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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Guide

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    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Ongoing Data Administration 
    6-15 Customizing Announcements 
    8. When you hear To rec ord  names, p ress . To p lay names, p ress , 
    p ress   to c hang e the frag ment. (For sec urity p urp oses, this op tion is not 
    inc lud ed  in the voic ed  op tions you hear, b ut p lays out if you p ress       
    for help .) 
    9. Enter the frag ment ID as p romp ted  and  then  . For examp le, for f287, 
    enter           . 
    10. Rec ord  the c hang ed frag ment when p romp ted . You c an use all the normal 
    voic e mail ed iting  c ap ab ilities on your touc h-tone p hone to make sure the 
    new frag ment is exac tly how you want it to sound . 
    11. When you are satisfied with the rec ord ing , p ress   to ap p rove it. 
    12. Use the System-Parameters Features
     sc reen to d esig nate the mod ified  
    announc ement set as the ac tive version. If the ac tive and  ad ministrative 
    announc ement versions are alread y the same, then 
    both versions now 
    c ontain the new frag ment. 
    Eliminating a Fragment from an Announcement
    You may mod ify some announc ements by simp ly eliminating  an existing 
    frag ment from that sp ec ific  announc ement. For examp le, you c ould  mod ify the 
    default voice mail greeting (
    Welc ome to AUDIX. For help  at any time, p ress *H) to 
    just say 
    For help  at any time, p ress *H. b y removing  frag ment f287 (Welc ome to 
    ) from the list of frag ments that c omp ose the announc ement (in this c ase, 
    announc ement a815). 
    1. You need  the numb er of the announc ement you want to c hang e. You c an 
    ob tain this numb er from the Tec hnic al Servic e Org anization. 
    2. Listen to the frag ment to verify the frag ment is the one you want to c hang e. 
    3. Verify that the sp ec ified  announc ement set is d esig nated  as ad ministrative 
    on the System-Parameters Features
    4. Use the Announc ement
     sc reen to eliminate the frag ment from ap p earing  in 
    the announc ement. 
    a. Enter the announc ement set name in the Announc ement Set field . 
    b . Enter the announc ement ID in the Announc ement ID field , in this 
    c ase  “ a815” . 
    c . Press    to d isp lay the frag ment c omp osition of the 
    announc ement. For this examp le, the frag ment c omp osition is f287, 
    d . Rep lac e f287 with f0 (f0 rep lac es f287 with silenc e), and  p ress 
    Announc ement a815 is now c omp osed of frag ments f0 and f97; c allers 
    simp ly hear 
    For help  at any time, p ress *H. 
    Ent er
    Ent er 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Ongoing Data Administration 
    6-16 Customizing Announcements 
    5. Use the System-Parameters Features sc reen to d esig nate the mod ified  
    announc ement set as the ac tive version. If the ac tive and  ad ministrative 
    announc ement versions are the same, then b oth versions now c ontain the 
    new frag ment. 
    Adding a Fragment to an Announcement
    To c hange the c ontents of a frag ment for sp ec ific  announc ements, you must 
    sub stitute an existing  frag ment or c reate a new frag ment for the sp ec ific  
    announc ements you want to c hange. This leaves the old frag ment intac t for 
    existing  announc ements that you want to remain unc hanged . 
    For examp le, b oth announc ement a812 and announc ement a834 use frag ment 
    This call is exp eriencing  d ifficulties. If you want to c hang e this frag ment for 
    announc ement a812 only, you must c reate a new frag ment to assoc iate with 
    announc ement a812 in p lac e of frag ment f87. This leaves frag ment f87 and  its 
    assoc iation with announc ement a834 intac t. 
    1. You need  the numb er of the announc ement you want to c hang e. You c an 
    ob tain this numb er from the Tec hnic al Servic e Org anization. Verify that the 
    frag ments are used  only by announc ements you exp ec t to b e affec ted  b y 
    your c hang es. 
    2. Use the Announc ement
     sc reen to verify that the announc ement you p lan to 
    c hang e is ac tually c omp osed  of the frag ments you exp ec t. 
    3. Use the System-Parameters Features
     sc reen to d etermine if an 
    ad ministrative announc ement version is ac tive. 
    You c an rec ord  or re-rec ord  frag ments only in the ad ministrative 
    announc ement version. If there is an ac tive announc ement version 
    and it is the version you want to c hang e, make sure that it is also 
    sp ec ified  as the ad ministrative version. 
    When you are sure that the c orrec t c op y of the announc ement set is 
    d esig nated  as the ad ministrative version, g o to the next step . 
