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Inter-Tel Ivx 500 Installation Manual

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    IVX500 INST4LLATION & MAINTENANCE Issue 1, August 1994 
    Programming Modem Parameters 
    6.15 The window shown below is used for setting up 
    the modem parameters. It can be chosen by selecting 
    Modem programming from the System programming 
    dropdown menu in the Inter-Tel logo screen header. 
    Enter the necessary information as follows. The default 
    values are shown below. Refer to the user manual for 
    your modem to determine the necessary parameters. 
    6.16 MODEM INITL4LIZATION: Enter the de- 
    sired command strings for initializing the modem for in- 
    coming and outgoing calls in the text boxes. The current 
    strings can be explained as follows: 
    QO Result codes sent (Ok, connect, ring, no 
    carrier, error, or connect 1200) 
    Hang up 
    Xl Use extended result codes 
    Do not echo characters in command state 
    Register 0 rings to answer 
    6.17 MODEM DIALING: To determine the signals 
    that will be sent before dialing, enter the desired in- 
    formation in the Prefix text box. To determine the after- 
    dialing signals, enter the information in the Suffrx text 
    6.18 LOCK DTE BAUD RATE: This option is used 
    for high-speed modems only. The DIE baud rate con- 
    trols the communication between the CO line and the 
    modem. Locking the DTE baud rate keeps the CO-to- 
    modem rate the same while allowing the PC-to-modem 
    baud rate to be adjusted. To lock the DTE baud rate, se- 
    lect the check box to place a check mark in it. To remove 
    the check mark, select the box again. 
    6.19 USE DTR TO HANG UP MODEM: If this op 
    tion is enabled, the DIR signal is dropped for 0.5 se- 
    conds when the programmer disconnects the remote 
    modem connection (by pressing F6 or pressing ALT-S 
    and then selecting “Disconnect From Remote System” 
    from the pull-down menu). This hangs up the modem on 
    the programming PC, not the system modem. It should 
    be used only if the modem is having trouble disconnect- 
    ing from the call and only on modems that are designed 
    to disconnect in this manner. 
    6.20 MODEMRESPONSES: To determine the mes- 
    sages that will appear when the modem makes a connec- 
    tion or reaches a busy number, enter the desired text in 
    the appropriate boxes. 
    6.21 DEFAULT: To return all values to default (as 
    shown below), select the Default command button. 
    6.22 OK/CANCEL: When modem programming is 
    complete, select the OK command button to save the 
    changes. Or, to exit without saving changes, select the 
    Cancel command button. 
    Modem Initialization Modem Responses r I 
    I incoming ATQOHOXl EOSO=O 1 
    Connect 1: 1 1 
    Outgoing ATQOHOXl EOSO=O Connect2: 1 ) 
    Modem Dialing 
    Busy2: 71 
    ATDT I I 
    In Cock DTE Baud Rate 
    In Use DTR to Hang Up Modem 
    page 3-11  
    Issue 1, August 1994 INTER-TEL PRACTICES 
    0 + Modern Connection 
    0 Direct Connection COM Port Baud Rate 
    COM 1 $@yg 
    [g&j 1 
    Connecting A Modem Session 
    6.23 This window is used for making the modem con- 
    nection. It can be reached by selecting Connect To Re- 
    mote System from the System Services drop-down 
    menu in the Inter-Tel logo screen header. 
    whether this is a modem connection or a direct connec- 
    tion by selecting the appropriate option button. The 
    black dot appears in the selected option. 
    6.25 COM 1 or COM 2: Indicate which COM port 
    your PC is using for the RS-232-C connection by select- 
    ing the appropriate option button. The black dot appears 
    in the selected option. 
    6.26 BAUD RATE: Indicate the baud rate at which 
    your FC will be operating by selecting the Baud Rate 
    drop-down list box and scrolling the highlight bar to the 
    desired baud rate. 
    If using 
    a modem, select the rate that matches the 
    baud rate of the modem extension that will be used. 
    If using a direct connection, select the rate that 
    matches the RS232 port. 6.27 LOCATION: For a modem connection, enter a 
    name for the remote modem site in the Description text 
    6.28 PHONE: For a modem connection, enter the 
    telephone number of the remote modem site in the 
    Phone text box. Special characters can be included in 
    the number if they are accepted by the modem. Refer to 
    the user manual for your modem to determine the neces- 
    sary characters. 
