Canon printer imageCLASS MF249dw User Manual
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Check whether SMTP is running on the network correctly. Check whether the machine is properly installed and correctly connected to the network. Installation/SettingsProblems(P.567) WhencommunicatingwiththeSMTPserver,anerrorreturnedfromtheserver. Check whether the SMTP server is set correctly. Adestinationisnotsetcorrectly. Check whether the destination is set correctly. Whenstoringascanneddocumentintothesharedfolder,anerroroccurredfromthefolder. Check whether the shared folder and the computer that has the shared folder are running correctly. Theincorrectfoldernameorpasswordwas specL4edwhenstoringtothesharedfolder. Check the destination settings. #802 TheSMTP/POP3servernameisnotsetcorrectly. Set the SMTP/POP3 server name correctly. Con4gurLng BasicE-MailSettings(P.359) Con4gurLngE-MailCommunicationSettings(P.363) #804 Noaccessprivilegestoaccessthesharedfolderaregranted. Grant the sending user (user name registered to the destination) a privilege for writing to the save location folder. For details, contact your network administrator. Theincorrectfoldernamewas specL4edwhenstoringtothesharedfolder. Check the destination settings. #806 Whenstoringdatatoasharedfolder,anincorrectusernameorpasswordwas specL4ed. The same user name and password as those registered in a shared folder must be registered in the Address Book. SettingaSharedFolderasaSaveLocation(P.368) RegisteringAddressBookfromRemoteUI(P.467) Whensendingane-mail,anincorrectdestinationwas specL4ed. Enter the correct e-mail address, and send the message again. If the destination that was registered in the Address Book was used, check whether the e-mail address is correct. RegisteringintheAddressBook(P.60) Troubleshooting 563

#810 WhencommunicatingwiththePOP3servertosende-mail,anerrorreturnedfromtheserver. Check whether the POP3 server is set correctly. Check whether your mail server and network are running correctly. For more information, contact your Network Administrator. #813 ThelogonnameorpasswordthatisusedonthePOP3serverisnotsetcorrectly. Correctly enter the logon name or password that is used on the POP3 server. #839 AusernameandpasswordthatareusedforSMTPauthenticationarenotsetcorrectly. Set the user name and password correctly. Con4gurLng BasicE-MailSettings(P.359) Con4gurLngE-MailCommunicationSettings(P.363) #841 Whensendingane-mail,anencryptionalgorithmthatiscommontothemailserverisnotpresent. Clear the [Use TLS for SMTP] check box for the SMTP server. Con4gurLng E-MailCommunicationSettings(P.363) Add the common encryption algorithm to the mail server settings. WhenverifyingaTLSserver certL4catetocommunicatetotheSMTPserver,a verL4catLonerroroccurred. Check that the CA certi4cate that signed the TLS server certi4cate on the SMTP server side is registered to the machine by using the Remote UI. VerifyingKeyPairsandDigital CertL4cates(P.446) Check that the TLS server certi4cate on the SMTP server side is valid. Check that the TLS server certi4cate is not a self-signed certi4cate. #844 TLSencryptedcommunicationtoaPOP3serverfailedwhensendingane-mailwithPOPbeforeSMTP. Check the TLS encrypted communication settings in the POP3 server. Clear the [Use TLS for POP] check box for the POP3 server. If the problem persists, clear the [Use POP Authentication Before Sending] check box, and set the communication setting to a setting other than POP before SMTP. Troubleshooting 564

Con4gurLngE-MailCommunicationSettings(P.363) WhenverifyingaTLSserver certL4catetocommunicatetothePOP3server,a verL4catLonerroroccurred. Check that the CA certi4cate that signed the TLS server certi4cate on the POP3 server side is registered to the machine by using the Remote UI. VerifyingKeyPairsandDigital CertL4cates(P.446) Check that the TLS server certi4cate on the POP3 server side is valid. Check that the TLS server certi4cate is not a self-signed certi4cate. #846 Ane-mailcouldnotbesentduetoaPOPauthenticationfailure. Check the setting, and try again. Con4gurLng E-MailCommunicationSettings(P.363) #852 ThemachineturnsOFFforsomereason. Check whether the power plug is inserted into an outlet 4rmly. #995 Adocumentwaitingtobesentwascanceled. Send the document again as necessary. Troubleshooting 565

