Canon printer imageCLASS MF249dw User Manual
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Replacement of the toner cartridge is recommended. HowtoReplaceTonerCartridges(P.604) Check the authentication settings. Theauthenticationmethodsetonthemachinedoesnotmatchtheauthenticationmethodsetonthe RADIUSserver. Check that the same authentication method is set on this machine and the RADIUS server, and set the correct authentication method. Con4gurLng IEEE802.1XAuthentication(P.429) Could not connect. Check the PSK settings. Thenetworkkey(PSK)ofawirelessroutertobeconnectedisnotsettothemachinecorrectly. Check the network key (PSK) of the wireless router, and set it to the machine again. CheckingtheSSIDandNetworkKey(P.333) SettingUpConnectionbySelectingaWirelessRouter(P.326) SettingUpConnectionbySpecifyingDetailedSettings(P.329) If the problem persists even after checking the network key, check whether the machine is properly installed and ready to connect to the network. Installation/SettingsProblems(P.567) Could not connect using Access Point Mode. ConnectioninAccessPointModefailedduetoanerror. Wait a few moments and try again. If you still cannot connect, try switching the machine off brie5y. MakeDirectConnection(AccessPointMode)(MF249dw/MF247dw)(P.291) Could not connect using the wireless LAN. Turn the main power OFF and ON, then con4gure the settings again. AconnectionfailedduetoanerrorwhilesettingwirelessLANconnection. Restart the machine and set again. If the problem persists even after restarting the machine, check whether the machine is properly installed and ready to connect to the network. Installation/SettingsProblems(P.567) If the problem persists even after checking the wireless LAN connection, check the security settings of the wireless router. Troubleshooting 553

Could not connect using WPS. Wait a moment, then con4gure the settings again. WhenautomaticsettingwithWPSwasattempted,theconnectionfailedduetoanerror. Wait for a while, and set again. If the problem persists, check whether the wireless router supports WPS. IfWPSissupported: Check whether the machine is properly installed and ready to connect to the network. Installation/SettingsProblems(P.567) IfWPSisnotsupported: Set using another connecting method. ConnectingtoaWirelessLAN(MF249dw/MF247dw)(P.319) Could not detect any connections from wireless devices. Itwasnotpossibletodetectanymobiledevicewithinthepredeterminedlengthoftime. Connect again paying attention to the time limit. UsingtheMachineinDirectConnection(inAccessPointMode)(P.291) Could not perform cleaning. Paperjammedduringcleaning. Remove the jammed paper, set paper correctly, and perform cleaning again. PaperJamsinsidetheMachine(P.545) FixingAssembly(P.596) Could not perform Shared Key authentication. Check the WEP settings. Thenetworkkey(theWEPkey)ofawirelessroutertobeconnectedisnotsettothemachinecorrectly. Check the network key (the WEP key) of the wireless router, and set it to the machine again. CheckingtheSSIDandNetworkKey(P.333) SettingUpConnectionbySpecifyingDetailedSettings(P.329) Connect again by selecting a wireless router or by manually changing the WEP authentication method to . SettingUpConnectionbySelectingaWirelessRouter(P.326) SettingUpConnectionbySpecifyingDetailedSettings(P.329) Theauthenticationmethodofthemachineissetto,butthatofthewirelessrouterissetto "OpenSystem." Change the WEP authentication method to "Shared Key" at the wireless router, and connect again. For more information about how to change, see the instruction manuals for your networking devices or contact your manufacturer. Troubleshooting 554

Direct Connection terminated. Connectionbetweenthemachineandthemobiledevicewasterminated. Reestablish Direct Connection. UsingtheMachineinDirectConnection(inAccessPointMode)(P.291) Insert the toner cartridge. Thetonercartridgeisnotsetorproperlyset. Properly set the toner cartridge. HowtoReplaceTonerCartridges(P.604) Maximum number of wireless devices connected using Direct Connection has been reached. To connect other devices, terminate some of the current connections. Thenumberofdirectlyconnectedmobiledevicesisatamaximum. To connect other devices by Direct Connection, disconnect current device(s) and try connecting again. UsingtheMachineinDirectConnection(inAccessPointMode)(P.291) No Paper: XXXX * * or is displayed for XXXX. Paperisnotloadedinthepaperdrawerorthemanualfeedslot. Load the paper. LoadingPaper(P.45) Paperonwhichreportsorlistscanbeprintedisnotloaded. Reports or lists can be printed on A4 or Letter size paper. Load A4 or Letter size paper and set its size. LoadingPaper(P.45) SpecifyingPaperSizeandType(P.56) Paperonwhichreceiveddocumentscanbeprintedisnotloaded. Received documents can be printed on A4 or Letter size paper. Load A4 or Letter size paper and set its size. Also, set the paper type to , ,, or depending on the loaded paper. LoadingPaper(P.45) SpecifyingPaperSizeandType(P.56) If you print received documents on paper other than A4 or Letter size, some portions of the image may bemissing or the image may be divided and printed onto several sheets. Troubleshooting 555

