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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes For Type Approval Manual

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    of 484
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    193 Germany 
    nDig it Ab sorp tion List: b lank
    nTrunk Type: loop -start
    nInc oming  Dial Typ e: rotary
    nOutg oing  Dial Typ e: rotary
    nTrunk Termination: rc  (c omp lex imp ed anc e)
    nDig it Treatment: b lank
    nDig its: b lank
    nExp ec ted  Dig its: (d ep end s on system size and  numb ering  
    nTrunk Gain: low
    nParameters b ased  on loop  leng th (whic h itself is not 
    ad ministrable).
    nDrop  Treatment: silenc e
    nDisc onnec t Sup ervision - In:
    nAnalog Trunks: no
    nDig ital Trunks: yes
    nDisc onnec t Sup ervision - Out: no
    nSup p ress # Outpulsing : yes
    — Trunk Group  Ad ministration Sc reen (Timing )
    Set the following  timers from the Administrab le Timers sc reen 
    d uring ad ministration of eac h trunk g roup . Selec t the following  DID 
    trunk timer values for this c ountry:
    nInc oming  Disc onnec t: 600 ms
    nOutg oing  Disc onnec t: 500 ms
    nInc oming  Dial Guard : 70 ms
    nOutg oing  Dial Guard : 1600 ms
    nOutg oing  Glare Guard : 100 ms Note: This b loc ks outg oing  
    c all attemp ts for 100 ms after p revious release of trunk
    nInc oming  Glare Guard : 100 ms Note: This b loc ks inc oming  
    c all attemp ts for 100 ms after p revious release of trunk
    nInc oming  Partial Dial: 18 sec Loop Length Terminal Balance RA Trunk Loss
    short n 0dB
    long n 2dB 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    194 Germany 
    nOutg oing  Rotary Dial Interd igit: 800 ms
    nRing  Monitor Timer: 5200 ms
    nInc oming  Seizure: 500 ms
    nOutg oing  End  of Dial: 10 sec
    nOutg oing  Seizure Resp onse: 5 sec
    nProg rammed  Dial Pause: 1500 ms
    nFlash Leng th: 100 ms
    nTone: 350 ms
    nPause: 150 ms
    nInc oming  Inc omplete Dial Alarm: 160 sec
    nOutg oing  Dial Pulse Rate (PPS): 10 p p s
    nOutg oing  Rotary Dig it Dial Make: 40 ms
    nOutg oing  Rotary Dig it Dial Break: 60 ms
    nPPM :  y e s
    nFreq uenc y: 16khz 
    Digital Trunk Administration
    In Germany, the p ub lic  network d oes not c ut throug h the voic e p ath to an 
    inc oming  B-c hannel until a CONNECT messag e is rec eived  from the c alled  p arty. 
    This is true for the VN4, 1TR6, and  E- DSS1 p rotoc ols. Thus, it is not ad visab le to 
    route inc oming  ISDN-PRI c alls from the German p ub lic  network over non-ISDN 
    trunks, b ec ause the c alling  p arty will not hear any tones (ring b ac k, b usy, etc .) 
    The b est that c an b e done is to have an attend ant or a vec tor hand le inc oming  
    c alls that mig ht need to b e routed  over a non-ISDN trunk. This sec tion d oes not 
    list all p ossib le valid  ad ministrab le c ombinations. Rather the most c ommon or 
    stand ard  c omb ination, c omp atib le with p ub lic -network and  Typ e App roval 
    stand ard s for eac h c ountry, is p resented :
    nTi e  Tru n k s
    — Non-ISDN Sig naling  Examp le (DS1 Ad ministration sc reen)
    nCirc uit Pac k: TN464E or later
    nBit Rate: 2.048
    nInterfac e Comp anding : A-law
    nLine Cod ing: HDB3
    nSignaling Mode: CAS
    nCountry Protocol: 13
    nInterc onnec t: p b x 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    195 Germany 
    nCRC?: no
    nId le Cod e: (ac c ep t the d efault)
    — ISDN-PRI Sig naling  (Private Network - for a c onnec tion to another 
    DEFINITY only) 
    This examp le assumes use of AT&T Country Protoc ol with fac ility 
    assoc iated  sig naling . Other feature op tions will req uire c hang es in 
    one or more ad ministered  items.
