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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-19 Login Announcement 3 To c reate a log in announc ement: 1. Using your touc h-tone p hone, log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system, and p ress to record a messag e. 2. Rec ord the messag e, and p ress to ap p rove the messag e. 3. Press ag ain to indic ate that there are no ad d itional rec ip ients. 4. Press to make the messag e a log in announc ement. In the Delivery Options menu, you also c an sp ec ify filing or future d elivery. Press to file a c op y of your log in announc ement. Press to sp ec ify d elivery some time in the future. 5. Optionally, p ress to hear the sec ond -level log in announc ements op tions menu, then p ress to make the announc ement non-d ial-throug h or to c hang e the messag e exp iration date from the default (two d ays after delivery d ate) up to a year in the future. Press as promp ted to ap p rove your log in announc ement op tion c hang es and return to the messag e op tions menu. 6. Press in response to the voic e p rompts to ap p rove the d elivery op tions. To c hange or d elete a log in announc ement: nTo c hang e the messag e text or d elivery instruc tions before the sc hed uled d elivery, log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system using your touc h-tone p hone, p ress to c hec k outgoing messag es, and ed it as you would for any outg oing messag e. To c hange the log in announc ement status (suc h as c hang ing the message to a b road c ast messag e), p ress the ap prop riate selec tions at the Delivery Op tions menu and ac tivate or d eac tivate op tions as p romp ted . To c hang e log in announc ement op tions (non-d ial-throug h, exp iration date), p ress at the Delivery Op tions menu to hear the Log in Announc ement Op tions menu and make c hang es as ap prop riate. nTo p urg e the log in announc ement after the sc hed uled d elivery but b efore the exp iration date, log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system with the extension and p assword of the b roadc ast mailb ox extension, press to sc an the mailb ox to find the log in announc ement, and p ress to d elete it. 1 # # 9 4 3 *M 1 2 # # 4 *M 2 *D

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-20 Mailing List 3 Mailing List The Mailing List feature allows DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers to c reate lists of names or extensions to send voic e mail to instead of ad d ressing eac h rec ip ient individ ually. This is c onvenient for send ing voic e mail to g roup s who regularly rec eive mail, suc h as memb ers of a d ep artment or projec t. Lists c an b e c omp osed of ind ivid ual sub sc rib er names, extensions, and other lists. The c reator of a list also c an d esig nate it as p ub lic or p rivate, and p ub lic lists are availab le for use b y other subsc rib ers. Even if a list is p ublic , only the owner of the list c an mod ify it. No sp ec ific DEFINITY AUDIX system administration is req uired to use this feature. However, you limit the maximum numb er of lists eac h sub sc rib er is allowed and the total numb er of entries in all lists for a sub sc rib er on the ap p rop riate Class of Servic e sc reen for a g roup of sub sc rib ers or on the Su b s c r ib e r sc reen. Message Delivery The Messag e Delivery feature p ermits sub sc rib ers to send DEFINITY AUDIX Voic e Mail messag es to any touc h-tone telep hone, anywhere in the world (inc lud ing someone’s home). This feature is an extension of the AMIS Analog Networking feature. Messag e Delivery is an optional DEFINITY AUDIX feature that is not inc lud ed in the b asic DEFINITY AUDIX system; you must p urc hase the AMIS Analog Networking feature to use Messag e Delivery. When d elivering a messag e, the DEFINITY AUDIX system outc alls to the specified recipient and plays a prompt five times before disconnecting. If the Multiling ual feature is enab led , this p romp t will b e in the System announc ement set. You may want to rerec ord this p romp t in all lang uag es used on your system. Refer to the announc ement c ustomization g uid e for eac h lang uag e. After a sub scrib er has ad d ressed a messag e d elivery messag e, the DEFINITY AUDIX system d ials the rec ip ient’s telep hone numb er. A rec ord ing informs the rec ip ient that he/she has a messag e and should p ress to listen to the messag e. The DEFINITY AUDIX system then p lays the messag e. You c an c hoose to ad minister any telep hone numb ers to whic h message d elivery traffic is heavy. For c omp lete instruc tions and information on Messag e Delivery, refer to AMIS Analog Networking , 585-300-512. 0

