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    							FEATURES Issue 1, August 1994 INTER-TEL PRACTICES 
    Listening To Messages 
    4.34 There are two types of voice mail messages: 
    l New Messages are messages that you have not yet 
    heard, including Broadcast Messages from the Sys- 
    tem Administrator and system-sent messages. They 
    are played in the order they 
    were received, except 
    that messages marked “priority” are played first. 
    Some special messages that may be played include 
    the following: 
    - Message 
    receipt: If a certified message is sent, a 
    system message will be played when the recipi- 
    ent has listened to the message. 
    - Security violation: The voice mail system has an 
    extra security measure built in which informs a 
    subscriber, after they have logged into their 
    mailbox, whenever three invalid attempts have 
    been made to access their mailbox within a 
    single call. This announcement message will be 
    sent to the affected mailbox each time this situa- 
    tion occurs. It is received as a new message and is 
    accompanied by a message envelope. 
    0 Saved Messages are messages that you previously 
    listened to and saved. You can play them back, as 
    necessary, in the order they were saved. 
    435 Whenever you access Voice Mail as a subscriber, 
    you are told how many new and saved messages you 
    have. From the Main Menu: 
    (1) Press 
    q to listen to your new messages. 
    OR, Press q to listen to your saved messages. 
    (2) The system plays each message in the queue se- 
    lected, preceded by an “envelope” that tells you 
    the information you have enabled in Personal 
    Options. While you are listening to a message, 
    you can use the following options: 
    q to back up while listening to a 
    message. (The amount of time is determined 
    by the Replay/Forward/Rewind Increment 
    timer.) Press 
    q to pause (for the length of the data- 
    base-programmed Pause Voice Mail timer). 
    To continue listening, press any key. To exit 
    without completing the message, press 
    q . 
    q to skip ahead while listening to a 
    message, or skip to the next message if a mes- 
    sage is not playing. (The amount of time is 
    determined by the Replay/Forward/Rewind 
    Increment timer.) 
    Press H to play the message envelope again. 
    q to raise the volume. 
    q to lower the volume. 
    q to skip to the end of the recording. 
    (3) When the message has finished playing, you 
    have the following options: 
    h. Press 
    q to replay the message from the be- 
    q to reply to the message (unless it 
    was a system-sent message or from an out- 
    side telephone number). 
    This option is not 
    provided for receive-only mailboxes. 
    q to forward a copy of the message to 
    another subscriber, along with your introduc- 
    tory comments. (If the message was marked 
    “private” when it was sent, you cannot for- 
    ward it.) 
    Receive-only mailboxes cannot use 
    this option. 
    q to listen to the previous message, 
    Press H to pla y the message envelope again. 
    q to listen to the next message. 
    q to save the new message in your 
    mailbox for future action. 
    q to delete the message from your 
    mailbox. (If you want to reply to or forward a 
    message, do this before you delete it. Delet- 
    ing a message completely removes it from 
    your mailbox.) 
    Page 2-12  
    Issue 1, August 1994 
    Sending A Message 
    To erase your message, press q . 
    436 As a subscriber, you can record and send voice 
    messages to other users or to group lists from the sub- 
    scriber Main Menu. Follow these steps: 
    Ifyou erceed the maximum allotted time for mes- 
    sage length, 
    a prompt will notify you, and allow 
    you tore-record the message or send the message 
    as it is. 
    (1) Dial the Voice Mail application access number. 
    (You hear the main menu.) 
    (2) During or after the greeting, press 
    q to identify 
    yourself as a subscriber. 
    If Voice Mail is full, a message will notify you 
    that it cannot accept your message. Hang up and 
    try again later. 
    (3) Enter your mailbox number and personal pass- 
    word. (8) To send the message, hang up. Or, press 
    q and 
    go to the next step. 
    (4) When ou hear the Subscriber Menu prompt, 
    B  press 2 to send a message. 
