Canon printer imageCLASS MF249dw User Manual
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CheckingStatusandLogforSentandReceived Documents 1469-033 The statuses and communication logs for sent and received fax documents can be checked separately for sending and receiving. You can check detailed document information, including destinations and number of pages, and you can delete unnecessary documents. When is set to , you cannot check the communication logs. DisplayJobLog(P.534) The destinations in Manual Sending cannot be checked because they are not displayed. 1Press.2Tapor.3Checkthestatusesandcommunicationlogsforsentandreceiveddocuments. Tocheckthestatusesforsentandreceiveddocuments 1Tap .2Select the document whose status you want to check. Faxing 163

/Displays a list of the documents that are being sent and received or are waiting to be processed. Displays detailed information about the document selected from the list. If you speci4ed multiple destinations, the number of speci4ed destinations is displayed on the screen. To check the details of speci4ed multiple destinations, tap . If you 4nd an unnecessary document, tap or , and tap . Tocheckthecommunicationlogsforsentandreceiveddocuments 1Tap .2Select the document whose log you want to check. / Displays a list of the documents that were sent and received. is displayed when a document wassent or received successfully, and is displayed when a document failed to be sent or received because it was canceled or there was some error. Displays detailed information about the document selected from the list. Ifthecolumnshowsathree-digitnumberThis number represents an error code. WhenanErrorCodeAppears(P.560) LINKS TXResultReport(P.610) CommunicationManagementReport(P.613) RXResultReport(P.615) Faxing 164

Importing/ExportingAddressBookDatawiththe SuppliedSoftware 1469-034 You can export Address Book data saved on the machine to a computer using the Address Book Import/Export Tool contained on the supplied DVD-ROM. The data can be re-imported, providing a secure backup in case Address Book data becomes erased due to repairs or maintenance. Use the Address Book Import/Export Tool with the machine and computer connected via a USB cable. 1Pressandtap.2Tap. If a screen for entering a PIN is displayed, enter the PIN with the numeric keys and tap . Setting theSystemManagerPIN(P.397) 3Tap.4PlacetheprovidedDVD-ROMinthePC. When the next screen appears, click [Exit]. Faxing 165

5[Start@[Computer@Right-clicktheDVD-ROMicon,andclick[Open@inthepop-up menu.6Openthe[AddressBookTool@folder,anddouble-click[[email protected]theon-screeninstructions. To import Address Book data, click the [Import] tab. To export Address Book data, click the [Export] tab. Faxing 166

SendingFaxesfromYourComputer(PCFax) 1469-0E5 You can send fax documents created on your computer application directly from your computer. This feature eliminates the need to print documents for faxing and saves paper. You need to complete some procedures, such as specifying the basic fax settings ( Con4gurLng InitialSettingsforFaxFunctions(P.106) ) and referring to the MF Driver Installation Guide to install the fax driver on your computer, before using this feature. If you are a Mac OS user, see the Fax Driver's User's Guide for installing the fax driver and see the Fax Driver's Help for using fax functions. Depending on the operating system and the version of the fax driver you are using, the fax driver screens in this manual may differ from your screens.AbouttheFaxDriverHelp Clicking [Help] on the fax driver screen displays the Help screen. On this screen you can see information that is not in the User's Guide, including information about driver features such as registering frequently used settings and how to set up those features. Faxing 167

SendingPCFaxes 1469-0E6 When is set to on the machine, you cannot send faxes from computers. ProhibitingPCFaxing(P.418)1Openadocumentinanapplicationanddisplaytheprintdialogbox. How to display the print dialog box differs for each application. For more information, see the instruction manual for the application you are using. 2Selectthefaxdriverforthismachine,andclick[Print@. WhensendingfromtheWindowsStoreappinWindows8/10/Server2012 Display the charms on the right side of the screen and use the procedure shown below. Windows8/Server2012 Tap or click [Devices] the fax driver for this machine [Print]. Windows8.1/Server2012R2 Tap or click [Devices] [Print] the fax driver for this machine [Print]. Windows10 Tap or click [Print] in the application menu the fax driver for this machine [Print]. If you send faxes using this method, only a limited number of fax functions are available. If the message [The printer requires your attention. Go to the desktop to take care of it.] is displayed, go to the desktop and proceed to step 3. This message appears when the machine is set to display the user name during sending a fax and similar instances. 3Specifythedestination. Tospecifyonlyonedestination 1Click the [Enter Destination] tab.2Set the communication mode and fax number (or URI). Faxing 168

Tospecifymultipledestinationsatonce 1Click the [Select Destination] tab.2Click [Add Destination].3Set the communication mode and fax number (or URI), and click [OK].4Repeat steps 2 and 3 to add concurrent destinations. You can also add a destination by clicking [Add Next Destination] in step 3. If you need to specify a number to dial an outside line, select [Detailed Settings] [Add Outside Dialing Pre4x to G3/IP Fax Number] and enter the number in [Outside Dialing Pre4x@. The speci4ed number is added to the beginning of the fax number when the machine dials. Faxing 169

To make it easier to specify destinations using the Address Book, see UsingRegistered Destinations(P.182) . Selecting [Store Sent Fax Information and Image] enables you to store the logs for sending documents and check detailed information of a sent document along with its image, including destinations and number ofpages. For more information, click [Help] on the fax driver screen. When the >Con4rm Fax Number] or >Con4rm URI] 4eld is active, also enter the appropriate number in the 4eld. The setting of whether to con4rm entered numbers can be changed in the fax driver screen. For more information, click [Help] on the fax driver screen. 4Attachacoversheettothedocumentasnecessary.AttachingCoverSheetstoPC Faxes(P.171)5Click[Send@tosendthedocument.Faxing 170

AttachingCoverSheetstoPCFaxes 1469-0E7 You can attach a cover sheet to the document you are sending. Select a cover sheet from three preset cover sheets in the fax driver, or create your own custom cover sheets. For more information, click [Help] on the fax driver screen. 1Openadocumentinanapplicationanddisplaytheprintdialogbox. How to display the print dialog box differs for each application. For more information, see the instruction manual for the application you are using. 2Selectthefaxdriverforthismachine,andclick[[email protected]the[CoverSheet@andspecifyeachsetting. [CoverSheetAttachment@ Select [Different Sheet to Each Destination] or [Same Sheet to All Destinations]. Faxing 171

[Style@ Select a cover sheet from the three preset cover sheets ([Template 1] to [Template 3]). The layout of the selected cover sheet is displayed in the image on the left. [ItemstoInclude@ Displays items that are to be included on a cover sheet. To change the items to be included, click [Settings]. [Sender@tab Select the sender items you want to include and enter the information. [Destination@tabSelect the destination items you want to include and enter the information. Destination names, companynames, department names, and fax numbers speci4ed in the [Select Destination]/[Enter Destination] tab ( SendingPCFaxes(P.168) ) are included on the cover sheet. [Logo@tab/[Signature@tab Specify each setting. The following screen shows an example for when the [Logo] tab is selected. Faxing 172