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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-9 Evaluating Subscriber Classes of Service 5 Class of servic e op tions d efined in a sp ec ific c lass of servic e c an b e overrid d en on a sub sc rib er-b y-sub sc rib er b asis. Customizing the subsc rib er’s c lass of servic e b y entering information d irec tly in the c lass of service fields on the change Subscriber screen overrides the values of the assig ned c lass of servic e. You also c an c hange the following op tions for an individual subscriber on the Subscriber sc reen: nCovering extension You c an c hang e the sub sc rib er’s d efault c overing extension if you g ive the sub sc rib er the Esc ap e to Attend ant feature. nPermission typ es You c an c hang e the following p ermission typ es for a subsc rib er: nMessag e retention You c an c hang e the retention p eriod for b oth old and new, inc oming and outgoing voic e messag es. nMessag e length You can change the length (in seconds) of voice mail messages, call answer messag es, and end -of-messag e warning s. nMailb ox size You c an c hang e the size (in sec ond s) of a sub sc rib er’s mailb ox. nLuc ent INTUITY Messag e Manag er You c an enab le or d isab le I NTUITY Messag e Manag er IMAPI ac c ess and IMAPI voic e file transfer for a p artic ular subsc rib er. nMultiling ual You c an c ustomize Multiling ual usag e for a p artic ular sub sc rib er. Use the Sub sc rib er sc reen to c hang e ind ivid ual sub sc rib er c lass of servic e op tions. Refer to DEFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e for a c omp lete d esc rip tion of this sc reen. Permission Type Meaning auto-attend ant Automated Attend ant b ulletin-b oard Bulletin Board c all-answer Call Answer none No Call Answer — Voic e Mailbox only

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-10 Changing the DEFINITY AUDIX Extension Length 5 nPERM I SSI ON S, O u t c a ll in g You c an enab le or d isab le whether a sub sc rib er c an ac tivate Outc alling , whic h alerts a sub sc rib er to new messag es b y p lac ing a c all to that sub sc rib er. nPERM I SSI ON S, Pri o r it y M e s sa g e s You c an enab le or d isab le whether a sub sc rib er c an send p riority voic e mail messag es to other sub scribers. nPERM I SSI ON S, Bro a d c a st You can change the type of broadcast messages that can be created by a sub sc rib er — voic e, login, both, none. Changing the DEFINITY AUDIX Extension Length This p roc ed ure, while rarely req uired , c an save you from having to d elete and re-enter all sub sc rib ers if your switc h numb ering p lan c hanges. Chang ing the numb er p lan requires that the switc h and its DEFINITY AUDIX system b e up d ated with the new extension numb ers. This p roc ed ure c an b e mad e faster b y using ADAP. To c hange the DEFINITY AUDIX system extension leng th: 1. Chang e the extension leng th on the Mac hine sc reen to the new leng th and also c hang e the start and end extensions to matc h the new leng th. 2. Reb oot the system using the Reset System Reb oot sc reen. 3. Chang e the system c overing extension on the System-Parameters Features sc reen to the new numb er. 4. Change the DEFINITY AUDIX port extensions on the Voice-Group sc reen to the new numb ers. 5. Change subscriber extensions using the Subscriber sc reen to ad d or d elete the lead ing d igit in c omp lianc e with the new switc h numb ering system. Also on this sc reen, c hang e the personal c overing extension (if one was assig ned ). If this sub sc rib er is also an Automated Attend ant, g o to p age 3 of the sc reen and c hang e any extensions as ap prop riate. 6. If your DEFINITY AUDIX system has the Outc alling feature, b ut is limited to extensions that are on the switc h, c hang e the Maximum Number Digits field on the System-Parameters Outcalling sc reen to the new extension leng th. 7. Enter the new extension numb ers in the TIMEOUT PARAMETERS, Extension field on the Switc h-Link screen.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-11 Subscriber Features 5 8. Reb oot the system using the Reset System Reb oot sc reen. 9. Alert sub sc rib ers to these c hang es sinc e they will have to use more or fewer dig its when log g ing in, ad d ressing voic e mail, and c alling other extensions. They also should c hec k their outc alling numb er; if it is an extension in the switc h numbering system, they will have to re-enter it. Subscriber Features Besid es the features that you learned ab out in Chap ter 3, ‘‘Feature Ad ministration’’, there are a numb er of features used b y DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers with whic h you should familiarize yourself. Reviewing eac h feature individ ually will help you to train sub sc ribers to use DEFINITY AUDIX features effec tively, taking full ad vantag e of DEFINITY AUDIX func tionality. Automatic Message Scan The Automatic Messag e Sc an feature allows a subsc riber to have all new messag es p layed without req uiring ad d itional b utton p resses. The sub sc rib er then c an listen to just head ers, just messag es, or b oth head ers and messag es c ontinuously from the first new messag e to the last. The sub sc rib er c ontrols this feature throug h the DEFINITY AUDIX voic e menu p rompts. No sp ec ific DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration is req uired for this feature. Delivery Scheduling The Delivery Sc heduling feature allows sub sc rib ers to sc hed ule d elivery of voic e mail messag es to other sub sc ribers for any d ay and time up to a year in the future using their touc h-tone telep hones and DEFINITY AUDIX voic e p romp ts. Normally, the DEFINITY AUDIX system d elivers messag es immed iately. No sp ec ific DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration is required to use this feature. Dial-By-Name The Dial-By-Name feature allows c allers who d o not know a sub sc rib er’s extension to d ial (transfer out of AUDIX) and (alternate ad d ressing ) and then d ial the sub sc rib er’s name to c all the extension. No sp ec ific DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration is req uired to use this feature; however, you must have the Call Transfer Out of AUDIX feature ac tivated to use . Directory The Direc tory feature allows c allers to d ial (names and numb ers d irec tory) c ommand to find out the name or extension of a DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er. No sp ec ific DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration is req uired to use this feature. *T*A *T **N

