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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Guide
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About This Document xi Intended Audiences DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 About This Document This d oc ument d esc rib es how to ad minister the Luc ent DEFINITY® AUDIX® System. Sinc e the DEFINITY AUDIX System p rovid es one of two typ es of switc h integ ration method s — either the d isp lay set (DS) typ e or the c ontrol link (CL) type — this d oc ument also d isc usses the d ifferenc es in the features b etween the two mod es as well as the d ifferenc es in ad ministration p roc ed ures. It c overs ong oing ad ministration strateg ies c onsid ering b oth DS and CL integ ration and also p rovid es b ac kg round and c onc ep tual information, sp ec ial c onsid erations, and ramific ations of ad ministrative func tions for eac h integ ration typ e. This d oc ument is desig ned to allow the DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministrator to q uic kly find information ab out p erforming sp ec ific ad ministrative tasks. Its foc us is on how, when, and why to p erform these tasks. Use this d oc ument with its c omp anion referenc e, DEFINITY AUDIX System R3.2 — Sc reens Referenc e, 585-300-211 or DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Screens Reference, 585-300-213, whic h c ontains d etailed information ab out eac h ad ministration sc reen that is used to p erform DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration. Intended Audiences This d oc ument is intend ed for the p erson(s) who ad ministers the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Prerequisite Skills or Knowledge This d oc ument d oes not assume p rereq uisite skills or knowled g e. However, training for DEFINITY AUDIX system administration is available and is strongly rec ommend ed.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 About This Document xii How This Document Is Organized How This Document Is Organized nChapter 1, ‘‘Introd uc tion’’, p rovid es an overview of the DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration p roc ess and outlines the resp onsib ilities of the DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministrator. nChapter 2, ‘‘Prep aring for DEFINITY AUDIX System Op eration’’, describes initial ad ministration p rereq uisites and your initial ad ministration tasks. Sp ec ial c onsid erations for DS and CL integ ration are ad d ressed . nChapter 3, ‘‘Feature Administration’’, d esc rib es p roc ed ures for ac tivating and using DEFINITY AUDIX features, inc lud ing outc alling , b ulletin b oard, b roadc ast messag es, send ing restric tions, and p riority messag ing . It also d esc rib es whic h features are availab le for eac h typ e of switc h integ ration. nChapter 4, ‘‘Ong oing Preventive Maintenanc e’’, describes the resp onsib ilities of the DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministrator and lists p reventive maintenanc e p roc ed ures that should b e p erformed on a d aily, weekly, or monthly b asis. nChapter 5, ‘‘Ongoing Subscriber Administration’’, d esc rib es how to ad d, change, and remove subscribers. nChapter 6, ‘‘Ong oing Data Ad ministration’’, d es c ri b e s how D EFINITY AUDIX d ata are org anized , how to b ac kup filesystems, and how to c ustomize the d efault c all answer and voic e mail g reeting s. nChapter 7, ‘‘Alarms, Log s, and Aud its’’, d esc rib es how alarm and error logs are generated by DEFINITY AUDIX background tests and also d esc rib es the various aud its that are p erformed automatic ally or manually to up date filesystems and c orrec t p rob lems in the system. nChapter 8, ‘‘Traffic Reports’’, d esc rib es DEFINITY AUDIX traffic rep orts, how to interp ret them, and how to make ap p rop riate c orrec tions. It also c omp ares traffic and p erformanc e (per p ort) for DS and CL integ ration. nChapter 9, ‘‘Automated Attend ant’’, d esc rib es how to set up and maintain DEFINITY AUDIX automated attend ants. nChapter 10, ‘‘Ong oing System Sec urity’’, p rovid es sug gestions for b oth mod es of switc h integration ab out making your DEFINITY AUDIX system sec ure and minimizing toll fraud . nChapter 11, ‘‘Luc ent Intuity Messag e Manag er and LAN Consid erations’’, p rovid es information for hand ling DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration and other issues assoc iated with the Luc ent I NTUITY Messag e Manag er. nAp p end ix A, ‘‘Communic ating with Sub sc rib ers’’, c ontains samp le c hang e-request, user information, and user feed bac k survey forms to customize and distribute to subscribers. A Glossary, Abbreviations, and Index also are inc lud ed in this d oc ument.