Fields 2-4 Are d isp lay only and serve to show status of the datab ase. Procedure 107 Word 1: ISDN Trunk Verification by Terminal, Attendant, and ATMS Field 1 Identifies those ISDN-PRI trunk g roup s to b e ac c essed b y the trunk verific ation features. Permitted enc od es are p reviously d efined trunk g roup numb ers within the rang e of 18 throug h 999. Field 2 Dash (–), is ap p rop riate for voic e terminal and attend ant c onsole app lic ations. If a transmission test line is used, its typ e should be spec ified . Fields 3-18 Assigns digits for the terminating test line and TVS. Proc ed ure 107, word s 2-7, need only b e translated whenever ATMS is used .3 Charac ters 21 throug h 30
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-88 G2.2 Administration 6 Procedure 108 Word 1: ISDN Trunk Group TTL Number (Digits) This p roc ed ure is used to assign the terminating test line numb er (used in test 3 of maintenanc e p roc ed ure 648) that id entifies the p artic ular B-c hannel used for ISDN-PRI testing p urp oses. This test line numb er must b e assigned for both p rivate and p ub lic network c onfigurations. Whether more than one terminating test line number is need ed d ep end s on the numb er of ISDN-PRI links and whether they terminate on more than one switc h. Field 1 Translates the trunk g roup that id entifies the ISDN terminating test line. The terminating test line is req uired for B-c hannel maintenanc e testing. As p art of the installation and ISDN-PRI servic es p rovisioning , the terminating test line numb er assig nment must be c oord inated with the terminating switc h. Fields 2-17 Assig ns d ig its for the terminating test line. If B-c hannel sig naling c ontrol is used on the D-c hannel of another fac ility, you must use NFAS (see p roc edures 260, word 1; 262, word 1; 262, word 2; and 262, word 3). Procedure 279 Word 1: Network Facilities Coding Eac h interexc hang e c arrier (whic h p rovid es p ub lic network ISDN servic e) must have a uniq ue id entifier numb er. Furthermore, eac h c arrier may p rovid e multip le ISDN servic es and ISDN features that must be ind ivid ually id entified via a Network Sp ec ific Fac ility (NSF) c od ing value. A NSF is an ISDN IE (sent in the setup message) that is used to id entify the network or feature assoc iated with the c all. When c onnec ted to a 4ESS, a Generic 2 must send the ap p rop riate NSF for MEGACOM, SDN, GSDN, and ACCUNET switc hed d ig ital servic e c alls. (MEGACOM 800 servic e c alls d o not req uire an NSF sinc e it is an inc oming -only servic e and the Generic 2 c annot tand em it to another switc h as a MEGACOM 800 c all.) All NSFs must b e d efined in field 1 of this p roc ed ure p rior to use in p roc ed ure 322 word 1. Field 1 Translates Network Servic e. This field is an arb itrary index number that you use to id entify the NSF d efined in the rest of the field s. .\ For MEGACOM, SDN, and ACCUNET switc hed d ig ital servic e c alls, assig n this same ind ex numb er in field 5 of p roc ed ure 309, word 5, and in field 4 of p roc ed ure 321, word 5.