    (5) Dial the desired mailbox number or group list 
    If you do not know the mailbox numbel; 
    can press pound (#) to access the company 
    directory to locate and select the mailbox. See 
    page 2-20 for directory instructions. Croup lists 
    are not included in the directory. To use 
    the special delivery options, press q . 
    You can perform one 
    or more of the following 
    q to mark the message “private.” 
    (This prevents the recipient from forwarding 
    it to other subscribers.) 
    If the mailbox is fill, a prompt will notify you 
    that the mailbox cannot receive messages. How- 
    ever, it will allow you to leave a message at 
    another mailbox. Leave your message with 
    another subscriber or try again later. Press 
    q to mark the message “certified.” 
    (When a certified message is heard by the re- 
    cipient, you will receive a receipt notice.) 
    q to mark the message ‘priority.” 
    (This will place your message ahead of all 
    other waiting 
    messages in the receivingmail- 
    (6) After hearing the subscriber’s name, press 
    q to 
    accept it. 
    (7) When you hear the tone, record your message. 
    NOTE: If the system detects silence for longer 
    than 5 seconds, it will prompt you to speak up. 
    The recording, if any, will remain unchanged. 
    Topause while recoiling, press a. To continue, 
    press any key. (The pause length is determined 
    by the Pause Voice Mail timer.) Press 
    q to cancel delivery options. 
    q to deliver the message. (If you wish 
    to mark the message certified, private, and/or 
    priority, do so before completing this step.) 
    (9) After the message has been sent, you may choose 
    either of the following options: 
    q and enter another mailbox number 
    to send the message to another destination. 
    q to return to the Main Menu. 
    Page 2-13  
    							FEATURES Issue 1, August 1994 INTER-TEL PRACTICES 
    4.37 Personal Options allow you to customize your 
    mailbox. Each subscriber’s mailbox has the following 
    personal options: 
    0 Greetings: Your primary or alternate greeting is 
    played to callers when they reach your mailbox. You 
    can change your primary greeting at any time to re- 
    flect a change in status and/or record and enable an 
    alternate greeting. 
    If you elect not to record a person- 
    al greeting, the default system greeting will be used. 
    NOTE: There is a database option called “Play Re- 
    cording Instructions” that affects mailboxgreetings. 
    Ifthis option is enabled, the system prompt that tells 
    the caller to leave a message after the beep will play 
    after the primary or alternate greeting. If disabled, 
    the beep will occur as soon as the primary or alter- 
    nate greeting ends. In the default state, this option is 
    enabled. For programming information, refer to 
    pages 3-39 and 3-44 in PROGRAMMING. 
    Directory Name: Your recorded name is used to 
    identify you in the directory and to verify your mail- 
    box number when messages are addressed to you by 
    non-subscribers and other subscribers. Although 
    your name is recorded when you first set up your 
    mailbox, you can change it at any time. 
    Password: Your password is used to prevent unau- 
    thorized access to your mailbox. Although you 
    create a personal password when you first set up 
    your mailbox, you can change it at any time. 
    Message Envelope Contents: Each message is pre- 
    ceded by an Yenvelopen message that can include 
    time/date the message was left, the source of the 
    message, and the length of the message. You can 
    choose the contents of the envelope that is played 
    before each message or disable the envelope com- 
    pletely. (Even if the envelope is disabled, the sub- 
    scriber can still enter the code to play the envelope 
    when listening to the message.) 
    (1) Dial the Voice Mail application access number. 
    (You hear the main menu.) 
    (2) During or after the greeting, press 
    q to identify 
    yourself as a subscriber. 
    (3) Enter your mailbox number and password. 
    (4) When ou hear the Main Menu list of options, 
    h  press 4 to select the Personal Options Menu. 
    You may then do any or all of the following steps. 
    (5) To change your personal greeting, press m. 
    You have the following options: 
    Press q to record and/or enable your prima- 
    ry personal greeting or 
    q to record and/or 
    enable your alternate greeting. The system 
    plays your current greeting. To re 
    greeting, you can press jiJ. Press 
    cf lay the 
    3 to erase 
    and re-record your greeting as follows: 
    1. Record your greeting after the tone, 
    then press 
    q . 
