Ricoh Projector PJ WX6170N User Manual
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18 2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration) Adjusting the verti\ucal \fosition of a \f\urojected image (Len\us shift) CAUTIONPe\f\bo\fm the adjustment \b\fom behind o\f \b\fom the side o\b the p\fojecto\f. Adjusting \b\fom the \b\font could expose you\f eyes to st\fong light which could inju\fe them. Turn the Lens Shift dials clockwise or counterclockwise. Ve\ftical dial Tu\fn this clockwise o\f counte\fclockwise to adjust the p\fojection position in the ve\ftical di\fection. App\foximate tu\fning \fange: About 6 tu\fns counte\fclockwise, about 2 tu\fns clockwise when the lens is at the cente\f position. Ho\fizontal dial Tu\fn this clockwise o\f counte\fclockwise to adjust the p\fojection position in the ho\fizontal di\fection. App\foximate tu\fning \fange: About 1 tu\fn counte\fclockwise, about 1 tu\fn clockwise when the lens is at the cente\f position. NOTE: • The dials can be turned m\bre than \bne full turn, but the pr\bjecti\bn p\bsiti\bn cann\bt be m\b\fed m\bre than the range indicated \bn the f\bll\bwing page. • If the lens is shi\yfted t\b the maximum\y in the diag\bnal di\yrecti\bn, the edges \y\bf the screen will \ybe dark \br shaded. • The lens shift fun\ycti\bn cann\bt be use\yd when using the se\yparately s\bld PJ Rep\ylacement Lens Type1. Downwa\fd Upwa\fd Le\bs Shift dial (Horizo\btal) Le\bs Shift dial (Verti\fal) Rightwa\fd Le\btwa\fd

19 2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration) TIP: • The diagram bel\bw sh\bws the lens shift adjustment range f\br the PJ X6180N (pr\bjecti\bn m\bde: deskt\bp fr\bnt). T\b raise the pr\bjecti\bn p\bsiti\bn h\yigher than this, us\ye the tilt feet. (\y→ page 21) • F\br the PJ WX6170N \yand the ceiling m\bu\ynt/fr\bnt pr\bjecti\bn \ylens shift adjustm\yent range, see page \y180. 1V 1H 0.5V 0.1V 0.1H 0.1H PJ X6180N 0.3H*¹0.3H*¹ Verti\fal shift ra\bge (0 to 0.5V) Height of proje\fted image NOTE*1: H\briz\bntal lens s\yhift range is 0.15H\y at 150" pr\bjected \yimage with the PJ S\ytandard Lens Type1 Focus Applicable lens: PJ Standa\fd Lens Type1, PJ Replacement Lens Type2/Type3/Type4 Use the Focus \fing to obtain the best \bocus. Fo\fus ri\bg

20 2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration) A\f\flica\ble lens: PJ \uRe\flacement Lens Ty\fe1 With the PJ Replacement Lens Type1, adjust the \bocus and pictu\fe disto\ftion. P\fepa\fations: Tu\fn the Lens Shi\bt dials (ve\ftical and ho\fizontal) on the p\fojecto\f to \fetu\fn the lens shi\bt to the cente\f. App\foximate lens cente\f position (explained he\fe \bo\f the desktop \b\font p\fojection mode) Ho\fizontal dial: Fi\fst tu\fn the dial to the le\bt edge, then tu\fn it \bu\fthe\f so that the knob is ho\fizontal. F\fom this position, tu\fn the dial 1 \bull tu\fn clockwise. Ve\ftical dial: Fi\fst tu\fn the dial to the bottom edge, then tu\fn it \bu\fthe\f so that the knob is ho\fizontal. F\fom this position, tu\fn the dial 2 \bull tu\fns counte\fclockwise. 1. Turn the distortion ring to the left edge. 2. Turn the Focus lever clockwise and counterclockwise to adjust the focus at the center of the screen. 3. Use the distortion ring to correct the screen’s distortion. (This also bri\bgs the \eedges of the s\free\b i\bto fo\fus.) 4. Use the Focus lever to adjust the screen’s overall focus. * If the fo\fus at the \fe\bter of the s\free\b is off, tur\b the distortio\b ri\bg a little \fou\bter\flo\fkwise. The fo\fus at the \fe\bter of the s\free\b \fa\b \bow be adjusted with the Fo\fus lever. Distortio\b ri\bg Le\bs Shift dials Fo\fus lever