CommonProblems 1469-09C If you encounter problems when using the machine, check the items in this section before contacting us. If the problems persist, contact your local authorized Canon dealer or the Canon help line. Check the Following IsthemachineturnedON?Isthepowercordconnected? If the machine is turned ON but does not respond, turn it OFF, check whether the power cord is connected correctly, and turn it back ON. For information on connecting the power cord, see Getting Started. ManualsIncludedwiththeMachine(P.660) Arethephonecord,LANcableandUSBcableconnectedcorrectly? Check whether these cables are connected correctly. Use care not to mistake the phone cord's port for the other cables' ports. ConnectingtheTelephoneLine(P.112) PartsandTheirFunctions(P.17) Issleepmodeactivated? If you leave the machine unattended for a speci4c period of time, it enters sleep mode for power conservation, not allowing you to operate it. To cancel sleep mode, press . Isanymessagedisplayedonthescreen? If a problem occurs, a message is displayed. WhenanErrorMessageAppears(P.550) IfaProblemPersistsEvenafterChecking Click the link that corresponds to the problem. Installation/SettingsProblems(P.567) Copy/PrintingProblems(P.571) Faxing/TelephoneProblems(P.574) Troubleshooting 566

Installation/SettingsProblems 1469-09E See CommonProblems(P.566) also. ProblemswiththeWireless/WiredLANConnection(P.567) ProblemwiththeUSBConnection(P.570) ProblemwiththePrintServer(P.570) Problems with the Wireless/Wired LAN Connection ThewirelessLANandwiredLANcannotbeconnectedatthesametime. The wireless LAN and wired LAN cannot be connected at the same time. The following can be used at the same time: a USB cable and a wireless LAN, or a USB cable and a wired LAN. RemoteUIisnotdisplayed. Are and set to ? DisablingHTTPCommunication(P.423) DisablingRemoteUI(P.424) If the machine is connected to a wireless LAN, check that the Wi-Fi indicator is lit and the IP address is set correctly, and then start the Remote UI again. OperationPanel(P.25) ViewingNetworkSettings(P.344) If the machine is connected to a wired LAN, check that the cable is connected 4rmly and the IP address is set correctly, and then start the Remote UI again. ConnectingtoaWiredLAN(P.318) ViewingNetworkSettings(P.344) Are you using a proxy server? If so, add the machine's IP address to the [Exceptions] list (addresses that do not use the proxy server) in the Web browser's proxy settings dialog. Is communication not limited by the 4rewall on your computer? If IP addresses are or an MAC address is incorrectly entered, the Remote UI cannot be displayed. In that case, you need to use the operation panel to set , , or to . RestrictingCommunicationbyUsingFirewalls(P.401) IPv4AddressFilter(P.531) IPv6AddressFilter(P.532) MACAddressFilter(P.532) Aconnectiontoanetworkcannotbeestablished. The IP address may not be set correctly. Set the IP address again. SettingIPAddresses(P.336) When you connect the machine to a computer via wireless LAN, check whether the machine is properly installed and ready to connect to the network. WhentheMachineCannotConnecttotheWirelessLAN(MF249dw/MF247dw)(P.568) Troubleshooting 567

