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Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 And Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference Manual
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DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-57 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 7 This field is used for ad ministering one of four fac ility test c od es. For most installations it is d esirab le to enab le or estab lish p ermission, thus allowing selec ted maintenanc e software to test the DMI-MOS/ISDN-PRI transmission fac ility on a d emand b asis. Proc ed ure 648 c ontains several tests that may b e d one on a d emand b asis (b y exec uting p roc ed ure 648) whenever fac ility test c od es 1, 2, or 3 are administered. The DMI-MOS/ISDN-PRI c ommunic ation p rotoc ol c onsists of three layers or levels. Level 1 is the p hysic al layer. Level 2 is the d ata link layer. Level 3 is the network layer [also c alled the link ac c ess p roc ed ure on the D c hannel (LAPD)] . Field encodes and their descriptions are: Field 8 This field ac c ep ts enc od es from 0 to 126. However, all p oint-to-p oint (nonswitc hed ) links, suc h as a System 85 R2V4 or Generic 2 DMI-MOS link to a host c omp uter, must b e ad ministered with enc od e 0 (the d efault value). Field 9 The field ac c ep ts enc od es from 0 throug h 255, whic h c orresp ond to 1 sec ond intervals for a maximum elapsed time of 4 minutes and 15 sec ond s. The d efault value for this T203 timer is 30 (30 sec ond s). This timer func tions to monitor the fac ility data link and sp ec ifies the maximum time allowed without frames b eing exc hanged on a d ata link layer c onnec tion.0 Disab les or p rohib its maintenanc e testing from being done on the sp ec ified (mod ule, c ab inet, c arrier, and slot) transmission fac ility. 1 Assig ns that a level-2 test may b e exec uted via p roc ed ure 648. Enc ode 1 should b e translated for all DMI-MOS to host c omp uter links. 2 Assig ns that only the level-3 network layer may b e tested . 3 Permits b oth level-2 and level-3 tests to b e d one. Enc ode 3 should b e used for all ISDN-PRI c onnec tions that terminate on a 4 ESS if t h e Ge n e r i c 2 i s e q u i p p e d w i t h a n SN 2 6 1 C a n a l o g / d ig i t a l f a c il it y test c irc uit pac k. If an SN261C is not p resent, use enc ode 1 instead . Field s 8-12 are assig ned the d efault values when the ANN35/TN767 c irc uit p ac k is assig ned in p roc ed ure 260.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-58 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 10 The field ac c ep ts enc od es from 0 throug h 255, whic h c orresp ond to 0.1 sec ond s per inc rement for a maximum range of 25.5 seconds. The default value for this T200 timer is 10 (1 sec ond ). This timer func tions to monitor multip le frame op eration on the d ata link layer. Field 11 This field d efines a value for the N200 c ounter. The value d etermines the maximum numb er of frame retransmissions. Permitted are 1 to 10, with 3 b eing the d efault value. Field 12 This field d efines a value for the K c ounter. The value d etermines the maximum numb er of outstand ing or unac knowled ged information I frames. Permitted values are 1 to 10, with 7 b eing the d efault value. Ad ministration values for these p roc ed ure 262 timers and c ounters must b e c oordinated with the other terminating end .

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-59 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 13 NFAS-PRI only. Use to sp ec ify NFAS arrang ements (p op ulate the ISDN interfac e ID within the c hannel ID IE). This information must matc h exac tly on eac h end of the fac ility and the enc od e must c ome from the p remise switc h (as d esc rib ed in Tec hnic al Pub lic ation 41459). Field enc od es and their d esc rip tions are: Procedure 262 Word 2: ISDN-PRI D-Channel Backup This p roc ed ure is c urrently only ap p lic ab le for c ertain ISDN-PRI c onnec tions. Sp ec ific ally, those B-c hannel g roup s that use NFAS. Eac h of these group s is id entified b y a uniq ue numb er known as the D-Channel g roup numb er. For NFAS, field s 2 throug h 5 d efine the D-c hannel for a signaling g roup . Field 1 Identifies a p artic ular D-c hannel g roup numb er. The rang e of enc od es is 1 throug h 255. ISDN trunks are assig ned to a sp ec ific equip ment loc ation in p roc ed ure 116. Proc ed ure 116 is also used to assig n ISDN-PRI c irc uits to the D-Channel g roup numbers. Fields 2-5 Assig ns a p artic ular c irc uit p ac k as p rovid ing the p rimary D-c hannel for the id entified D-c hannel g roup numb er. Tab le 6-4 depicts the permitted equipment rang es. The ISDN-PRI fac ility (slot) that is translated as the primary must have also b een translated for (23B + 1D) sig naling , p roc ed ure 260, field 7, must use enc od e 0 . – (Dash) The only value for non-NFAS arrang ements. Any numb er within the rang e of (0 throug h 31) for NFAS arrang ements.