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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Automated Attendant 9-7 Setting Up an Automated Attendant 9 If the c aller fails to enter any tones at an automated attend ant menu, the DEFINITY AUDIX system uses the timeout treatment ad ministered on the automated attend ant Subsc rib er sc reen. The timeout treatment on the automated attend ant Sub sc rib er sc reen should be g reater than the Between Dig its at Auto-Attend ant or Stand alone Menu field on the System-Parameters Features sc reen, or the automated attend ant may time out before the first d igit c an b e entered . If not using a p ulse-to-tone c onverter, leave the Between Dig its at Auto-Attend ant or Stand alone Menu field on the System-Parameters Features sc reen at the d efault of 3. Provid e a d efault treatment for c alls from rotary telep hone c allers. Setting Up an Automated Attendant Automated attendants must b e set up on the switc h as well as on the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Verify that the automated attend ants have b een ad ministered properly on the switc h. In ad dition, if (and only if) you are using the Disp lay Set switc h integ ration, the switc h-names audit also must be run. Perform the following step s to define and ad minister an automated attend ant on the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Step 1: Defining the Attendant Define the automated attend ant in the same manner that you would set up a new local sub sc rib er on the Sub sc rib er sc reen. Be sure to id entify the attendant as su c h i n t h e PERM I SSI O N S, Typ e f ie ld . NOTE: If you plan to use a numb er of automated attend ants, you mig ht want to set up a c lass of servic e with the PERMISSIONS, Typ e field alread y set to “ auto-attendant” for use with automated attend ants. If so, b e sure that existing sub sc rib ers are not already assig ned to that class of service. Also, you must run “ aud it sub sc rib er-data” b efore c lass of servic e c hang es will b e effec tive for automated attend ants. Use the Sub sc rib er sc reen to d efine the automated attend ant. Refer to the DEFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e for a c omp lete d esc rip tion of this sc reen.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Automated Attendant 9-8 Setting Up an Automated Attendant 9 Step 2: Administering the Attendant Menu Be p rep ared to supp ly the following information on the Sub sc rib er sc reen. For the attend ant: nThe attend ant’s name nThe attend ant’s extension nIf transfers are allowed allows c allers to transfer from the automated attend ant to a sp ec ific extension by entering , the extension numb er, and p ound sig n (or b y entering , , subscriber name, and pound sign for name addressing). Generally, it is more effic ient to have c allers enter extension numb ers d irec tly. is typic ally used when the attend ant’s op tions req uire use of all the b uttons or the switc h d ial p lan p rec lud es use of the b utton that c orresp ond s to the first d ig it of internal extension numb ers that c ould b e c alled d irec tly. The Call Transfer Out of AUDIX feature must b e turned on before you c an use . nThe numb er of sec ond s to wait for time-out when a c aller d oes not resp ond to a p romp t Use the Sub sc rib er sc reen to ad minister automated attend ant menu op tions. Refer to the DEFINITY AUDIX Sc reens Referenc e for a c omp lete d esc rip tion of this sc reen. *T*T *T #*T*A * *T *T

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Automated Attendant 9-9 Setting Up an Automated Attendant 9 For eac h b utton (0 throug h 9) and the timeout that is ac tive for the attend ant: nThe extension to transfer the c all to or the DEFINITY AUDIX mailb ox extension when the button is p ressed . If this b utton is the first d ig it of an extension on your switc h and you want c allers to b e able to d irec tly enter an extension, p ut “ e” in this field . If you want c allers to b e able to d ial an extension d irec tly from the automated attend ant without using , you c annot use any b utton whose numb er is the first d igit of an extension that c ould b e c alled d irec tly. For examp le, if internal extensions b eg in with 5, you c annot use b utton 5 for a sep arate selec tion like “ To reac h ac c ounting , p ress 5.” If you d id , c allers who attemp ted to d ial sp ec ific extensions starting with 5 would instead b e transferred to ac c ounting in this example. Instead , assig n this b utton as extension e. This allows the c aller d irec t ac c ess to any extension that starts with the assoc iated b utton. More than one b utton c an b e assig ned as e if nec essary. For this feature to work p rop erly, ad d ressing must b e b y extension on the automated attend ant Sub sc rib er screen. NOTE: Pay p artic ular attention to the switc h d ial p lan when assig ning the e op