    4. Use the Sub sc rib er
     sc reen to c onfirm that you have p ermission to c hang e 
    announc ements, ind ic ated  b y y in the Announc ement Control field . 
    5. Use your touc h-tone phone to log  in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    6. At the ac tivity menu, press  . (For sec urity purposes, this op tion is not 
    inc lud ed  in the voic ed  op tions you hear.) If you hear 
    Entry not und erstood . 
    Try ag ain.
    , you d o not have announc ement c ontrol p ermission. 
    7. When you hear 
    To rec ord  names, p ress 4. To play names, p ress 5, p ress 
      to c hang e frag ments. (For sec urity p urp oses, this op tion is not 
    inc lud ed  in the voic ed  op tions you hear.) 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Ongoing Data Administration 
    6-17 Customizing Announcements 
    8. Enter the new frag ment ID as p romp ted ; in this c ase enter an unused 
    numb er suc h as f4000, for instanc e,              . 
    The frag ment numb ers 4000 - 4999 are reserved  for c ustomer use. 
    Using  other numb ers c ould jeop ard ize the integ rity of your c ustom 
    frag ments and  announc ements if these numb ers are used  for new 
    frag ments in later versions or up dates to DEFINITY AUDIX. 
    9. Rec ord  the frag ment when p romp ted . For examp le, your new frag ment 
    might be 
    This c all is exp erienc ing d iffic ulties and  c annot c ontinue at this 
     You c an use all the normal voic e mail ed iting  c ap ab ilities on your 
    touc h-tone p hone to make sure the new fragment sound s exac tly the way 
    you want it to sound . 
    10. When you are satisfied with the new frag ment rec ord ing , p ress    to 
    ap p rove it. 
    11. Use the Announc ement
     sc reen to ad d  the new frag ment, in this c ase 
    f4000, to announc ement a812 in p lac e of fragment f87. 
    a. Enter the announc ement set name in the Announc ement Set field . 
    b . Enter the announc ement numb er, in this c ase a812, in the 
    Announc ement ID field . 
    c . Press    to d isp lay the numb ers of the frag ments that 
    c omp ose the announc ement (frag ment text d oes not d isp lay). To 
    d etermine the text for eac h listed frag ment, refer to Ap p endix B, 
    Announc ement/Frag ment Cross-Referenc e. For this example, 
    announc ement a812, the frag ment c omp osition is as follows: 
    nf87: This c all is exp erienc ing  d iffic ulties. 
    nf1007: To p layb ac k, p ress 2-3. 
    d . Rewrite the field s to reflec t the new c omp osition, in this c ase  
    “ 4000,1007”  and  p ress  . 
    Announc ement a812 is now c omp osed of the following  frag ments: 
    nf4000: This c all is exp erienc ing d iffic ulties and  c annot 
    c ontinue at this time. 
    nf1007: To p layb ac k, p ress 2-3. 
    Meanwhile, announc ement a834 still uses frag ment f87 as b efore. 
    12. Use the System-Parameters Features
     sc reen to d esig nate the mod ified  
    announc ement set as the ac tive version. If the ac tive and  ad ministrative 
    announc ement versions are the same, then b oth versions now c ontain the 
    new frag ment. 
    As an alternative to the ab ove example, you c ould  also c reate a new frag ment 
    f4000 with 
    and  c annot c ontinue at this time to use in ad d ition to frag ment f87 
    instead  of rep lac ing  it in announc ement a812. 
    Ent er
    Ent er 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Ongoing Data Administration 
    6-18 Customizing Announcements 
    Be c areful when you make c hang es to announc ements and  frag ments. There are 
    several thing s you c an d o to ensure your mod ific ations are c orrec t. When in 
    d oub t, save the announc ement sets 
    before making  c hang es to the fragments. Be 
    sure you know whic h announc ements c ontain the frag ment you are ab out to 
    c hang e. This help s you to avoid  inad vertently c hang ing  announc ements you d id  
    not want to c hang e. 
    After you make the c hang e, test the c hang e to make sure it is ac c urate. Be sure 
    to rec ord  any c hang es you make into the ap p rop riate ap p end ix in this manual. 
    Doing  this saves you b oth time and  c onfusion later if you make ad ditional 
    mod ific ations. 
