Steinberg Cubase Le 8 Manual
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91 Track Handling Adding Tracks PROCEDURE 1. Select Project > Add Track, or right-click the track list. 2. Do one of the following: • Add a track of a specific type. For some track types a dialog opens that allows you to insert several tracks at once. • To add a track based on a track preset, select Add Track Using Track Preset. The Choose Track Preset dialog opens that allows you to select a track preset. The number and type of added tracks depends on the selected track preset. RESULT The track is added to the project. RELATED LINKS Add Track Dialog on page 91 Track Presets on page 101 Add Track Dialog The Add Track dialog opens when you add audio, MIDI, group/FX channel, or instrument tracks. Browse Expands the dialog and allows you to select a track preset for the track. Count Allows you to enter the number of tracks that you want to add.

Track Handling Removing Tracks 92 Configuration Allows you to set the channel configuration. Audio-related tracks can be configured as mono or stereo tracks. Speakers Shows the speaker names according to the track configuration. Track Name Allows you to specify a track name. Add Track Adds the track and closes the dialog. RELATED LINKS Track Presets on page 101 Removing Tracks You can remove selected or empty tracks from the track list. • To remove selected tracks, select Project > Remove Selected Tracks or right-click the track that you want to remove, and from the context menu select Remove Selected Tracks. • To remove empty tracks, select Project > Remove Empty Tracks. Moving Tracks in the Track List You can move tracks up or down in the track list. PROCEDURE • Select a track and drag it up or down in the track list.

Track Handling Renaming Tracks 93 Renaming Tracks PROCEDURE 1. Double-click the track name and type in a new name for the track. 2. Press [Return]. If you want all events on the track to get the same name, hold down any modifier key and press [Return]. AFTER COMPLETING THIS TASK If the Parts Get Track Names option (File > Preferences > Editing) is activated, and you move an event from one track to another, the moved event will automatically be named according to its new track. Coloring Tracks All new tracks are automatically assigned a color according to the Auto Track Color Mode settings. However, you can change the track color manually. • To change the color for the selected track, use the Select Colors pop-up menu on the toolbar. • You can also use the Track Color Selector. In the Inspector, click the arrow to the right of the track name and select a color. In the track list, [Ctrl]/[Command]-click in the left area and select a color. • To control which colors are used for new tracks, select File > Preferences > Event Display > Tracks and edit the Auto Track Color Mode settings.

Track Handling Showing Track Pictures 94 Showing Track Pictures You can add pictures to tracks to recognize your tracks easily. Track pictures are available for audio, instrument, MIDI, FX channel and group channel tracks. PREREQUISITE Adjust the track height to at least 2 rows. PROCEDURE 1. Right-click any track in the track list. 2. From the track list context menu, select Show Track Pictures. If you move the mouse to the left on a track, a highlighted rectangle appears. AFTER COMPLETING THIS TASK Double-click the rectangle to open the Track Pictures Browser and set up a track picture. RELATED LINKS Track Pictures Browser on page 94 Track Pictures Browser The Track Pictures Browser allows you to set up and select pictures that can be shown in the track list and in the MixConsole. Track pictures are useful to recognize tracks and channels easily. You can select pictures from the factory content or add new ones to the user library. • To open the Track Pictures Browser for a track, double-click in the lower left side of the track list.

Track Handling Showing Track Pictures 95 Factory Shows the factory content in the pictures browser. Pictures Browser Shows the pictures that you can assign to the selected track/channel. User Shows your user content in the pictures browser. Import Opens a file dialog that allows you to select pictures in bmp, jpeg, or png format and add them to the user library. Remove Selected Pictures from User Library Removes the selected picture from the user library. Reset Current Picture Removes the picture from the selected track/channel. Show/Hide Preview Opens/Closes a section with further color and zoom settings. Track Picture Preview Shows the current track picture. When you zoom in the picture, you can drag it with the mouse to change its visible part. Track Color Opens the Track Color Selector. Click the rectangle to change the track color. Intensity Allows you to apply the track color to the track picture and set the color intensity.

Track Handling Setting the Track Height 96 Zoom Allows you to change the size of the track picture. Rotate Allows you to rotate the track picture. Setting the Track Height You can enlarge the track height to show the events on the track in detail, or you can decrease the height of several tracks to get a better overview of your project. • To change the height of an individual track, click its lower border in the track list and drag up or down. • To change the height of all tracks simultaneously, hold down [Ctrl]/[Command], click the lower border of one track, and drag up or down. • To set the number of tracks to view in the Project window, use the track zoom menu. • To set the track height automatically when you select a track, click Edit > Enlarge Selected Track. RELATED LINKS Track Zoom Menu on page 96 Customizing Track Controls on page 88 Track Zoom Menu The track zoom menu allows you to set the number of tracks and the track height in the Project window. • To open the track zoom menu in the lower right of the Project window, click the arrow button above the vertical zoom control.

