Ricoh Projector PJ WX6170N User Manual
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128 5. Using On-Screen Menu 18. After co\fpleting required settings, select [OK] and press the Enter \button. The [WIRELESS LAN] page will be retur\bed. 19. Select [RECONNECT] and press the Enter \button. 20. Select [OK] and press the Enter \button. This will complete setting [PEAP-MSCHAPv2] \bo\f [EAP TYPE] in [WPA-EAP] o\f [WPA2-EAP]. TIP: Clea\fing the digital ce\ftificate that is installed on the p\fojecto\f To clea\f the digital ce\ftificate installed on the p\fojecto\f, \bollow the steps below. By doing the \bollowing p\focedu\fe, all the digital ce\ftificates \bo\f the cu\f\fently displayed p\fofile will be clea\fed. 1. Select [CLEAR CERTIFICATES] in the \botto\f left of the [AUTHEN- TICATION] setting screen and press the Enter \button. A message for \fo\bfirmatio\b will be displayed. 2. Select [YES] and press the Enter \button. The digital \fertifi\fates will be \fleared. TIP: Ente\fing WEP keys (Switching between Alphanume\fic cha\facte\fs and hexadecimal) To ente\f \b\fom [KEY1] to [KEY4], do the \bollowing: 1. Select one of [KEY 1], [KEY 2], [KEY 3] and [KEY 4] and press the Enter \button. The \fhara\fter e\btry s\free\b (software keyboard) will be displayed. 2. Use the , , , or \button to select a character and press the Enter \button. • To e\bter a WEP key or passphrase, use alpha\bumeri\f \fhara\fters (ASCII) or hexade\fimal (HEX). To e\bter a PSK key, use alpha\bumeri\f \fhara\fters (ASCII). • Press the [HEX] butto\b to \fha\bge to [ASCII] to set the key i\b ASCII digit. You \fa\b toggle this butto\b betwee\b [ASCII] a\bd [HEX]. • E\bter 0x(\bumeral a\bd alphabet respe\ftively) right i\b fro\bt of your key \fode. • Hexade\fimal uses 0 to 9 a\bd A to F. 3. After entering your WEP key or passphrase, use the , , , or \button to select [OK] and press the Enter \button. The \fhara\fter e\btry s\free\b (software keyboard) will be \flosed.

129 5. Using On-Screen Menu WPS When the wi\feless LAN access point connected to the p\fojecto\f suppo\fts WPS (Wi-Fi P\fotected Setup TM), you can use PIN method o\f push button method to set up the wi\feless LAN \bo\f the p\fojecto\f. PIN TYPE Set a 4-digit o\f 8 digit-PIN code o\b WPS \bo\f you\f access point to complete setting \bo\f the SSID secu\fity. PUSH BUTTON TYPEP\fess the dedicated button o\b the access point and the p\fojecto\f’s wi\feless LAN unit to complete setting \bo\f the SSID secu\fity. NETWORK INFORMATION The \bollowing in\bo\fmation will be displayed when the p\fojecto\f is connected to a netwo\fk (wi\fed LAN o\f wi\feless LAN). PROJECTOR NAME HOST NAME DOMAIN NETWORK INFOR- MATION (WIRED LAN/WIRELESS LAN) CONNECTION STATUS, IP ADDRESS, SUBNET MASK, DEFAULT GATEWAY, WINS, DNS, MAC ADDRESS, SSID, COMMUNICATION MODE, WEP/WPA, CHANNEL, SIG- NAL LEVEL, AUTHENTICATION, AUTHENTICATION PERIOD DISPLAY THE INFOR- MATION IN APPLICA- TION MENU Tu\fn on o\f o\b\b the display o\b the netwo\fk in\bo\fmation. The meanings o\b these status statements a\fe desc\fibed below. Statement Authentication status AUTHENTICATED Authentication is done co\f\fectly. FAILURE Authentication \bailed. AUTHENTICATING Authentication is in p\focess. EXPIRED The digital ce\ftificate is expi\fed. O\f [DATE AND TIME SETTINGS] is not set co\f\fectly. TIME ERROR The [DATE AND TIME SETTINGS] has been clea\fed. Set the co\f\fect date and time.

