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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes For Type Approval Manual

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    of 484
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    203 Germany 
    d b DID Find  Busy Station With 
    CO Tones
    Zwang sab wurf zum 
    Tel efon is tenDZ
    d a DID Rec all Go To Attend ant
    Durc hwahl Ruec kruf umg leitet 
    zum TelefonistenDT
    q f Emerg enc y Queue Full 
    Red i re c ti on
    Umleitung  b ei voller 
    Wartesc hlang eUW
    hc Held Call Timed Reminder
    ic Interc ep t
    Ab wurf b ei Durc hwahl-Fehler 
    (Aufsc haltung )DF
    ip Interp osition Call
    Grup p eninternes Gesp raec hGG
    ld LDN Calls On DID Trunks
    LDN: Listed  Direc tory 
    (Durc hwahlg esp raec h)
    (Call to an extension whic h 
    has the allowance to get 
    so Service Ob serving
    Ueberpruefung des 
    Gesp raec hsUe
    Ta b l e  3 0 .English-German Call Identifiers — Continued
    English TermMeaning of English Term 
    with German Expansion Translated Term
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    204 Germany 
    na Unanswered  Or Inc omp lete 
    DID Call
    Unb eantworteter od er 
    unvollstaend ig er Durc hwahl 
    ACB Automatic  Callb ac k ARuec kr
    callback Callback Call Rueckruf
    p ark Call Park
    Gesp raec h p arkenPa r k e n
    c ontrol Control Kontr.
    ICOM Interc om Call
    Intern RufInt.Ruf
    OTQ Outgoing Trunk Queuing
    Warten auf ab g ehend e 
    AmtsleitungW a u f  A l
    p riority Priority Call
    Pr i o r it a e t s -Ru fPr io -Ru f
    rec all Rec all Call Ruec kruf
    return Return Call
    Rufe zuruec kRufe zur
    ARS Automatic  Route Selec tion
    (ALL =  Automatisc he 
    Leitweg lenkung  is not as 
    nic e)ARS
    forward Call Forwarding
    RufumleitungRuf- Uml
    c over Cover
    Kontrollierte Rufumleitung  
    (mehrere Ziele)
    (Rufweiterleitung )Ruf- WL
    Ta b l e  3 0 .English-German Call Identifiers — Continued
    English TermMeaning of English Term 
    with German Expansion Translated Term
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    205 Germany 
    DND Do Not Disturb
    Nicht StoerenN.stoer
    pCall Pickup
    Heranholen (Pic k-up )p
    c Cover All Calls
    Generelle Rufumleitung  an 
    vord efinierte ZieleR
    n Nig ht Station Servic e, 
    Inc lud ing  No Answer
    Nac htab frag estelle, inc l. 
    Keine Antwortn
    BAll Calls BusyA
    f Call Forwarding
    b Cover Busy
    Rufumleitung  b ei BesetztB
    dCover On Don’t Answer
    Rufumleitung  b ei keiner 
    s Send  All Calls
    Sp ezielle Rufumleitung  an 
    vom Benutzer p rog rammierte 
    OPERATOR Op erator Telefonist
    EXT Ex t e n si o n N e b e n s t e l le
    OUTSIDE CALL Outsid e Call Amtsg esp raec h
    NAMEUnknown Name unb ekannte Mst
    CONFERENCE Conferenc e Konferenz
    ring ing Ring ing ruft
    Ta b l e  3 0 .English-German Call Identifiers — Continued
    English TermMeaning of English Term 
    with German Expansion Translated Term
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    206 Germany 
    nOBJECT:  date-time
    Translation: Zeitanzeig e leid er jetzt nic ht verfueg b ar
    — The following tab le p resents a translation of d ays of the week and  
    months of the year. . b usy Busy b esetzt
    b usy (I) Busy With Intrusion Allowed
    Besetzt - Aufsc halten erlaub tbes.(A)
    wait Anklop fen Ankl.