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-89 G2.2 Administration 6 Field encodes and their descriptions are: Dash (–), whenever a c arrier id entifier numb er is not ap p lic ab le. Numb ers (1 throug h 511). For most ISDN p ub lic network c onnec tions it is exp ec ted that the CBC Servic e Selection capability will be implemented. With this c ap ab ility the ISDN B-c hannels must (on a p er-c all b asis) sup p ort multip le ISDN features and servic es. The p ub lic network CO orig inates an inc oming c all b y transmitting a c all-setup messag e to the switc h. The c all-setup messag e c ontains a NSF IE that id entifies the ISDN feature/servic e. At the switc h, field s 2 throug h 11 are used to d efine the various ISDN p ub lic network features and services. Tab le 6-8 lists the currently available AT&T ISDN network services and features and their further d efining attrib utes. Table 6-8. Network Services/Network Features NameRecommended NSVParameterized (0) or Binary (1)Feature (0) or Service (1)Facility Coding Value International 800 8 1 1 8 Out-WATS b and 33-288 0 1 1 WATS maximal subscribed band324 1 0 5 Pre-sub sc rib ed CC op erator325 1 0 6 SDN/GSDN 352 1 1 1 AT&T World Connec t 353 1 1 7 MEGACOM 800 servicen/a n/a n/a 2 MEGACOM 354 1 1 3 In-WATS 355 1 1 4 WATS maximal subscribed band356 1 1 5 ACCUNET switc hed digital servic es/Switc hed Digital International357 1 1 6 Continued on next page
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-90 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 2 Assig ns whether the servic e/feature is b inary (1 ) or p arameterized (0 ). All c od eset NSFs are c lassified as binary servic es. As an op tion, field s 5-11 may c ontain ad d itional defining parameters (refer to Ta b l e 6 - 8 ). However, even thoug h a servic e/feature may b e d efined as p arameterized , it is g enerally not req uired that field s 5 throug h 11 b e translated . For a b inary servic e/feature, fields 5-11 c annot b e translated . Field 3 Assig ns whether the fac ility c od ing value rep resents a feature (0 ) or a servic e (1 ). Refer to Ta b l e 6 - 8 . Field 4 Assigns the facility coding value. Field encodes and their descriptions are: Dash (–), not app lic ab le Numb ers. (refer to Ta b l e 6 - 8 ) Fields 5-11 There are no d efault values. Electronic tandem networkn/a n/a n/a 11 Private line n/a n/a n/a 12 AT&T MultiQuest n/a 1 1 16 Table 6-8. Network Services/Network Features — Continued NameRecommended NSVParameterized (0) or Binary (1)Feature (0) or Service (1)Facility Coding Value Continued on next page
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-91 G2.2 Administration 6 Procedure 322 Word 1: WCR Outgoing ISDN Feature Parameters In this p roc ed ure you d efine an ISDN send ing ind ex and then assign that ind ex to a p referenc e or a trunk g roup in p roc ed ure 318 word 1. The following list d esc rib es how to administer this p roc ed ure: 1. Disp lay the d esired ISDN send ing ind ex in field 1. If this index has not yet b een ad ministered , it will have d efault values for all the field s. 2. In field 2, enter the network servic e value you want assoc iated with this ind ex. This servic e value must b e b uilt first in p roc ed ure 279. This value will b e used to p op ulate the fac ility c od ing p ortion of the NSF IE for c alls on trunk g roup s or p referenc es assig ned to this ISDN send ing index in p roc ed ure 318. 3. In field 3, enter the typ e of ad d ress you want to p op ulate the c alled p arty number IE for calls on preferences or trunk groups assigned to this ISDN sending index. Following are the possible values: 0 - Unknown (d efault) 1 - International Number 2 - National Numb er 3 - Network Spec ific Number 4 - Sub sc rib er Numb er 6 - Abbreviated Number 7 - Reserved for Extension 4. In field 4, enter the numb ering p lan id entific ation you want to p op ulate the c alled p arty numb er IE for c alls on trunk g roups or p referenc es assig ned to this ISDN send ing ind ex. Following are the p ossib le values: 1 - ISDN/Telep hony Numb ering Plan 0 - Unknown (d efault) 1 - ISDN/Telep hony Numb ering Plan 2 - Telep hony Numb ering Plan 3 - Data Numb ering Plan 4 - Telex Numbering Plan 8 - National Numb ering Plan 9 - Private Numbering Plan 15 - Reserved for Extension 5. In field 5, enter either 0 to send the IXC in either the NSF IE or the transit network selec tion (TNS) IE, or 1 to send it in the CDN IE. You d efine the IXC in p roc ed ure 321, word 1, field s 7-11 and assoc iate that IXC with a g iven d igit sending ind ex. This ind ex is then entered in p roc ed ure 318, word 1, field 8 for a g iven trunk g roup or p referenc e. For c alls to that trunk group or preference, the IXC associated with the digit sending index will b e used to p op ulate either the NSF, TNS, or CDN IE, d ep end ing on the value in this field .