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-12 Subscriber Features 5 Full Mailbox Answer Mode The Full Mailb ox Answer Mod e feature enab les the DEFINITY AUDIX system to resp ond to a c all d irec ted to a full mailb ox with the subsc rib er’s p ersonal g reeting , if ac tive, followed b y system announc ements. The announc ements inform the c aller ab out the full mailb ox c ond ition and offer other availab le c all answer op tions, suc h as d ialing to reac h a c overing extension or op erator. The full mailb ox system announc ements c annot b e d ialed through, althoug h the list of op tions c an b e. If the c aller d oes not resp ond within an ad ministered time p eriod, the c all is transferred automatic ally to the c overing extension. The c overing extension must b e ad ministered on the Sub sc rib er or System-Parameters Features sc reen or the DEFINITY AUDIX system will d isc onnec t the c all after the timeout p eriod . No sp ec ific DEFINITY AUDIX system administration is req uired to use this feature. The d efault number of sec ond s that the DEFINITY AUDIX system will wait for a resp onse to a full mailb ox announc ement is five sec ond s. You c an c hang e this on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. Personal Directory The Personal Direc tory feature allows ind ivid ual sub sc rib ers to c reate a private list of up to 25 c ustomized names for freq uently-c alled sub sc rib ers. These names c an b e shorthand ab b reviations or the same as the c orresp ond ing d irec tory names. This list is searc hed first when the sub sc rib er uses ad d ressing b y name, transfer b y name, or the d irec tory feature. No sp ec ific DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration is req uired to use this feature. Playback and Recording Control The Playbac k and Rec ord ing Control feature c an be used b y anyone entering the DEFINITY AUDIX system to c reate, leave, or listen to messag es. This feature allows sub sc rib ers to ed it voic e mail and c all answer messag es they c reate and allows c allers to ed it c all answer messag es they c reate, using the touc h-tone keys on their p hone. No sp ec ific DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration is req uired to use this “ c ut-and -paste” c ap ab ility. Private Messages The Private Messag es feature allows sub sc rib ers to d esig nate outg oing voic e mail as p rivate. If this feature is ac tivated , rec ip ients will b e unab le to forward these messag es. A p rivate messag e c annot b e forward ed b y the rec ip ient. To mark a messag e p rivate, p ress during the d elivery op tions menu. No sp ec ific DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration is req uired to use this feature. 0 1