    (I) Intrusion
    Aufsc haltenauf
    to < c alling  p arty>  to < c alling  
    < Anrufend er Tln.>  zu 
    < ang erufenem Tln.>zu
    St a St a t io n N ST
    Trk Trunk 
    VDN Vector Directory Number
    Durc hwahl-NummerVD N
    English — Days German — Days English — Months German — Months
    Sund ay Sonntag January Januar
    Mond ay Montag Feb ruary Feb ruar
    Tuesd ay Dienstag Marc h Maerz
    Wed nesd ay Mittwoc h Ap ril  April
    Thursd ay Donnerstag May Mai
    Table 30. English-German Call Identifiers — Continued
    English TermMeaning of English Term 
    with German Expansion Translated Term
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    207 Germany 
    Leave Word Calling
    nOBJECT:  leave-word-calling
    — En g li s h :  M ESSA G ES FO R
    Translation: Nac hric hten fuer
    — En g li s h :  WH O SE M ESSA GES? ( D I A L  EXTEN SI O N  N U M B ER)
    Translation: Wessen Nac hric hten? (Waehle NSt-Nummer)
    — En g li s h :  EN D  O F M ESSAG ES ( N EXT TO  REPEAT)
    Translation: End e d er Nac hric hten (Weiter-Noc hmal)
    — En g li s h :  M ESSA G ES U N AVAI L AB L E -  TRY L ATER
    Translation: Nac hric hten jetzt nic ht verfueg b ar
    — En g li s h :  M ESSA G E RETRI EVAL  D EN I ED
    Translation: Zug ang zu Nac hric hten zuruec kg ewiesen
    — En g li s h :  M ESSA G E RETRI EVAL  L O C KED
    Translation: Zug ang zu Nac hric hten gesp errt
    — Eng lish: NO MESSAGES
    Translation: Keine Nac hric hten
    — Eng lish: IN PROGRESS
    Translation: In Bearb eitung
    — Eng lish: DELETED
    Translation: Geloesc ht
    — Eng lish: GET DIAL TONE, PUSH Cover Msg Retrieval
    Translation: Leitung  b eleg en, dann Nac hr.-Zugriff
    — Eng lish: Messag e Center (AUDIX) CALL
    Translation: Nac hric hten-Hinweis auf (AUDIX)
    — En g li s h :  C A N N O T B E D EL ETED  - C AL L  M ESSA GE C EN TER
    Translation: Loesc hen nic ht moeglic h - Rufe Nac hr-Verw Frid ay Freitag June  Juni
    Saturd ay Samstag July Juli
    Aug ust  Aug ust
    September September
    Octob er  Oktob er
    Novemb er Novemb er
    Dec ember  Dezemb er 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    208 Germany 
    Malicious Call Trace
    nOBJECT:  malic ious-c all-trac e
    — En g li s h :  M AL I C I O U S C AL L  TRA C E REQ U EST
    Translation: Fang sc haltung  aktivieren
    Translation: End e d er Fang sc halt-Info
    — Eng lish: orig inal c all red irec ted  from:
    Translation: Anruf umg eleitet von:
    — Eng lish: voic e rec ord er p ort:
    Translation: Sp rac haufzeic hnung -Port:
    — Eng lish:  MCT ac tivated  b y: for:
    Translation:  FS aktiviert von: fuer:
    (Exp lanation: Fang Sc haltung  aktiviert von:  fuer:)
    — En g li s h :  p a r t y :  ( EXTEN SI O N )
    Translation: Teiln. : (Neb enstelle)
    — Eng lish: p arty : (ISDN SID/CNI)
    Translation: Teiln. : (ISDN Tln 1-Tln 2)
    — Eng lish: p arty : (PORT ID)
    Translation: Teiln. : (Port Ref-Nr)
    — Eng lish: p arty : (ISDN PORT ID)
    Translation: Teiln. : (ISDN Port Ref-Nr)
    Miscellaneous Features
    nOBJECT:  misc ellaneous-features
    — Eng lish: ALL MADE BUSY
    Translation: Alle Besetzt
    — Eng lish: BRIDGED 
    Translation: Gemeinsame Ltg .
    — Eng lish: DENIED 
    Translation: Ab g ewiesen
    — Eng lish: INVALID 
    Translation: Ung ueltig 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    209 Germany 
    — English: NO MEMBER
    Translation: N. im Amts-Buend
    (Exp lanation: Nic ht im Amtsb uend el)
    — En g li s h :  O U T OF SERVI C E
    Translation: Ausser Betrieb
    —English: RESTRICTED
    Translation: Gesperrt
    — Eng lish: TERMINATED
    Translation: Beend et
    — Eng lish: TRUNK SEIZED
    Translation: Amtsltg. belegt
    — Eng lish: VERIFIED
    Translation: Ub erp rueft
    — Eng lish: CDR OVERLOAD 
    Translation: GDE Ueb erlastet
    (Exp lanation:  Call d etailed  rec ord ing  
    Gespraec hs-Daten-Erfassung ) Ueb erlastet
    — En g li s h :  A N SWERED  B Y
    Translation: Beantwortet von
    — Eng lish: CALL FROM
    Translation: Anruf von
    — Eng lish: Skills 
    Translation: Fertig keit
    (REMARK: ACD Ag ent Belastb arkeit)
    Translation: AAnf 
    (Exp lanation: Amtsleitung s-Anforderung )
    — Eng lish: FULL 
    Translation: K-Be
    (Exp lanation: Keine Berec htig ung  fuer Amtsleitung )
    — Eng lish: NONE 
    Translation: Kein
    — Eng lish: ORIG (Orig ination)
    Translation: Orig 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    210 Germany 
    — Eng lish: OTWD (Outward )
    Translation: Ab g .
