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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Preventive Maintenance 4-3 Weekly Preventive Maintenance Tasks 4 Weekly Preventive Maintenance Tasks Perform the following p reventive maintenanc e tasks eac h week: 1. Back up appropriate data on a removable tape or MO disk. The c ritic al filesystems are b ac ked up automatic ally eac h nig ht or eac h week. Normally, you will not have to bac k up any extra d ata. Refer to Chapter 6, ‘‘Ong oing Data Ad ministration’’, und er ‘‘Bac king Up Filesystems and Sub d irectories’’, for information ab out b ac kup suggestions for individual filesystems. 2. Release 3.2 and earlier releases use a removable tape for the backup med ium. When a removab le tap e is full, the DEFINITY AUDIX system rewind s to the beg inning of the tape, and d oes the ind ic ated b ac kup (s), removing all p revious b ac kup s. To p revent all p revious b ac kup s from b eing d eleted , you may want to swap out this tap e with a new one b efore it fills up. Refer to Chapter 6, ‘‘Ong oing Data Ad ministration’’ for instruc tions on replacing the removable tape when it becomes necessary. Release 4.0 uses an MO d isk for the b ac kup med ium. This MO d isk c an also b ec ome full. However, when the d isk is full the DEFINITY AUDIX system attemp ts to reuse sp ac e from the old est b ac kup of the same typ e as the one b eing p erformed . It always leaves at least one b ac kup of the same typ e on the MO d isk. If it c annot overwrite the same typ e of b ac kup , it rep orts an alarm. In this c ase you will need to rep lac e the MO d isk. Refer to Chap ter 6, ‘‘Ong oing Data Ad ministration’’ for instruc tions on rep lac ing the MO d isk. 3. If your DEFINITY AUDIX system is new or if you have rec ently ad d ed a numb er of sub sc rib ers, monitor DEFINITY AUDIX port usag e and c ap ac ity to d etermine if your system is p rovid ing an ac c ep tab le g rad e of servic e. It is rec ommend ed that you monitor port and d isk usag e reg ularly and p lot it over time to antic ip ate a need for ad d itional ports or a larg er d isk. For more information about p ort c ap ac ities, refer to Chap ter 8, ‘‘Traffic Re p o r t s ’’.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Preventive Maintenance 4-4 Monthly Preventive Maintenance Tasks 4 Monthly Preventive Maintenance Ta s k s Perform the following p reventive maintenanc e tasks eac h month: 1. Chec k system limits and up d ate as nec essary. System limits, whic h d efine system-wid e p arameters suc h as the maximum numb er of subsc ribers allowed , the total numb er of messag es allowed ac ross all sub sc rib er mailb oxes, and the total numb er of lists allowed p er sub sc rib er are d efined on the System-p arameters Limits sc reen. System limits p arameter information should b e up d ated eac h month to reflec t your ac tual op eration, and even more freq uently d uring the initial months of system op eration when new sub sc rib ers and features are ad d ed to the system and system ac tivity inc reases. You must monitor limits c arefully sinc e d isk sp ac e is limited . 2. If you are not monitoring DEFINITY AUDIX p ort and d isk usag e and c ap ac ity on a weekly b asis, do so on a monthly b asis to d etermine if your system is p roviding an ac c ep tab le grad e of servic e and to p lan for future growth. 3. With 3.2 and earlier releases, c lean the removab le tap e on an as-need ed b asis. Your DEFINITY AUDIX system c ame with a tape-c leaning kit that you c an use oc c asionally to keep your tap e in g ood shap e.

Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-1 Overview 5 DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 5 Ongoing Subscriber Administration This chapter describes subscriber administration that is performed as required d uring normal DEFINITY AUDIX system op eration. Overview Ong oing sub sc rib er ad ministration inc lud es ad ministrative ac tivities that you must c omp lete d aily as well as some that you must c omp lete only oc c asionally. Many of these p roc ed ures may have b een p erformed alread y d uring the initial ad ministrative p hase (for example, ad d ing sub sc ribers to the system). Either you or Luc ent add the initial set of sub sc rib ers to the system d uring the initial p hase, b ut p ersonnel c hang es within your c omp any will req uire that you also ad d and remove sub sc rib ers on a c ontinuing b asis. There are also procedures described in this chapter that were not described in previous c hap ters (for examp le, c hanging sub sc rib er names). There are two g eneral c ategories of ong oing sub sc rib er administration — routine ad ministration and prob lem solving : nRoutine sub sc rib er ad ministration involves ac tivities suc h as ad d ing and removing subscribers and changing their passwords, names, and extensions. nProb lem solving c an involve anything from answering simp le q uestions ab out using the DEFINITY AUDIX system to d etermining why a sub sc riber is not ab le to c reate messag es. A samp le sub scrib er chang e-request form is shown in Ap p end ix A, ‘‘Communic ating with Sub sc rib ers’’, to g ive you one way in whic h subsc rib ers c an c ommunic ate their p rob lems to you.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-2 Adding New Subscribers 5 Adding New Subscribers After the initial group of sub sc rib ers has b een add ed , you must still reg ularly ad d sub sc rib ers as new emp loyees join your c omp any or existing emp loyees without DEFINITY AUDIX servic e are ad d ed . Ad d ing a subsc riber involves assig ning the individ ual a login and (op tionally) a password , d efining a set of p ermissions called class of service op tions that c ontrol the ind ivid ual’s DEFINITY AUDIX servic e, and (op tionally) rec ord ing the sub sc rib er’s name as it will b e sp oken b y the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Use your ad ministration terminal to ad d sub sc rib er information (name, extension, p assword , and servic e op tions) to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Perform the following step s to ad d new sub sc rib ers: 1. Inform the switc h ad ministrator that new sub sc rib ers are b eing ad d ed and that c all c overag e paths need to b e estab lished for them. DEFINITY AUDIX system switc h ad ministration req uirements are d esc rib ed in Chapter 2, ‘‘Prep aring for DEFINITY AUDIX System Operation’’. 2. Ad d sub sc rib er information (name, extension, and servic e op tions) to the DEFINITY AUDIX d ata filesystem. 3. Assig n sub scrib ers an initial p assword that is less than the minimum p assword leng th d efined on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. When the sub sc rib er log s on to the DEFINITY AUDIX system for the first time, he or she then will b e forc ed b y the DEFINITY AUDIX system to enter a new p assword that is at least as long as the req uired minimum. This is a g ood way to ensure that subsc ribers d o not c ontinue using the d efault p assword you assign them initially. Also if the Password Ag ing feature is active, subscribers will be required to change their password according to the Password exp iration interval d efined on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. Use the Sub sc rib er sc reen to add new sub sc rib ers to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Refer to the DEFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e for a c omp lete desc rip tion of this sc reen. Alternatively, you may use the AUDIX Ad ministration and Data Ac q uisition Pac kag e (ADAP) to enter new sub sc rib er information direc tly into the DEFINITY AUDIX d irec tory d atab ase. This is c onvenient for entering a larg e numb er of sub sc rib ers sinc e you c an enter them as a g roup instead of entering them ind ividually on the Sub sc rib er sc reen. Refer to AUDIX Ad ministration and Data Ac q uisition Pac kag e , 585-302-502, for more information ab out using ADAP.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-3 Adding New Subscribers 5 4.If none of the p red efined c lasses of servic e meet a p artic ular sub sc rib er’s need s, you c an c ustomize the sub sc rib er’s servic e options b y assig ning a c lass of servic e and then c hang ing information via the Sub sc rib er sc reen. The sub sc rib er’s servic e op tions then are ind ep end ent of the assig ned c lass of servic e and will not b e up d ated b y c hang es made to any Class of Servic e sc reen. For more information ab out c lasses of servic e, see ‘‘Evaluating Sub sc rib er Classes of Servic e’’ in this c hapter. 