NEC Neax 2400 Imx Circuit Card Manual
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CHAPTER 3 ND-70182 (E) Page 316 Revision 4.0 PA - S D TA SDH/SONET Digital Trunk 6. External Interface Cable Connection Figure 3-81 Cable Connection between PA-SDTA and PA-SDTB PA-SDTBPA-SDTA Fiber optic cable Note1 SDT CABLEB Note:When the PA-SDTA card is provided in a dual configuration, SDT CABLEA (D) is used.

ND-70182 (E) CHAPTER 3 Page 317 Revision 4.0 PA - S D TA SDH/SONET Digital Trunk Accommodation for the LT connector leads of this circuit card is shown in Figure 3-82. Figure 3-82 LT Connector Lead Accommodation PIMMounting Module 26272829303132333435363738394041 1234567891011121314151642434445464748 1718192021222349502425 Accommodated in ➀ LT1, 5, 7, 11 connector 26272829303132333435363738394041 1234567891011121314151642434445464748 1718192021222349502425 Accommodated in ➁ LT2, 4, 8, 10 connector POUT B POUT A POUT B POUT A 26272829303132333435363738394041 1234567891011121314151642434445464748 1718192021222349502425 Accommodated in ➂ LT3, 5, 9, 11 connector POUT B POUT A 232221201918171615141312111009080706050403020100 LT6 LT7 LT8 LT9 LT10 LT11LT0 LT1 LT2 LT3 LT4 LT5 23 19 15 22 18 14 21 17 13 20 16 1223 19 15 22 18 14 21 17 13 20 16 12 11 09 07 05 03 01 10 08 06 04 02 00 11 09 07 05 03 01 10 08 06 04 02 00 Group No. Highway Block Slot No. LT connector PIM 01324567981011 123123123123123123 Note: The output of POUT A/B is 1,544 MHz.

CHAPTER 3 ND-70182 (E) Page 318 Revision 4.0 PA - S D TA SDH/SONET Digital Trunk When the PA-SDTA/PA-SDTB card is mounted in the 1-IMG system As shown in the following figure, time slots of Module Group 01 are used. AUNT data is required even if PIM2/PIM3 is not actually mounted. Figure 3-83 Example of Cable Connection for 1-IMG System ( TS of PIM3 is used for SDT. ) ( TS of PIM2 is used for SDT. ) PH-PC30 (MUX) PH-SW10 (TSW) MUX3 MUX2 MUX1 MUXPH-PC30 (MUX) PH-SW10 (TSW) MUX3 MUX2 MUX1 MUX PA-SDTB (SDTB) MUX1A MUX0A MUX0B MUX1B PA-SDTA (SDTA) PIM3 (Not actually mounted) PIM2 (Not actually mounted) PIM1 PIM0 MT24 TSW CA-140 LPM I/O PCMI/O PCM Note Note:When the PA-SDTA and PA-SDTB cards are mounted in PIM0, MT24 TSW CA-90 is used.

ND-70182 (E) CHAPTER 3Page 319 Revision 4.0 PA - S D TA SDH/SONET Digital Trunk When the PA-SDTA and PA-SDTB cards are mounted in the 4-IMG system (a) When to use the 34PH MT24 TSW CA-x cable: When the PA-SDTA and PA-SDTB cards are mounted in the 4-IMG system, the 34PH MT24 TSW CA-x cable is used for connection between the PA-SDTB and TSW. The type of cable varies depending on the mounting location of the PA-SDTA/PA-SDTB card(s). Ta b le 3 -4 Ty p e o f 34 PH MT24 T S W CA-x Ca ble (b) Relationship between the cable connection and the time slot: Trunk data for SDT is assigned to an odd-number Module Group. The module group is determined by the connection of the 34PH MT24 TSW CA-x cable as shown in the table below. Ta ble 3-5 Re la tion ship b etw ee n Ca ble C onn ectio n a n d T im e S lo t Note 1: MUX1x on PA-SDTB and MUX1xx on BWB of TSWM are used when the system is a dual configuration. Note 2:When half of the time slots are used in a module group, time slots for PIM2 must be used. However, the remaining time slots (for PIM3) cannot be used for other circuit cards. IMG0 IMG1 IMG2 IMG3 PIM3 34PH MT24 TSW CA-H 34PH MT24 TSW CA-G 34PH MT24 TSW CA-H 34PH MT24 TSW CA-J PIM2 34PH MT24 TSW CA-H 34PH MT24 TSW CA-F 34PH MT24 TSW CA-H 34PH MT24 TSW CA-I PIM1 34PH MT24 TSW CA-F 34PH MT24 TSW CA-E 34PH MT24 TSW CA-G 34PH MT24 TSW CA-H PIM0 34PH MT24 TSW CA-F 34PH MT24 TSW CA-D 34PH MT24 TSW CA-F 34PH MT24 TSW CA-H MODULE GROUP Assigned for SDT TIME SLOTS Assigned for SDT CABLE CONNECTIONS REMARKS FROM (Connectors on PA-SDTB) TO (Connectors on BWB of TSWM) MG01 PIM2 of IMG0 MUX0A MUX002 In this case, PIM2 and PIM3 of IMG0 are not actually mounted; However, AUNT data for PIM2/PIM3 is required. MUX1A MUX102 PIM3 of IMG0 MUX0B MUX003 MUX1B MUX103 MG03 PIM2 of IMG1 MUX0A MUX012 In this case, PIM2 and PIM3 of IMG1 are not actually mounted; However, AUNT data for PIM2/PIM3 is required. MUX1A MUX112 PIM3 of IMG1 MUX0B MUX013 MUX1B MUX113 MG05 PIM2 of IMG2 MUX0A MUX022 In this case, PIM2 and PIM3 of IMG2 are not actually mounted; However, AUNT data for PIM2/PIM3 is required. MUX1A MUX122 PIM3 of IMG2 MUX0B MUX023 MUX1B MUX123 MG07 PIM2 of IMG3 MUX0A MUX032 In this case, PIM2 and PIM3 of IMG3 are not actually mounted; However, AUNT data for PIM2/PIM3 is required. MUX1A MUX132 PIM3 of IMG3 MUX0B MUX033 MUX1B MUX133

