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Motorola Wing 5 Manual

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    of 1128
    							COMMON COMMANDS 5 - 15
    service clear wireless radio statistics {  {(on )}
    service clear wireless wlan statistics { {(on 
    							5 - 16 WiNG CLI Reference Guide
    service show wireless client proc [info|stats] { {{on )}}
    service show wireless config-internal {include-factory}]
    service show wireless stats-client diag { {(on )}}
    service smart-rf [clear-config|clear-history|interactive-calibration|
    service smart-rf [clear-config|clear-history|interactive-calibration|
    run-calibration|save-config|stop-calibration]{on }
    service smart-rf interactive-calibration-result [discard|replace-current-config|
    write-to-configuration]{on }
    service wireless [client|dump-core-snapshot|qos|wips]
    service wireless client beacon-request  mode [active|passive|table] 
    ssid [|any] channel-report [|none]
    {on }
    service wireless qos delete-tspec  tid 
    service wireless wips [clear-client-blacklist|clear-event-history]
    service wireless wips clear-client-blacklist [all|mac 
    service wireless wips clear-event-history {on }
    Parameters (User Exec Mode)
    • service advanced-wips clear-event-history {accidental-association|
    advanced-wips clear-event-
    historyThe advanced Wireless Intrusion Prevention System (WIPS) service command clears 
    event history and terminates a device.
     clear-event-history – Clears event history based on the parameters passed
    accidental-association Optional. Clears accidental wireless client association event history
    crackable-wep-iv-used Optional. Clears crackable Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) IV used event history
    dos-cts-flood Optional. Clears DoS Clear-To-Send (CTS) flood event history
    detectionOptional. Clears DoS de-authentication detection event history
    dos-disassociation-detection Optional. Clears DoS disassociation detection event history
    dos-eap-failure-spoof Optional. Clears DoS Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP) failure spoof detection 
    event history
    dos-eapol-logoff-stormOptional. Clears DoS Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN (EAPoL) logoff storm 
    detection event history
    dos-rts-flood Optional. Clears DoS request-to-send (RTS) flood detection event history
    essid-jack-attack-detected Optional. Clears Extended Service Set ID (ESSID) jack attacks detection event history
    fake-dhcp-server-detected Optional. Clears fake DHCP server detection event history 
    							COMMON COMMANDS 5 - 17
    fata-jack-detected Optional. Clears fata-jack attacks detection event history
    spoof-detectedOptional. Clears IDs theft - EAPOL success spoof detection event history
    id-theft-out-of-sequence Optional. Clears IDs theft-out-of-sequence detection event history
    invalid-channel-advertized Optional. Clears invalid channel advertizement detection event history
    invalid-management-frame Optional. Clears invalid management frames detection event history
    ipx-detection Optional. Clears automatic IPX interface detection event history
    detectedOptional. Detects monkey-jack attacks detection event history
    subnetOptional. Clears all multicast routers on the subnet detection event history
    subnetOptional. Clears all multicast systems on the subnet detection event history
    agent Optional. Clears multicast DHCP server relay agents detection event history
    multicast-hsrp-agent Optional. Clears multicast Hot Standby Router Policy (HSRP) agents detection event 
    multicast-igmp-detection Optional. Clears multicast Internet Group Management Protocol (IGMP) detection event 
    detectionOptional. Clears multicast Interior Gateway Router Protocol (IGRP) routers detection 
    event history
    detectionOptional. Clears multicast Open Shortest Path First (OSPF) all routers detection event 
    routers-detectionOptional. Clears multicast OSPF designated routers detection event history
    detectionOptional. Clears multicast RIP2 routers detection event history
    multicast-vrrp-agent Optional. Clears multicast Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP) agents detection 
    event history
    netbios-detection Optional. Clears NetBIOS detection event history
    detectedOptional. Clears null probe response detection event history
    probe-response-flood Optional. Clears probe response flood detection event history
    rogue-ap-detection Optional. Clears rogue AP detection event history
    stp-detection Optional. Clears Spanning Tree Protocol (STP) detection event history
    unauthorized-bridge Optional. Clears unauthorized bridge detection event history 
    							5 - 18 WiNG CLI Reference Guide
    • service advanced-wips terminate-device ]
    • service ap300 [dot1x username  password  on [all|ap-mac ]
    • service ap300 dns-name  on [all|ap-mac ]
    • service ap300 [locator|reload] 
    memory-leakOptional. Clears Windows zero configuration memory leak detection event history
    wlan-jack-attack-detected Optional. Clears WLAN jack attack detection event history
    advanced-wips terminate-
    device The advanced WIPS service command clears event history details, and terminates a 
     terminate-device – Terminates a specified device
      – Specify the MAC address of the AP or wireless client.