21 2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration) Adjusting the Tilt \uFeet 1. Turn the left and right tilt feet to adjust. The tilt feet lengthen and shorten when turned. The height of the projected i\fage is adjusted \by turning the left and right tilt feet. If the projected i\fage is tilted, turn one of the tilt feet to adjust the i\fage so that it is level. - If the proje\fted image is distorted, see "6 Corre\fti\bg Keysto\be Distortio\b" (→ page 22). - The tilt feet \fa\b be le\bgthe\bed by a maximum of 20 mm\e. - The tilt feet \fa\b be used to tilt the proje\ftor by a maximum of 4º. NOTE: • D\b n\bt lengthen the tilt feet any m\bre than 20 mm/0.8". D\bing s\b will make the tilt feet’s m\bunt secti\bn unstable and c\buld cause the tilt feet t\b c\bme \bff the pr\bject\br. • D\b n\bt use the tilt feet f\br any purp\bse \bther than adjusting the pr\bject\br’s pr\bjecti\bn angle. Handling the tilt feet impr\bperly, such as carrying the pr\bject\br by grasping the tilt feet \br h\b\bking it \bnt\b a wall using the tilt feet, c\buld damage the pr\bject\br. Zoom Tu\fn the Zoom leve\f o\f Zoom \fing clockwise and counte\fclockwise. - The sepa\fately sold PJ Replacement Lens Type1 does not have a Zoom \fing. Zoom ri\bg Up Tilt foot Dow\b

22 2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration) 6 Correcting Keystone Dis\utortion When the p\fojecto\f is not exactly pe\fpendicula\f to the sc\feen, keystone disto\ftion occu\fs. To ove\fcome it, you can use the “Keystone” \bunction, a digital technology that can adjust \bo\f keystone-type disto\ftion, \fesulting in a c\fisp, squa\fe image. The \bollowing p\focedu\fe explains how to use the [KEYSTONE] sc\feen \b\fom the menu to co\f\fect t\fapezoidal disto\ftions. When the p\fojecto\f is placed diagonally to the sc\feen, When the p\fojecto\f is set up at an angle in \felation to the sc\feen, adjust the Ho\fizontal option o\b the Keystone menu so that the top and bottom o\b sides o\b the p\fojected image a\fe pa\fallel. 1. Press the Keystone \button on the re\fote control or the projector ca\binet. The Keysto\be s\free\b will be displayed o\b the s\free\b. 2. Press the \button to select [V-POSITION] and then use the or so that the left and right sides of the projected i\fage are parallel. * Adjust the verti\fal keysto\be distortio\b. 3. Align the left (or right) side of the screen with the left (or right) side of the projected i\fage. • Use the shorter side of the proje\fted image as the base. • I\b the right example, use the left side as the base. 4. Press the \button to select [H-POSITION] and then use the or so that the top and \botto\f sides of the projected i\fage are parallel. • Adjust the horizo\btal keysto\be distortio\b. S\free\b frame Proje\fted area Alig\b left side

23 2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration) NOTE: • If the pr\bjecti\bn an\ygle is the same as \yin the last use, t\yhe pre\fi\bus c\brrecti\bn setting \falues \yare retained in th\ye mem\bry. • When d\bing Step 2, a\ydjust the p\bsiti\bn \b\yf image s\b that the\y screen is smaller\y than the area \bf t\yhe pr\bjected area. • T\b reset the 3D Ref\b\yrm c\brrecti\bn setti\yng \falues, press and\y h\bld the Keyst\bne b\yutt\bn f\br a minimum\y \bf 2 sec\bnds. • Each time the Keyst\bne butt\bn is pressed, the item will change as f\bll\bws: KEYSTONE → CORNERSTONE → N\bne → KEYSTONE → ... F\br inf\brmati\bn \bn [CORNERSTONE], see "6 C\brrecting H\briz\bntal and Vertical Keyst\bne Dist\brti\bn [CORNERSTONE]" \bn page 32. • The C\brnerst\bne adjustment will n\bt be a\failable during the Keyst\bne adjustment. T\b perf\brm the C\brnerst\bne adjustment, press and h\bld the Keyst\bne butt\bn f\br a minimum \bf 2 sec\bnds t\b reset the Keyst\bne c\brrecti\bn setting \falues. The Keyst\bne adjust- ment will n\bt be a\failable during the C\brnerst\bne adjustment. T\b perf\brm the Keyst\bne adjustment, press and h\bld the Keyst\bne butt\bn f\br a minimu\ym \bf 2 sec\bnds t\b re\yset the C\brnerst\bne\y c\brrecti\bn setting \y\falues. • The 3D Ref\brm featu\yre can cause an im\yage t\b be slightly b\ylurred because the c\brrecti\bn is\y made electr\bnicall\yy. 5. Repeat steps 2 and 4 to correct keystone distortion. 6. After co\fpleting Keystone correction, press the Back \button. The Keysto\be s\free\b will disappear. • To perform Keysto\be \forre\ftio\b agai\b, press the Keysto\be butto\b to display the Keysto\be s\free\b a\bd repeat above steps 1 to 6.

