Inter-Tel Ivx 500 Installation Manual
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SPECIFICATIONS & INSTALLATION INTER-TEL PRACTICES Issue 1, August 1994 IVX500 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE FIGURE l-9. SERIAL/PARALLEL PORT COMBINATION CARD @PC) :i ;.y ‘ ‘ . . , DB15 CONNECTOR NOT CURRENTLY USED DB25 CONNECTOR TO PARALLEL PRINTER FOR APPLICATIONS REPORTS CONNECTOR TO DIAGNOSTICS TERMINAL DB25 (COM2) CONNECTOR TO PROGRAMMING PC NOTE: Depending on the model of SPC being used, the location of the connectors and cables shown above could vary somewhat. Also, instead of a separate SPC (as shown above), some PCs may have a Disk Controller Combination Card that is equipped with serial and parallel ports (see Figure l-3 on page l-10). Page 1-16
INTER-TEL PRACTICES IVX500 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS & INSTALLATION Issue 1. Aturnst 1994 c. SOFTWARE INSTALLATION 6.8 The IVX500 PC is shipped with the applications software already installed on the hard disk drive. As a back-up, 3J$-inch floppy disks containing the software are also included. If the software is upgraded at a later time, a new set of software disks will be provided. NOTE: To install the database programming software on the customer-provided programming PC, refer to page 3-9 in PROGRAMMING. IVX5OO Applications Software 6.9 Ifnecessary, use the following procedure to install the applications software on the IWSOO PC’s hard disk drive. (There is no need for a keyboard and monitor or a programming terminal.) NOTE: To install the IVX.500 applications software, the hard disk drive must be properly formatted and must have MS-DOS 6.2 installed. (If using a PC with equip ment other than that specifically recommended, the sys- tem will not operate properly.) (1) (2) (3) (4 (5) Insert Applications Software Disk 1 of 4 in the IVX500 PC floppy disk drive. Reboot the PC and wait for the files on the soft- ware disk to be copied onto the PC’s hard disk. (When finished, the PC beeps twice every seven seconds to indicate it is ready for the second soft- ware disk.) After the two beeps, remove the first software disk, insert Applications Software Disk 2 of 4, and wait for the files to be copied. (When fin- ished, the PC beeps three times every seven sec- onds to indicate it is ready for the third disk.) NOTE: If the wrong software disk is inserted, the PC beeps for 1.5 seconds, pauses for three seconds, and then beeps the appropriate number of times to indicate which software disk should be inserted. After the three beeps, remove the second soft- ware disk, insert Applications Software Disk 3 of 4, and wait for the files to be copied. (When fin- ished, the PC beeps four times every seven sec- onds to indicate it is ready for the fourth disk.) After the four beeps, remove the third software disk, insert Applications Software Disk 4 of 4, and wait for the files to be copied. (When fin- ished, the PC beeps for 1.5 seconds and then pauses for five seconds to indicate the installa- tion is complete.) (6) After the installation is complete, remove the last software disk. (The PC automatically re- boots.) Voice Prompts 6.10 Should it become necessary to re-install the voice prompts only (e.g., because one or more of the prompts is garbled or incomplete), follow the procedure below. (1) Referring to the diagram below, attach the DB9-to-DB25 converter (supplied with the data- base programming cable kit) to the DB9 (COMl) serial port connector on the back of the PC. (2) Attach the DB25 modular adapter (supplied with the database programming cable kit) to the DB9-to-DB25 converter installed in step 1. (3) Attach the DB9 modular adapter (supplied with the database programming cable kit) to a cus- tomer-provided ASCII-type programming ter- minal configured with the following parameters: The transmit and receive baud rate is 9600 The data format is 8 bit standard ASCII Parity is off (ignored) Communication is fir11 duplex There is one start bit and one stop bit NOTE: If the terminal requires a DB25 connec- tion, attach a straight-through DB9-to-DB2S converter to the DB9 modular adapter, or attach a customer-provided DB25 modular adapter. (4) Plug one end of the reversing mod-to-mod line cord (supplied with the database programming cable kit) into the DB25 modular adapter installed in step 2. Plug the other end of the line cord into the DB9 modular adapter installed in step 3. DBSto-DB25 DB25 ADAPTER wx500 PC DB9 ADAPTER PROGRAMMING TERMINAL Page 1-17