    ap300 Sets global AP300 configuration parameters
    dot1x  Sets 802.1x authentication parameters
    username  Authenticates user before providing access
      – Specify the username.
    password  Authenticates password before providing access
      – Specify the password.
    on [all|
    ap-mac ]Sets global AP300 parameters on a specified AP300 or all AP300s
     all – Sets global parameters on all AP300s
     AP300  – Sets global parameters on a specified AP300
      – Specify the MAC address of the AP300.
    ap300 Sets global AP300 configuration parameters
    dns-name   Authenticates DNS server name
      – Specify the DNS sever name.
    on [all|ap-mac ] Adopts a specified AP300 or al AP300s
     all – Adopts all AP300s
     AP300  – Adopts a specified AP300
      – Specify the MAC address of the AP300.
    ap300 Sets global AP300 configuration parameters
    locator Enables AP300 LEDs
    reload Resets an AP300
     Provides the MAC address of the AP300
      – Specify the MAC address of the AP300. 
    							COMMON COMMANDS 5 - 19
    • service clear ap-upgrade history {on }]
    • service clear [command-history|reboot-history|upgrade-history] {on } 
    • service clear noc statistics]
    • service clear unsanctioned aps {on }]
    • service clear wireless [ap|client] { {on }|
    on }
    • service clear wireless radio statistics {  {(on )}
    • service clear wireless wlan statistics { {(on )}
    clear ap-upgrade history Clears firmware upgrade history
    on  Optional. Clears firmware upgrade details in a specified RF Domain
      – Specify the RF Domain name.
    clear [command-history|
    upgrade-history]Clears command history, reboot history, or device upgrade history
    on  Optional. Clears history on a specified device
      – Specify the name of the AP or wireless controller.
    clear noc statistics Clears Network Operations Center (NOC) applicable statistics counters
    clear unsanctioned aps Clears the unsanctioned APs list
    Optional. Clears the list on a specified device or RF Domain
      – Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or 
    RF Domain.
    clear wireless [ap|client] Clears applicable statistics counters
     AP – Clears AP statistics counters
     client – Clears wireless client statistics counters
    {on }Optional. Specify the MAC address of the AP.
     on  – Optional. Specify the name of the AP, wireless 
    controller, or RF Domain.
    clear wireless radio statistics Clears applicable wireless radio statistics counters
    Optional. Specify the MAC address or hostname of the radio, or append the interface 
    number to form the radio ID in the AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF:RX or HOSTNAME:RX format.
      – Specify the radio interface index, if not specified as part of the radio ID.
    on  Optional. Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or RF Domain.
    clear wireless wlan statistics Clears WLAN statistics counters 
    							5 - 20 WiNG CLI Reference Guide
    • service cli-tables-expand {left|right}
    • service cli-tables-skin [ansi|hashes|minimal|none|percent|stars|thick|thin|utf-8] 
    • service cluster force [active|configured-state|standby]
    • service force-send-config {on }
    • service locator {on }
     Clears statistics counters on a specified WLAN
    on Optional. Specify the name of the AP, wireless controller, or RF Domain.
    cli-tables-expand Displays the CLI table in a drop-down format
    left Optional. Displays the output in a left-justified format
    right Optional. Displays the output in a right-justified format
    thin|uf-8]Selects a formatting layout or skin for CLI tabular outputs
     ansi – Uses ANSI characters for borders
     hashes – Uses hashes (#) for borders
     minimal – Uses one horizontal line between title and data rows
     none – Displays space separated items with no decoration
     percent – Uses the percent sign (%) for borders
     stars – Uses asterisks (*) for borders
     thick – Uses thick lines for borders
     thin – Uses thin lines for borders
     utf-8 – Uses UTF-8 characters for borders
    grid Optional. Uses a complete grid instead of title lines
    cluster Enables cluster protocol management
    force Forces action commands on a cluster
    active Changes the cluster run status to active
    configured-state Restores a cluster to the configured state
    standby Changes the cluster run status to standby
    force-send-config Resends configuration details
    on Optional. Resends configuration details to a device
      – Optional. Specify the name of the AP, wireless 
    controller, or RF Domain.
    locator Enables LEDs
    on  Optional. Enables LEDs on a device
      – Specify name of the AP or wireless controller. 