24 2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration) 7 O\ftimizing Com\futer\u Signal Automatical\uly Adjusting the Image\u Using Auto Adjust Optimizing a compute\f image automatically. (COMPUTER1/COMPUTE\eR2/COMPUTER3) P\fess the Auto Set button to optimize a compute\f image automatically. This adjustment may be necessa\fy when you connect you\f compute\f \bo\f the fi\fst time. [Poor pi\fture] [Normal pi\fture] NOTE: S\bme signals may tak\ye time t\b display \br\y may n\bt be displaye\yd c\brrectly. • If the Aut\b Adjust \bperati\bn cann\bt \bptimize the c\bmputer signal, try t\b adjust [H-POSITION], [V-POSITION], [FREQUENCY], and [PHASE] manually. (→ page 91, 92) 8 Turning U\f or Down Volume Sound level \b\fom the speake\f can be adjusted. TIP: When n\b menus appear, the and butt\bns \bn the pr\bject\br cabinet w\brk as a \f\blume c\bntr\bl.\y NOTE: • V\blume c\bntr\bl is n\bt a\failable with the \br butt\bn when an image is enlarged by using the Magnify\y (+) butt\bn \br when\y the menu is displa\yyed. • V\blume c\bntr\bl is n\bt a\failable with the \br butt\bn when VIEWER \br NET - WORK is used. I\b\frease volume De\frease volume

25 2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration) 9 Turning off the Projector T\f tu\bn \fff the p\b\fject\f\b: 1. First, press the (Power) \button on the projector ca\bi- net or the Power Stand\by \button on the re\fote control. The [POWER OFF / ARE YOU SURE ? / CARBON SAV - INGS- SESSION 0.00\e0[g-CO2]] message will appear. 2. Secondly, press the Enter \button or press the (Power) or the Power Stand\by \button again. The lamp will tur\b off a\bd the proje\ftor will go i\bto sta\bdby mode. Whe\b i\b sta\bdby mode, the Power i\bdi\fator will light ora\bge a\bd the Status i\bdi\fator will light gree\b whe\b [NORMAL] is sele\fted for [STANDBY MODE]. Powe\f On Steady blue light Standby Steady orange ligh\Pt Pre\f\f twice CAUTION: Pa\fts o\b the p\fojecto\f may become tempo\fa\fily heated i\b the p\fojecto\f is tu\fned o\b\b with the Powe\f button o\f i\b the AC powe\f supply is disconnected du\fing no\fmal p\fojecto\f ope\fation. Use caution when picking up the p\fojecto\f. NOTE: • While the P\bwer ind\yicat\br is blinking \yblue in sh\brt cycle\ys, the p\bwer cann\bt be turned \bff.\y • Y\bu cann\bt turn \bff t\yhe p\bwer f\br 60 sec\b\ynds immediately aft\yer turning it \bn an\yd displaying an imag\ye. • Wait at least 20 minutes after the p\bwer is turned \bn (after starting t\b pr\bject) bef\bre turning the AC p\bwer \bff while an image is being pr\bjected \br w\yhile the c\b\bling fan\y is running. • D\b n\bt unplug the p\bwer c\brd fr\bm the pr\bject\br \br fr\bm the p\bwer \butlet while an image is being pr\bjected. D\bing s\b c\buld deteri\brate the pr\bject\br’s AC input c\bnnect\br \br the p\bwer plug’s c\bntact. T\b turn \bff the AC p\bwer while an image is being pr\bjected, use the \yp\bwer strip’s switch, the brea\yker, etc. • D\b n\bt disc\bnnect the AC p\bwer supply t\b the pr\bject\br within 10 sec\bnds \bf making adjustment \br setting changes and cl\bsing the menu. D\bing s\b c\yan cause l\bss \bf ad\yjustments and sett\yings.

26 2. Projecting an Image \u(Basic O\feration) After Use P\bepa\bati\fn: Make su\be that the p\b\fject\f\b is tu\bned \fff. 1. Unplug the power cord. 2. Disconnect any other ca\bles.• Remove the USB memory if it is i\bserted i\bto the proje\ftor. 3. Mount the lens cap on the lens. 4. Before \foving the projector, screw in the tilt feet if they have \been lengthened.

27 1 Turning off the Image and So\uund P\fess the AV Mute button to tu\fn o\b\b the image, sound, beep sound \bo\f a sho\ft pe\fiod o\b time. P\fess again to \festo\fe the image and sound. The p\fojecto\f’s powe\f-saving \bunction will wo\fk 10 seconds a\bte\f the image is tu\fned o\b\b. As a \fesult, the lamp powe\f will be \feduced. NOTE: • T\b rest\bre the image, e\fen if y\bu press the AV Mute butt\bn immediately after the start \bf the p\bwer-sa\fing functi\bn, the lamp brightness may n\bt be rest\bred t\b its \briginal le\fe\yl. 2 Freezing a Picture P\fess the F\feeze button to \b\feeze a pictu\fe. P\fess again to \fesume motion. NOTE: The image is \yfr\bzen but the \brigi\ynal \fide\b is still \yplaying back. 3 Enlarging a Pictur\ue You can enla\fge the pictu\fe up to \bou\f times. NOTE: The maximum magnificati\bn may be less than f\bur times depending \bn the signal. To do so: 1. Press the Magnify (+) \button to \fagnify the picture. 3. Convenient Feat\uures