130 5. Using On-Screen Menu PROJECTOR NAME (ADVANCED menu \fnly) PROJECTOR NAME Set a unique p\fojecto\f name. Up to 16 alphanu- me\fic cha\facte\fs and symbols DOMAIN (ADVANCED menu \fnly) Set a host name and domain name o\b the p\fojecto\f. HOST NAMESet a host name o\b the p\fojecto\f. Up to 15 alphanume\fic cha\facte\fs DOMAIN NAME Set a domain name o\b the p\fojecto\f. Up to 60 alphanume\fic cha\facte\fs

131 5. Using On-Screen Menu ALERT MAIL (ADVANCED menu \fnly) ALERT MAIL This option will noti\by you\f compute\f o\b lamp \feplace time o\f e\f\fo\f messages via e-mail when using wi\feless o\f wi\fed LAN. Placing a checkmark \Pwill turn on the A\Plert Mail feature� Clearing a checkmar\Pk will turn off th\Pe Alert Mail featu\Pre� Sample o\b a message to be sent \b\fom the p\fojecto\f: The lamp and filte\fs a\fe at the end o\b its usable li\be. Please \feplace the lamp and filte\fs. P\fojecto\f Name: Ricoh p\fojecto\f Lamp Hou\fs Used: 100 [H] — HOST NAME Type in a host name. Up to 15 alphanume\fic cha\facte\fs DOMAIN NAME Type in a domain name o\b the netwo\fk connected to the p\fojecto\f. Up to 60 alphanume\fic cha\facte\fs SENDER'S ADDRESS Speci\by the sende\f’s add\fess. Up to 60 alphanu- me\fic cha\facte\fs and symbols SMTP SERVER NAME Type in the SMTP se\fve\f name to be connected to the p\fojecto\f. Up to 60 alphanume\fic cha\facte\fs RECIPIENT'S AD- DRESS 1, 2, 3 Type in you\f \fecipient’s add\fess. Up to 60 alphanu- me\fic cha\facte\fs and symbols TEST MAIL Send a test mail to check i\b you\f settings a\fe co\f\fect. NOTE: • If y\bu entered an inc\brrect address in a test, y\bu may n\bt recei\fe an Alert mail. Sh\buld this happen, check if the Recipient’s Address is c\brrectly set. • Unless any \bne \bf the [SENDER'S ADDRESS], [SMTP SERVER NAME] \br [RECIPIENT'S ADDRESS 1-3] is selected, [TEST MAIL] is n\bt a\fail- able. • Be sure t\b highlight [OK] and press the Enter butt\bn bef\bre executing [TEST MAIL]. —

132 5. Using On-Screen Menu NETWORK SERVICE (ADVANCED menu \fnly) HTTP SERVER Set a passwo\fd \bo\f you\f HTTP se\fve\f. Up to 10 alphanume\fic cha\facte\fs PJLink The P\fojecto\f Management Utility on the CD-ROM uses PJLink. Set a passwo\fd \bo\f PJLink to use this utility, i\b necessa\fy. NOTE: • D\b n\bt f\brget y\bur passw\brd. H\bwe\fer, if y\bu f\brget y\bur passw\brd, c\bnsult with y\bur de\yaler. • What is PJLink? PJLink is a standardizati\bn \bf pr\bt\bc\bl used f\br c\bntr\blling pr\bject\brs \bf different manufacturers. This standard pr\bt\bc\bl is established by Japan Business Machine and Inf\brmati\bn System Industries Ass\bcia- ti\bn (JBMIA) in 2005\y. The pr\bject\br supp\brt\ys all the c\bmmands \y\bf PJLink Class 1. • Setting \bf PJLink will n\bt be affected e\fen when [RESET] is d\bne fr\bm the menu. Up to 32 alphanume\fic cha\facte\fs

133 5. Using On-Screen Menu TOOLS ADMINISTRATOR MODE This allows you to select MENU MODE, save settings, and set a passwo\fd \bo\f the administ\fato\f mode. MENU MODESelect eithe\f [BASIC] o\f [ADVANCED] menu. (→ page 81) — NOT SAVE SETTING VALUES Placing a check mark\P will not \fave your\P projector \fetting\f� Clear thi\f check box\P to \fave your proje\Pctor \fetting\f� — NEW PASSWORD/ CONFIRM PASS- WORD Assign a passwo\fd \bo\f the administ\fato\f mode. Up to 10 alphanume\fic cha\facte\fs NOTE: When [LAST] is selected f\br [DEFAULT SOURCE SELECT], placing a check mark f\br [NOT SAVE SETTING VALUES] will f\brcibly select NETWORK f\br \ys\burce at e\fery p\bwer-\bn time. T\b a\f\bid this, select\y [AUTO] f\br [DEFAULT SOURCE SELECT]. TIP: To \fetu\fn to the ADVANCED menu \b\fom the BASIC menu, do the \bollowing: 1. Use the Input \button on the ca\binet or press the Network \button on the re\fote control to select [NETWORK] to display the APPLICATION MENU. 2. Select [TOOLS] → [ADMINISTRATOR MODE] → [MENU MODE] → [ADVANCED].

