Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Communicating with Subscribers A-3 Subscriber Survey A Subscriber Survey You may want to tailor the following survey to meet your own need s and send it to sub sc rib ers. It is intend ed to p rovid e feedb ac k that would allow you as DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministrator to measure sub sc rib er satisfac tion, d efine and q uantify the b enefits of the DEFINITY AUDIX system within your p artic ular org anization, and g ather id eas for imp roving servic e. D EFI N I TY AU D I X SU BSC RI B ER SU RVEY SU BSC RIB ER N A ME:______________________EXTEN SIO N :___________________ (No ind ivid ual resp onse to this survey will b e rep orted within your c omp any. Your name is req uested only so that we c an c ontac t you if we have a question or would like to follow up with you on your rec ommend ations.) For eac h sec tion of this q uestionnaire, p lease c irc le the ap p rop riate answer and p rovid e exp lanations as req uested . BACKGROUND INFORMATION 1 . You r job :__________________________________________________________ 2. Do you use the DEFINITY AUDIX system? a. Yes b . N o. (A ny p ar t ic u lar reas on? _______________________________ ) 3. Is your job p erformed entirely in one offic e b uild ing ? a. Yes b. No If you answered “ no” to q uestion 3, p lease c omp lete q uestions 4 and 5. Otherwise skip to the next sec tion. 4. How many d ays p er week are sp ent OUTSIDE of the offic e? 5. Where d o you work when you are outsid e of the offic e? (Circ le as many as ap p ly and fill in hours p er week. Hours p er week a . H om e _______________ b . *O n t he Roa d * _______________ c . An othe r offic e l oc at ion ________________ d . Other (Pl eas e ex p l ai n: __________________ )
DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Communicating with Subscribers A-4 Subscriber Survey A FEATURES / ENHANCEMENTS 1. Ap p roximately how many times p er d ay d o you p erform the following func tions using the DEFINITY AUDIX system? Ti m e s p e r D a y a . Lea vi ng m es sa g e s ______________ b . Re tr iev in g me ss ag es ______________ c.Re c ord i ng “ Per so nal G reet ing s ” ______________ d . Broad c a st ing a me ss ag e ______________ to a group of people 2. How many messages d o you usually find on a sing le “ retrieval session” ? Mi nim um : __________________ Max i mum : __________________ Av er ag e : __________________ 3. What feature(s) of the DEFINITY AUDIX system d o you like b est? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. What feature(s) of the DEFINITY AUDIX system d o you like least? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. What feature(s) would you like to see ad d ed or c hanged ? Please exp lain? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 6. If you c ould mod ify the DEFINITY AUDIX system and use it for something else that involved rec ord ing the human voic e, what other uses would you p rop ose for your offic e? (Be c reative!) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Communicating with Subscribers A-5 Subscriber Survey A CALLER REACTION 1. What kind of feed bac k have you rec eived from outsid e c allers sinc e the DEFINITY AUDIX system was introduc ed ? (If app rop riate, c irc le more than one answer.) a. Very p ositive b . No c omment either way c. Negative If you c irc led more than one answer, p lease exp lain. ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ 2. What sp ec ific reac tions/c omments have you had from the p ub lic (ag ents, insured s, c laimants, attorneys, etc .)? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. Are most p eop le who c all you willing to leave messag es or d o they feel unc omfortable “ talking to a mac hine” or insist up on sp eaking to a human being? Explain. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 4. Is there any p artic ular g roup or typ e of c aller (for examp le, ag ents, home offic e p ersonnel, etc .) who really likes the DEFINITY AUDIX system? Name the g roup (s) and g ive the reasons why you feel they like it. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 5. Is there any p artic ular g roup or typ e of c aller (for examp le, ag ents, home offic e p ersonnel, etc .) who really d islikes the DEFINITY AUDIX system? Name the g roup (s) and g ive the reasons why you feel they d islike it. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 6. List any sug g estions you have for imp roving the DEFINITY AUDIX system so that c allers may feel more c omfortab le leaving messag es: __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Communicating with Subscribers A-6 Subscriber Survey A EFFEC T O N PRO D U C TI VI TY / B EN EFI TS TO YO U R C O M PA N Y 1. Does the DEFINITY AUDIX system assist you with your job ? a. Most d efinitely b . Somewhat c . Not at all d . Interferes with job Exp lain your answer. (How d oes/d oesn’t the DEFINITY AUDIX system assist you with your job ?) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 2. How muc h has the DEFINITY AUDIX system affec ted your p rod uc tivity? a. Big imp rovement b. Some improvement c. No change d . I’m less p rod uc tive Exp lain your answer. (In what ways are you more/less p rod uc tive b ec ause of the DEFINITY AUDIX system?) __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 3. If you feel that the DEFINITY AUDIX system allows you to b e more p rod uc tive, how muc h time p er d ay would you estimate that the DEFINITY AUDIX system saves you? __________________________________________________________________ 4. If you feel that the DEFINITY AUDIX system red uc es your p rod uc tivity, how muc h time p er d ay would you estimate that the DEFINITY AUDIX system costs you? __________________________________________________________________ 5. How has the DEFINITY AUDIX system c hang ed (for b etter, worse or b oth) your resp onsiveness to c allers? __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________
DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Communicating with Subscribers A-7 Welcome to the DEFINITY AUDIX System A 6. List sp ec ific b enefits or shortc oming s of the DEFINITY AUDIX system. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ 7. Please c omment on the overall ap plic ab ility and effec tiveness of the DEFINITY AUDIX system to your comp any’s b usiness. __________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________ Welcome to the DEFINITY AUDIX System We’ve provided this “template” to help you compose an introductory letter for new DEFINITY AUDIX system sub sc rib ers. Please fill in text sp ec ific to your c omp any where sq uare b rac kets are ind ic ated , and feel free to modify this letter to reflec t the c irc umstanc es at your site. We rec ommend that you d istribute your c ustomized introd uc tory letter with the Voic e Messaging Quick Reference, 585-300-702, and the Voic e Messag ing Wallet Card, 585-300-704. TO: New DEFINITY AUDIX System Sub sc rib ers FROM: [ Fill in name of your c omp any’s system ad ministrator] DATE: [ Fill in d ate of d istrib ution] SUBJECT: Introd uc tion to the DEFINITY® AUDIX® System† WELCOME TO THE DEFINITY AUDIX SYSTEM The DEFINITY AUDIX system is a c omp lete and easy-to-use voic e mail and messag e servic e available to you 24 hours a d ay from any touc h-tone telep hone. This system c omb ines the c ommunic ation advantag es of an answering mac hine, c onferenc e room, and sec retary/rec ep tionist into one powerful tool. The acc ompanying Voic e Messag ing Quic k Referenc e will introd uc e you to the p rimary DEFINITY AUDIX features and p roc ed ures. The system has many other useful features that are not mentioned in this d oc ument. If you need more in for m ati on o r hav e p ro b lem s or su g g es tion s, c al l ___________________________ _______[ fill in name, title, and telep hone number] . The ac c omp anying Vo i c e Messag ing Wallet Card p rovid es a b rief list of task op tions and basic sec ond ary DEFINITY AUDIX c ommand s so you c an c arry DEFINITY AUDIX instruc tions with you. GETTING STARTED The DEFINITY AUDIX system has b een ad ministered to answer your telephone c alls automatic ally. The DEFINITY AUDIX system c an use a stand ard system g reeting to answer your c alls, or you c an rec ord your own p ersonal g reetings. When you have voic e mail messag es, the messag e-waiting lamp on your telep hone will lig ht.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Communicating with Subscribers A-8 Welcome to the DEFINITY AUDIX System A To use the DEFINITY AUDIX system the first time, you must d ial your DEFINITY AUDIX system telep hone numb er, _____________ [ fill in] and enter a d efault p as sw o rd , __________ [ f il l i n] . ( The c o mp le te p ro c ed u re fo ll ow s .) O nc e yo u und erstand how to log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system, c hang e your p assword immed iately to p rotec t your messag es (if your system d oesn’t p romp t you for this). Getting Help While using the DEFINITY AUDIX system, you c an g et more information or hear ad d itional op tions any time. Simp ly p ress for HELP, and the DEFINITY AUDIX system will “ p romp t” you throug h every p roc ed ure. Log g ing in to the DEFINITY AUDIX System the First Time To log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system the first time: 1 . D ia l _____________ [ fil l i n] . 