Motorola Wing 5 Manual
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SHOW COMMANDS 6 - 83 6.1.45 timezone show commands Displays a device’s timezone Supported in the following platforms: AP300 AP621 AP650 AP6511 AP6521 AP6532 AP71XX RFS4000 RFS6000 RFS7000 NX9000 NX9500 Syntax show timezone Parameters • show timezone Examples rfs7000-37FABE(config)#show timezone Timezone is America/Los_Angeles timezone Displays timezone where the AP or wireless controller is deployed
6 - 84 WiNG CLI Reference Guide 6.1.46 upgrade-status show commands Displays the last image upgrade status Supported in the following platforms: AP300 AP621 AP650 AP6511 AP6521 AP6532 AP71XX RFS4000 RFS6000 RFS7000 NX9000 NX9500 Syntax show upgrade-status {detail {on }|on } Parameters • show upgrade-status {detail {on }|on } NOTE: This command is not available in the USER EXEC Mode detail {on }Displays last image upgrade log on – Optional. Displays last image upgrade log on a specified device – Specify the name of the AP or wireless controller. on Optional. Displays last image upgrade status on a specified device – Specify the name of the AP or wireless controller.
SHOW COMMANDS 6 - 85 Examples rfs7000-37FABE(config)#show upgrade-status detail on rfs7000-37FABEE Last Image Upgrade Status : Successful Last Image Upgrade Time : 2011-06-15 08:51:17 UTC rfs7000-37FABE(config)# -------------------------------------------------------- Running from partition /dev/mtdblock6, partition to update is /dev/mtdblock7 var2 is 6 percent full /tmp is 6 percent full Free Memory 155900 kB FWU invoked via Linux shell Validating image file header Making file system Extracting files (this can take some time). Version of firmware update file is Successful rfs7000-37FABE(config)# rfs7000-37FABE(config)#show upgrade-status on rfs7000-37FABE Last Image Upgrade Status : Successful Last Image Upgrade Time : 04:12:2010 08:44:00 UTC rfs7000-37FABE(config)#
6 - 86 WiNG CLI Reference Guide 6.1.47 version show commands Displays a device’s software and hardware version Supported in the following platforms: AP300 AP621 AP650 AP6511 AP6521 AP6532 AP71XX RFS4000 RFS6000 RFS7000 NX9000 NX9500 Syntax show version {on } Parameters • show version {on } Examples rfs7000-37FABE(config)#show version on rfs7000-37FABE RFS7000 version Copyright (c) 2004-2011 Motorola Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. Booted from secondary rfs7000-37FABE uptime is 3 days, 19 hours 14 minutes CPU is RMI XLR V0.4 255464 kB of on-board RAM Base ethernet MAC address is 00-15-70-37-FA-BE System serial number is 6268529900014 Model number is RFS-7010-1000-WR FPGA version is 3.41 rfs7000-37FABE(config)# version {on }Displays software and hardware versions on all devices or a specified device on – Optional. Displays software and hardware versions on a specified device – Specify the name of the AP or wireless controller.
SHOW COMMANDS 6 - 87 6.1.48 wireless show commands Displays wireless configuration parameters Supported in the following platforms: AP300 AP621 AP650 AP6511 AP6521 AP6532 AP71XX RFS4000 RFS6000 RFS7000 NX9000 NX9500 Syntax show wireless [ap|client|domain|mesh|radio|regulatory|sensor-server| unsanctioned|wips|wlan] show wireless ap {configured|detail|load-balancing|on } show wireless ap {detail { {on }|on } show wireless ap {load-balancing {client-capability|events|neighbors} {(on )} show wireless client {associaton-history|detail|filter|on |statistics|tspec} show wireless client {association-history {on }} show wireless client {detail {on }|on show wireless client {filter {ip|on |state|wlan}} show wireless client {filter ip [|not ] {on ]} show wireless client {filter state [data-ready|not [data-ready|roaming]|roaming] {on ]} show wireless client {filter wlan [|not ] {on ]} show wireless client {statistics {detail |rf|window-data } {(on )}} show wireless client {tspec {on }|on } show wireless domain statistics {detail {on }|on }}] show wireless mesh [detail|links {on }] show wireless mesh detail {|filter|on } show wireless mesh detail { {(filter )} {(on )} show wireless radio {detail|on |statistics|tspec} show wireless radio {detail { (filter {on |})} show wireless radio {statistics {detail|on|rf|windows-data}} show wireless radio {statistics {on |rf {on }}
6 - 88 WiNG CLI Reference Guide show wireless radio {statistics {detail|window-data} { } {(filter )} {(on )} show wireless regulatory [channel-info |country-code | device-type] show wireless regulatory device-type [ap650|ap6511|ap7131|rfs4000] show wireless sensor-server {on } show wireless unsanctioned aps {detail|statistics} {(on )} show wireless wips [client-blacklist|event-history]{on } show wireless wlan {config|detail |on | policy-mappings|statistics|usage-mappings} show wireless wlan {detail |on |policy-mappings| usage-mappings} show wireless {config filter {device |rf-domain }} show wireless wlan statitics {|detail|traffic} {on } Parameters • show wireless ap {configured} • show wireless ap {detail { {on }|on }} • show wireless ap {load-balancing {client-capability|events|neighbors} {(on )}} wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters ap Displays information on wireless controller managed access points configured Optional. Displays all configured AP information wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters ap Displays information on wireless controller managed access points detail { {on }Optional. Displays detailed information for all APs or a specified AP – Optional. Displays information for a specified AP on – Optional. Displays information on a specified device or RF Domain – Specify the name of the AP, wireless control- ler, or RF Domain. on }Optional. Displays information on a specified device or RF Domain – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or RF Domain. wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters ap Displays information on wireless controller managed access points