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 About This Document xiii How to Use This Document How to Use This Document This d oc ument d esc rib es administrative strateg ies and p roc ed ures for the DEFINITY AUDIX System. Use this d oc ument in c onjunc tion with DEFINITY AUDIX System R3.2 — Sc reens Referenc e , 585-300-211 or DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Sc reens Referenc e , 585-300-213. The sc reens referenc e d oc uments c ontain spec ific instruc tions for using eac h sc reen. Conventions Used in This Document The following typographic conventions are used in this document: nInformation that ap p ears on your terminal sc reen — inc lud ing displays, field names, prompts, and error messages — is shown in c onstant-width type. Information that you are to typ e just as it ap pears in the d oc ument is shown in c onstant-wid th b old type. Here is an examp le: At the when? p romp t, typ e no If the system is not yet read y to rec eive your inp ut, you rec eive the following error messag e: #1: System is not ready; try again in five minutes . nTerminal keys that you are to p ress are shown in b oxes. For examp le, an instruc tion to p ress the return, c arriag e return, or eq uivalent key mig ht ap p ear in this d oc ument as: Press . nTwo or three keys that you are to p ress at the same time (that is, you are to hold d own the first key while p ressing the sec ond key and , if ap p rop riate, the third key as well) are enc losed tog ether, sep arated b y hyp hens, in a c urved -ed g e b ox. For examp le, an instruc tion to p ress and hold while typing the letter “ d ” ap pears in this d oc ument as: Press . nVariab les for whic h you or the system sub stitute a word sp ec ific to your own ap p lic ation are shown in italic typ e. For example, an error messag e that ap p ears on the sc reen with the name of your own sp ec ific filename mig ht ap p ear g eneric ally in this d oc ument as: Your file filename is formatted incorrectly . RETU RN ALT ALTD

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 About This Document xiv Related Resources Related Resources Th e D EFI N I TY AU D I X Sy st e m Sc re e n s Re f e re n c e is the c ompanion d oc ument for this book. It c ontains a d esc rip tion of all DEFINITY AUDIX sc reens and an exp lanation of eac h field on eac h sc reen. Refer to the DEFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e that is app rop riate for your version of the DEFINITY AUDIX system: nDEFINITY AUDIX System Release 3.2 Sc reens Referenc e, 585-300-211 nDEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0 Sc reens Referenc e, 585-300-213 For a list of all d oc uments related to the DEFINITY AUDIX System see the Luc ent Tec hnolog ies Prod uc t Pub lic ations Catalog web site at www.luc ent.c om/enterp rise/d oc umentation.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 About This Document xv Customer Care Center Information Customer Care Center Information The Luc ent National Customer Care Center is a c entralized telep hone information servic e that p rovid es a fast and c onvenient way for DEFINITY AUDIX administrators and technicians to report problems and get information about DEFINITY AUDIX c apab ilities and ad ministration p roc ed ures. Calls to the c ustomer c are c enter are hand led b y Luc ent p ersonnel using an automated trac king system. You only need to id entify yourself, the name of your c omp any, and the IL or main listed numb er of your DEFINITY AUDIX system to the sup port rep resentative who answers your c all. (Of c ourse, if your c omp any has multip le loc ations of DEFINITY AUDIX systems, you may need to p rovid e more id entifying d etails to the sup p ort representative, suc h as your loc ation or the name of your system.) Onc e you have estab lished your id entity, your p ertinent information (name, location, configuration, maintenance contract information, recent system trouble history) is d isp layed on the sup p ort rep resentative’s sc reen. The sup p ort rep resentative c an then answer your q uestions or help you isolate and solve your p rob lem either b y talking you throug h a partic ular troub leshooting p roc ed ure or b y remotely ac c essing your system and performing the troub leshooting p roc ed ure. Non-U.S. c ustomers c ontac t your Remote Servic e Center or Center of Exc ellenc e for assistance. Who Should Call the Customer Care Center The c ustomer c are c enter is intend ed to provid e sup p ort for DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministrators and tec hnic ians. DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers should not c all the c enter d irec tly. Instead , sub sc rib ers should d irec t their q uestions or p rob lems to their DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministrator, who c an solve most routine sub sc rib er issues or c all the c enter for assistanc e. What to Do Before You Call Gather all relevant fac ts p rior to c alling the c ustomer c are c enter. Alarm rep orting should inc lud e the resourc e typ e, loc ation, and fault c od e found on the Display Alarms sc reen. You should also d isp lay the Ac tivity Log when reporting a sub sc rib er’s p rob lem with his/her mailb ox. National Customer Care Center 1-800-242-2121 (800 numbers are valid in the U. S. only.)