    							COMMON COMMANDS 5 - 21
    • service noc parallel-updates 
    • service pktcap on [bridge|deny|drop|ext-vlan|rim|router|vpn|wireless] 
    {(acl-name |count |direction [any|inbound|outbound]|
    filter|hex|rate |snap |tcpdump|verbose|
    write [file|url|tzsp ])}
    noc Configures NOC wireless controller serviceability commands
    Sets a limit to the number of parallel threads
      – Specify a value from 1 - 1024.
    pktcap on Captures data packets crossing at a specified location
     on – Defines the packet capture location
    bridge Captures packets transiting through the Ethernet bridge
    deny Captures packets denied by an Access Control List (ACL)
    drop Captures packets at the drop locations
    ext-vlan Captures packets forwarded to or from an extended VLAN
    rim Captures packets at the Radio Interface Module (RIM)
    router Captures packets transiting through an IP router
    vpn Captures packets forwarded to or from a VPN link
    wireless Captures packets forwarded to or from a wireless device
    acl-name  Optional. Specify the ACL that matches the acl-name for the deny location
    count  Optional. Limits the captured packet count. Specify a value from 1 -1000000.
    [any|inbound|outbound]Optional. Changes the packet direction with respect to a device. The direction can be 
    set as any, inbound, or outbound. 
    							5 - 22 WiNG CLI Reference Guide
    radio|src|tcp|udp|vlan|wlan]Optional. Filters packets based on the option selected (must be used as a last option)
    The filter options are:
      – Defines user defined packet capture filter
     arp – Matches ARP packets
     capwap – Matches CAPWAP packets
     cdp – Matches CDP packets
     dot11 – Matches 802.11 packets
     dropreason – Matches packet drop reason
     dst – Matches IP destination
     ether – Matches Ethernet packets
     host – Matches host destination
     icmp – Matches ICMP packets
     igmp – Matches IGMP packets
     ip – Matches IPV4 packets
     ipv6 – Matches IPV6 packets
     l2 – Matches L2 header
     l3 – Matches L3 header
     l4 – Matches L4 header
     lldp – Matches LLDP packets
     mint – Matches MiNT packets
     net – Matches IP in subnet
     not – Filters out any packet that matches the filter criteria (For example, if not TCP 
    is used, all tcp packets are filtered out)
     port – Matches TCP or UDP port
     priority – Matches packet priority
     radio – Matches radio
     src – Matches IP source
     stp – Matches STP packets
     tcp – Matches TCP packets
     udp – Match UDP packets
     vlan – Matches VLAN
     wlan – Matches WLAN
    hex Optional. Provides binary output of the captured packets
    rate  Optional. Specifies the packet capture rate
      – Specify a value from 1 - 100 seconds.
    snap  Optional. Captures the data length
      – Specify a value from 1 - 2048 characters.
    tcpdump Optional. Decodes tcpdump. The tcpdump analyzes network behavior, performance, 
    and infrastructure. It also analyzes applications that generate or receive traffic. 
    							COMMON COMMANDS 5 - 23
    • service pktcap on radio [|all] {(acl-name |count |
    direction [any|inbound|outbound]|filter |hex|promiscuous|rate |
    snap |tcpdump|verbose|write [file|url|tzsp ])}
    verbose Optional. Displays full packet body
    write Captures packets to a specified file. Provide the file name and location in the following 
    FILE – flash:/path/file
    URL – tftp://[:port]/path/file
    tzsp – Tazman Sniffer Protocol (TZSP) host. Specify the TZSP host’s IP address or 
    pktcap on radio 
    [|all]Captures data packets on a specified radio or on all radios (802.11)
      – Specify the radio index from 1 - 3.
     all – Captures data packets on all radios (802.11)
    acl-name  Optional. Specify the ACL name.
    count  Optional. Sets a specified number of packets to capture
      – Specify a value from 1 -1000000.
    [any|inbound|outbound]Optional. Changes the packet direction with respect to a device. The direction can be 
    set as any, inbound, or outbound.
    filter  Optional. Filters packets based on the option selected (must be used as a last option)
      – Define a packet capture filter or select any one of the available options. 
    The options are: arp, capwap, cdp, dot11, dropreason, dst, ether, host, icmp, igmp, 
    ip, ipv6, 12, 13, 14, lldp, mint, net, not, port, priority, radio, src, stp, tcp, udp, vlan, and 
    hex Optional. Provides binary output of the captured packets
    promiscuous Optional. Enables limited promiscuous mode capture on the current channel (disables 
    normal operation during the capture)
    rate  Optional. Specifies the packet capture rate
      – Specify a value from 1 - 100 seconds.
    snap  Optional. Captures the data length
      – Specify a value from 1 - 2048 characters.
    tcpdump Optional. Decodes the TCP dump 
    							5 - 24 WiNG CLI Reference Guide
    • service pktcap on interface [|ge |me|port-channel |
    vlan /path/file
    tzsp – The TZSP host. Specify the TZSP host’s IP address or hostname.
    pktcap on Captures data packets at a specified interface
     on – Specify the capture location.
    interface [|
    ge |me1|
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