    2. Press 
    q again to acce t your greeting. 
    (Or, you can press 
    1 to replay your 
    q to add to your greeting, or 
    b 3 to erase and re-record your greet- 
    q to enable the system default mail- 
    box greeting. The system greeting is auto- 
    matically enabled. 
    q to exit without changing yourgreet- 
    (6) To change youi recorded directory name, 
    q . 5. 
    a. After the tone, record your first and last 
    name, then press 
    q . :’ 
    b. Press 
    q again to accept your recorded 
    name. Or, press 
    q to replay your recorded 
    . name, 
    i5 2 to add to your name, or press q to 
    erase and re-record your name.) 
    (7) To change your password, press q . 
    Choose and enter a new password using dig- 
    its O-9 (up to 12 digits). 
    Zfyou do not want to 
    use a passwoni, 
    skip this step. 
    q . Your password is played back. 
    q to accept the password as entered. 
    (Or, press 3 if you wish to re-enter your 
    (8) To change your envelope contents, press a. A 
    prompt plays to tell you the current status of your 
    envelope contents. 
    a. To enable or disable the time/date option, 
    q . A prompt plays to tell you the cur- 
    rent status of the time/date option. 
    b. To enable or disable the message source op- 
    tion, press a. 
    A prompt plays to tell you the 
    current status of the message source option. 
    Page 2-14  
    Issue 1, August 1994 
    g . 
    To enable or disable the message length op 
    tion, press a. 
    A prompt plays to tell you the 
    current status of the message length option. 
    To enable all options, press a. A prompt 
    tells you that all options are enabled. 
    To disable all options, press 
    q . A prompt 
    tells you that all options are disabled. 
    To return to the Personal Options menu, press 
    q to accept the personal options as en- 
    Setting Up Remote Messaging 
    Remote messaging is described in detail on page 
    2-10. To set up the remote messaging parameters, fol- 
    low the procedure given below. 
    Dial the Voice Mail application access number. 
    (You hear the main menu.) 
    During or after the greeting, press 
    q to identify 
    yourself as a subscriber. 
    Enter your mailbox number and personal pass- 
    word. (If message forwarding is enabled, the 
    prompt will remind you.) 
    When ou hear the Main Menu list of options, 
    6 5 to select the Remote Messaging Menu. 
    q to set up a Primary destination, or press 
    q to set up an Alternate destination. A prompt 
    tells you what your current remote messaging 
    status is. (If desired, press 
    q to return to the Per- 
    sonal Options Menu.) 
    (6) You have the following options: 
    d. Press 
    q to turn remote messaging on or off. 
    If turning it on, press 
    q to enable pagernoti- 
    fication or press 
    q to enable rsonal num- 
    ber notification. Then, press 
    1 to have it 
    notify you for any new message or press 
    to have it notify you on priority messages 
    only. NOTE: You cannot enable remote mes- 
    saging until a telephone number has been 
    q to set up or change the telephone 
    number. Then enter the telephone number 
    followed by 
    q . It will play back for your 
    q to set up the time of day. Then, 
    when prompted, enter the time at which you 
    wish to have the message notification start 
    and stop. Enter the times with two digits for 
    the hour and two digits for the minutes. If en- 
    tering the time in 12-hour format, you will be 
    prompted to press 
    q for AM or press q for 
    PM. NOTE: If you wish to have 24-hour no- 
    tification, program the starting and ending 
    times to be the same. 
    q to set up the days of week for re- 
    mote messaging. Then fess 
    q for messag- 
    ing Monday-Friday, $ 2 for all days, or q to 
    select individual days. If you selected indi- 
    vidual days, you will be prompted to press 
    digits l-7 which correspond to the days 
    Sunday through Saturday. Your select will be 
    played back. 
    (7) The options prompt returns. Either select another 
    option, as described above, or press 
    q to save 
    the settings and exit. 