    Variables in Announcements
    In the DEFINITY AUDIX system, some announc ements are variab le — in other 
    word s, the c ontents of an announc ement may c hang e d ep end ing on c hang ing  
    times, d ates, and /or subsc riber inp uts. Within system announc ements, variab les 
    are always rep resented  b y a word  or word s in all c ap ital letters. For examp le, 
    announc ement 110 (a110
    ) is mad e up  of frag ment 663 (f663) and  DATE
    6f663: Message waiting notification is not active and 
    this message has an expiration date of  
     is the variable and  will c hang e ac c ord ing to the ap p rop riate d ate. 
    Some announc ements may have more than one variab le. For instanc e, a287
    f47: Call from 
    f262: received 
    f86: extension 
     is the variable id entifying  the person who c alled . TIME
     is the variab le time 
    the DEFINITY AUDIX system rec eived  the c all. DATE
     is the date the system 
    rec eived  the c all. BUTTONS
     is the variab le extension of the p erson who c alled .  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Ongoing Data Administration 
    6-19 Customizing Announcements 
    In ad dition, some announc ements may inc lud e different frag ments at d ifferent 
    times d ep end ing  on whether or not c ertain c ond itions are met b y the variab le. 
    Look at a344
    , for examp le. 
    f741: Private, priority message sent to 
    IF (NUMBER>0) 
    f2: and 
    IF (NUMBER==1) 
    f602: other 
    f217: others 
    This announc ement c an state three d ifferent messag es d ep end ing  on the value 
    of the variab le NUMBER
    1. If the variab le NUMBER
     is eq ual to 0, the announc ement is: 
    f741: Private, priority message sent to 
    2. If the variab le NUMBER
     is eq ual to 1, the announc ement is: 
    f741: Private, priority message sent to 
    f2: and 
    f602: other.
    3. If the variab le NUMBER
     is g reater than 1, the announc ement is: 
    f741: Private, priority message sent to 
    f2: and 
    f217: others.
    Oc c asionally, some announc ements c all in other announc ements in ad d ition to 
    the frag ments they use. For examp le, many announc ements c all in a873, an 
    announc ement that d etermines the leng th of a messag e. This value is used  in 
    many announc ement sc enarios. However, rather than inc lud ing  this involved  
    routine in every announc ement that uses this value, it is written as a sep arate 
    sub routine in a sep arate announc ement. Then the announc ements that use this 
    value just c all in a873 to d etermine messag e leng th — a p roc ess that ac tually 
    saves a lot of system sp ac e.  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Ongoing Data Administration 
    6-20 Customizing Announcements 
    Changing the Default Call Answer Greeting
    When someone c alls a sub sc riber who is unavailab le, the c all is routed  to the 
    DEFINITY AUDIX system, the c aller hears the sub sc rib er’s p ersonal g reeting , or if 
    no personal g reeting  is ad ministered  or ac tive, the d efault system g reeting . This 
    g reeting  beg ins with frag ment f43, “ Your c all is b eing  answered  b y AUDIX.”  To 
    c ustomize this announc ement with, for examp le, your c ompany name, just 
    re-record fragment f43. 
    1. Use the System-Parameters Features
     sc reen (p ag e 3) to d etermine if an 
    announc ement set has b een d esig nated  as an ad ministrative version. You 
    c an re-rec ord frag ments only in the ad ministrative announc ement set. If 
    there is a system announc ement set 
    and it is the set you want to c hang e, 
    make that set the ad ministrative version. Simp ly sp ec ify that 
    announc ement set in the ANNOUNCEMENT SETS, Ad ministrative field . 
    When you are sure that the c orrec t c op y of the announc ement set is 
    d esig nated  as the ad ministrative version, g o to the next step . 
    2. Use the Sub sc rib er
     sc reen to c onfirm that you have p ermission to c hang e 
    announc ements (you must have a “ y”  in the Announc ement Control field ). 
    3. Use your touc h-tone phone to log  in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    4. At the ac tivity menu, press  . (For sec urity purposes, this op tion is not 
    inc lud ed  in the voic ed  op tions you hear, but p lays out if you p ress     
    for help .) If you hear “ Invalid entry. For help  at any time, p ress star H” , you 
    d o not have announc ement c ontrol p ermission. 
    5. When you hear “ To rec ord  names, p ress  . To p lay names, p ress 
    ,“ p ress   to c hange the frag ment. (For sec urity p urp oses, this op tion is 
    not inc lud ed  in the voic ed  op tions you hear, but p lays out if you p ress   
     for help .) 