134 5. Using On-Screen Menu PROGRAM TIMER This option tu\fns on/o\b\b the p\fojecto\f and changes video signals, and selects ECO mode automatically at a specified time. NOTE: • Bef\bre using [PROGR\yAM TIMER], make sur\ye that the [DATE AND TIME] featur\ye is set. (→ page 137) • Make sure that the\y pr\bject\br is in the\y stand by c\bnditi\bn \ywith the P\bwer c\brd\y c\bnnected. • The pr\bject\br has a built-in cl\bck. The cl\bck will keep w\brking f\br ab\but tw\b weeks after the main p\bwer is turned \bff. If the main p\bwer is n\bt supplied\y t\b the pr\bject\br f\br\y tw\b weeks \br m\bre, \ythe built-in cl\bck \yst\bps w\brking. • When [PROGRAM TIMER\y] is enabled, the \y[STANDBY MODE] setting \ybec\bmes in\falid. This means that th\ye pr\bject\br is in th\ye same c\bnditi\bn wh\yen the [NORMAL] is \yselected f\br [STANDBY MODE]. Setting a new p\fog\fam time\f 1. On the PROGRAM TIMER screen, use the or \button to select [SETTINGS] and press the Enter \button. The [PROGRAM LIST] s\free\b will be displayed. 2. Select a \blank progra\f nu\f\ber and press the Enter \button. The [EDIT] s\free\b will be displayed. 3. Make settings for each ite\f as required.

135 5. Using On-Screen Menu ACTIVE ������������������\P Place a check mark t\Po enable the progr\Pam� DAY ������������������\P������ Select day\f of the week for the program timer � To execute the program from Monday to Friday, \felect [MO\b- FRI]�To execute the progr\Pam in everyday ba\fi\f, \felect [\PEVERY DAY]� TIME ������������������\P���� Set the time to ex\Pecute the program� Enter time in 24-\Phour format� FU\bCTIO\b �������������Select a function to be executed� Selecting [POWER] will allow you to turn on or off the projector by \fetting [ADVA\bCED SETTI\bGS]� Selecting [I\bPUT] will allow you to \felect a video \fource by \fetting [ADVA\bCED SETTI\bGS]� Selecting [LAMP POWER] will allow you to \felect [LAMP POWER] by \fetting [ADVA\bCED SETTI\bGS]� ADVA\bCED SETTI\bGS ������������������\P������������ Select power on/off\P, a type of video \P\fource, or ECO MODE for t\Phe \felected item in\P [FU\bCTIO\b]� REPEAT ������������������\P Place a check mark to repeat the program continuing ba\fi\f� To u\fe the program thi\f week only, clear the check mark� 4. Select [OK] and press the Enter \button. This will \fomplete the setti\bgs. You will be retur\bed to the [PROGRAM LIST] s\free\b. 5. Select [BACK] and press the Enter \button. You will be retur\bed to the [PROGRAM TIMER] s\free\b. 6. Select [OK] and press the Enter \button. You will be retur\bed to the [TOOLS] s\free\b. NOTE: • Up t\b 30 different \ytimer settings can \ybe pr\bgrammed. • When [PROGRAM TIMER\y] is turned \bn, the\y [STANDBY MODE] setting \yis ign\bred. • The Pr\bgram Timer is executed \bn\y a set time basis,\y n\bt in a pr\bgram ba\ysis. • Once the pr\bgram n\bt marked with a check in [REPEAT] has been executed, the check mark in the [ACTIVE] check b\bx will be cleared aut\bmatical\yly and the pr\bgram w\yill be disabled. • When the \bn-time an\yd the \bff-time set \yf\br the same time, \ythe \bff-time settin\yg will take prefere\ynce. • Tw\b different s\burces are set f\br the\y same time, the la\yrger pr\bgram number \ywill take preferenc\ye. • The \bn-time setting\y will n\bt be execut\yed while the c\b\blin\yg fans are running \y\br an err\br is \bccurr\ying. • If the \bff-time setting is expired under the c\bnditi\bn in which the p\bwer \bff is n\bt p\bssible, the \bff-timer setting will n\bt be executed until the p\bwer \bff \ybec\bmes p\bssible. • Pr\bgrams n\bt marked with a check mark in [ACTIVE] \bf the [EDIT] screen will n\bt be executed e\fen if the Pr\bgram Timer is enabled. • When the pr\bject\br is turned \bn by using the pr\bgram timer and if y\bu want t\b turn \bff the pr\bject\br, set the \bff-time \br d\b it manually s\b as n\bt t\y\b lea\fe the pr\bject\br\y \bn f\br a l\bng peri\bd\y \bf time.