    6.29 SAVE: When the information appears as desired, 
    select the Save command button. This replaces the de- 
    fault values with the new information so that you do not 
    have to repeat this procedure each time you call this cus- 
    6.30 CANCEL: To exit without connecting a pro- 
    gramming session, select the Cancel command button. 
    6.31 CONNECT: When the session information is 
    correct, begin the programming session by selecting the 
    Connect command button. A window appears as shown 
    on the next page. The session information is automati- 
    cally saved when you select Connect. 
    Page 3-12  
    Issue 1, August 1994 
    Comm Port: 
    Baud Rate: 
    Connect Type: 
    6.32 This window shows the information as it was 
    programmed in the window on the previous page, in- 
    cluding the COM port, baud rate, modem/direct connec- 
    tion type, site description, and telephone number. The 
    “Status” line changes to indicate that the PC is configur- 
    ing the modem, dialing, waiting for a connection, and 
    setting up a connection. 
    6.33 The command buttons allow the options of can- 
    celling the connection or redialing the number if prob- 
    lems arise (the Skip button is used for Inter-Tel 
    engineering purposes only). Ifthe software is unable to 
    communicate with the modem, select the Cancel com- mand button and check the connection between the mo- 
    dem and the PC. Also verify that the modem is 
    connected to the proper port. To try again, select the Re- 
    dial command button. 
    6.34 When the connection is completed, the Inter-Tel 
    logo screen appears. To begin the programming session, 
    press the F3 key. Or, press ALIT-P to view the System 
    Programming pull-down menu and then select Database 
    Programming by highlighting it (use the up or down ar- 
    row key, if necessary) and pressing RETURN. The Da- 
    tabase Programming Menu appears. 
    6.35 If the modem connection is lost during the pro- 
    gramming session, allow a minute for the modem to re- 
    set, then re-establish the call using the procedure given 
    above. All changes that were saved by a system update 
    before the connection was lost will be retained in the 
    IVX500 System memory. 
    636 To disconnect from the remote programming ses- 
    sion when the Inter-Tel logo screen is displayed, press 
    F6 or press &T-S and then select “Disconnect From 
    Remote System” from the “System Services” pull-down 
    At the beginning of each programming session, 
    the IVXSOO System may prompt you for a password; en- 
    ter the password, if one is required, and press RETURN. 
    When the Database Programming Menu displays on the 
    PC monitor screen, programming can then be com- 
    pleted as described in the following pages. 
    Page 3-13  
    Issue 1, August 1994 
    7.1 The logo window is the first window that is dis- 
    played in any programming session. 0 
    7.2 The window header contains three options: Sys- 
    tem Programming, System Service, and Help. These op 
    tions allow access to dropdown menus and can be 
    selected by pressing ALT and the underlined letter (P, S, 
    or H). The processes performed by these options are as 
    System Programming: This drop-down menu in- 
    cludes Database Programming for beginning a pro- 
    gramming session (described on page 3-lo), 
    On-Line Monitor Programming (reserved for future use), and Modem Programming (described on page 
    System Services: This drop-down menu includes 
    Connect To Remote System and Disconnect From 
    Remote System options which are used for remote 
    programming, as described on page 3-10. 
    Help: The Help drop-down menu allows access to 
    the on-line Help tiles, as described on page 3-6. 
    This dropdown menu also includes an entry titled 
    “About Database Programming” that, when se- 
    lected, displays the software part number and gen- 
    eration date. If viewed after a remote programming 
    session is started, it will also show the software ver- 
    sion number. 
    I System erogramming System Services Help 
    Page 3-14  
    Issue 1, August 1994 
    Form Name: 
    Programming Form 
    Applications/Port Programming 
    Extension ID Programming 
    Group List Programming 
    Mailbox Programming 
    Miscellaneous Information 
    Repot-t Programming 
    System Maintenance 
    8. DATABASE PROGRAMMING gramming Menu screen shown above, Exit will end 
    MENU WINDOW the programming session. 
    8.1 The Database programming Menu window shown 
    above allows access to all other programming areas. 