tion. Consid er that some extensions within the g roup may not exist, may not b e assig ned , may b e assig ned to sp ec ial features like hunt g roup s or vec tors, may b e assig ned to the attend ant c onsole, may be assigned to a Distributed Communication System (DCS) nod e, or may b e assig ned to the DEFINITY AUDIX voic e p orts. Any of these situations may c ause p roblems when a c aller attemp ts to d ial one of them. nA transfer treatment c od e to sp ec ify whether the c all is to transfer to the extension’s telep hone (“ transfer” ) or d irec tly to the extension’s mailb ox to p lay the sub sc rib er’s c all answer g reeting (‘c all-answer” ) or the system g uest g reeting (“ g uest-g reeting ” ). If the treatment is “ c all-answer” and no p ersonal g reeting is rec ord ed or ac tive, the system c all answer g reeting is p layed . nA b rief c omment desc rib ing the button’s func tion. This is your only rec ord of the attendant’s button func tions and assoc iated extension numb ers, so sp elling it out now in the c omment field may save you some time later if you have to mod ify the attend ant’s func tions or rerec ord the attend ant menu. *T

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Automated Attendant 9-10 Setting Up an Automated Attendant 9 Step 3: Recording the Attendant Menu Use your touc h-tone telep hone to rec ord the automated attend ant menu that will b e sp oken to c allers. This menu is ac tually the p ersonal greeting for the attend ant’s extension. If setting up a TTY automated attend ant, use the TTY keyb oard to type the menu where the following instruc tions say sp eak or rec ord and the touc htone telep hone keyp ad when the instruc tions say p ress. In the menu, you may want to inc lud e the following : nA g reeting followed b y the menu c hoic es availab le to the c aller nAn instruc tion on p ressing to transfer to a sp ec ific extension if this op tion is ac tive for the attendant nAn instruc tion to wait if a time-out extension is administered nAn instruc tion on p ressing to rep eat the menu NOTE: You also c an set up a one-b utton p ress to rep eat the menu b y p utting the same attend ant’s extension in the Extension field and “ c all-answer” in the treatment field . Dec id e if you will use a sing le messag e to d esc rib e all p arts of the menu or if you will use the multip le p ersonal greeting s feature to rec ord a variety of messag es to b e p layed for the various c all typ es. The rec ord ing of an attend ant menu is d one in the same way as rec ord ing a p ersonal greeting . It is a g ood id ea to write d own the menus and g reeting numb ers and keep them in this d oc ument so that you will have them if you need to rerec ord them at a later time. To rec ord an automated attend ant menu if the multip le p ersonal g reetings feature is not ac tivated , follow these steps: 1. Log in as the automated attend ant using the extension and p assword (if any) you assig ned on the Sub sc rib er sc reen. 2. At the ac tivity menu, press to ad minister the attend ant menu. 3. Press to rec ord the attend ant menu. 4. At the tone, sp eak the menu (or typ e if setting up a TDD automated attend ant menu), and then p ress to stop the rec ord ing . 5. Press or if you want to listen to the menu. 6. Press to d elete and rerec ord , or p ress to ap prove. *T *H 3 1 1 23 *D#

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Automated Attendant 9-11 Setting Up an Automated Attendant 9 To rec ord an automated attend ant menu if the Multip le Personal Greetings feature is ac tivated , refer to the Multip le Personal Greeting s feature in DEFINITY AUDIX System — Features Desc rip tion , 585-300-206, and enter the same menu op tions as for a sub sc rib er entering p ersonal g reetings. If the automated attend ant is multiling ual and the Call Answer Lang uag e Choic e field is set to “ y” (yes) on the automated attend ant Sub sc rib er sc reen or Class of Servic e sc reen, then the automated attend ant may not use the Multip le Personal Greeting s feature. NOTE: If your system should lose any voic e messag es, p erhap s d ue to a d isk c rash, you must c hec k eac h of the automated attend ant menus to ensure that they were not lost. It would b e a good id ea to write d own the text of the menus and keep them tog ether as a p rec aution. If an automated attend ant menu is lost, simp ly rerec ord it. If an automated attend ant menu is lost or was never rec ord ed , the DEFINITY AUDIX system makes an entry in the ad ministrative system log eac h time a c aller c alls the automated attend ant extension. You c an view these log s b y ac c essing the Disp lay Ad ministration-Log sc reen. Period ic voic e b ac kup s will preserve automated attend ant g reeting s and sp eed rec overy of automated attend ants. Only b ac kups from the c urrent release of your DEFINITY AUDIX system c an b e restored . Step 4: Listing Automated Attendants After you have ad ministered an automated attend ant, list your system’s automated attend ants to c onfirm your entry. Automated attend ants are listed seq uentially b y asc end ing extensions on the sc reen. To start at a p artic ular extension, typ e the extension numb er in the Extension field .Use the List Attend ants sc reen to list automated attendants. Refer to the DEFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e for a c omp lete d esc rip tion of this sc reen.