    6. Enter the frag ment ID as p romp ted ; in this c ase enter      .
    7. Rec ord  the c hang ed  frag ment when promp ted . For examp le, your new 
    frag ment mig ht be simp ly “ This is XYZ Comp any.”  You c an use all the 
    normal voic e mail ed iting  c ap abilities on your touc h-tone p hone to make 
    sure the new frag ment is exac tly how you want it to sound . 
    8. When you are satisfied with the rec ord ing , p ress   to ap p rove it. The c all 
    answer g reeting , p reviously “ Your c all is being answered  b y AUDIX. 
    < name>  is c urrently not availab le. Leave a messag e” , is now “ This is XYZ 
    Company. < name>  is c urrently not availab le. Leave a messag e.”  
    9. If the system and  ad ministrative versions are the same announc ement set 
    (for instanc e, the terse announc ement set), then the c hang e is app roved  
    automatic ally for the system version as well. However, if you have 
    d esig nated  a different announc ement set as the system announc ement 
    version, only the ad ministrative announc ement version has this new 
    frag ment. Use the System-Parameters Features sc reen to c hang e the 
    system announc ement version to the ad ministrative version if desired . 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Ongoing Data Administration 
    6-21 Customizing Announcements 
    10. The announc ement version you mod ified  is now c hanged . When you have 
    tested  it to your satisfac tion, use the Save Announc ements
     sc reen to save 
    the new announc ement(s) you have c reated . If using  the Multiling ual 
    feature and  you have multip le lang uag es on the system, then rep eat these 
    p roc ed ures for eac h announc ement set you want to mod ify. 
    Changing the Default Voice Mail Greeting
    When a sub sc rib er c alls the DEFINITY AUDIX system, the sub sc rib er is g reeted  
    by fragment f287, 
    Welc ome to AUDIX, and  frag ment f97, For help  at any time, 
    press *H
    . To c ustomize this announc ement with, for examp le, your c omp any 
    name, you just re-rec ord  frag ment f287. 
    1. Use the System-Parameters Features
     sc reen to d etermine if an 
    announc ement set has b een d esig nated  as an ad ministrative version. You 
    c an re-rec ord frag ments only in the ad ministrative announc ement set. If 
    there is a system announc ement set 
    and it is the set you want to c hang e, 
    make that set the ad ministrative version. Simp ly sp ec ify that 
    announc ement set in the ANNOUNCEMENT SETS, Ad ministrative field . 
    When you are sure that the c orrec t c op y of the announc ement set is 
    d esig nated  as the ad ministrative version, g o to the next step . 
    2. Use the Sub sc rib er
     sc reen to c onfirm that you have p ermission to c hang e 
    announc ements (you must have a “ y”  in the Announc ement Control field ). 
    3. Use your touc h-tone phone to log  in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. 
    4. At the ac tivity menu, press  . (For sec urity purposes, this op tion is not 
    inc lud ed  in the voic ed  op tions you hear.) If you hear “ Invalid  entry. For 
    help  at any time, p ress star H,”  you d o not have announc ement c ontrol 
    p ermission. 
    5. When you hear “ To rec ord  names, p ress 4. To p lay names, p ress 5,”  p ress 
     to c hang e frag ments. (For sec urity p urp oses, this op tion is not 
    inc lud ed  in the voic ed  op tions you hear, b ut play out if you p ress     for 
    help .) 
    6. Enter the frag ment ID as p romp ted ; in this c ase, enter        .
    7. Rec ord  the c hang ed  frag ment when promp ted . For examp le, your new 
    frag ment mig ht be simp ly “ This is the XYZ Comp any voic e messag e 
    c enter.”  You c an use all the normal voic e mail ed iting  c ap ab ilities on your 
    touc h-tone p hone to make sure the new fragment sound s exac tly the way 
    you want it to sound . 
    8. When you are satisfied with the new frag ment rec ord ing , p ress   to 
    ap p rove it. The voic e mail g reeting , previously “ Welc ome to AUDIX. For 
    help  at any time, p ress *H.”  is now “ This is the XYZ Comp any voic e 
    messag e c enter. For help  at any time, p ress *H.”  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Ongoing Data Administration 
    6-22 Customizing Announcements 
    9. If the system and  ad ministrative versions are the same announc ement set 
    (for instanc e, the terse announc ement set), then the c hang e is app roved  
    automatic ally for the system version as well. However, if you have 
    d esig nated  a different announc ement set as the ac tive announc ement 
    version, only the ad ministrative announc ement version has this new 
    frag ment. Use the System-Parameters Features
     sc reen to c hang e the 
    ac tive announc ement version to the ad ministrative version if d esired . 