No reply from the destination. Anetworkcablemaybedisconnected,ortheremaybeaprobleminaswitch. Check the status of the network cables and switches. No response from the host. Themachineisnotconnectedtoanetworkcorrectly. Check the machine and network settings, and connect again. ConnectingtoaNetwork(P.315) Paper jammed. Paperjams. Remove the jammed paper or document, and print again (Printing may resume automatically). ClearingJams(P.542) Prepare a cartridge. Thetonercartridgeneedstobereplacedsoon. Shake the toner cartridge to evenly distribute the toner inside the toner cartridge. It is recommended to replace the toner cartridge when printing a large volume of documents. BeforeReplacingtheTonerCartridge(P.602) ReplacingTonerCartridges(P.599) Set the correct authentication information. Theclientauthenticationinformation(keypairand certL4cateusernameandpassword,orCA certL4cate) isnotsetcorrectly. Check the speci4ed authentication method and authentication information (key pair and certi4cate, user name and password, and CA certi4cate). Con4gurLngIEEE802.1XAuthentication(P.429) VerifyingKeyPairsandDigital CertL4cates(P.446) Size/Settings Mismatch Thepapersizesettingontheoperationpaneldoesnotmatchtheloadedpapersize. Match the paper size setting speci4ed in and the size of the paper that is actually loaded. Troubleshooting 556

Tousetheloadedpaper Change the setting of to match the loaded paper size. SpecifyingPaperSizeandType(P.56) If printing from a computer, check whether the paper size setting in the printer driver matches the loaded paper size. Toloadpaperwithoutchangingthesettings Load the paper with the size that is set to . LoadingPaper(P.45) Specifying and registering new destinations is restricted. OnlydestinationsthatareregisteredintheAddressBookcanbe specL4edtosendafaxore-mail. To enter a new destination with the operation panel, or add or edit it in the Address Book, you need to set to . For more information, contact your Administrator. LimitingAvailableDestinations(P.417) The amount in the cartridge cannot be displayed correctly. Tonercartridgeisnotinstalledcorrectly,orthereispossibletroubleonthetonercartridge. Reinstall the toner cartridge. If this message does not disappear after reinstalling several times, the toner cartridge might be possibly broken. Contact the shop where you purchased the machine, or the Canon Customer Care Center. HowtoReplaceTonerCartridges(P.604) YoumightnotbeusingaCanongenuinetonercartridge. We recommend Canon genuine toner cartridges as replacement toner cartridges. Consumables(P.659) The connection with the PC has been lost. Check the connection. Theconnectiontothecomputerwaslostduringascan. Check the connection between the machine and the computer. PreparingtoUsetheMachineasaScanner(P.233) The memory is full. Afaxcouldnotbesentorreceived,oradocumentcouldnotbescanneddueto LnsuZcLentmemory space. If a sending or printing job is queued, wait until the job is completed. If a received document is stored to memory, print or delete it. StoringReceivedFaxesintoMemory(MemoryReception)(P.150) If sending a document with many pages, divide it into multiple sections. Troubleshooting 557

If sending a fax, reduce the resolution to scan the document. AdjustingResolution(P.134) If scanning, change the 4le format to reduce its 4le size. SelectingaFileFormat(P.262) The memory is full. Scanning will be canceled. Do you want to print? Adocumentcouldnotbescanneddueto LnsuZcLentmemoryspace. Select whether to print up to the scanned pages or to cancel the scanning. If you cancel, divide the document into multiple sections and scan them, or change the scanning settings. The number of entered characters is incorrect or invalid characters are used. Thenetworkkey(theWPA/WPA2-PSKorWEPkey)ofawirelessrouterisnotenteredcorrectly. Check the network key (the WPA/WPA2-PSK or WEP key) of the wireless router, and set it to the machine again. For more information about how to check the network key, see the instruction manuals for your networking devices or contact your manufacturer. CheckingtheSSIDandNetworkKey(P.333) SettingUpConnectionbySelectingaWirelessRouter(P.326) SettingUpConnectionbySpecifyingDetailedSettings(P.329) The WEP key is not set correctly. Check the WEP settings. Thenetworkkey(theWEPkey)ofawirelessroutertobeconnectedisnotsettothemachinecorrectly. Check the network key (the WEP key) of the wireless router, and set it to the machine again. CheckingtheSSIDandNetworkKey(P.333) SettingUpConnectionbySelectingaWirelessRouter(P.326) SettingUpConnectionbySpecifyingDetailedSettings(P.329) Theauthenticationmethodofthemachineissetto,butthatofthewirelessrouterissetto "OpenSystem." Connect again by selecting a wireless router or by manually changing the WEP authentication method to . SettingUpConnectionbySelectingaWirelessRouter(P.326) SettingUpConnectionbySpecifyingDetailedSettings(P.329) Change the WEP authentication method to "Shared Key" at the wireless router, and connect again. For more information about how to change, see the instruction manuals for your networking devices or contact your manufacturer. Use Remote UI to set the information necessary for authentication. TheIEEE802.1Xsettingsareincorrect. Check whether [Login Name] is set correctly. Troubleshooting 558