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Automated Attendant 9-12 Setting Up a Call Routing Table 9 Setting Up a Call Routing Table DEFINITY AUDIX p rovid es a c ond itional routing c ap ab ility. You c an use the routing tab le and its assoc iated sc reens to b ase automated attend ant operation on as many as four b usiness sc hed ules and as many as four holid ay sc hed ules. Overview The b usiness sc hed ule just mentioned d ivid es the 24-hour day into two parts c alled day servic e and night servic e. Calls c an b e routed to one mailb ox for d ay servic e, and to another for nig ht servic e. A business may, for examp le, set d ay-servic e hours to b e the period when the b usiness is op en, and it may send c alls to a night-servic e mailb ox during the remaining hours. The b usiness sc hed ule also p rovid es for alternate-servic e hours. This is a period of time that you c an d efine when c alls may b e sent to a third d estination d uring either d ay- or nig ht-servic e hours. This p eriod may b e used b y some b usinesses to p rovid e a sp ec ial automated attend ant to hand le c alls from other time zones d uring the transition from d ay to nig ht servic e. (Another b usiness may use the p eriod simp ly to c over an op erator during lunc h hour.) The p reviously-mentioned holid ay sc hed ules make it p ossib le to deviate from the normal business sc hedule for a day at a time. You mig ht use these sc hed ules to p lay d ifferent greeting s and to hand le c alls differently on holidays. There are four holid ay sc hed ules. On eac h of them, you c an rec ord up to 26 dates along with the automated -attend ant mailb ox to b e used on eac h d ate. If you had sep arate sc hed ules for the sales offic e and for the warehouse, for examp le, you c ould send sales-offic e c alls to one mailb ox d uring a sales c onferenc e, and you c ould send warehouse c alls to another mailb ox d uring inventory time. The servic es just d esc rib ed are tied together within a routing table. Here is where you ap ply a b usiness sc hedule and a holid ay sc hed ule to an inc oming c alled extension number. Finally, you assig n mailb oxes to the numb er: one eac h for d ay, nig ht, and alternate servic e. Therefore, if a number is c alled that ap p ears on the routing tab le, the holid ay sc hedule is first c hec ked . If the c urrent d ate d oes not ap p ear in the holid ay sc hedule, the b usiness sc hedule is c hec ked . If the time of d ay is c overed in the b usiness sc hed ule und er alternate servic e, the c all is sent to the alternate servic e mailb ox. If not, then depending on the time of day, the c all is sent to the day- servic e mailbox or to the night-servic e mailb ox. Setting up a Business Schedule Here is how to fill in a business schedule (there is an overview of the process on page 9-12 of this c hap ter). First, ac c ess the c hang e auto-attend -routing b usiness-sc hed ule ad ministration sc reen. The sc reen you ac c ess will b e one of four suc h sc reens you c an use for sep arate sc hed ules. Conseq uently, you will have to g ive the ad ministration p rog ram the name or numb er of a p artic ular sc hed ule to ac c ess this sc reen (numbers 1 throug h 4 will ac c ess a sc reen anytime):

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Automated Attendant 9-13 Setting Up a Call Routing Table 9 Figure 9-1. Auto-Attend-Routing Business-Schedule Default hours are shown in the illustration. Set up the business sc hedules b y filling in these fields: nBusiness Sc hedule — If the d efault name of the sc hedule d oes not seem d esc rip tive enoug h, name the sc hed ule in this field. nDay Servic e Hours — Hours outside of this rang e are c onsid ered to b e nig ht servic e hours. (Use 24-hour notation: AM starts at 00:00, mid night: PM times are 12:00-23:59.) — Start Time — Enter the time at whic h d aytime op eration should b eg in. — End time — Enter the time at whic h d aytime operation should end . nAlternate Servic e Hours — This is time that may be c onsidered an exc eption to normal d ay servic e (lunc h time, for examp le). An alternate servic e p eriod must either fall entirely insid e of d ay servic e hours or entirely outside of day servic e hours . (Use 24-hour notation: AM starts at 00:00, midnig ht: PM times are 12:00-23:59.) — Start Time — Enter the time at whic h alternate servic e is to b eg in. — End Time — Enter the time at whic h alternate servic e is to end .