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-60 G2.2 Administration 6 Fields 6-9 Assig ns a p artic ular c irc uit p ac k as p rovid ing the b ac kup D-Channel (whic h is op tional) for the id entified D-Channel Group Numb er. Tab le 6-4 depicts the p ermitted eq uip ment rang es. A p rime ob jec tive for the d esig n of eac h D-c hannel g roup is to have memb ers from two or more mod ules. By ac c ommod ating this objec tive, it is hig hly rec ommend ed that the Bac kup D-Channel eq uipment loc ation be a d ifferent mod ule from that selec ted as the Primary D-Channel. The ISDN-PRI fac ility (slot) that is translated as the b ac kup must b e translated for (23B + 1D) sig naling , p roc ed ure 260, field 7, must have enc od e (0 ). Procedure 262 Word 3: ISDN-PRI Codeset Map Assignments Dep end ing on the terminating switc h it may b e nec essary to administer a Cod eset Map Assig nment and c onvert from one c od eset or c od ep oint to a d ifferent c od eset or c od ep oint. This ad ministration assig nment is req uired for ISDN-PRI links orig inating on a Generic 2 and terminating on a System 85 R2V4. Fields 1-4 Assig ns a p artic ular eq uipment loc ation/c irc uit p ac k to b e g iven a c od eset map number. Ta b l e 6 - 4 depicts the permitted equipment ranges. Field 5 Assig ns whether the c irc uit p ac k is BRI or PRI. d ash (–) is ap p rop riate for ISDN-PRI. Field 6 Assig ns a c od eset map numb er. The p ermitted rang e is (0 throug h 15). Numb er selec tion is arb itrary, however; a sug g estion is start with 0 and selec t hig her numb ers as need ed . When Cod eset map numb ers are translated they are assig ned on a D-Channel Group numb er b asis. All ISDN-PRI c irc uits within a D-Channel Group must b e ad ministered with the same Cod eset Map Numb er. Field 7 Assig ns whether hyp erac tivity management will b e enab led for the ISDN-PRI link. Hyp erac tivity is d efined as erratic b ehavior b y the D-sig naling c hannel. Typ ic ally, a hyp erac tive link will g enerate an exc essive amount of meaning less traffic . Exc essive D-c hannel traffic may overload the mod ule p roc essor and d egrade system p erformanc e.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-61 G2.2 Administration 6 Field encodes and their descriptions are: Procedure 280 Word 1: ISDN-PRI Receive/Transmit Codeset Mapping This p roc ed ure is used to translate Cod eset Map ping p arameters. Bec ause switc hes sometimes d iffer in the c od esets in whic h c ertain ISDN IEs are sent and also in the values of the op c od es of those IE, Generic 2 has the c ap ab ility to map the c od esets and op c od es to ac c ommod ate these d ifferent imp lementations ac ross systems. For examp le, System 85 R2V4 imp lements the TCM IE in c od eset 7 whereas Generic 2 imp lements it in c od eset 6 b y d efault. If Generic 2 must pass TCMs to or from a System R2V4, it must map the TCM IE from c odeset 6 t o c o d e s e t 7 . Wh e n c o n n e c t e d t o a 4 ESS, t h is m a p p i n g i s n e c e ss a r y o n ly i f a n R2V4 is p resent in an all-ISDN SDN network. Also note that the op c ode value of the TCM IE and d isp lay d oes not need to b e mapp ed to a d ifferent value. Cod eset map p ing is imp lemented here as follows: 1. In field 1, assig n an ind ex in the rang e 0 to 15 2. In field 2, selec t Incoming 3. In field 3, selec t a c odeset to b e map ped in the inc oming d irec tion 4. In field 4, selec t an opc od e (IE) b elong ing to the selec ted c od eset 5. In field 5, selec t the c od eset on the Generic 2 to whic h the inc oming c od eset from field 3 is to be mapp ed 6. In field 6, selec t the op c od e on the Generic 2 to whic h the inc oming op c od e from field 4 is to b e map ped 7. Step s 2 throug h 6 c an be rep eated up to 256 times for the inc oming c ase. 8. When Outgoing is selec ted in field 2, rep eat step s 3 throug h 7. For every inc oming map ping there should b e an identic al outg oing map p ing . 9. All of the ab ove step s c an b e rep eated up to 16 times (the numb er of map numb ers availab le). – (Dash) not applic able. This would be administered for all ISDN-BRI links. 0 Disab les hyp erac tivity manag ement for the p artic ular ISDN-PRI link (this is the rec ommend ed op tion for SNC links). 1 Enab les hyp erac tivity manag ement (rec ommended for all ISDN-PRI links exc ep t SNC links). This software (hyp erac tivity manag ement) func tions to monitor link performanc e, d etec t when c ertain error threshold s have been exc eed ed , b usyout the link on exc eed ing the threshold , and rec ord the failure reason as FAULT CODE 337 in the maintenanc e log .