SPECIFICATIONS & INSTALLATION INTER-TEL PRACTICES Issue 1, August 1994 IVX500 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE (5) (6) (9 Insert Applications Software Disk 2 of 4 in the floppy disk drive and reboot the PC. (The termi- nal displays “Delaying for 5 seconds. press any key to abort.“) Before the five seconds expire, press ENTER (or any key on the keyboard) to abort. (The terminal displays the lVX500 applications directory prompt “C:\avdap>“.) (10) (II) Remove Applications Software Disk 2 of 4 and insert Applications Software Disk 1 of 4. At the C:\avdap> prompt, type “cd \util” and press ENTER. (The terminal displays the utili- ties directory prompt “C:\util>“.) At the C:\util> prompt, type “pmtinst” and press ENTER. (The terminal displays the files being copied and the number of files copied.) Follow the installation instructions displayed on the terminal. After the installation is complete, remove the last software disk and disconnect the terminal. (The PC automatically reboots.) Page 1-18
INTER-TELPR4cTIcES IVX500 INSlXLLATION & MAINTENANCE SPECIFICATIONS % INSTALLATION Issue 1, August 1994 7. IVXSOO PC HARD DISK DRIVE B. CHECKING THE PC MOTHERBOARD REPLACEMENT SETUP 7.1 If necessary, the hard disk drive in the IVX500 PC can be replaced with a new drive as outlined below. The instructions are divided into four sections. Follow the steps outlined in each section. 7.4 Check to see that the IVX500 PC motherboard is “set up” to work properly with the new hard disk drive, as outlined in the following steps. NOTICE 7.2 To replace the hard disk drive, the following items are needed: - Monitor and compatible monitor card - Keyboard Depending on the specific BIOS used by the PC Motherboard, the layout and editing functions of the setup screen could vary somewhat. If so, make any necessary changes by following the actual in- structions displayed on the monitor, rather than those outlined in the following steps. - One set of applications software floppy disks (these disks are included with the IVXSOO System) - One set of MS-DOS 6.2 floppy disks (these disks are included with the IVXXKl System) A. REPLACING THE HARB DISK DRIVE 73 Remove the existing hard disk drive and replace it with the new hard disk drive, as described in the steps below. (1) Install a customer-provided monitor card in an available card slot on the PC motherboard. On some systems, it may be necessary to temporari- ly remove an existing Voice Processing Card. (2) Connect a customer-provided monitor to the ap- propriate connector on the bottom edge of the monitor card. Then, plug in the monitor’s AC power cord and turn on the monitor’s AC power switch. (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) Save the existing IVX500 database on properly formatted floppy disks. (For details, refer to page 3-67 in PROGRAMMING.) NOTE: To save time and disk space, you may first want to have voice mail users delete all mes- sages that do not need to be saved. Turn off the PC’s AC power switch and unplug the AC power cord. Remove the cover from the PC by removing the screws and sliding the cover off. Disconnect the cables on the back of the existing hard disk drive and remove it from its slot in the disk drive mounting shelf. If applicable: Remove the frame extension brackets and the plastic slide rails from both sides of the existing hard disk drive and attach them to the new hard disk drive. Attach the cables that were disconnected in step 4 to the back of the new hard disk drive. While guiding the cables, carefully slide the new hard disk drive into the previously vacated slot in the disk drive mounting shelf until it locks into place, (3) Connect a customer-provided keyboard to the keyboard connector on the back of the PC. (4) Plug in the PC’s power cord and turn on the AC power switch. (The monitor displays the system memory check and then “Hit , if you want to run SETUP”.) (5) Press the DEL key. (The monitor displays the main menu of options, as shown below.) STANDARDCMOS SETUP ADVANCED CMOS SETUP ADVANCEDCHIPSETSETUP AUTO CONFIGURATION WITH BIOS DEFAULTS AUTO CONFIGURATION WlTH POWER-ON DEFAULTS CHANGE PASSWORD HARD DISK UTXLITY WRlTE TO CMOS AND EXlT DONOTWRIlETOCh4OSANDEXlT (6) Use the down arrow key to highlight the AUTO CONFIGURATION WITH POWER-ON DE- FAULTS option and press the ENTER (or RE- TURN) key. (The monitor displays “Load Power-On Default Values from ROM Table (Y/N) ? W.) (7) Enter “y (for yes) and press ENTER twice. (The monitor again displays the main menu of op- tions.) (8) Use the up or down arrow keys to highlight the STANDARD CMOS SETUP option and press Page l-19