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 About This Document xvi How to Make Comments About This Document What Does the Center Cost Basic servic e is p rovid ed at no extra c ost to c ustomers who have warranty or maintenance contracts. The customer care c enter is available to other DEFINITY AUDIX users on a fee-p er-c all b asis. How to Make Comments About This Document We are interested in your sug g estions for imp roving this doc ument. Please send your c omments and sugg estions to: Luc ent Tec hnolog ies OMD Tec hnic al Public ations Room 22-2X57 11900 North Pec os Street Denver, Colorad o 80234 Send email c omments to: oc teltec hp ub s@luc ent.c om

Introduction 1-1 Overview 1 DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 1 Introduction This c hap ter p rovid es an overview of the DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration p roc ess and outlines the resp onsib ilities of the DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministrator. Overview The DEFINITY AUDIX system is a voic e mail system — a c omputerized method of using a touc h-tone telep hone to send and rec eive verb al messag es (voic e mail). The DEFINITY AUDIX system allows sub sc rib ers (individ uals who have DEFINITY AUDIX servic e) to use keyp ad c ommand s on a touc h-tone telep hone to c reate, ed it, send , rec eive, save, and d elete voic e mail messag es. The DEFINITY AUDIX system also c an answer c alls for sub sc rib ers and rec ord verb al messag es from c allers. Lucent I NTUITY Messag e Manager (IMM) offers a visual interfac e for the DEFINITY AUDIX system at a p ersonal c omp uter that has IMM c lient software and loc al area network ac c ess to the DEFINITY AUDIX server. DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration is the ong oing p roc ess of making the DEFINITY AUDIX system work to the satisfac tion of eac h sub sc rib er. The ad ministrator is resp onsib le for making the system work effic iently from b oth the system sid e and the user sid e. This req uires b oth tec hnic al and interp ersonal skills and is an ong oing resp onsibility that can take many forms, inc lud ing the following : nSetting up sub scribers and customizing their service op tions nRecording voice fragments, inc luding subscriber names and c ustomized system announc ements nCoord inating switc h and DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration when new features are ac tivated

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Introduction 1-2 Administrative Interface 1 nAnalyzing aud its and traffic rep orts and taking c orrec tive ac tion when ap p rop riate nEstab lishing and maintaining c ommunic ation with the sub sc rib er c ommunity, resp ond ing to p rob lems, and c orrec ting misc onc ep tions nTroub leshooting and c orrec ting p rob lems as they oc c ur As the ad ministrator, you must also be ac quainted with the two p ossib le typ es of switc h integ ration used b y your DEFINITY AUDIX System. Display Set (DS) integ ration provid es voic e mail integ ration with the switc h through use of disp lay and other messag es sent from the switc h to the port board. The c ontrol link (CL) mod e c onnec ts to the switc h using the BX.25 c ontrol link. Some of the features and capabilities available to you will vary slightly depending on whic h mod e of integ ration is used b y your c omp any. Differenc es between the two mod es will b e d isc ussed as relevant throug hout this d oc ument. Administrative Interface The DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministrative interfac e is mad e up of a series of interac tive sc reens you d isplay on your system ad ministration terminal. Eac h sc reen c onsists of field s that display information or req uire information to b e entered . nVarious ad ministrative sc reens are used to ad d, c hang e, remove, or d isp lay information relating to the DEFINITY AUDIX system and its sub sc rib ers. Eac h ad ministrative and maintenanc e sc reen is d esc rib ed in the DEFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e. In these d oc uments, Chapter 1 c ontains c omp lete instruc tions for using the ad ministration terminal to ac c ess the DEFINITY AUDIX system sc reens; Chap ter 2 p rovid es tab les to help you loc ate the sc reens easily.