    nDS1 Ad ministration sc reen
    nCirc uit Pac k: TN464E or later
    nBit Rate: 2.048
    nInterfac e Comp anding : A-law
    nLine Cod ing: HDB3
    nSignaling Mode: isdn-pri
    nConnec t: p b x
    nInterfac e: user (on one sid e and  network on the other sid e)
    nCountry Protoc ol: 1
    nProtoc ol Version: a
    nCRC: No
    nId le Cod e: (ac c ep t the d efault)
    — Sig naling  Group  sc reen
    nAssoc iated Sig naling : Yes
    nPrimary D_Channel: xxxx16 (xxxx= > dep end s on CP 
    p hysical location)
    — Trunk Group  Ad ministration sc reen
    nGroup Type: isdn-pri
    nCOR: COR for Tie trunks must have a lower FRL than the FRL 
    of all CO/DID Trunk Group s and  lower FRL than assig ned  to 
    eac h Route Pattern Preferenc es for all CO and  DIOD trunk 
    g roups. This is req uired  sinc e German reg ulations p rohib it 
    c onnec ting  two CO trunks even through a p rivate network.
    nServic e Type: tie
    nSup p lementary Servic e Protoc ol: a
    nISDN-PRI (Private Network - for a c onnec tion to a non-DEFINITY via QSIG) 
    This examp le assumes use of AT&T Country Protoc ol with fac ility 
    assoc iated  sig naling . Other feature op tions will req uire c hang es in one or 
    more administered items.  
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    196 Germany 
    — DS1 Ad ministration sc reen
    nCirc uit Pac k: TN464E or later
    nBit Rate: 2.048
    nInterfac e Comp anding : A-law
    nLine Cod ing: HDB3 or AMI-BASIC d ep end ing  on the 
    ad ministration of the other PBX
    nSignaling Mode: isdn-pri
    nConnec t: p b x
    nInterfac e: p eer-master or p eer-slave (this affec ts layer 2; it 
    should  b e set based  on the ad ministration of the other PBX)
    nPeer Protoc ol: ec ma Sid e: a or b  (this affec ts g lare hand ling ; 
    it should  b e set b ased  on the administration of the other 
    nCountry Protoc ol: 1
    nProtoc ol Version: a
    nCRC: No (yes is also p ossib le, d ep end ing  on the 
    ad ministration of the other PBX)
    nId le Cod e: (must matc h the id le c od e of the other PBX)
    — Sig naling  Group  sc reen
    nAssoc iated Sig naling : Yes
    nPrimary D_Channel: xxxx16 (xxxx= > dep end s on CP 
    p hysical location)
    — Trunk Group  Ad ministration sc reen
    nGroup Type: isdn-pri
    nCOR: COR for Tie trunks must have a lower FRL than the FRL 
    of all CO/DID Trunk Group s and  lower FRL than assig ned  to 
    eac h Route Pattern Preferenc es for all CO and  DIOD trunk 
    g roups. This is req uired  sinc e German reg ulations p rohib it 
    c onnec ting  two CO trunks even through a p rivate network.
    nServic e Type: tie
    nSup p lementary Servic e Protoc ol: a
    nISDN-PRI (Public  Network)
    Temporary Signaling Connec tions and D-Channel Backup features must 
    not b e ad ministered for E1 interfac es that use c ountry p rotoc ol 13 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    197 Germany 
    — DS1 Ad ministration sc reen
    nCirc uit Pac k: TN464E or later
    nBit Rate: 2.048
    nInterfac e Comp anding : A-law
    nLine Cod ing: HDB3
    nSignaling Mode: isdn-pri
    nConnec t: Network
    nCountry Protocol: 13
    nProtoc ol Version: a, for 1TR6 and  b , for E-DSS1. Protoc ol 
    version selection depends on the type of public network 
    servic e p urc hased  b y the c ustomer
    nCRC: yes
    nId le Cod e: 01010100
    — Sig naling  Group  sc reen
    nAssoc iated Sig naling : Yes
    nPrimary D_Channel: xxxx16 (xxxx= > dep end s on CP 
    p hysical location)
    — Trunk Group  Ad ministration sc reen
    nGroup Type: isdn-pri
    nCOR: COR for Tie trunks must have a lower FRL than the FRL 
    of all CO/DID Trunk Group s and  lower FRL than assig ned  to 
    eac h Route Pattern Preferenc es for all CO and  DIOD trunk 
    g roups. This is req uired  sinc e German reg ulations p rohib it 
    c onnec ting  two CO trunks even through a p rivate network.