SHOW COMMANDS 6 - 89 • show wireless client {association-history {on }} • show wireless client {detail {on }|on } • show wireless client {filter ip {|not } {on } load-balancing {client-capability| events|neighbors}Optional. Displays load balancing status. Use additional filters to view specific details. client capability – Optional. Displays client band capability events – Optional. Displays client events neighbors – Optional. Displays neighboring clients on The following are common to the client capability, events, and neighbors parameters: on – Optional. Displays load balancing status on a specified device – Specify the name of the AP or wireless controller. wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters client Displays client information based on the parameters passed association-history Optional. Displays association history for a specified client – Specify the MAC address of the client. on Optional. Displays association history on a specified device or RF Domain – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or RF Domain. wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters client Displays client information based on the parameters passed detail {on }Optional. Displays detailed information for a specified client – Specify the MAC address of the client. on – Optional. Displays detailed information on a specified device or RF Domain – Specify the name of the AP, wireless control- ler, or RF Domain. on Optional. Displays client information on a specified device or RF Domain – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or RF Domain. wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters client Displays client information based on the parameters passed
6 - 90 WiNG CLI Reference Guide • show wireless client {filter state {data-ready|not {data-ready|roaming}|roaming} {on } • show wireless client {filter wlan {|not {WLAN} {on } • show wireless client {statistics {detail |rf|window-data } {on } filter IP {|not } Optional. Uses IP address to filter clients – Optional. Selects clients based on the IP address passed not – Optional. Inverts the match selection on The following is common to the IP and not IP parameters: on – Optional. Displays association history on a specified device or RF Domain – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or RF Domain. wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters client Displays client information based on the parameters passed filter state {data-ready| not {data-ready|roaming}| roaming}Optional. Filters clients based on their state data-ready – Optional. Selects wireless clients in the data-ready state not {data-ready|roaming} – Optional. Inverts match selection. Selects wireless clients neither ready nor roaming Roaming – Optional. Selects roaming clients on The following is common to the ready, not, and roaming parameters: on – Optional. Displays client details on a specified device or RF Domain wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters client Displays client information based on the parameters passed filter wlan {| not }Optional. Filters clients on a specified WLAN – Specify the WLAN name. not – Inverts the match selection on The following are common to the WLAN and not parameters: on – Optional. Filters clients on a specified device or RF Domain wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters client Displays client information based on the parameters passed
SHOW COMMANDS 6 - 91 • show wireless client {tspec { {on }|on }} • show wireless mesh links {on } • show wireless mesh detail { {(filter )} {(on )}} statistics {detail | rf|window-data }Optional. Displays detailed client statistics. Use additional filters to view specific details. detail – Optional. Displays detailed statistics for a specified client – Specify the MAC address of the client. rf – Displays detailed client statistics on a specified device or RF Domain window-data – Displays historical data, for a specified client – Specify the MAC address of the client on The following are common to the detail , RF, and window-data parameters: on – Optional. Displays client statistics on a specified device or RF Domain wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters client Displays client information based on the parameters passed tspec {on }Optional. Displays detailed TSPEC information for all clients or a specified client – Optional. Displays detailed TSPEC information for a specified client – Specify the MAC address of the client. on – Optional. Displays detailed TSPEC infor- mation on a specified device or RF Domain on Optional. Displays detailed TSPEC information for all wireless clients on a specified device or RF Domain – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or RF Domain. wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters mesh Displays information on radio mesh links {on }Optional. Displays active links of a radio mesh on – Optional. Displays active links of a radio mesh on a specified device or RF Domain wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters mesh Displays radio mesh information detail Optional. Displays detailed radio mesh information Optional. Specify the MAC address or hostname, or append the interface number to form the mesh ID in the AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF:RX or HOSTNAME:RX format. – Optional. Specify the mesh interface index.
6 - 92 WiNG CLI Reference Guide • show wireless radio {detail { {(filter )} {(on )}} • show wireless radio {statistics {on |rf {on }} • show wireless radio {statistics {detail|window-data} { {(filter )} {(on )}} filter Optional. Provides additional filters – Optional. Filters based on the radio MAC address on Optional. After specifying the radio MAC address, further refine the search by specifying a device or RF Domain. – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or RF Domain. wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters radio Displays radio operation status and other related information detail Optional. Displays detailed radio operation status Optional. Specify the MAC address or hostname, or append the interface number to form the radio ID in the AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF:RX or HOSTNAME:RX format. – Optional. Specify the radio interface index. filter Optional. Provides additional filters – Optional. Filters based on the radio MAC address on Optional. After specifying the radio MAC address, further refine the search by specifying a device or RF Domain. – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or RF Domain. wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters radio Displays radio operation status and other related information statistics {on | rf {on }}Optional. Displays radio traffic and RF statistics on – Optional. Displays traffic and RF related statistics on a specified device or RF Domain – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or RF Domain. rf – Optional. Displays RF statistics on a specified device or RF Domain – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or RF Domain. wireless Displays wireless configuration parameters radio Displays radio operation status and other related information