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-13 Responding to Subscriber Issues 5 Security Password The Sec urity Password feature p rotec ts your DEFINITY AUDIX system from unauthorized ac c ess b y req uiring that sub sc rib ers enter a numeric p assword in ad d ition to their extension numb er when log g ing in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. A default numeric p assword is assig ned on the Sub sc rib er sc reen for eac h sub sc rib er. Sub sc rib ers then c hang e this p assword when they log in for the first time (and as req uired on an ong oing b asis) using their touc h-tone telep hone in resp onse to DEFINITY AUDIX voic e promp ts. If Password Aging is on for the system, sub sc rib ers will b e required to c hang e their p assword period ic ally when the p assword exp iration interval has b een reac hed. There is no sp ec ific DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration req uired to use the sec urity password . You c an c ontrol the minimum numb er of c harac ters req uired for DEFINITY AUDIX p assword s and set up Password Ag ing on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. Sub sc rib er p assword s must be at least as many c harac ters as d efined on this sc reen and not more than 15 total c harac ters. NOTE: If you, the ad ministrator, assig n a d efault p assword of less than the minimum numb er of d ig its sp ec ified on the System-Parameters Features sc reen when ad d ing new sub sc rib ers, the new sub sc rib ers will b e forc ed to c hang e their p assword the first time they log on to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. For sec urity p urp oses, this is a g ood way to ensure that subscribers change their default passwords before they begin using DEFINITY AUDIX servic es. Untouched Message The Untouc hed Messag e feature allows a subsc rib er to hold a messag e in the new c ateg ory after listening to it, leaving message notific ation ac tive for the message. This is done by the subscriber using the (hold) command from the DEFINITY AUDIX voic e menu. No sp ec ific DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration is req uired to use this feature. Responding to Subscriber Issues Sub sc rib ers oc c asionally need help with p rob lems or answers to q uestions (if they are not g etting their messag es and d on’t know why, for examp le). They also are likely to make simp le req uests (they want name add ressing instead of extension ad dressing ). In either c ase, it is up to you to resolve issues that arise. This req uires familiarity with the system. Familiarity will help you to relate sometimes inexac t or hazy descriptions of problems brought to you by subscribers with the correct diagnoses and solutions. Suppose, for example, a subscriber comes to you saying that he or she is trying to send a message to another sub sc rib er b ut the DEFINITY AUDIX system has ind ic ated that the messag e is und eliverab le. **H

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-14 Remote Subscriber Administration 5 Bec ause you know the system so well, you mig ht c orrec tly c onc lud e that this is b ec ause the rec ip ient’s mailb ox is full. The solution is either for the rec ip ient to d elete any unnec essary messages or for you to inc rease the rec ipient’s mailb ox size. This is an overly simplified examp le b ut one that illustrates the kind of situation that you mig ht exp erienc e. To simp lify d ealing with subsc ribers in these typ es of situations, you should d evelop some method b y whic h sub sc rib ers may c ommunic ate with you. The two ob vious p ossib ilities are in writing and b y p hone. A c hang e-req uest form is shown in App end ix A, Communic ating with Su b s c r ib e r s . You mig ht wish to use a similar form within your c omp any. Suc h a form has two func tions: nIt allows sub sc rib ers to req uest (in writing ) c hang es they would like mad e in their servic e attrib utes. nIt allows sub sc rib ers to rep ort c omp laints and prob lems. Asking sub sc rib ers to write thing s d own also will allow you to keep a rec ord of the communication. The other avenue for c ommunic ation mig ht b e b y telep hone via the DEFINITY AUDIX system. You c ould set up a sp ec ial mailb ox for yourself sp ec ific ally for DEFINITY AUDIX system issues. Sub sc ribers then c ould c all this numb er any time to exp ress an op inion, id ea, or issue ab out the DEFINITY AUDIX system. You will have to interac t with subsc ribers on a reg ular b asis. Therefore, c hoose a method for handling their issues that suits you as well as meets their need s. Remote Subscriber Administration A remote sub sc rib er is one who sub sc rib es to a remote mac hine c onnec ted to the loc al mac hine. Remote sub sc rib ers c an exc hang e voic e messag es with loc al sub sc rib ers. As these c ontac ts take p lac e, the loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system stores add ress information for remote sub sc rib ers so c ontac ted . You c an exp and this information b y manually ad ministering remote sub sc rib ers as described in DEFINITY AUDIX System Dig ital Networking, 585-300-534.

Ongoing Data Administration 6-1 Overview 6 DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 6 Ongoing Data Administration This chapter describes data administration that is performed as required during normal DEFINITY AUDIX system op eration. Overview Ong oing d ata ad ministration inc lud es ac tivities that you p erform as a p art of your d aily or weekly routine, and other ac tivities that you need to p erform only when c irc umstanc es d ic tate ac tion on your part. For examp le, inc reases in the number of sub sc rib ers and system usag e will req uire that you reg ularly c hec k the availab le free sp ac e within the filesystems to keep the d ata manag eab le. How DEFINITY AUDIX Data Are Organized DEFINITY AUDIX software is org anized into filesystems that c ontain the system software, sub sc rib er information, system announc ements, and voic e messag es that comp rise the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Filesystems are stored on your DEFINITY AUDIX system’s hard d isk. In ord er to p roperly ad minister your DEFINITY AUDIX system and keep it running effic iently, you must und erstand three b asic c onc ep ts ab out filesystem org anization: nVolumes — The p hysic al d isks up on whic h information is stored nFilesystems — Org anized c ollec tions of information (files) on the volumes nFiles — Information stored within eac h filesystem