5. Either you or the sub sc rib er must make a voic e rec ord ing of the sub sc rib er’s name for use as a voic e frag ment that the DEFINITY AUDIX system sp eaks d uring c all answering . If the Name Rec ord By Sub sc rib er feature is used , the DEFINITY AUDIX system will p romp t sub sc rib ers to sp eak their own names the first time they log in. It is rec ommended that you ac tivate this feature sinc e it will sig nific antly d ec rease your workload . Otherwise, you must rec ord all of the sub sc riber names yourself. Refer to ‘‘Creating and Changing Subscriber Name Recordings’’ b elow for instruc tions on rec ord ing sub sc rib er names. 6. If you enter a larg e numb er of sub sc rib ers, you may want to manually b ac k up the names filesystem when you are finished. This d ata is normally b ac ked up automatic ally eac h Sund ay, b ut you may want to p rotec t your work in the interim if you have rec ord ed name frag ments for a larg e numb er of users. To p erform a d emand b ac kup of the sub sc rib er names d ata, exec ute the save weekly c ommand . You also may want to b ac k up system d ata, thoug h your exp osure to d ata loss is not as g reat b ec ause the system d ata filesystem is b ac ked up automatic ally eac h nig ht. However, to p erform a demand bac kup of system d ata, exec ute the save nightly c ommand. Refer to ‘‘Backing Up Filesystems and Subdirectories’’ in Chap ter 6, ‘‘Ong oing Data Ad ministration’’, for more information ab out manually b ac king up data. NOTE: The next step is not nec essary if you are using the CL switc h integ ration method . 7. If you are using the Display Set mode of switch integration, run the switc h-names audit onc e you have ad d ed all of the new sub sc ribers. This aud it c an take anywhere from 5 to 30 minutes and will not impac t system p erformanc e in any sig nific ant way. The aud it matc hes eac h voic e name with a valid loc al or remote sub sc rib er on the switc h. For more information ab out audits, refer to Chap ter 7, ‘‘Alarms, Log s, and Audits’’ . You may add eac h sub sc rib er as the request to d o so c omes in, or you may p refer to wait until you have several req uests and then ad d a g roup of sub sc rib ers. In any c ase, you should notify new sub sc rib ers onc e they have b een g iven servic e and , if you have assig ned a d efault p assword , inform eac h sub sc rib er of the p assword .

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-4 Creating and Changing Subscriber Name Recordings 5 Creating and Changing Subscriber Name Recordings Even if Luc ent p ersonnel add ed subsc rib ers d uring the initial ad ministration p hase, you (or the sub sc rib er) must still rec ord voic ed name frag ments for eac h subsc riber. Lucent does not make these rec ordings during initial administration. The sub sc rib er name rec ord ing is the sp oken name you rec ord for eac h DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er. This frag ment is sp oken b y the DEFINITY AUDIX system during call answering, such as “Your call is being answered by AUDIX. John Jones is not availab le.” The first frag ment ( Your call is being answered by AUDIX. ) and the third frag ment (is not availab le.) are DEFINITY AUDIX system frag ments; the sec ond frag ment ( John Jones) is the sub sc rib er’s rec ord ed name frag ment. You have two options for rec ord ing sub sc rib er name frag ments: nHave sub sc rib ers rec ord their own name rec ord ing s — the rec ommend ed op tion. The name rec ord b y sub sc rib er feature must b e ac tivated on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. When this feature is ac tive, sub sc rib ers will b e p romp ted the first time they log on to voic e their name for use as a name frag ment. However, if you c hoose to rec ord sub sc rib er names b efore they log in for the first time, they will not b e promp ted to rec ord their name but will have the option of d oing so using the DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib er ad ministration voic e menu. nRec ord them yourself in a voic e that sound s similar to the one in whic h the DEFINITY AUDIX system frag ments were rec ord ed . Rec ord subsc riber names using the extension that has announc ement control p ermission. 1. Log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system using your touc h-tone telep hone. 2. Ac c ess the ad ministrative menu. 3. Id entify the sub sc rib er’s extension. 