YouareunsureofthesetIPaddress.ViewingNetworkSettings(P.344) TheconnectionmethodcannotbeswitchedbetweenawiredLANanda wirelessLAN. Did you select a wired LAN or a wireless LAN on the operation panel on the machine as well? This selection is required to have the machine switch to your selection. SelectingWiredLANorWirelessLAN(MF249dw/MF247dw)(P.317) YouareunsureoftheSSIDorthenetworkkeyofthewirelessroutertobe connected.TheSSIDisnotdisplayedonthescreen. Check whether the SSID can be found on the wireless router or package box. Check the SSID or the network key of the wireless router by using Canon MF/LBP Wireless Setup Assistant. CheckingtheSSIDandNetworkKey(P.333) TheSSIDofthewirelessroutertobeconnectedisnotdisplayedintheaccess pointlist. Check whether the SSID is correct. CheckingtheSSIDandNetworkKey(P.333) If the SSID of the wireless router is hidden (using a stealth mode * ), set the SSID to be visible on the wireless router. * A mode that disables the SSID auto-detection of other devices. Check whether the machine is properly installed and ready to connect to the network. WhentheMachineCannotConnecttotheWirelessLAN(MF249dw/MF247dw)(P.568) Themachinedialsuptoanunintendedconnectiondestination(ifadialup routerisconnectedtoanetwork). If a dialup router does not need to pass broadcast packets, set the dialup router so that the broadcast packets will not pass. If the dialup router needs to pass broadcast packets, check whether the settings arecorrect. If a DNS server is located in an external network, set the IP address to be connected, not the host name, even if connecting to the devices that are on the network that is connected to the machine. If a DNS server is located on a network that is connected to the machine and the information about the devices that are connected to an external network is registered to the DNS server, check whether the settingsare correct. WhentheMachineCannotConnecttotheWirelessLAN Checkthestatusofyourcomputer. Have the settings of the computer and the wireless router been completed? Are the cables of the wireless router (including the power cord and LAN cable) correctly plugged in? Is the wireless router turned on? Troubleshooting 568

Iftheproblempersistsevenaftercheckingtheabove: Turn off the devices, and then turn them on again. Wait for a while, and try again to connect to the network. CheckwhetherthemachineisturnedON. If the machine is turned ON, turn it OFF, and then turn it back ON. Checktheinstallationsiteofthemachineandthewirelessrouter. Is the machine too far from the wireless router? Are there any obstacles such as walls between the machine and the wireless router? Are there any appliances such as microwave ovens or digital cordless phones that emit radio waves near the machine? Performoneofthefollowingsettingsagain. SettingUpConnectionUsingWPSPushButtonMode(P.321) SettingUpConnectionUsingWPSPINCodeMode(P.323) SettingUpConnectionbySelectingaWirelessRouter(P.326) SettingUpConnectionbySpecifyingDetailedSettings(P.329) Whenyouneedtomanuallysetuptheconnection If the wireless router is set as described below, manually enter all the required information for the wireless LANconnection ( SettingUpConnectionbySpecifyingDetailedSettings(P.329) ). ANY connection refusal * is activated. The WEP key that was automatically generated (hexadecimal) is selected. The stealth mode is activated. * A function in which the wireless router refuses the connection if the SSID on the device to be connected is set to "ANY" or is blank. Whenyouneedtochangethesettingsofthewirelessrouter If the wireless router is set as described below, change the settings of the router. The MAC address packet 4ltering is set. Troubleshooting 569

When only IEEE 802.11n is used for the wireless communication, WEP is selected or the WPA/WPA2 encryption method is set to TKIP. Problem with the USB Connection Cannotcommunicate. Change the USB cable. If you are using a long USB cable, replace it with a short one. If you are using a USB hub, connect the machine directly to your computer using a USB cable. Problem with the Print Server Youcannot 4ndtheprintservertoconnectto. Are the print server and computer connected correctly? Is the print server running? Do you have user rights to connect to the print server? If you are not sure, contact the server administrator. Is [Network discovery] enabled? (Windows Vista/7/8/10/Server 2008/Server 2012) Enabling[Networkdiscovery@(P.669) Youcannotconnecttoasharedprinter. On the network, does the machine appear among the printers of the print server? If it is not displayed, contact the network or server administrator. DisplayingSharedPrintersinthePrintServer(P.670) Troubleshooting 570

