Steinberg Cubase Le 8 Manual
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MIDI Editors Score Editor 471 Toolbar The toolbar contains tools and various settings for the Score Editor. • To show or hide the toolbar elements, right-click the toolbar and activate or deactivate the elements. Tool Buttons Object Selection Allows you to select events. Erase Allows you to delete events. Insert Note Allows you to insert notes in the score display. Split Allows you to split a MIDI event. Glue Allows you to glue together events of the same pitch. Insert Text Allows you to insert text in the score display. Auto Scroll Auto Scroll If this button is activated, the project cursor is always visible in the window. Insert Velocity Insert Velocity Allows you to specify a velocity value for new notes. Snap/Quantize Snap Type Allows you to select the snap type. If Grid is activated, events snap to exact grid positions when they are moved. If Grid Relative is activated, events keep their relative positions to the grid when they are moved. Iterative Quantize On/Off Activates/Deactivates iterative quantize.
MIDI Editors Score Editor472 Quantize Presets Allows you to select a quantize or a groove preset. Apply Quantize Applies the quantize settings. Open Quantize Panel Opens the Quantize Panel . Length Quantize Determines the event length for the Length Quantize function. Step/MIDI Input Step Input Activates/Deactivates the Step Input mode. MIDI Input/Note Expression MIDI Input Activates/Deactivates MIDI Input modes. Move Insert Mode Activates/Deactivates the Move Insert mode. For this function, Step Input must be activated. Record Pitch If Step Input is activated, use this button to determine that the pitch is included when you insert notes. Record NoteOn Velocity If Step Input is activated, use this button to determine that NoteOn Velocity is included when you insert notes. Record NoteOff Velocity If Step Input is activated, use this button to determine that NoteOff Velocity is included when you insert notes. R ELATED LINKS Using the Setup options on page 627 Status Line The status line is displayed below the to olbar. It displays important information about the mouse position and the chord displays. Select the notes that form (compose) the chord to make the status line appear in the Current Chord Display. To show or hide the status line, click Set up Window Lay out on the toolbar, and activate or deactivate Status Line.
MIDI Editors Score Editor473 Mouse Time PositionDisplays the exact time position of the mouse pointer, depend ing on the selected ruler display format. This lets you edit or insert note s at exact positions. Mouse Note Position Displays the exact pitch of the mouse pointer position. This facilitates finding t he right pitch when entering or transposing notes. Current Chord Display When the project cursor is positioned over notes that form a chord, this chord is displayed here. Info Line The info line shows values and properties of the selected MIDI notes. If several notes are selected, the values for the first note are displayed in color. To show or hide the info line, click S et up Window Layout on the toolbar, and activate or deactivate Inf o Line. R ELATED LINKS Changing the Display Format for the Ruler on page 434 Extended Toolbar The extended toolbar contains note valu e buttons and enharmonic shift buttons. To show or hide the extended toolbar, click the Set u p Window Layout button on the toolbar, and activa te or deactivate Tools. Note Value Buttons Allows you to select a note value for input. The T an d . options are for triplet and dotted note values. The selected note value is displayed in the Length value field on the toolbar and in t he Insert Note tool shape. To resize all selected notes to the same note value, press [Ctrl]/[Command] and click one of the note value buttons. Enharmonic Shift Allows you to manually select whether a note is displayed with flat or sharp accidentals. The Off button resets the notes to original display. The other options are double flats , flats , No (no accidentals shown, regardless of pitch), sharps , and double sharps . R ELATED LINKS Enharmonic Shift on page 480
MIDI Editors Score Editor Operations 474 Score Display The main area of the Score Editor window shows the notes in the edited parts on one or several staves. Parts on different tracks are shown on different staves. • If you are editing one or several parts on the same track, as much of them as possible is shown on several staves, comparable with a score on paper. • If you are editing parts on several tracks, they are put on a grand staff. A grand staff is composed of multiple staves that are tied together by bar lines. • The number of bars that are displayed on the screen depends on the size of the window and the number of notes in each bar. • The end of the last part is indicated by a double bar line. All MIDI input is directed to one of the tracks, which is called the active staff. The active staff is indicated by a blue rectangle to the left of the clef symbol. • To change the active staff, click on the staff that you want to activate. Score Editor Operations This section describes the principal editing operations within the Score Editor. Improving the Score Display When you open the Score Editor for a part that was recorded in real time, the score may not look as legible as you expect. The Score Editor can ignore the minor time variances in performance and make a neater score. To achieve this, the Staff Settings dialog provides settings that determine how the program displays the music.