4. Sp eak the name in response to DEFINITY AUDIX voic e p romp ts. The p roc ed ure for c hang ing sub sc rib er name rec ord ing s is the same as for c reating the rec ord ing : you simp ly rec ord over the old rec ord ed name using the same p roc ed ure. If the Name Rec ord b y Sub sc rib er feature is ac tivated , sub sc ribers c an selec t op tions from the DEFINITY AUDIX voic e menu to re-rec ord their names. Typ ic ally, you would d o this when a sub sc rib er has married and c hang ed her name, for examp le, or when a sub sc rib er is not satisfied with the pronunc iation or q uality of the name rec ord ing . Ad ditionally, a sub sc rib er mig ht like to re-rec ord his/her name to inc lud e c ertain status information like, “ John Jones on vac ation until Oc tob er 10,” or “ Mary Smith out on b usiness until Novemb er 1.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-5 Removing Subscribers 5 If you d o not use the Name Rec ord By Sub sc rib er feature (or want to rec ord the names initially even thoug h you will allow sub sc rib ers to c hang e the rec ord ing ), p erform the following step s to c reate or c hang e a subsc riber’s name rec ord ing : 1. Dial the DEFINITY AUDIX system extension. 2. Enter your extension (the one that has announc ement c ontrol p ermission) followed b y the p ound sig n when p romp ted . 3. Enter your p assword followed b y the pound sign when p romp ted . 4. Press to p erform system ad ministration. 5. Press to rec ord a sub sc rib er’s name. 6. Enter the extension of the sub sc rib er whose name you are ab out to rec ord followed b y the p ound sig n when p romp ted . 7. Sp eak the sub sc rib er’s name c learly when p romp ted . 8. Press to sig nify the end of the rec ording . 9. When you are finished with this sub sc rib er, c hoose one of the following : nRep eat steps 6 — 8 for eac h ad ditional sub sc rib er to b e add ed . nPress to return to the ac tivity menu, or just hang up to exit from the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Removing Subscribers Removing a sub sc rib er means deleting the sub sc rib er’s name and extension from the system d irec tories and the sub sc riber’s name frag ment from the names filesystem. You need to remove sub sc rib ers any time they leave your c omp any or no longer require DEFINITY AUDIX service. This process requires fewer steps than ad d ing a sub sc rib er b ec ause b oth the name frag ment and the sub sc rib er’s name and extension rec ord s c an b e removed in one step . After the sub sc rib er is removed , all rec ord s p ertaining to the sub sc rib er are d eleted automatic ally b y DEFINITY AUDIX audits that are exec uted every Frid ay night. For more information ab out aud its, see Chap ter 7, ‘‘Alarms, Log s, and Aud its’’. Use the Sub sc rib er sc reen to remove DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers. Refer to the DEFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e for a c omp lete d esc rip tion of this sc reen. # # 9 4 # # *R

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-6 Reassigning Subscriber Default Passwords 5 Reassigning Subscriber Default Passwords If sub sc rib ers forg et their p assword s, you must reassign a d efault p assword to allow them to ag ain log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. The sub sc rib er then should c hang e the d efault p assword to a unique, p ersonal password . Althoug h reassig ning a d efault p assword is simp le, it is time-c onsuming for you. Therefore, ask sub sc rib ers to c hoose p assword s that are easy for them to rememb er (b ut not easy to d ec od e by others). Unlocking Locked Subscriber Logins For sec urity p urp oses, the DEFINITY AUDIX system ac c ep ts only three unsuc c essful log in attemp ts p er sub sc rib er session (c all to the DEFINITY AUDIX system) b efore d isc onnec ting . The DEFINITY AUDIX system also monitors the numb er of unsuc c essful c onsec utive log in attempts p er sub sc riber. If this numb er exc eed s the numb er d efined on the System-Parameters Features sc reen, the DEFINITY AUDIX system locks out that sub sc rib er’s log in ID, thus p reventing further system ac c ess. The sub sc rib er c annot ac c ess the DEFINITY AUDIX system until you unloc k the sub sc riber’s login. NOTE: If a sub sc rib er is rep eated ly b eing loc ked out of the DEFINITY AUDIX system, some unauthorized p erson may b e attemp ting to tamp er with that sub sc rib er’s mailb ox. Rep ort this to the sub sc rib er’s manag er or to your c omp any sec urity offic e before unloc king the log in ID. In ad d ition, if the unsuc c essful log in attempts have b een mad e from an extension other than that of the owner of the mailb ox, the Administration Log will c ontain information ab out the b reak-in attemp ts. Use the Sub sc rib er sc reen to reassig n d efault p assword s. Refer the D EFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e for a c omp lete d esc rip tion of this sc reen. Use the Sub sc rib er sc reen to unloc k sub sc rib er log ins. Refer to the DEFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e for a c omp lete d esc rip tion of this sc reen.