    8.2 Each of the options is described in detail in this 
    section. For information regarding the IVX500 System, 
    its applications, and its features, refer to FEATURES. 
    8.3 The window header contains three options: Win- 
    dows, Exit, and Help. The options can be selected by 
    pressing ALT and the underlined letter (W, X, or II). The 
    processes performed by these options are as follows: 
    l Windows: This drop-down menu is used for manag- 
    ing multiple windows and icons (refer to page 3-5). 
    l Exit: If any programming changes have been made, 
    the following screen appears when Exit is selected 
    from an application window header. It offers the op 
    tions of saving the changes that were made in the 
    associated window and exiting to the Database Pro- 
    gramming Menu (select Yes), exiting to the Data- 
    base programming Menu without saving the 
    changes (select No), or returning to the program- 
    ming window to continue making changes (select 
    Cancel). When selected from the Database Ro- 8.4 
    Help: The Help dropdown menu allows access to 
    the on-line Help files, as described on page 3-6. This 
    drop-down menu also includes an entry titled “About 
    Database programming” that, when selected, displays 
    the software part number and generation date. If viewed 
    after a remote programming session is started, it will 
    also show the software version number. 
    8.5 This window also provides access to all of the pro- 
    gramming areas. The programming areas can be se- 
    lected in two ways: 
    0 Lilt box: When a line in the list box is highlighted, 
    that programming window can be viewed by select- 
    Page 3-15  
    Issue 1, August 1994 
    ing the Program command button or by selecting the 
    highlighted line using the mouse. 
    l Form Name: Each of the programming windows 
    can be selected directly by entering an abbreviated 
    command in the Form Name text box. To select a programming window, enter the appropriate com- 
    mand (listed below), or enter any portion of the 
    words in the window name. For example, to reach 
    the “Application/Port Programming” window, you 
    can enter “APP,, ‘XXI,” “a p p,” ,app,” etc. 
    4pplicationrJPort Programming APP or PORT Creates, programs, and deletes applications. In- 
    cludes day/night greetings and digit translation. 
    Programs ports to use applications or voice com- 
    puter hunt group dial rules and/or place message 
    notification calls. Also sets number of rings before 
    answer for port. 
    Extension ID Programming EXTorEXTID Creates, programs, and deletes extension IDS. De.- 
    termines number, description, and directory in- 
    Group List Programming 
    Mailbox Programming 
    Miscellaneous Information GROUP or GRP or GL Creates, programs, and deletes group lists. Deter- 
    mines number, description, and group list mem- 
    MAIL or MB Creates, programs, changes, and deletes mail- 
    boxes. Also used for batch creation of mailboxes 
    and clearing mailbox messages. Determines all 
    mailbox parameters including description, mes- 
    sage notification station, mailbox type, remote 
    messaging, and password. 
    MISC Programs parameters for the following: 
    Automated Attendant: Enables directory and deter- 
    mines sort order. 
    Custom Recordings: Programs descriptions. 
    Disk Usage Statistics: Shows disk statistics. 
    Remote Notification Tables: Programs description, 
    pager notification strings, and outgoing access 
    Subscriber Summaty Statistics: Shows statistics 
    related to system-wide mailbox operation. 
    Telephone System Interface: Selects telephone sys- 
    tem type, enables Voice Talk, and programs fea- 
    ture codes used in telephone system. 
    Timers: Programs system timers. 
    Report Programming 
    System Maintenance REP 
    SYS or MAINT 
    Voice Mail Information: Determines system ad- 
    ministrator mailbox, enables voice mail directory, 
    determines directory sort order, and sets volume. 
    Prints reports that show system programming. 
    Sets date and time, day/night dial-0 destination, 
    day mode parameters, programming port, and 
    passwords. Also used for save/restore of database. 
    . . . . .._. 
    Page 3-16  
    Issue 1, August 1994 
    9.1 Applications programming is used for assigning 
    extension numbers and other parameters to applica- 
    tions. Once the applications are programmed, they may 
    be used by the telephone system as system forwarding 
    paths, hunt group announcement/overflow stations, di- 
    rect ring-in destinations, message centers, attendants, or 
    alternate message source destinations. A program plan- 
    ning sheet is located in Figure 3-4, on page 3-68. 
