Canon printer imageCLASS MF249dw User Manual
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UsingCA-issuedKeyPairsandDigitalCertL4cates 1469-08C Key pairs and digital certi4cates can be obtained from a certi4cation authority (CA) for use with the machine. You can store and then register these 4les by using the Remote UI. Make sure that the key pair and the certi4cate satisfy the requirements of the machine ( Keyand CertL4cate Requirements(P.434) ). Up to 4ve key pairs (including the preinstalled key pairs) and up to 67 CA certi4cates (including the 62 preinstalled certi4cates) can be registered. 1StarttheRemoteUIandlogoninSystemManagerMode.StartingRemote UI(P.450)2Click[Settings/[email protected][SecuritySettings@[Keyand CertL4cate Settings@or[CA CertL4cateSettings@. Click [Key and Certi4cate Settings] to install a key pair, or [CA Certi4cate Settings] to install a CA certi4cate. Security 443

4Click[RegisterKeyandCertL4cate@or[RegisterCA CertL4cate@. DeletingaregisteredkeypairorCA certL4cate Click [Delete] on the right of the key pair or CA certi4cate you want to delete click [OK]. You cannot delete the preinstalled CA certi4cates. A key pair cannot be deleted if it is currently used for some purpose, such as when "[TLS]" or "[IEEE 802.1X]" is displayed under [Key Usage]. In this case, disable the function or replace the key pair before deleting it. The preinstalled CA certi4cate cannot be deleted. DisablingorenablingthepreinstalledCA certL4cates Click [Disable] on the right of the preinstalled CA certi4cate you want to disable. To enable the certi4cate again, click [Enable] on the right of the certi4cate. 5Click[Install@. DeletingakeypairorCAcertL4cate4le Click [Delete] on the right of the 4le you want to delete click [OK]. 6Click[Browse@,specifythe 4letoinstall,andclick[StartInstallation@. The key pair or CA certi4cate is installed in the machine. Security 444

7RegisterthekeypairorCAcertL4cate. Registeringakeypair 1Click [Register] on the right of the key pair you want to register.2Enter the name of the key pair and password, and then click [OK]. [KeyName@ Enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for the name of the key pair to be registered. [Password@ Enter up to 24 alphanumeric characters for the password of the private key set for the 4le to be registered. RegisteringaCA certL4cate Click [Register] on the right of the CA certi4cate you want to register. LINKS GeneratingKeyPairs(P.436) VerifyingKeyPairsandDigital CertL4cates(P.446) EnablingTLSEncryptedCommunicationfortheRemoteUI(P.426) Con4gurLng IEEE802.1XAuthentication(P.429) Security 445

VerifyingKeyPairsandDigitalCertL4cates 1469-08E Once key pairs and CA certi4cates are registered, you can view their detailed information or verify them for validity and signature. 1StarttheRemoteUIandlogoninSystemManagerMode.StartingRemote UI(P.450)2Click[Settings/[email protected][SecuritySettings@[Keyand CertL4cate Settings@or[CA CertL4cateSettings@. Click [Key and Certi4cate Settings] to verify a key pair, or [CA Certi4cate Settings] to verify a CA certi4cate. 4Clicktheiconforthekeypairor certL4catethatyouwanttoverify.Security 446

Certi4cate details can be viewed on this screen. 5Checkthedetailsofthe certL4cateandclick[Verify CertL4cate@. The result from verifying the certi4cate is displayed as shown below. LINKS GeneratingKeyPairs(P.436) UsingCA-issuedKeyPairsandDigital CertL4cates(P.443) Security 447

Using Remote UI UsingRemoteUI............................................................................................................................................. 449 StartingRemoteUI ........................................................................................................................................... 450 RemoteUIScreens ............................................................................................................................................ 452 ManagingDocumentsandCheckingtheMachineStatus .............................................................................. 456 SettingUpMenuOptionsfromRemoteUI ...................................................................................................... 461 Saving/LoadingAddressBookfromRemoteUI .............................................................................................. 463 RegisteringAddressBookfromRemoteUI ..................................................................................................... 467Using Remote UI 448