    nService Type: public_ntwrk
    nOverlap  Rec eiving: yes, a must for DID trunk op eration
    Station Administration
    In g eneral, onc e the user defined  lang uag e is ad ministered  to c ontain the 
    translations for German lang uag e, the ad ministrator selec ts user-d efined  on 
    station ad ministration and  attend ant ad ministration to p ic k German as the d isp lay 
    lang uag e for the c orrespond ing  d isp lay set user.
    n85XX Phones
    In G3V3, the 8510 p hone must b e ad ministered  as a 7507 when you use it 
    for b oth voic e and  d ata op eration. If you use it for voic e only op eration, a 
    p hone typ e of 8510D is suffic ient. Aliasing  a phone typ e of 8510+  to a 
    7507 is a p referable way of hand ling  the situation. In G3V4, there is native 
    sup p ort for the 8510/8520 voic e/d ata op eration and  aliasing  is not 
    req uired . 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    198 Germany 
    — Phone Setting s:
    nCountry Code =  9
    nComp and ing  Mode =  a-law
    nTransmit Value =  + 3
    nReceive Value =  -5
    nSid e Tone Value =  0
    n84XX(94XX) Phones
    Aliasing  the p hone typ es of 9403B to 8403B, 9410B to 8410B, 9410D to 
    8410D, and  9434D to 8434D would  b e a p referab le way of handling  the 
    ad ministration for the 94XX family of p hones.
    — Phone Parameters
    nDefault Parameter Set: 13
    nCustomize Parameters? n
    The d efault p arameters for selec ting  Germany c ountry 
    c od e 13 are as follows and  SHOULD NOT BE 
    A D M I N I STERED  I N D I VI D U A L LY w i t h  so f t w a re  l o a d  
    G3V3i. or later load s. These values are 
    inc lud ed  as referenc e information only.
    nDisp lay Mod e: 2
    nDLI Voltag e Level: auto
    nHandset Exp and er Enab led ? n
    nPrimary Levels:
    — Voic e Transmit (d B): + 5.0
    — Voic e Sid etone (d B): -12.0
    — Voic e Rec eive (dB): -11.5
    — Touc h Tone Sid etone (d B): -25.0
    — Touc h Tone Transmit (d B): -4.0
    nAd junc t Levels
    — Voic e Transmit (d B): -5.0
    — Voic e Rec eive (dB): -2.0
    — Voic e Sid etone (d B): -21.5
    — Touc h Tone Sid etone (d B): -25.0
    — Station Ad ministration (nothing exc ep t for alias of 94XX to 84XX 
    eq uivalent) 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    199 Germany 
    — VISTA Head set ad aptor setting s:
    nSwitc h: Position 5
    nTx-p ot: 1 oc loc k
    nVolume-c ontrol on the Phone: Nominal
    — Valid  Nord c om c omb inations:
    nProfile Monaural Head set < or>
    nProfile Binaural Head set < or>
    nStetomike HMT Head set
    n603/302B Phones
    — Phone Parameters
    nDefault Parameter Set: 13
    nCustomize Parameters? n
    The d efault p arameters for selec ting  Germany c ountry 
    c od e 13 are as follows and  SHOULD NOT BE 
    A D M I N I STERED  I N D I VI D U A L LY w i t h  so f t w a re  l o a d  
    G3V3i. or later load s. These values are 
    inc lud ed  as referenc e information only.
    nDisp lay Mod e: 2
    nDLI Voltag e Level: auto
    nPrimary Levels:
    — Voic e Transmit (d B): + 1.5
    — Voic e Sid etone (d B): -10.5
    — Voic e Rec eive (dB): -7.5
    — Touc h Tone Sid etone (d B): -25.0
    — Touc h Tone Transmit (d B): -4.0
    nVISTA Head set ad aptor setting s:
    — Switc h: Position 1
    — Tx-pot: 3 oc loc k
    — Volume-c ontrol on the 603: Nominal
    nValid  Nord c om c omb inations:
    — Profile Monaural Head set and  Head set Amplifier 54 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    200 Germany 
    — Profile Binaural Head set and  Head set Amp lifier 54 
    — Stetomike HMT Head set
    The following are the c all p rog ress disp lay messag es and  b utton lab els that are 
    translated  into German. The translation is a generic  form of the lang uag e so that 
    it provid es the wid est c ustomer b ase c overag e. The entity p rovid ing  AT&T 
    p resenc e in a c ountry is exp ec ted  to p rovide eac h system with the following  
    translations as a b ase user-defined  set for systems sold  within the 
    corresp ond ing market.