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-92 G2.2 Administration 6 Procedure 318 Word 1: ISDN Sending Index and Digit Sending Index This p roc ed ure is used to p op ulate several ISDN IEs on outg oing c alls to p referenc es or trunk g roup s as follows: nThe d ig it send ing ind ex in field 8 d etermines whic h IE the IXC is sent in. An IXC is first d efined in p roc ed ure 321, word 1, field s 7-11 for a g iven digit sending index. If field 7 is a 2 or 3 , then the IXC assig ned in field s 8 throug h 11 will b e used to p op ulate the network id entifier in the NSF. When this digit sending index is assigned to a trunk group or preference in field 8, the assoc iated IXC will be used to p op ulate the outg oing ISDN messag e. The IXC will p opulate one of three p ossib le IEs, d ep end ing on the setting in proc ed ure 322, word 1, field 5 for the ISDN send ing ind ex in field 9. nThe ISDN send ing index in field 9 d etermines how the c alled p arty numb er and NSF IEs are p opulated for outg oing c alls to this trunk g roup or p referenc e. The send ing ind ex is d efined in p roc ed ure 322, word 1. Procedure 318 Word 2: Assigns a BCCOS to a Preference This p roc ed ure is used to assign the b earer c ap ability c lass of servic e to a p referenc e. The BCCOS is d efined in proc ed ure 014.
G2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration Page A-1 A DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 A AG2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration This app end ix d esc ribes how ISDN PRI has b een imp lemented in the ad ministration p roc edures in G2. It c overs the same sub jec ts found in the ISDN PRI sections of Chap ter 5, ‘‘Layers 2 and 3’’ , but org anized b y ad ministration p roc ed ure rather than b y ISDN PRI sub jec t. Procedure 000 Word 3 Field 1 of this word assig ns the bearer c ap ab ility (BC) c lass of servic e (COS) numb er for the extension numb er. One imp lic ation of this COS is the pattern or p referenc e selec ted for this extension on outg oing c alls (see the ‘‘Proc ed ure 309 Wo rd 5 ’’ sec tion later in this ap p end ix). The 10 BCs are d efined in field 16 of p roc ed ure 014, word 1. This definition c od es the BC information element (IE) in the setup messag e when the extension (entered in field 1 of p roc ed ure 000, word 3) ac c esses an ISDN-PRI trunk for an outg oing c all. The following d efines the enc od ing of the BC IE for the 10 p ossib le BCs. nVo i c e — Opcode: 4 (assuming no codeset mapping) Information transfer c ap ab ility: sp eec h Coding standard: CCITT Information transfer rate: 64K-b p s Transfer mod e: c irc uit mod e Layer and protoc ol id entific ation: CCITT Mu-law speec h (layer 1)
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 G2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration Page A-2 A nMode 1 — Opcode: 4 (assuming no codeset mapping) Information transfer c ap ab ility: restric ted d ig ital information Coding standard: CCITT Information transfer rate: 64K-b p s Transfer mod e: c irc uit mod e Layer and protoc ol identific ation: rate adaption as specified in I.461 (layer 1) User rate: 56K-b p s Sync h/async h: sync h nMode 2 — Opcode: 4 (assuming no codeset mapping) Information transfer c ap ab ility: restric ted d ig ital information Coding standard: CCITT Information transfer rate: 64K-b p s Transfer mod e: c irc uit mod e nMode 3 — Opcode: 4 (assuming no codeset mapping) Information transfer c ap ab ility: either unrestric ted d ig ital information or restric ted d ig ital information d ep end ing on the translation sp ec ified for the b earer c ap ab ility COS in field 15 of p roc ed ure 014, word 1. Coding standard: CCITT Information transfer rate: 64K-b p s Transfer mod e: c irc uit mod e nMode 0 — Opcode: 4 (assuming no codeset mapping) Information transfer c ap ab ility: either unrestric ted d ig ital information or restric ted d ig ital information d ep end ing on the translation sp ec ified for the b earer c ap ab ility COS in field 15 of p roc ed ure 014, word 1. Coding standard: CCITT Information transfer rate: 64K-b p s Transfer mod e: c irc uit mod e nVoic e Grad e Data — Opcode: 4 (assuming no codeset mapping) Information transfer c ap ab ility: 3.1K-Hz aud io (mod em) Coding standard: CCITT Information transfer rate: 64K-b p s Transfer mod e: c irc uit mod e Layer and protoc ol id entific ation: CCITT Mu-law speec h (layer 1) User rate: c od ed ac c ording to the translation entered in field 14 of p roc ed ure 014, word 2. Sync h/Async h: c od ed ac c ord ing to the translation entered in field 11 of p roc ed ure 014, word 2.
