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Lucent Technologies Centrevu Cms Administration Guide
Lucent Technologies Centrevu Cms Administration Guide
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Task: using timetables and shortcuts CentreVu CMS Administration Deleting tasks from a shortcut13-39 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Deleting tasks from a shortcut StepsTo delete a task from a shortcut: ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1On the Keep SLK menu, select Shortcut. The Shortcut window opens. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2In the Shortcut name field, type the shortcut name from which you want to delete tasks. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3On the action list, select Get contents and press Return. The Get Contents window opens. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4In the Task number(s) field, type the task numbers that you want to delete. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5Select Delete and press Return. The tasks you selected are deleted. The remaining tasks are renumbered on the list. “Successful” displays on the status line. If the action fails, “Failed” displays on the status line and a popup window explains the reason for the failure. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6Select the Exit SLK. The Shortcut window opens. END OF STEPS........................................................................................................................................................................... Reference Only the owner of the timetable and the call center administrator can delete tasks from a shortcut.

Task: using timetables and shortcuts CentreVu CMS Administration Changing shortcut tasks13-40 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Changing shortcut tasks StepsTo change a shortcut task: ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1On the Keep SLK menu, select Shortcut. The Shortcut window opens. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 2In the Shortcut name field, type the name of the shortcut that has tasks you want to change. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 3On the action list, select Get contents and press Return. The Get Contents window opens. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 4In the Task number(s) field, type the numbers of the tasks you want to change. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 5Select Modify. You are now in the Keep mode and the task window for the task you have selected opens. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 6Make your changes to the fields. You must select an action to complete the change. You can change the data for the task, the action for the task, or both. The default action for the task is the one currently associated with the task. You can press Return twice to complete the change of task data without changing the task action. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7Press Return, select the appropriate action, and press Return again. The next task to be changed displays.

Task: using timetables and shortcuts CentreVu CMS Administration Changing shortcut tasks13-41 ........................................................................................................................................................................... 8Repeat Steps 6 and 7 until you have changed all tasks. After you have changed the last task, a prompt asks if you want to save your changes. ........................................................................................................................................................................... 9Type < to save the changes. The Get Contents window opens. END OF STEPS........................................................................................................................................................................... Reference • Only the owner of the timetable and the call center administrator can change shortcut tasks. • The Current SLK and MainMenu SLK are blocked while you change tasks. The terminal beeps if you select either of these two keys. The only valid choice on the Keep SLK menu is Stop. The only option available on the Window SLK is the Redraw screen. If you press the SLK without selecting a task action, a Return popup window tells you that task modification is cancelled (the input data values have not changed for this task). Press Return to continue. • You can move and resize shortcut windows when you are making changes. The new size and position are saved when the window is closed. • To exit the shortcut without saving your changes, select Stop on the Keep SLK menu and type Q in the acknowledgment window.

Task: using timetables and shortcuts CentreVu CMS Administration Task Reference13-42 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................Task Reference Timetables • You cannot select the terminal as a destination for report output on a timetable. • Timetables run in the background, not on your terminal. (Outputs are usually print requests or Solaris system files). • Important! Changing these timetables may affect system performance. Make sure there are no conflicts with other scheduled activities when running backups. For example, running backups while you are archiving may cause performance problems. For best performance, schedule backups to run either after archiving has been completed or before archiving begins. • Daily, weekly, and monthly summaries are already scheduled to run automatically. See “Specifying storage intervals” in “Task: Viewing and changing system setup values” for more information. • Timetables that fail to run, or that fail at some point during execution, are logged in the customer error log. The List all action item on the Timetable window also displays the timetable status. • Each timetable can have up to 100 tasks (entries). • You can schedule up to five timetables to start at the same time (minute). • You cannot put real-time reports, the Vector Contents window, or custom report creations on a timetable. • You cannot put a timetable on another timetable. • You can change the ACD before creating a task but once you have assigned a task (window, data, and action), the ACD association is fixed for that window. The only way to change the ACD for a task is to delete it from the current ACD and add a new task for a different ACD. •Use the Commands SLK to change the current ACD. See CentreVu Call Management System Release 3 Version 8 Administration and Operations585-210-910 for the procedures on changing your current ACD. • You cannot add a task to change the current ACD to run the tasks for a different ACD. Changing the current ACD before running a timetable has no effect on tasks created under different ACDs.