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-21 Message Sending Restrictions 3 Message Sending Restrictions The Messag e Send ing Restric tions feature allows you to c reate as many as 15 c ommunities within a DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er b ase and restric t the c ommunities to whic h ind ivid ual c ommunities c an send voic e mail. This feature is ac tivated or d eac tivated on the System-Parameters Send ing -Restric tions screen; it is initially off b y d efault. A g rid showing send er c ommunities (1 to 15 down the sc reen) and recipient c ommunities (1 to 15 ac ross the sc reen) is d isp layed , and you enter an “ r” at eac h intersec tion on the grid where a send ing c ommunity is restric ted from ad d ressing a rec eiving c ommunity. For example, an “ r” p lac ed at the intersec tion of send er c ommunity 1 and rec ipient c ommunity 2 on the g rid restric ts members of c ommunity 1 from send ing voic e mail to memb ers of c ommunity 2. The d efault c ommunity for eac h mac hine is d efined on the Mac hine sc reen. This d efault c an b e overrid d en for ind ivid ual subsc rib ers on the Remote-Sub sc rib er sc reen. The List Measurements Community sc reens d isp lay c ounts of the number of messag es sent and b loc ked for eac h c ommunity. Multilingual The Multiling ual feature allows the system ad ministrator to sp ec ify, for eac h sub sc rib er, any one of the installed announc ement sets as their Log in Announc ement Set. The subsc riber’s Log in Announc ement Set d efines the lang uag e the sub sc rib er uses when interac ting with the DEFINITY AUDIX system. The Multiling ual feature also allows the sub sc rib er to p rovid e c all answer users with a c hoic e b etween two lang uag es for g reeting s and p romp ts when interac ting with the DEFINITY AUDIX system. The c alled sub sc rib er’s Call Answer Primary Announc ement Set and Call Answer Sec ond ary Announc ement Set d etermine the lang uag es the c all answer user c an use after b eing forward ed to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. The Multiling ual feature c an p rovid e messag ing servic e to hearing -imp aired p eop le on the same DEFINITY AUDIX system used for hearing p eop le. An announc ement set using the tone-b ased protoc ol for Teletyp ewriter (TTY) d evic es c an b e run simultaneously with verb al announc ement sets. See the TDD feature later in this c hapter. Luc ent must turn on the Multiling ual feature on the System-Parameters Customer-Op tions sc reen by entering “ y” (yes) in this field . The system ad ministrator must id entify a “ System” and an “ Ad ministrative” announc ement set on the System-Parameters Features sc reen.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-22 Multilingual 3 The Multiling ual feature is ac tivated for eac h sub sc rib er on the Sub sc rib er sc reen, or the feature may b e ad ministered p er c lass-of-servic e on the Class of Servic e sc reen for all sub sc rib ers assigned a given c lass-of-servic e. Comp lete the following field s on either sc reen. nLogin Announcement Set nCall Answer Primary Announcement Set nCall Answer Secondary Announcement Set nCall Answer Language Choice If the Call Answer Language Choice field is “ y” (yes), c all answer c alls to the sub sc rib er’s mailb ox are g reeted using the p rimary lang uag e and the c aller is instruc ted in the sec ondary lang uag e to enter *1 to switc h to the sec ond ary languag e. If the Call Answer Language Choice field is “ n” (no), c all answer c alls to the sub sc riber’s mailb ox d o not have the op tion of switc hing to the sec ond ary lang uag e. If the Call Answer Language Choice field is “ y” (yes) for a sub sc rib er, the sub sc rib er may not use the Multip le Personal Greeting s feature. If the Call Answer Language Choice field is “ y” (yes) for a sub sc rib er, the sub sc rib er c an rec ord p ersonalized g reeting s in the lang uag es listed as the p rimary and sec ond ary announc ement sets on the Sub sc rib er or Class of Servic e sc reen. When rec ording their p rimary p ersonal g reeting , the sub sc rib er must instruc t the c aller to enter *1 to switc h to the alternate lang uage. If the sub sc rib er d oes not rec ord a p ersonal greeting , a system g reeting in the c hosen language is played. Automated Attendants are administered with the Call Answer Language Choic e field set to “ n” (no) on the Sub sc rib er or Class of Servic e sc reen. You c an rec ord as many lang uag es within the Automated Attend ant as need ed . Sinc e you rec ord the Automated Attend ant menu, an Automated Attend ant is not limited to two lang uag es. Automated Attendants c an use the Multip le Personal Greeting s feature as long as the Call Answer Language Choice field is set to “ n” (no).

