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Amanda Work Group Manual

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    							Chapter 4: Defining Integration Patterns 41
    4. Type:
    JOVE 1001.PBX
    5. Then press Enter. This is the same file we edited earlier.
    6. Press Down Arrow until you select the line that reads:
    integration 10  ‘rrrrrrrrrr’
    7. Press Delete to remove this line.
    8. Take the integration patterns you created in the previous procedure. Type each one on 
    a separate line in 1001.PBX. For example:
    integration 10  ‘#03##rrr#
    integration 10  ‘#03##sss#rrr#
    integration 10  ‘#00#ee#
    OTE:The 10 is a suggested value for the timeout. 10 equals 1 second. Any 
    other value is the amount of time that Amanda will wait for informa-
    tion from the telephone switching system. In some cases you may 
    need a value of 15 or 20. A value of 0 prevents integration. 
    These are in addition to the dial codes and any other integration patterns that may 
    have been in the original file. Enter them at the end of the file. Do not duplicate lines, 
    but do remove any lines that are inaccurate.
    9. To save and close the file, press the four following key combinations in order:
    Using Character Codes
    You must modify the DTMF patterns so that the integration patterns become general (not 
    specific to extensions 111 and 127). Call states and extension information are defined by 
    using one of the character codes shown below. Each character code represents a call state, 
    the position of the extension number in the pattern, and the number of digits in the 
    extension. When inband signaling patterns/strings come from the telephone switching 
    system, Amanda compares them to the defined integration patterns and decides how to 
    handle the calls.
    The character codes in the integration patterns are defined as follows:
    aAnswer state
    Amanda hangs up immediately.
    bBusy call state
    When bbb (or bbbb) appears in the integration pattern, Amanda checks the 
    Busy Chain. If the Busy Chain is blank, the system plays the custom busy mes-
    sage for mailbox bbb (or bbbb) or the system busy message. 
    							42 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    Realize that the character codes you use define not only the placement of the extension 
    information in the pattern, but also the call state, that is, Ring No Answer, Busy, Direct, 
    and so forth. Therefore, you can control Amanda’s behavior based upon your specific 
    requirements. For example, if your customer does not wish to allow for Busy call states, 
    then modify the integration character codes and replace the b’s with r’s.
    Some telephone switching systems have timing problems that cause the first DTMF digit 
    to be missed. In such cases, it is useful to add integration patterns that are variations of the 
    cANI or Caller ID digits
    When a string of c’s appears in the integration pattern, Amanda stores the 
    DTMF characters at those locations in the port variable %H. With token pro-
    gramming the %H can be used to identify callers and so forth. A string of c’s 
    is usually used with e’s, r’s, b’s, or t’s. However, if none of these other integra-
    tion letters are used, the system just stores the digits that matched the string of 
    c’s and processes the call normally.
    The captured data appears in the Subject line for outside calls reviewed with 
    Amanda Messenger and Amanda Unified Messenger.
    eDirect dial call state (used to access a mailbox directly by Amanda asking for a 
    security code) 
    When eee (or eeee) appears in the integration pattern, Amanda assumes the 
    caller wants to log in to mailbox eee (or eeee) and asks for the security code.
    hImmediate hang up state
    This is used to handle heartbeat or day/night automatic calls from the switching 
    iImmediate record call state (plays the record tone and starts recording a mes-
    When iii (or iiii) appears in the integration pattern, Amanda begins recording a 
    message for mailbox iii (or iiii) without playing a prompt first.
    rRing-no-answer call state that indicates who the call was for and that it was not 
    When rrr (or rrrr) appears in the integration pattern, Amanda checks the Ring 
    No Answer (RNA) Chain. If the RNA Chain is blank, the system plays the cur-
    rent greeting for mailbox rrr (or rrrr) or the system greeting.