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 G2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration Page A-3 A nUnknown Digital — Opcode: 4 (assuming no codeset mapping) Information transfer c ap ab ility: either unrestric ted d ig ital information or restric ted d ig ital information d ep end ing on the translation sp ec ified for the BCCOS in field 15 of p roc ed ure 014, word 1. Coding standard: CCITT Information transfer rate: 64K-b p s Transfer mod e: c irc uit mod e Layer and protoc ol id entific ation: CCITT Mu-law speec h (layer 1) User rate: und efined Sync h/Async h: async h nUnknown Analog — Opcode: 4 (assuming no codeset mapping) Information transfer c ap ab ility: sp eec h Coding standard: CCITT Information transfer rate: 64K-b p s Transfer mod e: c irc uit mod e Layer and protoc ol id entific ation: CCITT Mu-law speec h (layer 1) nMode 3/2 — Opcode: 4 (assuming no codeset mapping) Information transfer c ap ab ility: restric ted d ig ital information Coding standard: CCITT Information transfer rate: 64K-b p s Transfer mod e: c irc uit mod e nX. 2 5 — Opcode: 4 (assuming no codeset mapping) Information transfer c ap ab ility: unrestric ted d ig ital information Coding standard: CCITT Information transfer rate: c oded to a 0 Transfer mod e: pac ket mod e Layer and protoc ol id entific ation: rec ommend ation X.25 link level (LAPD) (layer 2) Layer and protoc ol id entific ation: rec ommend ation X.25 p ac ket level (layer 3) Procedure 000 Word 4 Field 4 of this word is used to assig n an NPA-NXX d esignator to an extension or rang e of extensions. If an extension is not assig ned an NPA-NXX d esig nator, c alls orig inated from this extension over ISDN-PRI trunks d o not have a c alling p arty numb er IE in the setup messag es. Likewise, c alls terminating to this extension over ISDN-PRI trunks d o not have c onnec ted numb er IEs in the c onnec t messag es.
DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 G2 ISDN PRI Implementation in Administration Page A-4 A The same d esignator c an be assig ned to a rang e of extensions via one c hang e exec ute op eration if no unassig ned numb ers are within the entered rang e (see the ‘‘Proc ed ure 354 Word 3’’ sec tion in this app end ix for more information). Procedure 010 Word 4 This word is used to assig n ISDN routing p arameters to extensions. Field 3 applies. ISDN Routing Parameters While many p arameters are assoc iated with route selec tion (for examp le, Fac ility Restric tion Levels or FRLs, c omp atib le matc h of BCs, and c lear c hannel versus restric ted c hannel), the effec t of the ISDN routing p arameter field as it relates to route selec tion is disc ussed next. There are three p ossib le enc od es that may b e entered in the applicable field: Procedure 012 This p roc ed ure is used to assign names to extension users or trunk group s. This d ata is used in b uild ing the Disp lay IE used in setup and c onnec t messag es. If d ata is not assig ned for a c alling p arty using an ISDN-PRI trunk, a d isp lay IE is not c reated . The following are some b asic rules on the d isp lay IE:0 Use any availab le fac ility in a p attern. For examp le, based on the sp ec ific d ialed d ig its, you c ould have a c all routed to a sp ec ific p attern that may have one or more p referenc es. The first availab le trunk found in the hig hest p referenc e will b e used (for examp le, 1 is a hig her p referenc e than 2 and 2 is a hig her p referenc e than 3). Therefore, if an availab le trunk is found in preference 1, it is used. 1 Use an ISDN-PRI trunk exc lusively. When routed to a sp ec ific p attern, the first availab le ISDN trunk found in the hig hest p referenc e is used . Non-ISDN trunk g roup p referenc es are skip p ed in the routing alg orithm. If an ISDN-PRI trunk g roup is not translated in this p attern, the c alling p arty hears interc ep t tone. This enc od e c an b e used to ensure that an ISDN dig ital trunk is used for a c ertain set of users (suc h as hig h-sp eed d ata end p oints). 2 Use an ISDN trunk if one is availab le; otherwise use a fac ility of another typ e. The routing alg orithm selec ts the first availab le ISDN trunk of the hig hest p referenc e; otherwise it selec ts the first availab le non-ISDN trunk of the hig hest p referenc e assoc iated with the p attern. Using this enc od e c an, when p ossib le, p rovid e user-to-user information for a p artic ular c all (suc h as transp orting of c alling party name and numb er). When it is not p ossib le to p rovide this information, c all c omp letion c an still b e ac hieved b y selec ting a non-ISDN fac ility.