    — Eng lish: CALL (< c all>  This Numb er) 
    Translation: Rufe
    — Eng lish: INTL (International) 
    Translation: Intl
    — Eng lish: Info (Information)
    Translation: Info
    — Eng lish: p  (Primary)
    Translation: p
    — Eng lish: s (Sec ond ary)
    Translation: s
    — Eng lish: m (Mark)
    Translation: m
    — Eng lish: p  (Pause)
    Translation: p
    — Eng lish: s (Sup p ress)
    Translation: u (unterd ruec ke)
    — Eng lish: w (Wait For A Sp ec ified  Time)
    Translation: w
    — Eng lish: W (Wait For Off-Premise Dial Tone)
    Translation: W
    — Eng lish: You have ad junc t messag es
    Translation: Sie hab en Nac hric hten auf Zusatzsystem
    — Eng lish: Log in Violation
    Translation: Log in Verletzung
    — Eng lish: Barrier Code Violation
    Translation: Passwort Verletzung
    — Eng lish: Authorization Cod e Violation
    Translation: Berec htig ung s-Cod e Verletzung
    — En g li s h :  D I REC TO RY - PL EASE EN TER N A M E
    Translation: Telefonverzeichnis: Bitte Namen eingeben 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    211 Germany 
    Translation: Tel-Verz: Kein Zug ang  - Sp aeter p rob ieren
    — Eng lish: NO MATCH - TRY AGAIN
    Translation: Nic ht g efund en - Bitte wied erholen
    — Eng lish: NO NUMBER STORED
    Translation: Keine Nummer g esp eic hert
    — Eng lish: TRY AGAIN
    Translation: Bitte wiederholen
    — Eng lish: Ext (in EMRG Q)
    Translation: NSt (in Not-WS)
    (Explanation: in Notruf-Warteschlange)
    — En g li s h :  H U N T G RO U P N O T AD M I N I STERED
    Translation: Sammelgrupp e Nic ht eing etrag en
    — Eng lish: Q-time c alls
    Translation: W-Zeit Anr.
    — Eng lish: Ad d Skill: Enter numb er, then # sign
    Translation: Fertig keit eing .: Nummer eing ., d ann #
    — Eng lish: Remove Skill: Enter numb er, then # sig n
    Translation: Fertig keit entf.: Nummer eing ., d ann #
    — Eng lish: Press 1 for p rimary or 2 for sec ondary
    Translation: 1 fuer Primaer od er 2 fuer Sekund aer
    — Eng lish: Enter Ag ent Log inID
    Translation: Log in-ID d es Ag enten eing eb en
    Property Management
    nOBJECT:  prop erty-manag ement
    — Eng lish: CHECK IN - Ext:
    Translation: Chec k in - NSt:
    Translation: Chec k in: Zimmer b ereits b esetzt
    — Eng lish: CHECK IN COMPLETE
    Translation: Chec k in fertig
    — Eng lish: CHECK IN FAILED
    Translation: Chec k in nic ht erfolg t 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    212 Germany 
    — Eng lish: CHECK OUT - Ext:
    Translation: Chec k out - NSt:
    Translation: Chec k out: Zimmer b ereits frei
    — Eng lish: CHECK OUT FAILED
    Translation: Chec k out nic ht erfolg reic h
    Translation: Nac hric hten-Hinweis nic ht erfolg reic h
    — Eng lish: MESSAGE NOTIFICATION ON - Ext:
    Translation: Nac hric hten-Hinweis ein - NSt:
    — En g li s h :  M ESSA G E N O TI FI C ATI O N  O FF - Ex t :
    Translation: Nac hric hten-Hinweis aus - NSt:
    — En g li s h :  C H EC K  O U T C OM PL ETE:  M ESSAG E L A M P O FF
    Translation: Chec k out fertig : Nac hric hten-Lic ht aus
    — En g li s h :  C H EC K  O U T C OM PL ETE:  M ESSAG E L A M P O N
    Translation: Chec k out fertig : Nac hric hten-Lic ht ein
    — Eng lish: MESSAGE LAMP ON
    Translation: Nac hric hten-Lic ht ein
    — Eng lish: MESSAGE LAMP OFF
    Translation: Nac hric hten-Lic ht aus
    — English: Occ upied Rooms
    Translation: Besetzte Zimmer
    — Eng lish: Enter Room Status
    Translation: Zimmer-Status eing eb en
    — Eng lish: Invalid Maid  State
    Translation: Zimmermaedc hen Status ung ueltig
    Time of Day Routing
    nOBJECT:  time-of-d ay-routing
    — En g li s h :  EN TER A C TI VATI O N  RO U TE PL A N ,  D AY &  TI M E
    Translation: Eingab e: Routenp lan ein, Tag  & Uhrzeit
    — En g li s h :  EN TER D EA C TI VATI O N  D AY A N D  TI M E
    Translation: Eingab e: Routenp lan aus, Tag  & Uhrzeit 
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