MIDI Editors Score Editor Operations 475 Staff Settings Dialog This dialog allows you to change how Cubase displays the music. IMPORTANTIMPORTANTIMPORTANTIMPORTANT The settings that you make in this dialog are independent for each staff (track), but common for a piano staff that you have created with the Split option. To open the Staff Settings dialog, double-click in the area to the left of the staff, or select a staff and select MIDI > Scores > Staff Settings. NOTE The time signature follows the time signatures that are set in the Tempo Track editor. These settings are common to all tracks/staves in the score. Staff Mode The Staff Mode determines how the staff is shown. •In Single mode, all notes in the part are shown in the same staff. •In Split mode, the part is split on the screen into a bass and treble clef, as in a piano score. The Split Point value determines where you want the split to occur. Notes above and including the split note appear on the upper staff, and notes below the split note appear on the lower staff. Before and after setting a split at C3.
MIDI Editors Score Editor Operations 476 Display Quantize This section allows you to change the way Cubase displays scores. IMPORTANTIMPORTANTIMPORTANTIMPORTANT These display values are only used for the graphical display in the Score Editor. They do not affect the playback. Notes Determines the smallest note value to be displayed and the smallest position to be recognized and properly displayed. Set this to the smallest significant note position used in your music. For example, if you have notes on odd sixteenth note positions, set this value to 16. The T values are for triplet note values. This setting is partly overridden by Auto Quantize. Rests This value is used as a recommendation. Cubase does not display rests smaller than this value, except where necessary. In effect, this setting also determines how the length of notes is displayed. Set this value according to the smallest note value (length) that you want to be displayed for a single note, positioned on a beat. Auto Quantize Allows you to make your score look as legible as possible. Auto Quantize allows you to mix straight notes with tuplets (triplets) in a part. However, Auto Quantize also uses the (display) quantize value. If there is no appropriate note value for a certain note or group of notes, it uses the set quantize value is used to display it. Generally, only activate this option if your music contains mixed triplets and straight notes. If the part is imprecisely played and/or complex, Auto Quantize may have a problem figuring out exactly what you mean. Dev. If this option is activated, triplets/straight notes are detected even if they are not exactly on the beat. However, if you know that your triplets/straight notes are perfectly recorded, either through quantizing or entered by hand, deactivate this option. This option is only available if Auto Quantize is activated. Adapt If this option is activated, the program guesses that when one triplet is found, there are probably more triplets surrounding it. Activate this option if not all of your triplets are detected. This option is only available if Auto Quantize is activated.
MIDI Editors Score Editor Operations 477 Clef and Key In this section, you can set the correct clef and key. Clef/Key Display Allows you to select the clef or key via the scrollbar. Lower Staff Sets the clef and key to the lower staff. Auto Clef If this option is activated, Cubase attempts to guess the correct clef, judging from the pitch of the music. Display Transpose In this section, you can specify a separate display transpose setting for each staff (track). This transposes the notes in the score without affecting how the notes are played back. This allows you to record and play back a multi staff arrangement and still score each instrument according to its own transposition. Semitones Allows you to manually set a display transpose value. Instrument Allows you to select the instrument for which you are scoring. Interpretation Options In this section, you can make additional settings on how the score is displayed. Clean Lengths If this option is activated, notes that are considered to be chords are shown with identical lengths. Longer notes are displayed shorter than they are. Notes with very short overlaps are also cut off. This is similar to the No Overlap option, but with a more subtle effect. No Overlap If this option is activated, one note is never shown as overlapping another, lengthwise. This allows long and short notes that start at the same point to be displayed without ties. The long notes are cut off in the display. This makes the music more legible. A sample measure with No Overlap deactivated. A sample measure with No Overlap activated.