2. Enter your extension and p ress . (If you’re c alling from your own offic e telep hone, you c an simply p ress .) 3 . Enter th e d ef aul t p as s w ord , __________ [ fil l in] a nd p res s . Re m e m b e r, you will b e asked to c hang e your p assword after log ging in. [ System Ad ministrator: If you make the d efault password shorter than the minimum p assword leng th, c allers will b e req uired to c hang e their passwords when they first log in.] 4. Press , sp eak your name, and p ress ag ain. (The DEFINITY AUDIX system will use this rec ord ing when answering your c alls.) If you’d like to re-rec ord your name, rep eat step 4. When you’re satisfied with the rec ord ing , p ress . [ System Ad ministrator: If your c omp any’s DEFINITY AUDIX system d oes not have the Name Rec ord b y Sub sc rib er feature ac tivated , it will not p rompt users for this information. Please delete app lic ab le step s ab ove.] 5. Listen to the DEFINITY AUDIX Ac tivity Menu (also shown in the ac c omp anying d oc ument.) The DEFINITY AUDIX system will announce an abbreviated menu of op tions. To c omp lete the DEFINITY AUDIX system tasks, simp ly listen to the voiced instruc tions and follow the steps or use the DEFINITY AUDIX d oc umentation. The Voice Messag ing Quick Referenc e provides important command options and shortcuts that will help you to use the DEFINITY AUDIX system more effic iently. Re m e m b e r, you c an always p ress for HELP any time. *H # # # 11 *# *H
DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Communicating with Subscribers A-9 Welcome to the DEFINITY AUDIX System A Changing Your Password To c hange your p assword : 1. Log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 2. Press . 3. Press . 4. Enter your new password and press . 5. Re-enter your new p assword and p ress . TIPS nOnc e a messag e has b een d elivered to another user’s mailb ox, you c annot d elete the messag e. nIf you d elete one of your own messag es, you c an retrieve it b y p ressing immed iately after pressing . nPeriodic ally c hec k your outg oing mailb ox (p ress after log in). This op tion g ives you a status of your messag es. QUESTIONS OR PROBLEMS We hop e you enjoy using the DEFINITY AUDIX system. For q uestions or p rob l ems , c all ______________________. [ Fil l i n na me and te le p h one num b er .] 5 4 # # * *U*D 4
DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Communicating with Subscribers A-10 Template Letter for the Multilingual Feature A Template Letter for the Multilingual Feature We’ve provided this “template” to help you compose a letter for subscribers using the Multiling ual feature. This letter is intend ed for subsc ribers with the Call Answer Languag e Choic e field set to “ y” (yes) allowing c allers a c hoic e of two lang uag es. Please fill in text spec ific to your c omp any where sq uare b rac kets are indic ated , and feel free to mod ify this letter to reflec t the c irc umstanc es at your site. You may want to translate this letter into the lang uag es used at your site. TO: Users of the Multiling ual Feature FROM: [ Fill in name of your c omp any‘s system ad ministrator] DATE: [ Fill in d ate of d istrib ution] SUBJECT: Using the DEFINITY® AUDIX® System Multiling ual Feature† As a subsc rib er on the DEFINITY AUDIX system, you have a p rimary lang uag e and a sec ond ary lang uag e available to you. We rec ommend that you rec ord a p ersonal g reeting b oth in the p rimary lang uag e and in the sec ond ary lang uag e. When rec ord ing eac h g reeting , instruc t the c aller, in the alternate lang uag e, to p ress to switc h to the alternate lang uag e. If you d o not rec ord p ersonal g reeting s, the system g reeting s for eac h lang uag e will instruc t the c aller to p ress to switc h to the alternate lang uag e. If the c aller d oes not switc h to the alternate lang uag e, DEFINITY AUDIX p romp ts for the c all will be in your desig nated p rimary lang uag e. If a switc h is mad e to the alternate lang uag e, the DEFINITY AUDIX p rompts for the c all will b e in your d esig nated sec ond ary lang uag e. Sinc e you will b e using the Dual Lang uag e Greeting s c ap ab ility of the Multiling ual feature, you will not b e ab le to use the Multiple Personal Greeting s feature. Use the following p roc ed ure to administer Dual Lang uag e Greeting s: 1. Log into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 2. Press at the DEFINITY AUDIX Ac tivity Menu. 3. To administer your primary greeting, press . 4. To ad minister your sec ond ary g reeting , p ress . 5. Press to rec ord a p ersonal g reeting . 6. Press to app rove your g reeting . *1 *1 3 1 2 1 #
DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Communicating with Subscribers A-11 Template Letter for AMIS Analog Networking A Template Letter for AMIS Analog Networking We’ve p rovid ed this “ temp late” to help you c omp ose a letter for users of the AMIS Analog Networking and /or Messag e Delivery features. Please fill in text sp ec ific to your c omp any where ind ic ated b y sq uare b rac kets, and feel free to modify the information to reflec t the c irc umstanc es at your site. We rec ommend that you d istrib ute your c ustomized letter with any other introd uc tory sub sc rib er information, suc h as the voic e messag ing quic k referenc e and /or wallet c ard for your system. TO: Users of the AMIS Analog Networking and /or Messag e Delivery Features FROM: [ Fill in system ad ministrator’s name] DATE: [ Fill in d ate of d istrib ution] SUBJECT: Using the AMIS Analog Networking and Messag e Delivery Features In ad dition to the features desc rib ed in your voic e mail sub sc rib er information, your Luc ent voic e messag ing system p rovid es the following features for send ing voic e mail messag es to ad d itional telep hone numb ers or loc ations: nAMIS Analog Networking enab les you to send voic e mail messag es to remote voic e mail systems that have b een ad ministered on our loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system. nMessage Delivery enab les you to send voic e mail messag es to touc h-tone telep hones that have b een ad ministered on our loc al DEFINITY AUDIX system or to a rang e of telep hone numb ers that have b een ad ministered on our system. Using the p roc ed ures in this letter, you c an ad d ress a voic e mail messag e to either a remote voic e mail system using analog networking or to ad ministered touc h-tone telep hones. Note: Messag es d esig nated as private will not be delivered. Messages designated as priority will be delivered, but appear as regular voice mail messag es to the rec ip ient. AMIS ANALOG NETWORKING The Audio Messaging Interchange Spec ification (AMIS) Analog Networking feature enab les you to exc hang e voic e mail messag es with other Luc ent or non-Luc ent voic e mail systems anywhere in the world , p rovid ed those systems also have AMIS analog c ap ab ilities. You c an use one-step ( p re-ad ministered) ad d ressing or two-step ( casual) add ressing , d ep end ing on how your system ad ministrator has set up the c onnec tion to the remote voic e mail system you are trying to reac h.
DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Communicating with Subscribers A-12 Template Letter for AMIS Analog Networking A After you address an AMIS message, your local Lucent voice mail system attemp ts to deliver the messag e d uring the interval(s) defined b y your system ad ministrator. The system makes three attemp ts to d eliver the messag e. If all attemp ts fail, the system send s you a new voic e mail messag e informing you that the messag e was und eliverab le. The messag e is saved in your outg oing mailb ox so you c an attemp t to send it ag ain if you wish. Using AMIS Analog One-Step Addressing You c an use one-step ( p re-ad ministered) ad dressing to exc hang e voic e mail messag es with the following remote voic e mail systems: [ list the sp ec ific remote voic e mail systems that have b een ad ministered for one-step ad d ressing on your loc al system] Use the following p roc ed ure to send a voic e mail messag e to one of the remote voic e mail systems listed ab ove: 1. Follow the step s in your q uic k referenc e c ard for forward ing a voic e mail message or for recording and approving a new message. 2.When p romp ted for the rec ip ient’s extension, enter the following: a. [ AMIS p refix and /or ad d ress p refix for this mac hine, if d efined ] b . mailb ox ID (usually the extension) of the rec ip ient on the remote voic e mail system c. NOTE: Ad ministered remote sub sc rib ers may alternatively b e addressed by name (last-name-first). All recipients on remote systems ad ministered for one-step ad d ressing may b e inc lud ed in mailing lists or personal d irec tories if they are addressed by extension number. 3. Ad d any other loc al or remote extensions if you wish, then c omp lete (approve) addressing as described in your quick reference card. NOTE: As an option, you c an sp ec ify a time when you want the messag e d elivered . At the sp ec ified time, the loc al system d elivers the messag e to the AMIS transmission q ueue, but the messag e may not b e transmitted until the next ad ministered outc alling p eriod . #