Task: using timetables and shortcuts CentreVu CMS Administration Task Reference13-43 • Tasks associated with different ACDs can be on the same timetable. • To run identical tasks on more than one ACD, you must either create separate timetables for each ACD or separate tasks on the same timetable. • Selecting Add, Get contents: Add tasks, or Get Contents: Modify from the Timetable action list automatically activates Keep mode. This means you cannot access windows you opened before making your selection. After you exit Keep mode, the previously opened windows open again. • A task is stored with each Add, Delete, Modify, Run, and List all action list selection. Action list selections not saved by CentreVu CMS are Find one, Next, Previous, and Get contents. For Find one, Next, Previous, and Get contents, the action happens immediately. • Users who are not administrators can view other users timetables but cannot add, change, or delete another users timetables or entries. • You cannot move or size windows in the timetable edit mode. • CentreVu CMS tries to run each task on a timetable. If an event occurs, such as an acknowledgment window that needs a \HV or QR response, the timetable is stopped and is logged in the customer error log. • Tasks for which you do not have permission do not run on a timetable. • To verify timetable status, check the List all window for the timetable and check the Error Log Report in the Maintenance operation. • Using the Current key in Keep mode rotates only through your Timetable windows; it does not rotate through any windows opened before you typed Keep mode. Printing a timetable • To print a report more than once on a timetable, you must type a task for each copy of the report you want. For example, if you want three copies of a report, type the task three times. The timetable quits if a timetable task fails.

Task: using timetables and shortcuts CentreVu CMS Administration Task Reference13-44 • A timetable print job is automatically sent to your default printer unless a printer name is specified on the task. If your default printer is changed, CentreVu CMS automatically sends your timetables to your new default printer. You do not have to change the timetable tasks. • If you specify a destination other than your default printer for a timetable task and that printer is removed or out of service, your timetable task does not execute. You must remove that printer destination and type a new printer destination. • If your printer jams, you must resubmit any print request that did not print. Assigning a task • To assign a task, you access a user window, type the appropriate values, and select an item on the action list. For example, a task can access and complete a historical report window and then run the report. You can schedule historical reports to run at any time on any date you specify. Using Stop • Stop exits the add or edit mode for a timetable. An acknowledgment window asks if you want to save the additions or changes. Stop does not stop the execution of a timetable. For example, if you type a timetable name and then decide you do not want to run the timetable, selecting Stop does not stop the timetable from running. The only way to stop a timetable from running is to turn the terminal off. Timetables and permissions • If you delete a CentreVu CMS user ID that owns timetables, you are asked if you want to save and rename the timetables owned by that user. The timetables are deleted if you do not assign them to another user. • If you change a users permissions, it may affect the timetables that the user has scheduled. For example, if a user has access to skills 1, 2, 3, and 4 and you change the users permissions to skills 1, 2, and 4, the timetable tasks that the user has scheduled for skill 3 either does not run or the tasks display no data.

Task: using timetables and shortcuts CentreVu CMS Administration Task Reference13-45 Shortcuts • Each user can create up to 10 shortcuts. • Once a shortcut is started, it cannot be stopped. • You can copy shortcuts from other users. • When creating a shortcut, a user cannot exceed the maximum window count assigned to that user. • When you select Shortcut, you are automatically placed in the Keep mode if you select Add, Get contents: Add tasks, or Get Contents: Modify from the action list. You cannot access any other open window until you exit the Keep mode. • A task is stored with each Add, Delete, Modify, Run, Find one, and List all action list selection. Action list selections not saved by CentreVu CMS are Next, Previous, and Get contents. • You cannot create a custom report using a shortcut. • Using the Current key in the Keep mode rotates only through your Shortcut windows; it does not rotate through any windows opened before you typed Keep mode. • When you are adding tasks to a shortcut, tasks with errors are saved in the shortcut. For example, if you create a task to run a report and you type invalid data in the report window, the report does not run but the task is saved in the shortcut. • In this case, you can: – Save the shortcut and then use the Get contents action in Shortcut to change the error, or – Exit the shortcut without saving the new task. • Error messages or acknowledgment windows stop a shortcut at the task where the error message or acknowledgment window appears. For example, lack of permission for a skill may cause a shortcut to stop when the shortcut reaches that skill. Correct the problem and rerun the shortcut. • Shortcut edit mode is like timetable edit mode except that you are allowed to run action list selections to move and size windows.