    Page 2-15  
    Callers who do not have a subscriber mailboxcan 
    leave messages for subscribers. Also, Subscribers can 
    use this method for leaving messages without accessing 
    their mailboxes. If a non-subscriber message is left 
    using a station with an associated mailbox, the receiving 
    mailbox Subscriber can reply to the message, if desired, 
    and the reply will be sent to the caller’s associated mail- 
    4.42 Non-subscribers can gain access to the voice 
    mail system through the automated attendant (by dial- 
    ing the Voice Mail application extension number), 
    through a call transfer, by placing an intercom call to the 
    Voice Mail application extension number, or by being 
    forwarded to voice mail. 
    Leaving A Message 
    (1) Ifyou hear the voice mail Feting or menu, dial 
    the desired mailbox number. If you do not know 
    the number, you can press pound (#) to access the 
    mailbox directory to locate and select the mail- 
    box. See page 2-20 for directory instructions. 
    If you hear a subscriber’s personal mailbox 
    skip this step. 
    If the mailbox is full, a prompt will notify you 
    that it cannot receive messages. However, it will 
    allow you to leave a message at another 
    Leave your message with another subscriber or 
    try again later. 
    After hearing the subscriber’s greeting and a 
    tone, record your message. 
    To call the attenaknt, press q . 
    To pause while recording, press a. A prompt 
    will tell you that the recording has been stopped. 
    To continue, press any key except a. 
    To erase and re-record your message, press q . 
    To cancel the recoding and return to the main 
    press q . 
    Ifyou exceed the maximum allotted time for mes- 
    sage length, 
    a prompt will notify you and allow 
    you to re-record the message or send it. 
    If Voice Mail isfil& a message will notify you 
    that it cannot accept your message. Hang up and 
    try again later. 
    When you have completed your message, you 
    have the following options: 
    If you are satisjied with your message, hang up. 
    OR press 
    q for additional options and return to 
    step 1. 
    If you wish to hear your message, press a. 
    If you wish to add to your message, press q and 
    continue your message as described in step 3. 
    To erase and re-record your message, press q , 
    Page 2-16  
    Issue 1. August 1994 
    4.44 The 
    voice mail System Administrator can use 
    special features that are not provided to Subscribers. 
    The System Administrator mailbox has all standard sub- 
    scriber features plus the ability to do the following: 
    Record a Broadcast Message 
    Perform Mailbox and Group List Maintenance 
    Create and select custom recordings (voice mail 
    company greetings, auto attendant recordings, call 
    routing announcements, and hunt group overflow 
    and announcement station recordings). 
    4.45 To enter the System Administrator’s mailbox, 
    the System Administrator dials the Voice Mail access 
    number, presses 
    q to access the main menu, enters the 
    S stem Administrator’s mailbox number, then presses 
    ?I  _S_ to reach the System Administrator Menu. (There is 
    not a prompt for entering the 
    q .) 
    Broadcast Messages 
    4.46 The System Administrator has the ability to 
    make a single recorded message and send it to all Stan- 
    rl.+rl .nrl 
    RP,.P;vP_~~~Y c~~ha.Aw.r ms:lFmvoc /F;.rt~n_ 
    ..“.” YI... a.--a. “--An‘, YYkr.x
    l&_B ans~..LN~“.z. \Y.%&bm- 
    sion IDs do not receive Broadcast Messages.) 
    Dial the Voice Mail application access number. 
    (You hear the main menu.) 
    During or after the greeting, press a to identify 
    yourself as a subscriber. 
    Enter the System Administrator mailbox number 
    and password. 
    q to access the System Administrator’s 
    When you hear the S stem Administrator Menu 
    list of options, press 
    h 1 to send a broadcast mes- 
    (6) Record your message. 
    Topause while recordin , press a. To continue, 
    press any key except Q 
    d . 
    To erase and re-record your message, press q . 
    Ifyou exceed the maximum allotted time for mes- 
    sage length, 
    a prompt will notify you and allow 
    you to re-record the message or send it. 
    If Voice Mail is fill, a message will notify you 
    that it cannot accept your message. Hang up and 
    try again later. (7) When you have completed your message, you 
    have the following options: 
    Zf you are satisfied with your message, hang up. 