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-23 Multiple Personal Greetings 3 Multiple Personal Greetings The Multip le Personal Greeting s feature allows sub sc rib ers to rec ord and store up to nine p ersonal g reeting s and to ac tivate as many as three of them at onc e for d ifferent c all typ es (internal/external, b usy/no-answer, out-of-hours). For examp le, one g reeting c an b e ac tivated for internal c alls, a sec ond for external c alls, and a third for out-of-hours c alls. Alternatively, one g reeting c an b e ac tivated for c alls when the sub sc rib er’s p hone is b usy, a sec ond for when there is no answer, and a third for after-hours c alls. The Multip le Personal Greeting s feature is not availab le to sub sc rib ers that use the Multiling ual feature and have the Call Answer Language Choice field set to “ y” on the Sub sc rib er or Class of Servic e sc reen. Internal/external and b usy/no answer c all typ es are mutually exc lusive; the sub sc rib er c an sp ec ify separate g reeting s for internal and external c alls or for b usy and no answer c alls, b ut not for b oth c all typ es or a c omb ination of b oth c all types. Note that out-of-hours c alls are answered with the out-of-hours g reeting reg ard less of whether the c all is internal/external or b usy/no-answer. Even if sub sc rib ers c hoose not to p rovide sep arate greeting s for d ifferent c all typ es, the multiple p ersonal greeting s feature is useful for setting up a lib rary of d ifferent p ersonal g reeting s to ac tivate for d ifferent oc c asions, suc h as during lunc h or while on vac ation. Sinc e automated attend ants and b ulletin b oard s are tec hnic ally DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers who are ad ministered via a Sub sc rib er sc reen, this feature also c an b e used to p rovid e menu p romp ts for automated attendants and announc ements for b ulletin b oard s that vary d ep end ing on whether the c aller is an internal or external c aller and if the c all is p lac ed d uring normal b usiness hours or not. This feature, whic h is initially on by d efault, is ac tivated or d eac tivated for the entire system on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. All other administration for multiple personal greetings is performed by individual subscribers using their touc h-tone telep hones and the DEFINITY AUDIX voic e menu p rompts: nWhen multip le personal g reeting s are not ac tivated , sub sc rib ers c an rec ord a sing le p ersonal g reeting and ac tivate it instead of the DEFINITY AUDIX system g reeting . nWhen multip le personal g reeting s are ac tivated , sub sc rib ers c an rec ord up to nine p ersonal g reeting s (id entified as g reeting s 1 through 9) and ac tivate any one of them at any time instead of the DEFINITY AUDIX system g reeting (id entified as g reeting 0). Sub sc rib ers also c an sp ec ify whic h c all typ es (if any) to id entify, and they c an ac tivate d ifferent g reeting s (inc lud ing the DEFINITY AUDIX system greeting ) for eac h id entified c all typ e. (You may need to inc rease mailb ox sizes for ind ivid ual sub sc rib ers who use all nine g reetings or who rec ord leng thy p ersonal g reeting s.) Several ad ministrative rules ap p ly for ac tivating and d eac tivating the multiple p ersonal g reeting s feature:

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-24 Multiple Personal Greetings 3 When you ac tivate multip le p ersonal g reeting s on the System-Parameters Features sc reen: nIf a sub sc rib er’s p ersonal g reeting has b een rec ord ed , it is saved as g reeting #1. nIf the g reeting was ac tivated , it will b e used for all c all typ es. nIf the g reeting was not ac tivated , the system g reeting will b e used for all c all typ es and g reeting #1 will b e inac tive. nIf no p ersonal g reeting was rec ord ed , the system g reeting will b e used for all c all typ es. When you d eac tivate multip le p ersonal g reeting s on the System-Parameters Features sc reen: nIf a sub sc rib er has rec ord ed multip le greeting s, g reeting #1 is saved as the p ersonal g reeting and g reeting s #2 throug h #9 are d eleted . nIf g reeting #1 is ac tive for eac h of the c all typ es, it will remain ac tive as the p ersonal g reeting . nIf g reeting #1 is not ac tive for all c all typ es, the system g reeting will b e ac tivated and g reeting #1 will b e saved b ut as an inac tive g reeting . Multiple p ersonal greeting s should b e left on und er most c irc umstanc es. The only reason to deac tivate multip le p ersonal g reeting s is if you are running out of messag e sp ac e and alread y have asked sub sc rib ers to d elete unneed ed messag es and g reeting s b ut still susp ec t that there are lots of g reeting s out there. NOTE: If you d eac tivate multip le p ersonal g reetings, the sp ac e used b y multip le p ersonal g reeting s is not freed up until the sub sc rib er mailb ox audit has run. The sub sc rib er mailb ox aud it runs automatic ally eac h nig ht or c an b e run manually using the Aud it Mailb oxes screen.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-25 Name Record by Subscriber 3 Name Record by Subscriber The Name Rec ord By Sub sc riber feature allows sub sc rib ers to rec ord their names in their own voic es for use as a name frag ment b y the DEFINITY AUDIX system in p lac e of the name that you would normally rec ord yourself. When you enab le this feature, sub sc rib ers who are new DEFINITY AUDIX users will b e d irec ted b y the DEFINITY AUDIX system to rec ord their name when they log in for the first time. Ac tivating this feature will sig nific antly d ec rease your workload . Alternatively, you or any other sub sc riber with announc ement c ontrol on the Su b s c r ib e r sc reen, still can record names for sub scrib ers when the name record b y sub sc rib er feature is ac tive. In this c ase, subsc rib ers are not p romp ted to rec ord their names when they first log in, sinc e there is alread y a name rec ord ed ; b ut, they still c an c hang e the rec ording to b e in their own voic es at any time. This is c onvenient for allowing ind ivid ual sub sc rib ers to either use the system-voic ed name or their own voic es, dep end ing on p ersonal p referenc e. Sub sc rib ers will be ab le to c hang e their name rec ord ing at any time when the feature is ac tive b y p ressing at the DEFINITY AUDIX ac tivity menu and then following the voic e p romp ts from the DEFINITY AUDIX subsc rib er ad ministration menu to re-rec ord the name rec ord ing . The rec ord ed name is voic ed b y the DEFINITY AUDIX system when the sub sc rib er log s in and also when the sub sc rib er’s name ap p ears in a messag e head er, system g reeting, messag e verific ation, name ad d ressing c onfirmation, and d irec tory req uest. This feature, whic h is initially on b y d efault, is ac tivated for the entire system on the System-Parameters Features screen. Online Help The Online Help feature p rovid es g eneral or d etailed help at the p ress of a function key when you are using the DEFINITY AUDIX sc reens. There are three levels of online help : nPath line help — Disp lays all leg al c ommand s that may b e selected from the c urrent p oint in the p ath. This help information is d isp layed if or is p ressed when the c ursor is on the PATH line. nSc reen help — Disp lays information ab out the sc reen that is c urrently on the terminal sc reen, inc lud ing the sc reen’s p urp ose and the func tion key c ommand s that are valid for it. This help information is d isp layed if or is p ressed when a sc reen is disp layed on the sc reen. nHelp — Disp lays information about the field on whic h the c ursor is c urrently loc ated on a d isp layed sc reen. This help information is d isp layed when you p ress or . No sp ec ific DEFINITY AUDIX system administration is req uired to use this feature. 5 **N CHOICES F6 HELP F5 CHOICESF6