UsingRemoteUI 1469-08F Using a Web browser to operate the machine remotely, you can check the documents waiting to be printed or the status of the machine. You can also make some settings such as registering the Address Book. You can do this without leaving your desk, making system management easier. FunctionsoftheRemoteUI ManagingDocumentsandCheckingtheMachineStatus(P.456) SettingUpMenuOptionsfromRemoteUI(P.461) Saving/LoadingAddressBookfromRemoteUI(P.463) RegisteringAddressBookfromRemoteUI(P.467) BasicsoftheRemoteUI StartingRemoteUI(P.450) RemoteUIScreens(P.452) SystemRequirements The following environment is required to use the Remote UI. In addition, set the Web browser to enable Cookies. Windows Windows Vista/7/8/10 Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later MacOS Mac OS 10.6 or later (except for Classic environment) Safari 3.2.1 or later Using Remote UI 449

StartingRemoteUI 1469-08H To operate remotely, you need to input the IP address of the machine into a Web browser and start the Remote UI. Check the IP address set to the machine in advance ( ViewingNetworkSettings(P.344) ). If you have any questions, ask your Network Administrator. 1StarttheWebbrowser.2Enter"http://(theIPaddressofthemachine)/"intheaddress 4eldandpressthe [ENTER@key. If you want to use an IPv6 address, enclose the IPv6 address with brackets (example: http:// [fe80::2e9e:fcff:fe4e:dbce]/). Ifasecurityalertisdisplayed A security alert may be displayed if communication with an Apple device is encrypted ( EnablingTLS EncryptedCommunicationfortheRemoteUI(P.426) ). When certi4cate settings or TLS settings have no errors, continue browsing the Web site. A security alert may be displayed when the Remote UI communication is encrypted ( EnablingTLS EncryptedCommunicationfortheRemoteUI(P.426) ). When certi4cate settings or TLS settings have no errors, continue browsing the website. 3LogontotheRemoteUI. WhenaSystemManagerPINisnotset Select [System Manager Mode] or [General User Mode]. [SystemManagerMode@ You can perform all the Remote UI operations and settings. Enter the appropriate PIN in [System Manager PIN] ( SettingtheSystemManagerPIN(P.397) ). If [System Manager PIN] is not set, you do not need to input anything. [GeneralUserMode@ You can check the status of documents or the machine, and you can also change some of the settings. If you wish to delete your print documents, enter the user name of the documents in [User Name]. The user Using Remote UI 450

name is automatically set to print documents based on information such as your computer name orcomputer logon name. [RemoteUIAccessPIN@ If [Remote UI Access PIN] is set, enter the PIN. SettingaRemoteUIPIN(P.399) WhenaSystemManagerPINisset Enter the registered [System Manager PIN]. SettingtheSystemManagerPIN(P.397) 4Click[LogIn@. Portal Page (main page) will be displayed. RemoteUIScreens(P.452) Using Remote UI 451

RemoteUIScreens 1469-08J This section describes the typical screens of the Remote UI. PortalPage(MainPage)(P.452) [StatusMonitor/Cancel@Page(P.453) [Settings/Registration@Page(P.454) [AddressBook@Page(P.455) Portal Page (Main Page) [LogOut@ Logs off from the Remote UI. The Login page will be displayed. [MailtoSystemManager@ Displays a window for creating an e-mail to the system manager speci4ed in [System Manager Information] under [System Management]. RefreshIcon Refreshes the currently displayed page. DeviceBasicInformation Displays the current status of the machine and error information. If an error has occurred, the link to the Error Information page will be displayed. ConsumablesInformation Displays paper information and the amount remaining in the toner cartridges. Click [Check Consumables Details] to display the screen for checking consumables. Checking Consumables(P.458) Using Remote UI 452