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-7 Changing a Subscriber’s Name or Extension 5 Changing a Subscriber ’s Name or Extension Sub sc rib ers may req uest that their names b e c hang ed in the system d irec tory for a variety of reasons, or they may b e assig ned a d ifferent extension. If you c hang e a sub sc rib er’s name, you or the sub sc rib er must rec ord a new name frag ment over the sub sc rib er’s existing name frag ment to reflec t this c hang e. Refer to Creating and Chang ing Sub sc riber Name Rec ord ing s earlier in this c hap ter for instruc tions. Names or extensions may b e c hang ed without disrup ting mailing lists. A unique sub sc rib er ID that is unrelated to the name or extension is assoc iated with the sub sc rib er’s mailb ox for lists and p ersonal d irec tories. Lists are automatic ally up d ated for name c hang es. For examp le, if Jane Doe is on a mailing list and her name has b een c hang ed to Jane Smith, then the list will b e upd ated automatic ally to reflec t the c hang e. Listing Subscribers by Name or Extension DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc ribers and their extension numb ers c an b e listed on your d isp lay sc reen, either alp hab etic ally b y name or numeric ally b y extension. When listed alp hab etic ally, the assig ned c lass of servic e name or numb er also is d isp layed for eac h sub sc rib er. Use the Sub sc rib er sc reen to c hang e sub sc rib er names or extensions in the DEFINITY AUDIX d irec tory. Refer to the D EFI N I TY AU D I X Sys t e m Sc re e n s Re f e re n c e for a c omplete d esc rip tion of this sc reen. Alternatively, you may use ADAP to c hang e sub sc riber information d irec tly in the DEFINITY AUDIX d irec tory datab ase. Refer to AUDIX Ad ministration and Data Ac q uisition Pac kag e, 585-302-502, for more information ab out using ADAP. Use the list Sub sc rib er sc reen to list DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers alphab etic ally or the list Extensions sc reen to list DEFINITY AUDIX extensions numeric ally. Refer to the DEFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e for a c omp lete d esc rip tion of these sc reens.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-8 Evaluating Subscriber Classes of Service 5 Evaluating Subscriber Classes of Service Eac h sub sc rib er’s c lass of servic e is c ontrolled b y servic e op tions that you ad minister to b est meet individ ual sub sc rib er req uirements. These servic e op tions c ontrol features suc h as ad dressing mod e (b y name or b y extension) and the ord er in whic h messag es are read out to the sub sc rib er. The Class of Servic e sc reen c ontains fields that, tog ether, rep resent the full set of ad ministrab le servic e op tions. After d efining c lasses of servic e, you then c an assig n a p artic ular c lass of servic e to eac h sub sc rib er you ad d to the DEFINITY AUDIX system with the Sub sc rib er sc reen. The DEFINITY AUDIX system then automatically assigns the subscriber all of the service options predefined by that c lass of servic e. Your system inc lud es 12 c lass of servic e names ( c lass0 - class11). All 12 c lasses of servic e are available for you to mod ify and rename as req uired to d efine c lasses of servic e whic h meet different typ es of subsc rib er req uirements within your org anization. The default c lass of servic e is c lass0. Initially, the other 11 c lasses of servic e are p op ulated with the same values as class0 until you d ec id e how to c ustomize them to suit sub sc rib er need s. The p artic ular servic e op tions that sub sc rib ers within your org anization will req uire may not b e immed iately ob vious. Initially, you may want to assig n all sub sc rib ers the d efault c lass of servic e. Or, you may want to mod ify one of the other c lasses of servic e and then assig n it to all sub sc rib ers. Either method will p rovid e sub sc rib ers with ad eq uate interim servic e. Onc e you b ec ome familiar with the need s of your org anization, you will b e better ab le to id entify the c lasses of servic e that are most useful. Then you c an use the Class of Servic e sc reen to meet these need s. If you mod ify c ertain field s for a p artic ular c lass of servic e after sub sc rib ers have b een assig ned that c lass of servic e, those sub sc rib ers will automatic ally have the same field s upd ated on their subsc rib er rec ord s. For examp le, if you c hang e the INCOMING MAILBOX Order field from “ fifo” to “ lifo” for the c lass of servic e named class8 (c os 8), then all sub sc rib ers with either class8 or 8 in the cos field on their Sub sc rib er sc reen also will have the INCOMING MAILBOX Order field changed automatically. For further explanation of the Class of Servic e sc reen, refer to the DEFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e . Use the Class of Servic e sc reens to d isp lay and c hang e ind ivid ual c lasses of servic e, and the list c os c ommand to list all servic e c lasses. Refer to the DEFINITY AUDIX System Sc reens Referenc e for a c omp lete d esc rip tion of these sc reens.