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-62 G2.2 Administration 6 10. For eac h ANN35 or TN767 c ontaining a p rimary D-c hannel to whic h you want c od eset map p ing , assig n the map numb ers in p roc ed ure 262, word 3. Different interfac es c an have d ifferent map numb ers assig ned . For examp le, one interfac e c an map the TCM to c od eset 7 while another interfac e c an map the TCM to c od eset 0. Tab le 6-3 summarizes the c urrent c od eset map p ing req uirements for Generic 2: Field 1 Assig ns a c od eset map numb er (suc h as d efined in p roc ed ure 262, word 3). Field encodes and their descriptions are: Dash (–), which disables codeset mapping. Any numb er b etween 0 and 15 that is p reviously d efined with p roc ed ure 262, word 3. Field 2 Sp ec ifies whether c od eset map p ing is for inc oming messag es or outg oing messag es. Field enc od es and their desc rip tions are: From a Generic 2 p ersp ec tive, inc oming means mapp ed from Cod eset 6 to Codeset 7. While outgoing means Codeset 6 is mapped to Codeset 7. Two-way trunk g roup s will normally have a Cod eset Map translated for b oth inc oming and outg oing . Table 6-3. Codeset Mapping Requirements IE Codeset Map Opcode Map When Required TCM Map from c od eset 6 to c od eset 7 outg oing . Map from codeset 7 to codeset 6 incoming.Map from op c od e 8 to op c od e 8 in both directions.If a System 85 R2V4 is p resent in an end -to-end ISDN network with Generic 2, this codeset mapping is req uired . Disp lay Map from c od eset 6 to c od eset 7 outg oing . Map from codeset 7 to codeset 6 incoming.Map from op c od e 40 to op c ode 40 in both directions.If a System 85 R2V4 is p resent in an end -to-end ISDN network with a Generic 2, this c od eset mapping is required. 0 Assigns mapping for incoming messages. 1 Assig ns map p ing for outg oing messag es.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-63 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 3 Sp ec ifies a map p ed from c od eset numb er. Permitted enc od es are 0 to 7. These numb ers c orresp ond to the resp ec tive c od esets on a numb er-p er-number b asis. Currently, c od eset 1 throug h c od eset 5 are reserved for future use. Thus, only enc odes 6 and 7 are app lic ab le for the c od eset fields. If field 2 is translated (0 ) for inc oming then enc od e (7 ) is ap p rop riate for field 3. If field 2 is translated (1 ) for outgoing then enc od e (6 ) is appropriate for field 3. Field 4 Identifies the IE code to be mapped from. Field encodes and their descriptions are: Tab le 6-4 identifies c urrent IE d ifferenc es b etween c od eset 6 and c od eset 7. number Any numb er within the rang e of (0 throug h 127). Field 5 Sp ec ifies a map p ed -to c od eset number. Permitted enc od es are numb ers within the rang e (0 through 7) These numb ers c orresp ond to the resp ec tive c odesets on a number-p er-numb er b asis. If field 2 is translated one for inc oming , then enc od e seven is ap p rop riate for field 5.– (Dash) is available b ut not rec ommend ed. If a d ash were translated , all IEs would b e map p ed from one c od eset to the other c odeset on a one-to-one b asis. Bec ause some c od eset 7 IEs are d ifferent from their numeric al eq uivalent in c od eset 6, it is g enerally NOT d esirab le to map on a one-to-one b asis. Tab le 6-4. Cod eset Differenc es IE Name Codeset 6 Codeset 7 Traveling Class Mark 8 8 Log ic al Link Id entific ation 26 4 Disp lay 40 40 Pac ket Layer Parameters 62 2 Link Layer Parameters 64 1

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-64 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 6 Identifies the IE c od e to b e map p ed to. Permitted enc od es are the same as field 4. Field 7 Eac h c od e set map numb er may c ontain up to a maximum of 255 inc oming and 255 outg oing map p ings. This d isp lay-only field shows the numb er of map p ing s that remain (the numb er of unassig ned map p ings). Procedure 354 Word 3: NPA-NXX Digits Assignment This word and p roc ed ure are used to ad minister the ISDN numb ering p lan. Dep end ing on the switc h c onfiguration, there may b e more than one ISDN numb ering p lan. Contents of these field s make up a p art of the station identification number (SID). The SID is transmitted in the calling number IE (part of the setup messag e) or c onnec t p arty number (p art of the c onnec t messag e). This word need not b e translated unless the ap p lic ation req uires that SID or the c onnec ted numb er b e transmitted to the network. If the SID is to b e p assed throug h the ISDN network, then it must also b e administered here and in p roc ed ure 000, word 4. Field 1 This field should b e translated for b oth p rivate and p ub lic network c onnec tions. The NPA-NXX d esig nator is a 2-d ig it field and within the rang e of 1 throug h 99. Field 2 This 3-d ig it field should c ontain the Numb ering Plan Area (NPA), whic h is also c alled the area c od e. The NPA is the area c ode in whic h the switc h resid es. Assig nment is therefore d ep end ent on the p artic ular loc ation and ap p lic ation. Field 3 This 3-d ig it field should sp ec ify the NXX, whic h is also c alled the offic e c ode of the loc al exc hang e c omp any. Permitted values must b e those numb ers within the rang e of 200 throug h 999 and must b e the offic e c od e of the loc al exc hang e. Field 4 This 1-d ig it field spec ifies the thousands d ig it. When not used , it should c ontain (–). When used , d ig its 0 throug h 9 may b e assig ned . Use this field only with three-d ig it d ial p lans. Do not use it with four- or five-d ig it d ial p lans.

