Ricoh Projector PJ WX6170N User Manual
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118 5. Using On-Screen Menu WIRED LAN \f\b WIRELESS LAN (ADVANCED menu \fnly) * To use the wi\feless LAN \bunctions, connect a sepa\fately sold wi\feless LAN unit to the p\fojecto\f. (→ page 148) PROFILES• Up to two settings \bo\f the LAN po\ft o\f USB wi\feless LAN unit can be sto\fed in memo\fy o\b the p\fojecto\f. Total o\b \bou\f settings can be sto\fed. Five settings can be sto\fed: two \bo\f the built-in LAN po\ft, two \bo\f wi\feless LAN and one \bo\f WPS. • Select [PROFILE 1] o\f [PROFILE 2] and then do settings \bo\f [DHCP] and the othe\f options. A\bte\f doing this, select [OK] and p\fess the Ente\f button. This will sto\fe you\f settings in memo\fy. • To \fecall the settings \b\fom memo\fy: A\bte\f selecting [PROFILE 1] o\f [PROFILE 2] \b\fom the [PRO- FILES] list. Select [OK] and p\fess the Ente\f button. • To execute [EASY CONNECTION] using Advanced Netwo\fk Utility o\f Advanced Netwo\fk Utility \bo\f Mac, select [WIRELESS LAN] → [PROFILES] → [EASY CONNECTION]. • To stop emitting \fadio waves \b\fom the USB Wi\feless LAN Unit, select [DISABLE] \b\fom the [PROFILES] list. • Selecting [SIMPLE ACCESS POINT] will allow the p\fojecto\f to c\feate an in\b\fast\fuctu\fe netwo\fk. An SSID will be automatically c\feated. When the IP add\fess o\b the p\fojecto\f is changed, it will auto- matically take e\b\bect in one o\f two minutes. Select “Obtain an IP Add\fess Automatically” to set the IP add\fess o\b a connected compute\f. It takes a \bew seconds \bo\f a change o\b you\f compute\f’s IP ad- d\fess to come into e\b\bect in Windows 7/Windows Vista while it takes one o\f two minutes in Window XP. When you connect with you\f compute\f to save you\f p\fofile and select “Automatically connect when within \fange” \b\fom the P\fope\fties tab o\b Wi\feless Netwo\fk in Windows \bo\f you\f selected p\fofile, you\f wi\feless LAN will be accessed unde\f the \bollowing conditions: • at the time o\b tu\fning on the compute\f o\f the p\fojecto\f • when the notebook type is within the \fange o\b the p\fojecto\f’s wi\feless LAN can be achieved. Data t\fansmission between wi\feless LAN and wi\fed LAN is not possible. When the [SIMPLE ACCESS POINT] mode is used to send images, it is \fecommended to connect to only one compute\f. —

119 5. Using On-Screen Menu PROFILES• When selecting [WPS], the netwo\fk will be connected by using settings sto\fed automatically with the WPS \bunction. Selecting [WPS] will allow the p\fojecto\f to access the netwo\fk by using the settings the WPS \bunction automatically sto\fed. — DHCP Place a check ma\fk to automatically assign an IP add\fess to the p\fojecto\f \b\fom you\f DHCP se\fve\f. Clea\f this check box to \fegiste\f the IP add\fess o\f subnet mask numbe\f obtained \b\fom you\f netwo\fk administ\fato\f. — IP ADDRESS Set you\f IP add\fess o\b the netwo\fk connected to the p\fojecto\f when [DHCP] is tu\fned o\b\b. Up to 12 nume\fic cha\facte\fs SUBNET MASK Set you\f subnet mask numbe\f o\b the netwo\fk connected to the p\fojecto\f when [DHCP] is tu\fned o\b\b. Up to 12 nume\fic cha\facte\fs DEFAULT GATEWAY Set the de\bault gateway o\b the netwo\fk connected to the p\fojecto\f when [DHCP] is tu\fned o\b\b. Up to 12 nume\fic cha\facte\fs WINS CONFIGURA - TION Set the IP add\fess o\b you\f WINS se\fve\f o\b the netwo\fk connected to the p\fojecto\f when [DHCP] is tu\fned o\b\b. Up to 12 nume\fic cha\facte\fs AUTO DNS Place a check ma\fk to automatically assign the IP add\fess o\b you\f DNS se\fve\f connected to the p\fojecto\f \b\fom you\f DHCP se\fve\f. Clea\f this check box to set the IP add\fess o\b you\f DNS se\fve\f connected to the p\fojecto\f. Up to 12 nume\fic cha\facte\fs DNS SETTINGS Set the IP add\fess o\b you\f DNS se\fve\f on the netwo\fk connected to the p\fojecto\f when [AUTO DNS] is clea\fed. Up to 12 nume\fic cha\facte\fs ADVANCED* This menu allows you to set va\fious items \bo\f you\f wi\feless LAN connection (netwo\fk type, secu\fity). — RECONNECT Ret\fy to connect the p\fojecto\f to a netwo\fk. T\fy this i\b you have changed [PROFILES]. — * The [ADVANCED] setting sc\feen is available \bo\f [WIRELESS LAN] only. NOTE: • If y\bu select [EASY \yCONNECTION] fr\bm [P\yROFILES], y\bu cann\bt\y make settings t\b D\yHCP and its f\bll\bwi\yng items except [CH\yAN- NEL] in [ADVANCED]. ADVANCED Settings (settings \fnly \bequi\bed when using a sepa\bately s\fld wi\beless LAN unit) (AD- VANCED menu \fnly)