    9.2 Applications can include the following (refer to 
    FEATURES for more information regarding each ap 
    plication type): 
    Automated Attendant: The automated attendant is 
    a programmable feature that can be used to provide 
    automated call answering service. Calls can be 
    transferred, forwarded, or can directly ring in to an 
    Automated Attendant application. When an auto- 
    mated attendant answers a call, it plays a recording 
    that gives dialing instructions. After hearing the re- 
    cording; the caller may then directly dial a station 
    extension number, voice mail application number, 
    or hunt group pilot number. 
    Automated Attendant Recall Destination: If a call 
    that was transferred by the Automated Attendant ap- 
    plication is not answered before the Transfer timer 
    expires, the call recalls the Automated Attendant 
    Recall Destination application. The recall destina- 
    tion announces that the station is unavailable and al- 
    lows the caller to choose to leave a message (if a 
    mailbox is programmed for that station) or dial 
    another extension number. 
    Call Routing Announcement: A Call Routing An- 
    nouncement application can be used in place of a 
    playback device and/or for one-digit call routing. 
    The playback device function is especially useful for 
    programming hunt group announcement and over- 
    flow stations. When called, the Call Routing An- 
    nouncement application will play a recording and 
    then hang up. As an option, the Call Routing An- 
    nouncement application can use Digit Translation 
    which allows the caller to press a single digit for ac- 
    cess to a mailbox, the voice mail subscriber applica- 
    tion, the operator, the directory, or to a station 
    or hunt 
    group that has an associated mailbox or extension 
    Quick Message Retrieval: Only one Quick Mes- 
    sage Retrieval application may be created for the 
    system. It is usually programmed as the alternate 
    message source for the Non-Subscriber Voice Mail 
    If so, when station users to respond to message indications left by the voice mail ports, they&$ 
    prompted only for their password. 
    Non-Subscriber Voice Mail: This application han- 
    dles all calls that are directed to voice mail (other 
    than Quick Message Retrieval) placed by subscrib- 
    ers and non-subscribers. Callers will hear the main 
    company greeting, followed by a menu of available 
    options. In telephone systems with voice computer 
    hunt groups, internal callers will hear only the menu 
    of options, and not the company greeting. Stations 
    can forward or transfer calls directly to their mailbox 
    using this application’s extension number. This ap- 
    plication can also be the message center for the sub- 
    scribers’ stations. 
    9.3 Up to 25 applications can be programmed (howev- 
    er, there can be only one Quick Message Retrieval ap 
    plication). In the default database, extension numbers 
    275-299 are reserved for applications, but any available 
    extension number can be used. 
    9.4 programmable application parameters include the 
    Description: The description for an application ap 
    pears wherever the application is listed in the data- 
    base, as well as in the system directory. 
    Daylnight greetings: (Not used for automated atten- 
    dant recall and quick message retrieval applica- 
    tions.) When the application is called, a Custom 
    Recording (made using the System Administrator’s 
    mailbox, as described in FEAIIJRFS, page 2-18.) 
    will play. You can select any Custom Greeting Num- 
    ber for the Day and/or Night Greeting. The Daymes- 
    sage is played when the system is in day mode and 
    the night message is played during night mode. (Re- 
    cording 01, by default, contains the Voice Mail stan- 
    dard company greeting. Recording 02, by default, 
    contains the system-provided Auto Attendant com- 
    pany greeting.) 
    Digit trandation: (Call Routing Announcement ap 
    plications only.) Digit translation allows callers to 
    dial a single digit to select a designated extension 
    number, mailbox, the voice mail subscriber applica- 
    tion, the operator, the directory, or hunt group pilot 
    number. Up to 12 digit translation storage locations 
    (*, #, O-9) are available for each Call Routing An- 
    nouncement application. NOTE: Digit translation is 
    not recommended when the application will be used 
    as a hunt group announcement or overflow station 
    on telephone systems in which the hunt group calls 
    can be pulled away from the announcement/over- 
    flow station when a hunt group member becomes 
    available. For an alternate method of using digit 
    Page 3-17  
    Issue 1, August 1994 INTER-TEL PRACTICES 
    translation in hunt groups, refer to the manual for 
    your telephone system. 