    OR press 
    q for more options. 
    Zf you wish to hear your message, press q . 
    Zf you wish to aail to your message, press q and 
    continue your message as described in step 6. 
    To erase and re-reconi your message, press a. 
    Mailbox/Group List 
    Using the System Administrator’s mailbox, the 
    administrator may provide basic voice mail mailbox 
    and group list system maintenance. This maintenance 
    includes the following: 
    l Record the name of a standard subscriber mailbox, 
    extension ID, or a group list. 
    l Record the mailbox greeting and set personal op 
    tions for a subscriber mailbox. 
    l Set the password for a subscriber mailbox or exten- 
    sion ID. 
    4.49 The System Administrator does not need to know 
    the Subscriber’s password to 
    nerfnmn m.hltenrnPe nn I 
    y.o”““‘II.“.I..~~.“Y- -1. . 
    subscriber mailbox. 
    Dial the Voice Mail application access number. 
    (You hear the main menu.) 
    During or after the greeting, press fl to identify 
    yourself as a subscriber. 
    Enter the System Administrator mailbox number 
    and password. 
    q to access the System Administrator’s 
    When you hear the S stem Administrator Menu 
    list of options, press 2 to access the Mailbox/ 
    Group List Maintenance option. 
    Dial the mailbox, extension ID, or group list 
    number to be accessed. 
    Zf programming a mailbox or extension ZD, you 
    hear the Personal Options menu. Follow the 
    instructions on page 2-14 to program the person- 
    al options (name, password, message envelope, 
    or greeting) for the selected mailbox. 
    Ifprogramming a group list, the current name if 
    any is played. You are prompted to enter a name. 
    After the tone, record the name for the selected 
    list or ID. When you are finished, press a. Then 
    q again to accept the name. (Or, ress q 
    to replay the name you just recorded, 
    d 3 to erase 
    and re-record it.) 
    Page 2-17  
    Issue 1, August 1994 
    Custom Recordings 
    4.57 To 
    4.51 The System Administrator can create and select 
    up to 50 custom recordings (voice mail company 
    greetings, auto attendant greetings, call routing an- 
    nouncements, and bunt group announcement/overflow 
    recordings). Each recording has an assigned number. 
    Numbers are then assigned to specific applications 
    using the System Administrator’s mailbox or through 
    database programming. (1) Dial the Voice Mail application access number. 
    (You hear the main menu.) 
    (2) During or after the greeting, press 
    q to identify 
    yourself as a subscriber. 
    (3) Enter the System Atrnp mailbox number 
    and password. 
    432 Any recording number (01-50) can be assigned 
    to any IVX500 System application. In the default state, 
    Recording 01 is automatically defaulted to play the 
    system-provided Voice Mail main greeting and Record- 
    ing 02 is reserved for the Automated Attendant main 
    greeting. The default recordings can be changed, but 
    will be returned to system-provided values if the system 
    is defaulted. A single recording may be used for multi- 
    ple applications. (4) press 
    q to access the System Administrator’s 
    4.53 After making the required recordings, the Sys- 
    tem Administrator must determine which ones play dur- 
    ing the telephone system’s day and night modes of op- 
    eration. This can be done from either the System 
    Administrator’s mailbox or through database program- 
    4.54 The System Administrator must enter a valid two 
    digit recording number (or a single digit followed by 
    for recordings l-9) before a custom recording can be 
    made. If a valid number has been entered and a previous 
    recording exists, the IVX500 System will play it. (This 
    includes the two standard default greetings.) When no 
    recording is associated with recording number, the Sys- 
    tem Administrator will be prompted to create a record- 
    4.55 Once the recording is installed it replaces any 
    previous recording. The only recordings that can be re- 
    trieved are system default recordings 01 and 02. They 
    can be retrieved by defaulting the IVXSOO System. If a 
    recording has been previously made but the System Ad- 
    ministrator chooses to make a change to it, the lVX500 
    System will play the current recording before offering 
    the option of accepting it as it is, replaying it or erasing 
    and re-recording it. 