120 5. Using On-Screen Menu SITE SURVEYDisplays a list o\b available SSIDs \bo\f wi\feless LAN on site. Select an SSID which you can access. To select an SSID, highlight [SSID] and use the to select [OK] and p\fess the Ente\f button. ������������������\P����� Wirele\f\f acce\f\f point\P ������������������\P����� Ad Hoc PC ������������������\P����� WEP or WPA enabled — SECURITY This will tu\fn on o\f o\b\b the enc\fyption mode \bo\f secu\fe t\fansmission. To use enc\fyption, speci\by a WEP key o\f enc\fyption key. Select you\f secu\fity type app\fop\fiate \bo\f you\f compute\f and the wi\fe- less LAN unit. DISABLE ���������������� Will not turn on the encryption feature � Your communication\f may be monitored by \fomeone � WEP(64bit) ������������U\fe\f 64-bit datalength for \fecure tran\fmi\f\fion� WEP(128bit) ����������U\fe\f 128-bit datalength for \fecure tran\fmi\f\fion � Thi\f option will increa\fe privacy and \fecurity when compared to u\fe of 64-bit datalength en- cryption� WPA-PSK/WPA2-PSK/WPA-EAP/WPA2-EAP ������������������\P������������ The\fe option\f provide \ftronger \fecurity than WEP� NOTE: • The security type, WEP key, and encrypti\bn key settings must be the same as c\bmmunicati\bn de\fices such as PC \br access p\bint in y\bur wireless netw\brk. • When y\bu use [SECURITY], y\bur image transmissi\bn speed will sl\bw d\bwn. • [WPA-PSK], [WPA-EAP], [WPA2-PSK] and [WPA2-EAP] are n\bt a\fail- able when [ADHOC] i\ys selected fr\bm [CO\yMMUNICATION MODE]. — SSID Ente\f an identifie\f (SSID) \bo\f wi\feless LAN. Communication can be done only with equipment whose SSID matches SSID \bo\f you\f wi\feless LAN. Up to 32 alphanume\fic cha\facte\fs (case sen- sitive). COMMUNICATION MODE Select communication method when using wi\feless LAN. I\bFRASTRUCTURE ���Select thi\f option when communicating with one or more equipment connected to the wire- le\f\f or wired LA\b network via a wirele\f\f acce\f\f point� ADHOC ������������������\P��� Select thi\f option when u\fing the wirele\f\f LA\b to directly communicate with a computer in peer-to-peer mode� — CHANNEL Select a channel. Available channels va\fy depending on the count\fy and \fegion. When you select [INFRASTRUCTURE], make su\fe that the p\fojecto\f and you\f access point a\fe on the same channel; when you select [ADHOC], make su\fe that the p\fojecto\f and you\f compute\f a\fe on the same channel. —

121 5. Using On-Screen Menu When [WEP(64bit)] \f\v\b [WEP(128bit)] is selected f\f\b [SECURITY TYPE] KEY SELECT Selects one WEP key \b\fom the \bou\f keys below. KEY1, KEY2, KEY3, KEY4 Ente\f a WEP key. • Maximum numbe\f o\b cha\facte\fs Option Alphanume\fic (ASCII)Hexadecimal (HEX) WEP 64bit 510 WEP 128bit 1326 When [WPA-PSK], [WPA-EAP], [WPA2-PSK], \f\b [WPA2-EAP] is selected f\f\b [SECURITY TYPE] ENCRYPTION TYPESelect [TKIP] o\f [AES]. KEY Ente\f enc\fyption key. Key length must be 8 o\f g\feate\f and 63 o\f less.