    See the configuration option “integration_greeting” on page 202 for informa-
    tion about how the system greeting can be played when an integrated call has 
    both the rrr and sss (or rrrr and ssss) fields set.
    sInformation regarding where the call came from (for handling message replies) 
    If sss (or ssss) is found in the integration pattern along with b’s or r’s, Amanda 
    recognizes mailbox sss as the sender of the message—if one is left.
    tTrunk call or CO line ID; this can also be used for dynamic port allocation
    When ttt (or tttt) appears in the integration pattern, Amanda processes mailbox 
    ttt (or tttt) normally. Whenever a call comes in on trunk line 3, for example, 
    mailbox 3 is processed. If trunk lines 1 to 20 support two companies that share 
    an Amanda system, mailbox’s 1–10 can have @G(990) in their Extension 
    fields—causing Amanda to play one company’s greeting. mailbox’s 11–20 can 
    have @G(880) in their Extension fields—causing Amanda to play the other 
    company’s greeting. 
    xWild card that matches anything (use this carefully) 
    For example 6xxxx would match every inband signaling pattern/string that had 
    a 6 followed by four other characters.
    							Chapter 4: Defining Integration Patterns 43
    current patterns. For example, you might add a second pattern for Direct calls (1***eee 
    in our example) as 
    ***eee. These are identical—except the first digit is missing in the 
    second pattern. You can also try reducing the delay time (Delay option on SMDI tab in 
    Setup utility).
    Never remove leading digits from a pattern if they differentiate this pattern from another 
    or if they are “active” digits (such as r’s and b’s). 
    							Chapter 5:
    Configuring Amanda
    Using This Chapter
    This chapter contains a questionnaire that helps you determine exactly how your customer 
    needs his Amanda system to be set up. It also guides you as you configure an Amanda 
    system for the first time. Fortunately, The Amanda Company has configured Amanda so 
    that over 90% of the configuration parameters need no change whatsoever. 
    For a complete list of the configuration options, see “Chapter 13: Configuration 
    Using the Questionnaire
    Use this “First Use” questionnaire to find out how your customers prefer to use their 
    Amanda system. Use the results as you run Setup, selection 3, to set configuration options, 
    and as you create the mailbox template (usually mailbox 997). Then create mailboxes for 
    Question Column
    The questions address:
     How Amanda handles all callers.
     How Amanda interacts with most users. You assign new users the options that 
    give them an initial, usable mailbox configuration. After each mailbox has been 
    created, the System Administrator can change these options, and the users them-
    selves can change some options.
     System Administration issues.
    During your interview with the client, you will use the Question and Circle Response 
    columns in this questionnaire to select the Amanda features for this site.
    Location and/or Parameter Column
    The contents of this column indicate whether you are changing the setting of a parameter, 
    a field in the 997 mailbox (the template mailbox), and so on.
    To display the Mailbox window (if you are not logged onto Amanda Administrator):
    1. Start Amanda Administrator.
    The Administrator Logon dialog box appears.
    2. Enter your password in the Logon dialog box.
    The mailbox List dialog box appears. 
    							46 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    3. Enter 997 (or the mailbox for the default template).
    The Mailbox window displays template 997.
    To display the Mailbox window (if you are already logged onto Amanda 
    Administrator but displaying another window):
    1. Click the Mailbox menu and select mailbox. 
    The mailbox List dialog box appears.
    2. Enter 997 (or the mailbox for the default template).
    The Mailbox window displays template 997.
    For each feature, the Location column indicates whether the setting to be changed is a 
    mailbox setting or a configuration parameter setting. 
    The mailbox settings are to be changed for mailbox 997, the mailbox that servers as a 
    template for other mailboxes. If you have changed the template to another mailbox, 
    change that mailbox’s settings instead of the settings for mailbox 997. 
    The configuration settings are stored on the Amanda server in 
    C:\AMANDA\INSTALL.CFG. However, you reset them using the Setup utility. The 
    Setup utility’s basic operation is explained in “Logging On to Amanda” on page 5.
    First Use Questionnaire
    ResponseLocation and/or 
    1)  Do you want to continually re-
    mind users to set up their mailboxes 
    using the tutorial?YESGlobal settings parameter 
    is use_tutorialSet the parameter to True, which is the default. 
    Amanda suggests that the user use the tutorial to set 
    up his or her mailbox. Amanda continues to make this 
    suggestion until the mailbox has been set up.
    NOSet the parameter to False. Amanda does not suggest 
    that the user use the tutorial. 