Task: using timetables and shortcuts CentreVu CMS Administration Task Reference13-46 Shortcuts and permissions • If you delete a CentreVu CMS user ID and that user has shortcuts, all shortcuts belonging to that user are deleted. • If you change a users access permissions, it could affect that users shortcuts. For example, if a user has access to skills 1, 2, 3, and 4 and you change the users permissions to skills 1, 2, and 4, the shortcuts for skill 3 either do not run or the shortcuts display no data. Assigning tasks • To assign a task, you access a user window, type the appropriate values, and select an item from the action list. For example, a task can access and complete a historical report window and then run the report. You can schedule historical reports to run at any time on any date you specify. Using Stop • Stop exits the add or edit mode for a timetable or shortcut. An acknowledgment window asks if you want to save the additions or changes. • Stop does not stop the execution of a shortcut. For example, if you type a shortcut name and then decide you do not want to run the shortcut, selecting Stop does not stop the shortcut from running. The only way to stop a shortcut from running is to turn the terminal off.

Glossary CentreVu CMS Administration GL-1 Glossary ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ Aabandoned call A call on which a caller hangs up before an agent answers. abandoned call search An ACD capability that enables the system to verify that the caller is still on the line before passing the call to an agent. acceptable service level 1) A target value for the acceptable amount of time before an agent answers a call. 2) A percentage of calls answered within a set amount of time (for example, 80% of calls answered within 20 seconds). access permissions Permissions assigned to a CentreVu® CMS user so that the user can access different CentreVu CMS capabilities or administer specific elements such as splits/skills, trunks, or vectors of the ACD feature. Access permissions can be read or write. See also read permission, write permission. ACD See Automatic Call Distribution. ACD call A call that queues to a split/skill and is answered by an agent in that split/skill, or a call that queues as a direct agent call and is answered by the agent for whom it was queued.

Glossary CentreVu CMS Administration GL-2 acknowledgment A window that requires you to confirm an action or acknowledge a system message. You cannot move, size, or scroll this window and it closes only when you confirm the action or acknowledge the message. active VDN calls A Call Vectoring feature on G3V4 or later switches that provides conditional branching (to a different step in the same vector or to a different vector), based on the number of incoming trunk calls a VDN is processing in a vector or at an agent position. Also called “counted calls to VDN”. ACW See after call work. Adjunct/Switch Applications Interface (ASAI) A recommendation for interfacing adjuncts and communications systems that is based on the CCITT Q.932 specification for layer 3. ASAI supports activities such as event notification and call control. after call work (ACW) An agent state consisting of work related to the preceding ACD call. If an agent hangs up after an ACD call, the agent is in ACW. On G3, ACW is also accessible by a button on the agents set and does not have to be related to an ACD call. agent A person or VRU port that answers calls to an ACD split/skill. The agent is represented to CentreVu CMS by a login identification keyed into a voice terminal. agent login ID A 1- to 9-digit number keyed by an ACD agent from a voice terminal to activate the agent position. Agent logins are needed for all CMS-measured ACD agents. agent occupancy The percentage of time that you expect or target for each split/skill agent to spend on ACD calls and in ACD while logged in. agent position (EAS) The combination of the agent login ID and the skills the agent is assigned. Data is collected for the agent by skill, so the total work for the agent is the sum of all skills in which the agent worked.