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Automated Attendant 9-14 Setting Up a Call Routing Table 9 Setting up a Holiday Schedule The sec ond step of setting up auto-attend ant routing is to ac c ess a c hang e auto-attend -routing holid ay-sc hedule ad ministration sc reen (there is an overview of the proc ess on page 9-12 of this c hap ter). The sc reen you ac c ess will b e one of four suc h sc reens you c an use for separate sc hed ules. Conseq uently, you will have to g ive the ad ministration program the name or numb er of a p artic ular sc hed ule to ac c ess this sc reen (numb ers 1 throug h 4 will ac c ess a sc reen anytime): Figure 9-2. Auto-Attend-Routing Holiday-Schedule NOTE: Before you start to fill in the sc hedule, make sure that the auto-attend ants exist. They must have b een c reated b efore you ad d them under the Mailb ox column. Set up the holiday sc hed ules by filling in these field s: nHoliday Sc hed ule — If the d efault name of the sc hed ule d oes not seem desc rip tive enoug h, name the sc hed ule in this field . Use c ap ital letters here if you intend to use them in the name of this sc hedule in the future. nHoliday Name — Enter the name of the holid ay here. (This field is for your referenc e. An entry in this field is op tional.) nDate — Enter the d ate on whic h the affec ted inc oming c all will b e forwarded to mailb ox. nMailb ox — Enter the number to whic h the affec ted inc oming c all will b e forwarded .

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Automated Attendant 9-15 Setting Up a Call Routing Table 9 Filling in the Routing Table Having set up sc hed ules to suit your b usiness p urp oses, you are read y to c omplete the routing tab le (there is an overview of the p roc ess on p age 9-12 of this c hap ter): Figure 9-3. Auto-Attendant-Routing Routing-Table The routing func tion red irec ts c alls to sp ec ified numb ers. It red irec ts them to sp ec ified voic e mailb ox numb ers ac c ord ing to the instruc tions given in the holid ay sc hed ules and the routing table. Fill in the routing tab le as follows: nInc oming Called Number — Enter the numb ers to b e redirec ted . These c an b e any inc oming numb ers reported to AUDIX b y the switc h. If a number ap p ears twic e in this c olumn, the first instanc e p revails. 802, for example, ap pears before the rang e 802-806, and will b e treated sep arately p er its first ap pearanc e. 805 ap p ears after the range of numbers, however, so it will be treated as set out on the line assoc iated with the rang e. nBusiness Sc hedule — Enter the name or numb er of the business sc hedule that is to d etermine how the inc oming numb er is to be treated . The name log in is reserved . It ind ic ates that a direc t, external c all to the assoc iated inc oming numb er is to b e allowed AUDIX Log in servic es. That is, if you c all this extension. AUDIX will ask you to log in. nHoliday Sc hedule — Enter the name or numb er of the holid ay sc hed ule (if any) that is to determine whic h auto-attend ant mailb ox the inc oming numb er is to ac c ess on holidays.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Automated Attendant 9-16 Testing Your Menu Tree 9 nMailb oxes — All mailb ox extensions must be d efined before they are entered in these c olumns. — Day Servic e Mailb ox — Enter the number of the auto-attend ant mailb ox to b e ac c essed d uring the b usiness hours g iven in the b usiness sc hedule. This field must b e filled in if the assoc iated business sc hed ule either follows the (Merlin) switc h’s nig ht servic e status or spec ifies d ay servic e hours. — Nig ht Servic e Mailb ox — Enter the numb er of the auto-attend ant mailb ox to b e ac c essed d uring the p eriod not otherwise sp ec ified in the b usiness sc hed ule. — Alternate Servic e Mailbox — Enter the numb er of the auto-attendant mailb ox to b e ac c essed during the alternate-servic e p eriod g iven in the b usiness sc hedule. This field must b e filled in if the assoc iated business sc hedule spec ifies alternate servic e hours. Testing Your Menu Tree The d efinition of an automated attend ant menu is c omp lete when all of its sub menus are d efined and all the voic e promp ts inc lud ing any announc ements such as attendant menus are rec orded. DEFINITY AUDIX provides a convenient way of testing the struc ture of a menu so that c allers will not b e inc onvenienc ed b y an inc omp lete automatic -attend ant menu tree. To ac c ess the testing p rog ram, typ e d isp au m (for d isp lay auto-attend -routing menu-tree) at the AUDIX-Ad ministration c ommand line. A sc reen resemb ling the sub sequent illustration ap p ears: