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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Guide
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Guide
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-9 Bulletin Board 3 Bulletin Board The Bulletin Board feature allows you to set up extensions that c allers c an d ial to hear recorded messages. The messag e is ac tually the p ersonal g reeting of the extension assig ned to the bulletin b oard . Bulletin b oard extensions also c an b e inc lud ed on automated attend ant menus. To administer a b ulletin b oard : 1. Use the Sub sc riber sc reen to c reate a b ulletin b oard sub sc rib er. If c allers want to reac h the b ulletin b oard direc tly, use an extension ad ministered at the switc h. Otherwise, use an unad ministered extension. This is the extension you will use for the b ulletin b oard . Assig n this sub sc rib er a name that d esc rib es its func tion (for d irec tory p urp oses), and assig n the PERMISSIONS, Type field to “ b ulletin-b oard ” or c reate a c lass-of-servic e for bulletin boards using the Class of Service sc reen. 2. Using your touc h-tone telep hone, log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system as the sub sc rib er you just c reated , and rec ord the b ulletin b oard messag e as that sub sc rib er’s p ersonal g reeting . 3. To test your ad ministration, you c an c all the b ulletin b oard extension if it has b een ad ministered on the switc h. Refer also to the Multip le Personal Greeting s feature, whic h d esc rib es how to estab lish up to nine d ifferent p ersonal greeting s that may be ac tivated automatic ally during sp ec ified time period s (suc h as prime time or out-of-hours) or depending on the caller (such as internal or external). This feature may be useful for b ulletin b oard s. Call Answer The Call Answer feature allows the DEFINITY AUDIX system to answer c alls for sub sc rib ers who are b usy or unavailab le. The system g reeting for a sub sc rib er with the Call Answer Language Choice field set to “ y” on the Sub sc rib er sc reen inc lud es an announc ement in the sec ond ary lang uag e instruc ting the user to enter *1 for the sec ondary lang uag e. Sub sc rib ers may rec ord p ersonal g reeting s that will b e p layed automatic ally when the DEFINITY AUDIX system answers c alls for them. If sub sc rib ers have a primary and a sec ond ary lang uag e, they should rec ord g reetings in b oth lang uag es; and , the primary languag e g reeting should instruc t the c aller to p ress *1 to switc h to the sec ond ary lang uag e. Refer to Ap p end ix A, ‘‘Communic ating with Sub sc rib ers’’, for a Template Letter for the Multiling ual Feature.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-10 Call Screening 3 The Call Answer feature works in c onjunc tion with the c all forward ing and c all c overag e features in the switc h. Sub sc rib ers who will have c all c overag e b y the DEFINITY AUDIX system must b e ad ministered with the (PERMISSIONS, Typ e set to “ c all-answer” ) on the assoc iated Class Of Servic e sc reen for that c lass-of-sub sc rib ers or on the Sub sc rib er screen for individ ual sub scrib ers. In ad d ition, the switc h must b e c orrec tly ad ministered to p rovid e the c all c overag e or c all forward ing switc h features that are req uired to d irec t c alls to the DEFINITY AUDIX system for c all answering . A c aller c an d esig nate a message as p riority for any extension having c all answer c overag e to the DEFINITY AUDIX system if the Priority on Call Answer field is set to “ y” on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. Callers also can designate the message as private. On systems using Control Link switc h integ ration, there may b e another c ap ability to the Call Answer feature. This is the use of to restart the DEFINITY AUDIX log in session from the b eg inning . The sub sc rib er c an p ress anytime during a DEFINITY AUDIX c all-answer session. Then the sub sc rib er c an ac c ess his/her mailb ox and retrieve messag es without having to hang up and red ial into the DEFINITY AUDIX system. This c ap ab ility is esp ec ially c onvenient if a subsc rib er is c alling long d istanc e. NOTE: It is imp ortant to verify that the PERMISSIONS, Type field is set to “ c all-answer” for sub sc rib ers whose c alls c over to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. If this field is not set c orrec tly, the DEFINITY AUDIX system will not answer the c all, b ut one of its p orts will b e tied up until the c aller hang s up. The DEFINITY AUDIX system warns you when this hap p ens via the Ad ministration-Log sc reen. Call Screening The Call Sc reening feature is available only for the DP mod e of switc h integ ration. This feature allows sub sc rib ers with d igital p hones to listen to or interc ep t c all answer messag es as they are being left b y c allers. Use (exit AUDIX) to d rop the DEFINITY AUDIX system and interc ep t the c all. The sub sc rib er uses this feature d irec tly from his/her touc h-tone telep hone, and the feature req uires no special administration by the DEFINITY AUDIX system administrator. *R *R **X

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-11 Changing the DEFINITY AUDIX Extension Length 3 Changing the DEFINITY AUDIX Extension Length This p roc ed ure, while rarely req uired , c an save you from having to d elete and re-enter all sub sc rib ers if your switc h numb ering p lan c hanges. Chang ing the numb er p lan requires that the switc h and its DEFINITY AUDIX system b e up d ated with the new extension numb ers. To c hange the DEFINITY AUDIX system extension leng th: 1. Chang e the extension leng th on the Mac hine sc reen to the new leng th and also c hang e the start and end extensions to matc h the new leng th. 2. Reb oot the system using the Reset System Reb oot sc reen. 3. Chang e the system c overing extension on the System-Parameters Features sc reen to the new numb er. 4. Change the DEFINITY AUDIX port extensions on the Voice-Group sc reen to the new numb ers. 5. Busyout all network and voice ports on the machine to be changed. 6. Enter change extensions (or ch e , for short). !CAUTION: This is a p owerful sc reen. It is safe to use only if you have p lanned in ad vanc e exac tly what you need to have it d o.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-12 Changing the DEFINITY AUDIX Extension Length 3 A sc reen similar to the following ap p ears: Figure 3-1. Change Extension Screen 7. Enter the name of the mac hine to b e affec ted . On the samp le sc reen, loc al ap p ears in this field . The keyword loc al indic ates the mac hine you are c urrently op erating . This sc reen c an also b e used (d uring a sep arate session) to c hang e extension numb ers on a remote mac hine b y entering any ad ministered remote mac hine name. 8. Enter the b ound aries of the extension numb ers to b e moved . Here, you enter two numb ers: the b eginning (smallest affec ted ) extension numb er. and the end ing (larg est affec ted) extension numb er. (In the examp le, the extensions to b e moved are those c urrently numb ered b etween 0000 and 9999.) 9. Enter the new b eg inning extension numb er. Here you enter the b eg inning numb er of the new b loc k of numb ers to whic h the extensions named in the p rec ed ing step are to be moved. (In the examp le, extension numb er 0000 is to b e c hang ed to numb er 20000, and numb ers up throug h 9999 are to b e c hang ed to c orresp ond ing numb ers ab ove 20000. For examp le, an extension 9947 b ec omes extension 29947.) All other field s are disp lay fields. 10. Press (F3) to initiate the p roc ess. The system fills in the Ending With field and asks you to c onfirm your intent. ENTER

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-13 Class of Service 3 11. Press (F3) ag ain. The system will fill in the d isplay field s as it works. If for some reason you have to p ress during this op eration, a c ertain amount of work will alread y have b een d one b y the p rog ram. Rec over as follows: a. Note the numb ers shown in the d isp lay field s. They will ind ic ate ap p roximately where the p rog ram stop p ed working . b . Next, list extensions to find exac tly whic h numb ers have b een c hang ed and whic h have not. (Use the list e c ommand for this p urp ose.) c . Finally, p lan what need s to b e d one to rec over, and use the ch e c ommand to c hang e extension numb ers as nec essary. 12. If your DEFINITY AUDIX system has the Outc alling feature, b ut is limited to extensions that are on the switc h, c hang e the Maximum Number Digits field on the System-Parameters Outcalling sc reen to the new extension leng th. 13. Enter the new extension numb ers in the TIMEOUT PARAMETERS, Extension field on the Switc h-Link screen. 14. Reb oot the system using the Reset System Reb oot sc reen. Alert sub sc rib ers to these c hang es sinc e they will have to use more or fewer d ig its when log g ing in, ad d ressing voic e mail, and c alling other extensions. They also should c hec k their outc alling numb er; if it is an extension in the switc h numb ering system, they will have to re-enter it. Class of Service The Class of Servic e feature p rovid es 12 uniq ue servic e c lasses c ontaining d ifferent c omb inations of features or mailbox parameters for use b y sub sc rib ers with varying servic e req uirements. Servic e c lasses are pred efined on Class Of Se r vi c e sc reens and c an b e ind ivid ually mod ified to meet your sp ec ific req uirements. Eac h subsc rib er is assig ned a c lass of servic e b y assoc iating his/her Sub sc rib er sc reen with a sp ec ific Class Of Servic e sc reen, or ind ivid ual sub sc rib er servic e op tions c an b e c ustomized b y entering servic e information directly on the individual’s Subscriber sc reen. ENTER CANCEL

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-14 Digital Networking 3 Digital Networking Dig ital Networking p rovid es DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers with the ab ility to exc hang e voic e messag es with sub sc rib ers on other DEFINITY AUDIX systems, Intuity ™ AUDIX systems, and AUDIX R1V5 or later systems. With Digital Networking the message is d igitally rec orded and stored , then transferred ac ross c ommunic ation lines. Just as two networked c omp uter users c an send files to eac h other, two AUDIX users c an rec ord voic e messag es and send the messag es to eac h other. For a c omp lete desc rip tion of Dig ital Networking features and ad ministration, see DEFINITY AUDIX System Dig ital Networking, 585-300-534. End of Message Warning The End of Messag e Warning feature is enab led b y you and c auses messag e rec ord ing to be interrup ted a p red efined amount of time b efore the maximum rec ord ing leng th is reac hed. The DEFINITY AUDIX system announc es that “ n” seconds of recording time remain and prompts the user to resume recording. You c an d efine the End of Message Warning feature on a system-wid e b asis. You also c an d efine ind ivid ual warning times for DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers who want to overrid e the system-wid e warning time. You c an ac tivate the End of Messag e Warning feature on the System-Parameters Features sc reen (pag e 2). If the Feature Active? field is set to “ n” , warnings will not b e p layed , reg ard less of the system-wid e or sub sc rib er-sp ec ific warning times. If the sub sc rib er-sp ec ific warning time is blank, the system-wide warning time is used . If the warning time is set to zero (0) sec ond s, the end of messag e warning will not b e g iven. Warning times may b e anything b etween 15 to 60 sec ond s. The End of Messag e Warning feature is not c onsid ered a sep arate feature sinc e it is ap p lic ab le to c all answer, voic e mail, resp ond ing to voic e mail, and c reating p ersonal g reeting s. It d oes not ap p ly to the rec ording of announc ement frag ments, mac hine names, or sub sc rib er names.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-15 Enhanced Disconnect Detection 3 Enhanced Disconnect Detection In North Americ a, the United King d om, Australia, Belg ium, Holland , and a few other c ountries, the DEFINITY switc h is ab le to d etec t the following sc reens of d isc onnec t sig naling emp loyed : nOpen loop (analog trunks) nPolarity reversal (analog trunks) nBit Oriented Sig naling (d ig ital trunks) The DEFINITY switch does not recognize tone-based disconnect signaling; and, in some c ountries, there is no d isc onnec t sig naling . When the DEFINITY AUDIX system d oes not rec eive reliab le d isc onnec t information, valuab le storag e spac e on the DEFINITY AUDIX system may b e used need lessly b ec ause the system c ontinues rec ord ing long er than is nec essary. The Enhanc ed Disc onnec t Detec tion feature allows the DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministrator to turn on one or two d ifferent mec hanisms for d etec ting d isc onnec ts when the DEFINITY switc h is unab le to p rovid e reliable d isc onnec t information. The two op tional mec hanisms are: nTone Based Disconnect. The Central Offic e switc h send s tones to the DEFINITY switc h to indic ate a d isc onnec t. Sinc e the DEFINITY switc h d oes not d etec t the tones as a d isc onnec t, the DEFINITY AUDIX system may app end the tones to the end of outside c all answer messages. If you have a p rob lem with tones at the end of outside c all answer messages, you p rob ab ly need to ad minister tone d etec tion. When tone d etec tion is ad ministered , the DEFINITY AUDIX system detec ts the p resenc e of a c ad enc ed tone with freq uenc y c ontent b etween 350 hertz (Hz) and 650 Hz and , when d etec ted , d isc onnec ts the c all. nQuic k Silenc e Disc onnec t. This typ e of d isc onnec t sig naling enhanc es DEFINITY AUDIX op eration for c alls in whic h there is no d isc onnec t sig naling and the line simp ly g oes silent after the c aller hang s up . When Quic k Silenc e Disc onnec t is ad ministered , the system d isc onnec ts as follows: — During a c all answer rec ord ing , immed iately up on d etec ting silenc e for an ad ministrab le p eriod of time. — At all other times, immed iately after two exp irations of the Inp ut Time Limit. The DEFINITY AUDIX system p rovid es a system p romp t and a help messag e after the first exp iration. The system says Goodbye and d isc onnec ts after the sec ond exp iration. When rec ord ing a messag e in a voic e mail session (as op p osed to a c all answer session), the system d oes not d isc onnec t up on d etec ting silenc e b ut d isc onnec ts after two exp irations of the Inp ut Time Limit. If you need Quic k Silenc e Disc onnec t, there will be long p eriod s of silenc e at the end of c all answer messag es. Query users for rep orts of these p rob lems. Ad minister the Disc onnec t Op tions on the System-Parameters Features sc reen.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-16 Escape to Attendant 3 Escape to Attendant The Esc ap e to Attend ant feature g ives sub sc rib ers the op tion of allowing c allers to talk to a live attendant b y p ressing instead of, or in ad d ition to, leaving a messag e in the sub scrib er’s DEFINITY AUDIX mailb ox. No sp ec ific DEFINITY AUDIX system administration is req uired to ac tivate this feature, b ut the Transfer Out of AUDIX feature must b e ac tivated on the System-Parameters Features sc reen and the system-wid e c overing extension should b e assig ned , also on this sc reen, for this feature to work prop erly. Ind ivid ual sub sc rib ers should have c all answer p ermission. If the sub sc rib er wants the c all transferred to an extension other than the system-wid e c overing extension, that extension must b e id entified on the Sub sc rib er sc reen. Exit AUDIX The Exit AUDIX feature allows c allers to d isc onnec t from the DEFINITY AUDIX system without hang ing up b y p ressing . This feature is p artic ularly useful if a c aller is c alling from a p ay telephone and wishes to make another c all. It req uires no sp ec ific DEFINITY AUDIX ad ministration. Guest Password The Guest Password feature allows c allers who are not DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers to d ial the DEFINITY AUDIX system direc tly, enter a sub sc rib er’s extension and a system-wid e g uest password , and leave a message in the sub sc rib er’s mailb ox. The c aller c annot ac c ess any messag es in the sub sc rib er’s mailbox. If the Multiling ual feature is ad ministered for the sub sc rib er extension, it works the same for the c aller using the guest p assword as it d oes when c alling the sub sc rib er d irec tly. Sinc e the Guest Password feature is hand led within the DEFINITY AUDIX system and d oes not involve the switc h, it p rovid es a c onvenient method for b yp assing normal c all c overag e p aths to a sub sc rib er and leaving a messag e. The g uest p assword also c an b e used to p rovid e the c all answer feature to DEFINITY AUDIX sub sc rib ers who d o not have an extension ad ministered at the switc h, thoug h this mig ht b e d one more effic iently with an automated attend ant. To administer the Guest Password feature, enter the system-wid e g uest p assword (up to 15 c harac ters) on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. Make sure the p assword is within the limits set b y the Minimum Password Length field on the same sc reen. You also must verify that extensions to b e c alled b y g uest c allers have c all answer (c all-answer) p ermission on the corresponding Subscriber screen. 0 **X

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-17 Lucent INTUITY Message Manager 3 Lucent INTUITY Message Manager If you p urc hased the Luc ent INTUITY Messag e Manag er (IMM) feature, the DEFINITY AUDIX system c an b e ad ministered as a server on a Loc al Area Network (LAN). Eac h PC (or c lient) that ac c esses the DEFINITY AUDIX server must have the Luc ent I NTUITY Messag e Manag er Client Software. INTUITY Messag e Manag er lets subsc ribers hand le DEFINITY AUDIX messages from their PC. Refer to Chap ter 11, ‘‘Luc ent Intuity Messag e Manag er and LAN Consid erations’’, for more information. Leave Word Calling (LWC) The Leave Word Calling (LWC) feature is availab le only for the CL switc h integ ration method . This feature c onverts switc h-g enerated LWC req uests from internal c allers into DEFINITY AUDIX-generated stand ard -format LWC messag es req uesting a return c all and identifying the c aller, extension, and time of c all. LWC must b e ad ministered at the switc h to d eliver LWC messag es