Track Handling Selecting Tracks 97 The following options are available: Zoom Tracks x Rows Zooms all track heights to show the specified number of rows. Zoom Tracks Full Zooms all tracks to fit in the active Project window. Zoom x Tracks Zooms the specified number of tracks to fit in the active Project window. Zoom N Tracks Allows you to set the number of tracks to fit in the active Project window. Zoom Tracks Minimal Zooms all track heights to the minimum size. Snap Track Heights Changes the track height in fixed increments when you resize it. Selecting Tracks • To select a track, click on it in the track list. • To select several tracks, [Ctrl]/[Command]-click several tracks. • To select a continuous range of tracks, [Shift]-click the first and last track in a continuous range of tracks. Selected tracks are indicated by a light gray color in the track list. RELATED LINKS Track Selection follows Event Selection on page 649 Scroll To selected Track on page 654 Select Channel/Track on Solo on page 654 Select Channel/Track on Edit Settings on page 654 Selecting Tracks with Arrow Keys You can select tracks and events with the up/down arrow keys on the computer keyboard. However, you can make the up/down arrow keys exclusively available for selecting tracks. • To make the up/down arrow keys exclusively available for selecting tracks, select File > Preferences > Editing and activate Use Up/Down Navigation Commands for selecting Tracks only.

Track Handling Duplicating Tracks 98 The following applies: • When this option is deactivated and no event/part is selected in the Project window, the up/down arrow keys on the computer keyboard are used to step through the tracks in the track list. • When this option is deactivated and an event/part is selected in the Project window, the up/down arrow keys still step through the tracks in the track list – but on the currently selected track, the first event/part will automatically be selected as well. • When this option is activated, the up/down arrow keys are only used to change the track selection – the current event/part selection in the Project window will not be altered. Duplicating Tracks You can duplicate a track with all contents and channel settings. PROCEDURE •Select Project > Duplicate Tracks. RESULT The duplicated track appears below the original track. Disabling Audio Tracks (Cubase Elements only) You can disable audio tracks that you do not want to play back or process at the moment. Disabling a track zeroes its output volume and shuts down all disk activity and processing for the track. PROCEDURE • Right-click in the track list and select Disable Track from the context menu. RESULT The track color changes and the corresponding channel in the MixConsole is hidden. To enable a disabled track and restore all channel settings, right-click in the track list and select Enable Track.

Track Handling Organizing Tracks in Folder Tracks 99 Organizing Tracks in Folder Tracks You can organize your tracks in folders by moving tracks into folder tracks. This allows you to perform editing on several tracks as one entity. Folder tracks can contain any type of track including other folder tracks. • To create a folder track, open the Project menu and in the Add Track submenu select Folder. • To move tracks into a folder, select them and drag them into the folder track. • To remove tracks from a folder, select them and drag them out of the folder. • To hide/show tracks in a folder, click the Expand/Collapse Folder button of the folder track. • To hide/show data on a folder track, open the context menu for the folder track and select an option from the Show Data on Folder Tracks submenu. • To mute/solo all tracks in a folder track, click the Mute or Solo button for the folder track. NOTE Hidden tracks are played back as usual. Moving Tracks to Folder Tracks You can move your tracks to folder tracks to organize them and to perform editing on several tracks as one entity. You can move any type of track including other folder tracks to folder tracks. PROCEDURE •Select Project > Track Folding > Move Selected Tracks to New Folder. RESULT This creates a new folder and moves all selected tracks into it. NOTE You can also drag and drop tracks into or out of a folder track. RELATED LINKS Folder Tracks on page 79 Folder Track Controls on page 80

Track Handling Handling Overlapping Audio 100 Handling Overlapping Audio The basic rule for audio tracks is that each track can only play back a single audio event at a time. If two or more events overlap, you will only hear one of them: the one that is actually visible (e. g. the last lap of a cycle recording). If you have a track with overlapping (stacked) events/regions, use one of the following methods to select the event/region that is played back: • Open the context menu for the audio event in the event display and select the desired event or region from the To Front or Set to Region submenu. The available options depend on whether you performed a linear or a cycle recording and the record mode you used. When recording audio in cycle mode, the recorded event is divided in regions, one for each take. • Use the handle in the middle of a stacked event and select an entry from the pop-up menu that appears. How Events are Displayed on Folder Tracks Closed folder tracks can display data of the contained audio, MIDI, and instrument tracks as data blocks or as events. When you close folder tracks, the contents of the contained tracks are displayed as data blocks or events. Depending on the folder track height, the display of the events can be more or less detailed. Modifying Event Display on Folder Tracks You can modify the event display on folder tracks. PROCEDURE 1. Right-click the folder track. 2. On the context menu, select Show Data on Folder Tracks. You have the following options: •Always Show Data If this option is activated, data blocks or event details are always displayed. •Never Show Data If this option is activated, nothing is displayed. •Hide Data When Expanded If this option is activated, the display of events is hidden when you open folder tracks. •Show Event Details If this option is activated, event details are displayed. If deactivated, data blocks are displayed. NOTE To change these settings, select File > Preferences > Event Display > Folders.