SPECIFICATIONS & INSTWTION Issue 1, August 1994 lNTER-TELPR4CTIcES IVX500 INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE (9 (10) (11) (12) ENTER twice. (The monitor displays the Stan- dard CMOS Setup screen, a portion of which is shown below.) Date @n/date/year)* xx/xx/xx Time (hour/min/sec): xx:xx:xx Hard Disk CI Type I xx Bard Disk D: Type : Not Installed Floppy Drive A: I 1.44nB, 3.5 Floppy Drive BI I Not Installed Primary Display I Not Installed Keyboard : Not Installed & After setting the correct date and time, check to see that the Hard Disk C field is set to the proper type for the new drive that was just installed. Ifif is not, use the up or down arrow keys to highlight the Hard Disk C field, then use the PGUP or PG DN keys to change the setting to the proper type. Finally, enter the other hard drive data (cylin- ders, heads, etc.) as prompted. NOTE: All Inter-Tel hard disk drives have a label with the necessary setup information on it. Ensure that the other fields are set asshown in the box above. If not, use the up or down arrow keys to highlight the desired field, then use the PGUP or PG DN keys to change the setting. Press the ESC key to exit. (The monitor again displays the main menu of options.) Use the up or down arrow keys to highlight the ADVANCED CMOS SETUP option and press ENTER twice. (The monitor displays the Ad- vanced CMOS Setup screen. Depending on the specific BIOS and its defaults, the screen should appear similar to one of the following samples.) Typematic Rate Programming : Disabled Typematic Rate Delay (msec)c 500 Typematic Rate (Chars/Set) : 15 Above 1 MB Memory Test I Enabled Wemory Test Tick Sound I Enabled Remory Parity Error Check : Enabled Bit Ressage Display : Enabled Bard Disk Type 47 RAH Area I 0,300 Wait For If Any Error : Enabled System Boot Up Num Lock : On Weitek Processor I Absent Floppy Drive Seek At Soot : Enabled System Boot Up Sequence : A:, C: Cache Memory : Disabled Password Checking Option I Disabled Video ROH Shadow C000,16K: Disabled Video ROM Shadow C400,16K: Disabled Adaptor ROW Shadow C800,16k: Disabled Sample #l Page l-20 Adaptor ROW Shadow CC00,16Kr Disabled Adaptor ROW Shadow D000,16K1 Disabled Adaptor ROW Shadow D400,16K: Disabled Adaptor ROU Shadow D800,16Ka Disabled Adaptor ROW Shadow DC00,16K: Disabled Adaptor ROW Shadow E000,64Kr Disabled System ROH Shadow F000,64K1 Disabled NOTE: Be sure to set the Above 1 MB Memory Test and Memory Parity Error Check fields to Enabled, the System Boot Up Sequence field to A:, C:, and the Cache Memory field to Disabled, Ifusing this BIOS with a 486 motherboard, set the Cache Memory field to Internal. Sample #2 Typematic Rate Programming # Disabled Typematic Rate Delay (maec): 500 Typematic Rate (Chars/Set) I 15 Bard Disk Type 47 RAW Area I 02300 System Boot Up Num Lock I On Weitek Processor I Absent Floppy Drive Seek At Boot I Enabled System Boot Up Sequence I A:, CI External Cache Memory I Disabled Password Checking Option I Disabled Shadow RAW Option I Both Main Hemory Relocation I Enabled NOTE: Be sure to set the System Boot Up Se- quence field to A:, C: and the External Cache Memory field to Disabled. Sample #3 Boot Up Numlock Status I on Boot Up Floppy Seek : Enabled Boot Sequence I A:, C: Turbo SW Function Enable I Yes External Cache t Disabled CPU Internal Cache : Enabled Security Option I Setup Video BIOS Shadow 8 Disabled C8000-CFFFF Shadow I Disabled D0000-D7FFF Shadow I Disabled D8000-DFFFF Shadow : Disabled Virus Warning : Disabled IDE HDD Block Hode t Disabled Auto Configuration : Enabled DRAW Speed I Fastest Cache Write Cycle I 0 w/s Cache Burst Read : 0 w/s AT Bus Clock : l/4 CLK Internal Cache WB/WT I W/TROUGH External Cache WB/WT I W/BACK Video Shadow Cacheable I Disabled System Shadow Cacheable I Disabled Latch Local Bus I T3 NOTE: Be sure to set the Boot Sequence field to A:, C:, the External Cache field to Disabled, and the CPU Internal Cache field to Enabled.