to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. No sp ec ific DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration is req uired to use this feature. Login Announcement The Log in Announc ement feature allows selec ted sub sc ribers to c reate a system announc ement that will b e p layed whenever sub sc rib ers log in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Permission may b e assig ned on a p er-sub sc rib er b asis or b y c lass-of-servic e. Only one log in announc ement c an b e ac tive at any time on the system. The log in announc ement will g o to all subsc ribers of the system and p rob ab ly should b e rec ord ed in all system lang uag es. NOTE: A hearing -imp aired user who uses only a Teletypewriter (TTY) for c ommunic ations with the DEFINITY AUDIX system will not see anything on the TTY for a voic ed log in announc ement. If there are TTY users on the DEFINITY AUDIX system, it may b e a g ood idea not to use the Log in Announc ement feature. If a log in announc ement is g oing to be used , the system ad ministrator may want to send a TTY messag e to TTY users informing them of the announc ement. The send er c an use all of the normal d elivery op tions, inc lud ing future d elivery, and c an sp ec ify an exp iration d ate when the announc ement is to b e d eleted automatic ally from the system. The send er also c an sp ec ify whether sub sc rib ers c an d ial through the announc ement or not.

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Feature Administration 3-18 Login Announcement 3 Log in announc ements use the same mailb ox as broad c ast messag es, b ut they are not voic e mail and c annot b e forwarded or saved b y subsc rib ers and d o not g enerate message-waiting notific ation. Outc alling d oes not oc c ur for these messag es. The message is p layed until it is d eleted from the system, either automatic ally at the sp ec ified exp iration date or manually b y logg ing in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system using the broad c ast mailb ox extension and p assword . The b road c ast mailbox is assoc iated with a p hantom sub sc rib er ad ministered on the Subsc rib er sc reen as d esc rib ed und er the Broad c ast Messag es feature. This sub sc rib er is id entified as the b road c ast mailb ox b y a “ y” in the Broadcast Mailbox? field. The PERMISSIONS, Type field should be set only to “ none” to d eny c all answer p ermission for this sub sc rib er. When a sub sc rib er with permission c reates a log in announc ement, the messag e is stored in the subsc rib er’s outg oing mailb ox until the sc hed uled d elivery time when it is d elivered to the b roadc ast mailb ox. Prior to d elivery, the sub sc rib er c an change the message’s text and status. After the message is delivered to the b roadc ast mailb ox, it is no long er owned b y the orig inator and c annot b e mod ified . Only one log in announc ement c an b e in the b road c ast mailb ox at a time. The login announc ement c an b e p urged p rior to the exp iration d ate b y log g ing in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system using the broad c ast mailb ox extension and p assword . The log in messag e is d eleted automatic ally two days after the delivery d ate unless otherwise sp ec ified on the Log in Announc ement Op tions menu. The maximum leng th of ind ivid ual messag es is d efined b y eac h orig inator’s maximum messag e length on the Sub sc rib er sc reen. The size of the broad c ast mailb ox is d efined on the same sc reen. The b road c ast mailb ox extension numb er is d isp layed on the System-Parameters Features sc reen. When you log in to the b road c ast mailb ox, the log in announc ement is not p layed. The List Measurements Feature sc reen inc ludes information ab out log in announc ements that are sent d uring its rep orting p eriod . To administer log in announc ements: 1. Choose one of the following : nIf p ermission to c reate log in announc ements is b y c lass-of-servic e, set p ermission to c reate log in announc ements (“ log in” or “ both” ) on the ap p rop riate Class of Servic e sc reen. nIf p ermission to c reate log in announc ements is on a p er-subsc riber b asis, set p ermission to c reate log in announc ements (“ log in” or “ b oth” ) on the Sub sc rib er sc reen for eac h ind ivid ual sub sc riber who will have that p ermission. 2. Check the System-Parameters Features sc reen to see if a b road c ast mailb ox exists and to id entify its extension. If there is no b road c ast mailb ox assig ned , set up a p hantom sub sc rib er for the b road c ast mailb ox on the Sub sc rib er sc reen (see the b road c ast messag es feature for more information).