    2)  Amanda normally says “Please 
    hold while I try that extension” as 
    the system transfers a call. This fea-
    ture can be turned off. 
    Do you want Amanda to say “Please 
    hold….?”YESGlobal settings parameter 
    is please_holdSet the parameter to True, which is the default.
    NOSet the parameter to False
    You can also bypass this message for individual mail-
    boxes using the Token Programming Language (al-
    though only blind transfers are supported).
    3)  If YES to 2, Amanda can “Please 
    hold while I try that extension.” OR 
    “Please hold for” and plays the 
    callee’s name and extension record-
    Do you want Amanda to say the 
    name of the callee?YESGlobal settings parameter 
    is id_calleeSet the parameter to True. Amanda says, “Please hold 
    for name_ext_recording.”
    NOSet the parameter to False, which is the default.
    When False, Amanda says, “Please hold while I try 
    that extension.”
    4)  Later Amanda may say, “Please 
    continue to hold.”
    Do you want Amanda to say this?YESGlobal settings parameter 
    is please_hold2Set the parameter to True, which is the default.
    NOSet the parameter to False
    5)  Do you want callers to be able to 
    hold for busy extensions?YESGlobal settings parameter 
    cancel_busy_holdSet the Caller Can Hold check box to T for True, 
    which is the default.
    NOSet the Caller Can Hold check box to F for False. 
    							Chapter 5: Configuring Amanda 47
    6)  If YES to 5, do you want active 
    or inactive hold?
    On active hold, the caller is prompt-
    ed to press * to remain on hold.
    On inactive hold, the caller takes no 
    action to stay on hold.
    (800 numbers benefit from using ac-
    tive hold, because the caller cannot 
    leave the telephone unattended.)ACTIVEGlobal settings parameter 
    is active_holdSet the parameter True, which is the default.
    INACTIVESet the parameter to F for False.
    7)  If YEs to 5 and a caller is on hold, 
    Amanda reports how many others 
    are waiting for the same callee by 
    saying, “There are n calls ahead of 
    yours.” before starting the hold mu-
    sic.YESGlobal settings parameter 
    is always_report_
    queue_positionSet the parameter to True.
     If the caller is the first in line, 
    Amanda can say, “There are 0 calls 
    ahead of yours.” or just play hold 
    Do you want Amanda to say that 0 
    calls are in the queue?NOSet the parameter to False to only play hold music in 
    this case.
    8)  Do you want Amanda to verify 
    that a caller is still on the telephone 
    before transferring the call to an op-
    (Amanda asks the caller to “Say yes 
    at the tone” before transferring the 
    call.)YESGlobal settings parameter 
    is dtmf_gateSet the parameter to True, which is the default. 
    NOSet the parameter to False.
    9)  Do you want direct messages to 
    play the Name/Extension recording 
    instead of the mailbox’s greeting?
    (A direct message is left in a user’s 
    mail box without attempting to ring 
    that user. By default, Amanda plays 
    the mailbox’s greeting. The Name/
    Ext recording is shorter than the 
    mailbox’s greeting.)YESGlobal settings parameter 
    is short_direct_
    sendSet the parameter to True to play the user’s Name and 
    Extension Recording.
    NOSet the parameter to False to play the mailbox’s greet-
    ing (which is the default).
    10)  Do you want Amanda to answer 
    all incoming calls or only answer 
    when the operator cannot get to the 
    phone within a certain number of 
    (This decision can vary from port to 
    port.)ALL CALLSPer port parameter is 
    n_ringsSet n_rings to 1 for each port.
    The default is one ring on each port.
    (Amanda is being set up as a primary attendant.)
    AFTER x 
    What is x?Set n_rings to x for each port, where x in the number 
    of rings. 
    (Amanda is being set up as a secondary attendant.)
    11) Do you want callers who use the 
    company directory (411) to press * 
    to transfer to the mailbox being de-
    scribed?YESGlobal settings parameter 
    is tmo_dir_
    .Set tmo_dir_transfer a number greater than 0. The de-
    fault is 2.
    NOSet tmo_dir_transfer to 0.