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Data Administration 6-2 How DEFINITY AUDIX Data Are Organized 6 To help und erstand these c onc ep ts, think of a filing c ab inet, its d rawers, and the files within eac h drawer as shown in Fi g u re 6 - 1, Example of Volume, Filesystems, and Files. In this analog y, the filing c ab inet rep resents a DEFINITY AUDIX system volume. It is d ivid ed into d rawers (or filesystems), eac h of whic h c ontains d ifferent kind s of information. Filing c ab inet d rawers p erform the same org anizational func tion in the filing c ab inet as filesystems p erform within a volume. Finally, eac h d rawer in the c ab inet c ontains files. These files hold data of a similar top ic and func tion in the same way as software files within the filesystems. Figure 6-1. Example of Volume, Filesystems, and Files Vo l u m e s Vo l u m e is the software term for a d isk. A hard d isk is a p ermanent d isk that is used to store DEFINITY AUDIX filesystems. Removab le tapes and MO disks are used for b ac king up DEFINITY AUDIX filesystems and installing new software. For more information on b ac king up d ata, refer to ‘‘Backing Up Filesystems and Sub direc tories’’ later in this c hap ter. Storage filesystem Master data filesystem System data filesystemFile Volume (hard disk)

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Data Administration 6-3 How DEFINITY AUDIX Data Are Organized 6 Filesystems A filesystem is a c ollec tion of files and their assoc iated d irec tories. Filesystem information may b e b ac ked up and rec overed d uring the c ourse of DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration. It is p ossib le for some filesystems to g row to the limits of the alloc ated d isk sp ac e, jeopard izing overall system effic ienc y. Therefore, it is important for you to und erstand filesystems. Ta b l e 6 - 1, DEFINITY AUDIX Filesystems, d esc rib es the filesystems with whic h you will b e c onc erned : Table 6-1. DEFINITY AUDIX Filesystems Filesystem Automatic Backup? Use Storag e Names Direc tory is b ac ked up Sund ay P.M.Contains DEFINITY AUDIX voic e messag es and p ersonal greeting s (Voice Text Directory), announc ement frag ments (Announc ement Direc tory) for all announc ement sets, and sub sc riber and mac hine names (Names Direc tory). The size of this filesystem is fixed . Master Data No Contains non-voic e DEFINITY AUDIX data for manag ement d evices resid ing on the multi-func tion board (MFB). Contains the error log s, alarm log , ac tivity log , event log, and traffic b illing information. System Data Nig htly Contains message head ers, mailing lists, sub sc rib er p rofiles, and message-waiting lamp status. Contains the d elivery req uest file and subscriber mailboxes.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Data Administration 6-4 Maintaining Filesystem Sizes 6 Filesystem Interactions During normal op eration, DEFINITY AUDIX filesystems work ind ep end ently of eac h other und er the d irec tion of a set of software manag ers. These managers, in tandem with hard ware and firmware manag ers, allow the files, filesystems, and system hardware to work smoothly tog ether. Sinc e filesystems are hand led sep arately, it is p ossib le for different filesystems to c ontain c onflic ting information. For examp le, if a sub sc rib er is removed from the DEFINITY AUDIX system, the System Data filesystem may contain mailing lists that inc lud e the d eleted subsc riber’s name. To rec onc ile possible c onflic ts among filesystems, software p rog rams c alled aud its run eac h nig ht to c hec k for inc onsistenc ies and , where p ossib le, up d ate information in filesystems to c orrec t prob lems. For examp le, aud its remove all referenc es to a d eleted subsc rib er, inc lud ing deleting the sub sc riber’s name from mailing lists and c anc eling messag e d eliveries to that sub sc riber. System audits are described in Chap ter 7, ‘‘Alarms, Log s, and Aud its’’. Maintaining Filesystem Sizes The DEFINITY AUDIX system d oes not allow for automatic filesystem g rowth. However, you c an p urc hase ad d itional hours of storag e if you req uire them. You are resp onsib le for monitoring the amount of free sp ac e within your system. Low free spac e is noted on the ad ministration terminal status line and in the ad ministration log . For more information ab out the ad ministration log , refer to Chapter 7, ‘‘Alarms, Log s, and Aud its’’. See the DEFINITY AUDIX System — System Desc rip tion, 585-300-205 or DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 System Desc rip tion, 585-300-214 for DEFINITY AUDIX c apac ities inc lud ing hours of storag e and maximum sub sc rib ers. Perform the following tasks to monitor filesystem sizes and identify p rob lems. These tasks show how to evaluate filesystem sp ac e, d etermine when a threshold exc ep tion has oc c urred, d etermine whic h filesystem has c aused the exc ep tion, and take ap p rop riate ac tion to c orrec t the p rob lem.