    The following set of user-d efined  translations ap p ly to Germany, Switzerland , 
    and  Austria. The user-d efined  selec tion is an op tion for the end -user d isp lay 
    that is ad ministered  on the Station and  Attend ant Ad ministration sc reens. For all 
    p hone typ es that sup p ort the Disp lay Mod ule, exc ep t for 85XX p hones, set the 
    Disp lay Lang uag e field  to user-defined
     once the following administration is 
    d one. On the 85XX p hone users sc reen, set the Disp lay Lang uage field  to 
     to p rovid e a c onsistent lang uag e interfac e for users of those p hones 
    (85XX p hones sup p ort only Eng lish p rog ram promp ts and  fac ep lates). On the 
    Console-Parameters sc reen, set the  Attend ant Group  Name field  to Telefonist
    from the Eng lish d efault of OPERATOR
    . On the trunk g roup  sc reen, set the 
    Group  Name field  for eac h trunk to something  other than the Eng lish d efault of 
    Automatic Wakeup Do Not Disturb
    nOBJECT: auto-wakeup-dn-dst
    — Eng lish: AUTO WAKEUP - Ext:
    Translation: Autom. Wec kruf - NSt:
    Translation: Wec kruf nic ht ang enommen
    Translation: Wec kruf Eing ab e abg eb roc hen
    Translation: Wec kruf Eing ab e b estaetig t
    — Eng lish: Wakeup  Call
    Translation: Wec kruf
    —English: Time:
    Translation: Zeit:
    — Eng lish: DO NOT DIST - Ext:
    Translation: Nic ht stoeren  - NSt: 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    201 Germany 
    — Eng lish: DO NOT DIST - Group :
    Translation: Nic ht stoeren - Grupp e:
    Translation: Eingab e zuruec kg ewiesen
    Translation: Eingab e nic ht stoeren b estaetig t
    Translation: Eingab e nic ht stoeren abg ebroc hen
    nOBJECT: auto-wakeup-dn-dst
    — Eng lish: INTERVAL FULL
    Translation: W-Zeit belegt
    (Exp lanation: nur maximale Wec krufe zur g leic hen Zeit)
    — En g li s h :  N O  PERM I SSI O N
    Translation: K. Berec htig .
    — En g li s h :  SYSTEM  FU L L
    Translation: System voll
    — Eng lish: TOO SOON
    Translation: Zu frueh
    Translation: Falsc he NSt - Bitte wied erholen
    Translation: Falsc he Grup p e - Bitte wied erholen
    — Eng lish: WAKEUP MESSAGE:
    Translation: Wec kruf Nac hric ht:
    Translation: Falsc he Nummer - Bitte wied erholen
    Call Identifiers
    nOBJECT: c all-id entifiers 
    							DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Application Notes 
    for Type Approval    Issue 1
    June 1999
    Application Notes for Type Approval 
    202 Germany 
    Table 30. English-German Call Identifiers
    English TermMeaning of English Term 
    with German Expansion Translated Term
    sa ACD Sup ervisor Assistanc e
    ACD Hilfe vom Grupp enleiterGH
    ac Attend ant Assistanc e Call
    Gesp raeuc hsaufb au d urc h 
    Tel efon is tenGT
    tc Attend ant Control Of A Trunk 
    Amtsleitung s Kontrolle d urc h 
    Tel efon is tenAK
    an Attend ant No Answer
    Keine AntwortkA
    p c Attend ant Personal Call
    Telefonisten-Gesp raec hTG
    rc Attend ant Rec all Call RR
    rt Attend ant Return Call
    Rueckruf vom TelefonistenRT
    sc Attend ant Serial Call
    Serien-Gesp raec h (Gepraec h 
    wird  nac h Beend ig ung  jeweils 
    zum Telefonisten 
    zuruec kg eg eb en)SG
    c o Controlled  Outward  
    Res tr ic tio n
    Kontrollierte Amtswahlsp erreAS
    c s Controlled  Station To Station 
    Res tr ic tio n 
    Kontrollierte Internsp erreIS
    c t Controlled  Termination 
    Res tr ic tio n
    Kontrollierte Emp fang ssp erreES
    Continued on next page 
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