122 5. Using On-Screen Menu [AUTHENTICATION] (\bequi\bed f\f\b wi\beless \fnly) Setting is \fequi\fed \bo\f using WPA-EAP o\f WPA2-EAP. P\fepa\fation be\bo\fe setting Select a wi\feless LAN compliant WPA-EAP o\f WPA2-EAP authentication and install a digital ce\ftificate on the p\fojecto\f. 1. Set [DATE AND TIME] on the projector. (→ page 137) 2. Use a co\fputer to save digital certificates (files) for WPA-EAP or WPA2-EAP setting to your USB \fe\fory device. After \fompleti\bg savi\bg the file, remove the USB memory devi\fe from the \fomputer. Imp\brtant: • The file f\brmats \bf \ydigital certificate \ythat are supp\brted b\yy the pr\bject\br are \yDER and PKCS#12 \bnl\yy. • The pr\bject\br cann\bt\y handle any digital\y certificate wh\bse fi\yle size exceeds 8 KB. • CRL (Certificate Re\yl\bcati\bn List) is n\y\bt supp\brted. • Client certificate \ychain is n\bt supp\brt\yed. 3. Plug the USB \fe\fory device into the USB port of the projector. Setting P\focedu\fes 1. Select [NETWORK SETTINGS] → [WIRELESS LAN]. 2. Set ite\fs such as PROFILES, DHCP, IP ADDRESS, SUBNET MASK and others as required. • Sele\ft [PROFILE 1] or [PROFILE 2] for [PROFILES]. If [EASY CONNECTION] is sele\fted, WPA-PSK, WPA2- PSK, WPA-EAP, or WPA2-EAP is \bot available. 3. Select [ADVANCED] and press the Enter \button. The [ADVANCED] setti\bg s\free\b will be displayed.

123 5. Using On-Screen Menu 4. Select [SITE SURVEY] and press the Enter \button. The “SSID” list will be displayed. 5. Select a connecting SSID, and then select [OK]. Fi\bally press the E\bter butto\b. • Sele\ft the SSID for whi\fh WPA-PSK or WPA2-PSK is set. • Sele\ft [INFRASTRUCTURE ( )] for [COMMUNICATION MODE]. WPA-PSK, WPA2-PSK, WPA-EAP, or WPA2- EAP is \bot available whe\b [ADHOC ( )] is sele\fted. 6. Select the [SECURITY] ta\b. The [SECURITY] page will be displayed. 7. Select the [SECURITY TYPE] field and press the Enter \button. The pull-dow\b list will be displ\eayed. 8. Select [WPA-EAP] or [WPA2-EAP] and press the Enter \button. 9. Select the [TKIP/AES] field and press the Enter \button. The pull-dow\b list will be displ\eayed. 10. Select [TKIP] or [AES] and press the Enter \button. Sele\ft [TKIP] or [AE\eS] a\f\fordi\bg to the setti\bg for your a\f\fess poi\bt.\e

124 5. Using On-Screen Menu 11. Select the [AUTHENTICATION] ta\b. The [AUTHENTICATION] page will be displayed. Sele\ft either [EAP-TLS] or [PEAP-MSCHAPv2] for [EAP TYPE]. The setti\bg items vary depe\bdi\bg o\b the EAP type. See the table below. EAP Type Setting Item Note EAP-TLS USER NAME 1 cha\facte\f o\f mo\fe and 32 cha\facte\fs o\f less CLIENT CERTIFICATE PKCS#12 \bo\fmat file CA CERTIFICATE (Ce\ftificate autho\fity’s ce\ftificate) DER \bo\fmat file PEAP-MSCHAPv2 USER NAME 1 cha\facte\f o\f mo\fe and 32 cha\facte\fs o\f less PASSWORD 1 cha\facte\f o\f mo\fe and 32 cha\facte\fs o\f less CA CERTIFICATE (Ce\ftificate autho\fity’s ce\ftificate) DER \bo\fmat file ① Selecting [EAP-TLS] \bo\f [EAP TYPE]: The followi\bg se\ftio\b explai\bs the operatio\b for sele\fti\bg [EAP-TLS]. For sele\fti\bg [PEAP-MSCHAPv2], go o\b to Step 12 o\b page 126. 12. Select the [USER NAME] field and press the Enter \button. The \fhara\fter e\btry s\free\b (software keyboard) will be displayed. Set a user \bame. • A user \bame must be 1\e \fhara\fter or more a\bd 32 \fhara\fters or less. (→ page 128)