    4.56 The maximum recording time for each custom 
    recording is determined in database programming when 
    the maximum greeting lengths are established for all 
    subscribers. (5) When you hear the S stem Administrator Menu 
    list of options, press 
    h 3 to select the Record Cus- 
    tom Recordings option. 
    (6) When prompted, enter the desired recording 
    number (01-50). If a recording exists, it is 
    played. If not, go to the next step. 
    To hear the recording again, press a. 
    If you wish to leave the reconiing unchang4 
    press q 
    If you wish to re-record the recording, press n 
    and continue to the next step. 
    (7) When prompted, record the greeting or message. 
    Topause while recording, press q . To continue, 
    press any key. 
    If you exceed the maximum allotted time for re- 
    cording length, 
    a prompt will notify you and al- 
    low you to re-record or save it. 
    IftheIKX5OOPCdiskisfill, a prompt will notify 
    you that it cannot accept your recording. Hang 
    up and try again later. 
    (8) When you have completed your recording, you 
    have the following options: 
    If you are satisfied with your recording, 
    OR press q for more options. hang up. 
    If you wish to hear your recording, press jiJ. 
    If you wish to a&i to your recording, press q 
    and continue your recording as described in step 
    To erase and re-record your reconfing, press q . 
    page 2-18  
    Issue 1. August 1994 
    4.5% TO 
    (6) When prompted, enter the extension number of 
    the application to be programmed. (For example, 
    Dial the Voice Mail application access number. 
    (You hear the main menu.) 
    During or after the greeting, press 
    q to identify 
    yourself as a subscriber. if us&s dial 299 to rekhkoice Mail, enter 29% to 
    program the Voice Mail greeting.) Or, press 
    to exit to the System Administrator menu. 
    Enter the System Administrator mailbox number 
    and password. (7) When prompted, select whether the recordin 
    will be played during day mode (by ressing 
    I ) 
    or during night mode (by pressing 2 b 0” ). 
    q to access the System Administrator’s 
    When you hear the S stem Administrator Menu 
    list of options, press 
    b 4 to select the Select Cus- 
    tom Recordings option. (8) When prompted, enter the desired recording 
    number (01-50). If a recording exists, it is 
    played. (If not, you hear a warning that the re- 
    cording has not yet been made.) 
    (9) If it is the correct recording, press a. Return to 
    step 6. 
    Page 2-19  
    							FEATURES Issue 1, August 1994 INTER-TEL PRACTICES 
    5.1 There 
    are two types of directories that can be en- 
    abled (or disabled) in the system: Voice Mail and Auto- 
    mated Attendant. 
    0 The 
    Voice Mail Directory is a list of mailbox sub- 
    scribers, their recorded names, and mailbox 
    0 The Automated Attendant Directory, provided to 
    all Auto Attendant callers, is a list of all mailbox 
    subscribers and extension ID owners and their re- 
    corded names. 
    5.2 The directories can be selected in the following 
    From the Voice Mail or Automated Attendant 
    main menu: press the 
    q key. 
    l Using a Call Routing Announcement application: 
    the Digit Translation digit designated for di- 
    rectory access. 
    0 As 
    a Voice Mail Subscriber: Subscribers can ac- 
    cess the directory whenever they are prompted to en- 
    ter a mailbox number. 
    5.3 If a directory is disabled or empty because no 
    names are recorded for any of the system’s mailboxes 
    and extension IDS, callers will not hear the prompt that 
    allows access to the directory. However, the caller will 
    be instructed that the selection is invalid and returned to 
    the initial instructions. 
    5.4 Recorded names are added to the directories dur- 
    ing mailbox or extension ID initialization. If the mail- 
    box or ID is not initialized, the directory will include 
    only the mailbox number or extension ID number. 
    (Group Lists are not included in either type of directory.) 
    5.5 The caller uses the keypad keys to enter the name. 
    The application then plays the closest matching directo- 
    ry name that corresponds to the digits entered by a caller. 