136 5. Using On-Screen Menu Activating the p\fog\fam time\f 1. Select [ENABLE] on the [PROGRAM TIMER] screen and press the Enter \button. The [ENABLE] will be \ea\ftivated. 2. Select [OK] and press the Enter \button. The [PROGRAM TIMER] s\free\b will be \fha\bged to the [TOOLS] s\free\b. NOTE: • Clearing [ENABLE] will disable the Pr\bgram Timer e\fen when a pr\bgram is marked with a check mark \bn [PROGRAM LIST] screen. • When [ENABLE] is selected, the [PROGRAM LIST] cann\bt be edited. T\b edit the pr\bgrams, select [ENABLE] t\b turn \bff the Pr\bgram Timer. Changing the p\fog\fammed settings 1. On the [PROGRAM LIST] screen, select a progra\f you want to edit and press the Enter \button. 2. Change the settings on the [EDIT] screen. 3. Select [OK] and press the Enter \button. The programmed setti\bgs will be \fha\bged. You will be retur\bed to the [PROGRAM LIST] s\free\b. Changing the o\fde\f o\b p\fog\fams 1. On the [PROGRAM LIST] screen, select a progra\f whose order you want to change and press the \button. 2. Press the \button to select or . 3. Press the Enter \button a few ti\fes to select a row to which you wish to \fove the progra\f. The order of the programs will be \fha\bged. Deleting the p\fog\fams 1. On the [PROGRAM LIST] screen, select a progra\f nu\f\ber you want to delete and press the \button. 2. Press the \button to select [DELETE]. 3. Press the Enter \button. The \fo\bfirmatio\b s\free\b will be displayed. 4. Select [YES] and press the Enter \button. The program will be deleted. This will \fomplete deleti\bg the program.

137 5. Using On-Screen Menu DATE AND TIME You can set the cu\f\fent time, month, date, and yea\f. NOTE: The pr\bject\br has a built-in cl\bck. The cl\bck will keep w\brking f\br ab\but 2 weeks after the main p\bwer is turned \bff. If the main p\bwer is \bff f\br 2 weeks \br m\bre, the built-in cl\bck will cease. If the built-in cl\bck ceases, set the date and time again. The built-in cl\bck will\y n\bt cease while in\y the standby m\bde.TIME ZO\bE SETTI\bGS ��������������Select your time zo\Pne� DATE A\bD TIME SETTI\bGS\P ������Set your current da\Pte (MM/DD/YYYY) and \Ptime (HH:MM)� I\bTER\bET TIME SERVE\PR ���������If you place a check mark, the projector’\f built-in clock will be \fynchronized with an Internet time \ferver in every 24 hour\f and at t\Phe time of projecto\Pr’\f \ftartup� UPDATE ������������������\P������������������\P Synchronize\f the projector’\f built-in clock immediately � The UPDATE button i\f not available unle\f\f the I\bTER\bET \PTIME SERVER check b\Pox i\f turned on� SUMMER TIME SETTI\bG\PS �������If you place a check\P mark, the clock fo\Pr daylight \faving w\Pill be enabled� MOUSE This option lets you to change you\f USB mouse settings. The mouse settings \beatu\fe is available \bo\f USB mouse only. Choose the settings you want: BUTTO\b ������������������\P������������������\P [RIGHT HA\bD] or [LEF\PT HA\bD] SE\bSITIVITY ������������������\P����������� [FAST], [MEDIUM] or [\PSLOW]