CHAPTER 3 ND-70182 (E) Page 320 Revision 4.0 PA - S D TA SDH/SONET Digital Trunk Example: When the PA-SDTA and PA-SDTB circuit cards are mounted in PIM3 of IMG0, and MG07 (PIM2 andPIM3 of IMG3) is assigned for the SDT interface, the type of cable and connector locations are as shown in the following figure. The mounting location of PA-SDTA/PA-SDTB circuit card has no relationship to the time slots assigned for the SDT interface so the PA-SDTA and PA-SDTB circuit cards can be mounted in any PIM. Figure 3-84 Example of Cable Connection for 4-IMG System PA-SDTB PIM 3 Time slots assigned for SDT (MG07). PIM2 and PIM3 of IMG3 are not actually mounted. 34PH MT24 TSW CA-H (Refer to Table 3-3.) To MUX133 To MUX033 To MUX132 To MUX032 PIM 2 PIM 1 PIM 0 Dummy IMG3PIM 3 PIM 2 PIM 1 PIM 0 Dummy IMG2 PIM 3 PIM 2 PIM 1 PIM 0 TSWM IMG1PIM 3 PIM 2 PIM 1 PIM 0 LPM IMG0 PIM3 BWB of TSWM MUX0A MUX1A MUX0B MUX1B Connect the cables according to the time slots assigned for SDT. (Refer to T a ble 3- 5 and Figure 3-85 .)

ND-70182 (E) CHAPTER 3 Page 321 Revision 4.0 PA - S D TA SDH/SONET Digital Trunk Figure 3-85 Location of MUXxxx Connectors for SDT MUX003MUX002MUX013MUX012MUX023MUX022MUX033MUX032MUX103MUX102MUX113MUX112MUX123 MUX122MUX133MUX132 MUXxxx Connectors for SDT

CHAPTER 3 ND-70182 (E) Page 322 Revision 4.0 PA - S D TA SDH/SONET Digital Trunk (c) Length of Fiber Optic CableThe maximum length of the fiber optic cable is approximately 15 kilometers (9.3 miles). Figure 3-86 shows the level diagram of the fiber optic interface. Figure 3-86 Level Diagram L ev el m arg in i n t h e ca se o f 15 k ilo m ete rs ( 9 .3 m il e s) i s sho wn in Tab le 3 -6 . T a b le 3 -6 Lev e l M arg in Note: Maximum cab le leng th var ies dep end ing on t he type of c a ble and the numb er of c o nn ec tion po int s. CONDITION LEVEL MARGIN Worst case 4.0 dBBest case 11.0 dB 0.00 2.00 4.00 6.00 8.00 10.00 12.00 14.00 16.00 18.00 20.00 (km) 0.00 -5.00 -10.00 -15.00 -20.00 -25.00 -30.00 -35.00 Minimum Receiver Sensitivity : -31.00 dBm Maximum Receiver Sensitivity : -8.00 dBm : Best Case : Worst Case : Maximum Receiver Sensitivity : Minimum Receiver Sensitivity Cable Length 1.20 2.40 3.70 4.40 6.20 7.40 8.60 9.90 11.00 12.00 (miles) Receiver Sensitivity (dBm)

ND-70182 (E) CHAPTER 3 Page 323 Revision 4.0 PA - S D TA SDH/SONET Digital Trunk 7. Switch Setting Sheet SWITCH NAME SWITCH SHAPE REMARKS MB SW11 SW12 P-SW ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8ON 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8ON 1 2 3 4ON

CHAPTER 3 ND-70182 (E) Page 324 Revision 4.0 PA - S D T B SDH/SONET Digital Trunk PA - S D T B SDH/SONET Digital Trunk 1. General Function The PA-SDTA circuit card provides a maximum of 28 interface (1.5 Mbps) used with the fiber optic cable. This card also has the MUX function and is connected directly to the TSW card. This card is used with the PA-SDTA card. Figure 3-87 Location of PA-SDTB (SDT) Card in the System F u s i o n Node-A Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Optic Cable For Dual Configuration Connection Link (Data Link) Connection Trunk (Speech Path) Internal LAN FCH S D T B Node-B Internal LAN S D T BFCH+ Fusion Link with FCCH Fusion Link without FCCH F u s i o n Node-A Internal LANNode-B ) SDT: SDH/SONET Digital Trunk FCH: Fusion Call Control Handler* Fiber Optic Cable Fiber Optic Cable For Dual Configuration Connection Trunk (Speech Path) S D T BS D T B SDTA SDTA SDTA SDTA SDTA SDTA SDTA SDTA

ND-70182 (E) CHAPTER 3 Page 325 Revision 4.0 PA - S D T B SDH/SONET Digital Trunk 2. Mounting Location/Condition This circuit card can be mounted in any universal slots. Mounting conditions are shown below. Only the power is supplied from Back Wiring Board (BWB). This card is connected to the PA-SDTA card using the following front cables. For single configuration: SDT CABLEB For dual configuration: SDT CABLEA This card is connected to the TSW card. Time slots used for this circuit card are determined by the cable connection between the PA-SDTB and TSW. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Mounting ModulePIM Universal SlotsUniversal Slots