125 5. Using On-Screen Menu 13. Select [CLIENT CERTIFICATE] and press the Enter \button. A list of files (thumb\bail s\free\b) will be displayed. • For operati\bg the thumb\bail s\e\free\b, see "4. Usi\bg the Viewer" i\b the “User’s Ma\bual” (PDF). • To retur\b to the [AUTHENTICATION] page, press the Ba\fk butto\b. NOTE: Installing a digital ce\ftificate Y\bu can install each\y digital certificate\y (client certificat\ye and CA certificate\y) f\br [PROFILE 1 (\b\yr 2)] \bn a file-by-fi\yle basis. • Install a r\b\bt CA ce\yrtificate f\br a CA ce\yrtificate. • If y\bu install a digital certificate \b\fer y\bur existing digital certificate, the existing digital certificate will be \b\ferwritten with the new digital certificate.\y • Once a digital cert\yificate has been in\ystalled, its inf\brm\yati\bn cann\bt be deleted e\fen if y\bu st\y\bp setting WPA-EAP \br WPA2-EAP. 14. On the thu\f\bnail screen, select a digital certificate (PKCS#12 for\fat file) saved in your USB \fe\fory device and press the Enter \button. The password s\free\b will be displayed. 15. Select [PASSWORD] field and press the Enter \button. The \fhara\fter e\btry s\free\b (software keyboard) will be displayed. Set the password of the private key. A password must be 1 \fhara\fter or more a\bd 32 \fhara\fters or less. The sele\fted digital \fertifi\fate file will be i\bstalled o\b the proje\ftor. • Whe\b the root CA \fertifi\fate is \bot i\b\fluded i\b the file that was sele\fted i\b Step 14, pro\feed to Step 16. Whe\b the root \fertifi\fatio\b authority \fertifi\fate is i\b\fluded, pro\feed to Step 18. 16. Select [CA CERTIFICATE] and press the Enter \button. The drive list s\free\b will be displayed.

126 5. Using On-Screen Menu 17. On the thu\f\bnail screen, select a digital certificate (DER for\fat file) saved in your USB \fe\fory device and press the Enter \button. • Sele\ft your root CA \fertifi\fate here. The sele\fted digital \fertifi\fate will be i\bstalled o\b the proje\ftor. 18. After co\fpleting required settings, select [OK] and press the Enter \button. The [WIRELESS LAN] page will be retur\bed. 19. Select [RECONNECT] and press the Enter \button. 20. Select [OK] and press the Enter \button. This will complete setting [EAP-TLS] \bo\f [EAP TYPE] in [WPA-EAP] o\f [WPA2-EAP]. TIP: Clea\fing the digital ce\ftificate that is installed on the p\fojecto\f To clea\f the digital ce\ftificate installed on the p\fojecto\f, \bollow the steps below. By doing the \bollowing p\focedu\fe, all the digital ce\ftificates \bo\f the cu\f\fently displayed p\fofile will be clea\fed. 1. Select [CLEAR CERTIFICATES] in the \botto\f left of the [AUTHEN- TICATION] setting screen and press the Enter \button. A message for \fo\bfirmatio\b will be displayed. 2. Select [YES] and press the Enter \button. The digital \fertifi\fates will be \fleared. TIP: • The PKCS#12 f\brmat \ydigital certificate \yincluding a CA certi\yficate will be inst\yalled as a r\b\bt CA c\yertificate. ② Selecting [PEAP-MSCHAPv2] \bo\f [EAP TYPE]: 12. Fro\f the [AUTHENTICATION] page, select [EAP TYPE] field and press the Enter \button. The pull-dow\b list will be displ\eayed. 13. Select [PEAP-MSCHAPv2] and press the Enter \button. 14. Select [USER NAME] field and press the Enter \button. The \fhara\fter e\btry s\free\b (software keyboard) will be displayed. Set a user \bame. • A user \bame must be 3\e2 \fhara\fters or less. (→ page 128)

127 5. Using On-Screen Menu 15. After co\fpleting setting a user na\fe, select the [PASSWORD] field and press the Enter \button. The \fhara\fter e\btry s\free\b (software keyboard) will be displayed. Set a password. • A password must be 32 \fhara\fters or less. 16. After co\fpleting setting the password, select [CA CERTIFICATE] field and press the Enter \button. The drive list s\free\b will be displayed. • For operati\bg the thumb\bail s\e\free\b, see "4. Usi\bg the Viewer" i\b the “User’s Ma\bual” (PDF). • To retur\b to the [AUTHENTICATION] page, press the Ba\fk butto\b. NOTE: Installing a digital ce\ftificate You can install each digital ce\ftificate (client ce\ftificate and CA ce\ftificate) \bo\f [PROFILE 1 (o\f 2)] on a file-by-file basis. • Install a r\b\bt CA ce\yrtificate f\br a CA ce\yrtificate. • If y\bu install a digital certificate \b\fer y\bur existing digital certificate, the existing digital certificate will be \b\ferwritten with the new digital certificate.\y • Once a digital cert\yificate has been in\ystalled, its inf\brm\yati\bn cann\bt be deleted e\fen if y\bu st\y\bp setting WPA-EAP \br WPA2-EAP. 17. On the thu\f\bnail screen, select a digital certificate (DER for\fat file) saved in your USB \fe\fory device and press the Enter \button. • Sele\ft your root CA \fertifi\fate here. The sele\fted digital \fertifi\fate will be i\bstalled o\b the proje\ftor.