MIDI Editors Score Editor Operations 478 Syncopation If this option is activated, syncopated notes are shown in a more legible way. A dotted quarter note at the end of a bar when Syncopation is deactivated. A dotted quarter note at the end of a bar when Syncopation is activated. Shuffle If this option is activated and you have played a shuffle beat, the beat is displayed as straight notes, not as triplets. This is very common in jazz notation. Quantize Value When you move the mouse pointer over the score, the Mouse Time Position field on the status line tracks your movement and shows the current position in bars, beats, sixteenth notes, and ticks. The quantize value controls the positioning on screen. If you set the value to 1/8, you can only insert and move notes to eighth note positions, at quarter notes, at half bars, or at bar positions. It is recommended to set the quantize value to the smallest note value in the piece. This does not stop you from inputting notes at coarser positions. However, if you set the quantize value to a too small note value, it is easier to make mistakes. With the quantize value set to 1/8, you can only input notes at eighth note positions. You can also use the Quantize Panel to create other quantize values, irregular grids, etc. Creating Notes In the score display, the Insert Note tool allows you to create notes. However, you must first set the note value (length) and spacing. PROCEDURE 1. Set the note value in one of the following ways: • Click the note symbols on the extended toolbar. • Select an option from the Length Quantize pop-up menu on the toolbar. 2. Select the Insert Note tool. If you selected the note value via the extended toolbar buttons, the Insert Note tool is automatically selected.
MIDI Editors Score Editor Operations 479 3. Open the Quantize Presets pop-up menu on the toolbar and select a quantize value. 4. Move the mouse over the staff to find the correct position. The position is displayed on the Mouse Time Position display on the status line. The position snaps to the grid that is defined by the quantize value. 5. Move the mouse vertically to find the correct pitch. The Mouse Note Position display on the status line shows the pitch at the pointer position. 6. Click in the staff. RESULT The note appears in the score. The notes get the insert velocity value that is set in the Insert Velocity field on the toolbar. NOTE If the notes that you enter appear to have the wrong note value you may have to adjust the Display Quantize settings. For example, you enter a 1/32 note that is displayed as a 1/16 note. RELATED LINKS Setting Velocity Values on page 441 Display Quantize on page 476 Moving and Transposing Notes PROCEDURE 1. Open the Quantize Presets pop-up menu on the toolbar and select a quantize value. 2. If you want to hear the pitch of the note while moving, activate the Acoustic Feedback button on the toolbar. 3. Select the notes that you want to move. 4. Click one of the selected notes and drag it to a new position and/or pitch. The horizontal movement of the note is snaps to the current quantize value. The position boxes on the toolbar show the position and pitch for the dragged note. To restrict moving to one direction, press [Ctrl]/[Command] while dragging. Duplicating Notes PROCEDURE 1. Open the Quantize Presets pop-up menu on the toolbar and select a quantize value. 2. Select the notes that you want to duplicate.
MIDI Editors Score Editor Operations 480 3. Press [Alt]/[Option] and drag the notes to their new position. To restrict moving to one direction, press [Ctrl]/[Command] while dragging. Changing the Note Length The displayed note length is not necessarily the actual note length. It also depends on the note values and rest values for Display Quantize in the Staff Settings dialog. This is important to remember when you change the length of a note. You can change the length of a note in the following ways: • Select the notes that you want to change and [Ctrl]/[Command]-click on one of the note icons on the extended toolbar. All the selected notes are assigned to the length of the clicked note. • Select the notes that you want to change and edit the length values on the info line. RELATED LINKS Improving the Score Display on page 474 Editing Note Events on the Info Line on page 440 Splitting and Gluing Note Events • To split 2 notes that are strung together by a tie, click on the tied note head with the Cut tool. The note is divided into two, with the respective length of the main and the tied note. • To glue a note to the next note with the same pitch, click on a note with the Glue tool. Enharmonic Shift You can shift the display of selected notes. For example, an F# (F sharp) is instead shown as a Gb (G flat) and vice versa. PROCEDURE 1. Select the notes that you want to shift. 2. Click one of the enharmonic shift buttons on the extended toolbar. RELATED LINKS Extended Toolbar on page 473