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-26 Outcalling 3 Outcalling The Outc alling feature allows the DEFINITY AUDIX system to c all a sub sc rib er on the p hone or a p ag er for message notific ation instead of, or in ad d ition to, notific ation b y a MWI or stutter d ial tone. This is useful for rec eiving DEFINITY AUDIX messag es at a home p hone or at a p hone in another b usiness-related loc ation, or to prog ram the DEFINITY AUDIX system to outc all to a p ag ing servic e and enter a c allb ac k numb er. This feature is not rec ommend ed for use as an emerg enc y p ag er sinc e the DEFINITY AUDIX system d oes not treat outc alling as its hig hest p riority d uring b usy p eriod s and may not b e fast enoug h for emerg enc y ap p lic ations. If the Multiling ual feature is ac tive on your system, the DEFINITY AUDIX system uses the Log in Announc ement Set of the sub sc rib er when it outc alls. This feature, whic h is initially off b y d efault, is ac tivated or d eac tivated on the System-Parameters Outc alling sc reen. Permission to use outc alling then c an b e assig ned on a p er-sub sc rib er b asis or b y c lass-of-servic e. You c ontrol the hours d uring whic h outc alling is p ermitted (up to three p eriod s eac h d ay), the maximum numb er of ports that c an b e used simultaneously for outc alling , and the maximum numb er of d ig its (up to 60) that sub sc ribers c an sp ec ify for the outc alled numb er. Sub sc rib ers ad minister outc alling numb ers and p ermissib le hours (the same as or a sub set of the system’s p ermissib le hours) using the DEFINITY AUDIX voic e menu. To administer outcalling: 1. Ac tivate outc alling and set up system outc alling restric tions using the System-Parameters Outc alling sc reen. 2. Choose one of the following : nIf p ermission to use outc alling is b y c lass-of-servic e, ac tivate outc alling on the ap p rop riate Class of Servic e sc reen. nIf permission to use outcalling is on a per-subsc riber basis, activate outc alling on the Sub sc rib er sc reen for eac h ind ivid ual subsc rib er who will have that p ermission. 3. Restart the system using the Reset System Reb oot sc reen to ac tivate c hang es mad e on the System-Parameters Outc alling sc reen. Outc alling uses any available p orts, up to the maximum spec ified on the System-Parameters Outc alling sc reen. Outc alling always selec ts the hig hest numb ered DEFINITY AUDIX p orts first. You may want to limit outc alling d uring p rime hours to free more p orts for other DEFINITY AUDIX system ac c ess.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-27 Priority Messages 3 The maximum numb er of d ig its sub sc rib ers c an sp ec ify as their outc all number c an b e limited to p revent sub sc rib ers from making long -d istanc e c alls. Ad ministrators should c onsid er using this as a method of d iminishing the risk of toll fraud oc c urrenc es. (Refer to Chap ter 10, ‘‘Ong oing System Sec urity’’, for more information ab out minimizing toll fraud .) The maximum numb er of d ig its is 60. The 60-d igit maximum allows a DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er to p rogram the DEFINITY AUDIX system to outc all to a p ag ing servic e, enter a mailb ox id , and enter a c allb ac k numb er. Limiting the numb er of d ig its may ad versely affec t sub sc rib ers who want to have their p ag ers alerted throug h outc alling . A sub sc rib er c an emb ed a “ #” anywhere in the outc alling d ig it string sinc e #s are common delimiters for radio paging services. The Luc ent I NTUITY Messag e Manager (IMM) aud io interfac e uses Outc alling p orts to c omp lete a c all to a sub sc rib er’s telep hone. If you are using the IMM feature with your DEFINITY AUDIX system, you may need to inc rease the numb er of Outc alling p orts. See also ‘‘Priority Outc alling ’’ in this c hap ter for information ab out using outc alling for p riority messag es only. Priority Messages The Priority Messag e feature allows sp ec ified sub sc rib ers to send voic e mail marked priority to other DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers. Also, c allers c an sp ec ify a c all answer messag e as priority. Priority messag es are d elivered b efore other new messag es, and they are p resented before any other new messag