INTER-TEL PRACTICES SPECIFICATIONS & INSTALLATION IVXSOO INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE Issue 1, August 1994 (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) Ensure that all of the fields are set similar to those shown in the preceding samples. If not, use the up or down arrow keys to highlight the de- sired field, then use the PG Up or PG DN keys to change the setting. press the ESC key to exit. (The monitor again displays the main menu of options.) Use the up or down arrow keys to highlight the ADVANCED CHIpSET SETUp option and press ENTER tice. (The monitor displays the Advanced CMOS Setup screen. Depending on the specific BIOS and its defaults, the screen should appear similar to the following sample.) Sample Auto-Configuration I Enabled DRA Address/Data Hold Time I 1-2 T AT BUS Clock Select , CPUCLK/B I/O Recovery Time Delay I 4 BCLX Cache Read Hit Burst , 3-2-2-2 Cache Write Bit Wait State t 2WS DRAR Page node I Disabled DRAR Read Wait State I 2ws DRAJ4 Write Wait State I 3ws Memory Remapping I Enabled Memory above 16RB Cacheable: No C0000-C3FFF,l6K Cacheable : No C4000-C7FFF,16K Cacheable : No C8000_CBFFF,16K Cacheable I No CC000-CFFFF,16K Cacheable I No D0000-D3FFF,16K Cacheable I No D4000-D7FFF,16K Cacheable I No D8000-DBFFF,16K Cacheable I No DC000-DFFFF,16K Cacheable I No E0000-EFFFF,64K Cacheable I No F0000-FFFFF,64K Cacheable : No Non-Cacheable Block1 Enable: Disabled Non-Cacheable Block-l Size t 1RB Non-Cacheable Block-l Base 8 0KB Non-Cacheable Block2 Enable: Disabled Noa-Cacheable Block-2 Size I 16UB Non-Cacheable Block-2 Base 8 0KB Co-processor Read+ Delay I Enabled RAS Time Out I Disabled DRA CAS Timing Delay I Disabled DMA Clock Select I SCLK/Z NOTE: Be sure to set the Memory Remapping field to Enabled. Ensure that all of the fields are set similar to those shown in the sample above. If not, use the up or down arrow keys to highlight the desired field, then use the PG Up or PG DN keys to change the setting. press the ESC key to exit. (The monitor again displays the main menu of options.) (18) (19) (20) Use the down arrow key to highlight the WRl’I’E To CMOS AND EXIT option and press ENTER. (The monitor displays: “Write to CMOS and exit cI’/N)? N’? Enter “y” (for yes) and press ENTER. (The mon- itor again displays the system memory check.) If the new hani disk drive already has some type of LWS installed, the monitor eventually dis- plays the C drive programming prompt “C:\>“. Format the hard disk drive and re-install MS- DOS as outlined in the following section. If the new hard disk drive is blank, the monitor eventually displays “Insert BOOT diskette in AZ press any key when ready”. Insert the MS-DOS 6.2 Setup Disk into the floppy disk drive and fol- low the instructions displayed on the monitor to set up and install MS-DOS. Then skip over the next section and proceed directly to Installing the Software. NOTE: When installing MS-DOS 6.2, do not use the DoubleSpace or MemMaker utilities. C. FOKMA’ITING THK HARD DISK DRIVE AND INSTALLING MS-DOS 7.5 After setting up the PC motherboard, format the disk and install MS-DOS using the following procedure. CAUTION: Formatting the hard disk drive erases all information stored on the drive. DO NOT format the hard disk drive unless instructed to do so by authorized personnel. (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Insert the MS-DOS 6.2 Setup Disk into the floppy disk drive. At the C:\> prompt, enter “a:” and press ENTER. (The monitor displays the A drive programming prompt “A\>“.) At the A:\> prompt, enter “format c:/s” and press ENTER. (The monitor displays “WARNING: ALL DAlYA ON NON-REMOVABLE DISK DRIVE C: WILL BE LOST! proceed with For- mat (Y/N)?“) Enter “y” (for yes) and press ENTER. (The for- matting process for drive C begins and continues for several minutes. After the formatting is com- plete, the monitor displays a format complete message and asks for a volume label.) Type in a volume label (if desired) and press EN- TER. (The monitor displays some disk usage in- formation and then the A drive programming prompt “A\>“.) Page l-21