Copy/PrintingProblems 1469-09F See CommonProblems(P.566) also. Printing/copyresultsarenotsatisfactory.Papercreasesorcurls.WhenYou CannotPrintProperly(P.576) Youcannotprint. Can you print a Windows test page? If you can print a Windows test page, there is no problem with the machine or the printer driver. Check the print settings of your application. PrintingaTestPageinWindows(P.671) If you cannot print a test page, check the following according to your environment. Wireless LAN connection (MF249dw / MF247dw) Check the connection status (signal strength) of the wireless LAN. ViewingNetworkSettings(P.344) If the connection is poor, try the following. Change the channel of your wireless LAN router. If you have more than one router, set the channels to be at least 4ve channels apart. If you can change the radio output power of your wireless LAN router, raise the output power. If your computer is connected to a wireless LAN, are the computer and this machine using the same wireless LAN router SSID? If they are different, reset the wireless LAN connection settings of this machine. ViewingNetworkSettings(P.344) CheckingtheSSIDtoWhichYourComputerIsConnected(P.676) ConnectingtoaWirelessLAN(MF249dw/MF247dw)(P.319) WhenyouresetwirelessLANconnectionsettings As the wireless LAN router, select the one with the SSID to which the computer is connected. Have you selected the correct port? If there is no port to use, create a port. CheckingthePrinterPort(P.674) Con4gurLng PrinterPorts(P.351) Is communication not limited by the 4rewall on your computer? If IP addresses are incorrectly entered, you will be not able to access the machine. In that case, you need to use the operation panel to set or to . RestrictingCommunicationbyUsingFirewalls(P.401) IPv4AddressFilter(P.531) IPv6AddressFilter(P.532) Disable security software and other resident software. Reinstall the printer driver in accordance with the MF Driver Installation Guide. Can you print from other computers on the network? If you also cannot print from other computers, contact your local authorized Canon dealer or the Canon help line. Wired LAN connection Troubleshooting 571

Have you selected the correct port? If there is no port to use, create a port. CheckingthePrinterPort(P.674) Con4gurLng PrinterPorts(P.351) Is communication not limited by the 4rewall on your computer? If IP addresses are or an MAC address is incorrectly entered, you will be not able to access the machine. In that case, you need to use the operation panel to set , , or to . RestrictingCommunicationbyUsingFirewalls(P.401) IPv4AddressFilter(P.531) IPv6AddressFilter(P.532) MACAddressFilter(P.532) Disable security software and other resident software. Reinstall the printer driver in accordance with the MF Driver Installation Guide. Can you print from other computers on the network? If you also cannot print from other computers, contact your local authorized Canon dealer or the Canon help line. USB connection Have you selected the correct port? If there is no port to use or you are not sure, reinstall the printer driver in accordance with the MF Driver Installation Guide. When you reinstall the printer driver, the correct port is created automatically. CheckingthePrinterPort(P.674) Is bidirectional communication enabled? Enable bidirectional communication, and restart the computer. CheckingBidirectionalCommunication(P.675) Disable security software and other resident software. Connect to another USB port on the computer. Can you print from a USB connection to another computer? If you also cannot print from other computers, contact your local authorized Canon dealer or the Canon help line. Via print server Can you print from the print server? If you can print from the print server, check the connection between the print server and your computer. ProblemwiththePrintServer(P.570) Disable security software and other resident software. Reinstall the printer driver in accordance with the MF Driver Installation Guide. Can you print from other computers via the print server? If you also cannot print from other computers, contact your local authorized Canon dealer or the Canon help line. Printingseemstobeslow.* Print or delete data in memory. PrintingDocumentsinMemory(P.151) Checking/DeletingDocumentsinMemory(P.151) * When the free space in memory is running low, the processing speed of the machine becomes slow, just as a computer does. There is nothing abnormal. Troubleshooting 572