Check whether the [Use TLS], [Use TTLS], or [Use PEAP] check box is selected. If using TLS, check whether a key pair is registered. If using TTLS or PEAP, check whether a user name and password are set correctly. Con4gurLng IEEE802.1XAuthentication(P.429) Troubleshooting 559

WhenanErrorCodeAppears 1469-09A If printing is not successful or you cannot send or receive a fax or scanned document, or another error occurs, that error appears on a report or a message on the screen as a three-digit number (error code). Checkthe following to 4nd out causes and solutions for each error code. For how to print an error report and information in the report, see PrintingReportsandLists(P.609) . #001 Adocumentjamsinthefeeder. Remove the jammed document. ClearingJams(P.542) #003 Afaxcouldnotbesentorreceivedduetoitslargedatasize. When sending a fax: Reduce the resolution, and scan the document. AdjustingResolution(P.134) When receiving a fax: Ask the sender to divide the document into multiple sections or reduce the resolution before sending. #005 Afaxcouldnotbesentbecausetherecipient'smachinedidnotrespondwithin35seconds. When the recipient's machine is turned OFF or the line is busy, a fax may not be sent. Ask the recipient to check the machine status. When sending the fax overseas, insert pauses in the fax number. SendingFaxes(P.114) #012 Afaxcouldnotbesentbecausetherecipient'smachineranoutofpaper. Ask the recipient to reload the paper. Troubleshooting 560

#018 Afaxcouldnotbesentsincetherecipient'smachinedidnotrespondbecausethelinewasbusyorfor otherreasons. When the recipient's machine is turned OFF or the line is busy, a fax may not be sent. Ask the recipient to check the machine status. When sending the fax overseas, insert pauses in the fax number. SendingFaxes(P.114) #022 Sendingofafaxfromacomputerisdisabled. To send a fax from a computer, you need to set to . For more information, contact your Administrator. ProhibitingPCFaxing(P.418) Afaxcouldnotbeforwardedbecausethe specL4eddestinationwasdeletedfromtheAddressBook. Register the forwarding destination again. If the documents that failed to be forwarded remain in memory, you can forward it again. RegisteringintheAddressBook(P.60) Printing/Resending/DeletingDocumentsthatFailedtobeForwarded(P.158) #037 Memoryisfull. If a sending or printing job is queued, wait until the job is completed. If a received document is stored to memory, print or delete it. StoringReceivedFaxesintoMemory(MemoryReception)(P.150) If sending a document with many pages, divide it into multiple sections. If sending a fax, reduce the resolution to scan the document. AdjustingResolution(P.134) #054 Afaxcouldnotbesentbecausethe specL4eddestinationfaxnumberexceeded40digits. Specify the destination fax number within 40 digits. #099 Printing,sending,orreceivingwascanceled. Troubleshooting 561

When you cancel an operation, this error code is displayed, but this is not abnormal. Print, send, or receive documents again as necessary. #752 E-mailsendingwasimpossiblebecauseanincorrectSMTPservernamewasset. Check the SMTP server name, and correct the setting. Con4gurLng BasicE-MailSettings(P.359) Con4gurLngE-MailCommunicationSettings(P.363) E-mailsendingwasimpossiblebecauseanincorrectdomainnamewasset. Check the domain name, and correct the setting. Con4gurLng DNS(P.377) E-mailsendingwasimpossiblebecausethemachinewasnotconnectedtoanetworkcorrectly. Check whether the machine is properly installed and correctly connected to the network. Installation/SettingsProblems(P.567) #753 Scanneddatacouldnotbesentase-mailorstoredinthesharedfolderbecausetheLANcableis disconnected. Check whether the LAN cable is connected correctly. ConnectingtoaWiredLAN(P.318) #755 Scanneddatacouldnotbesentase-mailorstoredinthesharedfolderbecauseTCP/IPwasnotworking correctly. Check , and set correctly. NetworkSettings(P.473) AnIPaddressisnotset. Set the IP address correctly. SettingIPAddresses(P.336) Themachinecannotcommunicatewithdevicesonanetworkimmediatelyafterthemachinestartsup becausethewaitingtimeforthestartofthecommunicationisset. The machine cannot start communicating immediately after it is turned ON. Wait until the set time for passes after turning ON the machine, and send again. SettingaWaitTimeforConnectingtoaNetwork(P.376) #801 WhencommunicatingwithanSMTPservertosendane-mail,atimeouterroroccurredfromtheserver. Troubleshooting 562