es (exc ep t b roadc ast messag es) when the rec ip ient log s in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Priority messag es are id entified as suc h when heard ; a p riority messag e also c an be marked private. Ac tivate p riority messag ing on the app rop riate Class of Servic e sc reens if p ermission to c reate p riority messag es is b y c lass-of-servic e or on the Su b s c r ib e r screen of individual subscribers if permission is on a per-subscriber b asis. The List Measurements Feature and List Measurements Subsc rib er sc reens inc lude information ab out p riority messages sent d uring the spec ified reporting periods. Priority Outcalling The Priority Outc alling feature allows subsc rib ers to sp ec ify that outc alling c alls inform them of the d elivery of p riority messag es only. Individual subscribers ac tivate or d eac tivate this feature using the DEFINITY AUDIX voic e p romp ts. No sp ec ific DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration is required to use this feature. However, the outc alling feature must b e ac tivated for the system on the System-Parameters Outc alling sc reen, and sub sc rib ers must b e ad ministered to use outc alling on the ap p rop riate Class of Servic e sc reen or on ind ivid ual Su b s c r ib e r sc reens.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-28 Security Password 3 Security Password The Sec urity Password feature p rohib its unauthorized ac c ess to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. It p revents nonsub sc rib ers from ac c essing c onfid ential information, messag es, and lists. Password Aging req uires sub sc rib ers to c hang e their p assword at an interval d efined b y the system ad ministrator. Password Ag ing enhanc es overall system sec urity and help s p rotec t ag ainst toll fraud b y making the DEFINITY AUDIX system less vulnerab le to break-ins. Ad minister Password Ag ing on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. Turning Password Aging on immed iately exp ires all p assword s. Also, the system ad ministrator c an exp ire all p asswords at any time b y turning Password Ag ing off, then on ag ain. The Password expiration interval field sp ec ifies the numb er of d ays that a p assword is ac tive on the DEFINITY AUDIX system. The Minimum ag e b efore c hang e field sp ec ifies the minimum numb er of d ays whic h must p ass b efore a subsc rib er c an c hang e his/her password after a suc c essful c hange. The exp iration warning field sp ec ifies the numb er of d ays p rior to p assword expiration the system notifies the user of impending expiration. If Password Aging is ac tive, the system ad ministrator c an forc e the exp iration of a subscriber’s password by entering “e” in the password field of the Subscriber sc reen. System Clock The System Cloc k feature p rovides a real-time c loc k that is used to issue a time and d ate stamp for messag es and for message sc hed uling . This c loc k c an either b e manually set or sync hronized with the switc h on the Set Time sc reen. TDD The DEFINITY AUDIX system offers the td d announc ement set for use with a Teletyp ewriter (TTY) for hearing -imp aired users. The Americ ans With Disab ilities Ac t (ADA) enc ourag es emp loyers to make reasonab le ac c ommod ations for emp loyees with d isab ilities, inc lud ing emp loyees who are hearing -impaired . The Multiling ual feature makes it p ossible to p rovid e the td d announc ement set on the same DEFINITY AUDIX system as voic e announc ement sets, satisfying the messag ing need s of b oth g roups of users with one system. Install the tdd announc ement set on your DEFINITY AUDIX system as you would any other announc ement set (the td d announc ement set is a p urc hasab le op tion). The tdd announc ement set req uires more storag e sp ac e than any of the other announc ement sets. Chec k the amount of spac e availab le on the List Measurements Load Day sc reen to ensure that there is enoug h d isk spac e to install the announc ement set and still have ad eq uate voic e text storag e sp ac e.