    9.5 Port programing is also performed in this pro- 
    gramming area. The parameters that can be established 
    for each port include the following: 
    l Port Operation: This determines how the port will 
    be used. Possible port operations include the follow- 
    - Application: (Used for telephone systems with- 
    out voice computer hunt groups.) The list in- 
    cludes all programmed applications (description 
    and extension number). If a port is assigned to an 
    application, the type of application will deter- 
    mine the operation of the port. 
    Voice Computer Hunt Group: (For use with tele- 
    phone systems with voice computer hunt groups 
    only.) This port operation assignment indicates 
    that the port is a member of a voice computer 
    hunt group on the telephone system. Its opera- tion is controlled by the commands sent from the 
    telephone system. Refer to the APPLICATION 
    for detailed explanations of the dial rules needed 
    to control these ports. ” 
    - None: This assignment is for unused ports. 
    Remote Message/Lamp Notification: If remote 
    messaging/lamp notification is enabled, the system 
    will be allowed to use the port to place outgoingcalls 
    for remote messaging and message waiting lamp/ 
    notification purposes. (NOTE: Ensure that ports 
    with this option enabled have outgoing access for 
    trunks in the telephone system, if they will be used 
    for remote notification to outside numbers.) 
    Number Of Rings Before Answer: This parameter 
    indicates the number of ring cycles the system must 
    detect before it will answer a call on this port. By de- 
    fault, it is set to one ring cycle. The allowed range is 
    l-10 cycles. 
    Page 3-18  
    Issue 1. August 1994 
    9.6 The window shown above appears when Applica- 9.9 CREATE APPLICATION: To create a new ap- 
    tions programming is selected from the programming plication, select the Create Application command but- 
    options or the APP or FORT abbreviated command is ton. A window appears as shown on page 3-20. This 
    entered. It is used for creating, programming, and delet- command button cannot be selected if 25 applications 
    ing applications and for programming individual ports. have already been programmed. 
    9.7 APPLICATIONS: The Applications list box 
    shows the currently programmed applications, if any. 
    When an application is highlighted, you canuse the Ro- 
    gram Application command button to program it. 
    9.10 DELETE APPLICATIONS: To remove one or 
    PROGRAM APPLICATION: To program an 
    existing application, highlight it in the Applications list 
    box and select the program Application command but- 
    ton. A window appears as shown on page 3-21. more applications from the Applications list box, select 
    the Delete Application command button. A window ap- 
    pears as shown on page 3-24. 
    9.11 PORT PROGRAMMING: A window appears 
    as shown on page 3-25. 
    Page 3-19  
    Issue 1, August 1994 INTER-TEL PRACTICES 
    Application Type 
    Auto Attendant 
    Auto Attendant Recall 
    call Routing Announcement 
    Quick Message Retrieval 
    Non-subscriber Voice Mail 
    9.12 The window shown above appears when the 
    Create Application command button is selected. To 
    create a new application, follow these procedures: 9.15 OK: When the application has an extension 
    number and an application type, select the OK com- 
    mand button. The programming window shown below 
    appears. Enter the information for the new application 
    as described below. 
    9.13 EXTENSION: An available extension number 9.16 CANCEL: To exit without creating the new ap 
    is displayed in the Extension text box. To change the ex- plication, select the Cancel command button.  tension number for the application, type the desired ex- 
    tension in the text box. The number can have up to 5 
    digits, but cannot begin with 0. 
    (Zf you attempt to enter 
    an invalid extension number or a number that isalready 
    assi& you 
    will see a warning window. Select OK to 
    continue and then select a valid extension number.) 
    NOTE: This is not the extension number that telephone 
    system users dial to reach the application. They use the 
    telephone system extension numbers or hunt group pilot 
    numbers assigned to the single-line circuits that are con- 
    nected to the lVX5OO. This is number applies only with- 
    in the lVX5OO to identify the application. It is also used 
    in voice computer hunt group dial rules to select the ap- 
    plication (see page 4-4 in APPLICATION & TRLE- 
    9.14 APPLICATION TYPE: Select the type of ap 
    plication by selecting the desired option button. A dot in 
    the center of the option button indicates the selected ap 
    plication. (Only one Quick Message Retrieval applica- 
    tion can be programmed per system. Once it has been 
    assigned, that option button is dimmed and cannot be se- 
    Page 3-20  
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