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Introduction 1-3 Types of Administration 1 Types of Administration The DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration p roc ess inc ludes four d istinc t types of ad ministration: nSwitc h administration — Estab lishes c ommunic ations b etween the DEFINITY AUDIX system and the switc h and sp ec ifies Call Answer (CA) c overag e p aths and Leave Word Calling (LWC) translations for ind ividual sub sc rib ers. As the DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministrator, it is your resp onsib ility to ensure that all req uired switc h ad ministration is c omp leted at the ap p rop riate time b efore DEFINITY AUDIX initial ad ministration and on an ong oing b asis as new sub sc rib ers are ad d ed to your DEFINITY AUDIX system. Switc h ad ministration req uirements and ramific ations are d esc rib ed in Chap ter 2, ‘‘Prep aring for DEFINITY AUDIX System Op eration’’. nSystem ad ministration — Inc lud es tasks you p erform to estab lish system p arameters and ac tivate or d eac tivate DEFINITY AUDIX features. Some tasks are p erformed d uring initial ad ministration b y Luc ent tec hnic al personnel, and some are performed by you as required as part of your DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration. DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration req uirements and ramific ations are d esc rib ed in Chap ter 2, ‘‘Prep aring for DEFINITY AUDIX System Op eration’’, and Chap ter 3, ‘‘Feature Ad ministration’’. nSub sc rib er ad ministration — Inc lud es tasks you p erform to ad d new sub sc rib ers to your DEFINITY AUDIX system and to c hang e or remove existing sub sc rib ers as their DEFINITY AUDIX system requirements c hang e. These tasks are p erformed d uring initial ad ministration b y Luc ent tec hnic al p ersonnel and later b y you as required as p art of your DEFINITY AUDIX system administration. Sub sc rib er ad ministration req uirements and ramific ations are d esc rib ed in Chap ter 3, ‘‘Feature Ad ministration’’, and Chapter 5, ‘‘Ongoing Subscriber Administration’’. nData ad ministration — Inc lud es monitoring filesystem spac e, b ac king up d ata, rec overing b ac ked -up d ata, and c reating c ustomized system voic e announc ements. These tasks are p erformed as required as p art of your DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration. Data administration and ramific ations are d esc rib ed in Chap ter 6, ‘‘Ong oing Data Administration’’. All typ es of ad ministration exc ept switc h ad ministration are p erformed using the DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministrative sc reens.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Introduction 1-4 Administrative Phases 1 Administrative Phases DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration oc c urs in three seq uential phases that are addressed in this document: nPlanning ad ministration — Inc lud es c hec king p rereq uisite switc h ad ministration and org anizing information for inp ut d uring initial ad ministration. It is imp ortant for you to b e involved in the system c onfig uration p roc ess to learn as muc h as p ossib le ab out system features and eq uip ment and ab out how the DEFINITY AUDIX system interc onnec ts with the switc h. Refer to Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System, 585-300-904, or Planning for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-602 for a d esc rip tion of this p hase of DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration. nInitial ad ministration — Inc lud es initial system, d ata, and sub sc rib er ad ministration that must b e c omp leted b efore the DEFINITY AUDIX system c an b e used b y the g eneral user p op ulation. Muc h of this p hase is described in DEFINITY AUDIX System — Installation and Up g rad e, 585-300-111, or Installation and Switc h Administration for the DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0, 585-300-122. It is g enerally p erformed b y Luc ent tec hnic al p ersonnel. It is d uring this p hase that Luc ent sets up the switc h integ ration method selec ted b y your c ompany. nOng oing ad ministration — Inc lud es all ad ministrative ac tivities that are p erformed d uring normal DEFINITY AUDIX system op eration after initial ad ministration, inc lud ing : — Sub sc rib er ad ministration — Feature ad ministration — Preventive maintenanc e — Data ad ministration — Monitoring alarms, log s, and aud its —Traffic reports — Setting up automated attend ants — System sec urity This ong oing p hase of DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration is described in this document. Eac h p hase in the administration p roc ess may inc lud e one or more of the ad ministration typ es (switc h, system, sub sc rib er, d ata) that were introd uc ed in the p revious sec tion.