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-65 G2.2 Administration 6 Procedure 000 Word 3: Line-Side BCCOS Designator This p roc ed ure assig ns a BCCOS in field 5 to the extension shown in field 1. One imp lic ation of this COS is the pattern or p referenc e selec ted for this extension on outg oing c alls (see the Proc ed ure 309 Word 5 and Proc ed ure 321 Word 5 sec tions later in this c hap ter). The 10 BCs are d efined in field 16 of p roc ed ure 014, word 1. This definition c od es the BC information element (IE) in the setup messag e when the extension (that is, the extension in field 1 of p roc edure 000, word 3) ac c esses an ISDN-PRI trunk for an outgoing c all. Procedure 000 Word 4: NPA-NXX Index Designator Dep end ing on how the switc h is used , p roc ed ure 000, word 4, may or may not b e translated . Sp ec ific ally, word 4, field 4, is used for partitioning , ISDN, or both, and must b e translated when: 1. The switc h transmits SID or c onnec ted number to the network 2. The switc h p rovid es uniq ue extension numb er p artitions Field 4 of p roc ed ure 000, word 4, need not be translated when: the switc h d oes not transmit SID or c onnec ted number to the network (p ub lic or p rivate). If the switc h c ontains more than one offic e c od e, multip le NPA/NNX d esig nators may b e need ed . Field 1 Assig ns a single extension numb er or the first extension numb er for a b loc k of numbers. The single number or block of numbers will be unique in terms that they relate to a sing le extension p artition id entific ation. Field 2 Assig ns the last extension numb er for a b loc k of numb ers. Field 3 Assig ns the extension p artition id entific ation for the tenant servic es feature. This numb er assoc iates the sing le or b loc k of extension numb ers to a partic ular ISDN fac ility (NPA-NXX Desig nator).

DEFINITY Communications System Generic 2.2 and Generic 3 V2 DS1/CEPT1/ISDN PRI Reference 555-025-107 Issue 1 July 1993 System Administration Page 6-66 G2.2 Administration 6 Field 4 Assoc iates an NPA-NXX Desig nator with the previously d efined extension. Procedure 210 Word 2: LDN, NPA, and NNX Attendant Partition Assignments This p roc ed ure is used to c onfig ure the attendant c onsoles into g roup s known as attendant p artitions. Also, LDN and NPA-NXX assig nments are c omp leted , thus relating these assig nments to a p artic ular attendant c onsole or attend ant p artition. Field 1 Translates a c onsole numb er. Permitted enc od es are any 2-d ig it numb er within the rang e of 1 throug h 40. This c onsole must b e p reviously assig ned in p roc ed ure 210, word 1. Field 2 Assig ns the attend ant p artition numb er. Permitted enc od es are any unused numb er within the rang e of 0-40. Field 3 Assig ns the one c onsole in the attend ant p artition that will b e the c ontrolling c onsole. All other memb ers of this g roup must have c ontrol d enied . Field enc odes and their d esc rip tions are: Field 4 Assig ns or assoc iate the LDN with a p artic ular c onsole or c onsole p artition. The numb er is d ep end ent on the switc h or p rivate network numb ering plan. Field 5 Assig ns or assoc iate the NPA-NNX d esig nator with the c onsole or c onsole p artition. The enc od e must b e the same as that d efined in p roc ed ure 354, word 3.0 For all b ut the c ontrolling c onsole 1 Only for the c ontrolling c onsole