    12a)  Do you want users and callers 
    to be able to listen to, rerecord, or 
    cancel messages and greetings that 
    they create?YESGlobal settings parameter 
    are end_rec_menu 
    and record_menuSet both parameters to True, which is the default.
    NOSet both parameters to False.
    First Use Questionnaire (Continued)
    ResponseLocation and/or 
    							48 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    12b)  Do you want users and callers 
    to hear a prompt before they start re-
    cording or just the beep?
    The prompt is “Begin recording at 
    the tone. Finish by pressing # or 
    hanging up.”PROMPT and 
    BEEPGlobal settings parameters 
    record_menu Set begin_rec_prompt
     to True, which is the de-
    fault. Set record_menu
     to True, which is the de-
    BEEP ONLYSet begin_rec_prompt
     to False. Set 
     to True, which is the default.
    13)  When a user listens to messag-
    es, should Amanda start with his 
    first new (unheard) message or the 
    first message in his message list 
    (whether heard or unheard)?NEXT NEW 
    MESSAGEGlobal settings parameter 
    is play_new_firstSet the parameter to True.
    SAGE IN 
    LISTSet the parameter to False, which is the default.
    14)  What time stamp should a for-
    warded message have? You can use 
    the time the message was recorded 
    or the time the message was for-
    (When you use the time that the 
    message was recorded, the person 
    receiving the forwarded 
    message may think delivery was 
    slow and be confused—unless the 
    person forwarding the message adds 
    a comment.)TIME RE-
    CORDEDGlobal settings parameter 
    is timestamp_
    forwardsSelect the parameter to True, which is the default.
    WARDEDSet the parameter to False. 
    15)  Do you want Amanda to tell the 
    user the date and time a message 
    was recorded before playing the 
    This option can be modified for each 
    user.YESMailbox 997 settingFrom the Options group box, select the Play Date & 
    Time check box.
    NOFrom the Options group box, clear the Play Date & 
    Time check box.
    A user can always get the message date/time 
    by pressing 74 during the message even if 
    this option is set to NO.
    16)  If YES to 10, do you want 
    Amanda to say ‘today’ and ‘yester-
    day’ instead of the exact date? This 
    option is set for all users.YESGlobal settings parameter 
    abbreviate_datesSelect the parameter to True, which is the default.
    NOSet the parameter to False.
    17)  How many times should the 
    telephone ring before Amanda de-
    cides the user is unavailable?
    (After these rings, Amanda takes a 
    message, reroutes the call, or does 
    whatever the system is configured to 
    do for Ring No Answer.)1       2       3  
    4       5       6  
    7       8      9Mailbox 997 settingIn the Options group box, the current default for Ad-
    just Maximum Rings is 0, which means 4 rings.
    If the circled number is not 4, select the Adjust Max-
    imum Rings check box and enter the circled number 
    into the text box.
      If you are using the U token in Extension 
    fields (to perform a partially supervised transfer), 
    Maximum Rings must be set to 1.
    18)  Do you want users to be able to 
    turn Do Not Disturb on and off?YESMailbox 997 settingFrom the Options group box, clear the Do Not Disturb 
    Lock check box.
    NOFrom the Options group box, select the Do Not Dis-
    turb Lock check box.
    19)  Do you want Do Not Disturb 
    initially ON or initially OFF?ONMailbox 997 settingFrom the Options group box, select the Do Not Dis-
    turb check box.
    OFFFrom the Options group box, clear the Do Not Disturb 
    check box.
    First Use Questionnaire (Continued)
    ResponseLocation and/or 
    							Chapter 5: Configuring Amanda 49
    20)  Do you want users to be able to 
    turn call screening on and off?
    (Call screening allows users to ac-
    cept or reject calls based on who is 
    calling.)YESMailbox 997 settingFrom the Options group box, clear the Call Screening 
    Lock check box.
    NOFrom the Options group box, select the Call Screen-
    ing Lock check box.
    21)  Do you want call screening ini-
    tially ON or initially OFF?ONMailbox 997 settingFrom the Options group box, select the Call Screen-
    ing check box.
    OFFFrom the Options group box, clear the Call Screening 
    check box.