    Once the name has been played the system will return a 
    menu of options, including the following: 
    Listening to the previous or next name in the direc- 
    Listening to additional information (This option is 
    not available if the mailbox or extension ID number 
    has been classified in the database as a “Private” 
    Spelling a new name 0 Changing from a last to first name search mode 
    Accepting the name .? 
    Entering A Name 
    5.6 Callers use a method called Quick Spell. To use 
    Quick Spell, callers press a single digit key on the tele- 
    phone dial pad for each letter or character entered. For 
    example, keypad key H shows ARC, key 
    q shows 
    DEF, etc. To enter JONES, you would press 
    I30000 5 6 6 3 
    7 . Some charactersare notshownon the 
    keys: for “Q” press 
    0 7 
    , for “Z” press @, for punctua- 
    tion marks press the 
    1 key. 
    5.7 Alter the digits have been entered, the caller pres- 
    q to begin the search. The Automated Attendant 
    application plays the name that most closely matches 
    the digit(s) that were entered. If 
    q is pressed without 
    entering any digits, the caller will hear the first name in 
    the directory. 
    5.8 If a user presses 
    q at any time while spelling a 
    name, the system will play a helpful prompt instructing 
    the caller how to enter a name. 
    Changing The First/Last Name Search 
    Each directory can be programmed to be orga- 
    nized by last name or by first name. Callers accessing a 
    directory receive system voice prompts that ask them to 
    enter the first or last name of the person for whom they 
    wish tc leave a message. 
    To The Next/Previous Name 
    After a name has been played, the caller can lis- 
    ten to the previous name in the directory by pressin 
    q . 
    To listen to the next name, the caller can press 
    d 3 . 
    5.11 The directory lists are circular. That is, when the 
    end of the list is reached, the next name played will be 
    the first name in the directory. Or, if the caller scrolls 
    past the beginning of the list, the “previous” name 
    played will be the last name in the directory. 
    5.12 When the caller is using 
    the Voice Mail feature, 
    and accepts a name, the caller is transferred to the corre- 
    sponding mailbox. There the caller will hear either the 
    subscriber’s recorded greeting, recorded directory 
    name, or, if no recording has been made, the “mailbox 
    number XXX is not available” prompt. The caller can 
    then record a message. 
    Page 2-20  
    Issue 1, August 1994 
    5.13 If the caller is using the Automated Attendant 
    feature, and accepts the name, the caller is transferred to 
    the selected destination (station 
    or mailbox) if it is avail- 
    If a station extension is dialed and the destination is 
    not available, the caller is sent to the associated mail- 
    box, if one exists. 
    After a name is selected from the directory, the 
    caller has the option of requesting additional informa- 
    tion. When requested, mailbox number, extension num- 
    ber, and name are played (if the number is not private 
    and/or unlisted). 
    5.15 Individual mailboxes and 
    extension IDs can be 
    programmed as “Private” in database programming. A 
    Private number is included in the directory and can be 
    dialed by a caller who knows the number, but the 
    associated mailbox and extension number information 
    are not available to the caller; only the name is played. 
    5.16 Mailboxes and extension IDs can also be pro- 
    grammed as “‘Unlisted.” That means that the number 
    will not be included in the directory, but can be dialed if 
    the caller knows the extension number. D. USING THE DIRECTORIES 
    Dial the Voice Mail access number. (You hear the 
    recorded system greeting or main menu.) 
    q to access the Directory Services 
    Use the keys on your 
    sired name, then press 
    hone to enter the de- 
    . (If you wish to exit 
    from the akctory without selecting a name, 
    press q or hang up.) 
    The Voice Mail application will play the selected 
    name. Do one of the following: 
    To accept the name, press a. 
    To hear 
    the previous name in the directory, press 
    To hear additional information for the selected 
    name (if allowed), 
    press q . 
    To hear the nert name in the directory, press q . 
    To spell a dfferent name, press q and repeat 
    step 3. 
    To switch thejkdast nnme sort order; press q . 
    Page 2-21  
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