SPECIFICATIONS & INSTALIXITON INTER-TEL PRACTICES Issue 1, August 1994 JYXSOO INSTALLATION & MAINTENANCE (6) 8 (8) If there are any other drives to format, repeat steps 3 through 5 using the appropriate “format drive:” command (e.g., “format d:“). At the AZ:\> prompt (and with the MS-DOS 6.2 Setup Disk still in the floppy disk drive), press the CTRL,, ALT, and DEL keys all at the same time to restart the system. Follow the instructions displayed on the monitor to set up and install MS-DOS. NOTE: When installing MS-DOS 6.2, do nut use the DoubleSpace or MemMaker utilities. D. INSTALLING TEIE SOFTWARE 7.6 After formatting the hard disk drive and installing MS-DOS, re-install the applications software and re- store the database, as outlined in the following steps. (1) Turn off the PC’s AC power switch and unplug the AC power cord. (2) Turn off the monitor’s AC power switch, unplug the monitor, and disconnect it from the monitor card. (3) (4 (5) (6) 0 09 (9) Remove the monitor card from its slot on the PC motherboard. If a VPC was removed to make room for the monitor card, replace the VPC. Disconnect the keyboard from the connector on the back of the PC, replace the cover on the PC, and re-install the screws. Insert Applications Software Disk 1 in the PC’s floppy disk drive. Plug in the PC’s power cord and turn on the AC power switch. Install the lVX500 applications software. (For details, see page 1-17.) Restore the saved database from step 1 on page 1-19. (For details, see page 3-67 in PROGRAM- MING. ) After the restore is complete and the system re- sets, check the database programming to ensure that the system database has been successfully restored. Page l-22
INTER-TEL PRACTICES FEATURES IVX500 INS’IXLLATION % MAINTENANCE Issue 1, August 1994 CONTENTS PAGE FEATURES 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Introduction ........................................................ 2-2 Automated Attendant ................................................ 2-3 A. Automated Attendant Applications ............................. ../. 2-3 B. Automated Attendant Recall Destination ............................ 2-4 C. Automated Attendant Custom Recordings ........................... 2-4 D. Extension ID .................................................... 2-4 Call Routing Announcement .......................................... 2-5 . Custom Recordings .............................................. 2-5 B. Digit ‘Ikansiation ................................................ 2-5 Voice Mail ......................................................... 2-7 A Mailboxes ...................................................... 2-8 B. Group Lists ..................................................... 2-8 C. Internal Message Notification ..................................... 2-9 D. Remote Message Notification ...................................... 2-10 E. Subscriber Use Of Voice Mail ...................................... 2-11 F. Non-Subscriber Use Of Voice Mail ................................. 2-16 G. System Administrator Features .................................... 2-17 Directories (Automated Attendant, Call Routing Announcement, And Voice Mail) .................................................... 2-20 A. Locating A Name ................................................ 2-20 B. Accepting A Name ............................................... 2-20 C. Requesting Additional Information ................................. 2-21 D. Using The Directories ............................................ 2-21 Page 2-l