    22)  Do you want callers to be able 
    to leave messages for the users they 
    call? YESMailbox 997 settingFrom the Messages group box, select the Store check 
    box and enter number of seconds for each message 
    into the Maximum Length text box.
    NOFrom the Messages group box, clear the Store check 
     If the Copy Messages To text box has a mailbox dif-
    ferent from none, do the following:
    1 Select the Copy Messages To check box.
    2 Type none in the Copy Messages To text box.
    3 Clear the Copy Messages To check box.
    23)  Do you want everyone to use 
    the same greeting (and in the same 
    voice) when the telephone is not an-
    (NO allows each user to create his 
    own greeting.)YESMailbox 997 settingFrom the Personal Greetings group box, select the 
    RNA Lock check box. 
    NOFrom the Personal Greetings group box, clear the 
    RNA Lock check box.
    Each user should record a greeting and a Name/Ex-
    tension recording. Until a user records these, the sys-
    tem greeting and Name/Extension recording are used. 
    When the user records Greeting 1, the Current Greet-
    ing setting changes from 0 to 1 automatically. The 
    user may also control what greeting is used. (Aman-
    [email protected]/Windows provides 7 greetings per 
    First Use Questionnaire (Continued)
    ResponseLocation and/or 
    							50 Installing [email protected]/Windows
    24)  If YES to 23, do you want to use 
    Amanda’s system greeting or a 
    company-wide custom greeting 
    when a telephone is not answered?
    (The system greeting is “Please 
    leave a message for” followed by 
    the system or custom Name/Exten-
    sion recording.)SYSTEMMailbox 997 settingFrom the Personal Greetings group box, click the 
     button after the RNA box. 
    The Greeting List dialog box appears. Select System 
    and click OK.
    From the Greeting List dialog box that appears, select 
    CUSTOMFrom the Personal Greetings group box, click the 
     button after the RNA box. When the Greeting 
    List dialog box appears, select 1. 
    In the corresponding Max. Length text box, enter the 
    number of seconds for the custom recording. 
    To create a company-wide custom greeting, record a 
    greeting for some mailbox (e.g., 445), then use DOS 
    on the Amanda server after shutdown to copy it (e.g., 
    ) as GRT1.VOX for each mailbox as-
    signed to a user. For 3-digit extensions that start with 
    2, use:
    For 4-digit extensions that end with 5, use:
    (Here, custom_grt is 
    Update the mailbox template (997) before you create 
    the other mailboxes. Use the COPY command shown 
    above after the IDs have been created.
    25)  If callers are permitted to hold 
    when a user extension is BUSY (see 
    question 3), do you want everyone 
    to use the same greeting (and in the 
    same voice)? (NO allows each user 
    to create his own busy greeting.)YESMailbox 997 settingFrom the Personal Greetings group box, select the 
    Custom Busy Lock check box.
    NOFrom the Personal Greetings group box, clear the 
    Custom Busy Lock check box. Set the Custom Busy 
    Max. Length to a number greater than zero, such as 
    Each user should record a busy greeting. Until a user 
    records his busy greeting, the system busy greeting is 
    used. The user may also control what busy greeting is 
    26)  If YES to 25, do you want to use 
    Amanda’s system busy greeting or a 
    custom busy greeting?
    (The system busy greeting explains 
    to the caller how to hold for the ex-
    tension. If the caller presses *, 
    Amanda plays music, then retries 
    the extension. If it is still busy, 
    Amanda changes the prompt: the 
    caller can hold, enter another exten-
    sion, or leave a message.)SYSTEMMailbox 997 settingFrom the Personal Greetings group box, clear the 
    Custom Busy check box.
    CUSTOMFrom the Personal Greetings group box, select the 
    Custom Busy check box. Record the busy message 
    for a mailbox (e.g., 445), then use DOS on the Aman-
    da server after shutdown to copy that message (e.g., 
    ) as BUSY.VOX for each user’s mail-
    box. For 3-digit extensions that start with 2, use: 
    For 4-digit extensions that end with 5, use:
    (Here, custom_bsy is 
    Update the mailbox template (997) before you create 
    the other mailboxes. Use the COPY command shown 
    above after the IDs have been created.
    First Use Questionnaire (Continued)
    ResponseLocation and/or 
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