    10. The announc ement version you mod ified  is now c hanged . When you have 
    tested  it to your satisfac tion, use the Save Announc ements
     sc reen to save 
    the new announc ement(s) you have c reated . If using  the Multiling ual 
    feature and  you have multip le lang uag es on the system, then rep eat these 
    p roc ed ures for eac h announc ement set you want to mod ify.  
    							Alarms, Logs, and Audits 
    7-1 Overview 
    DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Alarms, Logs, and Audits
    This chapter describes alarms and logs that are generated by the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system. It also d esc rib es the various aud its that are p erformed  
    automatic ally or manually as req uired  to up date and  sync hronize filesystems and  
    id entify and  c orrec t prob lems in the system. 
    DEFINITY AUDIX software monitors system ac tivity b y c ontinuously running  
    b ac kg round  self-tests. System ac tivities and/or errors are rec ord ed in log s that 
    are stored  as disk files on the hard  d isk. Many errors are c orrec ted  b y system 
    aud its that run automatic ally eac h nig ht to up d ate and  sync hronize DEFINITY 
    AUDIX filesystems. Sig nific ant errors, d esignated as faults, are flag g ed  as alarms 
    on the STATUS line of the terminal sc reen and  may require ad ministrative ac tion 
    b y you or maintenanc e b y servic e p ersonnel. 
    Error and Alarm Handling
    DEFINITY AUDIX maintenanc e software c ollec ts error rep orts from the system 
    self-tests, sorts them b y typ e, p uts them in the error log , and  monitors their 
    freq uenc y ag ainst a threshold  numb er. If an error is suffic iently severe or if 
    enoug h similar errors oc c ur to violate the error threshold , the system 
    automatic ally runs maintenanc e c hec ks and  may then send  a fault to the alarm 
    log .  
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
    May 1999
    Alarms, Logs, and Audits 
    7-2 Error and Alarm Logs 
    Alarms are noted  on the STATUS line of the terminal sc reen as follows: 
    nalarms: M — Major alarms ind ic ating  p rob lems that may affec t key system 
    c omp onents. Major alarms are sent automatic ally to the Luc ent Tec hnic al 
    Servic e Center (TSC) b y your DEFINITY AUDIX system if you have a 
    maintenanc e servic e c ontrac t and  alarm orig ination is ac tive. TSC 
    p ersonnel p erform remote maintenanc e on your mac hine to analyze and  
    c orrec t some of these prob lems. Some p roblems will req uire an onsite 
    tec hnic ian.
    nalarms: m — Minor alarms ind ic ating  p roblems that are not c ritic al to 
    system op eration b ut that c ould  p ossib ly affec t full servic e. Minor alarms 
    usually are c orrec ted  automatic ally b y system aud its, and  also are sent 
    automatic ally to the TSC if you have a maintenanc e servic e c ontrac t and  
    alarm orig ination is ac tive. 
    nalarms: w — Warning  alarms ind ic ating  p rob lems that may have a 
    potential effect on system service. Warning alarms usually are c orrec ted 
    automatic ally by system aud its. They are not sent to the Tec hnic al Servic e 
    Center (TSC). 
    nalarms: A — Ad ministration alarms ind ic ating  sub sc rib er or filesystem 
    p rob lems. Administration alarms must b e c orrec ted  b y you, the DEFINITY 
    AUDIX system ad ministrator. 
    Error and Alarm Logs
    Errors found  b y the system’s self-tests are rec ord ed  in the maintenanc e error log . 
    The system attemp ts to diag nose and  isolate p rob lems that are rec ord ed  in the 
    error log , and  may send  a fault to the alarm log  if the error c annot b e c orrec ted  
    internally. When a fault is sent to the alarm log , it simultaneously trig g ers an alarm 
    that ap p ears on the terminal sc reen’s STATUS line as d esc rib ed  ab ove. Faults 
    that have b een c orrec ted  either automatic ally or throug h a servic e p roc ed ure are 
    rec ord ed  in the resolved  alarm log . 
    The alarm log, ac c essed with the Disp lay Alarms
     sc reen, is the starting  p oint for 
    servic e p ersonnel d iagnosing  prob lems. The most severe p rob lems are always 
    listed  first in the alarm log  sinc e these are most often the c ause of the prob lem. 
    The resolved alarm log, acc essed with the Display Alarms
     sc reen, is used  b y 
    servic e p ersonnel to c hec k that alarms are c leared  after servic e proc edures are 
    p erformed, and  also for troub leshooting  intermittent p rob lems that resolve 
    themselves and  then rec ur.  
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